. Ai Hit tart n-. -. j j i ! i' i: m 14 i. '; I : ! rii Si ' i H Is LET US FIGURE YOUR MEDFORD Social and Personal Joshua Patterson vmi in Mclfurri on busineHM Friday. M. Conloy of Little Huttn wiih in Medford for ft short lime Friilny. Charles Ulrieli of .)ir kmmvilln in viti ating DuiiHmuir ou buHiK-HS, Jrders for a wont crr.m or buttormllk i. mptly filled. Phone the oroamory.tf County AsnoHsor (Jnovo w.h a rnront Medford visitor. W. H. "Walker, tho "It" mnn, h in Portland on a IhihIik'Hh trip, J. 8. Unrnott of Or-trul Point wan u recent visitor in Almli'uitl. iJraorick Cafe is opn all night now n t proaiorlty has com 1 it etay. tf C. C. Miuitk, tlio well known fnrnmr noar Central Point, brnvei the unid Friday and visited Medford. J. C. Brown paid C.Mitrnl Point u brief visit ou Friday. Clarence Noo in back from a visit in Han Frauciseo. Frank Du llois of AhIiIjuhI was a rocont visitor in Medfoid. 10 In gold for tho bnt-looklng baby nl Urogory'B studio. tf H. K. Foster is viniting in ptirtlaml Ho will bo back in a fow days. The now Bchuolliousp in Phoenix linn boon com filet od and will noon bo occu pied. The district him reiiHim to be proud of tho building. ' The work on tho iMiinlruclinn of the new soworH has been flopped bv I he contractors, Jacobnen 4 Hade, until the wether iinprovos. Lewis CnHkey of Medl'ord hna return od from a visit in Y.knt Oil. Wes Greon of tho Pig I'Iiich Lundier company is making n bimineHN vittit to Portland. A. W. Walker of the Me.U'uid Auto company has go no to Portland on bind ness. II. N. Rtarr of Portland is among the Commercial travelers in Medford. F. O. Young, C. E. Collins, J. W. Henl ly and V. E. lironson of Portland spent Saturday iu Medford. W. H. Sponcor, who has been employed by tho 8ou thorn P.iefic in Medford for some montliH, is vitieg relativen in Toxas. I. C. Rubuott of Central Point was one of tho members of a largo class of ap plicants who took the Scottish llito de gree in Masonry at Portland last week, says the Ilonild. Central Point him a well organized cornet band, says tho Herald, every membor of which is a talented musician. The boys lmvo only been practicing a couple of weeks and those who have been present at their meetings are nil of oue opinion, viz.: Tin Central Point band is O. K. Phono your orders for swout cream or buttermilk to tho cre'tmpry. tf Centra) Point is o have a new tliea ter, Bish & Larkiu having secured a leaso on tho Albert building, adjoining tho Central Point pharmacy, ami are now having tho place remodeled and mado ready for the new bunincHs, says the Herald. Tho buildinig will be thor oughly renovated and will furnish sent iug capacity for about li0 poisons. The show will bo strict!y up In date and will bo tho equal in merit of nuy hi mi lar shows iu tho largor towns of the country. Tho managers expect to have tho now playhouse ready fur opening within tho next ten dnys. Best meal at best prices at the Km erick Cafe open all night tf Satisfaction guaranteed on all work at Lesmeister 's photograph gallery. Open all woek nnd Sunday from 1 to 4 p. m. Kmorick Cafe open all night. tf REMOVAL DR. LOUIS BUNDY has removed his dental office to Deuel & Kent ner's new building, where he will practice dentistry in all its branches You Are Going to Build tjti At! 'l'-'':."