MEDEORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGOK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 23, 3Q0iJ. Medford Daily Tribune Official Paper of the City of Medford. Published every evening except Sunday. M J.- 1) ORB P U P L i S Ji I X G . .C 0 M P A N Y George Putnam, Editor and Manager. AtWftted as Second-Class Medford, SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Oipo mouth, by muil or carrkr. .$0.60 MEDFOttI) LEADS THE STATE. In 1008, more cars oi' mimiMMlities were unloaded by the Southern Pacific at Modl'urd than at any other city in western Oregon outside of Portland. As many carload sliipineyits wore made to Medford as to any other city. More cars of household goods were shipped to Medford than to any other city, indicating a greater influx of peo ple. These new residents c.unc from a greater number of states than the newcomers in any other locality, every state west of the Mississippi heing represented. The shipments increased GO per cent over the shipments of the year pre vious, which in turn were an increase of 50 per cent over thoe of the year previous. jTTlIToi)," if present crop prospects materialize, the Ifogue River valley will ship hai f the total applo shipments of Oregon and nine-tenths of the pear shipments. Each year the fruit shipments will increase amazingly as new orchards come into hearing, Xever have the trees been as full of fruit buds and the weather conditions are most favorable. There are 50,000 acres of fruit set out in the district tributary to Medford, which in the course of a few years will mean many thousands of cars shipped annually. The greatest need of the valley is a fruit association to market the crop and enforce uniformity in pack, and a cannery. With the coming of spring the influx of settlers will begin, and this paper predicts that shipments into Medford for VM) will increase at least 100 per cent, over those of is proud of Medford, and ils pride is justified by the bus iness Medford gives it. More passenger business is also done here than at any oilier southern city, and its popu lation is more cosmopolitan and metropolitan. "With a railroad business already larger than that of its rivals combined, and increasing by leaps and bounds, docs it not; seem as if Medford is making good its claim as the metropolis of southern Oregon? CENT HAL POINT FOOTBALL TEAM ARE ENTERTAINED One of die most pie want social evnils of (lie winter wns that nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Farm last Tlmrs dny evening, when the Central Point fiM.MiiilI cam wero tin guests of honor at nn oyster supper, of which Hon. J. V, Minitt and Tyson Hen 11 wero joint liorits with Mr. mid Mro. Furrn, wivk the lei-aid. Tho supper was planned as u fitting rcc(irntiitjon of the pr-nvess of the Ccn (nil dint 8piad on the gridiron, with M. i reference to whnt thev did to AMiln arose. 'I in imty, nnd 1 I nnd Olendale as tho occasion evening was pnscod very pletiH nnd it fell to t! lot of Clark .mkey to eat a few dishes, of oys ters in mcinbraueo of the missing links of the football team. Monk got away with five dishes, Tom with four. Monk was cautioned not t3 turn any flip flops, ;i.h it might influence tho oyster tii-irkit, up or down. A most, pleasant time wrin enjoyed by all. Those present wen: Mr. and Mrs.'u. T. Pan key, Mr. no. I Mrs. K. A. Ilatluiwuy, "Mmik" Cl::rk, "Toots" Kohh, "Handy" San di'i'Mni, Harry Deal, Hairy Caton, James Cor nut t . Ilnrley Welch, Homer Peart, Hill furgiii-on, Hill Htc'.t and ieorg' Pi-rd. Walter E. Connor Goes Into tho Hotel Bumhokh In San Francisco. "Walter M. Conner, who is well and fn nntMy known in fntithcrn Oregon, )vh ). .. 