BAllA' T1UUUNE, OltEfiOX. WEDNESDAY, JAN tTARV 21. V.m. Social and Personal J. C. Lewis of Portlund in a Medford visitor. Mm. K. A. Kcamcg lias returned from li visit to HUUlinro. J. II. Martin of Grants Pam is upend ing some dove iu Medford. . A. C. Jlowlett oi' Kuglo Point w.-im a recent Mudfurd visitor. Sheriff liarnm of Kin mat h county wus tn Medford on bmiineHS Tuesday. B. Conner of 8nnin Vr.lley spent Tiles day in M i'd ford on business. 10 in gold for Die bant looking buby t.(. 'Jregory'i ttudlo. tf Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Smith of Cden precinct were recent M dl'uid vinitorn. Editor Paltison r.f Ihu Central Point HoraJd v. in in Medford Wednesday on business. W. A. Hainan nf Shu Francisco is visiting with bin father, Jude II. K. Hi'. una, in Jacksonville. )rdors for swnot crun or buttermilk , mptly filled. Phone the Mm. W. C. Pawco, who ban been visit ing relatives in Medford, has relumed to her homo in Aberdeen, Width. . J. A. Wagner of Talent was in Mod ford on business Wednesday. . B. J. HntlKton of Salem it looking over the Rogue Itiver valley with a view of locating. Captain Voorhii'i, who Ikih been vis Hing in Med ford for mime, ban left for southern California. Miss Maud ltngdulc has r vend from a recent illness and is again able to greet her many Medford friends.' P. H, Leonard, who with his family ban been visiting friends in Medford has relni-iud to bin home 111 Wenu chee Wash. Paul Morn:tti, who has been visiting some months in Porthuid, has again re turned to Medford. He will probably spend the summer in this eily. Iijor the short time wt are hero yon havfl an opportunity of having expert work in rebuilding nod repairing sow lhg machines. As a rule yon hnTu oniy boon able to have the serviees or in ponijwtont workmen. People living in iho uountry and surrounding towns nee-l only to bring hoad of machines. Rooms t Dr. Stephenson's, corner Ninth mil H streets. I'hone 50fi. Nsw Cams. tttalo of Oregon vs. John Haluinsou; gross fraud. '. It. Walttnn, attorney for clef ndant. MARRIED. HTAOtJH.SPIT.KIi In Jacksonville, on January HB, by Ifov. Ifnbert Kiinis, Levi A. Stugga nnd Evelyn Spitzcr. Marriage Licoiiflos. Levi A. Htagg nnd Kvelyn Spilzer. Pro b a to. Kstate V, V. .lones; inventory and ap praiBiuneiit filed and order made to with draw personal propurty for use of mi nor children. Guardian Florida II. Charlton; order mado appointing M. J Charlton guard ArtlcloB of Incorporation. Articles of incorporation of Medford Hutto Falls Recreation Club filed with J- W. Hollis, J. C. Hrown, TL P. Plaft, K. R. Van Dyke, J. T. Summerville, Charles B. (lay, (,'. W. Palm, (). II. Huw land, II. D. Howard and II. C. Kentner incorporators. Capital stock .l(inn. Amount of each share, $1150. OUR DEAR OLD AUNT CARRIE IN VAUDEVILLE LoNDON, Jan. 27 Carrie Nation, the champion catch -ar catch ran saloon Mmii-her of America, has broke Into van dcillo and is uppearing this week at the P.mgon mid Canterbury theaters. Carrie is not doing n Hnhuno stunt or a Spring dauco. Her "turn" consists of n characteristic lecture on the evils of boom and 'baccy, nflor which she p:nsos omong the audience selling min iature hntchets and pnmphlots at a six pence a throw. She is proving a greal attraction in vaudeville, and the hnusos whore, she is playing alternately are always crowded. Al'ler completing her 1 ugagemcnt in Loudon, Carries is book rd for Cardiff, Wales, where she has sienod up for 0 lengthy engagement, at 100 pounds a week nnd her "keep." EMBASSY IN WASHINGTON OBSERVES KAISER'S BIRTH WASHINGTON, Jan. U7. The black, whitft and red flag with the imperial German eagle iu the center is flying from the flagstaff of the Gorman em bassy today in honor of the 50th anui versary of the birth of I ho emperor, la celebration of the occasion, the em bassy