THE MEDFORD DATLY TRIBUNE, MEDFORJ), ORROON, MONDAY, JANUARY 25, WOO. MNTS FOR FARMERS 8hredding Corn Fodder. Sunn: ff the hiIviiiiuwh of shredding the com fothk-r may be eitumeruted us follows: The husking In iluue tu a short period of time, eliminating the luutf, tedious task of hand husking, Hortlug, hauling the corn and uiaeklug the stalks. The fodder In In better shape fur feeding In the manger, w here eaeh and every Individual ran get it share of the feed, both good and poor. The Block will eat more of the stalk after It is silt up than whole, thereby i milking the fodder go further. What is left of the fodder cull be utilized as bedding to guod advantage, and It will not be disagreeable to handle in the manure. Tills point of the value of the shred ded cornstalk butta for beddiug is too often overlooked. It not only makes a good bed for the stock to lie down on, but It Is tbo best absorbent of the, liquids yet found. It not only tukes up the urine, but It holds It, uud It is curried along to the Held uud Is plowed In with the manure, where It will beuetlt the crops that follow. As Is well known, the urine Is rich In both nitrogen and potash. If han dled Judiciously it is worth for this purpose alone ail that It costs to shred the fodder.-S. A. Clitpp In Orange Judd Fanner. At Farrowing Tim. Rows that furrow In March or any time when the weather is cold should be wutched closely and an uttenduut should be on hand to remove the young pigs us soon as they are furrowed, says hu Iowa farmer In Kami Prog ress. Place them either In a box or basket and luke them to u warm place at once or liuve a Jug of hot wuter set in the box so that the Utile pigs, get ting warm, will gulu strength. Just as soon as they are all farrowed pluce , them buck with the sow uud see thut j every pig sticks. Then agulu put them I buck Into the basket for two hours, j after which they should suck again. If the weather continues cold tlie pigs should be handled lu this way for ! twenty-four hours. After that time nicy can ue given to ine sow, unci u they are fnlrl.v Hlroutf they will require very little attention t'xeept curefuliiPtM J it fi't'dhiK I ho sow. Slit should be given light, sloppy foods for two or three days until she and her litter get ftctlve nnd strong, Care of the Colt'a Feet. If th colt Is allowed to run on a diy pasture the feet or hoofs will natural ly wear even and develop along the ' proper lines, hut where tbo colt is kept In n stall, ns lu tue winter tlnie. there should be plenty of straw bedding uud the stulls should be kept us dry us pos- ; sll.le. The proper cure of the colts ; m..f while young often decides the jute or me nurse wnen u is grown. Sometimes tho hoof will not develop straight It will ki'oiv "awry," innklnir it illlllcult for the eolt to run. The un even surface should bo riisped off and the wall trimmed slightly round to prevent eraeklnir. Too much use of tiie rasp is not advised, but a judicious f it. .m .... i.... i...,.n..l n. ......... i o... natural or acquired defects in ,u ! growth of Iho hoof. It Is essential that the hoof bo kept Hymmetrteul and well proportioned. Farm Wisdom. Holes In metal roofs may be stopped by lumps of putty and paint. A leak In tho winter means wet litter, canker, colds and roup. Not only oil the farm machinery when putting It away, but paint the wooden parts, lt doesn't take much pul nt, but lt makes tho machines ami tools last u good sight longer. Don't leave tho tools out to warp nnd rust in the winter storms. One winter's exposure will hurt them more than two or three years' use. Clean them up nnd put them away In the dry. If you have no tool house put them lu the packing shed. A coat of paint applied now will add several years to tho life of the woodwork of tools. Lice In the Henhouse. Do not put too much value on the statement that lice do not multiply