1(11 tw JUJf JLU ' MEDFORD DAILY Iff lIUrNJ), MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 20. J909. Medford .Daily Tribune ; Official Taper of the '.'li-y of Medford. Published every evcniim except Sunday. MEDFOBD PUBLISH I NG ..COMl'AN OaoROR Putnam. Editor aud Manager. Y Admitted, aa Bewnd-Cluss Mnttc-r in the iWol'fice at Medford. Oreirou. (SUBSCRIPTION RATES. On owmrk, . h-"m nt rrier. .tO.ISO J. One year, by mail... $A.0O ' CONSFAiVATlOK. MEANS Ml (If. The report of the national toiiscrvatioii ciuuiiiission tendered to congress'' a few . days ago,' is merely ii rough estimate of the natural resources of the United States, together -with an equally rough outline of the nrineipnl channels through which bur appalling waste passes. Yet with al of ts roughness it is a tremendous piece of work. The vHstheas of its' territory, coupled with tiie. tact 'J. at there were no existing tables upon which to shape it, ac counts for the roughness and gives promise of things 1 counts for the; roughness and gives promise: of better things to come. . . , ' A few' of its'sigiiificiuit facts, taken from the report at random,-brief ly follow : - Our coal supply will upjiroaeh depletion before the middle of the next century". Iligh-grade iron pres run not be expected to hist be yond the middle of the present century, nor will petro leum last longer. Ttie'wdste'in the extraction and treatment of mineral products in 1907 wan equivalent to more than sp)0,0(H),000. The average yield of wheat in the United Stales is less than 14 bushels pet' acre, in Germany 28 bushels aud in England 32 bushels. The greatest unnecessary loss of our soil is prevent able erosion. Second paly to this is the waste, non-use and mis-use of fertilizer derived from animals and men. Our wild game und fur-bearing animals have been largely exterminated. With game birds the story is much the salmi: ' ,. t il&lM Not less than 50,000,000 acres of forest is burned over yearly. v One-fourth of the standing timber is lost in logging. The boxing pf long-leaf pine for turpentine has destroyed one-fifth' of the forests worked. The loss in the mill w from otic-third to two-thirds of the timber sawed. Of each 1000 feet which stood in the forest an average ' 'of only 320 feet of lumber is used. By reasonable thrift we can produce a constant lum ber supply beyond our present needs, and with it conserve the usefulness of our streams for irrigation, water supply, navigation and power. In dealing with these figures of such elemental big ness, the commission seems to make its chief recommenda tion in' the' following paragraph : For the prevention of waste the most effective meant wiU'be found in the increase and diffusion of knowledge, from Which is sure to result an aroused public sentiment demanding prevention. In other words, the commission has as its greatest, task the education of the public. This will lie found to lie its continuous 'task, although its specific plans for legislation will be 'presented as rapidly as possible. In making education of the public along lines of eco nomic waste' its greatest duty the commission lias struck at the lieart of the matter. Americans, while they have been "proud of their resources, have never given thought to the need of conserving them, nor have they been aware of the wasteful methods of manufacture and production. But with its campaign of diffusing knowledge newer and better standards will be established. And with education will come an insistent demand that the wasteful processes of the past cease. NEVADA SHERIFF BALKED WITH FBEY IN SIOHT SA.V D1EOO, Oil., Juu. 29. Although Sheriff Smith of Lincoln county, Se vodtt, is lu the city with a warrant for the arrest of Homer O. Tuber,, former president of the defunct Seurchlight jLuk, for whose return to Xevadu Uov Tnor Oillett bus honored u requisition, t.e hug not been able to serve it. When Smith urrived be was met by counsel for Taber, who informed the -iheriff that the bunk president hud Jeft the city, but ugrccil to surrender l:iln provided the sheriff Would not