Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, January 25, 1909, Page 1, Image 1

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Boost the Development of the Rogue River Country by Subscribing Liberally to the new Medford Pamphlet
By far the largest and beat newt report
of any paper In Southern Oregon.
ITMtirc3 a rtlkiMe.
The Weather
Cloudy tuiiight and Tuesday. Varic
hie winds. Wuriner.
third year.
No. 264.
Tootlsifiy and
Admission 10 eenta.
Continuous performance every
evening of motion pictures and iX
lustrated ballads. Entire change
of program Monday, Wednesday
and Friday. Admission 10 centa.
Contracting Electrical Engineer.
B10 W. Seventh St., Medford, Or.
Fredrick Mercreau Who
Ownes Considerable Tim
ber in Jackson County
Awarded Judgement
Frederick Jl. Moreeu mi, n wealthy
tiiiiherman, president of the Axle laim
her company, and tie cwner of hoiiic
4000 or TiOUO neroa j timber in Jack
son county, one of tlm Wheeler syndil
eiiti1, who w:is the victim of a black
limiling suit hrought r gainst liiin by
Helga Farivtt, n Swedis". inassense, 1ms
been awarded a $"i.0 judgment against
the fair blackmailer by t ho federal court
at Pol" till nil.
Mr. MerJierenu, vhnse local agent in
Mr. Porter, a well known in .Medford,
v. hero he spent a w?eh lust atittimn
with other memhern of his syndicate,
His property lien niton t Prospect and
in the Jjig Hut to dislrvt;.
The suit brought in -May, J 90S, was
by Helga Farrett, wh.i said she was a
subject of 1 he king of Mweden, iu the
sum of $50,000. Her bill of complaint
included breach of pro.ojse o,marrx-
In Mr. Mrsereau'a answer he denied:
all allegations made in the complaint.
As the time for the plaintiff to reply
expired and "no reply 'was filed, nor
any other action taken, her attorney,
who was present in dour;, told the court
that the reply in tlio case was to have
been drawn by an nfloi oey in New York
st Me, wh ro the woman now resides.
All eoinniuuical ions mi 1 informations in
tie case, im hiding t in- defendant s an
swer, had been sent to her 1 hrre, .fudge
"Wolvortou rendered imlmcnt for Mr.
The woman js said tt: be about Xt
years idd and in til" l.inl i: came mil
thet h'T fWcigu reeo".i had been looked
up and contained tunne evidence of ac
tions not entirely ere.liti blc to her. She
is now 1 1 1 n i r iudiel nient for assault
with a dangerous weapon, the charge
being she olice ' i. .eat ened the life
of a son of Mr. Mei-si-nau in the lat
ter 's office.
WASHINGTON. .Ian. 'J'.. The nee
t if n of a monument in this city to the
memory of Agraham Lincoln is recom
mended in a resolution introduced by
St nal or 1ick of Ohio. In: monument,
it is provided, "shall b: Worthy of his I
great fame, his service to humanity I
and to his country. :rid fittingly i )
lneinoiiilive of tin1 grurdeur of charac
ter, the nobility of life and the epoch
making career. ' '
The Menu 1 11 commit,- on appiopria
lions lias taken action on the resolu
tiou and has referred il to the commit
tee on library, Forth. ; le.oniiueiidatioii
is made that th nt -urial of 1 lie birth
of T.iiu-ii.dii, the iL'th of eevt February,
lie set aside by all American, all mu
nicipjilit ieH and towns lid. all assoein
t ions find nrgauin. i es to honor his
Kmphasis is 'placed on ihe fact that
as Lincoln had most of liis .Irawbacks
ill his eavh years am! toinpiered ifieni.
il I spur on th1 ;.oulh of today,
and in view of this f.i. it is ! forth
that appropriate gcrei-H- should be
l.ehl in all seats of h-ii-:nug.
i Hli" Ado, Jau -Kntiinecr- on
tl.e IVutisx lvania li:" have cone to
the i : ii. residents ef
Hi.H.klitie Jiud 1'ark M iifi' are uuai-"-th.
tic Th- pc .)..- t.f these suburbs
have entered ;in .d j 'i-( '.oil Iterance ihe
. engineer- liviiii; ther- whistle tli'b
nivi'i" as t hev pa -s t Iti in in t bv-
Tlie eiii-iii. rs -a I hey have only
been follow .ML' 1 lt t J' 1 1 :el i 1 1 oti :i . n
timrnt. It U-t 1 n II u-l-m of en
Mineei. m-lii "f day. le pull a l.-ii.;
b.xing whistle lat the wift- tna.v
know her hnsb-Mtd ha, ) -M.-ted hi, ont
' i;. heliin.illi safely n-ni- uail.
