THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGOX. THURSDAY. .JAMJAKi iw.-. Spring is here. Place your orders for lumber, as the rush is on. P1S- X NEW "SHORT STORIES Th Magnate' Surrender. Oue of tha boal of JauuiJ. HU1, tbe railroad, ningnate. has been that he has no telephone lu his house. "My office is tbe plaie'to do business," be has declared,-"a ud my olllce hours tbe tluie In which to do business. When I am behlud tbo door of my home I am safe front tbe world." He has been, too, as can be proved by many a reporter who tried to inter view him there at night. Tbe best the reporter ever got was a sarcustic grin from the butler, wbo buttled tbe re porter out to tbe cold world and a hot city editor. But the other day, accord ing to Mr. Hill's own statement, his butler approached him. "Tbe man is here to put In tbe telephone," said the butler. Mr. Hill promptly wllburwrlgbted. He wanted no telephone, he said. He would have no telephone. He regarded It as a piece of gross impertinence on lf4i. ' "WHY DIDN'T TOD TKI.Ii HIM SO.r ' the part of tbe telephone company to assume that bo wanted a telephone. "Why didn't you tell blm so'" be de .. mauded of the butler., Now, you would think that tbls meulnl, couvlcted of error, would have wilted bcuentb tbe maguate's frown. He did uot. "Hi told blm, sir," said the butler culmly, "that tbis telephone was wanted by the serv ants, sir. Ill told 'lm you didn't desire bit, sir, but that we 'ad to 'ave it." -. James J. Hill, magnate, looked at Mr. Hill's butler's impassive face. Ha twiddled bis lingers for a moment on the mahogany desk. Then, confronted wltb the certainty of a servants' strike, be weakened. "Put It In, then," be said, and, with a return of courage, he growled at the butler, "But if I'm ever bothered by It I'll fire every one of you." And the butler bowed In meekness aud said, "Very good, sir." Cincinnati Tlmes-Btar. . . Tillman's Favorlts Dish. A year or two ago Senator Tillman rave to a cbef lu the senate restau rant a recipe for an excellent corned beef hash, tbe fome of which speedily penetrated to the uttermost recesses of the caoitol. When tbe head waiter wants this bash prepared with unusual care he orders It iu this wise: "Oue corned beef hnsh for Seuutor Tillman." One day recently during the lunch eon hour the restaurant- wus doing a land office business, aud everybody seemed to want corned beef -hash. Ten times at least did a waller up- proacb tbe servlug table with tbe or- der for Senator Tillman's corned beef bash. I Finally tbe thing got on the chefs nerves. "Look heah," he shouted, to . i..m t.plticrlnir flu. nnmi old or- ! ..rnt .! twelfth order for Sen- i ator Tlllmnn. He belter watch out or he'll founder hlsself:"-Upiliicott' HAD A PRESENTIMENT THAT HOTEL WOULD BURN NEW VOHK, Jan. 28. Mrs. Sarah T :.. ., ilthe wiflow or urew- -W sters N.' Y., who lias been called the mlvcrtisc for husbands, beeanse by this " F. minimi , Hhorlock Holmes," made means n woman couhl get out of her : this prediction in tbo dining room of narrow villuge or town sphere ami! tbo Orcok, hotel last night: search the entire world for her affinity. "This .hotel will bo on firo hofore J 1'ropoimls came from men in two con morning. , I have a pieseutiuiont.' ' . Itinrnis. lly December 1 she had reeeiv Thc hootl was on fgiro at 3 o'clock a,0nt HHI proposals of mnrringe. ; . Ibis moniing, and tho .'