MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. .TAXITAKY 27, 1000, Medford Daily Tribune Official Paper of llio i.'ily of Medford. Published every evening except Sundav. MEDFORD PUBLISHING. .COMPANY QaoRoa Putnam. lOditor and Manager. Admitted 88 Second OIhsh Matter jn the Postof f ice at Medford, Oregon. BUBSCRIPTfON RATES. On month, hs bui'I nt rrl(rr. .SO.fiO Ono year, by wall. .(3.00 HARRIMAN ON COLLEGE. In reply to a query of the Yale News whether a college education is a valuable preparation for railroading, E. II. Harriman makes a few remarks indicative of keen obser vation. In many professions aside from railroading, what Mr. Harriman has to say is the cold truth. He says : "A college education will be a great help if the man has kept the foundations of high-school learning firmly fixed. If he has neglected his handwriting and forgotten his arithmetic in higher mathematics, nothing could be worse for him. "The high school boy lias the advantage in that all the first essentials of good work in railroading are at his fin gers' ends. For instance, take the making of a simple statement. A statement should be like a picture, something that can be taken in at a glance. "A high school boy will draw such a statement with per fect accuracy and clearness, while a young college gradu ate will draw it in such a way that it is a puzzling scrawl. "I have found that m every case the high school boy does better work than the college man for the first few years. However, as soon as the college man has overcome these habits and has got back to first principles, he will go ahead much faster than his less educated rival. On the other hand, the high Bchool boy, as being younger, is more adaptable and has not in most cases the Irregular habits of the college man." BILLS CREATING OVEE 200 NEW JOBS IN LEGISLATURE SALEHf, Or., Jan. B7. Bills eroati fully 200 now jobs, many of thorn fat pay, havo boon introduced in the Oregon legislature, loading up taxpay em with moio than $1,000,000 nalnrii and oxponsrs for the cunning two yearn IhlB ostimnto does not include. increased pay for county official), outside Multnomah, whose rush for "moro" ha produced a big crop of new bills. Ni doos this estimate includn tho emit r.umoroun proposed honnlB, per diem "oxponso" to bo fixed by tho leglsla turo. Tho new John nro to have the tttlei of commissioner, inspector, dei uty clork, stenographer and so on. Of tbio cnormouB amount of nnlnrv am exponao money that will bo asked of tin taxpayora, tho aenato loads with billi providing for S1S,000, while tho house has under consideration measures that provido for $240,100. BUTTE FALLS ITEMS. L. J. Mead of Obcnchain has left for Portland to remain awhilo. He has left his family at his homoBtcad. J. Barnitt of California has taken posncssion of hiB homostead and ia mov ing hit household effects to his place, Mr. Pennington of Obonchain paid a visit to Modford last week. John Obonchain loBt a fine horse lately, it having had its leg broken by the kick of anothor horBii in ad joining stall. About ton inches of snow foil Fri day night and wns accompanied by a heavy wind storm. John Obcnchainn and wifo havo come down from thoir homestead for a brief visit to their son. Our mail carrier haB faithfully ful filled his postal duties through atorin and sunshine and only those who live away from the settlombents know the loss of a rogular mail, ns without the wecKiy paper and occasional letter and tho interchange of neighborhood nows tno iBolr.tion would he almost unbear able. Tho Willow Creek section, whero the "rotroators" havo purchased land ia a very desirahlo locality for our city folk to invest for summer reaudenccs, and many beautiful places con he found that can bo bought for small monoy which will bo of great vnluo inn coming y. an. Some of our people receive occasional letters from tho Coos Bay country, and it docs not appear that thoso of