Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, January 23, 1909, Page 1, Image 1

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    Boost the Development of the Rogue Rim Country by Subscribing Liberally to the new Medford Pamphlet
The Weather
invasions! sfcswers tonight. Fair
Sunday. itnm seetas htttkm m smith
ers snd we?r Oregon Vsr5aide wiads.
NO, 2m
U MM If f-V
Waters Fall In Stream
Wearing Away 01 BanKt"f!"!'f"i"iHi.i...i..(tiu.
Ceases-No Father Dam
age is Expected
The situation im Bear tmk has mate
rially improved during the past 2i hours
and no further dainno is expected mi
KBtt mmiethitiij nnfor"! en hi the mut
ter of high witter ensues. The wealing
away of t ho hank hy the hiejt water
4 has priu'tiriilly ceased and the work of
the men who are ond'uvurtji tu change
the current of (he j-rtre-.rn m having its
wfleet. They re making j eut which will
turn the witter to a fjrenf extend away
from the hunk on the bnver side, nwi it
is expected th:1 before the water I'ainiH
nttin llmv tt'.tt I,.,.-,, t,tt!I (I....
work of irni..K the wrW
A3 to tho Loss.
T!ure is a diversify ,f uphttmi cm
rerniiif; the aintniTit f land that ha
iieeii iiim'ii iv v lite it'llii ;iit, is ... . , , ,
, r , . j nnnoees, it has be.-u hw inaiestv hap
was ptiftitett ont tot iaaiKdav and I rt-
tViy where the laud rn-hed to before V? "K tl 'iht yinn of
the fioifd, and the hrnl iaken away was. h'm reiyn to f(indid:i ami strengthen
estinmtod hy the majniiy of those wlmjim h.valty f the tecmiii niiUiMiit over
gathered to wt,h the tioed that over . w(ii; h, sKUS N( m,v
tltreo ueres had bee-i earned dwn ; ,
stream. Mr. (MUtti on Paturday morn- hi'- s th" :,H ' M- 'hiIm.
!( stated that mofd .f the onlookers ' Frem-h ambasa, shmvn himself
thought that the laud ran further ni .to he the greatest diplomat of the
than it really did, ami Unit but Hfile , f nunst and yvtiitutthv in all
over fin it pre had gotto down stream, lie
h thoroughly eoit verdant with the lay
of the land before thf flood and any
that the soil did no extend to the
bushes which are nov.' Htandinj.; i the
stream and which wore pointed mst as
the ede of tho tdd ehannel, but that
it was bark a eonsidrimte dtstaaee. It
is upon this thai, he estimates the loss
at a little over an aer. Hp it at oh. how
over, that the people wen sito-ere in
their estimates of thr.- at-res, only that
they were not rortwtl informed a
to the dhdnm-e that tlo- land extended.
Much Advice Offered.
"The people," said Mr. rllins. " had
hundred thtterenr wyp i m'M'I""!!
tho ilama that tho -.Tali't was v..ibiiij;.
hat wlimt it caiiift to sinniii(t it tin y .
all faili-il to maUo gut-A. Tf mlvi.-i' lia.l
done any work, mi lan.t nt all ivmiM j
itnvp hfit'U ln!tt.,'
A soon li it is ponilili' tla'ii' wilt In"
i itiko ciiiistrili'toil in tin' strram, ivtm-ll
will in the fnluro k.-l tin- wat.r with
in hmmJs. so that til f i- II" n-a..ll In
nntii'iati Irniililo from fl"'ts. j
will make tho tirojiorty m. the Ka-I Siilc ;
imfc ami jiriovty vf.ii.i fth.nM k" 1' j
iii tla'ir original fiiniris
The damasjo wtm'ii a- " "
all boon poiifinoil U p small lorm r of
tho liroliortv oil that sit!.- of th o.-k.
timi tiH,Kii it ti..iv dHei
..mnoriv liolnn.'iliL' to io so on tho egr
at tho rrook. Ilmso wh-. live liohnv tlo m
ami back a littl" liavo at no
timo liaii nnytliini! to four, as tho thl i
wmihl havo to kooji , f..r w-k I";- ;
for,. roa,-liinK thou,-" tliiim Hint i,
mmt improbable ami mic'it be sa,,l to
1,0 impossibh -ortai-ity there ,s no pre- (
eeilent for anticipating inytlmisc f Ik";
Joseph Mom. e eoitiinissioner a!
