LACES POSTCARDS Everybody wants Oregon Post Cards and of course they want THE BEST Thats what you get here One Cent Each FREE an $83. Blue Enamel Range April 1st, Ask about it Social and Personal CujttHui CHylott ot H'.xy wn in MH ford WVdneday on hHiin-t, Ur. nd Mf. H, (t, (inU- arrived VVM DQwlny from tun north. A. Mooo nt Vhotwt a recently in j Medford fP htm'tiu-nm, Mm. W, A, Aiken i ih.U from i short trip to Aahbind. tutin nw if r, w II known n ni flenl ut Yin n I'mui, w tt ri'i-t-ut vin hot in Mtdford. U, U, Unrein htm ef tor n short tri U Klamath KmIU, Nipfiff Htrrif of Klwmath utituty wno nun m n m t-tu,n lor iw.roe tiny, taut r tit u rot ' home-. W'V. Vf, Chamber ot I'ortland will fondiJKt mrv'inn ut Hi, Mark's Kj, pal rhnr'h tin Monday, "Hhortle" f rr t ha ri.-f urn 'J from . trip to I'ortland no. I Spokane, Ordef for sweet ff iiin or buttermilk promptly filld. the. ertiinrv, I. i. Meorinld of Table. Itvk won recant M'flford visitor. 7' lift Is'Qvrn will -rvn Ktuiday din rvr t f) o'eloek, 7.1 nt, 2'i7 M, f, I', Iteinek has joined her hus band At M''lorj'!, ''hi. Yti-A is run nlng a hot factory there. rnk f'tift til night. Ktnurirk f.'nfe open nil night. ' Air. an Mm. f. H. Muller have Jiff or I'ortJftfj'l and linker 'ty tor a short ririt, . test ftivnlk at best priceq at the Km A, M, King Hfi'l wife tin- among the . now fcrrivfiltf who otpeet to reside in Mvlfor4 ' vicinity. , . I'hone jffnir or'I'.Tw for r.w"t t ftin or tjiittormilk to Urn freutiicry, J, F. iJltuworth ut l(p-r l(o(iifi ri'. i r wifl ft merit vinitor in M'tironl. 'I'h'i I fill i of flii flrrfitr Mi-'lfonl ctyub f(IV6 thi'ir fourtb ilttrn-n nf tin HMiNOfi thin ovmiiiitf In fltf A 1(1' orn Jioimu, No (loul)t ft lurjf't mmilM'r will hiU mt fii tho tUmrvn ot Urn clnh an mint onJoyuWn, $10 In gnhl fur tho l" nf lootdt lindy fit ttri'wtry ' Nhiilin. ' ', M. BvdiiH nf Word, Cil., In in (In . cl(y lookinif n f (it hi 1'ijf.iiiciot lulrntn, Jli rornnlJy iirrliriNMl (lie .iilfinl Ilfinlwdrfl (oiiiiiiii,v of I. K. Il,vlii. J'or 11)4 filiorl titnn w urn hnre yon nvo an Ofiportunlly nf )mvlri(; nn , work In rnljiillllii(( iiim! rvmirtm now ihK innrhliirN. An a nili ymi )inv mny bmni hIiIo to linvn Mm nrviftft nf in nrjmpotmit Wfirltiiii-rt, f'topln living In th rmntrv mill mirroni")lny tnwtiM iH'nl only to tiring IhmuI nf imifhiiii'it. Ifotinm t I)r, Htanhi'TiHoii 'n, conmr Ninlli mid It NtniotM. I'lmnn nm. Kniorlrlt (,'fifn In ojn'ti till nilil nntv t lift prnHpnrlly Ii'ih vomo to uluy. " WAHHLNUTUN, Jn n. UH. A viKnr mm rHiiipniu ly Hm ii'pnni'iiliilivi-ii of C)rcon, WiiHliiiiton jukI Cuhfoniin fur n lnrj(r npproprlfitiofi fur licltiT nrtvnl Hhilinim oh ttlfi I'ltrlflc cimnl wun fli Ct'lff) nil tiiilny by Dm riiiintiNinMi itiol HPiuitum f idiii i)hi count. you Are Goin to Build 'if'".-;.'