M HIlnW ill" ' ' MEDFORt) ttAILY TRIBUNE, OREOOV. FRIDAY, JAKtTABY 20, IflOS. LACES 5000 yards Valencienne & Tor chan Laces and Insertions, Extra Fine Quality .5, 10 and 15c yd. 50 Dozen Ladies and Misses Plain White and Fancy Hkfs. Tomorrow 5 and 10c each April 1st. We Givs Away Free that $83.00 BLUE ENAMEL RANGE Social and Personal J. B. Vent expect tn pnmniPih'c ac tive wbrk tin1 firl of (hi week on the new reservoir Mitt. Kd Swiii inu recently vmilcd KnueH crock on businetiH. Tin1 .A lint ((imrtz mi no on upper Kone creek has been leaned Jiy I'M .Luton of Medford. Orders for Hweef ereum or buttermilk promptly filled. Phono tin creamery. F. IT. Fitjwmld of Niiiih Valley wan io Medford Thurndny on bindm-HH. K. , Srionccr uf Myrlle Crock trinm ncted bitumens in Mcilfonl recently, W. 8, ('hupmnn of l,nke Creek wuh e recont Medford vimtor. Tim. Louvre will orvo n Sunday din nor nt fl o'clock. 75 cenlH. 207 H. Morgan of Wenvcrville, Oil., hii returned to Win home after viwitint; frlendi nenr .Medford. I. Iv. Taylor i paying a tdmrt hiaincHH vitdt to (irfantd Fnn. Bent iih jiIh nt biM prices ill t lie Km prick Cafe open :ll niht. Mm. ('. J). Lyon hiitf returned from n whort viBit in Hail-in. V. B. Crowd ik in Portland on hiitu rji'MH, Mr. nml Mm. L. K. Hoover left mi Thurndny for a trip north, They will be nbsi'iit Home weeks. Emorirk Cafe open all night. Minn Hcrn'ee Cameron entertained llie ladies of the Kpineopal church guild un Tluimdny afternoon. Mr. .mid Mm. M. f.i. Bigim have left for a trip noftli. They will vmit with Mr. HipriM' parent in Drain. Phono your order for iiweel ereani or bill turmilk lo (lie creamery. Pearl Pox niul Clerl nolo (Joint ut of Jacksonville, who dinappenred WedneB dny from their home, were locateil mi Thursday on returned. The rtnhre given by the Indie of the Cl renter Med ford club butt evening in the Anle opera house wiih welt attend ed and an enjoyable lime ensued, Tho fire department reHpomtcd Thur day evening to an nlnrm from the resd donee of .T. Harry In Went Medford near the school. The high wind would tin vo urattored tho fire for and nenr lmd it j;:iiiied headway. A chimney burned out, cniiNing the alarm. Kmcrick Cafe ft open r II night now that prosperity has eonio to tny. 10 in gold for the boat-looking baby at Gregory's studio. A. E. RenmeR recently visited (fronts Pan on htifrinoHB. Charb-H Niekell of Hterlin wan n recent Medford vimtor, AttornevH Vnwter Phipps, Ite.'tineH and Ki'lley were attending circuit court IIhh week in Jacksonville. lilnlto Adams niul bride passed through .'nckBonvfllc Thursday on their way to the Ulue ljedre. Mrs. IIockenyoM and daughter Preda viHited friends in Jacksonville this week. M rs, Mnmio Hoy, who has been re ceivin medical (re.ilitient at Oakland, Cnl., returned Intme Thiirsdav imirnint;. Mrs. Lewis Hilty and Mis. Lillian Aluiutt of Ahhland were in Medford re (eiitiv in their way to Jacksonville. Miss Anna O'ltrien, who has been in ployed tiy the Jackson County Ah struct company, bait returned lo her home on ApploffnU. Attornevs lieorie Purham and R. (1. Smith were up from Uiantn P:i-s nt tending fourt this we'k In Jaeksmiville. Mrs. W. II. McD-nicI and children ..f Applejfnte have been p''n.liiik' a few days nt the home of Mrs. Il:irry I ,uy in the vnlloy. Mrs. James (Jrieve of Jackson v ilh wits a Medford v'mifor o 'i'lui'dnv. lid Whiteside i sited Jarkom illr on ThutMriny writ i up insurance, For the ihort limp wi aro Ihtp you have nil opportunity of having Pxprt wurk in rehnildinn and repairing new ii. machines. An n mte you luic only been able to have he services of in fompclent workmen. Ptople living in the country and surrunr-ding towns nee I ouly to bring head of umuhiues. Room nt Dr. Stephenson's, ccrtior Ninth anil H stritetB. Phon C0H. you Are