.0 guests it hous-i she then pro -de.1 to elnssify and ed fled to tho street. eliminate the rnmlidn'e.. and finally de- Mrs. Jennings, according to tbo hotel ci,ed upon Ktruvniw. records, changed her room threo times during the night. Koch time she moved WESTON, THE WALKER, sbo told the clerk she was overcome i T0 AOAIN CROSS CONTINENT with tho presentiment that tbo house , would catch .firo. ! NEW VOHK. Jan. is. "Well. I'm Investigation later developer the fact j (lff fm. n,,oi- good sized walk pretty that the had originated in '") ,,," smiled Edward Pnysuii Weston, bridal chamber of tho hotel, a guest L,1(, 7.v,,Hr.l,l pedestrian, today. thrown .i lighted cigarette into ,,. , across the lonti papc iper basket. r - '' OOVEENOE CHAMBERLAIN TO K' RETAIN GOVERNORSHIP SALEM. Dr., Jan. 2s. lleorgc E. f'hnniherlain will never resign the gov ernorship. Huch is the word that has been pasaod around the capitol, and it seems to come from an authoritative source. lie has not s.ud that he will re- What he hss said is mat uo win be in attendance at the first session of conirrc after his flection aa senaior. . ion, wan s - In,"?ad of resigning the office of rerie, of lectures her.-, met with , h. ,I ,r he will let his acceptance of I tile reception at the Canterbury so- ST0" "'.!.a!or It a. .'vacation .he wn. presented v;h . o;; f the office nf governor. Thero win , or mom sirisui. n.-. ... . hi 1 f,MB of seeoad of time audi, nee maintained a chorus of hisses, "htlri.. i. bToT.or d Mr,. X.tion ohlige.1 to unit the iirincnu in- n " Tut SPORTING WORLiD Pittsburg In Grand Circuit. iMttsbuiuruiKe uiiu uf.llie beat mem bers of the Brand circuit, promise to aguln become a prominent factor in j i ue Jig tit iwrness worm. . I -and bus beeu secured for tho cuii itructlon of a large park with a mllo track a in a his clubhouse I hat will accuniinotiiitu uot only horse owuers, but automobile owners us well. The present Idea Is to hold u great fair lu connection with a race meet lug of national Importance. This combi nation seems to be the solution of the racing questlou, so far aa tbe light harness horse Is concerned. It Is prob able that the uew association will ask for membership lu the grain, circuit, and those -who remember tbe great meetings that were held lu other days will extend a cordial welcome. Ketchel May Fight Johnson. Stanley Ketchel,, the two time mid dleweight champion, wbo Is fast growing out of his class, will soon forsake the middleweight ranks nnd will take od big Jack Johnson after tbe negro's battle wltb Tommy Burns, Dec. 2G. Tbe report has been circulated that Johnson had challenged Ketchel to a long distance bout, uo matter what BTAKLKY KETCHEL. the termination of his battle with burns would be. Johnson is eoulUlent of winning the heavyweight liile ami says that Kelehel Is the only available man In the world to put up n stiff bat tle with blm. Ketchel has expressed his willing ness to meet the negro, but says that he will rest up tirst before be tackles any one. Drlscoll Wants Audi's Title. That the world's featherweight title is lu danger of changing hands and adorning a subject of the llilllsh Isles was presaged at the National Athletic club recently. Jem Drlscoll Is oue of tbe classlesl little men who ever came out front Kngltitid. He can both bos and punch and kuows all the artltice of the guine. Abe Allen, me present bolder of the title, showed In his re cent OOUl wnu Al tMgasi tuui lie Is on tbedowu grade. An nnalyzafiuu of the contest proved that he has lost speed, cleverness and ring generalship. These three attributes made hiui the great little champlou that be Is. If Drlscoll cuu make the featherweight limit required lu this country. VIZ pounds, ho will provo a dangerous customer for Attell to lockle. k - : WOMAN PICKS A HUSBAND . FROM 1000 APPLICANTS C1I1PPKWA FALLS, Wis.. .Ian. 2S. Miss Primers Livingston nf llnyd, who I I'""-1?" " cived niurn proposals than I any other woinun ia the world, has clws j en Louis Mtruvans of Dorchester, Wis., for her husband, and the county clerk j issued a marriage license to them. Miss j Livingston last Oc-toln r higan to ad vcrtise for a hasbnnil She :iid she was .Hi vears old and good looking: that Ul(. a farm and money ia tne nana. She nuillltailieU thai Hi Il mhpiiui nent this time and noiie-in set a iimtn I that even the youngsti-rs won t toich I ! for a while.' ; The old plod.b r is going to start on -March 15 his Huh .bi.