Boost the Development of the Rogue River Country' by Subscribing Liberally to the new Medford Pamphlet - J ft The Weather ' lin:riuxiuK cloudiness. . Rain, western portion. Wanner..,,. -i ,: ' I i By rat th. largest ud best new. report I II UAVWUVU W ' kn JT - 1 ' ' I o( any paper In Southern Oregon. I , h.mti ,'U V )i) ' OTdDnfl ulMli liAIAVHirJUIIIrJ OIUMII IMIiU .- nnumiiuiu.. PORTER BILL WOULD BE GREAT LOSS ANTI-TRUST CRATER ROAD WILL LEAD . AniT rn ATjff rnirnrnnn ta l Resolutions Are Adopted purdin Defends Measure- By the Hood River Apple Growers and Sent to Delegation in Congress uti'Mtinn it:iin:it the provisions ol tho Porter lull, which i-diircsH, tho tliivclur! ltiv.r Apph firnwc.H b now liol'ort1 of tho Uood union has passed BILL SENT TO GRAVE FROM MEDFORD TO LAKE HAS SWAY by Viva Voca Vote-No One on Record Against It LAWYER'S LIFE IS THREATENED iHdefinitely Postponed! United States District Attorney in Los Angeles Told What He Will Get PURDIN'S BILL SO PROVIDES; TO BUILD THIS HALF FIRST II Hi't of resolutions, which will bo sub inittcd to Oregon r.eaators ami repro selitatives hi Washington, I). C. '1'ho Porter bill Ihvh down stringent rules in regard t" tin- sliimlai.lis'.ing f pack ages an.l Ihi' grading anil market inn of apples. ('special intention in called liy the union to section I of the Porter lull pertaining to gradiu; follows: "No. 1 grade end quality shall consist of healthy, well grown apples of one variety, sound, of not less than 2 1-2 inches in diameter and of good color for the variety; or normal shape and not less than 110 per rent free from senli, worniholes. bruises and other de fects, mid properly packed." The Hood River valley and all other apple growing districts of the northwest declares the union has always packed pot fort apples less than 2 1-2 inches in diameter into J 1 ! and 5 tier packs, anil 1,1. I, -a tliem No. 1 or fancy fruit. The ,,.!,.:,, ,,f l his proposed hill Will ,.lii;,oiie ihc 4 1-2 and 3 tier fancy up til.. i, from the shipments of the northwest, 'mid class lliono sizes as No. 2 fruit instead of taacy or .No. 1 g.uuc This will affect lit I'-ast 33 per c , I.,, t.i ni.iile output of the ontir northwest, and throw it into the second I ,.!,, iM-iule. which means an enor I.,., .,, Hie apple growers of the entire Pacific nortlnvest. Text of Resolutions. The resolutions follow in part: Resolved. That '.lie Mood River Ap 1 1 rowers ' union representing 230 ol i hi. lending aople growers of Hood River vnllev. does most earnestly protest ...... ;-'.t the passage liv congress of the ITnited Htates of a hill known as the i....... l.iil It It. 21.400. being a lull concerning standard packages. grades -i,i,, f apples, for the reasons hereinaft. r la he staled as follow "The crowors ol Moon m i il. r,.ii,rl, lulu-, diligent ai , ,-.,ri .,,iivod at ; standard melli ...i f -,,.kin, the iippIis crown in thii ..i-ioilv- that the present box used 1 the or'owers in packing and shipping ..,.r.l,.s has been found through .,,. t he the one host adapted for this purpose, and enables the (rower to i III! I t .1VII1 ll V 1H IHI""1 if the truiT nun nny oilier NTATK IIOrSK. Snh-ni, Or., .Ian. 2H. Whilo only u few monilters of tho holme appearotl willing to have their re marks placed on record in the case of I'lirdin'H nut i-trust bill, II. IV No. 37, decisivo majority sent tho proposed law to au eiirly yravo. No tab was kept on the vote, which was viva voce on in definite postponement. The hill dol'inod a lrunt and provided criminal penalties and civil damages for all combinations entered into by persons, wnTTT n havp. WRF.