Grants Pass, pent Katoidny in Medford.
p,-tor M. Kershaw is back front a
WiiieM trio Ut the north. II'
ris four tnehe of sm.iw in flr.nit
Manager llar.elrigg f tlo-Medford
wishrft to nnnooao that all of thos
who hold tickets to "Brewster Md
lionae" fan i'r "'' ''k l
ealiing at ilaskian' drag store, or they
ran trade their tiol t those to the
next show,
which wd! on im-m n
L. K. Sih'tz of
eland. .. to
of taking onto
fr the IMirO)
himself oino f tho s.d of tie- l.ogn.
River valley if he cai r.orc-.i m i.nt
ina a niece suitable to ho lihtng.
RAT .ltXTOX.Cid.. dnn.
2$. Four men wr' killed and
fvver : m'ttre aa-rowly i'--ap"d
death under a hngi? ;.vrlan.-he of
snow which swept down npon
the oamp of mine-i at Onray.
VortV horse- W.-e br.Med Tinder
the mo.w. -wes ,
lV to his faithfni heph.Td
dov. who dag hiu out of the
imnw- after he had be-n r.nd.r
..i rod tlien ;-.ur:o-t-
ed rescuer to him
his dt-mal
Ninth Year ol His Reign
WX'liW T.... ' .. .
lent majtsly, Kiujj Klwsui! VII tv (lie
drft'tMh'r tit tin faith, c! of tmliit.
This riwnaiit array of regal awl impe
rial dignities, ut ntl t intra iinnitiri
ns Kviiilmliziiij; the realm on wliirh the
mm never win, garni pUdnl;im
tiwlay, at tin' nii; of h ninth
year tf lviw:ml, ,Htt right years
ajjii yesterday Britnitt 's iniiji.-m h lK:i n
his tienefieent .may, att.i the t-eiehratimi
tt the .-tmiiversary wMeli emmaetu'e.l
yesterday was euittiuiut with maitmiti
ishe.I fervor tu.lay. .1 .v hrlU were time
in ail tin- etmivli Hliji:-it of the greater
i-ity. anil I lie British flag t'hiated jirmnl
ly fititn the vaiiiuiii i.vrinmvut Iwiiil
in-'j at Whit. -hall nn.l fnun tlmusaMils
of private bmi.iitie. The amttversary
wa.-j ushered in with a v;Ju!ii of 41 e;uas
firwl ity 11 ia""r (,f ,l1
.itrJiHery ut Si. .Tame aik.
Always Popular.
Always utte ef the im-st oMt!ar of
that eotteet'ns the welfare of his sub
jeeta have si ruck that rtmtvle fhoid
of Innnaii sympathy wi limit whit-h any
.overeifjn. Inmever iibf-J riotoJ, mn-l per
force stand in a iarge fnasure in splen
did isolation. It i f It T- tench of nature,
shown likewise in so iuaikei a degree
by his eoiiMtrt, (m-eti Alexandra, which
hai given King Kdw:f1 his nipie po
.ithot atnong t in world, potentates.
I'M wan! 'h diplomacy I as prevented
Mm from beci.miiig involved in any
such entanglements as have recently
; marred the popularity of hh royal rd
v,,.r llf lis u,-,, ,my ,
,, jV(, . mimt -
hv h-m , j,,(-t h.
tit augment
whioh h
-,san Francisco
Known in MedfordTakes
First Place Over 23
SAN" VUAXCISCO, Cah, .ran.
la an open competition participated in
bv of Hie m.-sf pr foment h rilpto
mi the i 'i;n. 1- K t:d 'umtm ani
A, Piitt.
the pror
: h
e b.V 1
for a d -; tu
ten to Commodore
l- reeled a: d n
:tei..dore on July 7.
i it California for
I liOttli'!
.Ihr lb M:.t
terey, Where the
took i
the I
; ti .
j ":ts
,l d' !--e e;:.!i
, ... ! .d V;.':d"
the s.hctoot
:vn Snow. ;-rH-
ideir - " M K'-f " '
iion, M,f r K '"la A. :
Soei'-tv of M-'Xi'-on W."
ttale'i Bonaid, profeo
et th rime(!lv of
A. l;Utlelt, .t"f I
pain'iou; ;t 1 1" ; J - -d.-sieM.
uvA .Ndert li
fo A
rs ;.-s..( ia-
Sherman of the
Wteraes, ,f dit!
