Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, January 22, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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i .:
Social and Personal
i K, Don ton of Alyrtlo (-.'rook U a vis
it r In Moclford.
i. H. Jemis of Hill on, Cal., is In the
i 'I tin bun in ess.
Mr. nnrt Mrs. Bert Amlenion aro
IVrllnnJ on u sliort vinit.
U. J. (ircgory of Central Point won
it r'Cnt Mt-dfom visitor.
, Carles TliomaN of nalo Point vn
v. M wi ford Thursday on IniHineHH.
H. Brown, brother of (ieore
. ii'u'vn of Kaglo Point, arrived from
, Victoria, B. C, recently lor u visit with
ti'ri brother.
il. W. Lance of Gold Hill was in Mwl
H. B. Holmes of Kaglf Point is I mi-It
lnri a visit to Portland.
JJmeriek Cafe opon all night. tf
Tony Olefin of Gold HIM was n MiA
visitor rocently.
10 city was rrowik-d with aighlHi'i-rt.
Wednesdav, when 15 was stalled at
i 'i . place.
A 10 in gold for the bent looking baby
t.i liregory's studio. tf
fr. and Mrs. I' 0. Clnyvillo of Boise,
i ' ho, aro visiting friends In Bedford,
i.'meriok Cafe is oimti all night now
t prorlerity has com i t- iny. tf
'. input y Fish Warden Kdwanl Clauton
ijranlH Pass hjmmiI. Xi .day in Med
.'. . J.
)Mers for swoet crnin or tmttunnilli
u mptly fillod. Phone Iho
.. E. Peake of Eventt, Wash., and
.-. T. McCoy of Oriwlle, Cal., wen in
r-.1 Iford Friday on lturness.
.(. h. Carson and wife of Palisades,
'".t are recent In Med ford.
rtioue your orders for sweet cream or
riJtermilk to tho erenncry. tf
line host MeKinuey i.f the Palace ho
i. . at Grant h Pass Hpiurt Friday in Med
ft r;l "Every word the Tribune said tho effect of prohibition in (Irnnts
l':iS3 is true. Business has been bndly
crippled by it," ho fluid.
hest meal at bent, prine nt (lie Km Cafe open all nilil tf
J)ol Ray (Jetchell and Mrs. (letehell
of Minneapolis and Mrs. OoUdiult n
brother John MeClnni of McCloud,
A! Inn., are visiting Med ford and are
h-inff shown about by John M. Kont, an
i.M acquaintance. Thy stoppeil off for
i tiny, but Ilka tho Httb they have been
shir to boo of the coutry so much that
ttrv may bocome residents. They are
rev. favorably in.prrnied with Med
t.-rj and think the city has n grent fu
turo. Mr. Gotchell is a banker and cup
tn!iit of the Minnesota metropolis and
V.-Slure is also a capitalist, one of
.lr heirs of the McClnrf. estate, which
v:n valued at millions.
A sneak thief broke into Cadillac
r!;cdor8 auto u,ir,,Kn Thursday in I he
r fir of Nicholson's Hardware store.
Woke, open his trunk and stole Ihh on
Itnj fishing and cuinpinp outfit, except
coffee pot. A rod r.nd three reels
uett) among tho urticles stolen, one of
'Ji. reels being a uow "Ideal Tourna
ittf fit," costing $25.
IT. 0. Sampson, mnnnger of the Ornnls
jhb cannory, spent Friday in Med ford,
'-"ing a contract to supply the Hop
ir.o orchard at Central Point with
Vsmpson's spray, Tin has just received
Mro awards from th Spokane apple
rhnw, first medals and diplomas, for
f.pplo cider and pickled npples, and see
viel priee for canned rpples. He had
1 compete with all ennniories in Ore
and Washington.
Of tho appropriation of $300,000 au-"iC-iized
by congress participation
it- the Alaska-Yukon Pacific exposition
tWO,000 will bo used in the construe
(on of buildings. The big exhibit pal
it.vri will bo ready to receive the dis
yfly from tho department at Wash
ington, Alaska, TlaWnil nnd the Phil
ipp'nes not later than March 1.
Clyde Stanley, a you 113 man nwho has
r-ntly bean employed as a waiter nt
tlt Vendome hotel, ss tho Ashland
i 'dings, took a dose of laudanum with
r;'cidal intent on Thursday evening
jiir, but was discovered iu time to
.-jr.mon medical aid nnd prevent the
t lironous drug from doing an effective
:b. Bad whisky probaldy bootlegged
r.lo town is believed lo havo tempera
ri'v deranged tho mind of tho von tig
Notice is hereby given thrt all meni
r$ of Weatonka lri!ul, No. 30, nre
,ueatcd to be prcsmt at n tipecial
oting Saturday even ng, January -3.
19, as there will be initiation of
class of palefaces anil a good time.
siting members also invited.
U83 Chief of Kecordn.