'Ihe objeWuis say 1 h" n.-i--
the night hidt-oii".
Sliirlev V.a'.er. th.- -epi i-h.-u! at i ve .
the Kedwood M a mi fa. ui H ' et.mpau
hat retu.rii'd for a 3ln.1i lime to
Wrong Method Proposed People of
Annexed Territory nud of City Will
Vote on Mutter of Ct.mlng Inside the
City Boundaries.
The attempt on 1 ti pnrt of tho city
council to procure legislation nnncxiliu;
:i large territory contiguous tit Moil
lord is a movement thai under uo cir
cumstances could have been well con
sidered. Tho boundmep of tho pity
of Medford aro outlina! ami defined in
the city charter, mul t'onld uitt bo ex
lomloil oxoopt upon iim atnomlitiput of
that ohartor. Tlio following anioiul
mont to tlio dt.'ito c iititiltion nffi
oiontly oxplalnH tho inahility of tlio
oity oliartor or to otonil its liountla
riort: "Artiolo II, Section 2 Corporations
ni:y ho t'ornioil nnilor gruornl laws, but
shall not bo croatod by tho logislativo
:is:-oinlly bv spocial li:ws. Tho logis
lativo nsspmhly shall not punt't. ninpiitl.
nr ropoal any phartor or ret. of incorpo
ration for any intmu-ipality, city or
town. Tho li'nal votpr.i of ovory city
or town aro horoby gnintoil power to
onnct anil atnonil thoir nmnicipal char
tor, snbjoct to the fonstltntlon and
criminal laws of tho stato of Oregon."
Adopted In U0U
Tho .above section was proposed by
initiative petition and adopted by a vote
of tho people .Tuno fi, lPntl.
The citizens of Mi'.Kord, however,
are not left without procedure to extend
its boundaries, as tho state code pro
vides the . moBt equitable as well as
"simple " method of annexing territory.
Section 28, page 90, Vol. 2, Codes and
Statutes of Oregon, provides the fol
lowing procedure:
"The boundaries of any municipal
corporation now existing in this state
or which may hereafter be incorporated
here, in may be altered and new terri
tory included therein after preceding
as required by this section. The com
mon council or other legislative body
,.f sin h body shall npoo receiving a pe
liliou signed tlienf-.v, signed by not
less than one fifth of the ipialil'ied
i-li-vlors of such eorpoiatiiot as shown
by the vote east at 'he last municipal
ejection held therein, submit the que
tinii to the electors of ,oieh corporation
at-d to the electors res'iling in the tcr
rilorv proposed by such petition to be
.iiniexeil to such corporation and become
a part thereof. Such question shall be
submitted at a apeci-.l election In be
held for that puipos". and such council
,.r legislative body shall give notice
therefor, by publication in a newspaper
of g.-neiTil circulation in noli corpo
ration "nd such territory so proposed to
I... ...oiil. for the l.erioll of four
ks lo ior to sui li i lect ion ;
.osting not icon thereof in four public
- ' within such corporation and four
milili.- pi s in suMi territory for a
like period. Such notice shall distinct
Iv slate the ploposil 001 to lie so silo
milled, and shall deiigiiate clearly the
boundaries of the ter-ilorv so to be an
nexed, and Ihe electors shall be iavit
cl thereby to vote upon such propose
t inn by
words '
ing upon their ballot the
annexation " or "against
or words i iiiiv::l'-nt there
niui-il or legislative body
annex;'! i.-i
to. Such
the 1
No de-ionatf III" place or places
lis shall be opened within such
,-oiporation mid Mich Icntory proposal
to be annexed. wihd places shnlt be
those uMially uxi-d fr that purpose,
will.ii. such corporation and also with-
iu sucli
Such en
lilwty, tf any such mere i.e.
,r l.ilative naii
nd .leIi:iiate in sod. no
of the iu.lges and eleriiR
f tie' eleeliolt.