this section who left here and located there aro very much pleaeod with their chanue and yet wo feel that they had better remain, as times and conditions have so changed they would feel lonesome hereabouts. Our country la settling up and a new class taking' hold Hint will pueh the car of progresa ahead and in trndueo new ideas of modern life J. P. llughes, who was accidentally hot, is getting along very well anil will soon be about. Miss Maud has looked after business mettors and giv en general satisfaction. Clarpill i Wheolcr are d. ing a Rood buainess and nearly every week bring ing in supplies for their store. C. P. Briggs our druggist, is kept bnsy attending to his duties as poot master and looking after hia pharmacy. It IB a great help end convenience tn nvo a general assortment of drugs and medicines closo to hand for emergen eiei. n roe railroad comes in this year several new busineaa houses will be built besides a number of residences. The MisseB Maloney gave a delight ful evening entertainment lately to our young people, which waa highly eompli mrtd. Charley Edmonson and family have taken a homo among us for a abort time. in tho vnlley on business. K. A. Ilildrcth r.nd family havo re turned to llutto Falls from tho Coos Bay section, whero they havo beou no joiirning for sevore.l months. It is reported that P. B. Brown hai left tho rulla with n view of locating oiKownere. The young peopT) would do well to orgiinizo themselves into u literary ami debuting imciety, whereby they might pii" tno tiusy winter evenings pleasant ly as well as improve thoir stock and nlun of useful information. Let tin Haker brothers, Professor Wright iiml tho young ladies take it in hand. The board of school directors will no doubt give them the use of the schoolroom. TO KILL ROOSEVELT IS FANATIC'S PURPOSE WASHINGTON, Jan. 27. Chnrlea Noble 17. Evans, n p.iperhnngor, waa ar rested in the subway leading from the cnpitol to tho house office building yes terday by a cnpitol pulieeinnn. Eviins had nuked the polieomnn to show him to President Itoosevelt. In the nature of a confidence ho told the policeman that he wanted to kill tho president. Evnns wps taken to tho police stntion. QiKittionn there showed tho mnn is suf fering fiom dementia. Ho states ihat he io the boii of Abel on earth and that hia mirsion iu life is to kill Coin. Cain, e discovers from rending tho Bible, is President. "The mark of the beast Is on Tloose- fit 'b forehead and tho numbers of the henst as given in tho Book of Dcvela- ions spell Itoosevelt, " said Evans. Ho haa been studying the Bible since he was 12 yoars old. ASHLAND ELKS ROPE ANOTHER BANS Or MAVERICKS anotner mincu or mnvericks were rought in from Klamath county, says lie Tidings, Saturday, and Saturday (nmg were given tho marks and rands of ABhlnnd lodge. No. !M4. Be nvolent nnd Protective Order of Elks, ith appropriate ceremonies. The Kin: li hunch of candidates was herded II. Bnlvin and ('. J. Ferguson, and nsiHled of Will Bnlrwin. C. II. Un oil. W. J. Brennnn, Sum T. Bum or. Claud Daggett, Dr. F. M. White, II. Mills and It. E. Hunsnkor. J. A r of Ager and W. 8. Warden joined e roundup en routn to Ashland LIVING A8 CHRIST WOULD WON'T OO ON MURDER JURY FONT WORTH, Tex., .Inn. 27. 11. L. Tolliver, summoned nn a juror in the Douglas Beaaley murder case, naked: "Is there any likelihood of the de fendant being sent to tho penitenti arvl" the "He is charged will, a felon wdgo answered. "Well, I wouldn't send anybody to tho penitentiary," said Tolliver, "be cause il is against my religion." "You can save that until you ore 'liiestioned l.v the lawyers,"' Judge mith replied. Mr. Tolliver explained that he be longed to the Glorious church. "We want to do as Christ would do," said he. "Christ always set folks free. Preach salvaiiou to people who have committed sins that's what the Bible says. And then theie's the Ooldcn Utile. Do you think 1 would want .jury to send me to the penitentiary?" MABBIiriELD WILL PUT IN SALT WATER SYSTEM MARSHFIEXP. Or., Jan. 27 The ty of Marshneld is nlannins to install a salt water fire protection svstem. t'n dor present conditions the insurance rate is hiuh. and it i .lnim.l ii. .v.