DR. LOUIS BUNDY has removed
his dental office to Deuel & Kent
ner's new buildiuj?. where he
will practice dentistry in all its
You Are Goin to Build
v " i . r
V t--.uA
"L $
Kit $ V
" 5 -V. '
Mnry (iiiriU-ii. Mil' Si i i IsIi
(In.w Cunil'Kk'. I Ik- S.iIIIsIiAiiii..iiii
OITIMH WCII1I.V nil llu- sunn. HlrllllH'r
iituuiilK III IUW llil-ll tlU-y
f iHHfHHHtHtHfnU44
(With apidoii-n lo William I'. Kirk.)
4 A rolr.iiol who hnili'd If Mm- .South
4- Came iu Medfurd exio.-tiii;; a druuth;
To eHeape the not pmir . -f
lie tan into .1 dour, -f
And lo- ean ut a -wiping Uih iimnlh. -f
A -iit.' 1:1 11' inisH uaaiiil I1..1 Kriitroll 4
Wen! ..ut. fur a stroll along ('ntral;
She kiekrd from hir shoex -f
f One truth f 1 1- .,.",., 4
Itut I he nine h-iilhw alonj' u il h Iot . nt wi ll -f
Then Hie Kl,.Ht nf n, my. f
" Kxrum me for making Uhh Ihiiv; 4-
'I lie wet, uiiikes no Miek
f On dm IijmiUh of llriir i-reel(; -f
I'm ,t:.loiiH of old hiiclor ;iv! " -f
There van a young lady 11:1 mil Iteau
Who nan fording on Seventh a Htream; -f
f Her cloak wum iww
So nho'rairicd it a f w,
f And Mteh lovely lllikleH Ut in nren 4
HKPPNKN, Or., -u,. - It is
thought there has been no damage to
grain during the fold period, hut f i nit
and forest tree have le en nliglttly in
j ll red by the tpH having been frozen.
HiiHineNH was at a ft;tml;t ill dnriug
the two weeks ut' eold wiather, and the
slori-M which worn .put i.pening up big
chaiaueu Halen, were rMiiiielled to eon-
tinno t hem tint il lens evero n eat her;
however, hiiMinetm ih jjnud a I, jtreHent,
and the lueivlumlH are spel ling a big
spring trade.
No Iohh of stock linn been reported
and il is considered that 1 he severe
weal her has been of great benefit to
thin territory.
The greater portion of t lie water
enured from the going t ff of the huhvv
hati sunk into the ground, an only at
one time haw Willow creek been bank
full, and t hat was caused by :m ice
gorge at t he Hclmolhoose In. it bridge. I lie
wan blown out, wliiili relieved t lie
situation without nnv ilamage. e:nl
eveiv icehouse in tie- citv bus been
filled to iin ii t in i sf capacity, and scv
oral new one? coast ructtd.
XKW VOliK. .Ian, Metropolitan
Celestials yesterday nteied upon a
wi ek of fest ivit ien hich will mark
the Chinese New Year, and ddnritig the
next few diiys all Chiunl own ill be
given over lo rejoic.ig. Thin year's
eolebrat ion in es ially t,!ablo be
cause it marks t lie beginning of t he
llsnaiig Tun era, Hie ;eigu of the infant
in jh mr, Pn Vi, who luis become ruler
of China under the name of Ifsuau
Let mo figure with y u. No eontract
loo Urge or too jum"!'. Satisfaction
UsdfoM, (ron.
2 ti'-dk-
lis A ., , vo- ;.r Oi w v-
i f K i."
r-il -tfr
a hi. i-.
.t nir:tiic siii-:im, and An
'i- J . Til iiiiilfiMtllJkiluliiv, ciiri-v
I'lllli. i llinium- ilni'lmr ...
mill I ....
H.-l-l- .l. U,..rii,!, luijc-Ul.T us Hll.
l u
Spokane Sorvico Crippled
nKANK. Wash., dun. 'J.
I .ain
tin- -:n
. All
pt on tlie
ilnce branch of
It. iV X. have bei-u anuulbd on
I of a bad washout on the Ri
Spokane division. Tho high water
ss:i, washed out Hie (ireat North
nek and bed for nearly half a
The Northern Pacific tracks were
out at Spragu-', ty
'loin Sputum nest,
ew trains from (he
ing up all
There are
Fortland SufforH.
PttltTI.WIi, r.. .Ian.
weatlo'r as is now being
iu Hi.- Willatnelle vnlley has
I'orthnil f..r it years.
L.- -Such
not visited
AllliM.ieJi l Ii.- aven-i i
mat. nally al i'ectcd by I In
time. 1'iioioa men along
liave lri n put pract icaiiy
n.-s bv th. Hood. :ud c
lletl is not
rains at this
I'ront h( reel j
i iv out of buni-
every dock on
Ii d so that the ;
1raie;ferre.l to j
lie 1 i i l 1 ion) is
nl i-
.on the
the in
docks II
s been
t'.ile, ,1 I.
at :
rial 1,-s. .