Shall Canvas the Votes.
"Siirl unci I and ciidatve
.h-.ll meet en ihe M l-'-V ll-Xt f.dloW
ihg s, l, eheti.o, at I oVi.K-k p. .... and
,1 lo c;inass the voles mi nie.e
1... M.ti s cast in such territory s'
11(.,1 i t.c .'iniii xed "hall be
first ;
iV'IH .'issed. ean :
ml if it -hall appear upon .
s that tie- niiijoritv of all i
v,.t. in Mid. territory are in favor',.,,, -v.-ral days U:t .veek. says u
imexatifii. then the v.'.tes cast with ; ;,i-tl.-r. Me lives -icir Mtdf-rtl.
,.,-h municipality -hall he next can
,.,1 Hid if a majority thereof are TWO BANDITS KILL THEM-
f.illU.I t
. h.
of annexation.
icil or h
rder entered
.la.ive hodv hall hy
t.n their re
aet.exed. ' '
r.K de
.re the letrit"
1 pr.d.ahility th n
,11 he a ma
f Voter- HI 1
V. if thev
.it -r :i"il
, the henefit of
I three
Allen, a foii.ui
has tetnrued
vert i" l;iv in
Veiideiil of Mr-d
this city after a
(..nt It Ttend. Wa-h.
l oloiiel IV T.. Ton Velle in planning
1 erect a cov hunt'ah'W on his alfalfa
I ranch nfar Central Point.
Water in Low Lands Fur
nish Plenty of Feed
Guns Are Being Put
Away by Local Nimrods
Duck hunters tiro thinking of clean
ing np tho guns to put away for the
rest of the seasoi:, for the sport has
been about killed. Tho flood spreading
over sneh a large aroa nf low land has
Neattered duck hunting to tho winds
mid even the most optimistic of the
tribe of loeal nimrods have little hopes
of tho Hport picking up nfter the fresh
ets go down.
The flood enmo nt a time when there
waw every prospect of duck hunting
picking up. A full fbi-ht of canvas
baeks had yet to arrive nnd populate
"the tules of the Rogue, although there
nave been some fair IiIIh on utray
With pomlK of water everywhere in
the low sections and the sloughs nnd
tules well supplied the birds from now
on until the season closon will have
abundance to feed on.
Old Jupiter Pluviu hud au awful
time satisfying tho hunters this year.
For the first month or -so of the season
he held off his offering with, a surpris
ing baBhfuIness and as a result the
birds went elsewhere to get fresh feed
and water. Then the rain bag was;
opened just a trifle and enough water
let out to start tender phoots to gr w
ing. This brought hunting to a fairly
high standard nnd for a time limit bags
were secured with more of a freitieney
theri any time previonn ami the hunt
er were smiling. Hid these conditions
lasted byl a few we--lis when copious
shitwi'i's falling sleadi!; put ton much
welni-ss in the marslici. This was ihe
hejM lining nf tho end, for the recent
:iturm took a footing about then and
li : s since played havtic.
The Talent f.ilerary ociely meets ev
ery Thursday niht imw . says the Hus
tler. At their hist ine-ting they selected
a new set of tiff teen:: Charles Chapman,
previdetit; .T. N. Maiiniut. vice president
MissOllie Hearing, secreinry ; Works,
trei-anrer; Jay Terr;ll. setgeant at arms,
and V. (. Powers, judge The question
that was debated upon was: "A man
will do more for love than money." The
affirmative side won the ettrumenl. thev
ilso by'i...ilMf I v Al;,,..,;,,,, J a. .Mclloiiald
and t!. A. (Jardner; the negative side
was coinp.ised of S. V. ft. Maness, H. li.
