P I M SENATORS ELECTED IN MANY STATE OF UNION Tlio legislature iti t he following atntes have, chuson aene.tors: Colorado t'harlea J. Hughes, Jr., of Denver, elected to micecd Henry M. Teller. ' Iowa Albert B. Cummins was elected to u nix-year term. Missouri He eleeteil Senator Stone. Indinnn Elected Shivoly to succeed Senator James A. Ilcmetiway. I'lali lte eleeted R-.'f.! Siiioot. South Dakota Eleeteil Coo T. Onw ford. Oklahoma By a striet party vote re elected Thomas V. Gore, the blind sen ator. North Carolina Oeneral assembly eleeteil Leo IT. Overman. Connecticut Elected Frank B. Bran degeo to succeed himself to the six year term. Pennsylvania Elected Boles Penrose for a third term. Xew Hampshire It" elected Jacob IT. (tallinger. Arkansas Elected James P. Clark to succeed himself. JAOKSONVILLTJ ITEMS. Vr.nie.cs A. Poult nod William Baughn onino up from C! rants Pass Thursday on important business at. th courthouse. Hex Davis, traveling man for Pol ger's coffee, was intereitwiiig his cus tomers Thursday. Mis. V. Ti. Coleman was a Mcdforil visitor Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Abbott of tho Abbott house has returned from Corvallis. where he was called by Hie illness of 1 is sister. (leul'ir'e W. I.ance of Fonts Creek was at the county seat on TJwrsdny. Dr. Caslieu, the oplician, was in town en Thursday. A. . Irwin, constable for Ashland, precinct came down on business Thurs day. An 'attendant came ilown from Salem Thursday to conduct D V, Crant to the asylum. Mr. IS rant has lived alone in the hills fur a nunilvr of years, and, together with old UK", is the reason Riv en in tin' complaint for his commitment. JEFFTUES RECEIVE' OFFER OF 31(10,000 FOR 33 WEEKS SAX FIIANCISCO, CM., Jan. 23. James .1. Jeffries, t li r retired heavy weight champion, wh . filling a theat rical engagement here, has received an o ffer'nf MO,"00 for 3.1 weeks of spar ginr exhibitions on en eastern vaude ville circuit. The offer was lllndn by Sam Wheeler, the figh: promoter of St. l.'onis. J. flues still r miscs to admit that he has any intentions of attempt ing to wrest the ilieinpionship from ' Jack Johnson, but the belief is grow ing stronger each day that the retired ch-impi.in will again be seen in the ring. Although a trifle fat, .ielTrieq shows all the speed that made I'im the wonder of the heavvweight iliviji in during his ac tive fighting days, and his sparring partner. Sain llerger. is authority fur tho statement that Ihe big fighter's blows have not lest Ihrir steam. AWFUL RAT SCARES PRETTY; GIRL; LAMP DROPS; FIRE SAX l.VTS OBISPO. Cal., .Tan. 23. A rat running across the parlor floor scnriil lllycarohl Mmie tteiss as she was carrying an oil lamp in her hands eailv on the morning. She dropped the lamp, which exploded and set Ihe house on fire. Mrs. lleiss, the daughter nnd three sons were unler quarantine for diphtheria, but wire compelled to flee from the flames aid shelter in n shed in the garden until daybreak. WRITES CHECK FOR FUNERAL EXPENSIES AND KILLS SELF SE VTTLE, Wash., Tan. 23. John n;l, a Richmond Uracil resident, wrote out a check for a sum sufficient, as he explained, ia 1 note, to cover all lie. essarv fnn.-ral expenses, and then shot himself. The snirMe. in tho ab sence in his family, s.ii.i to be wintering in southern California, was alone in their suburban home. Of late he had lost heavily gambling at Everett- and Edmonds. Henry Pary, a neighbor, call ed the man s home the next morning and found I'.i'ha deal, shot through the bend. THERE AP.E 22 LONG MEN IN OREGON LEGISLATURE S U.KM. "r.. .Ian. IS. The bill pro vi.lina tint 'beets in 1-oteln be nine feet lone intr...lu.-cd bv. Senator Kel th iter pawd with 22 i yen this morn i... r.inclinni declared it a farce. It wn fathered by the trivilini; asmcia-tion. THE f ORDERS RECEIVED FOR 1,000,000 CARTRIDGES FOR ARMY PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 23. Orders have been received at tho Frankfort arsenal in this city for the manufac ture of 1,0011,1100 rifle, cartridges. This order, with thoso on hand, will keep the arsenal busy day and night until the end of he fiscal year in June. The ar fcenal has been vorkiug day jiml night rince September 3. MILLION DOLLARS IN REVENUE FROM TIMBER WASHINGTON", Jan. 23. Uncle Sam's purso was fattei.c.I by nearly $1, OOO.OtMl in revenue lest year from lim ber cut off the various national for ests, the timber yield being 102 per cent of na increase over the preceding year. Twenty-five per cent of this amount went bnck into the state treas ury, in which tho forests are located, in lieu ot taxes, ia accordance with tho law. The amount of timber cut from all the national forests was 3:12,702.000 feet, against llll,S72,0lli) foot, in IH07. BORN KISEli Tn .Tackfiom ille, on Friday, January 22, to tho wif:! of Frank A. Kier, a son. NOTICE Is hereby given that tho undersigned will apply at the regular meeting of the cily council of Mcilfoid, Oregon, on l'Ylmmry fi, 1000, for license to sell malt, vinous and npiritous liquors in loss quantities than on? gallon for 12 muuths at lot 11, block 20, in Medford, Orngon, for a period of 12 months'. 