MEDJ'OltD DAILY IB LINE, MEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 25, WJ. $.7 IT!" t , x 1 ir wfo ' V 1 4 mi mi Medford Daily Tribune ! Official Taper of the City of Medford. i PublLslicd every evening except Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISHING ..COMPANY i (Jhokqb Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Mutter in tlie Postoffioe at Medford, Oregon. bUDSCRlPTION RATES. "ail or currier. .0 50 One year, by inuil... . .$S.UU X I 1" r 1 I J HEAL ESTATE iRANSFEES. Rir-il'ir ( 'o;il company lu A. K. RcHmt'H, land in township 3S, range 1 V . . . . $ 1 Pacific Coal coropuay to Sunny sido C'oal & Coke puiupuny, - , lund in townttliii .17. mngu 1 W 1 Pacific Coal company to A. J-,'. IffUinoH, land in Imvathip 3Sf rang" 1 W 1 William f)aviM to .1. I Mundy, t ai., H V '4 of ftfctiim :J5, luwimliip Ait ruii'o I W .... 1 Medford Coal & Mining t on j puny to Pacific Conl I'Oinjmny, tin 1 riiriiiiHUit of least . 1 J. Hrown to .1. P. Muml' el " I, N K of X K hvHmu !t. towrmhip -'tl. ratify 1 W... 1 ick Mmphy to Sunuyaidc :il mid i'oUf cuinpiu y, lund in tion hiwnshin range w ; I v ManKDii to II. Hn.wn, N K N 1' Vl sectirni 't, !oWMllii ranjjo I V . . . . 1 k K. Muri.liv t A.. K. , men, land ill tntviinliij) !!K. ;n I W '.. .. t" i Coal and Mining com-: to Pacific Coal company,' rr-H in Hoction ?t, town- - :(7, riniK 1 MIimhi Van Uvk io John C.j iyl(c, land in tovnvhip :t7, ' . W 10 Hutch o Wcodville (impany, pn -perty m in Lindley ! AugiiHt V. ,ri acres in fed ion p ;wt raiijo . . ..... inlley to William M ilne. Idoek Xaire'iin addi- ail mrn A.r'i!7-:" " ""'. t i II liv OI.VMI'IA, WiikIi.. .it'. Tlin i.lior torciw nf Iho stiili' h.i.i' lusl. I lm first trick In finlilinu llio j.r. pnni'il liwnl ni '.ion bill nf llio nnli-Saiiuiii I.iikho. The hoiistf commitlon 1ms -.- c.itim-n.lil llio 'jill wit Uolit umiMiiimi'iilK Imi'k to 1ln hniiHi, for iiiiMiign, anil it "ill likvly ronid bi'fori' thn nt tin' m'usiiin Monilny nftoriionn. It t"uU tlm oin inillro but n fw nii:iul" tu noi-opt tin' hill drawn, nixl In' tin' lu'im' t" judgi' of the niMvhvl :'.i"ri'.liiii'lit". Tho I'ommitti'i, w.m ilivi'lul five t" four on Iho Riloption o' tho bill, nml tho mnjority toeuroil tin f:iiouiblo 111' lion, illMtoail of pontl'or. mo nt ':i lonircil by tho lienor int. H-i.. Tho biil (iroviili'il f"r r. unity c..tiun option. Arnuinu thai oa-.-li nuiiity shoiil.l bv tho juiltfo of its own i nt it nt ions. ho tomppranco poopl,- l.iul propaii.l u bill vitb Iho provision Hat any comity onld bnninh Iho nalo -n nml K. op i' mt. The othor bill, inti'tnlni to lonipmiro with tho qnoHtion, proi.lo.l for pro inct lornl option, aii'l lor tlio rninn ion to Iho pooplo at o-K-h inoiimai ion tho qoostion of "wot Thit, it id argunl, ivoulJ ho pfoplo tnnntiinuy too tion, ami mo moro ol,.- Mrv." hoop bol'oro Malonn ipios rmliral bill win nwommoniled for pnspuj.'.- MINEB HUBLED 200 FEET AND LIVES TO TELIj tali, NEVADA CITY, .Inn. '.'.-..-Minor I'Dbnnoll, nflor a thrilling rulo ilown stoop grnrto In a runaway oro our toilav ami in likoly to rooovor, nay tho pliy,-ioiiiii!i. O'liounoll ivnii ooiuii'K down tho iiioun tain in a oar from tho (liny KhU' miuo. Aftor a littlo Iho bako. rofimod Io work 111,1 tl ar soon ho.m to :h in mo iiiontiiiii. I'rosontly it was whirling aloni; at a fearful rato. O'lioiinoll sa wthat to ntay in until tho olid of tho trnok w :u roaoliod nioant suro dofitli rtii.l lowarl Iho Olid of tho nioliiio ho iumpod. 