- a. v. aianone and r. a. Brown have I system contemplated wruld cut down taken trip to Medford. the premiums one half. North Bend re Oeorga Albsrt and C. O. Baker art eontly installed a salt water svstem PASTOR BAYS FLIRTINO IN CHURCH IS HARMLESS CHICAGO, Jan. 27. While flirting in theaters and other places of public amusement should be tubooc-d, accord ing to the Rev. 8. B. Dexter of Aurora, no naa announced that it muy properly take place in church, where, he de clares, "it is purged of its harmful uess. " HiB decision grows out of a crusude agaiust Sunday night amuse monts. "Church surroundings und associa tlons, " he says, "ore entirely different from thoso which attend performances in public" playhouses. Sometimes the plays in our theaters aro a trifle risque and if tho show be given on Sunday tho result is a general forgetfulnesB of that fact. Under such conditions flirt ing 1b harmful. "In church, however, I can seo no harm In a little bit of flirtino. if the young people come not to look nt na.h other, but to learn tho scriptures." MAHSnFTELD. Or.. Jan. 27 The Smith-Powers company brought down Cooa river 4500 log.i, taking advantage of tho high water nnd freshets. The logs were badly nocded nt tho mill, us nemo of tho camps aro cut off by high water, ino log drives by all tho com pnnies aro being pushed to tho limit. REACHING THE SPOT NOTICrl. Is hereby given that the undersigned will apply at the regular moating of the city council of Medford, Oregon, on Ftbruary 5, 1609, for license to. sell malt, vinouB and spiritoul liquors in Iosb quantities than one gallon for six months at lot 13, block 20, In Medford, Oregon, for a period of six months. 271 H. O. WILKINSON. Dated January 21, 1H09. It Can Bo Don, Bo Scores of Medford Citizens Say To euro an aching back. Tho pains of rheumatiam, Tho tired-out feelings, You must reneh tho spit get at the cause. In most cases 'tis tho kidneys. Doau'a Kidney Pills nro for the kid neys. O. L. Boono, coroor Ninth and C streets, Modford, Or., save: "I was troubled with rheumatism when T first began using Doau'a K'dney Pills. I did not think they -would do ine any good, but finally p'-vi.rnl n box nt l.'r.ekina' drug store. They proved to be the remedy I required. My kidneys were restored to thoir normal condition, and tho pains and aches in my back wore removed. Doan'a Kidney Pills livod up to their representations in my COBd. ' ' For sain by all dealers Prion AO contB. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., aole ngonts for tbo United Stetes. Rjinombor the nam-) Doan 'b nnd take no other, 40 NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the under signed will apply to the city counoll of the city of Modford, Oregon, at the meeting to be hold on February 2, 1000, for a licenso to sell apiritous, vinous and malt liquors in quuntitiea less than a gallon, for a period of six months, at his place of buBinese i:t Nob. 112 and 114 Front street, in ea'd city. Dated this 20tb day of January, 1600. 270 JOHN MARRINOTON. BIG REWARD ! For anyone finding a lunch like THE LOUVRE servea for 30 centa. FAVORITE JEWELS Are always those of genuine merit, inoiign not always the moat costly. Jewelry of the finest quality. As the present winter promisoa to bo one of unusual social Driuiance, you will find it to VOUr intorost to seaiira what vnn uued from our unusual stock of rings, uroocuoB, penaants, pmv chains, bruus lots, etc. MARTIN J. REBDY Jewelry and Watches YOU OUGHT TO KNOW the exculleoce of tho meals that are cooked at tho EmorieU Cafo if you huvon't already regaled yourself with somo of the delicious dirhos that are served bore. If you haven't