3 The Best Year of All THE MEDFORD RAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SATURDAY. JANUARY 30. 1909. Architects, contractors and real estate men unite in the opinion that the year nineteen hundred and nine will be a record breaking year for building in MEDFORD. We agree with them and no doubt you do. If you want to avoid a scramble for Lumber, place your order early and with us. ACME CEMENT PLASTER and PORTLAND CEMENT always on hand Retail Lumber at Wholesale Prices IIP IP ill IrB HI mm ROOSEVELT WILL NOT BIDE BACK WITH TAFT REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. WASHINGTON. Jan. 30. I'rcsidi'tit Roosevelt will not follow the custom unci ride linek to llic Wliito House on Mnreli 4 with li is successor in office. He told ii New York cor.Kressmun today Hint lie would co direct from the cp.pi- tol aftor President-elect T.ift takes the i oe.th of office to the Union station and take n train for New York. The pres ident 's purpose was made known in accepting an invilation of the New Vork county committee to be allowed to act as his personal escort on the way from the c:ipitol to the depot. This in- I vilation was pr-sented by Represen tative Parsons, Bennett and Olcott of New York. The county committee will have 500 members in line. They will form n part of the great parade to tho capital, will go with the ex president to the train rod return to their placn in lino on the return march. FELL 100 FEET DOWN SHAFT AND WILL LIVE BUTTE, Mont., Jan. 30. Mrs. Li.lie Wi'.gncr, who Tuesday night, while in toxicated, walked backward into a shaft falling a distance of 100 feet, at the Syndicate mine, will live, according to the statement of her physicians. The womnn's escape from death is regard ed as almost miraculous. She fell into about two feet of water, and it wns found today that the only injuries she had sustnined were a broken breastbone and an injured heel. A peculiar feature of the accident tviiq the woman not hitting the shaft bucket, which stood in the middle of the shaft. In a space of about two and one-half feet between the rim of the bucket and the side of the shaft the woman dropped past. WILL PROVIDE LIGHTSHIP FOR POINT ORFORD REEF J. A. I.yon to V. S. Weston, lot 17, block 2, Fruitdlle addition to Med ford $ lulled Slates to I). P Mathews, N W Vi of S R i section 25, township 33, range 1 K p '" lited States to Prink ! Neth erlnnd, W) m-trs in section 32, township 3 range 3 R...p O. E. Greenwood to ("'. A. Miller, 20 acres in section 16, town ship 30, range 1 E Margaret h .lleeser to C. E. Hoo per, lots 4, 3, n 7 and lot .1, Highland Park addition to Ash land Hugh B. Calhoun to James Thrash er, all of block 3, Kailrond ad dition to Phoenix Charles A. Walrttff to W. E. An derson, block 22, Railroad ad dition to Phoenix W. B. .Smith to O. J. Stone, prop- ertv in Ashland h. . . . Bank of Jacksonville to William Benedict, lot 1, block 2, Lund gron subdivision Holmnn addi tion to Jacksonville William Hillis to L. J. Heer, lot 2, block 5, Woodvillc Tobe Stono to Bnrney Snlsman, land in lection 3, township 33, rr.nge 3 W Edith A. Orr to ('. W. Palm, prop erty in Modford Frank Stephenson to II. B. Ste phenson, SO acres in section 8, township 40, range 3 W