Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, January 25, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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Social and Personal
(Continued from page 1.)
J i
(hi i Ty.
Fort Hubbard ia bark from n visit In
Portland. .
Spring fltctaona for 1009 r.t Dniilrlt.
for Duds. r ' 1'84
Mr. and Mm. II. II. liul.or of Out ml
Point iroro recent Hod ford viaitom.
Charlca Sfenervn ipcnt Saturday in
Central' Point attiniliii n inoHini; of
tho grange in that city.
L, L. Hnpflcld of McMinnvilio in in
Medford for a few .lava on bimiiioim.
Editor 8. A. Pnttiaon of tho Central
Point Herald waa a visitor in Mn.lfurd
Wea Oreon baa returned tunu u hI,,,h
trip to Portland on businens.
Hov. J. K. Howard If: "pending a few
days in- (ilcndale.
Mra. A. V. Abbott of Aalilnnd in via
iting with relntivca In Medford.
Hpring HI iiIhoiir for IIWIi at DaiiiolN
for Duds, i ' 2(14
Mra. Charles Wilcox of Jacksonville
returned the latter part of last week
from a visit with friends living in Ash
land. )rder for sweet er'i.ui or buttermilk
mptly filled. Phone the
Ohria Ulrich of Jacksonville left for
Dunamuir, Cal., one day lust week for
a abort visit with his sister. Mrs. L. L.
Mra. Johh tlnffer was called to Port
land by tho death of her mother, Mrs.
Christian. !
J. n. Jfodgcrs of New York was in
tho valley several days Inst, week in
the interest of the Opp mine.
Imerlek f!afo Is onen nil night now
t proaloj-ity hna com l to st-.y, ff
Plody. KOingtnn, who has been em
ployed by the Jackson County Abstract,
company for the post few months, left
for Ellcnsburg, where lie has accepted
a poscftjon with an nhstract company.
Mr. Campbell of this city will fill tin
10 in-gold for tho beet looking baby
m iregory'a studio. tf
Mr. und Mrs. W. L. Donrlioff, who
spent somo time In Medford recently
rotnrned Saturday to their home in Oak
land, Or.
All tho iicwcat 1009 Stetsons cl Ban
ielo for Duds. 20)
Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Piernont of Wood
Cal., ara renewing old acquaintances in
and near Medford.
Phono your orders for sweet cream or
hnttnrmllk to the ero-imcry; -tf
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hililreth of Butte
Falls have returned from spending three
months ou the Cheteo river.
All the newest 11109 Stetsons at Dan
iels for Puds. 20-1
Dest me,il at best prices at the Em
crick Cofo open all niirl,! If
L. E. "Whiting spent Sunday at his
homo near Eagle Point. Ho reports
sooing many bands of geese taking ref
uge from the wind on the desort Hun
day.ii : . rat'
Eraerlck Cafe open oil nljht.
4-f -
SI Xmiy'a Blf Kaw MlnitKlf Coming.
Hi Htnrr ii giving brand now min
tral ihow tbii Magor. and will appear
at tnfl Meirord Thoat-.r nn Friday, Jan
nf.ry 2f. Thin orpr.niritif.n in rrn.iteil
with giving n show Hint in new nnd
Rtrikinly original, pmtnting r:Hn mid
npecinltiPB that aro im.tootrd by copy
right and limco rnnnn he unM bv miv
nthor ininHtrol orgtiiii.rMioii. Their mi
porb military band is well worth hear-
ng. It dcmonHtrntea the prnyri'HH (if
Oovntnd nui pic in mti'tticlsv and tvni
ffoB tho gnncrnl rnfino:! eharacler of
Mr. lliwy 'a roinpnnv. Mr. Tlou Me
Lnuphlin, who'mado ijiirh n hit wilh the
TtiHenrv biiow in th" eilnn
last son ho n, linn been -i'iind
ne of tho bripli(ent r.tnirdiaiiH in Ihe
minstrel profession, an n!n Ik Hip droll,
South Carolina fninoiliiir, I '.it Crawford,
nd tho popular hn meter eomediaa,
Itillv Tlaxter, Tho wonder ful weenie-
dectrical illusion, typical of noiil hern
Inrkeyismn, mil it led " Pi xio l,and. ' '
kith a prnnd double rrrhestra, double
uartPt. nro fratiiren. Wdteh for the
onn parade anil g M! your tieheln early
t Hnskinn'. Boat a now on nab-.