-CK OP I .OS A Ni KM'S, nil., Jan. .Unit ed States district Attorney Oscar Law- ler was threatened with death in u let ter received by him today. It is snp pos d that ft was written by sympath izers of tho alleged Mexican revolution iHtn who are. imprisoned in this city. . The letter says: " Vou will et what Honey got, only worse, if you do not release the Mexican revolutionists.' The chief of police has detailed three men to act as a body guard to Lawler. Bill Changed to Meet Views of Com- . mission nnd Governor Before Being Introduced Provides $100,00 on the Part of tho State. PAYSFOR CRIME ; After changing the Prater lake roud bill to meet the views of the present Crater lake road commission and Oov oriior George E. Chamberlain, the bill was introduced Wednesday by Repre sentative Pnrdill as follows: Whereas. Crater lake, the most fa mous natural wonder of the western WHS LIFE Wife Murder Hangs at San Quentln-Killed Wo men During Jealous Fit world, othe greatest attraction for tour- September 30 last, de.riug u fit of jeal firms, associations or corporations with the intention to prevent free competi tion in commerce or nny class of bnsi- which reads as "ess. It was reporten iininvoiaiiiy oy I the committee on corporations, coinposen f I Irmly of Multnomah, chairman; Mil r of Jackson ami Pnclianan of Dont; is and .luckson. Purdin defended the net as in the in forest of the people. Hrady and t alter xprcssed the opinion that it went too far. Hnchaaan said he had no ilonl.t n on Id work n harilsh'p on fruit and hop growers, l.eilienweiier voiceu ins s.u piise thai fruit nnd liopgrowers believ anti-trust lejrislat ion woniu iiiiit iiie.r business. Reynolds took a stand agaisl the passage of the bill. of - valh illlelli THE MAINE REMOVED PLAN TO ADVERTISE STATE S RESOURCES WASHIN'OTON. .Ian. 211. President Roosevelt yesterday seat to congress a message approving the recommendation of (iovernor Mnnooa that an appropria tion be made to remove the wreck of the battleship Maine from linvnnn har bor. Tho messaiie follows: "Oovenior Magoon, on the eve of Irnving Cuba, has expressed the hope that the wreck of the battleship .Maine ,.iv . r.'.noveil iron. . oe uihihn Havana. I trust congress will see the wisdom of this suggestion nnd will pro vide for the removal of the Maine. We l 1,1 urn allow the wreck of this Ins toi-ie shin to remain a a danger to as ioatioa ill Havana harbor. This is wis.' no standpoint. An appropriation should be made lor I he removal. SAI.KM. r.. dan. 211. Twelve thou snail dollars for advertising the climate nd resources of Oregon is the plan ad aneeil in a bill introduced by Hailoy of Multnomah. It gives the state printer the job of printing llii.noi) pamphlets oiitiliiiing an official writeup ot eaea ouatv. II directs that 3".,0illl copies lie seal to Seattle for distribal ion dur ing the Alaska Vukoa Pacific exposi tion, leaving the ntner :- u op posed of by the secretary of state or oiiimercial bodies at ins iiiscreiion. The secretarv of state is made editor of Hie proposed pamphlet. It is provid ed that the county .judge of each county shall transmit not to exceed lour pages. including one page of illustrations, the matter is to be arranged in alphabetical older of counties, with an introduction by the secretary of state and a map of the state. PRESIDENT ROOSKVELT TO HAVE NAVY IMPROVED SAN (Jl'KNTl.V. Cal., .Ian. 2. Charles llnhlesar, panic to tho last minute, was hanged in the stuto prison here this morning for murdering Ins wile and mother-iu-hiw in Stockton, Cal., ists that Oregon possesses, situaten in the midst of scenic marvels nnd unsur passed beauties of landscapes, is at present nlniost i!inccei:siine