--v - ' SOCIETY NOTES The members of tho aocittl sot looking forward with a great deal of pleasure toward tho eveuing of Janu ury "H, when the ladiea of the Greater Medford tlub will give their fourth social event of the seanon lit tho Angle opera house. These dances have come to inoim a groat deal t'i those who love tho danco, and uo doubt there will be a full attendance ou next Thursday evening- One of the moat pleasing of this sea won 'a society events was the progres sive heart party given by Mrs. William Anglo and Mrs. K. C. Caddis, when the engagement of Miss Pruo M. Angle and Mr. Hal C. Piatt was ftunuiinced. February iM is the dale not for the wed ding. The house was elaborately decorat ed, the color scheme be'ng red. Cupids, red hearts and branches of mistletoe were profusely and tastefully employed, long festoons being huii;( from the chnn deliers about the room, giving a most charming effect. No detail wan too small to escape attention, tho room forming a veritable bower of beauty, HI even hands of piourossivo hearts wero played. Mrs. J. W. Goblo won the prize a beautiful hs nd decorated jewel box iu tho shape of a heart. The con- nolation prize, a miniature pack of cards, was won bv Miss Olah Mickev. 1 A dainty repast followed. The place cards wero twiu heart ft decorated ou the front with intertwined henrts of red pEorced by a golden nriow. On tho in ner heart appeared the menu: "Creamed chicken by chance. "Sandwiches thrown together by cir cumstance. "Olives controlled by Cupid. "Cake, by hick or favor of tho fates. "lee cream, when the Gods propose and man disposes. "Coffee, wherein reu'ion enters not. "Tonsts and brimming glasses to weld lovo and friendship fast." The toasts wero responded to as fol lows: "To the Kastci'i Girl," Mrs. Ed Andrews; "To the Eastern Man," Miss Heruico Cameron; "To Our Mothers,1 M iss Laura Perry; ' To Our Absent l-'rienilH," Miss Frances llaskins; "To the Chaperone," Mrs. Will Pates; "To tho Husbands," Mrs. 0. L. Kchermor liorn; "To the Happiest Hays of Our Lives," Mrs. H. N. Potior; "To the Ones Who Are Left," Mrs. L. .T. Hears; "Tho Matrimonial Journey," Mrs. H. C. Kent tier; ' ' To the Pndegroom eloct," Mrs. York; "To the TUido-elect," Miss Jennie Hnedioor, Throughout the evet.iug Miss Nellie Hriggs entertained with well rendered piano selections, playing softly ns the ards wre enjoyed. Atiss .laiut Hiiroi or assisted in receiving and entertain TIiohc preHeut were: Mesdnmcs Scher- merhorn. Sears, Cartwright, El wood, Hoot, I'orter. Howlund. Maker, Alden- hageu. O. Miller, K. We.dford. L. Has kins, King, Pixon, J. Hut lor. Pallida, liosenbaum, Wood, Fwter, York, Goble, Keutner, Hoyden, Gaddin, Hates, Miller, llutler, Audtews, and Misses Dahl, King, ameroii. Manning, Perry, Mickey, Greg nry, Wood, Porter, Plrich, Hanks, Boyt, iiHSKiiui, luigMiinr, i-.M iM.rn, ut.... Angle nnd H. Angle. The out of town guests were: Mrs. E. 0. Briggs, Mrs. Joe MeN'nir, Miss Nellie Brig, Miss Delia McNuir and Mi:' Floy Cambers, all of Ashland, and Mis. A. J. Jennings f Chicago, who is visiting with Mrs, H. Kentuer. On Tuesday evening Olive Rebekah lodge, No. 'JS, onlert lined about. 100 Lt me figur with yu. No eontrsot too largrt or too smsl. Patisac tion guaranteed. L. E. DEAN rONTR ACTOR AND BUILDER, MEDFORD DAILY friends at their lodge hall. The evening's cntertaiument consist ed of music by Hnzelrlgg'a orchestra, and a aolo by Mrs. Charles Hazelrigg. Following this games wero participat eI iu by the guests uutil tho cominit- U'ss nnnouncod partners for supper to which all gladly responded. Refresh ment consisted of ico cream and cake, coffee and fruit. The banquet room was decorated in holly And mistletoe. The festivities of the evening closed with more music, and a general good time was reported by those present. Tho steady downpour of rain did not deter a large and appreciative audi ence from gathering at tho opera house Tuewlny evening to heai the musicalo given by Mrs. frene Hampton Isaacs and Miss Grace Brown. When