-tliday to walk j from the citv hall here to the city hall i in San Klan'risco. II" ex Is to make i! lu ln days. ' AUNT CARRIE IS HANDED. NOT LEMONS, BUT EOOS house undur police protcctioo. -! j imii in Eriitoiiwhirrmtfii' if 'fi -infr-H i 1.0X1 MIX. .Inn. is. Mrs. Carrie Xa- j .. . : ....;.,,. i.. deliver a -A FEW MONEY-MAKING PROPOSITIONS 6-KOOM MODERN HOUSE West Seventh street, lot 100x400; a very good buy t $3000 9-ROOM BUNGALOW Complete in every detail ; one square from West schoolhouse $3000 7 ACRES GOOD LAND Close to Central Point; all under plow; half laid out in fruit; a snap. $800 30-AC.RE ORCHARD All in 6-year-old Newtown apples; three and one-half miles from Medford; good house, .barn, wagon, stock and implements. This is an exceptionally good buy. A GOOD PAYING BUSINESS On East Seventh street; long lease; small rent and one of the best locations in the city. This is a fine money-making proposition. Sickness reason of selling. MEDFORD REALTY COMPANY ROOM 10 . JACKSON COUNTY BANK BLDO. More Light lor Less Money Sixty-three per cent of electric current saved by using TUNGSTEN LAMPS. . 32 Candle Power EfJison Lamp uses 110 ' Watts per hour and would use in 1000 bis. 110 Kilowatts which at loets. a Kilowatt $11 32 Candle Power Tungstan Lamp uses 40 Watts perhour and would use in 1000 hours 40 Kilowatts whidi at 10c a Kilo watt 4 Net Saving in 1000 hours in favor of the Tungsten Lamp 7 Rogue River Electric Co. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. ' Office, 20G West Seventh Street. Phone No. 355. Opposite the Big Electric Sign. H You Owned the Earth com-" lkn1taa"-J' crease in vaiuj ob it ii'w"1 priiduciDgcapacity incrcascs7n7iT'with-tho right kind of an orchar d, such as some we have to ehow, the purohimer has a chaace of git ting his purchase price back out. of a singlo crop, with prpper man agemcnt. Uow can wealth be accuinu lntcd faster than by buying o ne of the good young orchards we have for ealel Always at vour service for the best buya in this valley. ROGUE RIVER LAND COMPANY EXHIBIT BH1LDJNO, . MKDFOKD, 0RE0ON '. E. ENYART, President. J. A. PERRY, Vice-President. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK " MEDFORP, OR. CAPITAL - -SURPLUS - - 10,000 SafeW Boxes For Rent. A GeneralBank in Bus. ness Transacted, we Solicit Your Patronage. take the Tribune lor News OF OUR- Yon couldn't find a bettor place to live ttiau in tlua glorious Hogue Itivor valley, with its ia comparable winter and summer climato. Just now we have some particularly good duvcloped or chard propositiona to submit to the homosuokor, whiuh aro sure winnnia. Ucst give this matter immediate attontion. It docs not take a very wise man to foresee that tho advance in values which we have been predicting In in coming producing fruit lands is about to materialize. A good young orchard win not only in JOHN S. ORTH, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier. Citv Business Directoil Lot the MISSION FURNITURE WORKS make that piece '"miture. Any deaign, any color, may finish dull, waxed or polished. Shop on cor. ot 8th and H streets. W. M. Oolvlg. 0. L. Beamea. OOLVIO at BE AMES Lawyers. Office: Medford Bank Bldg. Oround floor. Cook Stoves and ranges. Phone 91 MOBDOBFF WOLF New aad Second-Hand Furniture Gads' old stand, 18-20 F St. South KARNES ROOMING HOUSE Newly built and newly furnished All modern conveniences. D. Q. Karnes, Prop. 80 S. 0 St., Medford, Or. MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK ft BLOCK Co. will be prepared Feb ruary 111 to furnish cemeut brick. Bettor than pressed brick and just aa ch"ap. in eBtigato before contracting. P. O. Box 118. MEDFORD TEA AND COFFEE HOUSE Specialists ia Teas, Cof fees, Extracts, Baking Powder and Spices. W carry all kinds of dinner ware and fancy dishes. 