TOKIO, Jan. 25. Local paperH are
Kftin making ntrenunua efforts t- toip
resfl wnr talk nn the rennll of ihr nnx
-'ly of tho California h'ifilalors to
IMS Itntl-J'patH'HO leillltioi). All de
laro that the fooling nnintt .la pan
xista only in a -small part vf the si;iie,
fnntH and vegetables ltowo
ki Alanka will be n feat ore of I ho ex-
r i al
ibit from the n rlhland at Die AlasKn-
iiL ukon-Vaoifie rxpoaitmn next siunnier.
Tho A):'nU.i Yukon Piicific i...n
ia appropriarv.1 lnn.oun for premiums
i the liv'Mock show to be lull in e.-n
ction with Hi' 1!m!1 epovition
DR. LOUISTUNDY has romoved
his dental ollice to Deuel & Keut
ners new buildinR-. where he
will practice dentistry in all its
Vou Are
Binjfli' orchard and Ihe r wiicra ahould
tiidy those typett ear'-fi.Ily in order to
let enmne the best iii"t)ixls of tiJliug
them. It will bo mni lime hfforr the
inventiatorH will he able to Htate def
initely jiiKt what HoilK i!ie more ewpee
ially ad.ipled to eat-li I i of J'niil,
Commercial I'o'tllizers.
Of the fniilL'rowern in JneltHon
county only about 5 p'-i cent of them j
line eommereial fertilv.crH. Theno men
feel well repaid for iheir exene nnd i
troulile in piiirliaMiriK j.i.d lining theHOj
fert iiierti by realiin au iiwreaHe in I
I he yii'hl of their eroj.H j
Ah a reMiill of thin orchard survey we j
din eotne lo certain d'-finito coneltiHionH. I
The ConcluHlona.
JackHon county i-t blended with a
yrent variety of noil pnd with eliinatir
condition! that malic it poHaible to
grow lo perfection a large variety of
fmitH, Htieh iih applei, peara, peacheH, I
cherriet,, graped, Hma'l (ruitH and nutH.
Tl-e peain fiiown in the valley have Ihe
reputation of being Hie bent grown, I
a:id (he highent priee in llio country'
aru realized for them. Hogue Kiver
Ile.rtleitH, Cornice, hone, d 'Aujou ami
Winter NeliH are world famotiH, und
her Xewlowii apph-H are recognized to
be among Ihe bent in tl;i Knglinli mar
ket. Tho many type of m mIh found in the
county arc all in ull vev good find of a
nature to retain ihe p!ant food and
wear well, but thuy uie generally lack
ing in humiiH. J'rohabiy one of tho best
wi;yn of Hiipplying it will bo by menus
or cover
ttipa. A rotation of legumin-
onn eropH like
ien or uanatla pea
potash plana like rye or cowbhorn tnr
itipaj and plantH of th.- naturo of rye
end oalK, will be gooe" in moat casea,
caro being ufo-d not to Mipply tho pear
ori'hnrda with too much nitrogen. Cer
tain adobe hoiIh could probably bo han
dled more easily if clever wero grown
for I wo i-ottKuiiH, followe l by clean cul
ture. Where irrigation in pnwiible
enough moiHture can be nuppliod for
both clover and treea.