ior me ... adeipiate roan, r.nn Whereas. Tin" federal government through the secrote.ry ol tho interior and the forestry bureau, has promised lo.nriv cn oiicration with state anil conn tv niid has agreed to expend as much monev in the construction or n roao ,l.r.,'.,h ihe Cascadu forest reserve and vi,r Lake national nark ns shall be expended by state, county and other sources in the construct inn of leading to tho lake, nnd COBt of Highway. Whereas, It is estimated that the cost of a highway from Medford to Klamath falls, beiiif the first section to be constructed ill the proposed state ,,,.,,1 from the Pacific ocean to the Ida ho l.onndury. will approximate .-i0n,ii0(i, ..r which amount 2.riU.IMI" will be ex o.M.ded bv the goveniniint. ri."l by Jackson, '.fr.ll.OPII by Klnniath 4.--.H i bv oilier unities int IN ROCKIES road usy following a debauch. He had been arried onlv six months then. He weighed only 1211 pounds and drop d six feet, one of tho longest on roc I. lit- was dead in 30 seconds. He ascended the- steps to tho scut' told with ll sneer on his lips, without a tremor. Ho turned to tho officers just iicforc the trap was sprung and said: Hoys, thauk you for your kiudm-as luring tho time 1 have been hero. 1 will meet you on tho other sido of Jor dan. 1 ' His last request was for u cigarette, when the guard fume to make him readv. From North Dakota to Texas Gale Is Raging Denver in Grip of Driv ing Sleet-TraHlcTled Up DF.NVKH, Col., Jan. 211. A great galo of wind Is still raging on the west rn plains oust of this city. All tho wires between Denver und Og.lin to the east lire down uuder the tioiw weioht of u sleet storm, whleU extends from North Dakota to Texas. Railroad traffic on the eastern slope of the Rockies is paralysed. This citv is held in the grip of a sleet storm and nil lines of business have al reiiilv suffered. Trains Derailed. I III.IIK ADO SPRINGS. Jan. liih wo trains are detailed H miles east f this city duo to the soft roadbed, fatalities are reported. GRAPE GROWERS ANGRY AT REDUCED GRAPE TARIFF mint v. rest oil 1,01)1. Cal., .Inn. 211. The Table drape Growers' association of Man Joaipnii countv is much wrought up over the table grape situation up overetaoipj table grape situation duo to the con BANQUET IN HONOR OF THOMAS PAINF'S BIRTHDAY WASHINGTON. Jan. 20. Piesidenl Roosevelt believes Hie organization of the navv department in nol such us to bring I lie best results, and he appointed oniuiittee lodliy to cout.ioei ...... s of the navv." His net ion was . . , ' :., .-l,.w of tho solliew Ilill oi a - so. p. " . " , fact Hint tljc members ol the rniunns sion appointed today met nt Washing lou two weeks ago mid indorsed Sec retarv Newborn-"s plan of reoi-ganr.n-',.tl in view also of the nut horiza- ,i' ,v the Semite of an inquiry into i ....... ..i:ir,.s and the need, if any. of legislation lo improve the minimis- tuition of Ihe navy depart it. A un.en,iat of the president s ac tion was entirely unexpected lit tin .. . i- V,.,-l.,.rrv IIP .Icoai-liue it. " 1 peared to b lacking maintain nrraiieini! and p: n,,ot nossiblv be had sized box or package. Oliangue Would Be Costly. "That the adoption of a box of the dimensions proposed in the Porter bill would cost the growers of the north west over l.nnil.imu annually by reason f the disarraagenient of its methods of long standing, which have eoatnl. ntod most niateiially to the high slaluV aid of Hood liiver apples, nnd by rea .. ..i n,n fct that Ihe grower would l. .iiiii.11ci1 to bear Ihe cross of the I. fruit aecessarv to fill Ihe box. as proposed by the bill, without aav .l.i;.io.,!.l eoiiipi-iii'iition; that it is