i i I THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 20. 1909 Roofing Roofing -When You Buy- Roofing M A L T H Q IPI YOU BUY THE BEST For Sale by M EDFORD HARDWARE CO. I ORKER RESIDENT OF JACKSON i FIRE DESTROYS SKATING COUNTY CROSSES GREAT DIVIDE RINK IN CITY OF EUGENE Abr.im Teno llrook died at Merrill v on Ainimiiy, January ., at the aye &i 8, and was buried at Bonanza, tliis tato. Ho was 11 former resident f tin Bogue Itivor valley, cwued a farm at Jccksi avillo ami was an Indian ft-jlit- ca. Ho was born in Indiana in 122. He OriiBflP'l the plains to California in. 1 S 4 1, remaining (here, working in the mines. Tout, two years. He returned home, flirted went again, was shipwrecked. Worked his way bud; to Xew Vork and il .S;VJ ho again eror-ised the pluiiiH. this tfmo fur Oregon. When Hearing tin Journey 's end the wtiolo party came Hear 1 'hig massacred by the Indians. The road led around a roeky point. Where, there was no chance, of turning nd hi in the Indians would lie in wait 8m.d kill them as they came. Ry rmnoving the teams nnd letting d wu the wagons with ropes before tbey cuuo to the narrow road, they l.'ore out on nn open level, corral led tJieir wagons and got ready for action. Vhen the Indiana found they were iofeatcd they wantvl a "pow wow," 01 pene. talk. Tho pioneers were finally Permit ( 1 to pass. During the Indian wnr in southern 0 egou a fort -was luiilt on Mr. Ton li Molt 's farm near Jacksonville, and f vornl fnm Mies were stationed there V 1: til peace was restored. In 1S58 ho again went east and in JSfiO juilited a train across the plains, B iking a third journey. Ho was one of the pioneer settlers of tho floose Lake country, and had the t st. house with floor, (he first garden t d tho first orchard. He joined tho Maaonie order in Mis- i:rl in ISIS, and whs a charter mem -it ol the Masonic lodge ia Jackson . le. Many knew him for his charita ".. v acts and he was highly respected ' citizen. He is survived by Mr. Jrook-fitid the following children: y It. Ten Brook, Merrill, Or.; John I'en Brook. Port Stevens; William ,- Brook, f'ooH Bay; and Mr. Nellie tffillcr, Pino Valley. O.IEOON DEVELOPMENT CONGRESS MEETS ON TRIDAY SALEM, Or., Jan. 2(i. The fourth an nual convention of the Oregon mid Ida . t Development congress will convene J the hall of representatives next Vri i':y, .Tanuary 2H, the convention will f;tond over two days. It is assured t!;at tho legislature will adjourn Krid ru nt unoii (o accommodate the congress. nottci; Ji hereby given tlmt tlm uiuU-rninni-il v ill ujiply at tlie regular iiieolinj; of the 1 ty council of Meclfoid, On'Ron, on 1 -' riiiii'y 5, 1900, ftir lii-eiiHc to sell 1, .lit, vinous and opinions liquors in 1 m quautitios than on" gallon for 12 months nt lot 11. Mod. 'JO, in McJfnrd. (Ircffon, for a period of 12 months. 269 W. M. KENNEDY. Dated January 19, 1!'09. FOR SALE $200 runabout buggy, 7ii single liar- nc-38, $7.ri saddle and pi i.did riding and diiving horse. Will sell separately oi o'herwlfio at great bargains. DAKIELS CLOTittNG STORE Kl'tlKN'K, Or., Jan. 2(i. l'ire com p'elely destroyed the Underwood skat ing rink on Kant Sixth street, between Willamette ami Oak. It is not knowo how the fire started. The alarm was sounded at ll:.'to and the whole wood- enstrncture was in flames before the tire fighters arrived on the scene. My heroic effort on the part of the fire department and volunteers nil the buildings in the neighborhood were sav ed. A barn less than 20 feet awav from 1 he burning building was saved and the fader wood boarding house was flooded with water just in the nick of time. Its walls and roof were smoking before the water was turned on. Hundreds of people were on the scene a it hin a few minutes nfier the alarm was given and the department ut 12:1o, had complete control of the flames. Tho ss on the building will bo between $2niM( and .MOO, with a loss of proba bly $1mii. ou skates and furniture. LIGHT RUSH OF SETTLERS . TO NEW LAND IN DOUGLAS ROKRHritt, Or., Jan. 2(1. The open ing to entry of nearly 11,000 acres of nd at the United States land office in Uoseburg Thursday was not attended by a heavy rush of applicants. Thirteen entries were filed and .these in tho ag gregale involve less than Hh)0 acres, or a litl le over oae-sevonth of the total icreagcMivailble. Tn reality 01,840 acres in all were excluded from the reserve, but of this SO.niiO were covered either by entries or railroad scrip prior to its inclusion in the Tmpqna national forest bv President "Roosevelt ' blanket order f March 2. 