MEPgOfeD DAILY TBI iUrXff, MEDFOJU, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY i. IMP. Medford Daily Tribune Official Paper of I ho ' Vy of Medf.'rd. Published evei-v evening except Sunday. M K )PO R D P U n L I S 1 1 i X O . . C O M 1' A N Y Ghorok Putnam. Editor aud Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the 1 Wof fice at AhvH'ord, Oregon. SfJl'.SCRIP'riON RATIOS. "nc month, h "'Hi? o- rriiT. .fO.ftO One ycur, by mail... STILL HOPS TO PASS WEEKS FOREST BILL .t;.00 TIIK CUAMHKli'LMS 1'1,'OTUST. One of the great "hahy acts" lias just heen perpetrat ed on the people of Oregon hy nieinhers of the legislature protesting against voting for (ieorge K. Chaniherlain for United States senator on the grounds of his being a dem ocrat, with Oregon republican by -lO.OOO majority. Now the question arises, who compelled these protesting leg islators to vote for a democrat I The primary law did not. for it says you can do as you please, about it, sign it or leave it alone. Now it is evident these protesting republican legisla tors knew at the first inception of the game precisely what Statement No. 1 meant. Moreover, we don't believe any member of the legislature so stupid as not to know who and what George Chamberlain was. In fact, he told the voters time and again not only that he was a democrat, but he believed and hoped Bryan would be elected, and advocated his election. Why protect gentlemen against n (liiinr vim vuiii'c il lo if von I'lillM mill' I'l-f, (lie cllllllcc AYhv do vou set up Hie wail of being forced against 3-0111 will or wish ? AVlio handed you the "gold brick" if brick it was? Who made it Why, gentlemen, the Statement No. 1 emanated from such illustrious sires as II. W. Scott, Senator C. X. Fulton, Senator .7. If. Mitchell and hosts of republicans that have heen prominent in Oregon's polit ical history for nearly a quarter of a century. All of tin above named have taken active parts in the internal slrif( of the republican parly in Oregon, each one becoming weary of it, saw no way out or standing an equal chance before the people, fathered Statement No. 1 as the only solution to the difficulty, did it in good faith at the tune, never dreaming of the consequence of returning a demo cratic senator. Yet the election results plainly show the republicans wanted one, hence they voted for "Chamber lain." There can he no mistake. It was on this point as any voter knows Oregon is overwhelmingly republican. Now, gentlemen protestors, don't advertise yourselves in so pitiful a manner before your constituents, for you fully believed Statement No. 1 was the correct thing for you to do at the "primaries." Vou took it, swore to it, carried it out. Now, why protest against, doing your duty as you swore to do? AVhat a legacy to leave your children. The honorable representative from swore to do his duty, did it and made a public protest against; doing it. Now, gentlemen protestors, cheer up, for we want, to tell you you are not half as bad as you have advertised yourselves, and the democratic, senator will make each of you feel proud you cast, your vote for the people's choice. More over, we venture to say no more able man could be select ed to represent, Oregon than I Ion. George 10. 'haniberlain, as results will show. wa.nim;to., .inn. m ii,,,,,, fi Ok- pnssuKi' of tin- Wt-fkii fi,nt ii-scr witiun hill nri- IuikI hiryely mi tin-I'lifirurti-r if tin hill, wliii'li, while in t'lhli'il primarily in the ii.t.'ri'nt if tin proposwt Ai.'ilui-lii:in ami W'liiti' Mmm tnin ri'Hfivntii.iiH, in still cut-rill rliurill'll-r. II W!l t'lM f'ltiil'illli!itV ui tin' lill In ull Ki'i.i,.nii of tl uiitiv :iml it liitiiiniiii.iiiy with llii h.'isii- id'-u if tin reri'lit ooiniTVutioii roiircsH flott iiiiiiIi it iiofsihli' to yi-t llic ini-asuri' out ( t f llii' house rniiiinittof. Another feiilure of the hill whieh it in helleveil will ;iiie;il Htroiiyly to the iiieinherM of hotli liotoeK it, Oie provi sion for the mnniicr of