Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, January 28, 1909, Page 1, Image 1

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Boost the Development of the Rogue River Country by Subscribing Liberally to the new MeMTPainpimn"
By far tlie largest and but newi report
of wjy paper In Southern Oregon.
Dfftedforcfl laiify
The Weather
Increasing ehiuiUncsa. R;i1d went cm
portion. Wiumer. ' :
No. i27.
1 S
Her Water Supply Accom
odations and Enterprise
Are Set Forth as Argu
ment for Removal
SALKM, Or.. Jan. 2i. The rcsoln
lion of Represen1nli i' Miller of Jack
son eotinly lit submit o it otc of I lit J
people the question nf the removal of
the state capital lit Medford was ii'- J
ferred lit tlit eouimiitee mi resolutions, j
linsitig his rjitiiu-ii t upon Medford 's
mrrvolous resource:, her water supply
and climate, hotel accmiinindnt inns Hint
liliility to care "(,r i'1' entnfurts" nf the :
ritju' officials, Repn Kent ii I i v.e M iller, j
on Wed need ay introduced the following
ji'int hiiiifu resolution fur Hit removal
f the male capital to Medford:
Tit amend nrtifvlo XI V, section 3, of J
the constitution nf Oregon as amended!
Jn tin general election of l!KiS. j
Whereas, At nil election in the year
1rt(U, Salem receive. I a ninjoi'fit.v nf
nil votes cast at the general election nil
the question of the establishment of a.
sect of p i vr rn in he nt a ml -its the consti-i
lution inliiliitetl n change until after
fill years had passed, and
Whereas, It will be necessary soon to j
erect (i new cadlol li i i i I rl i 1 1 on account !
of inadequate size, t. tit iqunted ehaiae- ;
ter ami dilapidated eoiidil inn of the 1
iri'8cnt structure, a; I the danger nf aj
catastrophe, remleretl possible by make
nhift braces to hold up I he floor lie !
tween to lilirary and the hall of rep re-I
ptentatives; and, '
Hotel Accommodations. I
Whereas. Hotel accomodations in Ha-j
lent arc inadequate it ml of a character j
causing discomfort to officials attend-
ing the session of the legislature, which
lias heen evidenced by the introduction
of lawn eiim ;itlli lip; hntrl owners to fur
i.ish clean towels a id sheets nf proper,
length, and the hot. -Is th selves 'are;
nvideiiees of a deplorable hick of pulilic j
spirit, nnd a discourtesy to the city's
quests; and, !
Whereas, the street ear service is in
i'dequate, ami il is necessary to walk j
long distances in order to reach a given I
print, and the water supply such as loj
ndnnger health, ami inasmuch as t ho j
itv of Salem in nii'tiy ways has shown i
Ir.ek nf appreciation nf her honor con-j
lYrred upon her by the people of Ore
gon, ami her cil izens have failed to
'is to the occasion; and. j
Whereas, Tho city of Medford. Jack
sen county. Oregon, is :i live eliy, awake
to her opportunities, the metropolis nf
southern Oregon, which section is eiiti- ;
titled to recognition; awl.
Growth of Medford.
Whereas. The said eily of Medford
is growing more rapidly than any city
in Oregon, h:u th" finest climate on
the const, is conveniently and centrally
local eri, having all those natural ad
vnntnges a capital should have; and.
Whereas, the said city of Medford is
upending half a million dollars to se
eiiro an nluindance of mountain water
superior to that of Hull Knit, and has
adequate hotel accommodations, and is
in lift tor position tn administer to the
wants and convenience of public offi
cials, the members of the legislature
md the public (jeii.Tally; now there
fore bo it
Resolved. By th- Imuso of represen
tatives, the senate concurriaj,', that
there be Hulunitted i' the next jjeneral
dectinn, to the vot-rs t.f the slate of
Oregon, a proposition lonkinji 1 the
removal of tin seat of government
fioin Salem to the city of Medford.
Jackson county. Oregon.
KKNXKTT. al.. Jan. H. T
Kiernan and V. K. Warrens, business
men of Kciineft. have purchased from
fharles Putters a five acre tract of
land onr-half n'ib- imrt lu-ant of town,
which they will fit up ami lay nut a
: eenieterv. Tloir faith in the perma
nence of Keiiin-tt is mMi Hi. -ient 1 y great
thai several thousand dollar-: will be
spent in improving the sp..t and n-n-jiering
it attractive.