mi possiblo for the grower nla fit. the box. but must be shaped to fit the apple; that ihe box in or nt us" by the growers in this valley is the one exactly a. -d to the fruit. Will Lower Grades, ol-hni the oradea as provided in bill would eliminate at least :!"i per cent of the entire crop from being class . t ,- i..k which the markets ..f tho' wor d have l.eroioior,- c..Ah n.;tliot oaestioa. by the elimination "f sizes of apples less than two and one-half inches in diam eter, which sizes constitute I -".tier apples." KENTUCKY MAN PAYS HE IS "SKEERED TO DEATH" to make the that the box CHICAGO, -Ian- 2!'. I'nder the alls ..ices of the American Secular I'aion I . .. i.t I.-...-...-.. t;n -l celebrn- ;..l.l r reel iiongi.-. i- or. and hnnqii-t in honor or i nomas Panic's birthday will lie Hem tonigin it Hull House, the laionns social sei-l.-nient. presided over by Miss Jane .. lams. Honor vr.v. in- p..... !ige C. H. Waite, the jurist and un til, r, who is s.i years om i........ ,-i.ze bust c! Judge nite win ne mi- oiled. The speakers will menuie i.i. j'chn K. Riberts. n-niiter of the Church ', s V "tl-l in ivaesas i ny, an. i i larence ll. Di.nnv, 111 laioons ...." ov, vie. will av t.'butl to Ilie nu-tli'.i-her i i f ll"' 1" M'l.'.iion." PRIVATE FICK HELD FOR KNOCKOUT BLOW nOISK. Idaho. Jan. 2!. A formal ,.h:irge of manslallght. r has been filed gainst Theodore At . rics. a p.. -nth cavalry, liv a court oi ...nvened following the the mos; surprised of all- T,r trT.T.Tl PERSON ON BRIDGE CHARGED BY LIVE WIRE eOl.l'SA. Cal.. Jan. 2'J- A high pow line of Ihe Pacific Gas & Kb-ctric ,.,,,-. which crosses the river near the Colusa bridge, came in contact with .. ...Ir.. ., the bridge Monday and so charged the structure that n dog ma ,,ig across it was held so lasi 10. s, moments he could not gei ........ harge lessened lor an insiao., i-.-- i.l.. ,,,,.1 Ihe l og. anei- - ., ' .. i.: l..,..k let out a tew lioor i- - - , ,1 mo howling from Hie pn.ig.- n laborer, stunning "u .. . rcceive.l oui.e o I M'- ... "n . shock, lie was not injured. The SUIIIM the veljis and John Martin, i-KKl.linil to be expeil.led by gression.'ll coininilteo hliviag closed Hie hearing and agreed to lower tho duty on the Spanish grapes. Another meet ing of the organization will be held next Saturday afternoon in Hill's hall, in nil etTort to obtain a rehearing of tho mat r before the tariff revision commit e in Washington. Much encoiirageinent is felt among the growers since telegrams havo com the stale of Oregon, other sections of ., i i i, built later as other conn lies contribute, and i u Tl. instruct urn ol tae ..,,.,,,l scenic road will mane me mi..- 1 1 . ....,.,;. I., to I .. , no torn woiun-in ;uiu ,,. , iiu' soul lipouiiu .ii-iih l..nv,. trains ill Mo.lroril or ,sn..iiiu ..i. ,,.ii..u view tne mi. t- i.e.. :,. - ,l,.,i,' ioiirnev sol i ...... I, .. nort ihoun.l lour.sin the hike from Khmialh falls ami ias.- .1... o.i rs aoaia at Me.tlorn having seriously ili.errupteii inc.. 1 ,-..u,,ll ill ail llicreiir.,- ... .- WOMEN MAY GETAVOIE No .1, ' .' -.y .1., :'..-' ;,'U 1 ; ' - 'i !f- , '! v:-'i ; i Jl )'i House Passes Bill -Allew- -.- ing Matter to Go to Peo-T pie at the Next General ; i ' Election v. . - . . n . , .. t-v ULVMPIA, Wash., Jua.i' i9. Xtttt :'. Hpeiidiug much timo this morning on a y trivial proposition to save $0 on a print-- - ing bill, the house tackled the woman's ,A l suffrage bill, and passed it by a vote. 1 of 71) to 18. '-. 1 ' ' ' "A Tho voto was arrived at when it. was r i; decided that the question should b submitted to tho people at the next geo-i:,'. -'J erarelection. , r. .' 