.,; ''1 r f ' : ' ' ' I-"V v CARPENTERS' EDGE MEDFORD UTOMOKlLJB MAM HAYH NICE THINfiH OF MEXrOftD fl'ortfi- ,. Wot ton, th Jiofthwcttt triK'it'r :it(offi-y for th Hrn t r Auto totoyauy, m in Mt-'ltord an4 ii ttfiyir;(f b r. t .Va;K bote). "J wnt to fiy t(;il 1 artitf rti'ir't than neorprnH to t; wh;it ft fine littl; eitv totj bv r-r', Thm in my firnt vioit tit Mi-4 for-i, hit'l on toy h ny . r'- on- trrtvHiijg riifiii ufttr hniiir mini to im not to niii t.ittiii iii .fi-'Jfor'i. I tbofiffbt it run tl ,f n (foo'J j,(u-.t th troth Iff , m fur liitt'-r t)i;m I i-xtt'li-4 to w1. I ih ni,ly bnrnrnT. " MARRIED. J.ifi :i;r r v -7, fit tb'- ri'W-iirc of in. TV A. Injf. v W f . ffHtfr offirhit iotf. Mr, V, (i. f,iii'V.i firi'l Mm. l4-Ni. W, J'iiI.'iii, both of f'rorik i-oiifity, Or' (fori. Mli.l.fiAV ((O'JliK -fn MflforfL on J.'iiiiijiiy L'7 fit tin- r-'l'- n of I hi brill'-' piir'-ntH, Kev, fn, Mm. V, K b..M.., Mr. Wilbiir ft. Million mi'l Mio Miriu tooic, both f,f thin -ity Doftth nt Mm. WAlmnlny. Mm. rUtnwtu i). Viilii,b-v iii''l ftt l hi' fa in il v fi'itiHc j ri Kfttflf I'oinl Mohfj.'iv, Jin n;i rv i-'-l, ( I.L'O o'clock Cim-i-jmi vnti v.'irn, U riionlbi w'l H (Ijivm, Tbf fimcrnl ncrvo; witn held on Tim-k i.y from t Ifttc rciiid'nc1 find intr id-fit wm in 'Vntr;il ('oint ci mtr y. Mri, WiuimfKyw fiM I lie wife of fJ, II Wi'iiit-li-y, mid wriH luffbly rcnpccti-d by nil wii'i hti'-w Iff, ftii'l I lie iifWM of Im-i tli ctiiimd much Borrow. Tlif nym l-ritliv f'f miniy fricnd-i iti I'jtfiidcd lo lln- b'Ti'tVcd t'iimily. IfAMKKLI. DKCLARLH IIEAItHT IH AT BOTTOM OF DEAL M I'HKOfi i: i;, OIl i., .Inn. US.-With ( In"' Mitt tux of t fi'dcnil urnnd Jury invi"ihjiitt' tin iilb-ycd town lot fm ti'l, M iiMlioyi c bi cdiiM'N t hi' cy ii mm re I rhi' I'Vi t of Imir . wilmn. Thul I he (.ovi'MniM'iil nKirilM (to miitliT of yn-nt import Jh I'vidi'iicnl bv Dim fm-l thul I lie Inrv in cloiilv iilch"d find Kiifirdtd bv it iillri' iiH'li riilll'il' htlM il. (hut tlii'iM U ri nifin fur "very juror. Addi tiotinl Inlnnmt In fidilnl In llui enm- by imoii nf I In impl im inn n f t he (jav cor, ('hurli'H N. Hfiilu-ll, in the Iiivch tlnnhoii. Hi-, in turn ilnhireH the en iiintler U due to Hie enmity of Williiini K. MefirNl. Thin itimiririitioti f tin- i (me in Ml echo of I lie preiliib'tl iiil rfimpfiin of brit vein. rnAIIO MAY NO I.ONOIiR MtJ A DIVOIttJE MEOOA MOlMi;, l.lnhu, .bin. "s. l.liih, be ii divorce Mccfi If n bit I CCJINI'H I Inlor Il ex luci d in tint b inlitiiie piiNHeN. lemlM the iiliiini ut n-itidei I '"in hix to Is moiitliH, Mim e eipiiri'il (he VIHIMII , T III.' Hn.llll llllltnlll llivilll'K lllWK hlillll) ll.lB li n. .MIUK'.I - Hi 111 In r.lni-li Id t.liliiiii il tlmirri'. I.ol mi. fiuro Willi .vi u. No uonlnii'l Inn llll'ifn ur Ion iiimiiM. HllllMfllollllll Kil'ilulilrnd. L. I:. BKAN i (JNTHAITOK A N It lllll,l:i, " MiilfWl, Orcunii. WE Every Tool Absolutely Guaranteed Cnnn Yards Torchan and Valencinnes Laces go on JUUU Sale here tomorrow New, Clean Perfect Goods AT HUSSEY'S POPULAR PRICES 1000 YARDS Torchan and Valenciune Lace and Insertion' T Regular 10c Value J v 1000 Yards FAITHFUL EMPLOYE IS BEWAfiDED 21 TEAB8 LATER ttKS VKH, Jan. 2. Otto Uf.nn, pro prtftor of laundry in thin rity, ha. w tn ti bitfint tally r -.nifmitt r-d in the rill of tb lat Ario il, Vanboru, riiulti rriillionairf fnrnituro and iart rnam fa-tiirer of NVwark, S. J. The bfuem w.m in reeoifiiition of Ifero'n loyal and f.