purchase, of llies-e IjiioIs. Tlie new hill linen not pro viile for the appl oprillt inn of a Ailtoje million from the -neral rowiitifH of the ooverlniieiit. The WeekH hill pro vitli-n that the reserves Hhlil I be pur ehi:ne'l from money!) rcfciveil from the sale or disposal of any proililelH of tin iiBe of taml or ri'HoureeH from the pub lie lauil now or ller.'lifter net liHiito an naliotilll forentH. In other woriln, it is plalineil to have the fnrcHt n-HerveH of the country ho tnanaeil iih to pnrchns-e more fiireMt rorn'rv-m. Tliti bill proviili'H that tho money ile riveil friiiii the niitiuual forestH shrill be ri serveil in the Cniteil StateB treamiry he a upecial limn to le utteu in tnu (yciini- iiiatiou, survey or aciiiireiuent of lamlH located on the lieadwiitcrH of naviabli1 HtreauiH or of thuHe which lire heili", or which may be developed for navigable purpose!. WILL HEAR PETITION TO REOPEN MORSE TRIAL BIG REWARD ! l-'r anyone finding a luncb like THE LOUVRE serves for 3.1 cents. APPLES and PEARS and all kinds of Fruit Trees YAKIMA VAILEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in tue Pacific Northwest, No', ni the combine. Competes with all first-class nurseries L E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, OREGON. NKW YOlfK, .ran. HO. 'ImrlcH V. Mut-Hi', I hi" iVirniiT ice ttinj;, who wiih convicted of vii'Iatinii of federal hank ing laws wliiltt an officer of tho Na tional hank of North America ami sen tenced to 15 years in the federal prison :it Atlanta, l:i.( will he given a hearing Monday on hm application for a new tiial. .MorHe't attorney! have drawn tip a very exhaustive hill f exception!, in which t hoy have Hit forth every poHtti Ide reamui why their client fdmnld ho gianted a new trial. They are confident that t lie appltcat ion will lo granted and that Morse will finally escape from din entaiigleiiM'iit with the l;iv without tlie ignominy of doiiaiug a nlrii'd nuit. Prepaid Ballroad Orders.' "Something wUicb is of considorabln intoreHt to the public generally and which is perhaps not generally known j it the system of prepaid orders now In fleet betwi'on stations of the Houthrn Pacific company and nil points in the United Stntcn. liy moans of ihis system tickets may he purchased at Med ford from any place, in the United Htutes and mailed or telegraphed direct lo th' party wishing to come here. Sleeper accommodations aud small amounts of ensh in connection witn those tide's nay aUo he forwarded at the saint ; ime." tf j HARMONY IN YOUR NEW HOME Color blending of Furniture, Draperies, Carpets, Woodwork, Walls, make home life happier. Our expert decorative specialist will vWit your' city noon. Without obli gating you he will discuss the fur nishings for your new home. Writt for pvticuUn J. G. Mack & Co. Furniture and Carpets PORTLAND. OREGON Singli Roornt hurnithed TasUfutty notu'i;. Notice is hereby given that tho under signed will apply to the city council of tho city of Medford, Oregon, at the meeting to be hold on February 2, 11)011, for n license to sell spiritons, vinous and malt liipiors in quantities less than t gallon, for a period of six months, at his place of business r.t Nos. 112 nnd 114 Front street, iu ra'd city. Dated this 20th day of Jununrv, 1!HW. 270 JOHN .'IARR1NOTON. WHAT PAPERS SAY THE CRATER LAKE PROJECT. (Oregon Journal.) Oregon has done practically nothing lo develop her scenic attractions. No statu is richer in them. No (date has been so slow in ulili.itig theni as a nut terinl remnirce. The hIoIIi of Oregon in this respect has been aud is a costly Inmiiu'HH. The rcttult of it is that the tourists willi their trail of disbursed dollars go elsewhere. Few globe trotteiB put Oregon on their itinerary, Kew of t he t hoiiHunds of millionaire pleamire pickers who sojourn for moiitlm in places that attract, habituate tu Oregon. They go to t'nlifornia. They spend their mon ey there. The money that they d in borne in oiiu of the rot'ourcoft of the state. It runs