: of archite.-tore
Vfh'ottMa; John
d dra:oo atid
iii.a .-!...! t
rbdelier. diree-
iO Ififit'lte ..f
?i(,r iit' M
, iirri!
Coneress Appropriates.
This COOfHliltie v,-:s -.-b-eted by the
y-ir depart n-iit last ; - ar, after coii
grs had appropriate! -UMNt for the
TreHMOt of the istitmniit nh
tf the appropriation. wn t
;(de for th" obtainittg f a itaW"
siit an
! otio-r pr-isr'inary expe,.
'Ci... tO. .TS w
loo' Med to lig-
are on a m
mimett! ttat eii "
for the remaining ?
Mioor and Ptdl eoa-
ha-o i: i feet
fornt artist iea!
nare. which the M-.ooMet a-
aided by tie- vanoe, ,-..-utto-
rind bv
. I as a!
v pre.
military and eie .rgari'aten
readv eoli-trfiei.-d on tieMn
Mi Putnam i known in M-P.ol.j
havitic vts.t.d thi? "ity re. env. j
btother, tleurge Puttnt. and tr.oth-r.
Mr. M. M. Pntuain. are rsid-nt-i -i
One in California, One in
Pennsylvania and One
in Texas-Many are In
jured in Each Wreck
SAXTA fUi?l!A!i., .fan. 3. Four
men wem kiifed tmiriy v hea a tantlslnle
i:r i'lmf; oniia, 15 inih mth tf
this v'ttr bitrtetl an .iitne anl obo ear
ftH f with ihettti wtrnteti, M:ifiv are
sii.ewt tu ! injure!,
ANinmgh the iculhMi'afs are nseajji-r,
in sit h I Jhat oiilv en' Aiat-ryean, a
furetiian, is tlea.i, tin i.ther eii hein
eeU iahurerw.
Trnffii i tietl ti m She ?$&sf line
between this eity ami the stth a a
rentilt of the slide.
Wreck in PeiiiiFyivaaia,
srMMKU Illl.r,, !.. J;-!!. eS. Three
e dead and sis injurod, one probably
fatally, as the result f a rear-pad cof
lixion beiwe-n the two seetmtis f the
St. !jotjLf express, westbdnad on the
I'ennsvivjinia road early this morning.
The wreck wan duo to tht desse fog
whitdi prevailed at the time of the eo
lision and whieh hid the warning lights
fhose killed were nsh-e- in berth" on
the firsf section.
Tho impai't put out lights- and a panic
nsuefU eausing many to ho Inpreil,
Wroek Near t Pass.
KL V&HO, Jan. L''! A headon eoiii
sum between t retgh rnd iassenger
trains in Iead M:tt', ent, Vt miles east
i' this eity. wa re-tpoii?-dtde for the
Seal hs of three and th minring of nine
persons this morning.
The freight was tryug to steal time
on the passrnger a't.l was within L'Mi
yardf of ft Hiding, which it intended to
ta!:e, wlo-H it met tie ia-t flying kis
ei?ger. Ifedh engineer and one brake
ms were killed. One f' reins a and twe
paswagers may dio.
This tB the fourth wrst-k doring tii;'
past vear hi this cut. While bnihling tlo
road a premature discharge of dynamite
kilt l Itt oh, giving t it name.
Two relief train h:ie h-ff this city
for the scene of the wreck. Particular
are meager,
WtKmVILLF:, Or.. .Ian. 2:1. To the
I'Mttoi; ! iiotiee an item hi the last
issue of vour tper sdtoejiiing one gen
eral road majtr for tie whole rownty,
but woiihl it make things; any better?
I think not.
Onr road syst nt ta Shi? eoanfy is
ueadflv growing wore. Ten year? ago
when there wa abn: If road distrtrts
in Jaekson eotmty w had ' very good
roads in this section, hot now we have
i ight or ten disrifts, and en eh snper
vi'O has abont ten tine, s as muefi road
bed to look after a he can do jintiee
to, and therefore oar loads are turned
over to inefficient de nties ttr ndr
supervisors, and in this .eetmn we hae
not seen a road gmpot visor sine Mr.
1'iedenbnrg resigned l:t spring. Pell
t''t in this seeiion h.u never bees work
4 out, and on the .;hjs ereek road
vto t-aoiiot iet out with a loaded tenia,
.-!.d it abto t !(opo--Ule to ja eyer
the road with a bht cotveyanee of any
k Ind.
Butids How t Road.