-iibfnl tt'-rvifr ft no employe Ui years m'i, kIhh tim' wr" ''"K hard with Vanhorn, "Of i-oiirw I knew mat my old fri'-ad ;iiid employer, Vaahorn, had dud V-wark iiti't rntt-t 31, but J knew nMh ii tt bi will. I worked for biro vrim u(o, when he wair a trnKKlir;j( fii.iriMf;icnrM. He wan afwaya rny frien and J kept in rorreapond'-nee with him all fhewr year, f hid no idea that Jit would remember fin. in bi will h;: iio I Im- nlixhtet idea wbal he ba 1 ft to rne ot any of h. old employ , ' vfiniiorii ten the OulK of hi fortune to hf.ipiiaii, charity oramatwn am J.Viiff) t, the city of Newark for tlx 'ri"tion of monument. ADVERTIHED LETTER L18T. Che fidlowin let'em remain unciilbd f"r at (lie Medfoid, Oreuon. i.onloflic; finniary L'7, lilMiJr: Jowph AdftUiK, W, H. Iiethe Mm. '.. f'orniidi, Windel flinter, W. . Ke l"i'fr I 'avid lloofhvde, Kimk II none, b-tifi HoiiHtoii, Mi. Kli ie Ifendr roii, icTor Kfiri M.imnainteii, Win. I.cwih, -bin. Ia-oiim, Alvin Mnrlin, Mm, Lilbau M. Killop, f ha. Mi-Keen, .1. II. M.,or J ), Mm. I.eoi.a Mnrri'V, Mibh Judith OIkhi, MrH. H. i Smith, Mm Mtone, Mr. and Mr. .lor Hltiidiviiiiin, Mr:. A. I-:. Wood. A charge of one rent will be m;idi :i Ijiiv "ii-I . M. upon Urn delivery of each of tln-Icft'-m When callirK pleawe miy rl merl. A. M. WOODI'OKI), v COUNTERFEITER ARREHTED AFTER DEHI'ERATE BATTLE HAN I-'HANI'IHCO, Cab. .Ian. MH, Uoberl Mrndley, refined mid educated, m ciiMfd nf making counterfeit half and pmrler (lollni'H, i in jail today, after. dexpenile hIiiikkI" with three aecn-t i vice men, in which ,loie Li vi nHtone, uu with Mrndley a hm wifn, ralched Del eel i vn McMahoii. The tdencn in two nnckH ot half dollam mid quartern of excellent. UnrhliiliiiHhip. Medford Time Table SOUTHERN PACiriO RAILWAY. T Northhound T Nil. Illlflri'ijoii KiiiruM. I :,:ti u. in No. Hjl'iiillninl lOaprvun. . .. ll:4i a. ni. I Boutll bound I Nn. lft('nllfnrnln Kipromi.. .10:3S a m No. I.IHuii FnuiclBro Kll... S:2()p. ra. Nu. -jjrrim Urnnta 'nn.... U: 15 p. in, No. aaniFor Anlilnml 10:15 p. m, ROGUE RIVER VALLEY RAILWAY No. !!!,(mviw Mnironl 110:45 . m. No. ltionvnft Modforil. . . , 5:.15p. m. Motorlljnnvtn Mmlford 2:00 p.m. Miiti)il,mivciii Mdilfonl 0:00 p. in. No. 1 1 1. mi von Jncknunvillo. . , 0:00 a. ill. No. !lLoaTu Jiiok.ouvlllo. . , 3:30 p.m. Motorl.ftATHft Jnckionvillo. , . 1:30 p. in. .oavim (lni'knoiiviltn . . 7:30 p.m. MAIL CLOSEH A.M r. m. Northbound 0:191 4:M Hotithbouud 1 10: OfS Kagle Point I 7:B0 JacknnHvlllA 10:B0 2: ISO 8:00 6:20 MAKE 3000 YARDS Valen tin ne and Torchan Laces & Insertions Regular 15 & 20 c qualities. New Patterns lOcyd. HUSSEY'S: TAYLOR SUTTERB BAD ATTACK OF HEART FAILURE Mr. Tajrlar, tti aXed fathpr of Bob Ta l'.r, the painti-r, bad an attack of town failnrr in front of thn Kzfaibi tion liuillii,g horlly tter 11 o'elock tin. ni.iriiing. !( wjt arrii-d into t)i ImiMiiig and Dr. Hely waa ut for. In th- f.ur- of half an hour h had r i-ov.r.d .oflificntly to allow of bi be in(f li, kii to I. in liome in a bofgv. ERRINO .WIFE SHOOTS SELF WHEN HUSBAND LEAVES Hlli.A0, III.. .T. 2g.Mr. Foret H. Ilarriaon mif of o travilinjr mica i:i:m, fnll in lovn with Prank Miller, :i aud'-vil Hinder. Yr.tcrdnv Karrinon ioiii(ll... Mill.-r and bit wife to tign loiif.iBioin. Tln-n Ilarrinon abandoned bin wife. Today Mm. Harriaon ibot li':rK.;lf in the aidff. To Ur fathnr, who wan i-alled to the hoipital, Hkc aid: " I did it bei-aiue my biiHb.irid left mi'." Ilarriiion kniw nothini of it until lite in t In- vri-niii'. Miller nlao win ignorant of lb.