into the millions of dol lars annually. It is the asset ou w-liich reveral of the principal lowim of the state chiefly subsist. It is bo important i: source of revenue that the state, in the effort to cater tu it, i.s bonding it we If in he Hum of .f 1 s,iiiio,iiiin ,, Iniill roods that will attract rich auloino bilists to the Htate. If is an enterprise t hat will pour a greater and greater stream of gold into California. Oregon has equal or greater oppoitu nity to inako herself the Mn-ou of this rich and roving can-vou. It hat n;itiual wonders that distance them nil. At the Lead of these wonder in Crater lake, in southern Oregon. It t' in the inunediate vicinity of IMioan Hay, that out of nil the retreats on the cont inent, a well known railroad magnate has se Icctod for n summer home. Along with both there is a wealth of tonkin niouu ti:in peaks, a marvelous grouping of Miow capped neitl i'it'1'-. and a btiidicupe of mountain, valley, forest and stream better than California's, nobler than Yellowstone- parks and mote ma, jest ie than the widely heralded attractions of other localities. It is a resource that Oregon can invoke for her very mat rial enrichment, and eversight of which is nil unpardonable lapse uf enterprise A bill to make n beginning in open ing scenic Oregon is before the lcgida turo. liriefly, it i.- proposed that the stnto appropriate lt(i,tnt with the ex peetation that the federal government, Jackson county aud Klamath county and privatn individuals will appropriate i u additional $4"0,0mi for construction of a road reaching ( rater lake from Klamath and Medford, which stretch is ultimately to ht a part of a great road extending acrnsi the southern por tion of Die state from the Pacific to the Idaho line. Apart from tho material interest in developing the section it Imll traverse, this road is u lust move for ushering iu a scenic Oregon. Thirty thousand to fifty thousand tourists an nually visit Yellowstone park aud other coi'st wonders. Is 't not worth while the bring them to Oregon PURDIN INTRODUCES REMOVAL TO CONGRESS liepresentat ive I'nnlin today inl ro I need the following memorial to con gross: 'That the legislature of (lie state of Oregon hereby respectfully requests and urges the senators and rcpivsentu lives representing the slate of Oregon Ml the congress of the Toiled States lo support a properly drawn joint res 'dtition when prwposcd for adoption bv tlie two houses of congress, declaring it to be the policy of the federal govern meat to refrain from the taxation of inheritances for federal purposes, and to serve this source of revenue for the ex lusive use and benefit of the several states. WIFE ASSERTS HUSBAND PLAYED TRICK ON HER -SEE THE LATEST- COLLAR PIN SETS At MARTIN J. REDDY'S THE JEWELER WIIKIMO TIIK (t)l!AI,ITV IS ALWAYS RIGHT N'ciir I'uslolTu'c. Kino Wiitoli o in I Jowolry llopairiii? i Specialty. Medford Iron Works E. G. TUOWBRIDGE, Proprietor. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS All kinds of Enivos, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, n-.Veis and Machinery. Agents in R"rtl".rn Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. VCDFOBD, OEEOON S YOU KNOW THE BILL ilS PAID when you buy by check beeauBO when it is returned marked paid, it is the best possible receipt. Why not open nu account, subject to check, with this strong, obliging bunkf "tr: I jJ.vv r- VAWTER,' President. ' ' it. R. L1NDLEV, Cashier. United HtuUB Depositary. Etuhmihcd 1888. Cuitul and Surplus $125,000 T?Mtnrr?s $700,000 EVERY ONE HAS THE IK OWN TROUBLES i 1 v. Hspeciully the man is ho buys a Buit tf elothinj or overcoat made to fit any one that wants to buy. The man who has hia garments mado to order by an up-to-date tailor never has auy trouble with the fit, finish or general "got up" (if his clothing. It n ;t only fits per fectly, but givs you a style and indi viduality acfjiiired ii no other way when mudo at J. A. Kreuzer 6 Co. Importers andTail ciE PALM