staff and a number of prominent Cermans of Washington will be enter tained at dinner tonight. LA GRANDE STIRRED UP OVER HOUSE BURNING LA GRANDE, Or., Jan. i!7. Thu city iu Btirrcd up over the arrest of Jov Williams, a negro, who is accused of 1-aving fired the Hilts-An tmsu building last night, when over $.ViOn in property wai destroyed. The district attc.rney, whoso house hold good a were destroyed, caused the arroit of the negro eniploy d about the I.oukc. Public opinion is strong that the negro find the residence out m per ronal spite. A word battle ensued ,nmt previous to the discovery of th fire. you Are Going to Build PLEASANT BIETHDAY PAETY HELD SUNDAY NEAR TALENT Holiday, January "4, records oau of the moKt pleasant events that has oc curred ia North Talent for some time, it being the birthday pnrty given in honor of Mr. J. H. Slaggs' .IHd birth-I,-:y. Ab-ii something over fill invited "rie.'ils partook of a birthday dinner and wjM'iit u most enjoyable day at this pleasant home. Music and pleanant conversation fill ed the iiioriU'litrtt. Twenty of the nidgh bom in t he town joined in and gave Mr. Hlagg u beautiful rending ehair. -t. S. Ktephens furuivhed music with his fine grnphophoue with Hit records. Mr. Slagg and daugl-.ter had prepared a 'feast worthy of tb" uei-UHion, to whielt all did ample jmtie". Thosr having the pb-ustiro of being present w'tf. Mr. George Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. I S. MeDonnld, Mr. and Mrs. Charles lt..garl of Central Point, Mr. and Mrs. Kighmy of Medford, Mrs. Joshua I'atterson, Mr. and Mrs. P. ii. Oalinan and ehildren, Mr. and Mrs. Cun ningham of Talent, Mr. Hiid Mrs. Raw lings of Medford, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Croy, Mr. and Mrs. C Cnry, Mr. and Mrs. John Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Jo seph Stiinliviint, Mr. .1. K. Copland, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Htcdienn nnd children. Mr. and Mrs, V. H. Htaneliff, Vivian Stancliff. Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Jacobs. Mr, n ml Mrs. C. K. McClain, Mr and Mrs. J. I). Henry. Mr. and Mrs W. W. Hartley, Mr. and Mrs. K Gibbs. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bogart of Central Point. Miss Kvelyn Spitzer, Chester Palmer of Medford. Miss Carrie Slngg of Ash land, Mr. J. K. Hebnic, James MeDon aid, Mr. and Mrs. J. H Stagg. Mr. Tevil Mtagg. NEW SIGN ATTRACTING MUCH ATTENTION Tlio new sign standing 011 See v nth street, repriKenting a red Fiji islander, ia rt tenet ing eoiiHiilerable attention. Morgan & Klum aro tlie designers. It was a nifty idea. REDMEN PLAN TRIP TO JACKSONVILLE THIS EVENING The loeal Redmeu are planning a trip to Jacksonville this evening, a special iniin having been clmilercd for the oc casion, f I rent Kaeliem Fitzgerald will install t he new chiefs of Pocahontas tribe in that city. As many as can are urged to attend. The fare on I he "". I for lied ' special Iraiu will be Hfi cents men. EXPLOSION OF GAS IN CELLAR KILLS MAN ONKT, Mass., Jan. Ii7. Martin Thay er, aged m, h retired shoe uinuufuet ur er of Boston, was killed yesterday by an explosion of as in the basement of his residence. His wife, who hns been ill in bed, may die from the shorlt of the explo sion. Thayer went into the basement, car rying a lighted lantern, to examine a private gas plant. Kscaping gas wun ignited by the lantern. The en I ire front waJl of the house was blown out and the shock was felt for miles around, mimv windows in near by but tilings being shattered. SNOMSTORM FOLLOWS RAIN . IN NORTHERN CALIFORNIA ItKIUHNC, Cal., Jan. 27. The hard I snowstorm that has been experi eed in this section of the slate in 'to ri-A prevailed today and tonight. Tel egraph and ti'lephin.' wires are badly tangled and not a train hns passed through the Sacramento canyon today. I