McHride mul Jay Terrill The question
caused quite a healed debate ami judg
ing from the actions of ( ne of Ihe par
ties in the audience. Some of the points
were pretiv well taken, as he rcinon
st ruled with the siteahei forcibly when
one statement was mad nud command
ed him to slop. The society is well nt
ten.led each evening an 1 affords a great
deal of amusement for those who at
tend. "Mrs. 1.. Waterman of Talent returned
home las! I'ridav evening from her tri
to Oklahoma. She experienced one of
t lie most disagreeable f rips in all of
her traveling, says ".h" riietb-r. Coming
fit. m Fresno, C:il tit Stockton the track
was almost completely hidden by wa
ter, the trains just erei ping along tin
able to Ml whether thev were on raili
or nut -ome times. ( Y.niug down Ihe
Sii'kivous on the Oregon side the brakes
were no' workintr v-v well and at
times the train wmil 1 run at the rate
of about mile. :u hour and t hen
slow up with a jerk lh,"t w-.nld almost
ihrow the passengers off th" seats. In
,; s ihe water from the b:-liks would
ii!ah onto the car window.
yr,., H:t, I.nrg. :i l.'phew of Mrs
J. It.-ll, was visiting h in nt in Tal
L()NIhN', Jan.
:i mol. and ptdiceti
d;.V fthot tltem-elve
iii-tantly, in older
Hi; I eti'eji n. e nl
fiir.:ited populace.
:i p.iliceih.i a iind
in an attempt to e-,
,..o;"" for fio tory
ftiirrtouideil 1
two handil t
in the head-, dyinj!
to erape the sum
rhe pari of the iu
'! v had just killetl
Oll'tle.1 five othert
ap- with the pay
h;.eii'l made ;m arre't Kinct
tir.11." states Thief of I'oli.-e Shearer.
which yoc t.i show llat the saloon
' men ar'j ohcy.n th"1 low.
Government Institutes 35
Actions in Equity to
Cancel Sale o! 300,000
Acres of Land
Suit has been filed iv the federal
t'uiirt. ul Portland by H. 1. Townsead,
speeial assistant to th attorney gen
eral, against 't and ovei lilit tither de
fendants, owners nf railroad grand Inn. Is
to recover possession of the land in
eluded in the grant to the Oregon &
alifornia Kailroad company. Among
those made defendants are the Big Bend
Milling, of which Messrs. Vawter and
Davis of Medford are majority owners,
the Butte Falls Sugar Pine Lumber
company, controlled by Dewiug Bros,
of Michigan, and B. H. Harrin of
Metlfuid, and numerous other Jackson
county timber land owners, who pur
rhi'.sed land from the mil road in by
gone years. Those wh.i purchased from
them, like the Cratia Lake Lumber
company, aro also involved.
These suits aro aupplementary to
those previously filed iigainnt the Hur
riman companies and aic for the pur
pose of recovering land included in the
grant and already sold by I ha railroads,
or, where title to the land cannot be
regained, of securing for tho govern
ment all mono yd paid for tho laid in
excess of $l!.f0 an aerv. the price at
which it was stipulated in the original
grant the land Would be sold. Besides
the railroads, the defendants in the
suits are those who havj purchased land
from theie companies The suit in
volve "more than $15,000,000 and also
more than 353,288 acres of land. All
ef the land is located in Oregon. -Regard
Suit as Bluff.
Local defendants, along with others
interested, regard th. Miit as u bluff
mi the part of the gov:nmeut to earrv
out its policy nf reenvi
ermg grant lamls ,
ni.e.itanee In Ihe
ami attach but liUl
suit. All were innnccn. purchasers and
it is not generally b -be veil that I he
suit can affect them, as the lands were
purchased iu good failh The fact that
manufacturing opera t it.ns are carried
on to some extent at re: dy, shows that
much of the land was mil purchased for
speculative purposes, though the suit
hi've the effect nf clo-cliing transfers.
Land Was Sold High.
While the terms of 1 he land grant
:ire that the laud is In lie mild at .f-'.'itl
an nere to aetual set Hers, it seems that
ill must nf Ihe eases i 'led ill the i- !
plaint the purehasers, wlm are imt set-'
tiers liv nny means, wei maile fur fnnn '
."'7 an aere upward. The laud involve., I
aggregating It.'.ri.'JSH a. t'es all tuld, is j
estimated In have lirnnhl Ihe ra ilmad !
uiiaiiy in tlie nei'4tihni linnil nl fj,-
The largest single s:-l is that lo A.
It. Hammond of ',-ilifoi nia, uml ( 'luirles
.1. Wintoii of Wisconsin, of land most
of which is in TillnniooU county. This
tiiud alone li.-is l.een assessed at jMM,
I'.Ui. That land owned hv these two
which is not in Tillamook is nearhy
in Vamhili and Wilmington count iea.