C. (' Mcf'lendon to Firman Znna, S W Vi of N W V, section 18. township 35. range 2 W Alice Signs to Emory B. Water man, land in township range 1 V 10 500 10 100 100 100 1 WASHINGTON, Jan. 30. In a spe cial estimate sent to congress, the sec retary of commerce and labor rocom mends the appropriation of $150,000 for the construction of i first-class steam light vessel to mark Orford reef, on the const of Oregon. This estimate and recommendation grows out of a provi sion in one of the regular appropriation hills last session, authorizing the ap pointment of a board to investigate on the feasibility and need of establishing a light vessel or light station at or near Orford reef, off Tape Blanco. 10000 Negotiations are on to bring the Cor nell. Harvard and Yale rowing crews ... QAnin Anrlnn the Alaska-Yukon- Pacific exposition. It is planned to hold nt least one regatta eaen monoi nan Washington during the life of the fair. BOOTLEOOER MUST SPEND MANY MONTHS IN JAIL liOSEBUHO, Or., Jan. 30. Charles Jones, tho Drain "bootlegger," was fined 200 nnd given tho maximum ,inil j sentence or au unys ly .luugo naminoii in tho circuit court hero yesterdny aft ernoon. Jones lias no money with which to meet the fine, so altogether ho will have to spend 130 days in jail. Two vears ago Jones pleaded guilty to vio lating the local option law at Drain nnd , ..:. Cl D dOAO Tl.n 1.1a fl..n f.,t pilMI H Mile III -"w. mil mn iinu this second offenso wns no higher is dun probably to the fact that he spent 07 days in jail awaiting trial. Jones was indicted by tho Douglas county grand jury last October. Ho jumped his bail of $500, but was luter captured in Port-laid. The Fruit-Grower ST. JOSEPH, MISSOURI ETprjriinp hitfivKtt'tl In 1 in t-iilt liiv win mhl r'jiil thin ititiM"1'i', ivtiWli i'iliiii'Ui-i tmut TO inr-i, liui..1 ...nn-ly II iiir 1 1 il, Irhuhtl ..f )..nllnC mult. T f.-r tin- lit-m-OI nf lln.tr Wli.l nn.M- fiiill. .hiM.i:nj, r.(.-i::il -.ml M..cll U-w Will Im 1 I if Hi.''IhI lilltllliiTM U NiMH vtni;, liiiHlfiillii: mi. I Hinill I'm It. on mil if Hi l;i.nmf. .l . Ir. nlnll.. In tln Kliilfn i.f 11 Nnrlliwont, Tin Frull-ilK.wiT li;. J iint hi' ii.iniit-il i in iv f.-uttin mill will iiilllli -vt'i) inutith a Special Northwest Supplement NBVEB LOOK BACK Tliln sn.il. ii.i n m rllici" fii n. i;-1-1 i" -bi Hil'tl'-M'- l" N 'Ul.ut t ii-i I.'. Ill II. U I-! Tin- l'ri.li-i;n.w..f-tt lll.ill' Itlllll till' r-IlliM llit II It- iul.lr.1 .IM.. H J.u. K r1 ti'.ar . .(Il!.-n nml will cUc Noittiwi'Mlcrti tnlt- in '! il.-r I ii, nHi r i vi iy n Hi. Thin iniilLT Mill , ulll lii.il..- 'I'll-- IHill-i;i,ViT i.f Klt'i'l'r Viil.l.- irfp..llti.ii fi'r our Tfl.'NHI Btlti.- 111 nt .iiri. nt fn.lt cr.. It l III hnv iiiii: ii in i. "UHllllnliM .Itll l.!l .ll" lll'-IK :! pn.VI-il 'iliillil.-. mii itiwe.it, iiml In if Ih h h ! I ti I I fit lui iirf I SI ii ytar himI llul I., mlil ii I1 i.f in nv n nil).' to our I- i.i i-ihIi i.f tvii iiilitrciMffl fur rue jftir for 91, Ami In iiililllliiii ioqr We will send FREE, prepaid, to the person J is a sendingtlie remittance, atreeof DELICIOUS iLLifipfLE and a VINE of BANNER GRAPE i.f thf in' Til'-.- in- 1i Hi'l(- l.itfl P:ini' ;l i-'ii -,tt If. "l-l : III fll. t. It 1- i' " " ' 1 ,nm. 11 -'I'l'l' "f 'ilL'li't iii. 1 11 ty. W wmit y.'H 1 11 Iry iUvif ni'W fruit. f'T llit-y in.