- IriiKic ho,.i. I to the afternoon ' iu.ure. Told nf Mra. Harrlon' eon ililion, h aniil: "llnrrieon will kill me, or'-, if alir iliia. (n may be hero to nioht, " Vfii, wo both Higiierl eonfeHHimm. Hhe lid it fint. What ronld I dof We both mud it wan our f.-uilt equally. 8he hnn ln-cn followilii me to every tlientnp Pvn veil working in mnoe I met her. liilii't know Hhe w:!h married until ikv i-nil woika after I met her." WOMAN OHAROES THAT MANY DIED IN COLLISION I'lTTHHIIHd, .!. 28. Mm. V.. A. M' Vininei., the wife of tho attorney lor the iiitertitate eominerce eninmiNKion, .'mil well known on Hie coiml, declare the exile! niimlier nf killed in the eol linion of the Itepnblie nnil Florida off .NlintiiF.kef, Mana., lire untold. She ani.l vh men died in lier arniH. , Hhe nnid: I n m mire n great many more died thi'.u the nrfieinlH admit. I Haw not a few dend under the lilnnketa. " CiiHick liron. art? ffreetiny u buildin for t ho accommodation nf a bowline Tley on Front nt rent between Tenth and Kloventh. DO( ESCORT 8 CHILDREN TO AND FROM SCHOOL t'OKRHAINK, Minn.r ,Ian. 118. A large N'ewfoiindland dog, owuud by a ffinner two miles from Trnnt Lake, nets i hcoi I and guard to the farmer 'a three children. The boys, the oldest not more ih i ii 10, b.-ive been regularly lit tending m-hool in Coleraino during all of the severely cold weather of the past two weeks. They have walked the long distance across the ice on Trout lake under tlm protection of tho big New f mIIi.ihI, At the clone of school in the afternoon the dog returns to get his charges and conducts llietii safely home through tho iIiimI, and Minding winds. NOTION Is lierfthy given that tho iindumigood will apply at thn regular mooting of the city council nf Mud ford, Oregon, on' rdnuaiy 'J. lliim. for license to sell mall, vinous and spiritous liquors in less quantities than uno gallon far six in. nit lis ni bit i;i, block 20, in Medford, Oregon, fur n poriud of six months. 'JTI II. O. WILKINSON. Dated January IM, A SPECIALTY HARDWARE CO. FINE Valencienne and Torchan Laces and Insertions you have always paid 20 and 25c for 1 C them Sale Price 1 Jv I HIBISrWIfi "3 f.!f fWf' '""n RICH INDIAN OIRL OFFERS . 8EROEANT 93000 FOR RELEASE T A COM A, Wash., Jnn. 28. May Pr one, an Indian girl, ur rented un a charge (if driuikeimeHB, offered Dealt, Serjeant liaymond $:t(l0O In cash and a kiss if hit would release hor from1 the eity jail. Tho girl has $:t0,000 in cash in bank I'.inl owns vnlimblf lands, tin property having been left to her by her father. Though deeply intoxicated, she was much Mortified by her arrest uyd im- priwimioiit. 8ho was fined nml released toilftv. - V MEDFORD THEATER Friday January 29 Original anl Only . Hi Henry's Greatest Minstrels ENTIRELY NEW 10 STAR COMEDIANS 10 14 VOCALISTS 14 Grand Electrical Scenic First Part Fanflcul Conception of THE PALACE OF ALADDIN Hear the Famom Military Band Concert at noon and 7:00 p. m. 4 PriceB 25c. 50cf 7iie, $1.00. FANCY CHINA All Haveland Japanese and Fancy China ware at 1-3 OFF This Week. Vases, Steins Rose Jars etc in the Popular USONA WARE This Week Just HALF PRICE A Ticket Free on that BLUE ENAMEL RANGE with every 25c Purchase ' NOTLCH Is hereby given that she understgiieil