The iajgest piirch.iseis is the llooth
Kelly l.nmher company, which has se
cured from the raili i.el company more
i .a n 70,(111(1 acres of land much of which
hs limlter. In sewrnl instances la ml
whs Im. light from iudiv iduuhi whti made
the original l.ny from the railroad com
pany, among I hem Iteii.g Stewart It.
Kakin ami 1'H- acres 1 1 id hy .1. and
(ieorge H. Kelly tJi'ien over hv the
which they are interentetl.
Ask for All the Money.
the t ndaiiit the government also
that the railroa
r joint defendants
company and all
posit with
of f let r tti he desiya-ite-t tiy tin urt j
any ami all sums of m-o ey which either
of them has realized of in any man j
oer obtained hy virtu - of the Male of )
the land involved. Ihe complaint spe
. ifies further that the m.mey, together 1
with interest, nhall h" tlihposed of as
ihe court shall direct ami consent that .
it shall he awarded and paid over to the
defendant purchaser or .- any other per
sou thai the court m.i.v dee tpiitahly
entitled to the aitioiinJ In (piestioll.
Among the joint defendants is Wil
liam M. Ladtl of Portland In addition
there are many others who ar en
tinned in Ihe suit who rcide here: Cith
ern live in nil parts of the state. How
ever, many of the p.i'l ies concerned
live iu the east and middle west, in
L-liiding persons in Minneapolis, I'ttis
hnrg, New Vt.rk. ( h-v laud. Detroit,
'hit-ago, lira ud Itapid-, Saginaw. T'u
huh. Milwaukee and Wuihiiu, Wis.
The joini 'defetnlan; in the .'to siflls
filed hv Mr. Towns-ill involved and
ihe addressed of tlo.-e ti.iicerued are 11s
Mrs. Murphy Carries onj7
n..l la-l. .1.11 IV..... e.I
him nizc in ian Driv
ing Contest-Carpenters
Have Pleasant Time
In order to determine whieh one of
the lady ineinliers of Will Union, No.
IS4H, United llrotlieiuiieri of Carpen
ters and Joiners of Anierien, was tlie
moat adept with th) hammer, ll
diivinc routest was i.rranged fur the
soeiiil Katherini; of the union held Nun
day evening iu the Hediiieii'a hall. There
were a goodly mimb'T of the fairer
sex in the eontest and a royal good
I into wan had during the exeiting mn
mentH of the contest.
Kaeh contentuiit was furnished with
a hammer and a nutnlHr of nails and
given n certain length nf time in whieh
to drive nails into a plunk. Mm. O. W.
Murphy won first prize, a fountain pen
and hox of stationery; MrH. W. Thump
sou took second plui! r.nd received u
lady's shopping bag, while Mrs. .Inhu
snu took third place and was awarded
a box of ehocolateH. The (tautest was
one of the most uovel and enjoyable
tliiui.any instituted in a long time.
A Speakln Contest. ' '
The union also arranged-'a speaking
eontenat for the eildren. A number of
eonteatants entered and the result was
most entertaining. Miss Mamie Seals
won first place and was awarded a
post eard album, whili second place
and a box of chocolates went to Miss
Ethel Burphy.
Itefreshnienls were a, rved during the
evening mul a must eo. ii vulile time was
hail by all. There wit a large attend
anee and nil voted In have Ihe social
evenings of, Ihe uiiina emne in foilcr
Itl'MIMIHO. Del., .Liu. M. The llrsl
dug prisuner ever lahe-i into ellHtuil
was arrested here bv Sheriff I'ritehi
1 1 nil taken In the ciniMtv jail in Cenriri1
town, where it will Ii" kept until 1
farmers here can agree as tn whiel
owns it. i'lie dug is a valualile beanie
ainl the twn elaiinants will try III
j ,. r In decide the nv. liershin.
a si
' .
The Defendants,
Itig Iten.l Milling e.impaay. V. 1..
1 1 a I k liess, Itntle Kails Mnyai- I'ilie l.llln
tier eniilpany alet l-..l"nrl iinilliury.
Waslniielntl, 7:tlld acres.
Stewart It. l-!akiii (individually ami
as trustee of Ttuot K' Hy Lumher com
p::ny and Orin liohiiitou. Kugene, -Ki;i
Willis II. (iilhert (individually ami
as t rusl ee), , West 'oasf Timher coin
pauy, reiiiusiiln l.nnilier company, Chi
en Ho Wisconsin ; M.ilHi isires.