these two arco'ts essay to en tertain, much is expected by all who have had tho ploasuro of bearing thorn in tho past, and Tuesday ingot's per formance was fully up to expectation of the most critical. Tho rendition of 'i program of such scope and variety clearly reveals Mra. Isaacs remaikable tochniouu. Mrs. Isaacs is herself the porsonificn tion of grnce, and her rendition of each number was that of tho true urtist. To, many tho mariQ-r in which she catches up handfula of notes and flings them to tho breozo in stiains of melody is no less interesting than hor music it rlf is .delightful. ' ., - - Mrs. Jsnaca reached the hearts of her audiouco in "Pnpillions d 'Amour" from H.-hutt, and the "Rondo" from Wober, and particularly was it delighted with the "Raphsodio Hongroiso" from Lizst. All who heard Mis.i Brown believe (hat she has before her u future full of promise. Probably the chief character istic of her voico nnd soul is sympathy. Her success in portrayii.fl deep emotion is largely due to theso qualities, coup- lied with the fact that she easily loses her own idontity in that of the part she is singing. Under llerr Gens, Miss Brown stud ied the pure Italian method that has been held sacred for generations, and her singing of Tuesday evening shows how well she has succeeded in eliminat ing whatever wns false or uncerta-in in hor voico;nnd in developing tho pure tones' of 'the natural voice in all its sweet noHM. Miss Hrowu sang with much feeling several numbers in German and Italian in which she displays fine command of her voice and grent artistic abiiitv. These would no doubt lose much of their melody in translation. Tho numbers liked bout by tho audience because of the strong appeal of the words, as well as the melody, were "Three Oreen Bon nets," "The Gypsy Love Song" and Four -Leafed Clover. 1 The evening was a delightful one and in Mrs. Isaacs and Miss Brown Medford tins two ortists of whom it is proud. The Five Hundred club wns eutertain-e-d Thursday afternoon by Mrs. E. 0. Trowbridge. Three tables of progres sive flOO were played by tho following ladies: Mesdnmcs Perrv. J. II. Butler. T R Daniels, H. . ' Bovden, O. L. q,h m .. . 3v.Xiirrdi I. T.. Hamilton. . D Elwood...t.;.G., Trnwbridgo nnd iss Sunt i'nr. - The ladies have wisely dispensed with refreshment other than bon bons, thus relieving the hostess of extra duties, and free to enjoy tho afternoon. Once rafh m(mh the chlb entertains the hns bauds, at which times refreshments are iu order. Tho club meetsi next time rtith Mrs. 1. L. Hnmiltou. " The ladies of St. Mark's Guild were entertained Thursday 'afternoon by Mrs. John Barneburg nnd Mm, I. W. Berry at the home of tho latter. The ladies of this society, who are fammiwfor their energy oud ability and devotion, to tho upbuilding of their church, bno already begun working and plauuiag for 'tho baiaar which they ex pect to givo next nutumn. At the close oTa delightful afternon the ladies repaired to the dining room, where was spread u dainty repast con sisting of saudwiches, salad, cake and coffee. The Sans Souci club told its regular weekly frolic Thursday night t Miles hall. The good times enjoyed ' this t-hih is attested by the regular nttend nnoe of its members a Tt other dsua are eaneelled for Thursday ingot. - Tho Stoddard club met Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. W, T. Vawter. In stead of. ths regular subjects, the ladies levoted the aftornoHiu to a study of the l;fe and works of Thomas Bailey AM rich, flood music addo-l much toj the pleasurs of the oasUn. TRIBUNE, OREGON. SATURDAY, 'JANUARY 23, Our Line of- HARDWARE Complete BILL AND SAVE YOU