Building & Loan Associa
tion Formed By Local
Parties-Elect Officers
The Jackson county Muildiug & I, nan
assijeint inn is one of the latest enter
prices to he placed in the local business
field. The articles of ii. corporal ion were
tiled some time ago.' The charter be
ing received Wednesday, the incorpo-
lators met Weducsdav evenm!? and or- I
The directors for the first year are:
II- rt Anderson, O. . Hoggs, (i. Miller,
TT. F. Piatt, J. K. Watt, P. W. Ilnllis
ami William S. Crnwell. The officers
are: President, Hert ( Anderson ; vice
president, J. K. Watt; secretary, II. P.
Plait; treasurer. M. U Alforri; attor
ney, O. (.'. rtgKS. TI.e capital stock of
the associitl ion is "),( it H)f diided inlo
JoOll shares of .flllll each.
The object of the association is the
accumulation of a fund In J.c loaned
to members for the ewdioii nf homes,
hi this manner Hie niaall valricd per
sons are able to secure a home of their
t'Uh'Afin, .Ian. Jv The pensioning
of nVstitule inothera by the government
is :dvn.-atid li M:-. II. Zimmerman
of ;!.e K.iu-t''tn Woman's club. In a
pica Mr-. Zimiin :ni:-i said:
"A neither'-- time i u.nlh as much
to the stale as a man'! time, a. id it is
work thai Cod h;i- fun tin h'-r hands.
'Mm who are willing In hi women
scrub Iheir office flours ought to he
amaiind Ihat ticre no provision in
u. laws t.-r ill pweioiiirg (f desti
lute mot lots :is u.-l! as t 'ie ..Id sol
1 A count ry that can raise pear
worth iflo a box is the country for
me." said J. II. Stetsonville of firand
Kapids. Mih.. who i- in tin city for
it few davs looking over the valley,
"and I only wish that I could locale
here at the present time. Put business
interests call me back home f-r this
vear at h-a-t. Hat f expert to return
to Medf-.rd and see if I can find a )
cation for mvself."
Ancient Order of United
Workmen and Degree of
Honor Hold Meeting
Wednesday night the A. O. U. W, and
degree of Honor held n joint election
and installation nf officers. Tlmse elect
ed for I he term we-e: M. W., W.
W Is; M. W., P. Ilnbbard; Pore., J.
W. Podge; (., 4. L. Pauioa; Rec, A.
Hubbard (lentil term); Pin., Charles
Strang (i.itli term); Ree., W. I. Vaw-tei-
(inth term); guide, W. P. Dodge;
I. V.( W. II. Marr; ). V., 1(. L. Taylor.
The new officers .if the Degree of
lloimr an: P. of H., Mrs. Ijena Ja
cobs; ('. of II., Mrs. Trcsa Hubbard;
(. of ('., Mrs. Delia Dodge; P., Mrs.
Dora Wt mils; Pin., Mrs. Pona Taylor:
b'ec.. It. L. Taylor; I. W., Mrs. Louisa
hover; O. W.,' A. C Hubbard
lieports of officers for both lodges
show the order to b. in gtd financial
condition, with no debts.
Pour candidates were elected to mem
bership, pebruary 10 a joint session
will be held, when these newly elected
Workmen will be made to "work." All
members are urged to be present and
visiting brothers are cordially invited.
PKOItlA. III., Jan. 2s. After being
converted from a roaring swearing, hea
vv, fisted steamboat captain to assist
ant leader of the choir. William D. Ash
monri eloped with Christina, wife of the
Rev. Klmer H. Parr. The Rev. Mr. Parr
is pastor of the Peoria city mission and
often pointed with pride to the refor
mation of Ashinoiid. Re fore the cople
departed thrv stripped the pastor's lit
tle home of dishes, b'-d clothing, all the
money in sight and all the wife' per
sona! effects. Aslnnond ' former wife
deserted him for another man. He is
o years old. Mrs. Parr is Ml years old
ami has been married Ifl yen in.
LITTLK ROCK. Aark. Jan. 2s. For
its alleged failure to comply with tlje
law requiring all locomotives to be
quipped with electric headlight, the
Iron Mountain railroad i being sued
bv the state for penalties aggregating
Canon, Emerick and Welsh
File Statement With Recorder-Each
States That
He Spent Nothing
It cost W, II. Canon, V, J. Pmerick
ami P. A. Welch not one penny to be
leeted to their respective citv offices
(luring the n cent city campaign, ami no
promises of patronage were made, ac
cording to the affidavits they have
placid on file with the eitv recorder.
as required by law.