1 thn Hotel H.ivoy at the cur lo r i f Yriu Nish avenue end Kllis street in S;iii l'r:nn'isi'o. Tlu Savoy is one of S.mi IV.inrifd'n'n best known and most pfi,n!:rr M pping places. It is strictly m-iil i (i in every detail contains l'J"i ri"!!. Iki steam heat, hot nnd cold riinnin f water and long distance tele ph.. no in every room; 1 a electric cle vM.u- ';)'! several fine, large, liyht nam y')'' t ...ii n commercial traveleis. Sin :! and suites v.,;th and without br.tli-. i lie h.uie is elegantly furnilod wi h I'M'- bedsteads and nnth. iuy fur-;'i-r.', lias an elegant cafe and rill .'i If ! and is coiiducled on the Ku i hiii. Kates, $1 per day up. Spe-rM.-i bv the week or mouth. Cater f niily ami Ciijuincrcial tr-idc i .'j tor well known here. bain; --fuVv conducted the Hotel Ore Mr, FMC L'"M : ' N' for nnMial years. His inaiiv fr:. uU will wish him succc in l .. '.v v, ntnre. To reach the S:ivv ta'-. k m.'rked "Tu-k and Kddy" a't I'l-rr ' I'M filing, get off nt Van N at- M i' iiml walk olio h;. If block to 11,, hotel. ds AHHLAKD DEFEATS SPOKANE IN FAST BASKETBALL IIAME 'I ! o liland bartk'Ml.ill team ciimIn rlef. atd the Spoknne nthlet. at the opera li'Mise by a score of fH to LM, :,y (he Tidings. It ui;- ftie linslortUlle OI llie . K :i i e bei s tf. be passengers on No. l.'l, wlit. lt wai held up at Medfor- on account of a stub iv ar Talent. In order, to I. . p flu ir e!:i:agement they were fnreed to hrne tlie storm nnd drive to Ashland. :tTr'i'-; just in time n 'ay. No doubt the i-;'ing athletes were very tired from the disagrnoabln drive. List iM;.)it contest wns not a fair lest of what ihey can do. ! Matter in the Postoffice at Oregon. Ono year, by mail $5.00 50 per cent, and those outn 10OS. The Southern Pacific MURDERER DEFEATS POSSE BY KILLING HIMSELF HlM.SHOliO, Or., Jan. 23. Pursued by a pnfise, Muuro Huber, who killed William Heltzel, a farmer, earty yoHter day morning, committed suicide after being chased all night. Nobody wit nessed the tragedy. Mf Holtzol heard her husband cry near thn barn. A few minutes later he died. Sheriff Hancock culled up tho Homburg furmhouso, 13 niiicH i'mm Hillsbnro, asking if Hubor was there. Huber answered the phono nnd said yes. Hancock with a posse started for tho farm, but before he ar rived Huber killed himBelf. SAMUEL GOMPERS WILL MAKE SPEECH IN GOTHAM I NKW VOKK, Jan. 23. Samuel Gom- pern, president of Ihj American Fod - rat ii'ii of Labor, will make his first public appearance since tho jail sen tence wns imposed upon him at Cooper I nion Monday night. Ho will speak under the auspices of tho Fooplo's In stitute. Ho will not diBcnss his own ei:m unless forced to do so by members of the uudienco, who tire privileged to iv-k ueHtions of the speaker. Now Oases, John Harrington vs. county court of .Jarloum county ol al : writ of roview. i. (!. Smith, ii Homey for plnintiff. REAL ESTATE TRANHFERB. Hen I'leiletiburg to I'M word Wood bury, land in section H, town, ship :i.", range '2 R $ 2500 W. K. I'iitton to 8. F. Thornton, property in Ashland , 12S0 Ceurge J. Walton to K. T. Os boru, lot HI, block 4D, Summit nddit ion to Ashlntul 10 A. 1. Ilelman to II 8. Evans, property in Ashland 175 N..1.0M..H Anderson to Ldlian V. H:ihlvvin, property in Medford 750 railed States to Heujamin Fre deuluirg. land in section 2, town ship ;!.", range 2 K patent W. w. M. Poinibl to Charles H. Pierce, land in 1 L O 42, town ship "-7, range 1 W .1 ul iu H. Kincaid lo Charles H. Tit r.-c. Hut acres in township W. range 3 W S400 2000 Julia U. Kincaid to Charles H. I'm rc bind in H L 0 40, town- h,p I'.;, range 1 W 2400 f. K. Howard to Anna C. Bost !,!,, M.ltt acres it township ; i.-.ngc ;t w W00 It t . i.l. ason to Charles M Allen, 1m I ;,nd block I, Cray' ...blitiou to Medforl 10 M.MVL.Miet K. limy to Claries M. Allen, lots M and fl, block 1, i i i a v s add it ion to Medford ... 1 .1 M Kilgour to E. H Pickel, j .