- win ticrn B'ti'it lltU i'ff.r ;n"l K,-t th.-iii til-r.lnt. ly I Hi-nil your oiil. r :t nil.1!'. u l tlny will ! -"-i-l f'-r kii-1i.l liluntlttir. V..ur mil". ili-H'iii t" Tin- rrult-;r.iwtT will ?tiirl nl dine, If yini wini I Miiinfl-' CfIy t will In vtit frw. S-int thin Coiipun timl l.W l The Fruit-Grower Box N 5 ST. JOSEPH, MO. fnift- i'.'li:M. I. ill' ll. In. f.l within fifty vi-nm. The Tli'lli'lnim .....I Itiv.T. In tin' l,.iki- I'hihin (oinitrj kHm ill hit' h.-r i if than I lit- ttt.in- Hulf Tli" liri.ii-i;i.iv.T. St. .1. wph, M.i. Iiiil,.-..-.! will Iltnl tl. f..r wht.lt Hftxl Tho Fruit 1 ; 1 .iv.-r niii- y.i r to I'mb of tin- fallowing mldrfitic : NnUJf 'f llll'T Nuiiic T..wn , Hlitr i-jcnr mil. srrli'i Ion to iu mlilrfMH in rtfr nit i.t.ly i.ti" l. In iik. If livu im nit mt i. ntc whl. ti H tu rt-i-elttf tlx; pri'ioliim. ) r 1 IF You . Want Work of Quality Test That of the Tribune Job Office Tk. rk ,.t the NVwell fish hatchery on Whidhy island, in Washington, will he demonstrated at the Alaska-! UKon Pacific exposition neit year. The ex hibit at the 10110 exhibition will be tak en from 411.000 stock mountain trout now in the hatchery. It dooJt pay. Kep your eye fixed on our exceptional offerings. Fine tai loring can only be secured from the handa of high-claea tailors. Onr expe rience end methods are certainly worth investigation. We employ tbe best workmen and onr elohtes are without donbt the most carefully selected in tie city. EIFERT The City Tailor WANTED Timber and Coal Land s Apply to B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs DIES WITH BABE IN HER ARMS AT RAILWAY DEPOT f'HK'Ai'O. .Ian. 30. Clasping her 2-rcar-olrd boy to her bosom. Mrs. Jo hanna Wellbaoher. just returned from a trip to Oermany. died last night in a railwav station five minutes after her arrival in Chicago. She went to Ger many last year to benefit her failing health, but on being told by pecialists hat there was no hope, returned to Chicago to see her children before she died. '. E. ENYART President. .1. A. PEHBY, Vice-President. JOHN S. OBTH, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Gsshier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK MEDFORD, OB. $60,000 10,000 Safety Boxes For Rent. A GeneralBank in Bub. nese Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage. CAPITAL SURPLUS '-: ft? -,. ! i ;ti:.i . W I: I (W --'I ' : -; ,. "JWi-Jri, 1., HiB YOU OUGHT TO KNOW !li flX'M-Hcnce nf th-s ijichIb that aro I'iMikvd at th Emoriilt Cafe if yuu li:tvii 't already realv yourself witb some of the dliciouA dishes that are irve'l hflr;. If you Liven 't partakon of tliorn, there is a 1roat awaiting yuu that you will want to repeat oftro. A menl nt the Emnrick is an experleme that will make you t;y, like Oliver Twift, for more. The Emerick Cafe Op Ml All rlbt COMING AT THE GRAND J. H Heardy Stock Co In the three Act Comedy Drama FAMILY AFFAIRS New Illustrated Songs and Moving Pictures At the Grand Fri., Sat. and Sun. Jan 29, 30, 31 ArlmtrriAn Children nuuiiaaiuii Adults IO 20 yttvs. Irzm IHamptoft Isaacs "instructor of "piano. T.lst 5lttl)o6 SluAlo at rsl6nc. Tlortb Orsngc Strttt Take the Tribune for News