Going to Build 'free instruction IN HORTICULTURE A six weeks' emirse in horticulture now under wav ul the ngriultural college. Curvallis, Or., und I here is a 'large attendnnce frmn different ports of the stc.te. the :it t endc.lice being more than double that of litst year. Home of the most interesting work ill the course is vet to come. Many fruitgrowers are unable to attend th" course for the en tire six weeks, but lire able lo come for u few days or several weeks. The course is open to them at any time. There will be I wo weeks more of apple peeking and work in budding and graft ing. In add it ion lo this, special lec turer are given on (he curious phases of fruit growing, truck gardening and landscape gardening. Iteginniog on Kehnmry S a Hpeciit I course of two weekn will b - given in ! ivtitiin irnt't iiirr. Tlim Hhonbl be of ffelit interest to people cnnteiuplat ing on gaging in thin indusiiv. The most im portant methods of walnut graft ing will be taken up, including the very successful and famous Payno method. In addition to the Joel hi res practice will be given in the work, including nursery gn ft ing. and the !op working of the large American black walnut trees found seiittered over the state. In the last two weeks of tin urse two lumrs a day of practical imttriic lion will be given in spraying, pruning, Miakin and setting of orchards, This v.urk includes apple, grape:, peaches, cherries, etc. Special I ctures will be given by some of t lie best authorities ou horti culture to be found in the northwest. 'Phone couires are open to anyone in ! crested in horl icult ore. ( 'nine nt any time. MAW AM MELBA TS TO SING FOR CHARITY NAPLES. Italy. Jan. LML What will he bey mid doubt I he greatest benefit operatic performance in the history of Naples is being arranged for Sunday vight ut the San Carlos opera house. Mine. Mellm, whn recently completed her oernt ie engagement at the Man hattau opera house in New York ami sailed for her Australian home by way of Europe, will arrive here Sunday morning and in the evening will sing for the benefit of the ciirlhunko vie tims of southern Italy. To do this, it will bo necessary lo hive the steamship on which she K" to sail Hint night for Australia held severe.! hours al this port. Anxious to do something for the earthquake sufferers end knowing that she would be in Naples for part of a day, the singer thought of a special opera performance, at which she would Live her services. She cabled to Rob erto Desana, director of the Sun Curio opera house, who said he would gladly arrange for "I. a Travinta1' to be sung, UNITED STATES SEIZES LARGE CONSIGNMENT OF DIAMONDS EL PASO, Tex., Jan. t!H. A sonsign meat of diamonds ha i been confiscated by the custom authorities at Los An L'eies from It. Schwob, as the result of an investigation ut this port. The cases for the gems wen1 -ent through t he mails from Mexico and intercepted here, ll was believed t he jewels hnd been snuigyted in. Joe Parker has iccovered from a re -cut Illness and is again greeting hi manv friends in Medford. ATTENTION. I'roni Eehruary I to May I 1 will ;ive to the tu-it bulking child in Jack on county from 5 to P yorrs old, $10 m gold. Pictures taken all week and ndayt from 1 to I p m. Four promi nent ladies if Medf'"d to he judges of photo?. I.ESM EISTK R S (IALLKHY. 