We ttotiee- the iihe;' UiV where oie
rnnn has bnilt his h-v.' right hi tie
middle of the main road and made a
pretense at build:t:g a K-iv Foad around
do mountain, and if la slid in and
fiiled np the road. We nmlerntand thai
nearly every ehien has sieraed a peti
tion to the eoinsiy r-oilit to have the oened, bis! teh'Se has l n done.
I nnd-rstand th::t def' Ndi gained
oasiderable on tho ptt-dtft tha
he wonht itnprmt the --.d-. nod aNo cut
the road dit :;-!- no sasatier. fnaf
(ho SiipeVlio!S mild tif' f-ee t li' '(if U
:te. keep the r-fd i U-:t1 jeiatib-.
biit he si-ems to f, fjjs,teij all hi
oromises now that h-- las :Jd elected.
Perfea he will do feno-tltiig f.o- ts
(lst before next eh'. tio;i.
Should Aid Country XKtrfets.
It eems very unfaif to ie t t h
the inoney that i jjt:i sv fr rad tat
in the ontlving diti' t ami bodd r--adv
around Medford, "tifrai ftnf and Ash
hind. In toy opinio., wh ptiw
-hoitld hr er.-d'tt-d with She smonut of
-rom-v p:ihi in for r.wl fa's aoi that
h-ldd be n'ftfol hi the ee
r;-l pe, iiO t . 1 ts ef MUi" loMiefi
;o us when it i ' tpemitd ..ii romi
, r to mil away. -tr ii hoM Rot
. a we do not tr:i-l rto read- fh't
-r from home verv ofsen.
i pnblssh thi. tft o nwl
h-. ip f.r otr road i this end of the
lojntv an-1 ft aeem ihai w- ar g t
. t,.f A. srij.s-i;fSiK,
Man Who Wrote Letter
Purporting to be That
of Cleveland Being Tried
XKYV YOttK, ,?a. 23 After veral
delays the trial of Itrmghton Bmndeu-
horg, tho journaisst who it ehntged with
rand larceny in tin st-roud degreo sn
E'onneetioK whh the Mto to the New
Vttrk Times tf an arUote purporting to
have been written by i rover Cleveland,
will probably begin M ida tlmt date
having hi'i'n tiiially ! v Judg lswl
iug. District Attorney .bvotne will prose
nt." Bmiidfnbnrg ami will fight star at
tempt Us seenre ami futther delay in the
trial of the rase.
There Is no rens.. jtatd Mr. Je-
rotoe, way t his t rn! should aot go
it once. It is a very simpb ras
There is no doold in tnv miiid as to thin
lefemiant s gnilt. 1 have ) nfisd him
and offered him n id-a, bat he hm not
oceptL There in doubt as to ihf
otteoiue of the cage.
1 i hnw had a ehemh-nl
mad? of the tnk used iu the nifntme of
from the mk used bv th.' iate president i
not mtterent from that uvt-d t few feome
The iper is ntt ditT.vt.
Will Swear to Story,
Vc have jifveritl fyHwfitcm who
will swejr thai thin dt-n-iidant tftetnt1!
the art it-!? which put pert ed fo hnvi1
been written by the at president. ft
. IS. Thmjt. itrsa b i borg'sf eojtnel.
said that h didn't be'ieve i ryhsg fai
ease m tfeo jsewspape'-.j, but it remamed
to be s-en what effect v- proof of Bran
denbarg'a gailt tie t'risfrlet' attorney
would prtnee.
"ft relies onlv tm the facts hthl be
fore the conrft" NatJ As r. Thomas, 1
donbt s r iousdy if he will ever get his
east to the jury. s to kin HUiivtmmt
iUat the' iiik used .? sfn the srtiele
was not that ed in the t'leveland
in-itK', if that o true, ii des Hit prove
anything; for Mt, ttv(datid signal the
artieli in feis office, -it at heme,"
The artb-le in pM'st(.,ii, according to
liiandeulmrg, was dteraied to feitii by
Mr. h-vehuiad thortly before the lat
ter death, am! was an awthentb state
foefit f thf views e.,f, rtaiiM! hy the
i'ttrno'r president iit r gard to enrrent
pdiii-al jnej. Mr. ClevHaad was
jjuoied as advoeating the election of
Mr. Taft, in preferette to Mr, Bryan,
and tin repoblb-an national entinittee
v,-aa preparing to us- tie artiele as a
campaign demnn! vbe doubts were
east on its athutii; a
Is the First to Complete
Building at Seattle Ex
position Grounds
SKATTLK, Wash.. Jmi. 2X Oregon
was he first Mate to eopb to it' hntld
ing and the tir to ue-tall esluldt- nt
the Alaska Vokon Pte'tic eseiltio.