lie snow blockade m inoro complete Ih-iii the tieup of trntfic last week by floods and washouiM. There has been no communication with points north of hero all day. A heavy snow fll during the day from Anderson north to the state li:e and from Ued Uluft' toutli it rained. JAPAN WILL WITHDRAW HER TROOPS FROM CHINA ToKN), Jan. '27. It in reported that In pi) a will carrv out the withdrawal of her troops in north China, irrespective of the action of other powers. The bud get estimate of 1,000,1)00 yen for ship ping suhftidicH promises to excite an miniated inniry during the present ses sion. The members of the Ytiwhinkai party demand a strict accounting, claim iug that the appropriation fur a Mouth American lino benefits only two sn'nin ihips. SAMUEL QOMPERS IS APPEARING AS SPEAKER NEW VOliK. Jan. L'7. HamuH n.,,,, pcrs, president of th American Fetlcra lion of Labor, will tonight open a course of lectures to be given under the aus pices of the Kthieal Social league, when he will speak on "The Trade Cnuuis for Social Progress." Other speakers me course will he Dr. Samuel Sehul mail, Dr. Stephen S. Wise. ProiV,r Leslie Willis SnraiMic. Ir. .I.thn Holmes, John I.. Klliott. I)r I ;.ri.t., I Williams and Charles Sprague Smith. MANY WILL ATTEND TARIFF REVISION MEETING 1NIM .APOMS. Id.. J.,. 17.-A Mirancex received from all over th, (omitry iudicato u huge attendance of tmlutrtt nit men at the uatioual tariff rewhion meettng to be held in this citv the mcbiie of next month. Lot m figur with yr.u. No vntrart t.'.i Iitrp or too mnaP. 8tiiotio Kunmntpod. i L. E. BEAN CONTRACTOR AND Pitt LP FX, lidfoid, OrtgdB. ' i h 1 f - !, ' , ' , " I u- ' : r - . 1 X. , ? , i ' . , n ! ' ;s ; - 1 f . - r ' f' - s ; ' ' . f f , ,4,1 - " 1 "sM v - i. x f ' 1 , , - a '. v fw4 4 Htajt I , V . , m y - " r. HI HENRY, WHOSE FAMOUS MIN FORD, FRIDAY, PRESBYTERIAN LADIES ENTERTAINED BY MEN Tlio ladies of the Presbyterian elinrrb were entertained iu Tuesday evening by the Men's elub of Die eliiirrli. At H o'clock the invited guests gathered 11 round t he tables, wlrirh were lit'leu with a lavish array of edibbs. The busies.- meeting of the elnli Was l.x ,.-(l..r t.u I I-1 ltnl,.1, ,,.. u-l... spoke on the work of the elub, which ' ,.. ,. - . ,.. fur the ensuing yei'.r. Rev. Shields presided as loastmjMh-r for the evening. Several musical se lections were rendered ami dii'lVn-iit topics of interest discussed by the mem hers of t he club. Following the bampu t the menwunk era all joined in the singing of verses from favorite old songu. The credit of the evening 's enjoy ment was due to the efforts of the fol lowing committee: V. Ii. Walt, l. W. hake, F. F. Merrick, Clarence Core, J. F. Ilutehasoii, F. K. Merrick, ( ail Cl.-is cow, J. liobeils and Missis llarxey ind Meava. SPOKANE CAPITALISTS MAY STOP OVER IN MEDFORD .1. P. Graves, t he president of the Inland Kmpire railroad system of Spo kane, und l. W. Twehy, president of the Old National bank of Spokane, pass- 1 through Medford Tuesday on their wav to California. Tiiev promised lr. Keddy that they would stop off on their way back. RANGERS HAY THEY HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH STAKES ni.'TTK FALLS. Or., Jan. L'7. To the Fditor: Our Butte Falls correspondent writes iu one of last week "s issues of the Southern Oregmtia'i t h::l neveral huttdred ritakes had been made 011 rail road laud iu tin vicinity of Unite Falls, that these staked had been seized by a ranger and sold, and our correspondent wishes to know whet her 0111- rangers are under the employ of tiie railro:id 01 1 he government. l! appears to us that a 111:111 wilh the intelligence t hat our correspondent should have would know that the guv ernniont wouldn't piy .f""i per month for rangers to look afl -r railroad affairs; 'herefor', W" must conniiU"- 1 1: I a gr-'at