will apply at the regular meeting U ty enuncil of Medford, Oregon,, ua Kebniary 2, IDo'i, for license to. selt .lult, vinous and ipiritotis lienors iot I -ts quantities than uue gallo for li mniithv ai lot 11, block U0, in Medford, 'iregon, for a period of IB mouths. Mil W. M. KENNEDY. Dated January 19, ltf09. nottci;. I Notico is hereby given that the nmfer- i signed will apply to the city counait of the city of Medford, Oregon, at the j meeting to bo held on February li0i. for a license to sell spiritous, rinons and mult liquors in quantities reus thnu. ! :t gallon, for a perio-l of six months, .at his place of business i:t Noa. 112 and 114 Front street, in Fa'd city. Mated this 20th day of .lanunry, 1909. 270 JOHN HARRINGTON. F; OSENBRUGGE Agent for THE STUDEBAKER BROS MANUFACTURING CO.'S 1 VEHICLES AND WAGONS J Sole agent in Juckson county for the STUDEBAKER LINE OF AUTO MOUJLES. The new E. M. F. Studcliaker, 80-horso powet, four-cylinder medium price Touring Our Ims won tho recognition and admiration of all machinists and has proven itself to be a remarkable vehicle for atrength speed and durability. New goods in nil- lines will arrive in the count of ucit month at the Studcbaker warehouse. OF TOOLS KINO VICTOR'S MOTHER OOINO TO EXPLORE JAPAN KOME, Jan. i!H. (ueen Murgherita, mother of King Victor Emmanuel, U going to Japan next August, expecting to remain thret months. Hhe will take an automobile an she wishes to explore the country thoroughly. The emperor and mipress of Japan will meet her at the Tokio railroad sta tion. It will I the first time that the empress has ever so welcomed a visitor. The only time the emperor went to the railroad station was to welcome Priiictt Arthur of Connaught who took to him the decoration of the Order of the Gar ter. Classified Advertisements WANTED. WANTED Kitty boxes nf Newtown and Spitzenburg apples. 'Apply of M. fStewnrt, lit the Nash. WANTED Private boarders. Inquire :.t .'il:; .V. U'lrtlctl stree t ' 271 WANTED A girl for general bouse work for a family of three. ' Address 1'. O. Box 087. 268 ' FOB BJlLZ. HOR HA LH. If you are looking for soii'c g..od land ilie:ii, 1 have it, for lo and k mere, neUr good rail road town. Vi. M. French, room 7, .InekKou County Hank bldg. HOli HAI.K Molinquiidiiiient claim, 1H0 acres, S miles Medford, 40 acres fenc ed, li acres cleared. 5 acres 2-year-old commercial fruit, cabin. For price call on W. M. French, room 7, .lacksnu I'ounty Hunk bldg. . 1'Olt 8ALK Reliniuii:hment, 8U acres, miles east Medford; 50 practically level, balance easy grade and covered with good fuel timber; 2 springs; very cheap. W. M. French, room 7, Jack sou County Dunk bldg. Rill SALE Two lots in Medford, Hill xnio, with 20 (lyeiir-old pear trees. I ii'jiiiru Woodbury Mngie, Phoeiui, Oregon. 272 Hon SALF. A act of work harness. In quire at 405 N. O street. 263 FOK SALE Two gasoline wood Bawing minium's in good condition, and a work -"" M. M. Mnine, Medford, Or. 271 FOB SALE flood residence lots, close in; also good S-acro orchard; dual with owner; save uoiiiinissieu. Address .1 cure of Tribune office. ' fob SALE House-i, lots and land In l uocnix, or in tracts to suit from one acre to 640 acres. Matt Calhoun, Phoe nix, Or. MEDFORD, OREOON. -6