.1. F. Kelly and (ieorgo II. Kel)y, Ku
gene; I'Utl acres,
I'retl A. Krilis, Pill-doiry r.umher com
pany, I'oit landM inneep dis; lit "it acres.
Ihiirles II. Chick, 1 'toei a lit i ne Morton
and Kvendt I'. Lewis, port hi ml (irnnd
Itapids. Mich.; rtliWl aot-s.
Charles A. Smith. . Smith
coinpanv. Central rmi company of
Illinois ami A. I'lirlauh, Minneapolis
Chicago; lin.IlM acres.
1 .liicoh h'iilim, I oiith. roil lily. Or.;
." aeres.
.1. I.. Washhurn, Al-rdefii. Wash.;
1 I l-J acres.
ie;in Laud company, (ih-an. V. V.;
, ::i !.. acres.
1 hiirles K . Spa 11 hi n;; Lugging coin
panv. iN.rllai.d; lsS ji.-ies.
j All.ert C. IfttpkiiiH. I., t h Haven. Pa.:
l.-,stll arres.
t'liarlesti. Knri'sler aiel l-'nrester I. mil e panv. Milvvaiiln, Wis.. 117.'.
flit'fnr.l 1 nu'gilis. I.. Y. f..t;nilis. Mriiv
K, t''i'is and l.een IV-ijeins. aihs.iii
i nnlilv. Or.. .'i!7:t a.-ri-s.
.Instill Wentw.irili. (i.-..ige K. Went
w..rth. William I.. l! -e' li and l!..a. Ii
TiiiiIiit e.impaliy. r..rtl:in.l Hint rlii.-ag..
r: t.t.'J . in-res.
Kilivin I'.iwl.r. I'l.-velaiid. .. 111'.'!'
a. res.
I'nhegama Sunar I'in l.iinilier n.lii
priiiv and Weverhaeuser Laud i.iui.
i:i.2-J-' aeres.
I'nrtiss l.limlnr ei.u...-iiiv, Un-emi.
Is!l3 aeres.
A. M. Stearns. I'm I la ml, II'J'J aeres.
,.niin (ierlinger. t'hriftiaii Hut I. Iianlt .
lteiirge W. ('line, Sill In Tilnlier l-nlll
, p-inv? I'hutlei K. Spa'll.ling l."Ui!''"
ENVELOPES printed to order
LETTERHEADS of all styles
by The Tribune.
W. E. Lane ft Son, Props.
Opposite Hotel Moore,
"Motlfoni Oregon
wish to announce to their patrons
that they are locatod in their new
quarters in tho Young ft Hall
.li Hers
'Milliards, Cigars and Tobaccos.
report was
three section
riers, whili
are tin sue
iiliilileniH Ii.
varied eiin.''ie6 hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 4.
wide rang" Building, Seventh Street,
2IMI0 feet. Modford, Oregon.
:litils. Ill '
found .";
gr.'iiies. u'
the count ffay8 Pn for business. Neat
from 5tl elean. Up-to-date. Popular
is n man ri ...
glowing r So. P St.
Lambert ft Brown
small grn .
'2"i acres
returns. '
classes oVr 8"4 bargains in Watches
the nverii- 'lewolry, Pistols, Mnslcal In-i-ig
the Inrumonte. "
nf eonimi C Stroet.
eharils frn
As in Wa ;
11-11111 all
uniwing, ' Undertakers i " . h -
tliuiough . . Day' Phono 3511 : '' "
reaults height P1ionos-C. W. Conklln 38
'. : -: J; H. Butler 148
The flt
dono by
oent, wb
canvass T"
the cq
Successor to Dr. Jones.
Office in tho Stewart Building.
in- (
,d Coal Lands
ply to
arris & Co.
p yr
a J
County Bank Upstairs
r LessMoney
v 1
ie current saved by using
'" '.AM PS.
as I he 1
t'niits a f.n'ii nr 11
e iiMt exjnisil I e IH
entliel-ll enisiire
1 1 I litained.
the warm sua
1. lie preferreil In
f the lies! results
1 In Ihe smith eiii
ays iu eally sprind heve a t eiiil.-n.'V tn
the I. mis, whieh m: y killed liy
ate t'l-nsls. Till- ilnlle.ll inns ale that
he southern enposures of the Valley
in- re adapted for e'ape elllluie and
nrlv lierries.