I'ive tiooifleY in adatne of th opening
. f the spsi?io. Or"gtt had tw ears
of elioiee ;tpdeS and t car sf foet
prodnets sfored in its budding and the
enf ire exhibit Wlfi b.i installed two
Nonfhs before the tje.t of the espnsi
ti.oi are Jfpeso-d,
The tJregon budding is a haodsosne
-frnetore and ot-enpi tie of the besi
htentions o the eps-,f n grounds. I?
is just off the iftra! renrf and ner
4.h Lake W.-iOoni'or. The httihttux
v, eospbt.d in ' and tin.
that time the tirtgoi toniinission hit
- n 'hgag-l tn lie a mldig of Ho
-fafe evnibit.
tii Sbe t-:,iW .-H-d J; of i?S boild
iJregH ha re !': a iasg- -iiaje
.f the advejtl-He -1'IOV: the M,,
-O pero.J, in t a t three ste.nfh
than ."., p r- -n, !:i' pai ad-mis-ooi
t? the es-. i:..i erfnd-
The fslitornia btiibting W;e
,...mpb:- -eiaf Wee's a J t lo
Wa-lon-K i.atldig f-a;tt- t?nhd
-ted ttd! he ft. '"I .. ttttn ur th
.xp"iio v;ihiu lh - i-xt M da-'.
..!- ioiiUieg t -r i'-.e t'sjr iM
be rOOpbled le. MaV I.
LOXIrtiV. Jaa. ! ',.-
,-s v-iN .f V:-r-- a
-aibl for N'V V-.i': 1
nied b several f fi- d-.
Imer kfjostfi .is l lf
drady oif tie- w i
Jl.Ofl Afigieey,
Provides $100,000 for
Construction of Boulo-vard-WIII
be Introduced
In Legislature
The foliowhig is ih text of the re
timir..iry Utt of Je? Idti whUdt will
Ut introdoeed m ife. f-gihiluru eest
week to jrovfele for t Mitttt approHa
:io t, r a highway tu Crater take:
A Bill
for net appropriatm- tb nam f oa
humtrett thoMtanul iolar5i to aid hi I fee
von;mefm8 of n wagon road to Crater
au. fmmmn mui ,ttteumu eon it
d to pmvale for the nppemtosett!
of n rtmiRttKtNtti to muervtse the vxiten
, ,
the Crater lake road eoMMnission.
lie it eaaeted by the eop!e &f tfei1
state of Oregoiii
iEe it enaeted hy the trgUtnftVft as-
itddy of tfee? aUiin f Cregon;
Seetioa I, There ' h reby nppr&pft-
aiel iit at jBiMievs in ihe hands of the
tieaurer f tfe sriue i f Oregon and
aoi otherwise appmprtattti, the warn ef
oho hundred tfettttrtM ! dollars (jIeMni,
mm) jo ie espende-1 ft the pan-pose
oi atdmg in the eensfrm-tnm of a, wng-
o road m dneksoit roni.ty nml Khtni
nth rmtnty in thn sti.W of Oregon,
Dopsmls sa Vucte Sam.
SeMiii 2. Whenever the governor of
thm state shall be advrsvd of the j;
propnation by eongr.-sn if the Csitet
States sinl if oar aoempttation for ih
purpose of btt tiding and improving s
wagon road within fir limns ef the
gov rnnnnt reserves tatdislmd by the
fderal government, soi rotmdhig Cmter
;'M and eoiitieef vifh a ft'agwg road
So Ki.'imath emmiy and Anekmm eonnt
t o b ns! as a pubbe highwjay, he
shrit appoint a romnhsMois in he
at the t rat'r lake r, , evtinrnmsNMi t
eotettst of seven members, two of whom
shall he residents of Jacks nt eonnty
Oregon, and two of wloott "diall bo nmi
deels of Klntnnth eMi'ttv, OregotK
Section 3. That id eouiniisshn
shall reeehe mi eooiswasfftion fr ihmt
tt-r ices -srepi h"ir v.t'hmt
w!o-n engage! in the I oijss ttf mnh
etimmissioii. The loisinos af ths r&m
tnisiou ;diali be t e t : petal e with the
comity eonrts of Jjtehyott etionty sed
Klamath ennty and the prowr feieRtl
authorities. In th set- etion of a prar
and feasible roiite for ft Wgtt road
Mtat ioav to ensf rttee I by the federal
gvernent through ih- government re
series ?urrmnding Cvtr iahe, sd to
up rise the expenditure tf tutht mim
of one hundred thonsand dolhrn ar s
nue-h iheresof as may be nepessery hn
improving the rojols in .Ir.eksto. snd
Klamath rmmties that now. or that amy
hereafter im established, so as to make
a enneeting highway hading front ffcone
point, on the line of fin Southern !a
effie railway ift Jaefesoit eonuty, liregos.