11-1 was oarriod by llio niovouiont Sl'i foot (hroiiKli tho air and foil at lust upon th" rooks, broak mj; his jaw and voooiv;n iuloinal in jnrios, b.'d.s any nuuibor of outs and luniso. llolp was sout to hi. 11 Il soon ns (vis il-lo aud last tiiht .o o as brought to ! Ins pla.-o for troatin U't . ABUUZZI WOULD P.YIHIUN TO WED Iv ATE ELKINS 1'AHIS, .lau. ill. A rocinl dispatoh fioin Turin to llio Potit l'arisionno sa's tho Ouko of tho Abnw.r.i has od t roi,;n from tli'1 ravv and to to noun,.,- all lank and h..i.i,rs in ordor to niuiry Miss i iithoiiii,. I'lkins, but lliat Ih" kini: lias rofusoi to ao. -opt tho liil.ii 's rosiiuil ion. A nulubor of offioors i f.n orsaut with tho situation, who jsktsl iho ipioon aboard tin- battloslnp loina t,, tutor witli tho kintf. woro plnood undor olofo arrost by Admiral Mirabollo, tho uiinistor of niarino. Many hih naval offo-ors liavo il,oid,-l to rosign with tho Ilukn if tho Abrtlrli in lokon of tltoir syinpalliy. tion Io Modford 175 M. II. I.iiulloy to Ethel Heortle, lot block 2, XarrogHit's addi tion Io Medford 10 l.dith A. Orr to City of Medford, property in block 44, Medford C. W. 1'alin to the public, lot 7, block 44, Medford 1 Wis. Arnold to E. U. Br.lcom, property in block 1, Oiay'a ad uition to Medford 1 Kato .cAnlrow8 to cily of Med ford, land in township 37, range 1 W 250 if. .T. Love to M. V. Meddler, lot I and B. block li. Ander son Toft addition Io Medford 1100 R. 0. Toft to (luBtnv Lav.-, lot K, block M. Modford 1 7 Ed ward Wolter to Ennl Wolter, 80 acres in x etion 1H, township ,li, innuo 1 W 1 A. T. Kyle to W. I. B..wer, min iiiK property . . .' 1 (i. P. Wortz to O. 1). Brook, land in Hoction 11, township rr-Ko t V 325 .li lm I', White to W. E. Diu((niau, ;t..-,5 noroH in to-,vnship 3!t, rnuRO I W "SO i lareni'o IJ. Coroy to Frank Ma in v, property in blook fr, Med ford 10 A. l. Ilolmiui to Albert H. JoneH, properly in Ashland 1 Albert II. .lonea to A. D. 1 1 el- man, property in Ashlnnd .... 1 Wolliorn Boeson to Anna W. Uee " mm, ;!i ucro in townBhiji 3S, rnnno 1 W 1 Anna V. rioenon to Welborn Beo- -7', ncro in D L C 03, town ship 3H, ran)je 1 W ,. 1 Itorl Anderson to M. J. Love, lots 4 and 5, block 3, Anderson Toft addition to Medford 10 FAVORITE JEWELS Are alw-iiya thoae of genuine merit, IIioukIi not nlwnys the most costly. Jewelry of the finest quality. As the present winter promicos to be one of unusual social brilliuneo, you will find it Io your interest to gecuro what you need from our uuiiHual Mock of rings, lirooehos, pi'mlnnta', pinf chains, brnce lotn, etc. MARTIN J. REBDY Jewelry and WatGhes -'.J-j j. .5. E. EN VAHT, yrejnacnt. .T. A. PEKRY, Vico-Presidenk. JOHN 8. OKTn, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, ABs't Coshler. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK MEDFORD, OB. CAPITAL - - $50,000 SURPLUS - .- 10,000 Safety Boxes For Rent. A GeneralBank in Bus ness Transacted. We , Solicit Your Patronage. I 'Krf . ' i e ? S ' ipecial I YOU OUGHT TO KNOW tliu 'ex'cellcaco of thj meals that are cooked nt tho Kmerick Cafu if you haven't alroady rogalvd yourself with some of tho delicious dithes that ar Herved hero. Jf you haven't partaken of then), there in a treat awaiting you that you will want to repeat often. A meal at tlio Emoriek is an experience t hat will mnko you t y, Hko Oliver Twitt for more. The Emerick Cafe Open All Night Sale mbroidery o YARDS LINEN FINISH Extra Heavy Thread Embroideries 6 Insertions AT 15 cte per yard Commences Today and continues All Next Week SEE THE WINDOW DISPLAY Van Dykes APPLES and PEARS and all kinds of Fruit Trees YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commpvfial Nursery in the Pacific Northwest. Not m the combine. CVvipetes with ' all first-class nurseries L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, OREGON. Medford Iron Works ' E.G. TROWBRIDGE, Propi it tor. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS All kinds of, Spraying Out fits, Pumps, Borers and Machinery. Agents in Sovthorja Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. When You Think Of Shoes Think of McDonald United BtaUa Depositary. Established 1888. YOU KNOW THE BILL IS PAID when you buy by cheek lieeause when ; it is returned marked paid, it is tho best possible reeeipt. Why not open an neceunt, subject to ehoek, with this strong, obliging bank! W. I. V AWTKlt, Prudent. .0. li. Cashier. 'Capital and frurplus $12.',,000 Itesoiur-a $7(10,0011 I EVERY ONE HAS THEIR TROUBLES OWN Kspeeially the man v. ho buys a suit of elothing or ovcreiwt made to fit any one that wanta to buy. The man who has his garments made to order by an up-to-d:ile tailor never lies any trouble with the fit, finish or general "got up" of his elothiug. It int. only fits per fectly, but gives yon a stylo and indi viduality ncijuired it' no other way when made tit J. A. Kreuzer h Co. Importers andT ailois PALM BUILDING, MEDFORD, OR. G. B. Hilftinircr A. C. Randall Rogue River Investment Co. 1 FRUIT LANDS" f, Sub-Dlvtders and Developers Rogue River Valley Or chard Lands, Choice fruit laads, bearing and young orchards in small and largo tracts, for sale. . We plant and care for orchards and gnaranree property to bo aa represented. Experience JVot Necessary for tboae who purchase through us. They secure the advise and lervlcos of a consulting horticulturist, au expert on fruit cul ture in all its branches, who for several yeiiB has cxcclcd in the growing and Shipping of fruit in the Hugue River valley, record crops, record packs, record prices. , in North D Street, Medford, Oregon When you want to know any thing special about SHOES Go to c. w. Mcdonald Successor to Smith & Molony niiiinr" IL,. I J. Hams I -" ,-'-tj i'l : a I IB I MEDTORD SASH & DOOR COMPANY PHONE 2291. yiflljDW Ecamej, Oak Veoecpd Poors, with Bevel Plate, carried in stock cheap. Office FBtturee and all klnde of Plan Jag Mill Work, including Turned Work and Fancy' Grills. P 8TBEET, BETWEEN S13TH A.ND S EVENTU STREETS. Compare the Quality It is, ami ahvnvs 1ms bfn our aim t ) s:ip1 v our c.istonurs with poo.U of tli lilqli,. jMitiiU''li(y to or In;... Tlu- -JaUi.ition of "p-rfont'tl Ork " niarv.-; our li::,. '"f - i ;r::.)f Cnrno.l Qool most coinplrto. Our service always tho b t anil r rery aocom- ,:.r onstitnors. Allen & Reagan Groceries, Chinaware, Fruit and Feed YOU AN'T SAV E On ymir rai'mail fan1. Tho law of tie conrmon carrier rtn'ijiela equal rates .mi all niilmail linca YOU CAN SAVE In Time, Traveling Ex penses and Fatigue by insisting on the shortest route, fasteit trains and best service. Simply see that your ticket reads via SOUTHERN PACIFIC O. R. & N. Oregon Short L ins and Union Pacific Every facility for tlio safety and nccommoda. tun of th.' passenger is provided. N., change of iars is necis-iary to Den ver, Omaha, Kansas City Chicago. ,ru-t connec tions are for all oth er points cast and south A. S. ROSE.NBAUM, Agent, Medford. WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, PORTLAND, OR.