2(W W. If. KENNEDY. Dated January 19, 1009. - Prepaid Railroaa Orders. "Something which is of considerable interest to tho public generally and which ia perhaps not generally known is tho system of propaid orders uow in effect between stations of the Southern Pacific company and all points in Ihe United States. By means of this system tickets may be purchased at Medford from any place In the United States and mailed or telegraphed direct to the party wishing to come here. Sleeper accommodations and small amounts of cash in connection witn these tickots siny also be forwarded at the same time." tf NOTICE. Notice is hereby givon that tho under signed will apply to the city council of the city of Modfonl, Oregon, at tho mooting tn be held on February 2, 90fl, for a license to soil spiritous, vinous and malt liquors In quantities less than a galloa, for a period of six months, at his place of business r.t iNos. 11- anil 114 Front street, in ra'd city. Dated this 2uth day of Jnnuarv, 100!). 270 JOHN IIARK1NGTON. agazme A STAR SERIAL BEGINS NOW There is an article in this number with a big jolt in it, DON'T MISS IT. You know some of the things Everybody's has done. THIS IS ANOTHER. There it a story by the Pigs Is Pigs " man that Is one long ache of laughter, and back of these special features a big, fine Everybody's Macazini. For sale by Medford fieok Store, Ho tel Nash Xews Stan! and Itnssell. Sallownest Transformed to Dusky Beanty A dark tkil btnoracl tucinatin when delicuelr aoh, ndcnpread with the radiant flow which indi eateiaheilUir, attire .kin. Robert ine ketft the ikin refined in qnalitr, keept pore, free from doerir wane and nJmnlatn the tinr capilljries to con tribtat the color whichcharms in blondeandbranettealike. Robert be ia certain protection against tan, unburn and Ireciki if applied be fore erpoturf to ron or wind. Spreada like an imperceptible iheen of pauieo.erikin iurfice,formiiir I shield stimulating ai d preer-.-ir a to delicate, lurontr.rauiT- Mtr Dntf T'.I'J' i m I iwiavaa 1 A A w-i alliums I I' -ilia laaitwic MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORQ, OREGOX, 1 V -..V . WALNUT STOCK MAKES FINEST OF FURNITURE EIMBER E. C. P.-eync, the carpenter nnd cab net maker, has demnust rated that black walnut trees grown in tins section make the finest of furniture timber, says the Tidings. A number of years ago he put away to season sections of a big black walnut treo which had reached a diameter of about IS inches in nn Ashland house yard when it beenmo a mark for the ax. Recently as nn ex periment ho took a piece of tho well seasoned stock and nn le it up into a few odd pieces of furniture, witli the result that the wood took a finish and a polish as beautiful as could be asked for, rivaling the finest polished black TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN FOR SALE Biggest Bargain in Rogue River Valley Seventy acres T1EHT npplo and pear land, throe miles liorlli of ArIiIiiiuI ; 'IS acres planted to NVwtowns and Kpit.en bergs; numtly rod land; soil (loop and Tito. This property Hh on rmito of 11. K. J, nnd miluirlmn ii loplinnn linn and is within one mile of l'io finnoiiM Dr. Pago nn-liuvdfi, nnd :idjius hind that is actually sold nt fflSO per acre, hare land, and this property is every bit an pood in nil respects. This property lies in ;i fast developing fruit belt of 2150 ticres; 1,1(1 acres in hearing. (I. 10 aeres additional planted, t to ."i years old, and balance of land being planted as rapidly as ponsilde. Harked ly a good rouniry mad. Vur sale, for a limited tinn or.ly, at the exeecdinly low prioe of $i;ni)0, or will aell at, $1N) per acre, or $Y.''i per aore plnnred. Kor pnrtimlnm rmt terms, address K O. Ho. i!;i2, Ashbiud, Oregon, for en tutor afford to delay. This offer m limited. Inquiries of real estate dealers respectfully tudicittd. 