1007. Little of the land 1 brown open Thnrs lav is valuable for either agricultural r timber purposes. This aecounts for I he small number of entries. The ban ner claim, sit nated in lien ton county. ind containing 7,000,000 feet of timber. was covered hv a nomesieao tiling uy Roscoe A. Wall, 74 S Love joy st reet, Portland. The next best timber claim was also captured by a Portland man, Homer (5. Holland, a telegraph operator. stationed in the 1'Vnton building. He filed a timber entry on a quarter sec lion in Benton county containing .V ."(00,000 feet. A Vws county man, W. Weeklev, homestead-'d 80 acres of bot tom land, which he will convert into a dairv rauclK All of the other claims filed on are of inferior character. ROSE BURG COUPLE RUN AWAY AND ARE WED T!(ISi:rU"T!(l, Or.. .Tan. 2(1. Two of RosoIiutk's popular yonnn people. Mael( Wieknin and Miss Hazel I'alterson, c.used a (reat sensation in this city when it hecaine Unowu that they had .loped. They took the early inornin); passenger train for lieddinu. ('' " Xielt " as ho is known nround town. Was the Crescent theater illustrated song artist, while Miss I'alterson was Ins accompanist ou the piano. She is the daughter of Contracor and Mrs. T. V. PuttereM! of this cMv and one of the Tn. :t popular young Indies of the town. Wickam has heen known to Rose !-g pie since lsl July, when he be came popular as a soloist, having an excellent tenor voice. Whv thev eloped is not explained, ns she was of age aid her parents say they would not have ..pp.e.'d the marriage. COMING AT THE GRAND J. H Heardy Stock Co In the three Act Comedy Drama FAMILY AFFAIRS New Illustrated Songs and Moving Pictures At the Grand Fri., Sat. and Sun. Jan 29, 30,31 Admission fSUST lO 20 I?. 1 1. 1 larris, J. P. Malcm y, W. T. (jouldci-, President. Vice-President. &. and Trent. MEDFORD REALTY COMPANY Dealers in Timber, Coal, Orchard Farm Land and City Property INSURANCE, COLLECTIONS and RENTALS List your property with us. We are in constant eoru nmnication with eastern parlies desirous of investing in Med ford and Southern Oregon. ROOM. 10, JACKSON CO. RANK RIJILTHNO. WANTED Timber and Coal Lands Apply to B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs SALEM BEER . SALEM is the most popular beer in Northern ( !alif ornia and Southern Oregon. It is acknowl edged to be the equal of the very best eastern product. All beers are good, but some beers are liked better than others. The proof for this as sertion lies in drinking Salem beer. If you wish to lie convinced, ask for Salem beer and drink it. SALEM BREWEKY ASSOCIATION Medford Depot: Medford Ice & Storage Co. F. OSENBRUGGE Agent for THE 8TUDEBAKER BROS. MANUFACTURING CO.'S VEHICLES AND WAGONS Role iigmt in Juckuun county for tho ST(?DKHAKKB MNE OF AUTO. MnliJLK.H. The iiow K. M. F. StuMmker, 30-hnrne powci, four cyliiidr medium price Touring Car has won tlii nooriiliou and Rilminiliuu of all m;u-L:iiiiitH ami hau proven iUelf to bo a remarkable vehicle fcr Hlroiigtli speed and durability. Now goods in ;t!l lines will arrive u thfl course of next mouth at the Hlinlebaker warehouse. MEDFORD, OREGON. More Light for Less Money Sixty-three per cent of electric current saved by using ' TUNGSTEN LAMPS. 32 Caudle Power Edison Lamp uses 110 Watts per hour and would use in iooo Ins.' 110 Kilowatts which at locts. a Kilowatt jfn 32 Caudle Power Tungsten Lamp uses 40 Watts perhour and would use in 1000 hours 40 Kilowatts which at 10c a Kilo watt : 4 Net Saving in 1000 hours in favor of the Tungsten Lamp 7 Rogue River Electric Co. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. Office, 20 West Seventh Street. Phone No. 355. Opposite the Big Electric Sign. Clx&. 3rtm Ufamptott Usaacs Instructor of "piano, Hisxt 3tttbo6 Orng Strt NOTICi3. j U hereby given that the undersigned i will apjly at the regular mwitiug of the ' eity eouueil ut Mwdfonl, Oregon, on j 1 bruary Wi9, for license to sell 1 uKilt, vinous and spiritnus liquors in lets (piantities than one gallon for six) montliH nt lt l.'t, blo.