the town Kbifiiii''h Falls,
Nothisg fer Rfht of Way
Seetin -t. That sn-h money shajl be
epeudeil niy hmi a eonnty ro;id te
I ly established in da kon or Klam
ath emtnties, end no part shall le es
peiub d for sjenriug a tght of wry for
-ueh road.
Seeftott 5, That ;;atd t ommission shall
ete, f n ehabman, who -haH preside at
all no-efigs, and a s'-erotary who shnil
keep a reeord of li pfi-eeeding f ihe
fommiss ion and accounts of all ijMmys
received and expends by the ?miflist-va-n.
and shall mak" a tptarterly rport
e.f all the transaettofe of the eommis
soui, to bo filed i the .dfieo of the
. letarv f state.
S eii-.n ti. That h tnon-y approOi
:.t.d hereunder rhall b- paid .uit by the
if 'vof-r ef the ft I - the VOjelM'F
-1 ff-leiS 4 the i)f, gH?d iV
he pre,ideu ;ud se,-ret;'rv.
S i 'ion 7. The -mne iou 'hall seifee
iM tte.dful rnh-v or rea'atiot for tie
: tir-aetioa at bo-tiu and its ptst'es
-f' nteetiug shall be ie fedt.rd. daek-
. eojtotV, OreoH, or at Kh'JHinth
Caii". ! Klamath efer.t'-. Oregon. F
:fFH of the bo;fd stall FOIMtitufe
; i.t..itt'(i for Oo- if.?e-oo of bsisi
:-.. hu? a h- numbe hail sdjiirs
ffi.;o ii mo t Cone,
Section If a Viu-.Mt v iit saM com
jut. si'Oi. the governor :tall fill fhe auo
hv aj.p o 'tuent.
i;-ate J-U'or Ji'pi- Cab r: order
in foav v- oad apdoiog Jafe. f. onealler
d v. s.v..j., ,-...,rge V. f-wi and J A. Wil-
lli r -eoj Aih-r nfipraiser. h
f, ' IVigei. is j f"-.-te le I, S i -. : jfder 3Wd-A;jeio-;i
wi'h ao.ontig H, CaMeti. It I. MW
and d. . irowa appraisers.
Harris, Nolony and GouUer
Constitute Medford Re
alty Company
Tin; Medford Ifesltv eoBian with
ffiees i tmsm 1 Jaekn t'etmtv
thMik hniidtngt m ono of the httest
mrs rolicerns Ut be i (snehed Hpott tfee
ioeiii hitoe m-a, rt men who fat-
stite it are 11 H. Hiri, presideM
tbtnlder s;rjitsry end trtnrr.
The ttew eomtaj will eat in timber,
:Mtt, irehart fsmt nd rttv inropertvv
They will ut feaifeli iosnram-e, eot -!
:rtteiw and reatsis.
Mr. Harris tfce rissidenf of the n?w
rm, ha received hadreds f immiri
rgsrd t hmmi laed iid prie1, sml
in order to hsdSe s -rim f thin hem-
liarrt has had grat deal of esseri
enee is dealing in Umit lands umt a
ler hi gnidaneej with ;m-ii aide assist
ants a Messrs Moloney and tonlder.
the etmeettt mumht Heejush.
ifVtu who m in the market in
vt"t in Un til ftKrty will do weH te
see this firm.
Monty itreBmter with hi tttillhoi
uvh fa Snnd jssest M1fttri p. AH
Invrtiii he had a dat if Portland ami
&.n afraid fe sld miss it. The shovr
tauie throngfe SntnF'biv morning, Imt
v.'ouhl ttat Uttl tte entr"Ktie;i of htm-
g r Hs.drigg of th? Mdfrd thai iaey
jto over losight. w.tSai)d has f3
gag! then for s wel; asnl the deSsys
dv:s ttt? Hb? fored tbens to eoatSsa
o their way. They msy play Ha tern i
:'azt, hut it is most nnbkely.