'STONI More Light for Sixty-three per cent of electric current saved by using TUNGSTEN LAMPS. 32 Candle Power Edison Lamp uses 110 Watts per hour and would use in iooo hrs. 110 Kilowatts which at iocts. a Kilowatt 32 Caudle Power Tungstftn Lamp uses 40 Watts pcrhour and would use in 1000 hours 40 Kilowatts which at 10c a Kilowatt... Net Saving in 1000 hours in favor of the Tungsten Lamp $ 7 Rogue River Electric Co. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. Offi-c, 20G West Seventh Street. Phone No. 355. Opposite the Big Electric Sign. Y&xs. Krciu Ifampton Isaacs "3nstructor of "piano. "tlt Sttetljod rthOramt Street ') ? ' ' Hfllfl . ,.T V ;T. walnut of furniture commerced The black walnut ds very common hero as a shade tree and seems to bo well adapt ed for a vigorous growth iu this .cli mate. MINERS COME TO AID OF LEADERS WITH COIN INDIANAPOLIS, Iii.L, Jan. 23. A convention of the United Mine Work ers today voted to appropriate $2o00 for tho defense of John Mitchell, Sam uel flompers and Frank Morrison, the labor leaders, who wero recently sen tenced to jail by Justice Wright in con tempt proceedings. MOTEL PORTLAND1 OREGON, Modern Cohvort Moderate Prices ONLY ROOF GARDEN IN PORTLAND The Tourist Hcudqnartera or Columbia valley ENGAGE ROOM8 EAR',! FOR THE ALASKA YUKON EXPOSITION Jl. 8. NORTON, Hautw LessMoney fil SATURDAY, JANUARY. NEVER LOOK BACK It doesn't vnj. Kaap your ya find on our axceptioaal efferinga. flm tai loring ean ly be secured rom the hands f high-olass Uilora. Oar MP rience nnd method! lire certainly wtrth investigation. We employ the beat workmen and our olohtee are wltkout lilenbt the moat carefully aelected in the city. EIFERT The City Tailor BIG i REWARD ! Knr anyone finding a lunch likfl THE LOUVRE serves fur 35 cents. HARMONY IN YOUR NEW HOME Color blending of Furniturt; Drape rid, Carpets. Woodwork.1 Walli, make home life happivr. Our expert decorative ipeculirt wilt visit your city loon. Without obli (Cmttnj you he will diicuit the fur niihingi for your new home. Wriu far Hfltaittt J. G. Mack ic Co. Furniture and Cirpem PORTLAND. OatOOM Simfk Xmsu frmiiki4 frStWt HALKM, Or., .Inn. 2.1 Senator Hin nott, nighmu, S.hol1ell and Norton were today appninteil by President Bow 4rman of tha Nenntn to confer with a similar committee from the Washington li-Kintnture. on Cninmnin river fishing. Bepreientatives MrCtiu, Farrell and DoihIh will also lie on the coinmitt.a. 23, 1909. 3 B. IT. Harris, J. V. Moloney, W. T. (loul.ler, rirsidoil. Mcc-Pirsidi'iit. Sec. und Titus. MEDFORD REALTY COMPANY Dealers in Timber, Coal, Orchard Farm Land and City Property INSURANCE, COLLECTIONS and RENTALS List your properly wit h uh. We are in constant com munication with eastern parties desirous 'of invest ing in Medford and Southern Oregon. ROOM: 10, JACKSON CO. BANK BUJLBpNCL II YouiOwned the Earth ''crease in valid an its income producing rapacity inercaRes, but with 'the rght kind of an orchar d, Huch an some wo Imvo to show, the purchaser hai n clianco of got ting his purchuHO pneo back out of a'singlo crop, with proper man agemoiit. How can wealth be nccunu' Intcd fastur than by buying o nu of the good young orchards wo kayo1 for salot Always at your sorvico for tho bent buys in tins valley. ROGUE RIVER LAND COMPANY RXHIBIT BU1LDINO, F. OSENBRUGGE Atfcnt for THE STUDEBAKER BROS. MANUFACTURING CO.'S VEHICLES AND WAGONS Bnld nu-nt in .Tnckson rnitnly fur tli STI'DKHAKKH I,1NB OF AUTO MOHII.KH. Tho nun- K. M. Stiiilnliakpr, .10 li.imn jiowi'i, f..ur cylia l, r nioij i hiii pricf! Touring (Jar lian won tho rocojiif.uni inul mlntinitiou of all macLinititH nnd linn n)vfn iUi-lf to bo n renmrkali'o vehicle f,r alrentli, upcoil inul ilurahility. Now gools in nil lines will arrive in the course of next month at 1 ho H!jiMmkor warehouse. MEDFORD, OltEOON. WANTED Timber and Coal Lands Apply to B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs You couldn't find a better placo to livo than in tlnn gloriotm Itogin River valley, with its in coi)ip:ir:il)lo winter .and summer cliinuto. iltiHt uow wn Imvo Bomo particularly gou(i developed or chard propositions to Biibmit to tho hoiuenooker, which nro sure win n 01 it. Urst give thin Mii.illcr inimedinto nttention. It does not take a Tory wise nmu to foresee that tho advance in values which we have bcon predicting in in coming producing fruit lamia is about to mtitorinlizu. A gond young orchard win not only in- MKDKOItD, OTiKCION OREGON i is.