'JT:i Ovur Allen & KeaLan's. FOR SALE. If you aie looking for some good hind 'heap. 1 have it, for 4-lit tlnd fO per u re, io'ai nood railroad town. W. M. FRENCH. ' Room 7. JaA-on Hunk HMg. me fi;ulp with i ti. No cunlrai'l tio Iflri' or ttio rtiiu'lV Hiitinfactiitu iirirnntiuvl. L. E. BEAN CONTRACTOR AND IUHLDEK, Medford, Oregon. JHOSIERY 10 Dozen Ladies Heavy, Seamless, Fast Black, Lined Hose Regular 25c Qualities Tomorrow 2 pair for 25c 10 DOZEN Mvn't Seamless Futt Black Box, ex tin fine quality 2 PAIR FOR 25C HUSSEY'S AMUSEMENTS. HI Henry 'b Minstrels Tonight. Hi Henry's famous uiiustre Itroupe com- to the Medforl Theater tonight end will undoubtedly be greeted by a big house, us this company has borne ; most excellent reputation for ycurs past and this season is evidently up to i he former standard of excellence judg ing by the fnvornble press notices it has leceived nil over tho western country. The costumes ami stage settings are si: ill In be particularly effective and Hi Ilemy's orchestra is always good. From pi-ess notices one would infer that this company has probably the best vocal choir in minstrelsy today. Heats, "Jic, floe, i.jc and $1. HOOD RIVER MAN BUYS ORCHARD TRACT NEAR ASHLAND S. T. Rolph, who .vcenlly disposed of valunbl 'chord interests in Ihe Hood River dislriet, and came here to take a look at the Rogue River valley, was ho well pleased here that after a few days' inspection of the valley, he purchased i promising orchard property juit south of Ashland, the old Mcli7.ll place of 23 aeri s, from lb A. Horn. The consider ation was in the neighborhood of $7nuo, it is repotted, says t lio Tidings. The property in ijiicslioii is one of tho most desirable in point of location, as well as development, lit this suction, ,iud il is generally conceded that Mr. Uolph has a money ranker in his pur chase. Local real estate Movements are hc cwining more active again since the recent unfavorable spell of weather, and a huge number of I rausact ions in Ash lmd city properties hnve been reported w ithin the past week. BUTTE FALLS ITEMS. Frank Not norland of Derby has been visiting among our peoplo'aud inciden litlly took a fine big hog home with him. (. W, , letters of Dudley Is making a trip to Medford and will soon return and start in making b:rge Improvements upon his homestead. T. Ericksou of Willow Creek section :s down in the valley making commuta tion upon his homesteud. It is hoped thai the settlers in ami around hud ley will amicably adjust t heir d i f f erences g:-ow i ng out of t he survey and each man will do justice to I' iti neighbor. Wtiua Parker 's sou lien is still in the Coos Hnv country, but Is expected to return in the spring. M. C. Mahoney came in from Mod ford with a load of freight for Merchants Ibiggs and Hughes, Aaron Heck has about recovered from I'is late sickness. The homesteader!) n round the Lake Creek section are all at their homes doing what they cna to pass tho long, lonesome winter days in the hulls. Kd Walker is down in the valley t'roui the Crater lake camp and reports the roads as something frightful. R. II. Hradshaw oC l.iitle Hutte sec T i . i ti is in Medford on legal business. (I. W. Albeit and C O. Haker ure making quite a bnnniess stay in the valley. Frank Neil of Herby is quite often iilled upon to attend notarial matters Tor nearby residents. John Cadow has fitted up his new si ore with a good aud well selected line t furnishing goods. J. 1. Put ton journeyed with Frank N.'tlierlaud to Medford on Thursday on ' gal business, MEDFORD THEATER Friday January 29 Or'igiual nti 1 Only Hi Henry's Greatest Minstrels ENTIRBLY NEW 10 STAR COMEDIANS 10 1 4 VOCALISTS U Grand Electrical Scenic First Part Fanftcnl Conception of THE PALACE OF ALADDIN Hear the Fanoni Military Baad Concert at Boon tnl 7:00 p. in. Prices 3fic, 50c, 75c, $1.00. Boys and Mens' Hosiery 15c AND 20c A PAIS. Ask to sou them. Gc to 10c a pair saved ou Hosiery if you buy here. ASHLAND WILL NOT GET ARMORY APPROPRIATION. Salem, Or., Jan. UK. The Senate committee on military affairs, through its chairman, C. J. .Suiiih uf Umatilla, reported u bill to provido $40,000 for tfti-to armories, half of this sum to be spent next year, and tho other half the year following. This bill c-mbraces tho