The show has iftls.iH tour delrn ine
having Hon Fmneist-o imi five if tfey
fail fo make Salem, h they mnst
in Portend Sundry evsning. Tho da-
nMr;tlixed Sihe-bMe of the ttttin svsiem
e?Mpel bv the fiisia h the rrsses llwtt
miiloti we.H uoi spsnt iM Medford.
The Traias issrdsy.
Xo. b"t from the tiU tmlay was
m- ftve ienirs late and 13 is rnnnJng
to minutes ht whieo nv b inereas
ed ss tit dav svesm r.wsy
A ttt train from AMdand will In
rnu out of Astdaad on iCr ttme btsr
t,ty etening, wfeirit sifld tnake irt-
latol nearlv ott
The trrks i tise so ih ar- improve!
but thev tili are soft tind t nder xhm
r'Ktnitig a neesity
The wather man -y that the wenlh
es -iloofld elear now for a while, whh
edv oeeasioml snov? Hemes and show-
Spokane Excursion Due
in This City Early In
February lor Short Stay
srOKAXi Wash., J . 2:k T
tudred reideats of arioss tarts f
ihe Sm.kaue eouutrv. tvetng In th
luiattd Kmpire S4eial ef the trego
a ti road S Srtvigaf i ouipau v s line
and the Sojthern Padfh railwav, wilt
snvade wsirtt Or got? Md the t'alifor
ilia roao eontrv '-arh nett months
utten the SiiB eh-snd-r of eimFee
?l"fil futi tfs Httiiit.:i e$eorto ts
le Ag'bt bv wsv 'f Iril3iidj Sear
ing this eity the evening of February
IVeb rt-k K. todalt president, and
l.evi tiraM Monroe,. eejetary, VkiU ae
cxfnp.tny ihe party, whi.dt will be nnder
ilo- personal dheetbos of Wtllmar; Me
Mitrav f forthtnd g-eral pa-nger
ngi'hf of the O, It 4 X.
The trasn Will r"idi IrtNd the
fOrrg f Vfiittmry 't ,ti-A ili be mH
hv a iU-U-ihm head"! bv T.m tlirh
ardtj, represejrtsRg th- Nrf!nd i&tg-oo-r.
ml vbdi aiiS th lvehsp
oo-ftt h-agoe, Ther wth be a troHey
rub- over the ehy nntu I'ire, w!te&
boo he o will he s-r v t ;;t the I'ortlsnd
he.t. o the aftern -n tbe rly will
b - taken en a trip tt le Conned
eli--r. :to v, la the vetting a ta
ihr ;il whiefe sddr s e, di be rd
pioneiueui rsd-s of !ortlsnd slid
the r'preseM stives of he vssjnug party.
0tte sn Fehnry &
Afwr twin Cnlb-id the f.
morning, tps will up m;de at tyrants
h, and Me,Jtord, s'-if the eifearoiei
e'ii h mt Uy she ru ah spal offierrs
;- d re;d-nss. K!ps 3 ?l ass be a?ade
a Vhtand. Kug ne an I Sh,-s'a Spring,
Tho .Hpofesn ?er?b -iits. iaeliidhig
r- ob-nt of VaPaer Marrt, 3pd
-er dASh btate. sod tas m
-.'.st tu Washington ad
5 s4ii, Wii
eight Fullmas eoat ht
Ashland Enters Field For
Federal BuIIding-ls Talk
ing of Carnegie Library
But Meets Opposition
Ashland is tf feave a ftleral huihUe
f the effort of fer prove &f
any avail. At a repeat mefing of hfr
viv vm,wi ihe ss?er goes ist
si grear lengjh tfrrtvl &
mmmUn tf tfcsf issiy, vrifli br ti
The matter ws$ rosgM u by tttm-
ribnan SUmte who snllme! th nHtl .
stliera Oregon for meh s building
in whieh tho ftttcrsl offireheWrs woaM
find offhe-e rouu ssd flit fH?ta?f'i?$ is
Utsf eity eouht fsd rsom is
tumbling, t wa 4eidH t. immedmlsi?-
ly take aetive sJe is h? matter.