I he three officials each filed their
statement nu Thursday morning, I he
three of them being; exact copies. Fol
lowing is that of V. II. Canon, mayor:
"State of Oregon, County of Jacsoti.
"1 W, II. Canuti,. having been can
didate at Iht election for the city nf
Medford on the I'Jth day of January,
1 being first duly sworn, depose
ami say: That no money or other valua
ble thing was given, paid, expended,
contributed or promised, ami no im
plied liabilities were incurred by me to
aid or promote my nomiiiatioii or elec
tion or the election of my party can
dates at said election.
"And' I further stat.on oath that
i have not, and to tho best of mv
knowledge nnd belief, no person or any
club, tmciety or association has, on my
behalf, whether authori.ed or uol, made
any payment or given, promised or of
fered ' any reward, office, employment
or position, public or private, or valua
ble consideration, or incurred any I in
bility.on accimnt of or in respect of the
conduct or management of said norii
iuntioji or election.
" And I further state on oath that
I will not, except si far as I may be
permitted by law, at any future lime,
make or be a parly to the making or
giving of any payment, reward, office,
position or employment or valuable con
sideration for the purpose of defray
ing anv such expenses or obligations as
herein mentioned for or on account of
mv nomination or election, or prmnot
or bo a parly to the providing of any
money, security or cipuvuletit for mon
ey for tho purpose of def raying any
such expenses.
. "V. IT. CAN'ON'."
"Subscribed and sworn to before tne.
this 27tli day of January.
' 1 Xotarv Public. ' '
YRKKA. Calt Jan. SR. Forty-two
mining claims, aggregating :ttion acres
of placer ground, havo been located
since New years on the Klamath rivet
between Happy Camp and the Hum
boltlt county line. Those notices have
been filed for record by the same par
ties who last, year located n large acre
age on Klamath river, above Happy
'"amp. The claims are located for the
operation of gold dredgers. Nine men
jointly located Die 12 claims, la each
instance eijht men of the nine would
locate I fin aeroH in a body, the ninth
man locating 20 acres adjoining. The
reason for thiP odd arrangement is not
made known.
It is noted that fewer mining loca
tions than common were made this
year. In years past 40 or claims
were located on every Xow Year's day.
This year tho first day locations were
less than nholf a dozen.
Aside from the 12 locations on Klam
ath river, which are nut of t he or
dinary, the number of mining claims
located in Siskiyou county si me the
beginning of the new year does not ex
coed ."0.
In Shasta county, on the smith, over
200 new mines have been located in the
same time.
W. W. Kifert. the city tailor, is mov
ing from his old location on South Cen
tre.! avenue to a new one in the Hall
A Young block on From street, Mr.
Kifert ha, ordered i large number of
fixtures nnd will have one if th. finent
laihwing establish!!! i in Oiegon when
things art' arranged.
Island Is Again Free and
Independent Nation
Gomez Assumes Office
HAVANA, .Ian. 2S. This afternoon
the flag of "Cuba Libio" floats once
morn over a free :ind independent na
tion floats proudly from the palace
wherein President Jose Miguel Gome,
and Vice President Alfredo Zayas took
he oath of nffiro avid where Governor
Magooii, tho beneficent dictator of Pn
cte Sam, relinquished the cares and
trials of government. Today's cere
monies marked the end of the second
period of American intervention in thuj
island, which began with the breaking
out of the revolution in August, 1 Hi Mi,
against the government of tho late
President Touias Ki trada Palma,
Tomorrow Magoou will sail for Wash
ington to rentier aa account of his stew
ardship to Presiden' Roosevelt. Por
nearly two years he hna ruled over the
island as the head of tho provisional
government terminated today. Thai he
has won the respect end admiration of
the Cubans was abundantly manifested
today, when ho shared largely in I he
ovation tendered the ew president and
Elaborate Oeremonle.