MONEY HARDWARE CO. DIED. OILMORE At MerJiu, January 9, Mrs. Maude Gilmore, wife of T. I. Gil wore, aged 311 years and 7 months, of puerpurnl fever, tho interment being made nt Kiddle. LAWS At Wolf Creek, January 8, Mrs. Alice Laws, aged 83 years, 3 months and 4 days, of old age and complicated diseases. Tho interment was mado nt Woodvill-i. WEBB In Medford, January l, Mrs W. J. Webb, aged 42 jtars. Interment in I. O. O. F. cemetery, Rev. M. F. Horn officiating. CHANDLER In Ashland, January 15, Mrs Lucy Chandler, aged 57 years. Funeral aervices at tho Church of the Nuzarene, corner - of Fourth and C streets, ut .30 p. m. Sunday, January 17. Interment at Steam's eemetory, Talent, at o'clock p. in., Monday, Jan uary 18. ' - Deceased was born at Salem, Mnrion county. Her parents died when she was nn infant and eho wns raised by the lute Mr. and Mrs. John Holtun ut Talent She was u cousin of J. B. Robisuu of Ashland. HEBRON Mrs. Eliza Jane Herron, recently from La Faotto, Ind.t nnd who was visiting ut the homo of her son-iu law, O. O. Parkt r, southeast of Central Point, died Sunday, January 17, ogod 60 years and days. Deceased was born lu Cincinnati, O., but had re sided for some time at La Fayette. Five children survivo her. They are: Mrs. A. H. Grossman of Hillyard, Wash.; Mrs. O. O. Parker of Medfoid, Oo.j Mrs. A. J. Knlinnwskt of Pueblo, Col.; Mrs. William Rope of Indiai:apolis, Ind., and Edward Herron of Indianapolis. She wos a member of ths U. B. church of La Fayetto. Methodist Episcopal Church, B Street. "True and False Lovo for Christ" will be the subject next Sabbath at 11 a. m. Instead of tho adult choir, chil dren of the Sabbath school will render several musical numbers at tho morn ing servico. In the evening the subject will be "Has God Anything to Do With Earthquakes? " Sabbath school at 10 a. m. Epworth league nt 8:30 p. m. Scats froo. Everybody welcome. Christian Science. Christian Science services aro held every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock in the Commercial club room. Subject of the lesson-sermon for Jauuarv 4, 'Truth." All aro welcome. Sunday school ut 10 o'clock. He Was Too Frank. Uuvle Joe Cauuou was discuss! op Jocumrly our society leader's claln that too wuuy stutemneu appear tc rely on their uiicoutliueaBou the nb senee of soelis, etc.- fur their fntne. "I would polut out," said he, "that nt'ltber Cuesnr nor Alexander wore sockj, and If 1 nuui-lced New York so ciety ns frankly as this person lias at tacked public life I might But, ufter all, perfect frankness Is invariably a bad thing. 'You have heard perhaps of the young uiun v. bo ud mired perfect frankness? Calling on a pretty girl, be aald: "If there la one thing thut I rever inoo lu tin world perfect frankness U that thing "Year aald the girl. 'Thou I'll at once grasp the opportunity to urge you to sbuve off your inustaebe before you eat another soft boiled egg" The Sting In the Tail. Vu Koo, the brilliant young Chinese editor of the Dully Spectator of Co lumbia university, said the other day of u criticism: "When I began to read I thought tht article was laudatory. I soon dlscov eretl uiy mistake, however. That arti ole reealletl to nie a motor ride that 1 took with a junior last mouth. "The Junior's ear was not a remark able one. nud out In the country after luucheon the young uiau was rather pleased when a farmer said to blm: ''1 guess that tbar automobile o' youru lu a hundred horsepower Isn't nr " 'Oh. no said the junior, with n pleasant smile. 