mistake, for we believe tlnil of our range i'h know enough to stay v: i t hiii their boundary and conduct their liUtliueNN likewise. JOHN l. lloLST. J. W. KKLSOH, Assistant Hanger. M.tiSHFll-:Ll). Or.. Jan. ''l!. - The government dredger Oregon has about linished the work of dredging near the i A. Smith mill and will now stai 1 ou the main channel of the bay in front nf MarshhVld. The dredger 'has I n doing good work ami the benefits of deepening and widening the channel .ire air. ad v felt. MEDFORD THEATER Friday January 29 Original an t Only Hi Henry's Greatest Minstrels ENTIRELY NEW 10-STAR COMEDIANS. 10 14 VOCALISTS - H Orand Electrical Scenic First P.nrt Fanfleul Con?rptton of THE PALACE OF ALADDIN Hear th Fainom Military Band Concert at noon j;n. 7 00 y. m Price J5c, ,VV, 7.V, $l.o(. flTREL COMPANY COMES TO MED JANUARY 29. f AMUSEMENTS. 1 A Stride' In Minstrelsy. After seeing Hi Henry 'b latent achieve meat in minstrelsy yon will mirely agree uhli others who have pronounced this season'ti production a complete example ot I he latoHt strides in tho advancement of this popular form of a!traction. This big production, carrying oi performers, an immense concert baud, two carloads of scenery ami appliances anil the very I:-1 est in cost tone ;uid scenic effects, will ponitively appear at the iMedftird Tloater on Pi-iil.iy, .lanue.ry L"J. Admit liag that, fun Jhright, refined fun is the essence of minstrelsy, Hi 'Henry's ioiimtrels this ser.son present the kings -f clever comedy, including Pat Craw- id, Hilly lieid, George Poster and oth is. The elaborate) first part nf this -eacoii 'h production in sparkling with brilluint and beautiful effects. At the rifje of the curtain the entire company I introduced iu (he. palace af Aladdin, a work of scenic art that has met with e.:endel praise from both the press and public nil over the country. Vaudeville artists of rare merit, sing em, dancers, specialty performers and numerous other features make up one of the most complete minstrel programs now before t lie public. The company will give n big street parade and band concert ,".t noon. He sure and get tick ets earlv. Classified Advertisements WANTED. W.WTKl) Pifly boxes of Newluwna ami Spitzenburg apples. Apply of M. Stewart, at the Nush. . W A TKi)---Private boarders. Impure :,l WVl X. H'irtlett street 271 W A NTi;n Woman cook at Hopkins orchard. Telephone Muiu 1H3. W A NTKI A girl for general house work fur a family of three. AdHress P. . Hox (!S7. 26S t FOB SALE. I'dH S A I -10 A set ol'.work harness. In ipiire :it P N. (J street. 'JtN I'l'li SALK Two gasoline wood sawing iu:i-hincs in yoi condition, and a work horse. M. M. Maine, Mdlford. Or. 7 1 : I'tHi S.MjK - tlood resilience lots, ulose in; also good o acre orchard; deal with owner; save coinmiKsien. Address J. tare of Tribune office, " h'Ai SA 1,1-: ilnuHGsT "loTaand" land "in Phoenix, or in tract to suit from one acre to (MO acres. Matt Calhoun, Phoe nix. Or. TOR RENT. J Tuli l C.N'T Seven room furnished limine, close in. Inquire W. M, French, roHin 7. Jiu'kfitin Co. Hank b!dg. - tf 1 . Medford Time Table SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Northbound No. hi, Oregon Kipress 5;-4 p. in. No. M.Portland Ks press. . ..j 9:4U a. in. 1 Southbound N". l.r'i''aliforuia Express.. .10:;i5 a. m. No. IU San Francisca Kxp... 3:20p.m. Ni. 'J-ol'roin Orauts Pass....j 9:15 p.m. No. 'JlTi.Por Ashland 10:15 p. m. ROGUE RJVER VALLEY RAILWAY No. 2 Leaves Medford 10:45 a. m. No. -I Leaves Medford 5:35 p. in. Motor l.eaves Medford 2:00 p. in. MotorXeaves Medford 9:00 p.m. No. eaves Jacksonville . . 9:00 a.m. No. ,'lil.eares Jacksonville. . . 3:30 p.m. MittortT.eavet Jacksonville.,. 1:30 p.m. Motort.eavca Jacksonville, .j 7:30 p. in. MAIL CLOSES A.M.jP. M. . . 