Cultivation Is Extensive,
Cultivation ia geiiera'ly carried
jam nm vtiy. .llUtV Ol IIJC Mtlialler OP
cnania would give bettet returns if cut
tivaiion were carried n uh it la in
nearly ail of the lam commercial or
rliurdH. Irrigation in in ita infancy, but
it in bouml to be a factor CHpoeially
wilh apple growing. Tin re ia nlwnya n
inuger inai ttie beginner will over-irri
gate, lie Hop not realuo that he iiniHt
tirtider the aoil, wood and leaf "ifruwth
ann fpinmy or fruit and not mere quan
tity und wize. With tho incrcanc in iirl
gatinn more attention should be'' given
lu muwjuci ui circiuagc. At tnc
preaent time fullv 6 nr rant nf th nr.
chardi need' drainage and many mora
would Da greatly benefited If tila drain
Pruning faae reoivad a great deaj of
attention, and ll there ii any one point
in wnicn Kogue nvor orchardiata excel
it ia in pruning.
Fungua diaeaica aud inaeet peata are
nrtnp aydtematicallr -.nmhattrd. but
sonic nf Die grower vonhl ito well to
make n eloser Nludy of these nn nH lo
recognize them and understand their
proper melhod of Irefimeul
i ne orcnaitiw are Hendilv imnrovini'
anil luniiy ol lliem t in wero lonnerly
negli.'ted are now in good comliliou
iinl being properly eared for.
Tlie peach indiiHiry in in j r condi
ui. The own. i'; Would do well to or
niiv thnmelve in to a hori icult nral
'lely ami have m-.-i iiig- in w hi h
llit v roiild ili'i, ii!-n nn-'li siiliiects :ih nriiu
it g, n raying, ear anil, fighting
ifdn. varieties, etc. I'nlil h i such
p as thin (alien tli i-p!endid relnrnn
that lire poHsilile will eol bo realized.
larliNou county has Ihe repuliition of
nutting up (he fines! j ;i h of pear.i in
he wofid. Home of Die fruit handled
ii the county should be more closely
r.'olcd than it in al preHent. A avHh-ni
honld be devineil wiierebv the itacher
a mre nnifoiin v, larger amount
f fruit to grade The tmekiiii?
nist w that are b.-infT reeled nre a
edit lo the cotiulx. We believe thai
Die large grower will do well to form
me hind of jin .-eeii, lation wherein
they can hand
wav as not to
tli Mi" fruit in such a
mp'i' to iheir mutual
mar' t.
;;s in the an
The ei p.-u.
i:n Niu.u fiil.lf
f fo
uiouiitaiii ranu
; s and Ml. K.iinier
'ii the Cnited State?
f ed ie fnon the
Inghct ..eni
f'er an u-uont
'out ,
d.on-I ;
D i
gronndf of the
ep. fit ion.
K row 11
lo the
I .Hied S;,
form pnrt of the
it m Alaslta-Vu-
b'.nr:ii ive feature
; I'.
'l.e 1 xpe.silinn al Seattle net
Going to Build
I. e Jin- fiilTt w ,i
ifi I:ir;;i nr '.m ui
'oM'H ( TOIt AND Itni.DKW.
Alcilford. Option.
One Million Dollars in
Virgin Gol I Will Be on
Exhibition at the Fair
in Seattle
lion dollarH
Wahh., .'an. 2.rj.
in virgin gold
-One mil
that will
ling automatically ev.-rv night into a
Hteel vault to rappv. with the mime
fireciHion in the noo-ni:'g will be t he
central feature of Die Alaska exhibit
at the AlnHka -Yukon-Pacific exjoMition
next Mummer. Piled ia glittering hea-i-of
dunt, nuggets and hrickj:, thid bril
liant diMplay will be oee of the great
OHt allraeiiuua on the exposition
gioundn. The gold pavlion, where the
million dollara will be on display, will
he enclosed with a heavy wire cage nnd
Hpeciul guardu will patrol the ftort ion
night and day to protect the treasure.
Tho large Hteel vault, built in nolid
eonerete, will oper:t" anf oniatically on
a tiuio lock, Knch nigh at the cloning
iiour llio two Ions ot gold will disappear
ami the Hteel and concrete lop will didc
into place, leaving nothing on view but
the Hiuooth Hiirface of the floor. Thin
time lock will be not for the opening
hour in Ihe morning, when tlu treasure
will reappear. The eon-u ruction of this
vaull will coNt 1fi0.