'Oh. uo. my frlfud. It Is only a live horieintwer. A hundred buraoptwor would be ever so much larger "I want .led: i't' by the slie, but try the nohto,' ahU : tie farmer " What has become of the Skating club? Is the Skating club snowed under, or has it gone into its winter quarters! Those of us who like to skate are fre iiucntlv reminded of the famous speech of the governor of North Carolina to tho governor of South Carolina "It a lonn time between 'skates.' " A meeting of the Cosniian circle will be held at the Common:al club hall to morrow evening at 7:30. Special sub joet, "The Modern Citizen." D. G. Crow, speaker. A Disgusted Dog. A family downtown, having a false grate Iu oue of the rooms of the house, placed some red paper behind It to give 11 the e fleet of tiro. On one of the coldest days the do belonging to the household came lu i'roui out of d-.-urs and, seeing the paper lu the grate, de liberately wulked up to It uud laid down before It, curllug up iu tho best way to receive the glowing heat as It came from the fire. Ue remained mo tionless for u few momenta. Fueling uo war.utti, he raised his head uud looked over his shoulder at the grate. Utlll feeling uo beat, he went u croud aud carefully applied his nose to tho grate uud atuelt of It. It was cold us Ice. With ii look of the most supreme disgust, his tnll curled down between his legs, every hair ou his body Buying "I'm Bold." the dog trotted out of tho room, nor even delguing to cast a took at (he party in the room who hud w inched bis actions uud laughed so heartily at bis mlsfortuue. That dog had reason as well as Instinct. Troy Times. New Use of Elootricity In Printing. Printed sheets as delivered from the press frequently "offset" or smear from uudrled Ink. An electrical method of preventing this hna recently been patented. The sheets as they leave the press first puss over cleetrle heaters and also over a conductor carrying a current of very hlirh tension, from which it allelic discharge or "lcukugo" of electricity passes to the paper. The combined effects of the heat nnd of the electrical discharge, together with the chemical uetioii of t!u vr.viw gen crated In the air by the hitter, "Ret" the Ink so thut It cannot smear. Be aides this, the effect of any frlettonul electricity already present on the t-beets, preventing their pilln;; proper ly, Is neutralized by the discharge. New York Herald. - Harmful Precedent. "There are no telephones lu English banks," said a banker. "Even the great Bank of England itself haa no telephone. "That sort of thing Is what sets Eng land behind the times thut obsciv nnce of tradition, that refuul of uew tlilugs, as though simply because they nro new they must of necessity bo vul gar aud bad. "A London bank and Its branches were awl tidied out of a large sum the other day. The swindle would have failed had u system of telephones con nected these banks. 'But In the past banks had uo tele phones In England. Therefore prece dent requires that they do without them till." Bulgaria's Eclipse. Bulgaria Is sufficiently In the public eye Just now to compensate her for a total eclipse that lasted for three or four centuries. Between the obi Iter a tlon of mediaeval Bulgaria by the con quering Turk and her very modern resurrection she disappeared more com pletely than Poland ever has. The very name of Bulgaria was remem bered only by the learned. Sir Charles Eliot points out that In journeying from Uelgrade to Constantinople In 1S34 Klnglake must have passed straight across Bulgaria, yet wheu de scribing his travels lu "Kotben" he makes no allusion to the country or Its Inhabitants. Refusing to Fd the Brute." "If," says Lady Frances Balfour, "women who cook and do laundry work refused to cook and wash shirts for their men folk before they return home