THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY. JANUARY '29. 190!), CUTS THROAT WITH ' ' "" FRAGMENT OF OLASS " " Prepaid Railroad Orders, ,' '" ! "Something wkieh ii of considerable j Interest to the pitblle generally and ! which is perhaps not generally kaows if tbe system of prepaid orders uow in effectbetweea stations of the Southern Dk SPORTING WORLD Fltxsimmona to Re-enter the Ring. Bub l'lizluunoits, herd uf tuuoy a ring battle uud former world's heavy welRbt eliuiiiiluu, will enter the rlug again. Flta recently arrived In Eng land and anuounced that be would light again after he baa tried to ele vate the KiiKllah stage (or several THE RUBY GIRDLE "1 give, devise aud bequeath to my laughter, Marjorle Dare, tbe sum of !, and the ruby girdle concealed lu tbe parliilnii of my old writing desk." Bu read Lawyer Hale. Colonel Hare bad been dead Just a ynr when. ncrordliiK to directions, l he lawyer had requested the Imme diate relatives to assemble at Ralns forlu Hull for Die opiulug o' tbe colo nel a will. After bequests tu i;ll tbe near rela SEATTLE, Wash., .Tan. . Crazed as the result of a wild aud prolonged de bauch, Alvin Bauks, aged 311, a Sweditflt stone mason, tried to cut his throat with a piece of brokeu. window glass in bis room early this moraiug aad uow lies at the point of death in Pacific hospital. ji J ' : Citv Business Pacific coaipany and all points in the United States. By. means of this system tickets may be purchased, at Medford from any place in the United States and mailed or telegraphed ; direct to the party wishing to come here. Sleeper accommodations and small amounts of cash ia connection irito these tickets nay also be forwarded at tbe saint Lot Cho MISSION FUBN1TURE WORKS make that piece V 'orniture. Any design, any color, aav ?iaiBD dull, waied or polialied. Shop oa eor. of 8th and H streets. THE K. B. V. LUN0H ROOM Fiaeat cup of toffee on the Pacific Coast. H. H. Loriraer Prop. SAVOY THBATBK North d'Aajoo 8tree -, ' s Latest motion pictures and illus trated soags. Entire cbsags ' ot program Monday, Wednesday and Friday.- - Admiisioa 10 cents. Tbe Wushiugton state live game ex hibit at the Alaska-Yakou-Pacific ex position will show all the wild game of the region. .ime." tf Directory ! 1 ! 51 I i I BUD riTZSlMHONB. weeks, aud fur a starter be baa named Gunner Molr, Jem itoche aud several ' other British pugs as bis proposed Tic-1 tlms. j Tbe cause of bis return to life Is an j offer of 125,000 (reported! to tight four j buttles before the NatloDul Athletic ; club of London. Ruby Bob bad been living quietly on bis .New Jersey farm i for some time and but for the big; money noise might atill bnve been liv-: Ing there Just as quietly. But f'ltz ' could not resist tbe temptation to tives and tbe old servants tbe ball and the entire estate, with the exception of , Ihe above clause, were left f hla son Hon. I There was a blank looU on tbe faces I "f all preseut. Xo one bad ever heard Hie ruby girdle, and It seemed pre i ii.isici'nus that the colonel should not I nve Hindu ample provision f,)r hla favmltc child. I.iwyer riule could throw no Unlit ii the matter except that the colonel i-.iul said. "Marjorle will be rich . :"i!:-h. for I shall leave her the ma Imrajnh'a ulrdlc." " ' " Ah an Mnrjorlo bad recovered I mm her KUiprino she begged tbe law : cr .i look fur the girdle. lie iiit.i Klttlnu beside tbe old desk, nnil. npenl!i It, he wan-lied thorougb-I;.- i t evir.v ptirt. bui nothing was to lo seen vf t!ie Jewels. V r ifle tiiined to her brother and -I'M Well. linn, you have a pennl le s s..-)- i- ,;;t y.iur hriitds." ! :i;:l- : hi arm annua! her. Hon .i; I. -My fni her Uiow that you would ' I'll lliv I'r-it tli'U-.'llt. dear hiiiI 111 lake to merit his conn- T'.-.