In winter. Look your hens over as you go through the pens and see how ninny lice are troubling tho birds. Watch the underside of the roost nnd the bottom of the nest for red mites. Take measures to get rid of lice and mites. They may not spoil your win ter egg yield, but they will certainly reduce It. A good dusting powder nnd a liquid lice killer are needed on every poultry plant, no matter how small. Fertilizing Cotton. Three years' fertilizer experiments on reddish prairie land at the Ala bama experiment station showd that cottonseed meal and nitrate of soda were applied to cotton nt a decided pro tit, either alone or lu combination Willi acid phosphate. The use of acid phosphate was usually profitable, but the use of knlnlt was almost uniform ly unsatisfactory. To Rout the Flea. Fleas In outbuildings may be routed or killed by whitewashing the wallH uud drenching the Hours with sculdlng hot soaiisudH or by spraying the Inte riors with strong kerosene emulsion, j The Insects may be driven from dogs The Neceieary 8mall Hat. or other animals by dusting them j A small hat should always be in wlth pyretbrum or Persian Insect ! eluded In the winter millinery outfit powder.' ' for wear on windy days, when a veil ; Is difficult to adjust and keep tidy on Hog Puralysie. : a large lint. This season offers some When tbe lag seems to be losing I delightfully iiuallit and becoming small the use of Its limbs, feed less corn ! hats, turlmus and mushrooms holding and more bran and oats chop. If I first rank after the wide brimmed tbe trouble Is very hud. give eight , or ten drops of nux vomica in the feed twice a day. An abundance of green feed should also be given. NOTli'K. Notice ia hereby given that the under signed will apply to the city council of the city of Med ford, Oregon, at the meeting to be held on February 3. limn, for a license to sell spiritous, vinous anil malt liipiors in quantities less than a gallon, for a period of eix months, at his placo of business at N'os. 112 anil 1U Front street, in ra'd city. Hated this 2ITtll div of .Tanaary. ll. 270 JOHN HARRINGTON. WOMAN AND FASHION Costume For the Street. The coat costumes for the most part hare very plain skirts of the slientl) variety cut on long clinging lines, while the elaboration is centered ou the coat in the form of bruid, bands of silk and buttons. The suit lu the cut developed In olive green broadcloth, IN OLIVB 0B1IKN BROADCLOTH. trimmed with bluck satin bands and fancy buttons. The dlrectolre effect lu the cont Is suggested by the big dusu lnix revers. The vest is of silk. The Aeep ue)t divided lu three strips In troat Bn(j fstened by oval gilt buttons. Red R(din() Hood clotkt . j milklll(r tu0 Uell Hiding Hood clonUs fol. 0VeuIui wuur it In a oo4 plu to al,u f(.lUueruonlllg or a Ueilbe wuale. boue ,mo (he ta9, lhat (iraw9 le h . . . ,,, . hood Is used (in u head protector the hair Will be kept In inu.-li better condition, as the hood cannot full so easily. There Hhmild, however, always be a deep hoaiXing so the frUI tlllI8 tormeA will nestle u round the face and prevent the wind from disarranging the hair. New Way With a Ruff. Women are quite used by this time trt the Htrht t lnt t! ruff that, tit a UD ngnlllst th(J Tlley have seeI1 lt an(J worn ,( ,u Iuulluer ot mllte. r,nU Tne Mw ,,,, nowevePi , to lmye fmm hne tQ glx ,nch cl0Be wim, of flet et or ,ace put ,nto (io Thlg ,8 ugcd on d,rec. , . rinto Mlnt ., ,. ,,,,.. Tho ruff Is basted In u round the neck and down the front nnd ends at the" first button. It 1h quite effective. Gauze Morning Glories. As a rival to the cloth of gold rose with Us beaded center and the blnck gau.e rose with its Kold rim eonies the morning glory of gauze, ! This Is to be worn lu the hair as an ornament at the Hide of the Oreelau t knot. It Is also to be used, uu the other I tlowers are, In the frout of the