-' :n r in D L C fil township 1 :t;. langc 2 v ROOM L. H. Tucker to J. T. Miller ( land in 1 I- C 42, tjwnship 37, r uio 1 W , S T. Howard Jr. to lues M. Tor Kins, property in Medford 1100 It. C. Clejison to Charles M. Al- J leu, assignmbent of bond for I CHRISTIAN WORKERS GATHER IN NATIONAL CAPITAL WASHINGTON', .Tan. 23. Prelimina ry to the consecration of the new Epis copal bishop of Wash.ugton, a mass meeting of Christian workers will be held tomorrow iu Convention hall. The gathering is expected to be one of the largest of it kind over held in the na tional capitnl. The 3000 children rf the Sunday schools of the city nr. to form the choir. Th're is also to ho a large section of the marine band. The offerings will be tot church ex tension in tln diocHQ. There are a good many financial problem? ahead of the new bishop, both in th city and the counties of Maryland, which arc parts of his lioefs Aside froir. financial mat tori connected with th-; cathedral, there are some important missionary station to be supported, and the Church of the Nfitivity, which is b:ng built by bor rowed money. It is, tr.eieforr, thought that many will be glad to nmkc a nub stantml offering on the day preceding the consecration of the tew bishop, so that he will feel encouraged to go for ward. PLANS NEARLY COMPLETED TOR TATT JUiIKETINO TRIP AUGUSTA, On., J-.n. 2.1. Prepara tions are " nenring completion for the trip of President- elect Tr.ft and the members of his engineering commission to Panama. The ntrt will be from Charleston on Monday morning. Two cruisers will make the tiipo the isth mus. The precaution of sending two vessels was suggested by certain sen ators, who suggested I hat there was no legal provision for a successor to the (residency in cane of the death of Pros ' t, B. ENVART, President. 3. A. EEItKY, Vice-PrealdoDl. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK MBOFOBD, OB. CAPITAL - $60,000 SURPLUS - - 10,000 Safety Boxes For Rent. A GeneralBank in Business Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage. Special Sale of Embroidery 3000 YARDS LINEN FINISH Extra Heavy Thread Embroideries 6 Insertions AT Commences Today and continues All Next Week SEE THE WINDOW DISPLAY Van Dykes ident elect Taft. ,4Jf the cruiser on which I am trav eling goes down, they want the other to pick met up as T bob up." comment- vU Mr. Ta DANGER IN DELAY. Kidney Diseases Are Too Dangerous For Medford People to Neglect The great danger of kidney troubles is that they get a firm hold before the sufferer recognizes them. Health is gradually undermined. Backache, head acho, nervousness, lameness, soreness, lumbago, urinary troub'fs, dropay, dia betes and Bright 's disease follow in merciless succession. Don't neglect your kidneys. Cure tlm kidneys with the certain and safo remedy, Doan's Kidney Pills, which bitf' cured people right hero in Medford. Mrs. A. Moore, corner P and Elev enth streets, Medford, Or., says: "My husband suffered dfrom kidney trou ble for somo time and the complaint gradually grew worse. He had pains In his back and kidneys, aud was cauaed much annoyanco on account of the fre quency of the kidney secretions. He took many remedies, but did not sue ceod in finding relief until Doan 's Kidney Pills were brought to his at tention and ho procured a box at Has kin's drug store. Tfuv helped him from the first. Ho continued and the pains ceased, his kidn?yj wero restored to their normal condition and he now feels better in very way. no is glad to recommend this valuable remedy to others." For sale by all dealers. Price CO cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. 