they would get the suffrage very quickly." Our own impression is that a good many of the recalcitrant wo nieu folk would get something else first, for if you refuse to "feed the brute" the brute is very apt to wnx brutal. As to the less brutal brute, he would probably be content to put his washing out, decline to "come home to his tea" aud stop supplies while wait ing for the clouds to roll by. Pall Mall Uasette. Australian Barmaids. The barmaids of Sydney and M el bo u rue are the prettiest lu the world, i They are mostly recruited from Tas- i mania, the Insular stnte of the com- i monwealth, which has been christened the "Cireassla of the Colonies" on ac count of the surpassing loveliness of j Its daughters, several of whom bare found their way Into the select pages of Dod and Debrett Land On- 1 MOf). 10,000 SOUVENIR POST CARDS l et. EACH AT -:u A Finely Finished High Grade Cards Including Medford and Southern Oregon Views also a Number of Buildings of the Alaska Yukon Exposition HOSIERY 100 Doz. Misses & Ladies Seamless Fast Black Hose Ex tra Good Wear ers 15 & 25c pr FREE with every 25c purchase a chance on that $83.00 BLUE hNAMEL RANGE to be given away April 1. lopo" Medford Time Table SOUTHERN PAOITIO RAILWAY. T Northbound I No. 16Oregon Exprosa j 6:24 p.m. iiu. iijroruana express. ... H:4Ua.m. Southbound No. 15CaUornia Express... W: 36 a. m. No. 13 San Francisco Exp.. .1 3:20 p. n. No.225From Grants Fassv. .j 9:16 p.m. no. BE6For- Ashland ..10:15p. m BOQTE RIVER VALLEY RAILWAY No. 2Leaves Medford 10:45a. m. No. 4Lcaves Medford. .... . 6:85 p.m. MotorI,eaves Medford 2:00 p.m. MotorfLeaves Medford 9:00 p.m. No. lLMres Jaeksonville.,. 9:00 a.m. No. 3LaTes Jacksonville...) 3:30p.m. MotorLMTe Jaolnonvill... . 1:30 p.m. MotorLeave Jacksonville..! 730p. m. MAIL CLOSES Northbound -. 9K19I 4:64 Southbound 1: 06 2:60 Eagle Point ,. .1 7:201 : Jacksonville ,. .10:20 6:20 NOTICB. is herehy givou that the undersigned will apply nt the regular meeting iff the city council of Medford, Orpgon, on Fbruary 5, 1909, for license to sell malt, vinous and spiritous liquors in lee. quantities: than one gallon far six months at lot 13, block 20, in Medfitnl, Oregon, for a jn'riotl of six months. 271 H. O. WILKIN80H. Dated Jantsarv 21, l!'09. A special feature of ll is nicotine will . i iioitMiii .Mcieors, in wmcn an i -' -. tats free. All invited. ' SSEY'S The most com plete line of Chi na Glassware, Enamchvare and Housekeeping Necessities in the city NOTICE. The regular monthly business meeting of the Greater Mcdforl club will be hold on Monday afternoon nt 3 o'clock p. m, Thoro will bo a fine musicnl pro grain, nnd all members ore requested to be pri'seut. 263 Classified Advertisement WANTU. WANTED Two experienced solicitors; 5 n dny. I'nll O. S. Httllev, at Mrs. McKeen's residence, S D street. 264 WANTKD A girl for general house work for a family of three. Address P. 0. Box 6S7. ' 268 WANTED A chambermaid wanted at the Fronco-Ameriean Hotel, with ex perience; fare paid. Yreka, Cal. 268 rOR-ffAlE. FOR SALE Good resilience lota, closs in; also good fi acre orchard; deal with owner; save commission. Address J, earo of Tribune office. FOB SALE House-i, lots and land in Phoenix, or in tracts to suit from one acre to 640 acres. Matt Calhoun, Phoe nix, Or. TOR RENT. TO RENT Kive-room eottnge, central ly located. Inquire FTotel Nash. 26.5 FOR RENT Seven-room furnished house, close in. Inquire W. M. French, room 7, Jackson Co. Bank bldg. tf FOR RENT Nine-rjom house with bath; close to town. Jnqnir. at Osen brusve.'s residence. Perslde ave. tf FORTiTuNT- -FurnUhinl rooms for Ught housekeeping. 124 North G sU tf & IIL