In tin It.ieue l!i. r alley ale found
i vari'-lv of -leiU Some are pe
-iilmrlv adapted for p.-at enltiire: nth
I, produce :l..l' of the fill. si Ipial
Iv; and so on. we find -oils speeiallv
oh-pl.d I rlaili flails, as poaches.
onall fruits, ele.
Types of feeils.
Tin -re is a wide ra-ioe iu the eharae
I.T of I lie -oils ill th" . .lllfV Ulld tll'-.V
run I lassifo .l. in a ;i nelal wav. a
follows: llla.l. slick v. n d sticky, e;rav
licky, clay loam, saiel- loam, ornvelly
I. .am. red free soil, lit. Ick free soil, red
clliy, etc.. the soils l.l-i I hoine; the
p.. iloiniliatin ones.
The i s thai lir.inijlil
n. di laic
pries in eastern markets the p.'isl sea
wete oiown on s .-l... ivpes in s
h as rlav loam, red stiekv. I. lack
l.i. To a laiL-e d' .-'e the same is
1 1 ne
of the apple. Wl I He soil IS
-i ion- im
riant l-i-t" tn suci-essiui
t'uiil orowtno.
I -I Id lie selected
with care, nei erl holes j. rroni the pi
i nl helical inn. the in i'oiity of tin
nf .lackson county, if
will oiie eood resiills.
scleral distinct typ-s
.peril- handled.'
In many cases 1
u found in a '
Plumbing, Bteam and Hot Water
- Heating.
Pbone 88. . :
810 W. Seventh St., Medford, Or.
N. 8. Bennett, Medford, Or.
Grow trees that sell, sell trees
that grow anad fruit true to label
Billposter and distributor. All
orders promptly filled.
Room 7 Jackson Co. Bank Bldg.
Medford, Or.
0. F. COOK
Sells trees that grow.
Office: R. R. V. Depot.
P. O. Box 841. Phone 093.
Medford, Or.
Voice Culture and Art of Singing
Studio at Residence.
East Medford. Phone 825
B. B. SEELY, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon.
Modorn equipped operating rooms
X-Ray. Office hours: 1018, 2-4 p.
m. Office in Jackson Co. Bk. bldg
"- " Scavenger,
(lurbage haitlod.
Dentist. a
- " -fi ; " J:
Successor to Dr. J. M. Keene. -
It daosn 't par. Ktep your syei fixed
on our exceptional offerings. Flaa tai
loriug can only be secured Iroat-the
lianda of high-class tailors., Our xp
riunce and methods are certainly wortli
investigation. We employ tka best
workman und our clohtea are wi;luut
ilouht the ninst carefully selected in tse
( I.nVKI.ANll. O., Jan. 2a. When
furl llilllmrn, ujjed III, nei'nnipanied
liy his sweet heart, M'ss I'arrie Williams,
leurnld In the llilluliurn hnine last
lentil he finiiid his father and inntlier
dem I. Ililllmril evidently killed his
wile and then ldew nut liis lirnitis.
I'.ilhilirn .11 uneeil he intended killing
lie- wife and enmmit'ilin suieide in n
sealed lint- addressed tn Miss Williams.
. hi. -h win earned tn her liy the snu.
t.-h.i did n it knew nf its contents. When
-iii r.-a.l lie startlini; lines they ran to
.le llillulirii hnuse. where the couple
lev dead.
WASH I N'llTOW .Ian. 2".. President
Hoosevelt today received the resiejnn
lion of Seerolary Knot to he effective
as soon as his successor qualifies. The
nomination of ltarivn as secretary .if
stale and John C. f .onfjlili n as ussisl
a at secretary were sent In the senat
to.lav. 1
WASlllNllTON. Jan. 2.-.. Kornker's
;,,ii,l resolulioii aiithnririnr; Ihe seen
tarv nf war to present eohl luedala to
ihe Wriolit lirnlhera in recnirniliun oi
Hi,.ir aerial feats was adopted by the
senate tndny without dehato.
"TConttatted oa paft 4.)
" Ooiilsued on Pago .)