The ioa'ier of eda raring to gi't a
Camegfp library for slilaml was &i
Mt:enssed, bat it did POi meet Wiffc S
hearty re?fea -se oa th part ef lit?
ttr? eoueilf soans them balhtng as
onjy from a lo.tstaem sml of view feat
alsti from a se.thenis;t view, sasag
that a very largt ias-s $h AshSs&I
eQtissiehij dss a?d. w?itfei aS ih?- tr
segie shnns ss sol believo m
pe?-rdi'at!Hg the ntd tfttsgiisEe same
;tl uihlie fyxins?. mafters we?e ft ia tltt hand
of a eelttMitffee,
in addition f fesefe Sh rs?s stjIJ s3MS
Saja two diiiisg eaj nn &hTvm.thm
ear sad s bsggnje edr,
i's-iv.-itiMfe fcsve irfi made lr Mr.
M Mrs. 0taMf Mr, j;rfi Mrs. O. A,
Heidmger, Mr. m&X Mss, C, II, Jss
Mr. and Mrs, !-',, ii, lacm, Mr. asd
Mrs, Ailert Held, ?nd Mrs, 'ih
mm IhtetHtf Sir. aaad Mjs. I' F. Krota
nt dawuhter, l-ilward Saert trtf
and fntifti f $? Milae and wtf j.
Sneati atoi wfe,, j; J. Msg and wtfe
It iOowb-s and wiff C. M. DetameJer
asd IK Hhims uml wife J.
IMsier aM wsfet Jss Hsgfelder &m
wife and family t J, Mre and wif
li W. Ttptoa a ad &iU A. Ktes aftiS
wife. F. M. t harehm i nd L M.
Idrt and wift I. Hngfte aad wtfe,
sainei iffr am wife, M. I. Wright
;nd wif C, H. Argo wife. J. ri.
rg and wif H A, Armdd asd wifet
i, X. Casletaaa mu tf J. U. Mit-aeH
w?f S, X. Cfeari feH and wfe, R
SJ. rgg and wif art faititlyv i.
5pb-, I. M. Orsiihid;r FrI rias
mcf, J, Htghaai, Mr Kisnball. Mr. M
t'rtiMtnr ft. A. KeoH,, A, It. liafeer
Mr. A. Mall, Miss U A. sdt Mim
Ifedster. Miss llatlie BNtde, Mtm
lander, Bessie Williie?s ,K C. Mar?
Mrs, r. II Walfeer, Mr lm Shar
Mis Mabei K HtfsHer. Mm. X
Ssntif, 5?, Xeakere J. JdiMSKt A.
rober. Mm. M, A. Mm fcSSh
Arg. Mi C?feiS3 ,ni$ , If, Hsea-
Among tie frut e-nr f town are;
tt, t oistns ami wif, Meitetn fiat;
I. J. ifmll'm aad wif. tWnr dAteae
Idaho; , M. Waters ami wife, and
f?, Allen and wife, idhsaa. Wasfe
Hvrtt lef foahanga aad mf, Saiadjsar
dah; J. KflHsr saw! wsfe. Almira
Wsli.; A. It Bnefewnl aal wif fss
Folbtt, teB H, i. Fair-
e;itbT stnd wS(" Weil&v; M, li. ilaf'
and ehdd, ldtman. J, W. Jfohas&m
iuel wife, ffefkewiale; Ur. anl Mrs. Fr
rolbfe. Harris,sa, Llalt; J, It Srfeftts
and iV. thb'ss.- Wash; vVitlsaitl fMis?
nt wife. '-ar d sAlene. bMen A. I
lifavis and wrif Mr.nilb-n Iditfe;
Jdsa Marsh. &Mrn Wash,; t Bar-
SiiSi. Kabsgedt Mst.i d, M. Motiira.
!ttfcfml. Wash., L. CvIkmi, olfa
Wss-fe.; . VL HttyiM4 FuEtaitagtoa,
WaH..and I. dasaa. t nb Wavfc.
SA 'liAMiCVn CU fi-
MiiebeN iMlastl w itiondat-
ed and th onher irUad nt the
;,omno? of the Jei'tnu-Bt aad
San Joapiia rivers are sUgfetly
flood-!. Iwer Sfeernma is sab-
ui r d. The Irtw a? weaken
ing and r the rontina! .utndiag
4 of th- wafff. A R VJii the
- isHiliat-d eiftwa sre aivisg
their g.i t ssd flr.
- The si orm shrs Vign f
4- 4 4 4.