views of the committee as to what should be done for the national guard ul this HOssiou. Senator Mulit bill calling fur $20,000 for an armory at Auhlnnd will bo un favorably reported. The action of the committee will probably forestall four other armory bills, each asking for $20,000, that wore to hnvo boon Intro ducid in a day or two, Thoao bills wero coming from Haker City, Pendle ton, Oregon City and Woodburn. The comiiiitto meatmro entrusts the expenditure of tho money to tho state military board, and given it power to sehct sites for tho armories, dividing the money us it may see fit. But the bill required that no locality shall se cure an armory until it agrees to pay half the cost of the buildings anil grounds. This means, in of feet, that $KO,0UN be spent for the construction of arm tries, half to bo paid by the Ntnto. NOTABLES PAY HONOR TO MEMORY Of M'KJNLEY WASH I Ntl TO, Jus. 2ft. Prosident Roosevelt appeared todny wearing a carnation in his buttonhole, in loving memory of his predecessor in tho pres idential chair, and his oxample was followed by half tho citizens of the na tional capital. The Carnation league of America inaugurated the custom of remembering the birthday of the late William McKinley by wearing a enr nal ion, his favorite flower, und it is now generally observed in Washington and throughout tho country. Demo crats as well as republicans nmong the senators and representatives paid this mark of respect to the martyr presi dent today. UTILIZING POST CARD FAD FOR EARTH QUAKE SUFFERER NEW YORK, Jan. 89. Tho pOBt card fad will bo utilized by the Ameri can Italian general relief committee, op erating in conjunction with the Amer ican and Italian Red Cross societies, to add to its fund for the Immediate relief of the sufferers from the earth quake in soiit hern Italy. The commit tee has authorised an official memorial post curd to be sold for the benefit of the naked, starving victims of the greatest catastrophe ii history. Money I. as not been coming in rapidly enough to meet the urgent demands of a ter ribly stricken penpl:-, and H is hoped that a large fund will be raised through the small contributions of purchasers of these post cards. SISKIYOUD LIQUOR LAW IS HELD TO BE O. K. VREKA, Cnl., Jan. 20. The state supreme, court has upheld tho decision of the superior court or tins county in the case of the people vs. M. Leonnrdini, which decision declares the county liq uor ordinance effect ivo in covering the wholesaling of liquor in this county. Leonnrdini was arrested for violating the ordinance, the charge being "sell ing liquor without i license." He was found guilty before Jiyjtieo Thomas, aft er setting up the defense that the ordi nance did not apply to wholesaling snd that he was engaged only in ine wnoie-.-ile bnsimsi. He appealed to the su perior court slid Judge Heard upheld iiie Thoniui The e:ie was th"n carried up to the supreme court, witn the result as stated. The case hns attracted more atten tion than any other liquor ease ever tried in the county, nr. the anti-saloon sentiment is growing quite strong in Siskivou and the saloon men are trim ,., t),,iir .hum in meet the threatening storm. The better class is desirous of see- ing the laws strictly enforced ns n mut ter of protection to their busiuess. INSANE WOMAN TRIES TO KILL CHILD; KILLS SELF SAN MATEO, Cab. Jan. 20. Seized with a fit of insanity. Mrs. Mary Sorog gins, wife of Fred Scroggin. a carpen ter, tod.iv attempted to kill her 7-year old daughter and then committed ui cide after netting fire- to her home in Haywanl park. Th. mni.'il attack came on the ..i ti,.. i.r.kfnst table, a mo ment after her husband had kissed her goodbve and left for his work, ana nt murderous assault on the little girl was made in the presence of two other fhil j .ir.n it (rirl 0 veam old and a hoy of 2. pjeece Ladles Hosiery Fast Black 25 dozen, tomorrow, 10c pair, and 'our extra fine lisle finish Men's eot ton Howe, plain or Hj(ht weight, rib bed, tomorrow, pair 25c HOPKINS UNIVERSITY IS HOLDING BIG TRACK MEET BALTIMORE, Md., Jan. 29. Teams from some of the lending universities of tho east will take part in the annual indoor track meet of Johns Hopkins euiversity, to be held tomorrow eve ning in the Fifth regiment armory. One hundred und fifty colleges, schools and athletic clubs Imvo been invited and ti long list of star entries has been re ceived. Arrangements brave heon mndo to havo a one-mllereluy race between Hop kins and tho University of Virginia, which bids fair to be one of the most .'xcitlng events of the evening, ns the riwilry between tho two Institutions is keen... Tho Inst time tho two teams came together lu Mnltiinoro the boys from the Old Dominion bout the Black and Hluo by a hairs breadth, and Coach Huffman of Hopkins will have his men in ihe best condition for the crack of the pistol. MIKADO KICKS OUT SPINELESS NOBLEMAN 1 LONDON, Jan. 20. A scandal with , out precedent in the annals of Japanese ; society Is stirring officiul and social jcirclues of Nippon today over the with drawal of the mikado ' patent of nobil- ity from Count Tot and tho resigna tion of various officials who are ac- cused of countenancing tho count's pros ! pectlvo marriage to Princess Take, nl ! though the count had already married inn European woman of gentle birth. Tho story an printed in n Tokia news paper is that Count Tozo, who is 21 ; years of age, met aud married Mrs. I Elena Addison, u Hungarian by birth, and widow of an Englishman, while a student in Englnud. When he returned to Japan his family refused to recog nize the match, and, ignoring the Euro pean wedding, forced the count to woo the princess. News of the affair was first pub lished by an editor who learned the story aud during the subsequent revela tions the count was degraded. The match with the princess was broken by the emperor's order. WALLA WALLA FRUIT IS UNHURT BY THE COLD WALLA WALLA, Wash.. Jan. 20. " Absolutely no damage hns resulted to the fruit of the Wnlln Walln valley as a result of the recent cold snap,' said tho county fruit inspector todny. " Rather the cold weather hns benefited the fruit In the orchards of this valley and there will he n better crop as a re sult. "There was a small percentage of fruit buds killed by the cold, but not nearlv enough to affect the crop any i more than hy acting ns n help in caus ing less fruit to set on tho treea. Walla Walla could stand a three-fourths loss and not be domaged, but tho damnge really 1b not moro than 10 por cent. "Peaches, apricots and ajjeh fruit are all that are hurt nt all and from care ful inspection I nm able to state that, they aro not damaged in nny way that wili lessen the yield. The cold has put tho trees back so that there is not ns much dunger of midwinter budding and that is another good result. Walla Wnl Inr fruit has an good prospects today ns at any lime in the history of the vallev nt a similar time of the year." KANSAS CELEBRATING HER ADMISSION DAY , TOPE K A, Kan.. Jan . 20. Kansas day. the 4Sth anniversary of the nd i mission of the Sunflower state to the ' Cnion, will be celobrnted today through i rut the state by meetings of patriotic and historical societies and special ob M-rvanee in the puhli? schools. THERE WILL BE NO JUNKETING TRIPS SALEM, Or., Jan. 20. There will be i no junketing trips. That was decided ; at a meeting of the joint committee ap pointed to provide for n permanent sys ; tern of auditing the state accounts. Senators Bingham and Hart and Repre sentatives Buchanan, Mahoney and Clemens ore on the committee. NOTICE, Notice is hereby (fir on that the under sigeed will apply to the city council of the eity of Medford, Oregon, at the meeting to be held on February 2, 1900. for a Heeue to tll spiritous. vinous aud malt liquors In quantities lese then a gallon, for a period of six months, at his place of busineM at Nos. 113 and 114 Front street, in en d eity. Dated thin 2tfth day of January, 1901. 