-k 20, in Medford, j Dragon, for a period of six mouths. "71 H. f). S H.KIN'HON. I Hated January 21, 1109. xotici:. Notiee is hereby given that tho under signed will apply to the cily council of the city of Modford, Oregon, at the nesting In be held on February 2, H'tf. for a license to sell spiritous, vinous and tnnlt lienor- in nnaiitities less than gallon, for a period 'if six months, at his place ff biinin ::t N'nfl. 112 and 1U Front str-et. in ra il city. Itated this 2'th ll-iv 'nnarv. 15'H. 270 JOHN MARRINOTON. ' T'r. Tin. niai' Electric Oil is the 'test rcmcilv f-r th "ftn fatal dis i page rruup. Has bno used with sue ce. in our familv for eibt years." 1 Mrs. I- Whiu.T. Buffalo, N. V. m MEDFORD THEATER Friday January 29 If You Owned the Earth You couldn't find a better plnco to live than in this glorious Hoguo River valley, with Us in comparable winler and summer climate. .lust now wo liuvo some particularly good developed or chard propositions to submit to the homcHookor, vhivli are suro winueis. Best givt- I his mal ter lmnindialo attention. It does not tako a vory wise man to foreste that tho itdvanco in values which wo have beon prdii-liug in in coming producing fruit lauds is about to materialize. A good young orchard win not only in croaso in valu3 as hh income producing capacity increases, but with 'tho rght kiud of an orehar d, such as some we have to show, tho purchaser ims a chance of g'H ting his purchase price back out of a single crop, with proper man agemcnt. How can wealth bo aeeumu laled fastor than by buying o ne of the good young orchards we have for sale? Always at your service for the best buys in this valley. ROGUE RIVER LAND COMPANY KXHIB1T BUILDING, MKOKOKD, niiWKIS Orlgiu;iI nn Only Hi Henry's Greatest Minstrels ENTIRELY NEW in STAR COMEDIANS 10 H VOCALIoTS-14 Grand Electrical Scenic Firet Part Fanficul Conception of THE PALACE OF ALADDIN Hear the Famoui Military Band i'iiiii-cr( at nctiin i-i.-l 7:0'l p. m. i'ricen 2.'e, .uc, 7Tte, $1.W). TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN FOR SALE Biggest Bargain in Rogue River Valley i Seventy acres HKST apple and pear bind, three mib-s nortl of AkIiIjui.I ; IS t ; res phuHed to N'ewli.v ns and Kpitzen beigs; immtly red I:in1; noil deep and j .''. This properly li s on route ttf R. I''. I. and suburban i l"plnnie liit and I m within ouo mile i,( t'u- famous I'r. Page nrchardt, and adji-iu bunl that I'Hitully sold at 4lH(l per acre, bare land , and this properly in cicry bit as gnnd in all respects. This propertv lies in ;i fust developing fruit bell of 2l.'n( I'tren; 1 .!( acres 1 hi bearing, (I'M !iiT"s ndditioual planted, I to " ye:irs old, linn balance of land I being plunlcd as rapidly hh possible, B:n ked by ;i jjuod c niniry road. Kur s;ili. for a limited tim only, at the exceedingly b'- priie of S"imh or will sell :.t 1'j0 p-r acre, or $r..' per acre plunted. K-r particular;' r-!nl terms, address i P. . Pox S3' Ashl-iml. Oregon, for ennftot afford to del.r-. This offer is I limited. Inquiries of renl estute dealers resj . t fully solii-if d. BIG REWARD ! l'ur onviinn finding u lunoh lika THE LOUVRE serves for 35 cents. NEVT3R LOOK BACK It dooin't pay. Keep your eyei fixed ou our exceptional offerings. Pine tai loring cau only be secured from the hands of high-class tailors. Our expe rience and uiothods are certainly , worth investigation. We employ the beat workmen and our clohtea are without doubt the most carefully selected in the eity. EIFERT The City Tailor Medford Time Table SOUTHERN PACIFIC EAH.WAT. Northbound N'o. NtjOregon Express Xo. 14Portland Express.... Southbound No. rC'alifornia Express... No. 13Hau Francisco Exp.. . Nu. 22r,Fnmi Orants Pass. No. 225Por Ashland 5:24 p. m. 0:49 a. m. 10:35 a.m. 3:20 p. m. 9:15 p.m. 10:15 p.m. ROOUE RIVEB VALLEY RAILWAY No. 2Leavos Medford . .10:45a. d7 No. 4Leaves Medford 5:55 p. m. MotorLeaves Medford j 2:00 p.m. MotorjLeaves Medford j 9:00 p.m. No. 1 1 Leaves Jacksonville. . . 9:00 a.m. No. 3Loaves Jacksonrille. . , 3:S0 p. m. MotorLeaTes Jacksonville.. . 1:30 p. m. MotorLeaves Jacksonville..! 7:50 p.m. MAIL GLOBES A. M.IP. IT Northbound 9:19 4:54 Southbound 10:05 1:60 Kngle Poiat j 7:0 I:0 Jackssnville .10:BO 5:80 Oiind fur cuts, burns, bruises and scrntflins, hut especiiilly recommend! fur piles DeWitt'i ( nrbolited Witch Haze! Halve. Sold bv Eagle Pbar nincv. m For a mild, easy action of the bow el, a sinnle done of Bom's Kegulrts ih enotiffli. Treatment cures . httbHnl eoiiNlipation. "5 ruufs a box. Ask vour druggist for them. m