'V Representative Palmer of King eoun ty livl the fight against the bill, deelar-, ing that it was a trivial matter, entail- ing niucli expense. On the other hand, ' 6 Representative Hradsborry said that cor- A-j porations were afraid of women's votes. .Several "Ood bless you" speeche i 'i Vj. wero made by tho women present whBift the bill went, through. . . v .. . , t ,'. GREAT INDOOR ATHLETIC . MEET 18 ON TONIGHT. nut; More Sleet at Ogden, tlGDEN. Jan. 211. A severe storm of sleet is severely damaging business in Ibis city. Telephone and electric wires re down. Street car service is parnl-zcil. Salt Lake Suffers. SALT LAKH CITY, Jan. 211. Pros pects are that this city will be ill total darkness tonight, owing to the heavy gale which is prevailing hi this portion of the Rocky mountain range. Business is at a standstill. There is no abate ment of the storm in sight. PEARL CUFF BUTTON IS FOUND YEARS AFTERWARD Needhain and Senator Perkins regnrding the probability of a reopening of the tariff discussion on grapes. All liter- .lure and briefs on the grope problem have been forwarded to M-eilliam. Oregon of from JO.nnfl to should a hearing be given the tnriff -. 0. a venr (the milliner oi s.K... ...iiinllllv visit the leuow v,,w,.i,iit.-l .".ml a resiiiinii. on. t hereliv lien the entire state, and tone and in crease efitl ing question inirnig ine-ixirii nessi. i-ongress Lodl will send a .special repre sentative to represent Ihein. Chairman George W. Ashley, who litis just returned from Snl Francisco," said that he visited (he tariff department oi Mi" Southern Pueific anil they stated that thev wero back of tho growers and nnenii New Country. Whereas, Said stall rond will ren.ier .,.li.t,.d nnd cessilile ii ng.oi. - .. .. ,i it ,-,.i,iiice nossible utiseltle.1 poruou Also the rrooueers rruu cootpini. claims it will do all in its power to fur liter the interest!! of the growers, ALBANY, Or., Jan. l Murt Bilycu found a pearl cuff button on the bank of the river, the property of Dudley Newell, who was drowned at Kugenc about three years ago, while u student in the university there. The button wus worn by young Newell at the time or his drowning, nnd was identified by Hubert Torbet, a close friend. The luil ton had worked its way down the stream 30 miles and was picked up near Plhe dock of the Oregon City Trans l-ortntioit Company at the toot or llroadalbill street. I no onus oi inn cuff link are much worn, due to the ac tion of Ihc water and gravel. SAN FRANCISCO, Cut., Jan! 29. , Crack athletes of tho Paeific 'eoast ara.. -tA entertained in tonight's great indoor . athletic meet to be held undor the aim-' ' pices of the Olymplo club at the Au- .".i.V ditorlum. . . - ; , 'ifteen events, including three hand icap riicos, aro scheduled- for the . ove- , uing, with rour invitation events una a , special half-mile relay for high schools'' Kivo open ovents.and a novelty rieo for.. . old tiino uthlotes, together with ti push ball contest, will make up tho remain- )i.. dor of tho program. . , , t, . ,r f. The 7 !i yards special ihv'itution serntch raco will he n'foaturo evaojiotj the evening with Snedigar, Knox, Gor hardt and Abndio entered.' Tho' ton- ,'-!'. plete progriini is ns follows:! 880-Jard invitation handicap, one-mile open-blind-leap, -440-yard open handicap, fiveiiile, j invitation race, 00-ynrd high liurdloSO-, . . yard low hurdles, polo vault," 73-yo,rd 1 special Invitation scratch . raeo, , "Jgh ju nip, shotput, 75-yurd high school in- ; vitntion race, half-mile relay rnee, open to all, und 73-yard raco for oldd-timera. j BALTIMORE AUTHORITIES .-, ' ARREST "DIAMOND QUEEN" of the aid epted reason of ag; the Kottrti' -. :.... .,-1.1,1, ,,,... ........ f death of Michael Vinson ii" ;. knockout blow received from Kick in , boxing match nt Boise barracks Sat nrdav night. The cm- will h- tried by rtial. The Kiel,- nson I boxfest held :.u .......,;usi,.ti of the commanding of ficer. Colonel (ireshain. In the audi once were 30 members of the Idaho log- :l,.luro Wilson ami rics n .I.liers an.l were intimate friends. Clilll'l in was a preiiiiinotr. nmiMiv WAVING MANIAC, SLAYS FARMER, KILLS SELF S N lOKF., 'al.. Jan. 211. Transform ,,,'; a raving maniac with the desire for destruction nnd a thirst, for blood, Look Gong Gin, a Chinen- employed on .. c r n A. Bel lew. nenr Mil- l ne ram i. "' ' ( . pitas, this set fire to the ranch ..nd mortellv wounded Louis roil-..-. "n-. - r;:..l.or,ls n wealthy farmer. milted suicide. ir...- .1... I'l.iiiiii.mail Set fire '. , n;-l,r,l i nnd other neigh i ..,i i Belh-w's iissistan. i they were fighting me " ., set fire to the nam. ,.,. ll in settling an of the state nn.l tiring ion. large area; therefore, II,. it enacted by 'he I I" ulnte of Oregon; aa.o I!,- it ena.-led by til - l.gislinivc ass,-... I.U- of the state of Oregon O.....I... 1 Tl..-r IS ICIel.V a p oopi. i ... ,.f muiiovs ia the hlinds of ,.. 'f the statu of Oregon . . ... i. ,.,.,;.. t.nnroiiriaieo, I"" illi.l noi ...... . . , '.. ,.r tlllllllllO to lie expelllieo ' , f aiding in Ho' const ructioii ,f , slate mad from (he Pacific ocean ... I.1..1.,, Iw.oiularv. via rat -r ik ., ..' C.....I inn of tile nilld to b1 . ., ... i, from Medford, Jackson sirueiru ... Mly. Oregon, lo III" p..iu hTPiiiiutli counlv ...I. ;.i;,r for the aiipropria , g,ni ,,,,,1 directing that the I Kill Ol -I-."". -..., : t the road shall rirsi ei- . ... I oil, I'll IS. ll.e .' 'he Pioneers of Alaska, a northern fraternal organization, are arranging for very creditable display nt the Alns la -Yukon-Pacific expositi i Seattle next vear. Kxhibits will be sent from very city in Alaska and the display will be housed in a building to tin erect- d bv the order. DANVIU.K. Ky., Jan. 2 Leslie Gregorv of this city, who ha.i Lizzie Tillman arrest. -1 for threatening to hoodoo" him. hm who was acquitted M her trial before Judge K. V. Piiryea. now claims to have ai-toally ll hoodoo" from Go' llll-to his arch enemy. He claims that his -tollmen it habited by mosquitoes and bugs that he lives ill constant l-n..r. " keereil to death all the tian reeeivi hand and '-! am e said. TERRORISTS WITHIN THE CZAR'S PALACE Jan. 2!!. Police , latest bomb ex- to light what is Treatment of a quart of milk Done. down to a pint with o dime cut up in it. administered by a "voodoo' doctor failed to scare off the "hoodoo." ST PKTKItHBCRG nvestigat'p.n into th i.l,,sion has brought l.,.li,.ve.l to t.o a terrorisi poo -ii ,1 i.eror and his family. Knt-rliig ,. crowded .afe in t'ie cential pan oi the citv. a student bft a small packet n one table while h- went to pick up a .aper from another. A waiter touched the packet, which exploded, killing him and wrecking a part of the cafe. Dur ing the panic the student escaped. Tiven tv arrests have been mede in St. Pet.-rs burg, and among thosr taken into ens tody is said to be one of the cznr'i servants at Tsarkoe Seloe. and com- to the While chin citv of Khimalli BOY WALKS FOR HALF HOUR WITH jcuunn" Medford cites: May Appoint Commission. Section Whenever 'TTZ this state, shall be advised that Jaok : ,.:,n.yhas appropriated., n, of f-,.(io to aid th" cons ruction of a road in mid county from Medford Jack "a inty. to a point on the wes 1, e f the Cascade forest " Crater lose, ne o- i i- -- l be known as tn". . i . . I ..miKtllHSIOII. 