70 JOHN HAHB4NOTON. Choice Tomorrow $ leach The Entire Line of Usona Ware in Stiens, Bowls and Vas es $1.50 to 52.50 Values On Sale To morrow at your Choice 5oc & $1.00 each Ail Haveland and Fancy China at 1-3 OFF Tomorrow. 2000 Pieces Fancy Glassware 10 15 - 25 and 50G each A Chance FREE Purchase on that fOR THE HOUSEWIFE Remody For Soft Corns. IMuee between or over the toes a small piece ot newspaper, folded sev eral thicknesses. Change It every ujortilug before pulling un the shoes and wear It during (he day. At night remove this piece uf paper aud sub stitute another prepared lu the same way, thud wearing u folded paper every duy and night for four or Ave Uuys. Tho pupur prevents friction and chatlng und proveuts shoe pres sure on the corn, after which nature, effects the cure. Castile soup pluced between the toes Is mild to be a cure and preventive of soft corns. Oatmeal Baths For Children. Nothing Is more common nmong chlldruu than a little rash ou the body, caused by various trivial 1 blngs. A good cure and one which will prove soothing and coollm; to the skin Is the on tinea I bath. Take one cupful of outiuetil and boll It for half uu hour lu half a gallon of wuter. - When suillcleutly boiled pass through a coarse strainer find add the liquid to the baby's dally bath. Avoid using soup. This will be found to refresh aud soothe the Irri tation wonderfully. Household Wisdom. A little Hour sprinkled Iik the p::u when ega ure frying will prevent the sputtering but fat that Is so dharec alde. Mud stains may be removed from tan Jen t her shoes by rubbing them with slices of raw potato. When dry polish lu the usual way, Finger murks on paint can be easily removed by rubbing them with a clean white cloth dipped In kerosene, The wood should afterward be wiped with a dry doih. Hair Shampoo, Flrat boll n pint of water. Add lo this n third of a cake of pure white soup shaved tine. Boll this until the soap Is molted. Tour this mixture Into a Jar before It thickens and let it cool. To shampoo the bull put a couple of tttblespoonnls of this paste Into warm ivater and when It Is dissolved apply to the balr and rub It Into the si alp several times. Then rinse the balr well lu clear, warm water. Mushroom Sauce. Teel and chop off the routs of a half pound of mushrooms. Tut into n saucepau with two cupfuls of brotvu gruvy, the yellow peel of ti half lemon and salt and pepper to taste. Cook thtrty minutes, strain, add the juice of a half lemon and pour over steak. Then garnish with sliced button mush rooms fried In butter. Useful Cooking Appliance. The most caret u I uf cooks wit 1) tho many different viands In the course uf preparation under her eyes will slip up occasionally and relax her vig ilance for a second, when some one of the articles on the stove Is touched by the finger of tire. Scorched food Is one of the most Inexcusable offenses FKEVKXrS SUOKCHINil OP FOOD. of the cook. A simple piece of ap paratus to prevent lhis mishap has been devised. It consists of ;i ni.-tnl affair resembling an Inverted pie plate. gon.Tously perforated with small holey. This re-u-; i:ti ilic bottom of the kettle ami efYo. imtll.v pivveuls the cuii i t-nt 'i from cotniht; into contact n ii h the overheated bottom. Ham Old English Style. Spread eiirht u- ten siU-s of cold bo 1 hxl bum with nnt'anl and add a dash of cavi nno pepper to each slice. lu the bakiuu' dish put one tablespoon ful of butter and n third of a glassful ,f currant j -liy. Abb i. ,-iher, Ui.