-ti i'i a u-hWper fur her ear tel- tl I.. li. ii.l It:- i -ii n.r.iii'. A I I'I :!i r. . t,i I: He u rl:t i l!n 'i .it ir l!:. hleviiuly. "1 shall on in.v bauils.' .1 -Marjolie's brow as handsome fellow to she h. il re einly plh-bliKl her lie v.:M tile :on of the StlUlre. :... m !. ! ,l l.tiuwii all her life. i:ii- hereli!!! a as ten yearn older bounce his freckled lists off some one's t',!rl -,i'J' rleit! d hud always thought head with all that money at stake: ' ' r lilile girl. hence the announcement. , li'.-u uiir war with Sialn upened he joliie.l the mnitli riders. On his return home he found the colonel's dim .'liier almost a .similiter to him. in that short time she had hlos iomeil lulu a very charming young idea and sedalc. it fascinated tbe young soldier to sec I lit beautiful Ll'iy eyes droop before his ardent i:n.e. and In a few short weeks be Hughes Hurls Challenge at Dorando. The latest dell of IJoraudo I'leui, who defeated Johnny Hayes recently, that he la willing to meet uny man in the world at any distance from twenty-live miles upward, has brought a swift challenge from John (Leppen Hughes, the old time dlstauee runuer. Hughes, who Is over sixty years old, 1 ":ls madly In love wllh his old play surprised bis friends a few weeks ngo male.' The course of true love seemed by au exhibition of speed endurance ! 1,1 11111 smoothly In his case, and they and has received backing for several : WIMl' euitaued. thousands for a match with Dorando 1 Vl''11' of mourning for the colo- In, a tweuty-four hour contest. Matt j llvl having passed, they were to be C'luue, who was one of the backers of ' married shortly, and one eveulug soon John L. Sullivan when he held the;""1'1' "'" rending of tiie will the two championship, has great faith lu tbe i 'overs were Hiding In tbe window staying powera of Hughes and la will- "cat ' the library. They were talking ing to iiost $1,000 to bind a match with- "f "'' I'relly home thai Uric had ftir the Italian uiurvttl. i nlsliod for bis bride. aud Marjorle I said wistfully: "1 wish, Eric, that I White 8ox Players to Quit Maybe. lv,'ri' 1101 n Portionless girl. Kven a Will there be any Chicago Amerl- uy licit would buve been something. cans in mod? Fielder Jones says It's a mire thing that he won't be hack. Dougherty says his oil wells need his entire attention. Donohuc says his health will keep him out of the span gles, lebell wants to stick with Wichita. Tnuuelilll is after the South Bend (Ind.) club. (Jeorge Davis de sires to become an Eastern league boss. Sullivan Is through. But spring time will see a lot of chnnged plans. Cy Young to Retire After Next Seaton. The veteran Cy Young savs that next season will wind up bis career on the assalnst Vi lint do you suppose has become of It V" "I do not know, my dnrllng, and care less, only that It would please you to have It. Did your father never mention It In bis letters to you from India?" "No. I am sure he did not, but I have all Ids letters, and we will read I hem over and see. I will get them at once." Marjorle soon returned with au old leather fuse, which she handed to l.'rlc. As she seated herself and leaned Is shoulder to read the let- baaeball diamond. Young also haa in duced the Boston American league club to retain bis old side partner, Catcher Crlger, for whom Chicago, Detroit aud St. Louis reeeutly mude fluttering offers. Young and Crlger have been one of baseball's greatest batteries, and they want to stick to gether until they decide to leave tbe national game for all time. ms Krlc could not resist kissing the lieoullltil lace so close to his again and again. Then together they read !!,; tellers carefully, but found no mention of the girdle of the niahnrn- Jah. Marjorle reread a portion of the last one. It ran thus: "My Dear Ones I . hull always cherish this old desk for the memories of the loving words I have written to you on it.' No Football For Swarthmore. wlMl ' hound Marjorle sprang to