9:19 4:54 '10:05 2:50 j 7 : 20 8:00 . ...10:30 5:20 Northbound Southbound . FTtiftB Point . PEOPLE OF THE DAY A-hunting With Rootevslt. Kdinuud Hellur of Riverside, Cal., who bos been engaged by President Uuoaevelt to accompany hi hunting party to Afrlcu, Is at present u pro fessor lu the Culifuriilu Slate uiu Beum. AltbougU only twenty-Keven years old, l'rofessor Heller lias been through Afrlcu. Austrullu uud South America. He Is an expert on big game a; d stands high us a biologist uud historian. Speaking of hU du ii i 011 the trip, Professor Heller bald: "My chief worli will be supplying iiHit e ut the start und taking cure of the large gituiu. Later, on our return. 1 tuuy classify part of the eollectbm, which will be deposited In the Na tional musi'uiii tit Wushluwtoii. "The party will leave New York in March and go direct to Naples uud the 1 leu to MoiubaHa. Most of our time will be spent In British ami C.ertuan Kast Afrh-n, In the centre.l elevated EDMUND IIELLKII. portion, with which I am ul ready fti- : mltlur. The trip will lust one year. Tlio party will consist of tlio presi dent und bin son Kertult, Di Means, ! a United States army doctor nnd well ! known uaturallst; J.A. Luring, a Held uaturallBt, und Professor Heller. The president anil his sun will do nil the ; shootiug of big game, uud Lor Ing will I collect small utiliuuls. Dr. Means will I be the chief naturalist, uud Professor Heller will tic his colleague. Immortal Bill. A Pblladelpblati on bis return from Berlin talked ut the Philadelphia club about Katser Wllhelm. "You know tbo kaiser'8 ballet of 'SardanaptilusV " be snld. "Well, this ballet made a success, und In Its honor the kaiser gave a dinner. "Berlin Is luugblug over an Incldeut of the dinner. It seems that one of the speakers said In the course of his speech: " This bullet tenches us a powerful lesson. It shows us that wo cannot i escape our fate. As tho Immortal Wll j Ham once said, "There's n divinity 1 tlmt shapes our ends, rough hew them -ns wo may." And so' "The kaiser applauded thunderously. " 'Tbat Is clever, very clever,' he cried. 'But when did I say It? I've quite forgotten.' " Successor to Mr. Loeb. Fred Warner Carpenter, who will succeed Mr. Loeb as private secretary to the presldeut on March 4, Is emi nently qualified for the job by train ing und exKrleuce. A native of Cali fornia, he iA admitted to the bar In Minneapolis. Having also learned shorthand, he went back to San Kriui etsco and became a stenographer In a law office. Jnst nl this time Judge Taft was in the Philippines us the tlrst civil gov ernor of the Islands. Being In need of VUlAt W. ("Altl'UN 1 Ell. ! a UUfh grade American stenographer, j he cubletl to San Krnnelseo, ami youne j Ottt'iwuter t bought the offer k"k1 j miouri to make the trip to the Philip pines. 1 Since tbat time be hns been a round ! the world with bis lUstlnmilsheil chief. ! When J u dire Tnft resl;iHl us seere j tary of war Carivuter also left the I government service uiul Joined bis I foroes with the KepublKan candidate for the presidency. Mr. I'ariM-iiter Is the opposite of his chief In physK at makeup, being slender nnd luck In 4 In sturdy physhjue. LUMBEHR ASSOCIATION IS MAKING STUDY OF TARIFF M1XVKAPOUS. Minn.. .Ian. 27. i,iur-t ions relating to the tariff and t .1 j'uib!e ithortaife tt lumber, owinj; to the rapid destru.'tien of the forest, are occpyin the Northern Ptne Man nfacturer ' association at its annual mtetui here. Klecti n of offireis for the new year will take place before adjournment. VKrn7rr"A if J All Kaveland China , . J. 3 Qff Ail Fancy China . . J-3 Off All Fancy Dinner Plates 1 ,3 Off All Japanese Fancy China J-30ff UsonaBrown&GreenWare In Steins, Bowls, Jars, Vases etc. ONE-HALF the Marked Price rprp With every 25c purchase TilEX a chance on that Beauti ful $83.00 BLUE ENAMEL RANGE we will give away April 1 1909 2 0 10 