corsage ' for all social and evening affairs. ! It Is In perfect coloring and gives a ; charming touch to fllmy gowns of white or cream or pale blue. Cravats For Modish Waista, As accompaniments for tho modish plain waists and shirts come very pretty cravats, plain high throat bands of velvet, with loops of velvet edged with colored silk fringe In frout; small bows, black silk, with pointed ends, finished with drops of opal, blister pearl, turquoise, etc., and very high neckbands of folded black satin, edged with a frill of net, lace or moussellue, with h large bow under the chin In front. The Latest In Millinery, The attractive piece of millinery shown In the Illustration can be made of cloth or satin, or a "soft fell" can be used. Two bands of velvet are tied around the crown and twisted Into THE YOUTHFUL FACES. lare, soft rosettes In the Wck. A lurge buueh of feathers In placed on tbe right side. Tiil i hut Is very easily made uod la becoo.::it; to must uuy une. Tbe feu. In rs a;id ..'Ivet can be left off and a se:!rf used Instead If desired. ones. The inusbroonis lire quite novel and vastly different from those of last year. NoTIc i: Is hereby given that the uniUrsigns.I will apply at the regnlnr meeting of tbe city council of Medfnid, Oregon, on February .'i, 1!")9, for license to sell malt, vinous and opiritous liquors in 3ss quantities than on gallon for 3 nionths at lot 11, block 20, in Medford, Oregon, for a period of 12 months. 2(j(j W. M. KENNEDT. Dated January 19, J909. K. H. Harris, J. P. Malon y, W. T. Goulder, 1J resident. Vice-President. Set . and Treos. MEDFORD REALTY COMPANY Dealers in Timber, Coal, Orchard Farm Land and City Property INSURANCE, COLLECTIONS nnd RENTALS List your property with us. We are in constant coni niunication with eastern parties desirous of investing in Medford and Southern Oregon. ROOM 10, JACKSON CO. BANK BUILDING. II You Owned the Earth -- ? iiv i producing capacity increases, but with 'the r!ght kind of an orchar d, such as some we have to show, the purchaser has a chanco of got ting liis pifrchase price back out . of a singlo crop, with proper man agemeut. How can wealth be accumu latcd faster than by buying o uu of the good young orchards wo have for sulci Always at your service for the best buys in this valley. ROGUE RIVER LAND COMPANY 'KXHIBIT'BIIITjDINU, M . . MEDFORD, OREGON" TO WHOM IT FOR Biggest Bargain in Rogue River Valley Seventy ncres HKST apple and pear land, three miles north of AhIiIhihI; IS hitch planted to Ncwlivvns and 8pitwn hern; mostly veil laud; soil deep anil free. This property li.-s on mute of B. V. !. and suburban tilcphone line and is witliiu one mile of Pie fammis l)r. I'lio orchards, and adjoins lanil llmt is actually sold at $1SI1 per acre, bare In ml . and tliis property is every bit as p;nod in all respecis. This properly lies in a fast dcvclopi n( fruit, belt of 21 "ill iirrea; KHI acres in bearing, (i-'iO acres niiililional planted, 1 to 5 ycni'B old, ami balance of laud bointf planted as rapidty as possible. Hacked by n good coutnry road, l-'or aale, for a limited tim ') only, at the ex cccdinnly low price of K-iiOllO, or will uell at .fKin per acre, or pwr acre planted. Fur particular:'. :nd tonus, address I'. O. Hex !!:cj, Aslil-iail, Oregon, for cannot afford to delay. This offer is limited. Inquiries of real estate dealers respectfully solicit:.!. TWO MEN KILL NINE-FOOT PANTHER WITH A CLUB William Vincent, and .M florden, two well known ranchers living near Pros pect, last week killed a panther that nuiesurcd nine feet in length with n club, says the (told Hill News. The beast had been liillinp calves in the eeigliborliood, so thev set a trap for him and caught him. When they came upou him in the trap mithi-r had a gun, so they both grabbed clubs and soon had the panther kill 'd. 