The most startling and discouraging I her fBet- ""turlug- letters aud case on phase of the present athletic situation I ""ur- "oh- Krl,'! You do UI at Swarthmore college, from the foot- j I'11 1 111 wmui tMa d '",k? He ball enthusiast point of view, wns dis- -h"d " wllh 1,1,11 111 Indlit." closed recentlv when one of the high- "' -l"'R" my dear, but we cnu est members of the facnltv said rhnt . . "" ""''I Kf'c. almost as much Intercollegiate football at the college ! e"" "" Marjorle. As Kile lifted I he j was Impossible. This uews was dis- ""' 1 u oieuunessiy: i nenove couraalng as well as unexnectcd to '"u"lf"1 i ins comt is too nenvy tbe atudent body, who to a man con fidently ' expected the resumption of tbe sport next year. for an ordinary desk." Taking his penknife, be gently pried tbe cover apart, and there, on a lining of white velvet, lay a superb belt of Hor.. R.clnn Far El P..o T... i ruMr. Marjorle gave a cry of delight Plaus for a sixty day race meeting I "s stle "mHl llt "ie l,,velv "ll1"-' 111"1 r hi pu t eo nonmn,. tort : then let Krlc clasp It around her In New Orleans recently. Dan T. Mur ray of Chicago has been selected as one of the Judges, and the other offl- J ctais will be turrmen ured conspicuously leans tracks during the last ten years. Hughey Jennings Now a Dankor. Ilughey Jennings, mauager of the Detroit Americans has goue into the banking business. He Is one of the organizers of the Old Korge-Duryea Discount and Deposit bank In Scran ton. Pa., and Is one of Its i ;-ectors. W. A. Jennings, Hughey's brother, also Is luterestcd in the proiKsltlon. College Regatta June 26, The Intercollegiate regatta at Pough keepsle, X. Y., next year will be held on Saturday. June 2d. The crews will row upstream, starting one mile be low the bridge aud finishing Just south of Krum El how. waist, tin tbe quaint gold el isp was engraved. "Ki r uiy little Marjorle oil her wisldlug day." tin who have fig- "mu """'" " at the New or- tl:'''t if li' IovIhk I'ntlu-i- win- 4-iiUl not give lier ins messing on ittai otty. but Krlc, drawing her gently to his arms. said. "My sweetheart. I will he both father and husband to ymi." Marjorle was comforted, and as they Ktttriod to hud Don mid tell him Hie gisHl news Krlc said. "You caiiuol call jour.;elf portionless now, my lady, for if 1 am any Judge of stones licit girdle Is worth a king's ransom." Marjorle turned, with a wln;o:ne j ftnlle. -If Unit Is true. Krlc. and you should ever lose all' your money we could manage to exist on the 'inalittr-i- I Jab s ruby girdle." "-Boston Post. j Yale Eleven Earned $70,000. Yale's share of (lie receipts at New Haven recently was J.'in.oon. Yale's earning at Princeton on Nov. 14 was Jl'Jtl.000. It Is estimated that Yale's earnings for tbe season was about $70.-000. Crushed. Fastboy Iteally. dear, you shouldn't wait supper for me this w ay w hen I'm detained at the office. Mrs. Knstboy -Supper, you lulut! The maid Just luld the table for breakfast! Puck. The Little Things. "What's the matter over there'-" 'The sword shallower Is lielug chok fd by a flsh bone "-Sourlre will citv NOTICi. Is hereby given that the undersigaed apply at the regular meeting of the council of Medford, Oregon, on Kebruarv 2, lioi, for lieenae to sell malt, vinous and splritom liquors in less quantities than one gallon for six months at lot 13, block 20, in Medford, Oregon, for a period of six months. ! 271 H. O. W ILKINSON. Dated January SI, NnTici: Is hereby given that tlia unilerjigned , Bill apply at tbe regular meeting of the ,.ity council of Medford. Oregon, on ' February 2, l!o, for license to sell : aialt, vinous and opinions liquors in I -SS quantities than on gallon for 12 , months at lot 11, blocl. 