1" tor lane .. . CI WIlooi niity, Oregon sum SNT ROSA. Jan. 211 After hav ing been kicked In the head nn.1 his skull fractured so that pieces of the bono penetrated the brain. 10 year old Michael Doughertv walked for some .lis- ng his hors. s lieiore u Ho was harried t" tne n"- find III. Opeiiitiotl was III once ' " fr,n.d bv Dr. S. H. Ilogh- and Dr. M. nen.v. The lad "ill probably r..r lo.lf nn hour atlcr tne iu.ui... ... n,,il,in the matter with wa i,,p...- - the boy. fence, lliici.lis.-ious P. Mrs. Marv P-tcr. primary teacli-r the Jacksonville public school, has hoc 11 , fined to lo r room f..r lipllo. r davs with a severe cold, but has re covered siiflieietltlv nt I. resent to resume her duties. and thereupon hereby appro) route to commission ounnissioil v.-ii members, tw ... nf Klamatli res. in ..." . ,, r.ii rs-r coin riatisl shall be available . - ii one It lirl for ile m .lacssoii lnr . t.'i..,ih countv two venrs. ami upon ..preprinting -.0."no to a... I 1 1 . i l.-l, n, mill Falls struct inn oi a m.e. , ,c east line f the Cascade forest n the roule 'o rarer I""- . bah-nco of the sum aerew use in n.n... that may be through the government n-ierve surrounding Crater lake lake. and to supervise uie expi-nunoi.- m sum sum of ll 00,000, and also tho 30,01)0 appropriated by Klaniath county, nnd nil other moneys provided for tho con struction of the said road between Med ford and Klauialh Fulls not ill the boundaries of governuu at reserve; said commission shall have entire charge of construe! ion of said road in Jack son and Klamath counties. S -ctioa -1. That such money shall be exp. iidod only upon a county rond, a leg-illy estabiiidied, und no part shall be expended for securing a right of wuy for said road. Section ... That the commission shnll .-led a p resident, who shall preside nt .-ill ton-tings, and n secretary, who shall keep a record of alt proceedings of the comi.iissioii. ar.d accounts of all moneys r ived and ex.--nde.l by Ihe coinmis sio- . and shall make a quarterly report of all the fransaciioi s of the commis -ion. to be filed ill the office of Ihe ".ocretarv of state. Section Ii. That all money approprl aled her -under shall be paid out by the tiecsiirer of the sli-l upon warrants of the secretary of utnte upon tne oril'-rs or vouchers of the commission, signed In- the president aiol secretory. MANY ARE INDICTED BY ' OKLAHOMA GRAND JURY Ml'SKOGKF, Okln., Jan. 2I. At hast 3S forged deeds lire reported nnd ihree persons lire said to havo been indicted by Ihe federal grand jury in session here, everything possible is be ing d to keep the jury's action so- ci.-l. From ten to 13 separate indict ments are said lo havo been found i-gei list each individual. The charges deal with title lo town lots and suit i been started against the estato ol Ihc late General Pleasaiiton Porter, prin pal chief of the Creek nation. WEALTHY GROCER MURDERED; ROBBERY WAS THE MOTIVE IIALT1MORK, Md Jan. Th llaltimnro police authorities , nenevo thev havo in custody Mamie iiceris, known in the south and particularly ib Georgia, as tho "Diamond Queen," who heavily swindled the jewelry firm ... of Thou Bros, nnd T. L. Des Bouillons in Savannah in 1002. Tho woman was arrested Decemuer" , ,j . j 20 last at the Hotel Belvencro, wn -, she was employed as housekeeper un- ' ' der the name of Minnie Degracia,1 for v the theft of a diamond horaosioo pin . allied at 0i0, belonging to Mrs. Clu-.rh-s llihhs Carter of. 1'ittsbutg, , guest ill the hotel. . .. y For the Savannah crime' Mamie Do- ' '' oris served a term at tho Georgia penal far mat. Milledg'eville," where she wa ' whipped by u guard for beaoh