'residents or kane'S creek DISTRICT WANT NFW BRIDGE Fred Heesc of Knnj s Creek was in town Tuesday circulating a petition asking the county court to build a bridge across Wane's creek, says the (iol.l Hill News. During rigli waters this sllircain is extrunely dangerous, ami the Dardinclle school is situated so that most of the children living in tin' district are obliged to cross the reck en their way to te-hool. When it is up. as at the presou time, it is even ilangerons to cross with a team. The l.riilm. run bo built for a small sum and should be done aa aooil ah siblc Prepaid Railroad Orders, "Something waich is of considerable interest to tbe public generally and which ia perhaps not generally known is the system of prepaid orders now Id effect between etationa of the Southern Paoific coinpaay and all poiDts in the I'nitcd States. By means of this system tickets may be purchased at Medford front any place In the United States and mailed or telegraphed direct to the party wishing to come here. Sleeper accommodations and small amounts of cash in connection witii these tickets nay also be forwarded at the same lime." ' You couldn't find a better placo to live thau iu this glorious ltogue Kiv.or valley, with its in comparable winter aud summer climate. Just now wo havo some particularly good developed or chard propositions to submit to tbo honiosookor, whitfh are sure wiuueis. Best give this matter immediate attention. It does not take a very wise man to foresee that the advance in values which we have been predicting in in coming producing fruit lands is about to materialize. A good young orchard win not only in crease in valu3 as its income- MAY CONCERN SALE BIG REWARD ! Fur anyouB finding u lunch 1 i Uu THE LOUVRE servei for .'!5 renti. .SEA DISASTER IS NARROWLY AVERTED BELOW NANTUCKET NKW VOIIK, Jan. jiS. A trfiniiiiduim nun d'mfiwt'T wit narrowly liivtrled Hat- ' unlay wlifii fin unknown vpnmI rollidnl j with tin- White Star linr-r Rfpnblic 2fi ! rniliiH south of Nantucki'l. All of thn. 1.0 jinsfsiMit'prH ur Hnf The niVKTiuc ' cutter Baltic was only a short distance awiv Htnl went to the rescue. j City Business Let the MISSION FURNITUBE WOBES make that piece '4' 'nrniture. Any design, any color, any finish dull, waxed or poliahed. Shop on cor. of 8th and H streets. W. M. OolTlg. 0. L. Beamea. COLVIO ft BEAMES Lawyers. Office: Medford Bank Bldg. Oround floor. Cook Stores and ranges. Phone 91 MOBDOBFF ft WOLF New and Second-Hand Furniture Ends' old stand, 18-80 F St. South Medford, Or. KARNES BOOMING HOUSE Newly built and newly furnished All modern conreniences. D. Q. Karnes, Prop. 20 S. O St., Medford, Or. MEDFOBD CEMENT BRICK ft BLOCK Co. will .e prepared Feb ruary 15 to furnish comont brick. Better thnu pressed brick and just as ch"ap. lu estigato before contracting. ' P. O. Box 118. MEDFORD TEA AND COFFEE HOUSE Specialists in Teas, Cof fees, Extracts, Baking Powder and Spices. Wo curry all kinds of dinnor ware and fancy dishes. 210 W. Seventh St. Medford, Or. DB. QBLE The only exclusive Optician be tween Portland and Sacrnmento. Office on Seventh Street. When others fail, call on DB. E. J. BONNER Eye Specialist Office in Eagle Pharmacy Main 233. Seventh and Main THE HOTEL EMEBIOK Rooms from 60 cents to $1.00 pel day. All modorn. conveniences, We solicit your patronage " VALLEY AUTO CO. have opened their new gurngo uud repair shop back of the Moore hotel. Motor cars storod and taken cure of. All work guarauteed. Phouo No. 8103 WANTED Timber and Coal Lands Apply to B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs More Light for LessMoney Sixty-tbree per cent of electric current saved by using TUNGSTEN LAMPS. 