smuggle the prisoner out of the county or state, but would give the courts time to puss on Imbeds corpus proceedings. Sheriff Smith waited until this mora ing, then held another conference with Tuber's attorneys. Whut the outcome of this conference wus neither aide will say. A rumor snys Tuber is across the Moxieun border ut Tin Juuuu. STATES HAVE ONLY 90 DAYS TO MOVE BUILDINGS NORFOLK, Vu., .Inn. 2X. Under the ord r of the court, tho time iu which steles owning buildings on Ihu James town exposition grounds hnvo to tuke up the option contrueU for the purchase of the aites upon which the buildings stand wili expire tomorrow.. The. states are allowed iM days from tomorrow to remove their buildings from the sites, if it is not desired to buv these. TRAIN EOBBEB GETS LIFE IMPRISONMENT FOB CRIME HELENA, Mont., .Inn. .'. Oeorge l-'rankhnuser, convicted of holding up u Orcut Northern train a yenr ago and yteuling $40,000 from the registered mail, was today sentenced to wile im priHonmeiit by Judge Hunt of the fed- ru! court, lie will be taken to the irt Leavenworth prison. MONDELL'S LAND BILL FAVORABLY BEFORTED WASHINOTON, .Inn. 29. Claiming that the enactment of the bill il both "wise aud necessary," tbe house com mittee uu public roads has reported fa vorably on the bill introduced by' Air. Mondell of Wyoming authorizing the secretury of the interior to have sur veys made whenever he may deem it essential after investigation. It was formerly tho practice to accept the woru statement of surveyors without first examining the aurvey, und the work was often careleesly done. BIG REWARD ! Fur jioyoiie fiudiii a luut.li lUttj THE LOUVRE rvtd for 35 cents. Instructor of "piano. Tlsct 3ttttl)00 Stuelo at 3ll&nc. !ltortb Orange StrMt SEE THE LATEST- COLLAR PIN SETS At W MARTIN J. REDDY'S THE JEWELER KIK THR QUALITY IK ALWAYS RIGHT Near Post-office. Pine Watch and .Jewelry Repairing a Specialty. APPLES and PEAKS and all kinds of Fruit Trees YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in 4 the Pacifie Northwest. Noi in the combine. Competes with all first-class nurseries L E. HOOVER, Agent ' MEDFORD, OREO ON. Medford Iron Works E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS AU kinds of Enir.es, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Ri.'ei's and Machinery. Agents in S'-rthurn Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. YOU KNOW THE BILL IS PAID, when you buy by check because whon . it is returned marked paid, it is the best possible receipt. Wby nut optm an account, subject to check, with this strong, obliging bankf J. VAWTER, President. (1. R. MNDLEY, Cauhior. UniUd StaU Depositary. Established 1888. Ciipitul and Surplus $125,000 Resourroa $700,000 EVERY ONE HAH THEIR OWN TROUBLES Especially tbe man who buys a suit of clothing or overcoat made to fit any nun that wants to buy. The man who ha his garments made to order by an up to Jute tailor nover has any trouble with tbe fit, finish or general "get up" of his clothing. It nit only fits per fectly, lint gives you a style nni indi r id uali ty acquired i i no other way when niiide at J. A. Kreuzer & Co. Importers andTailors PALM BUELDINQ, MEDFOBD, OB. YOU OUOHT TO SNOW the excellence of th meals that are uooked ut the EmerieU Cafe if you haven't already regalvd yourself with some of the dolioiou diehoa that are served here. If you hnven't partaken of them, there is a treat awaiting you thut you will want to repeat often. A men) at the Hmeriek Is an experience that will make you t;y( like Oliver Twist, for more. The Emerick Cafe Open All NlgM CONOBRNINQ THE WEATHER. (With apolK"' l Wllliura K. Ki;k.) "Wait till the rain is over," M tin' liarlior in I hi- !'li". At h rubbM his rusty roior on llu- turfmi' .f n ;roi. 