PIECES of FaiiGy China and Fancy Glassware at 10-15-25 and 50 g each. The same Style and Quality Goods that cost you 2 to 3 times that price elsewhere 1 n onn souveni' pst Cards X J 9 JJSJ Southern Oregon Views Why pay more when ni Fflffl you get the best here at1 U LQWI ii Cash HAVE YOU RENTED A STALL In the New Portland Public Market -363 STALLS: The t'utun ntv:it nmury niakcr nl I'tui html Four -fifths nf tli.i Htnlls have Ih-cii lakci, lmt a f'W kI0,I Ini-atinns rcmniii. Owned and controlled by Portland men, Inde pendent of all Meat, Fruitgrowers or Dairy Trusts nvers nu entiiv lilnrk, two flimr, "iti.'l Htalln, S0,00l) square feet of ppP ilcvnicl t Miarki-f slalls. :tiM),u(in culpii' feet luMiiinnal space used for euM ;:tii;tr ai'il k't-1 making. Moving Stairways to Second Floor hViiif.-ivr-l fwiKTfle ImiMitig , in;i ' filling. li-l'rii'ratnl rnunU'rs I'rcc l.i.Vitrd iii an ideal retail market center Fifth, Sixth, (llisuu ami lluyl :ilre'ts rebelled direct liy all car lines fur nne faro; nenr Kaat Side hrides and direct If in frnnt I' the new Kast Side bridge. One street section reserved for the farmers. Building now under construction. Opens in April. The stalls in the Seattle1 Public Market, which wan opened one vear an. a. iw each command a premium nf $2iMm and upward. Porl'lund n.-.-d:: just Mirh a retril tnarkei as we are building, and it will score n hig siit'eesn. Rentals. 1K a niuiilh and upward. includiii heat, !iuht, janitnr serv ice, im-u!'!"!-, reii ijri-raturs, etc. Write, call or telephone Portland Public Market and Cold ' Storage Co. HERBERT BOOTH, KING, General Manager. Kxecntie Offices. 7IS-7l! Hoard nf Trade Hld.. Fourth and Oak Sts. IN.rtliind On cn. I'lmiie .Main 7 1.10 and A -5151 The Remainder. 1 Slx-yem-' !-l Lay's leaelier was en i deavorim 10 j: : , o,in; very simple ln'-tnftl"iw. fi rt ietfons she added. ,'if dime has six vzfz nnd uses half : -f them to kil;c a cake, what part will she b.ive I--!!'.'" (,iuel;ly canto the an swer. "The shoes'" A Christmas Dilemma. I luuo t. sifw d.rnec. ni).) wh:t nhail I d-? I am !lki tiie uM woman who lived In a With my . : iit nVir chtlctr-n. four 0:1 o .-h 1 :.,h. ' i s full as over It can le. ': 1 (lu c 11. mv upen. t M ir hearts vi': f renk! - t :" ' , niiir ';ti"-r pvvu hnw can 1 I ,... truly - i.i.t.-t do - -'lt!i ih - m.ii.m olt woman who lived REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. t'niti .1 Static to Julia 11. Slay. t'itt act'ts iu sc.tion 1 '2. t.ovn-hip r -ii-,' W patent Val..dl. l..-ith t- M . William K. (ihow. land in 1 1,1' 4.', towulup ;;7. raiii:' 1 W 10 f. ,1 St-tes r t:..-i .1. Kri.k sou. I tiit a 1 res 1 11 Ci't ion 14, Mi-hip raiti;o : K pat -nt I'tnivd Statin t.t i-Jt:tr Krieksoa. ltM.acre in section 4, town Hosiery, Pocket Books. Purses, Combs, Buttons Tin. ware, Enamelware, Cooking Utensels etc. We are Head quarters for Quality and Low PrlGes on these Goods EY'S Store ahip 3(1. range 3 E pfltont L mted States to Mark Dopp, 40 acres in section 'lit, township id, range 2 W :m I'nited States to Joseph L. Scott, li() acha iu see! ion 22, town ship 3.".. ringe 4 W pateut L'nited States to William R. Lamb, s v !i f S V Vi sec tioti 24. township 34, range 3 patent "5. A. Hover to L. ,J. Rhinchart, lot 1, block 17, Phoenix Maurice ('. Murrey to Alice Signs, H.V'7.1 acres iu D L (,' 4, township ,17, range 1 V loona Howard S. Dudley to Cascade Coal company, "60 acres in township 37, range IK lit Frances ,1. ah to Firman Zana, land 111 township ".. range 2 w 1 K. I'. Woul to Firman Zan, l.'in.l in sivtinn township 35, ranc' - W llrt .l..lm.ii to William E. Simler, Int. 7 nnil 8, XioliPll I'latr a.l.liti.m to Ashland ... Sihi I. F. RcMy to William Hamilton, half lots 5 anil 8, l.l.vk l!i. M,-.lfor.l in lirorce I.. Davis to J. F. RoiMv, lot, ." ami II, hloik 1H, MeJ (ui'l 10