BUILDING. MEDFORD, OR. MORTON fOTEL PORTLAND OREGON MonKRy Comfort Hodxratb Prices ONLY ROOF GARDEN IN PORTLAND ifiiie lounsc Headquarters jL of Columbia Valley ENGAGE ROOMS EARLY KOK THE ALASKA YUKOX EXPOSITION A. S. NORTON, Vmtn O. E. HiNinifor A. C. Rogue River Investment Co. FRUIT LANDS :, Sub-Dividers and Developors Bogue River Valloy Or chard lands. h. tire fruit lauds, bearing and young orchards in small and largo tinrta, for sale. Wo plant and care for orchards and guarantee property to be hh if presented. Experience Not Necessary for thoso who purchase through us. They secure the advise aud sorvlces of a consulting horticulturist, nu expert on fruit cul ture m all its branchos, who for several yous has exceled in the growing and shipping of fruit in tho Uogue River vatley, record crops, record packs, record prices. in North D Street, Medford, Oregon When You Think Of Shoes Think of McDonald When you want to know any thing special about SHOES Go to c. w. Mcdonald Successor to Smith & Molony MEDFORD SASH & DOOR COMPANY PHONE 2291. Window Frames, Oak Veneered Doors, with Bevel Plate, carried in stock cheap. Office Fixtures and all kinds of Plun ing Mill Work, including Turned Work and Fancy Grills. F STREET, BETWEEN SIXTH AND S EVENTH STREETS. COI.KAX. WuhIi., Th..nins Vii-I.. i.f l-:ili..rnii, imt guiltr tili:y I it n ihurc.- i.f wit',. ,1,.,,., i. M,s. Wiwlyv jilli'K.-d Unit tli.-v intcn.l I to (!" Iw. k tu thfir old Indian:! Iiomr ' In.', jiik) ti.-li.-tH woto oireli. ir,t nt oll'iiv. us sho tliouolii, M,t iiiston, WitU'li.y ioiri'liiisi',1 only i vhi.-l. !.. Ii'-r. mtli tL' in ii v. Am III.' tniiii left Cfv Wi'l,.v lolil Ins uitV Kohik to 111.- mil .1,111,. ,;ir- ,ut . r.-lin iniii; lo Kll.i'l Wi,l,v I. arii.. I mI ltr.1 a II. I U;ih iM-iiij. III, ill. 'V slio sol.t lift till' 1 1 ai ton. Wlo'ii Mis. Iia.l I ii a. vd to liuliiiiiu with I.T 1 i.-U.-t at I'.'ii.ll.t,, to t oliax. twrarinj,' .. for ln an. I r.tiiriir.l tin' art : i tt A. MONTON. Mnw., ,l;ui, .id.-. );! US II -....It 14 ..xpvlc-d (H HTl'lM' cr dotidi'd iuiHtii4 fiMin tlif n .niil ;iniiii'i ! I,. h,, ttliu at tho Hiintim l ity ,-'iit. , ill, chili uf rw Kngl.uid ('uMin.-nUuiiN of .'DToiitiulK arc now a;tlidi.d u thiv ity, Hartford, Sprinti.-!.!. PittHti,!.!. N'ortlt Adnins.l WtiriM'st.r ami tli.r .t'v Kughind citirn. nnd at t-uiilii V dinner tin1 sky pilots nil nmkf atu liitiuti! plain for tho mason of hit. More Light for Less Money Sixty-three per eent of electric current saved by using TUNGSTKX LAMPS. 32 Caiulk' Power Edison Lamp uses 110 Watts per hour and would use iu 1000 his. 110 Kilowatts which at locts. a Kilowatt fn yi Candle Power TuUgSteU Lamp uses 40 Watts pcihour aud would use in 1000 hours 40 Kilowatts which at ioc a Kilo watt 4 Net Saving in 1000 hours in favor of the Tungsten Lamp 5 7 Rogue River Electric Co. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. Ol'fi. c. 20ii West Seventh Street. Phone No. 3."5. Opposite the His; Klertrie Sign. Compare the Quality II is. and always has tuvn our aim to supplv our cuatoincrs with goodn ff tlie highest piIity and to ti;at end Vl ai ni ways Hiding i-sCj! ,:,;. v 1;,.., tk ad r'itivn of 1 p-r for red stoek' ninkt-s our line rf r.i.le C'.ir.ned Goods most complete. Our iervice always the btt and crery aecom-givi-n our eustomers. Allen & Reagan Groceries, Chinaware, Fruit and Feed YOU CAN'T SAVE On your railroad fare. Tho law of tl e common carrier compels equal rates on all ruilrnad lines YOU CAN SAVE 111 Tlmo, Traveling Ex penses and ratlguo by insisting on the shortest route, fastest trains and best service. Simply sea that your ticket reads via SOUTHERN PACIFIC 0. R. & N. Oregon Short I ine and Union Pacific Every facility for the safety and accommoda tion of th passenger is provided. cbange of ears is necessary to Den ver, Omaha, Kansas City Chicago. Direct connec tions are for all oth er points t-adi, and south A. S. HOSENBAUM, Agent, Medford. WM. McMUBRAY, General Passenger Agent, PORTLAND , OB.