'H' bH litru all of thirl)- yfiira, uml simc 1 was u kid 1 new saw ruch weatlicr brri' hoiimt, I hcvit iliil!" AoJ all the time tlir- b:irlr was cipluiiiiiin It was raininif. rslninn. raininn, ruining, milling! "Just wait," siiid thi h1! wni.cr. "in iiiictlu-r m'"1i "r m Vou'll see a valley of thi- lti.clic with flnwirs illl mjlnw; Yuu'U Krfen hilli. uml (mi'lint: rills, untl svuisctH th:it arc tlrrams. And banks and banks of blossoms, with thoir lovi'ly vol..r s. hi'ini-s. ' And all the time this waiter's voir., wan soarlnir It was pouring, 'urinK. ionrinu, .ouriiiK, .onriul "Don't go," iii'lalnil the piolnor. "be patient Tor nnrhile. You'll loe this glorious state of ours wait till you see it smile. I've iojuurod here for fifty yea-, anil take this tip from me. We haven't had surh a ruin as this sin ghteen sixty three." And all tho time thn pioneer was speaking It wal leaking, lenklng, leaking, leaking, lenkii g' "Doa't judge our ellmate harshly," saiil t U.- geut behiiul the bar, "It's just a little ilninp at time., as other elima es are. Come, stranger, take a uip with me, utal don't be feeling blue, "I'll hix-e a tiny coektnil what enu 1 otter youf" Tbea the atranger glaneed outside and raid: "I ought, r Take some water, water, wat -r, wrier, water!" AtTlini MATTER TO OO TO HTATB BOARD SAXEU, Or., Jan. 21. Unable to agre on tbe location of tbe branch any lua either in Baker or Umatilla county, tie delegations from the two counties aara deudM to past the matter up to :he eUte board and allow the; governor, lecretarj of elate and etato treasurer to sake the selection and purchase the (round. NEPHEW Or ADMIRAL P.NXI8T8 AS SEAMAN I'lTV. .Inn. : ilge.t IM. KANSAS tiiiuit t'lt'dnnaii of Hear Admiral M.: .V., ri'tir.d, .'iihstcd h 1'i.l.tM States im v young Kmporia. son now liob.vt t '.ephew Miller, today ,he . oiaies ny ;-s e. seaman, mri ug man, who is a niiii of a well to del oria, Kan., family, offered no rea for his rnliitinent. Ailmirnl Miller! resides in Iterkeler. 1 Visit Van Dyke's Store Special Sale of Lacei Embroidery AAA Yards Special Lioea jUUU Embroidery J 5 c yd 12 YARD PIECES of Valencenne Cfi rfc JU tlbl Val Saces Lace and Insertions at . . . Each Piece Values to 10 c per yd SPECIAL LOT of Cot ton Torchan Lace with Insertions to match at per yard 5 cts Van Dykes C. E. Hililnger A. C. Randall J L. D. Harris Rogue River jnvestmeiU jo. FRUIT LANDS Sub-Slvldera and Developers Rogue Biver Valley Or chard I.nnds. Choice frait lands, bearing aud young orchards in small and large tianto, for aale. We plant and care for orcimrds and guarantee property to be as represented. Experience Not Necessary for those who purchase through us. Thoy secure iho advise and eervicoe of a oonaulting' horticulturist, an oxport on fruit cul ture in all ita branohes, who fur sovoral years has exceled in tbe growing and shipping of fruit in the Rogue River vatley, record crops, rocord paoks, record prices. in North D Street, Medford, Oregon MEBFORD SASH & DOOR COMPANY PHONE 2291. Window Eramas, Oak Veneered Poors, with Bevel Plate, oarried in stock cheap. Office Fixture and all kinda of Plan ing Mill Work, including Turned Wbrk and Fancy Qrilli. P STBEET, BETWEEN SIXTH AND S EVENTH STREETS. ft Compare the Quality It is, and always has been our aim to supply our customers with goods of the highest quality acii to that end ife arc always adding liialify to our line. The lulditiiui of 1 ' preferred stock'' makes our liaa of l:l::h UT:,de Cpnnei. Goods most complete. Our service always the bit and erery accom givea our customers. When You Think Of Shoes Think of McDonald When you want to know any thing special aboutSHOBS Go to c. w. Mcdonald Successor to Smith & Molony YOU CAN'T SAVE Allen & Reagan Qroceries, Chinaxvare, Pruit and Feed On ynur rni-rnad fare. The law of tie common carrier compels equal rates on all railroad lines YOU CAN SAVE In Time, Trnvellng Ex penses and Fatigue by insisting on the shortest route, fastest trains and - best service. Simply see that your ticket reads via SOUTHERN PACIFIC O. R. & N. Oregon Short I ine Union Pacific Every facility for the safety and occommoda tion of thi pasBenger is provided. N change ef ears is necessary to Den ver, Omaha, Kansas City Chicago. Direct connec tions are mr.de for all oth er points east and south A. S. ROSENBAUM, Agent, Medford. WE McMUBBAY, General Passenger Agent, PORTLAND, OS. r A