partaken of them, there is a lroat awaiting you that you will want to ropeat often. A meal at tho Emorick is an experience that will make you t;y, like Oliver Twist, for more. The Emerick Cafe Open All Night Visit Van Dyke's Store Special Sale of Lacei Embroidery 3 AAA Yards Special Linen JVVV Embroidery 15C y(j Val arps 12 YAD p,eces of WQI jalCA Valencenne Zfi rf Lace and Insertions at . . . J" tlj Each Piece Values to 10 c per yd SPECIAL LOT of Cot ton Torchan Lace with Insertions to match at per yard 5 cts Van Dykes APPLES and PEAKS and all kinds of Fruit Trees YAKIMA VAILEY NURSERY Largest Conimoifial Nursery in the Pacific Northwest. No', in flic combine. Competes with all first-class nurseries L E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, OREGON. Medford Iron Works E. G. TliOWBRIDGE, Propik-tor. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS All kinds of, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, C'.'eis and Machinery. Agents in Srt!;um Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. K (County tamroao, oixooir f. United Statin Depositary. Established 1888. YOU KNOW THE BILL IS PAID wliru you buy by cJicl'Ic because when it is rtturued in .'irked paid, it is tbo best possible receipt. U'by nut open nn account, subject to ehi'ck, with this Btron, obliging bankf I. VAWTKU, President. (. R. LINDLEV, Cauhier. Capital anrl Surplus $125,000 KoHourros $700,000 EVERY ONE HAS THEIR OWN TROUBLES Especially the man who buys a suit of clothing or overcoat niado to fit any one that wants to buy. Tho man who has his garments made, to order by an up to date tnilor novor has any trouble with tho fit, finish or general "get up" f his clothing. It nit only fits per fectly, but gives you u stylo and indi viduality ucquired in no other way when niado at J. A. Kreuzer 6 Co. Importers andTailors PALM BUILDING, MEDFORD, OR. K.J.Skewis G. E. Hilsinger A. C. Randall .1 L. D. Harris Rogue River Investment Co. FRUIT LANDS Sub-Dlvldors and Developers Eoguo River Valley Or chard Lands. Choice fruit lands, bearing and young orchards in small and largo tiacto, for sale. Wo plant and caro for orchards and guarjntee property to bo as represented. Experience Not Necessary for those who purchase through us. They secure tho advise and services of a consulting horticulturist, nn expert on fruit cul ture m all its branches, who for several yo-us has eiceloH in tht growing and shipping of fruit in tho Rogue River valley, record ciops, record packs, record prices. in North D Street, Medford, Oregon When You Think Of Shoes Think of McDonald When you want to know any thing special about SHOBS Go to c. w. Mcdonald Successor to Smith & Molony i YOU CAN'T SAVE MEDFORD SASH & DOOR COMPANY PHONE 2291. Window F'mos, Oak Veneered Doors, with Bevel Plate, carried in stock cheap. Office Fixtures and all kinds of Plan ing Mill Wbrk, including Turned Work nnd Fancy Orills. P STREET, BETWEEN SIXTH AND S EVE NTH STREETS. Compare the Quality It is, nnd always has been our nun to supply our customers with of the highest tjuality and to that -cm, iH" Hi:iyH mining iVJil v fo r'ur linp' The st'H-K ' ml;ts our lis nf railft Cnnnoil Goods most complete. Our service always the b-st and crery accom givt n our customers. Allen & Reagan Groceries, Chinaware, Fruit and Feed On your railroad fare. The law of tre common carrier compels equal rates on aU railroad lines YOU CAN SAVE In Tirao, Traveling Ex penses and Fatiguo by insisting on the shortest route, fastet trains and best service. Simply see that your ticket reads via SOUTHERN PACIFIC O. R. & N. Oregon Short I ine and Union Pacific Every facility for the safety and accommoda tion of thj passenger is provided. change ef cars is necessary to Den- ver, Omaha, KansaBCity Chicago. Direct connec tions are for all oth er points t-ftst and south A. S. ROSENBAUM, Agent, Medford. WM. McMTTERAT, General Passenger Agent, PORTLAND, OB,