818 W. Seventh St. Medford, Or. DB. 0BLB The only exclusive Optician be tween Portland and Sacramento. Office on Seventh Street. When others fail, call on DB. E. J. BONNER Bye Specialist Office in Eagle Pharmacy Main 2.13. Seventh and Main THE HOTEL EMEBIOK Rooms from 60 eentc to $1.30 per day. All modern conveniences. We solicit your patronago. VALLEY AUTO CO. have opened their new garage and repair shop bark of the Moore hotel. Motor eara stored and taken care of. All work guaranteed. Phone No. 8163 COMING AT THE GRAND THE J. H Heardy Stock Co In the three Act Comedy Drama FAMILY AFFAIRS New'IIIustrated Songs and Moving Pictures At the Grand Fri.v Sat. and Sun. Jan 29, 30, 31 Admission r WANTED Timber and Coal Lands Apply to B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs ! THE MEDFORD DAILY NEWS SERVICE IN THB R. B. V. LUNCH BOOM Finest cup of coffee on the Pacific Ooast. H. H. Lorimer Prop. ARTHUR H. DAVIS Contracting Electrical Bnciacer. 210 W. Seventh St., Mvdford, Or. ENVELOPES printed to order LETTERHEADS of all Itylee by The Tribune. THB ELECTRIC AND FRENCH DBY OXBANINQ AND FBBSS INO WORKS W. B. Lane Bon, Propa. Opposite Hotel Moore, Medford Oregon WASOHAU BROWN wish to announce to their patroaa that they are located In their new quarterc in the Young k Hall building. Billiards, Cigars and Tobaeeoa. . DB. FRANK BOBEBTS Dentist Office hours: 8 to 12, 1 to . Miles Building, Seventh Street, Medford, Oregon. THE MISSION ORELL Alwnys opon for business. Neat and clean. Up-to-date. Popular prices. 12 So. C St. Lambert 4 Brown For good bargains in Watchea and Jewolry, Pistols, Masieal In struments, go tu THE MEBFORD LOAN OFFIOB 0 Street. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Undertakers Day Paoue 353 ' Night Phones O. W. Conklin 3d J. H. Butler 148 SB. B. I. OONBOY Successor to Dr. Jones. Office in the Stewart Building. 20 TRIBUNE HAS THE BE8Q SUUTUUHH uuuuuh. 1 SATOT THEATER North d'Anjou Street. Lateit motion piet-reg and Ulat trated conga. Entire change ot program Monday, Wednesday aad Friday. Admiecioa 10 cenU. BLJOU THBArKB, W. 7XH ST. ContUiue-t perforaaaoe twj evening ot moHcn piotnrec and 11 luctrated ballade. Satire change, of program iloaday, Wedacaday Hd Friday. Admission 10 cents. WM. H. AITKBN Plambing, atcaai and Hot Water Mtfcif.. . Pkeaa 8. 810 W. Seventh St,. Medford, Or, EDEN VALLEY KDBSBBT It. S. Bennett, Medford, Or. Grow trcea that cell, tell tree that grew aaad fruit true to label VBRNB T. CANON Billposter and dictribator. , Ail ordeat promptly filled. ' Boom 7 Jae-coa. Co. Bank Bldf . Medford, Or. 0. F. OOOK Sella trees that grow. Office: R. B, V. Depot. O. Box Ml. Phone SOB. Medford, Or. MBS. BD. ANDREWS Vole Guitar and Art of aUnging Studio at Residence. Bast Medford. " fion 225 8. B. 8EELT, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Modorn equipped operating room X Ray. Office hours: 10-12, 8 4 p. m. Office in Jackson Co. Bk. bldg JACK FBtWBNBWBa 8MVngr. Garbage hauled. Medford. DX. WALTWi . STOKHS, Dealiat. " . )" Successor V Dr. J. M. Keeac. NBVBB LOOK BAOC It doeaa 't jay. Keep year ens IkaW o ear exceptional efferiogs. t'J ffi ioring caa aaly be secured fro at til ban ef high class toilers. Oar p rlenre aad metheSs are eart-ioiy werth laveatigatiea. tr eaplgr the ckett work-tea aad ear clalrtM are wIAfut deuht tke most eareffHy selecred ia Ike city. EIFERT The City Tailor I, in n mmmmmmtmmir. M'ri . -rjji Pre. aid BaUroad Ordera. "Something which ia of considerable interest to the public generally and which is perhapa not generally kaewi It the system of prepaid erdera now la effect between statioa ef the Southern Paeifie compaay and all point ia III United States. Ey mean of this system tickets may be purchased at Medford .lm in the Halted State and ! mailed or telegraphed " dlrt to tke party wishing t eome her. Sleeper I. accommodations aad small amount of cash in connection wita these ticket nay also b forwardd at' t""am !." itc his bocoming senator.