32 Candle Power Edison Lamp uses 110 , Watts per hour and would use in 1000 his. 110 Kilowatts which al locts. a Kilowatt $1 1 32 Caudle Power Tungsten Lamp uses 40 Watts perhour and would use in 1000 hours 40 Kilowatts which at 10c a Kilo watt 4 Net Saving iu 1000 hours in favor of the Tungsten Lamp $ 7 Rogue River Electric Co. (Successors to Condor Wntnr & Power Co. Office, 20( West Seventh Street. PI1011e.No. 3f5. Opposite tbe Big Electric Sign. 3ttrs. "3vzm Ufampton Usaacs Instructor of "piano, Tlt 5tttl)0& Studio at 3oI0nc. 3tor!l) Orsiit Strict THE MEDFORD DAILYTR1BUNE HAS THE BE S3 NEWS SERVICE IN SOUTHERN OREGON. THE E. B. V. LUNCH BOOM Finest cup of coffee on the Pacific. Coast. H. H. Lorimer Prop. ABTHUB H. DAVIS Contracting Electrical Engineer. 210 W. Seventh St., Medford, Or. ENVELOPES printed to order LETTERHEADS of aU styles by The Tribune. THE ELECTRIC AND FRENCH DBT CLEANING AND PRESS ING WOBSS W. E. Lane ft Son, Props. Opposite Hotel Moore, Medford Oregon WASOHAU ft BROWN wish to announce to their patrons thnt they are located in their new quarters in the Young ft Hall building. Billiards, Cigars and Tobaccos. DB. FRANK ROBERTS Dentist Office hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 4. Miles Building, Seventh Street, Modford, Oregon. THE MISSION DRILL Alwnys open for business. Neat nnd clean. Up-to-date. Popular prices. 12 So. P St. Lambert ft Brown For good bargains in Watches aud .lowolry, Pistols, Musical In struments, go to THE MEBFORD LOAN OFFICE C Stroot. MEDFOBD FUBNITUEE CO. Undertakers . s -' !ny Phono 853 ; ' '. " Nighf Ph'onoi-0. W. 0onkltn30 , . ' ' ' J; H. Butler 148 , PR. R. J. OONROY ', Successor to Dr. Joues. Office in tlu Stewart Building. Directory : SAVOY THEATEB , North d 'Asjon Street. Latest motion pictures and illus trated songs, iutire change of program Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Admission 10 cent. BIJOU THEATEB, W. 7UH ST, Continuous performance erery evening of motion piotures and 11; lint rated ballads. Entire change of program Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Admission 10 cents. , WM. H. AITKBK Plumbing, Steam and Hot Water - Heating. 'I Phone 88. : i S10 W. Seventh St., Medford, Or. EDEN VALLEY NTJBSEBT ' N. S. Bennett, Medford, Or. Grow trees that sell, sell trees that grow anad fruit true to label VEBNE T. CANON Billposter and distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 7 Jackson Co. Bank Bldg. Medferd, Or. O. F. COOK Sells trees that grow. . Office: R. R. V. Depot. P. O. Box 841. Phone 093. Medford, Or. MBS. ED. ANDREWS Voice Culture and Art of Singing Studio at Residence. East Medford. ' Phone 225. S. B. SEELT, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Modorn equipped operating rooms X-Ray. Office hours: 10-18, 2-4 p. m. Office in Jackson Co. Bk. bldg JACK FREDENBURO - Scavenger. (liirhnge hauled. Medford. DR. WALTER B. STOKES, s . - - -. Dontist. - i w. s. ! - ' - - i tu Successor to Dr. J. M. Keene. NEVER LOOK BACK It doom 't pay. Keep your eyep fixed ou our exceptional offering!. Fint tai loring can oly be secured Irani the bands of high-class tailors., Go expe rience and methods are certainly wortit . investigation. We employ tbe best workmen mid our clohtes are witfcut doubt the most carefully selected ill the city. EIFERT The City Tailor Medford Time Table SOUTHERN PACITIO RAILWAY. I Northbound . No. 10Orjgon Bxpross. . . ..j 5;M p. m. No. 14Pnttland Express. . .. 9i49 a. m. I Southbound j No. 15C'nlifornia Express... 10:35. m. No. 1.1San Francisco Exp... 8:20 p. m. No. 225Froin Grants Pass.... 9:15 p.m. No. 225For Ashland 10:15p. m. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY RAILWAY NoT SILeavTs Medford 10:46 a. m. No. 4Leaves Medford 5:88 p. m. MotorI,oaves Medford 2:00 p.m. MotorLeaves Medford 9:00 p.m. No. lI,eaves JaeksonTilla. . .j 9:00 a. m. No. 3Leares Jacksonrills. . . 8:80 p. m. MotorLeares Jacksonville.. .1 1:30 p.m. MotorLeaYQS Jacksonville . 780p.m. MAIL CLOSES A.M. P. IT. Northbound 9:19 4:54 2:50 2:M Southbound . Eagle Point 10:05 T: Jaekssavtlle 10:201 1:26