20, ia Medford. tlreoon, for a period of 12 months. J 2159 W. M. KBNNBDY. Dated January 19, JH09. I -A FBW OF OUR- MONEY-MAKING PROPOSITIONS 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE West Seventh street, ' lot 100x400; a very good buy at $3000 9-ROOM BUNGALOW Complete in every detail; one square from "West S(hoolhouse"V. V-.-. . . :$3000 7 ACRES GOOD LAND Close to C-ntral Point; all under plow; half laid out in fruit; a snap. $800 30-ACRE ORCHARD All in 6-year-old Newtown apples; three and one-half miles from Medford; pood house, barn, wagon, stoek and implements. This is an exceptionally good buy. A GOOD PAYING BUSINESS On East Seventh street; long lease; small rent and one of the best locations in the city. This is a fine money-making proposition. Sickness reason of selling. MEDFORD REALTY COMPANY ROOM 10 JACKSON COUNTY BANK CM HI. More Light for Less Money Sixty-three per cent of electric current saved by using TUNGSTEN LAMPS. 32 Caudle Power Edison Lamp uses 110 Watts per hour aud would use in iooo lirs. 110 Kilowatts which at io cts. a Kilowatt $ 1 1 32 Caudle Power Tungsten Lamp uses 40 Watts perhouv aud would use in 1000 hours 40 Kilowatts which at 10c a Kilo watt 4 Net Saving in 1000 hours in favor of the Tungsten Lamp $ 7 Rogue River Electric Co. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. Office, 201.) West Seventh Street. Phone No. 355. Opposite the Big Electric Sign. W, M. Oolrig. O. L. Beanies. . COLVIO li BEAMES . Lawyers. Office: Medford Bank Bldg. Ground floor. ABTHTTB B. DAVIS Contracting Blectrical Bagineet. 210 W. Seventh St., Medford, Or. BLJOU THEATER, W. 7XU 8T. Continuous performance STefy evening of motion pictures and il lustrated ballads. Entire change of program Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Admission 10 cents. Cook Stoves aad rangea. Phone 91 MOBDOBFF li WOLF New aad Second-Hand Furniture Eads old stand, 18 20 F St. South Medford, Or. ENVELOPES printed to order U3TTEBHEADS of all styles by The Tribune. WM. H. AITKBN Plumbing, Steam and Hot Water Heating. ' Phone 88. 210 W. Seventh St., Medford, Or. KABNBS BOOMINO HOUSE Newly built nnd nowly furnished -All modern conveniences. D. O. Karnes, Prop. 20 8. 0 8t., Medford, Or. THE ELEOT&IO AND FRENCH DRY CLEANING AND FUSS ING WORKS W. E. Laae ft Son, Props. Opposite Hotel Moore, Medford Oregon EDEN VALLEY NXTRSBBT N. 8. Bennett, Medford, Or. Grow trees that sell, sell tress that grow anad fruit tru to label MEDFORD CEMLNT BRICK fe BLOCK Co. will l.e prepared Feb ruary 15 to furnish ceineut brick. Hetlor than prritged brick aud just as I'lfap. in esligato before contracting. P. O. Box 118. WASOHAO BROWN with to announce to their patrons that they are located in their new quarters ia the Young A Hall building. Billiards, Cigars and Tobaccos. VERNE T. CANON Billposter and distributor. All orders promptly filled. Koom 7 Jackson Co. Bank Bldg. Medford, Or. MEDFORD TEA AND COFFEE HOUSE Specialists in Tobb, Cof fees, Extracts, Baking Powder and Spices. We carry all kinds of dinner waro anil fancy dishes. 210 W. Seventh St. Medford, Or. DR. FRANK ROBERTS Dentist Office hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 4. Miles Building, Seventh Street, Medford, Oregon. 0. F. COOK Sells trees that grow. Office: R. 8, V. Depot. P. O. Box 841. Phone 89S. Medford, Or. DR. GABLE The only exclusive Optician bo twoea Portlaad aad Sacramento. Office on Sevonth Street. THE MISSION GRILL Always open for business. Neat and clean. Up-to-date. Popular prices. 12 So. C St. Lambert & Brown MSa ED. ANDREWS Voles Culture and Art of Singing Studio at Residence. ' ' " East Medford. Phone 22S Whon othors fail, call on DR. E. J. BONNER Eye Specialist Office in Eagle Pharmacy Main 2.1:1. Seventh and Main For good bargains in Watches and Jewelry, Pistols, Musical In atriiiiionta, go to THE MEDFORD LOAN OFFICE 0 8troot. 