In the gold exhibit are three of the
Inrgidl, niiggeta ever found in Alaska.
They were taken from Ui" fn incut IMon
oor mine at Nome und the total value
of the throe, ia slightly in excess of
$7N0ii. It in proponed fo have the larg
out of these three ling.'f-'l arranged ao
thai visitor may pick it up and I ho big
yrllow lump will pusi through thou
hiiiicIh of hands during tho exposition.
The AlnHka fair cotunwmn hna nl
ready Neenred the lud, nuggeU and
gold hrickH for the d;.ip!ay and it will
be arranged in the gold pavilion of the
Al.'icka building nnvcrnl days in advince
of the opening of tho exposition on .June
1. A portion of the g.d ia v v in
aafety deposit vaulta in Bealtle.
Kvery claim nnd proHpect in tie r...
divitiona of Alanka contiibutet' ill
than an ounce of gold to the di
flic Seward peninsula, Tana
Copper river and southeastern A! ;
district! 'arc all repreiiantAd'. 7u ) ' !
tion to the srold manv of the mine own
ara of the Nome and falr'banks camps
wiJt also have lamploa of par dirt, grav-
o,l bedrock and black Band. The ex
hibit will be in exeeaa o ft wo tons of
pure gold, juat aa it waa washed from
the ground in the north.
rTw Canes.
Li Hi mi Hilly Alnnitt vn, .Irmoph M.
Mnmtt; unit for divm-ee. l- M. Cal
kiiif!, ntlorney for iiltiiutilT
fi.-t.rf;.- W. l,iur Rr nml Ahhie ,T.
''li;.iiilin vn. IthieK flohl Chunnol Min
iiiR enmpuuy e( nl.; r:uir fur Inlnnetion.
W. I. ';ivh'i- nml Ch-iili 1'riin, nltir
ni'v l'ir hl.-nntill.
Ktt.'ilc Unrip I'. Stimjson; will prn-
MASON, Mi,.),.,
iMIIil V 'h liri mil ,
l- ii 1! I. -1 Milium
vi-r knuwii sinee
ion hv nny nl her
T'-a-l. Ilerst. wiie
"vernl venrs, wu
lllS t'Ulllill to t)iis !
line than IlrVHt,
had livd linr fi.r
the lmnie nf I'ri'ul; CtHii. ;i n''i;;i'
bur, .'iinl miii nfhr jii'iviiii; foil de;id
ii I he ilotirvaril.
ll wa.t dixnveied ina; Iler.-U tarried
L'lnn cnneent.-il under a" old belt whi.'h
had w ab. .ui i -4, .:tist for years.
Ilerst had never b "1 mnrried nnd
li ed in f.e. liiHimi. lie u mi Id eonie to
Mason piidiuhly once m iwire a year.
nl mi iht-rte oerasii'in he lu-ver inin
led wilh nuyniie 1 1 n j limn hi.s stnre
He v:ih abonl t;f, oll, ami be
nb-s (lo
t' i I e linn.
. l.irin l:iml.
iVi tied
I Med I
11. M.
January l
he wife
an ciu'lit oiind
il. Mot her and daughter ar- doin
Classified Advertisements
V V I'Kli
...ll. It., I
. HI Hi.
ft. M
ill Imiisi
A.l.livs, .lay.
M.'Kri'll V
wm It f,,r :
full (I. :
r'. iih il.T.
KMrl r
l':i ni il v .,
I l Ml.
P. (. It, , v 1;.
I'm; sai.k
i.b-nee lets, t lose
rknl; deal Wlfh
.1 :
o.Mo r; f.n.' ti. A. lilies .1,
raie of Tribune offu e
PDtl SA1.C- Mensc. '..n Had land in
riioenix. or in tia.-t to hitit from one
nere lo tVtil n'na. MnH Chlliomt. Phoe
nii. Or
ron runt.