45 FAVORITE JEWELS Are always those of genuine merit, though not always the most costly. Jewelry of the finest finality. As the present winter promises to be one of uuusual social brilliance, you will find it to your interest to secure what you need from our .unusual stock of rings, brooches, pendants, pins, chains, brace lets, etc. MARTIN J. REBDY Jewelry and Watches JOHN 8. OBTH, Guhier. W. B. JACKSON, Asa't Gaahier. YOU OUGHT TO KNOW tho excellence of the meals that are oooKed at tho Emorick Cafe if you havon't already regaled yourself with some of the delicious dishes that are nerved hore. If you haven't partaken of thorn, thero is a troat awaiting you that you will want to ropent often. A meal at tho Emorick is an exporienco that will mako you c;y, like Oliver Twist, for nioro. The Emerick Cafe Open All Night s per yard APPLES and PEARS and all kinds of Fruit Trees YAKIMA VALLEY Tarwst Oommowial Northwest. Not in the combine. Conpetes with all first-class nurseries L E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, OREGON. Medford Iron Works E. G. TRO WBRIDGE, Propik tor. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS All kinds of EuvuPS, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, .Bo'.'eis and Machinery. Agents in Southern Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. IIEDFOBO, ouooir g United Stalts Depositary. Entabiiohed 1888. E. J. Skewit G. E. Hllsiiuter Rogue River 1 FRUIT" , Bub-Slvlders and Developers Boguo River Valley Or chard Lands. Choice fruit lands, bonring nud young orchards in small and large ttscts, for tale. Wo plant and care for orchards and guarantee property to be as represented. Experience JVot Necessary for tboaa who purchase through us. They socuro the advise and auvleos of a consulting horticulturist, an export on fruit cul ture in all its bronchos, who for several yens has cxceled in tti growing and shipping of fruit in tho Mogue Eivcr volley, retold, record packs, record prices. nt North D Street, Medford, Oregon , SEEBFOKD "SASH & DOOR COMPANY PHONE 2291. WiaflDtr Eameg, Oak Veneered poors, with Bevel Plate, carried in stock: cheap. Offle FStoxes and all kinds of Plan ing Mill Work, including Turned Work and Fancy drills. P STEKET, BETWEEN SIXTH AND S EVENTE STREETS. Compare the Quality Allen & Reagan Groceries, Chinaware, Fruit and Feed NURSERY Nursery in tiie Pacific YOU KNOW THE BILL IS PAID when you buy by cheek becauso when it is returned marked paid, it is the bt'st possible receipt. Why uot open an ncciuut, subject to cheek, with this strong, obliging bunkf V. I. VAWTETl, Prsciilent. O. R. LTNDLEY, Ctuhicr. 'Capital awl Surplus $125,000 liPBourros $700,000 EVERY ONE HAS THEIE OWN TROUBLES Especially tho man who buys a suit of clothing or overcoat mado to fit any one that wants to buy. The man who hua his garments mado to order by an up-to-date tailor never baa any trouble with tho fit, finish or general "get up" of his clothing. It nit only fits per fectly, but gives you a style and indi viduality acquired in no other way when iimdo ut J. A. Kreuzer 6 Co. "importers and Tailors PALM BUILDING, MEDFOBD, OB. A. C. Ran. lull J h. D. Harrlj Investment Co. LANDS H is, nnd always has been our aim to supply our customors with , goods of the highest quality nnd to that end TSt always adning lil jjlality to our lino. The addition of "preferred atook" makes our line of h;:-li u-TndG Canned Goods most complete. Otir service always the b-st and erery accom giwn our customers. When You Think Of Shoes Think of McDonald When you want to know any thing special about SHOES Go to c. w. Mcdonald Successor to Smith & Molony YOU CAN'T SAVE On your railroad fare. Tho law of ti e common carrier compels equal ratos on nil railroad lines YOU CAN SAVE In Time, Traveling Ex penses and Fatlguo by insisting on the shortest route, fastest trains and best service. Simply seo that your ticket reads via SOUTHERN PACIFIC O. R. & N. Oregon Short I ine and Union Pacific Every facility for tho safety and accommoda tion of th. passenger is provided. N, change of cars is necessary to Den ver, Omaha, Kansas City Chicago. Direct connec tions are made for all oth er points east and south A. S. BOSENBAWM, Agent, Medford. WM. McMUBBAY, General Passenger Agent, PORTLAND, OR.