8. R. SEELY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Modern equipped operating rooms X Ray. Office hours: 10-18, 2 4 p. m. Office in Jackson Co. Bk. bldg THE HOTEL EMERICK Booms from 50 cents to $1.50 pet day. All modern conveniences. We Bolicit your patronage. MEDFORD FURNITURE 00. Undertakers Day Phono 1153 Night Phones V. W. Oonklin 39. J. H. Butler 148 JACK FREDENBURO Scavenger, Garbage hauled. Medford. VALLEY AUTO CO. have opened their ihmv gnrago and ropnir shop back of the Mooro hotel. Motor cars atorod and takea care of. All work guaranteed. Phone No. 3111.1 DR. R. J. OONROY Successor to Dr. Jones. Office in tho Stcwort Building. DR. WALTER R. STOKES, Dentist. Successor to Dr. .1. M. Keene. II You Owned tbe Earth You couldn't find a better placo to live' thau in thin gluriuu Hoguo Itivnr vaih'y, with itn in comjm ruble winter und Hummur climate, .lust umv we have Home particularly goud developed or chard propositions to submit to the homenooktir, whiuh are hi ire wiiincts. Bt'Ht give thin multur immodiato attention. It does not take a very wise man to furesor that the advance in values which we have been predicting in in coming producing fruit binds i about to materialize. A gMd young orchard wiTl not only in- crease in vama aa its income producing capacity increases, but with 'the r;ght kind of an orchar d, such as Home we bnve to show, the purchauer hut a chance of got ting his purchaso price back out of a "single crop, with proper mini agcraent. How can wcnlth bo accumu' lated faster th:in by buying o ne of the good young orchards we have for salot Always at your service for the best buys in this valley. ROGUE RIVER LAND COMPANY EXHIBIT BUILDING, MEDFORD, OREOOV COMING AT THE GRAND THE J. H Heardy Stock Co In the three Act Comedy Drama FAMILY AFFAIRS New Illustrated Songs and Moving Pictures At the Grand Fri., Sat. and Sun. Jan 29, 30, 31 Admission Children Adults l() 20 WANTED Timber and Coal Lands Apply to B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD OREGON Office in Jackson Couuty Bank Upstairs E. ENYART. President. J. A. PERRY, Vice-Preis'ierit. JOHN H. ORTH, Cashier. W. B. .lACKSON, Ass't Cashinr. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK M E D F O B D , CAPITAL SURPLUS $60,000 10,000 Safety Boxes For Rent. A GeneralBank in Bus. nese Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage. SALEM BEER SALEM is the most popular beer in Northern California and Southern Oregon. It is acknowl edged to be the equal of the very best eastern product. All beers are good, but some beers are liked better than others. The proof for this as sertion lies in drinking Salem beer. I f you wish to be convinced, ask for Salem beer and drink it. SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION Medford Depot: Medford lec & Storuge Co. NEVER LOOK BAOK It duosn't nav. Ksuu vnn I. on our exceptional afrcringi. Flas tai loring cun only be secured from Us hands of hllh-class tsllara. ' On ' rience and methods are certainty mtolk invgnngation. lye employ tke Mat workmen and our otolites are wKhout doutit tlio moat carefully aolectsd to tke EIFERT The City Tailor Medford Time Table SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. .j 5:24 p.m. . 9:49 a.m. I . . (10:35 a Northbound No. 6JOregun Kxpreas... No. 14Portland Hxpresa. Southbound No. 15ICalifornia Express.. No. 13San Francisco Exp...j 8:20p.m. no. zanrrora Urants Pass....) 9:15 p.m. No. 22.rjPor Asaland 10:1S p. m. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY RAILWAY No. 2TeaTea Medford TTfib75.'m No. 4LeaTea Medford 5:33 p.m. MotorlLeaves Medford. . . MotorjLeaves Medford No. 1 1 Lea res Jacksonville. . No. 3Leaves Jacksonville. . MotorLearea Jacktonrille.. MotorjLeaTes Jacksonville. i 2:00 p.m. j 8:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. j 3:30 p. m. 1:90 p.m. j 730 p. m. HAIL OLOBB8 A.M.P.M. Northbound I 0: 191 4:M Southbound 10:0ff SiSO Eagle Poiat T:t0 1:W .Taeksoaville 10:oj I:N ai.-.-I.