I" UKNT I'lM'ii.ri'i ni!, ri.i7ir:'il I M"lt"i.l HiiMin.'s. I'nlli'gi-
I. l..,-:c..l ln.,.nr.' II .l Navl, uir. fli..n i.M by ('. E. T.ivl.t In 1,. A
I.'li T ( ' "!' STT, ii r,'m fin nisi," . 1
Iti.ii-.'. .I..i.. In Ii,,,,,,,. M. 1'r. nrli. !
'-..;.. IV -,,k hi,K ,, I
S"" "' "'Hi,
1 ' miuHi- ut ui.ii
brutit rs,o.u,'. P .nl, v. tf I
' The Cars of 8tablai.
Only about cue farmer lu five ad-hi'r-'t
Htrlctly to toaliitalDlng the prop
er decree of cleanliness about the cat
tin nnd horse stnlla and the hog sheds,
'flie tilth that Is usually found around
the barn and sheds Is wholly Inex
cusable. It Is the forerunner of many
forma of disease and various kinds of
vermin. There Is more or less damp
ness lu stalls where animals are kept
even If careful precautious are adher-t-d
to, Wbeu carelessness permits It to
ai-oumulate this Is only Intensified.
All the stalls and beds should' be
kept perfectly clean and the -beddlnir
changed ofteu. At least twice week
the bedding should be removed from
the flour and a tboroUKU disinfectant
sprinkled ou it. As cheap and effective
disinfectant as can be used Is air
slaked liine, to which may b added
a small amount of crude carbolic acid.
.Sprinkle this on the floor of the stalls
and cover with dry bedding. Qerms
und odors ruiinnt exist loutt where
such treatment Is given.
Selecting the Brood 8ow.
A breeder who knows his business,
thus describes the desirable brood sow:
She should have a forehead broad
between the eyes, throat clean und
trim, neck moderately thin, shoulders
smooth nnd deep, back, wide and
atraU-ht, chest deep and wide, to pro
vide ample room for the vital organs,
with well sprung ribs and deep body
all aloii;.
Then- I a general belief thut long
bodli-d sows produce the most pigs,
but It Is not always true. The only
way to know about the number of
ils is n'-tunl test, and those Hint have
small Miters can be made Into pork.
When :i sow turns out .well, has a
K"od sized litter of pigs iiud is lu all
respects a Kood mother It Is best to
keep her at least for several years.
And then If some of her sow pigs
ihow all the ucncrul good qualities
they :dioiild lie selected us breeders.
l-'iu-in Progress.
Molasses as a Stock Feed.
Concerning tin- comparative feeding
value of molasses and corn, very much
will de I mi the combination In
which they are to be fed. it would
out li. nr -ihic to h:ive tin. lasses take
Hie i .In. f nf ( i,i-ii entirely In a feed ra
ti, n. the basis of which Is without
doiiln alfalfa hay lu Colorado. Few
if any i Iii-ivc experiments have
been en.idrct -i! with uinlasses as a
.ce.l fi.r
I'll.- ii r:
nck lu this country.
m.-ldei' one pound of
pi of two and n hnlf
--s lu fattening steers,
mined there as we
eei-s shoiild be start
7 on liioli'.sses as a
i b
feed, ,- .. -
mil per lieud dally.
illlds pel- dtiy Is the
ami th
i-r -.i :!
t. n I i n i
.el that can be stlfely
inid steer. W. I,. Car
AKileuitiiral College, In
lvtder's ;.iz'tte.
To Tll a Fowl's Age.