Klaborate ceremonies marked the in
auguration of President Gomez ami
Vice-President Xayas, which took place
shortly after noon today. Diplomats
f'-om alt nations filled tho palace, their
gay uniforms adding to the picturesque
scene. A parnria rivalling that to be
held in Washington tin March 4 passed
through the streets and under a magnif
icent arch of triumph. Scores of bands
played, flags floated from nearly every
building of the capital and the pnpu
lace gave vent to it r. enthusiasm in
every imaginable manner. Several
American warships including the new
Maine, the successor of the vessel nf
that name which went down in Havana
liarbnr, are hrc and fired n national
salute. The United States troops and
sailors now remaining in the island did
not part icipate in today 's ceremonies,
as it wan thought I hat their presence
might detract from tho pride of t he
people in the hour of their resumption
of homo rule.
Although the American soldiers will
not be finally withdrawn until the first
of April, they will make themselves an
inconspicuous ns possible, and the khaki-clad
Cuban rural guard and Havana
j olice. dressed in gendarme fashion,
will have the entire responsibility for
the maintenance of order.
THEY ARE HEIRS TO $3,000,000
CHICAGO, Jan. 2. Harry Winter
son and family of HH Oakley avenue
have received a message from Pnglaml
to the ef ftut t hat t lied become heirs
to an estate nf $3,01)0,000. Tho report
wan that Mrs. Klizabeth Sweet of
1 (right on, Pnglaml, had diet, leaving
this sum to her brother.
"It is true that 1 have such a sis
ter," said Mr. Wintcrson, "and sho is
enormously wealthy. She anil her has
band have largo interests in South Af
ricii. Th"y ran what for many years
vjih the biggest hole) in Johannesburg,
ami they have large property interests
there. I am not sure but that there
are some mines. They went there be
"ore the liner war, and in later years
they went back to Kngtnud to live, but
made tho trip to Africa twice a year
to look after Iheir interests,
"I haven 'I hear') from my sister for
n year," he said, "and iho has never
hinted Ihat her husband was dead. Of
course if her wen-, end she died intes
late, neeordiiig to Knglifih law I, as her
eldest brother, would be heir, ns she
has no children. ' 1
ATLANTA, tin., Jan. 2." Ihirri
man is a 'grunting eiigma,1 says May
or M add ox of this city. Paring a recent
trip through Atlanta with Harrimau he
ib-clnnst ho answered every quest ion
by grunting ' ' mice or t wiee like an
Took All of Thoir Clothes and What
Money They Could Find In House
They Are Thought to Be hi Some
Nearby City,
Pearl Dox, aged 10, and Gertrude!
Genual, aged M, of Jacksonville have
disappeared from their homes anil so
far flic distracted parents havo failed
lo locate them'. The police in the towns
throughout tho cotintv have been noti
fied, ami it is thought that the young
slots will soon he located ami returned
to their homes.
The two young ladies live a short
distance up Jackson creek. Wednesday
morning they each notified their folks
that they would like an extra large
lunch put up. Nothing was thought of
I his, ami the girls had their request ,
granted. They then started for school,1
When Ii o'clock came the parents of
I he two girls each began wondering
where their respective child was. They
finally met, ami when it was found
I hat the two had disappeared a thorough
search was instituted.
Took Their CloakH.
When tho rooms of tho girls had been
searched it was found I hat they had
taken with them all of their clothing
i'juj what money was easilv found in
I he house.
It next it velopcd thai tho two girls
had not been al school during the tiny,
their teacher supposing that the girls
were ill or Dial some other cause hat)
kept I hem at home.
Oa Wednesday night nearly all of
Jacksonville engaged in I he search, but
found nothing. It h thought that the
girls went to Ashland or some other
city not a great w-ay off. The puliee
throughout the county have been noti
fied' to keep a lookout for I hem.
KKNXKTT. Cal.f Jan. 2H Last eve
uing there was an attempted holdup
between here and Morely, a station four
miles above Kenuett. Nomina I.aPlant,
who is al tending school in Kennel I,
going to his home at Morley Fridays (o
remain over Sunday, was stopped by
ii masked man jusl above the railroad
I ii in'I half a mile north of town.
As ho was starting late in tho eve
niug. La Plant, al I he suggestion nf a
friend, took with him a revolver. Short
ly afler being slopped by I he robber,
a stone, loosened by I ho frost, rolled
down the side of Die railway cut. and
the fellow turned his head mentarily.
Al this, LaPlant drew his revolver nnd
fired on the robber. The latter returned
the fire. Tiring seven shots in all, one
of which buried ilself in a roll of pa
pers the bov was carrying. Pour went
through his eotil b-tween his left arm
I his body. One of these grazed Ins
body, inflicting a sbght wound.