-u put In enough s-!i -v .f ihe bam to till the dull. Let It br.twn :im serve lllllutdhle,, The Sunnyside Coal companv have moved into their new office in the Jackson County Ikinit building. Brown and Green with Every 25c $83.90 Range AUGUST BELMONT IS PUT UNDER KNIFE. OF SURGEON NEW YORK, Jan. 20. August Bel mont went under the surgeon's knife at the Momorinl hospital today. The pt.ystciaiis there said vanouslv that the operation was for "internal appendi citis ami "chronic nppendieitis. " But nt -Mr. Helmorit's offices in Nnssnuj street the representatives said tho op erntiou was to end a recurrent illness, following n wound ho received in a polu gaine in 1005, All said that Mr. HeJmout came out of the anaesthetic in splendid condi tion and would recover in a few da vs. He was taken to the hospital Tuesday i ight, and the operation was performed this morning. He was on the operating table almost an hour, ' MANAGER OF DEPARTMENT IS LEFT TIDY LITTLE SUM SEATTLE, Wash., Jan. A for Inue of ls.-,uu has fallen to II. L. Strong, a resident of this city, and the modest salaried manager of the sales depart ment of the Erye-Bruhn company through the provisions of the will of his stepfather, the late John Roberts, a Eiei iiiont, )., banker. Strong has gone east to attend the funeral of Roberts, and to take possession of the fortune left him. . ' EDNA WALLACE HOPPER SUED BY A TRUSTEE'. -NEW YORK, Jan. 20. Charles l'. I.ittlefiold, trustee in bankruptcy for A. (). Brown & Co., filed papers In the Cnited States dislriet court t odny against Edna Wallace Hopper, an ac tress, and A. O. Brown, as head of th bankrupt firm, asking the del'eiidud ttts to account -for the value of un automo bile and life insurance policy and judg ment in Unit amount. Mr. Littletield says that Brown transferred a $"o(i:i automobile and 2o,o(IO life insurance policy the day the petit inn was filed. . NOTICE M hereby given that the undersigned" a ill apply at tho regular meeting of the- ty council of Medford, Oregon, on, February 2. HHiO, for license to sell i. alt, vinous and apintons liquors Vn less ipmntities thnn one gallon for ti month at lot II, block 20, in Medford, Oeguii. for a period of 0 months. -fi!l W. M. KENNEDY. Dated January 10, Hmp Atteiilti.il is being billed to the Alas ka -Yukon Pacific exposition in everv- I'' ' '! literature bring sent nut by- the Soo line. The big western railroads: are .-ill advertising Hie Pacific expnsi tion to induce travel to the cond ir H'OO." Classified Advertlsemen ts WANTED. ''I H.it...,il,urB apples. Apply f M Ni'Wiirl. l Ho Nash. . ' U ATK1-I,ivat,. borders. W 'I l:: . K'irtUtt nired . 2; 871 girl for genoral houai-- idrus 2tiS l'OU SAIE. " i' ii( N.i.i.:i(,,ii(ifi ,t ThdiTT-n -s .nil., M,-r, 40acr,8f",. 'l. I- am- olrnnil r. . .. " rriH-n. room ' I'UMIy R'lllk lil.ljr. lacksou I'"ll SA M HHiiKiuiUiinpnt, SO acres ""I'-s .. M,.,lt'nr,l: 30 praetu-alh" Kil.imv ..a,y grailc ami cover.-,! """ Mid timber; 2 spriugs 'l""ip. XV. M. French, room 7, yn Comity Hank UWr. i very Jack 1 "K f-AI.lv-Two lots in Molfonl, Jrti !', with 'JO tiyearol.l pear trees Impure Womll.urv Marie Vhn..:J ' 'rrun. t.., ' n"! SA'.K A set of work lutrnM.'lu tpnre at 4n.1 x, Q tr,,,.r 6S I'lilt MAI, K Two gasoliue wood sawiue ma.-hinen n, i;ood condition, and a work M- i'i"0. Nfedford. Or. 271 AI.K-0.oo,l residence lots, lose in; also Roc,l r, aero orcl ard; deal with owner: save comaussien. Address .1. are of Tribune office. fOfi SALE House., lots" and land in Phoenix, or in tracts to suit from one acre to 040 acres. Matt Calhonn, Phoe nix. Or. FOB rent! Ft ili liKNT Xew room dwelling nil n nr..uh.l floor: sidewalk to hou Jackson st t. between li and H. i!7u i i A k Si:- The injured girl will recoTer.