In ciiIHuk oul (hy old fowlu. If tlio
ire not pun. h mnrki d. it Is sotnetlioe.
diiMniit to loll the ago of a fowl from
Ua flppi'tinuitje, aaya Deuver Field and
Kiirm. The head Is the best Indica
tion of age. The underbill of an old
hen hi so H.lfT thut It cannot be bent,
uul i be comb Is thick and rough, iu
i youn-r hen tho mideihll! q soft nnd
tho i-miiti thin nnd sm.intl). If n hen'f
;pmw nre hard und iliu ruli'!i mi tin
N-rs ruitli she Is tdtl. A yuiiipx ben
Itis i. nly tin rinlliiit'iiM ui spui'; the
;i'ile-! mi the les nre muiurli. KloHny
uul fri"h fninred. I'io ehiw-i tender
nnd Hlmrl nml the htilLs Hhurp,
Mix I no. Concrete.
1'lie be.-.t loiH-relo Is limdu ft'oin high
.Marie pi-rilaiid eeiiienl, cloan, shari
ami and l.rolu ti stom or grave) prop-
Iv iwlv-d. Ihe ml 1 tiro beliii? depend
iit ii-Min t : nf w,.rk for wbk-li
the i--ii. re-ti li t. be unul. If urnvel
I li-if- I It sle uld be lb uimirlily cleaned
ircl tree from dirt . With broken stone
1 :ue 1 ohtrnclei's do not neeiu to bo as
i.iitlrnlar tin others In regard to the
nia'erlal beinir wuslieil, but It la best
in all east's wlih broken stoiio to see
;'i: t 'kmt K as Utile as pinlbto of the
i 'tie i ust eUtiKhiK to the purilelea of
. ne, -1 tenver FleM nnd l-'urin.
Pumpkins For Live Stock.
ruiiipUhiM as n feed nro uf ft bulky
nut ure because they contain n large
toreentnge of water; henee a pig emild
tmt be fed exelustvely ull puniplilus.
As a feed. Imwever, In eoinbluullon
with other feeils they nre niuut ex
i-olleiil in id are worth at least $3 to $t
per ton. William 1'letMeh. Illinois
I'vperlineiit Siatlnn.
Beet Topi and Pulp SitQ.
t top- nnd bt-et pulp eiiti be pre
served In silos for an Indefinite time
and tnke very ood Nllnjre, but not tin
eveluslvo foed. Iiy forage of Buine
kind should always bo fed In conuee
tlon with silage.
Nelllier beet leaven nor beet pulp. If
fed In reasonable niunuuts, will lnju
rlotisl niYe-t milk.
Wood Ashes For Alfalfa.
I'beie ts .i.iiuibly iiutbliic lietfer fur
i HhirtliiK alfalfa tlinii ood lubvs.
j Ashes I'otitnln buth lime itud potash,
j with more or Ions jthoshburiis. All
I these the soil neeiK tine of the best
l llelds of alfalfa eer seen on Woodland
j farm bad a drotfsiuu: of wood unheal.
1 Joseph . Willi; tu Breeder's (iazette.
j Ry nt a Dairy Feed.
The reniis iviuila experlimMit tH
j tlon lun dlseuvertM thnt rye meal as
1 n part of 11 properly bnlninvd ration
for intlk cows U ns ettb tent In tullk
find tut t tor tiroxluellon no nn equal
! welKht uf eornmeal. No Injurious ef-
feet unvn the miallty of the butter
nun iintteod.
brrt of Snn l.llist lliicp... I"l., :i urn
,.,..r lo llu- v:ill..v. Mr. Hi'lborl H
,p,i:llv Wil)1 fiM n5 n ;.,,.
m (hi lino of work ami Hip coIIok"
sl.oulil liiko an, maintMn
ttanunl (linn oror.
Are Ready for Your Inspection
IT All the Newest Blocks and Shades, the first
) shipment of 1909 STYLUS received m
Southern Oregon, in the display windows of
(Continued from page 1.)
company and East Side Mill & Lumber
company, Oregon, 7019 acres.
William M. Ladd, Portland, 1280
L. A. Lewis, Columbia Milieu com
pany, O. W. Blaloek, John P. Blalock,
Clementino.P. Lewis, S. B. Pettingill,
Charles II. Burton, G. W. Boynton, Kliza
J. Boynton, James Kupene Lord, "Wil
liam P. Dunham, Greenback Gold Min
ing company, Victor Junior Gold Min
ing company, Oregon, L674 acres.