The lust shot fired by l.a Plant look
off the robber h hat, whereupon he put
his hand to his head and made off. It
is not known whether he was some
vhal hurt, or was merely endeavoring
to prevent the loss of his mask. La
Plant I hen went on to .Moi ley. return
ing here to notify il fl'icers of the
urrei The aid nipt at roimcry
would have been fruitless at all events.
as he was carrying no money or other
limbics of any kind.
CARLYI.K, PI.. Jan. 2. William M.
Kogan. who has been a justice of the
peace for .11 years, has resigned because
of failing eyesight. His son, John r..
Rogan, has been appointed to fill the
Squire Rogau was first elected in
liishtowii, his first commission having
been signed by Governor John M. Pal
mer in KiiU. He removed to this city.
where lie was also elected a justice, his
commission in I his township having
Keen sinned by Governor A It geld in
The venerable justice has a repnta
ion in the inarrviag line, having tied
: liout r.oo matrimonial knots during his
official enreor.
New Law Becomes Effect-
tivs in Seven Days-Will
Create an Insunance
MALUM, Or., Jan. The statu tax
levy for the current year, which was
nullified by the supreme court, was
renewed by a bill that passed tho house
unanimously today. The senate passed
the same bill, and it becomes effective
in seven days. ' ;
. The house committee on insurance
tmlay decided to report an amendment
to the llean bill for the creation of an
insurance department requiring the 1)1111-!
licat ion of the annual report in each
county where an agency is maintained.
In the senate a bill making it man-'''
(daughter to kill nnyotio by mistake
while hunting was defeated.
CHICAGO, Jan. 2K. A wild Canadian
romance, in which the "villain" at tho
point of a revolver compelled tho young
woman to become his wife, was related
by Laura A. A. Ptiueld, stenog
rapher, to Judge Philbrick to whom
she applied for tho annulment of hor
marriage to John II. Harvey.
Miss Punch! 's suitor, Pa nil Kssery,
wan absent one evening iu July, 1000,
she testified, when Harvey drovo to the
ytung woman's home in Petrolia, Out., -and
forced her to go with him to a
minister in Carnia, 'a nearby town. Har- "
vey, it was asserted, threatened to kill
M iss Dunlii'ld, Kssery am) himself if
she did not consent to be married to
him. Arriving al the home of the. min
ister, a man of the name of Oliver, the
ceremony was performed. On the re
turn home Miss Punltohl sobbed while
Harvey gloated.
Miss Punfleld, who is 20 years old,
lives wilh her mother and brother nt
101 Jackson boulevard. She is employ
ed as a stenographer in the office of
i lifo insurance company and has lived
in Chicago since her unfortunate expe
rience with Harvey.
Mrs. Rachel lmi(i"hl, mother of the
complainant, and Victor Diinllchl, a
brother, corroborated her testimony.
HA X PRANCISCO, Cal., Jan. 28.
Apparently both I he money and the
exuberance of A. R. Curzon of Toron-i
in, relative of Lord Cur .on. are inert
haiisl ible.
Yesterday Cur.on spent 1000 in n
hizarrn fashion at Iho St. Francis. Lnst
irght lie ntildid I hat episode by several
After an absence of 311 hours Curxon
:.sked the maimgemen; of th- St. Fran
cis if tli"re was any money for him. A
package was handed him containing
." Ml in bank notes. The management
;Iho presented him with ft bill and ask
ed if he would look over the items to
be sure they were correct.
"Never mind that." was Cumin's
Then he tore up tho bills, tossed them
i to the air ami watched the pieces
diower about his feet.
As Ctirzoti left, the hotel a moment
later he slipped a $20 gold piece into
iho hand of a policeman, "just to
show them," he explained, "that X am
inleutly opposed to that flimsy paper
POISK, Idaho, Jen. 2S. F.dwnnl
llnltzheitner, u prominent citizen of Po-
tatcllo, and a niemlvr of tho house of
representatives, is being sought by nn
officer with a warrant for his arrest,
i harged with forgery. Ho is charged
by the menus of various . forgeries of
having obtained several thousand dob
Visitors to tho Alaska-Yukon-Pneific
exposition next summer will find ideal
weather during tho entire time of tho
fair. Seattle never Hilt fen from ex
itremes in heat or cold.