of dls- cipliae. The flogging uroused tho whole statu ami the matter was 'widely com mented on. - SAN JOSH, Cal., Jan. 21'. William I-. Thurston, a wealthy groi-r, was found today dead oa the floor of his store by children who looked through the win .lows while on their way to school. Thurston's heart was lorn out by two charges of buckshot from the gun of a man who robbed him us he was closing his store last night. The murderer made his escape, but was trc.cisl ror a ihock bv bloodstains. PROMINENT MAN STOLE TO PLAY THE RACES SIX-THOUSAND POUND ' NUGGET OF COPPER FOUND SKATTLK, Wusli., Jan. 211. A solil limn). pound puro copper nugget has bej'i found in the Chittina district Copper nver i alley. Alaska, and B. F. Millard, lis iwni r, will undertake to bring it to Sen it le l or display at the Alaska-Yukon- -.-ifu- exposition. , - ' ' Millard let the contract to a north- I in.l .oiiu rt; yesterday for transpos ing the huge piece of minerul from its native bed to Valdc. agreeing to pay tl.'iOO for the service. From Valdex the nugget will he ship- I.OS ANGKI.KS. Cal.. Jan. 2!l.--Fond neis for high living and Hie racetrack, ,-oupled with a desire to have his fam ilv appear well, are reasons attributed for the downfall of James F. Blishlicll, prominent inlly. who was arrested this evening on nrctisr.ti.ins of having ,.i,,lif.-l,-,l jSSH from the K. K. Wood I. limber company. It is said his dc falcations will approximate 1H,000. shall .led shall be iivailalil" lor us. in ........ section 7. The cnmmisnion ,lh county in oi nd two years. j n.:,U.- all needful rules or regulations No Salaries. I f,,r the transact! .f busilieos and its Section '. That said i"ni","n I places of meeting shall be ileillord. -a....;... .... salnrv conipelisation for . . .i,.n couiifv. flregoa, or t-.t Klamath d to this city by steamer. CHAUFFEUR SENTENCED TO ONE YEAR IN JAIL SAMUEL OOMPERS MUST PAY COSTS OF TRIAL WASHINGTON. Jan. 211. President Samuel (lumpers. Vice-president John Mitchell nnd Secretarv Frank Morri- Oregon. Four, sen of the American reiteration ot i.n hall constitute, bur. recently adjudged in contempt of Tho business of ,. rr the iransaction of bnsi court and sentenced to imprisonment in ... ..ii i. ... ,.rnt ! .. . . i - I.... -1...11 .,,1 ii,rti 1 the District of I oluintlie fall, were to- Th 'Z"'Zv cou f Jackson and f,; ti , ,im,, i day ordered by Justice Wright of the ';,. d the proper fed u. .,.,; If ., vreancv nrciirs ill District supreme court to pay the costs ' l,..,;i;,.. in Ihe selection of a l comiuission. the c-verenr shall fill incurred ill the proceedings. Iheir services, excepi uo-ir - ) mils. lininain couoi v, I :.. il.n t.osiiicss i i ..r .1.- I ... -.1 i,u,.u Wliell eogni'i " .neiuo.-rn ". nn- lie of such commission. The ng NKW YORK, Jan. 29. Henry J. Ben edict, formerly chauffeur for Charles 11. (Boots) Durnell, was sentenced to day at Minenla, L. I., to one year in iail for manslaughter in tho second de gree. Benedict was driving Durnell 's automobile, which smashed into tho ma-,. chine .of J. K. Arosemena of New Roch clle, a director of the American Copper Plate company. Mr. Arosemena died from the injuries received. proper uud feasible route for a road tUo same by appointment. gicgste i about 1500. In Seattle recently was organized a , federation of state clubs representing nearly every state in tne union, run numbers of the societies have arrange-' - '" . .... ll..).. vua.a,, - to nitveriise un- rtni-1-.i.-.,,"-.. exposition in every part of the country. " It has resulted In the organliatlon of : ' tho big western city Into a publicity - " bureau to boost for the big 1909 shew, -'