BoothVKelly Lumber company, De
troit Trust company, John F. Kelly,
Bernard Marvin, George W. Denne, Jo-
seph Gillespie, James P. O'Brien, L. A. i
Brown, Trust company of Michigan,
67,285 acres.
Hammond Lumber company, a Now
Jersey corporation, 14,523 acres.
Elk Creek Lumber company, an Ore-
gqn corporation, 11G0, acres.
Jackson .A. Graves, Los Ajigeles, 1880
acres.. ...
Ashland Manufacturing company, nn
Oregon corporation, 2G?0 acres.
John M. Keith and Keith. .Oil & Land
eeppaoy, .both of Bakorsflald, Cal., 3733
acTM,7- ,r . mtf
Wad H. Blchardson, MJlwaokM, WiB.
9969 utm. - - ,
AdWrt B. Dowas and Edward B.
Downs, Sattl, 4110 acres.
And row B. Hammond Charlas J. Win
ton and Winton Timber company, Ham
roand of 8an Francisco and two other
defendants of Wnnsan, Wis., 4!,972
P. N. Rnyder, G!udfile, Or., 1252
T. T. nnd E. R. Co?lins, Ostrnuder.
Wash., 2f,247 acres.
Waldo A. Avery, Detroit, Mieh.; E.
liiehnrdaon company and Charles C.
ilriggs, ns administrator of the est-nte
of Charles IT. Green (all of Michigan
but Briggs. who lives in Portland), 1:1,-
7 0 neres. !
While there nre but $5 suits, there J
are considerably mor joint defendants. ;
lu ninny instances, however, the parties.
concerned are in nam" inly, having at 1
seme time been in sonic way interested '
in tho land in quest inn in thr different ,
Circling Globe on Bikes.
Rotwrt Helliiileb, u Cerimin biey-
(11.1 who ,:ueo!:Mi..ii!.r. ).v tb-ceV.M
don, u Hungarian rider, left llirls early
tu July on a trip n round the world,
arrived lu Los Angetus. Cnl.. ruently.
Ihe trip wh turted orielimlly us one
only of pleasure, but u prize being of
fered to the mnti ivbo uxrtved lu inrli
first after having rlddvii 1 mo nnd t hi-.
world attracted an Aiiit'rkan rider.
Henry KMier. bo joined tne foreluu-
i at New Vork unit eultJ-l the raee.
Helliiii. h In huudmfcj uf miles hIhiuI
of his neareist tvuipellior, l'lsber.
Bat N-lson Will Res.
Bat til uk .Nelson Issued u stutetueit
t-eiitly thai lie would sileiioo, for
awhile ut leo.M, the vieloailds ol WeULl.
rUuinpson. Meh'tirLind et al. for n
rtjflit l:i the near finure.
"1 uui thn ukIi v.ilb t!iw :'ii:ue mull
HpillitC.' s: ill (lu- .'iiiie. : i;:v i-ol!-
it lo Ilclit Kkiiut? time It; ..hireb. but.
hardly think .Vpril. however.
iH.'batdy will Hud rue tu, 1; In the
rln "
J12.0OO Fop Young TrotUr.
U11' lu.. yvar "lil tniiliT KoU rt C.
! 1V1.T II .' i.Ti'.it- t ,... i. .v;is r.f'A
for SIJ.coii l,y On. I-;,-Wtlkiw !
Muck fiirin In ('. (- Miici-,. ,,r St. ( I III-, i
MI1I1.. ri'K'iilly. "I'M K Hi,. Iii-h,.t
I 1. ial.l f,"' :l l, ,. viw 1, III fur :l
Ionic Him- 11 .li. il ('. mm Hie l.cxllu-
(ull sIilK.-i III Oi-tnliiT t.ti lli'ld III
l.Mi!lf;..ll. K) . Mini I. ..Ik Colin ll IIMIl
i-y lii Hi,- rim v:ir nlil minrlir.
Middies' Strong Gymntntic Team.
The NhvhI ai-iuli'iny will lie ri-pri'-ivu(ril
by it Mr.. ii sfviiinvtli.- t.-ni't
(his S.I18U1I ud will li:iv.. si'Vir.ll
S. ,J ol'"- 'S "V"'
that ( oluilild t will ,,., . tea... to
Aliuapull .... Oli . M und tbo l lilvor-
slly of lvu..,yl.;l,, ,. fvi.. 27.
mt llli 1jIU.1i nui iMiHtbly t,tl .,
'lli.V u llll V;irll.T ,i:uo. J
McCloskty to Manage Milwaukee
Kwriln r l:lii;ii-r l.'l '1,'vV. py ,.f .1.
St l.ollli li'S'tu,. ti'illll will
nmtiMi,-,! thu .Mllmutkt' I'iino'.II . i,.l.
It. 1X.HI li a:citd Eilty i ,r
The New 1909
Largest Clothing Store in Southern Oregon
W(! need J.I10 money and, by the way. there are
probably a few tilings that you need and are going to
buy soon. If so, looked over the list of Clearing-Out
Goods at
Yon can save money trading there every day in the
year, and just now we are closing out several lines at
just about half what the same ijuality would cost you
1-3 OFF
011 all Haviland China.
All Fancy China, .lap
Sugar and ' 'reamer, Sal
ad Dales. Odd Dinner
IMatcs. In fact, our en
tire line of Fancy Do
mestic nnd Imported
Fancy ( 'hina is being
dosed out ni one-third
off our regular price.
Men's custom made .Flannel (J loves and Mitlens,
Work or Dress Socks, Misses ami Boys' School or
Dress Hosiery, Pocket hnvks. Bags, Purses, cic. (live
us a call 011 these goods. We are pleased to show our
goods. But don't buy unless you find wind vou want.
with every 2'k- purchase,
Enamel Range thai we
person April 1. .1109.
when in town for rhal
China find Faix-v (Bass ware at, vour
choice, each
nat.ont Iiukkv.
'"' wiil'll "'1
.-""1 sinyli' liiir
.11,! t.l riililii :iliil
s'i.:ir:ilrlv nr
ilriv'nii; h,u Will
i.tlirrwixi' in i?m:tt liarL'.-rhi.
. ... AlLIl.m,ll I I I 1 11
NOT 1 1 ,-;.
Is lie 1 .-I . r pvcli lie'riiiunt',1
r.-ili ''v at llio rt'ijiiiuf niivlnig of (lie
ity council nf Mwtlfunl, Orrtjon, on j
ti-ilt in.iim -iii.I aniritiiiKt liiiunr in '
,in K!)I,n for ,ix
m, :,l lot Kl. bloik S.'. ii. M.'.lfoM. '
fr ,.ril, of ran,ln. .
- , ,.,.,. o, my ' !
' " I
l. F. 1'lnr.i. Hi'i'nt S:itni.n. in M..1 1
for.l. Hi' reports n lutluT t'nio ..ut
tl-.o !tirkv.:
W. M. I'i ti-r ami n il'-.-of
Xurtli Dakota ran
nrriraij. j
.uul (list Kulm
.v.'ni ildior.l
Usona Ware
Over 25 styles. Rose
Jars, 0 '('Tiler Bowls,
Stems, Flower Vases,
Fancy Jar;!, Stems, etc.,
at just one-half the
marked prices.
")D dozen Ladies' and
Misses' Plain and Fan-
S:5c each
Ladies' li.'c iiiality
Seamless Fast Black
11,.i,.-...i5c ecb
a chance ou thai y:i.00 Blue
will give awav to the luckv
big bargain
25c each
Friday January 29
Original Only
Hi Henry's
1( -VOCALWTS 14 Eloctrical Scenic First P.m
Fanficnl Conception of
Hoar the Famoni Military Band
:il n.,,!i j 'i'
".( . 1.1.0,