Alt thiMiioJi Hi
1 1 t In- net r 's
i .'lutci'ia Ho
river i rnffie is
s ill, I . 1 1 iiimiv
ii of the
-on n
d in the upper
o.iui-d mo thai
v at a stand
in ks and fish
when the ice
art down the
i threaten at
not t
of th'
ill I"
Medford Time Table
j Jiorth. bound
o. !'iregon Kipres j o:24 p. in.
ii. ! WVrtlnnd Kxpress. . . P:4i it. iu.
I Southbound
ii. 1 .'California K x press. . . I0:3n a. iu.
1 Sjiu Krauciseo Exp... 3:20p.m.
No. 'JL'' 'From 0 rants Fnss.... 9; 15 p. in,
No. C:'";For Adhtnnd j 10: IS p. m.
o. n.esM's Medford. .
No. ; Leaves Medford. .
No. "J Arrives Medford.
No, 4 Arrives Medford..
. 8:10 a. m. I
. j 2:5i p. m. ,
. j 10: i. tn.
.j fl:US p. in. ' (
No. -.' l.caven Meilfonl 1();4S a. m. I
So. 4 Leaves Medfonl 5: S.'ip. m. i
Motor Leaves Mulfonl 2:00 p.m.'
Motoi Leavi's Me.lfonl 11:00 p. m. i
No. 1 Leaves .larksonville. . . D:00a. m.
No. :t Loaves .lui-kaonville. . .1 3:30 p.m.!
MotorXeareii .laeksoliville. . .j 1:30 p. m.
Motor Leaves Jacksonville. . 7:30 p. ai.
. 9:191 4:M
.110:05! 8:5(1
Northlmuml .
iloiithliounil . .
Eagle lViat . .
Jar knoavllle .
10:20 5:20 1
Bought Mules In Good
Faitli Only to Learn That
They Had Been Stolen
i. K. Ilowitt, n u II kni'Wn wood
and cal rontmetor at Portland, came
out to Ash la ad Saturday to look up
a pair of valuable ninh'n nuhmiii from
a carload which Ho bet ahipped from
Saci.'iiiK'iito to Portland the tiif;t of the
week, Hays the Tiding. Ho found them
in poKHeHfiiou of a weU knowu citizen
of Tal at, who had pi:i chased Un.m in
jood faith for $7"i from J.iek Kirke,
svlto was in eharge of the shipment for
Ilowitt, it seems, but who represented
himself us being the owner. Ilowitt hud
purehaMtd ten fine li'.i ye mules near
Sacramento and secured Kirke, who was
recoiiiini'iidi'd to him at the initial point
of aliipmeiit, to accompany tho car to
Portland and care for and feed tho an
At Ahlaiid. whirh a regular feed
iaj point for rtock in t "an sit over the
Siuitiurn Pneifie, Kirke tarried on the
12th and i:ith inst., fcdMlndu dddddddd
Itith and l.ttli iioit., feediiij and rent
intf Him animals, representing himself
ns iheir owner. After iryotiating the
jale in questiiiii and picketing the pro
eerds, he lured .1. h. '-i ment to nccom
pa ny the car from here to Portland and
tated that ho himself would take
faster train. And this is the last seen
'of Kirke.
T. II. Williamson of Trail Creek brav
ed tho mud Wednesday and paid Med
ford a business cull.
L. C. Nairegan of Kagle Point spent
Wednesday in Med ford on business.
A boy's hair gruw.-t ut half the rate
if n girl's.
lo-snlu way iK-,rpo rated wit U Tur
key In liii:t
Belgium employs 37,000 men In lid
stone and marble quarries.
Itauaha kLhi are utilized In miap
mnkirg uu t!ie WchI coast uf Afrk-a.
In Austria juixes are offered lo farm
ers to eneoiiriige them tn recover waste
landH and lay the in out iih p-iat urate.
Only one president uf (be United
Bta ten ba a ever en t ered t lie W U i t o
House wltUout the cdectural vote of his
own ttato. Thnt was Jamea K. Polk.
The sedun ebalrs whleh won In gen
eral u In the HevoiHeuntU century aro
still used hi Iresdeu by noblewomen,
who nre carried to the opera lu them.
There are so few dies In England
that there is n regular business In Im
porting dried ones from South America
for food for poultry nnd captive birds
and tlsh.
L'uder the revised law governing the
employment of women and children In
Italy night work Is forbidden for nil
females and for mules of less than
fifteen years.
The French navy Is experimenting
with a tluld, a Orinun Invention,
whli h when sprayed over the coal of
warships Is said to make It burn
without smoke.
In the Fukleii province of China
there are camphor trees some of
which nre over a thousand years old.
The natives are Just beginning to learn
how to make camphor.
A self styled philanthropist, said to
be au American, has proposed to Vic
tor I'mimuiuoi, king uf Italy, that the
crater of Vesuvius be used na u cre
matorium for the dead of all nations.
Th-- submarine bed of the French
r ier te i:r has been followed by 1'ro
fos.soe lOdward Hull. F. II. S.', fifty
mill's out to sea. and that of the Kongo
h. Ira ed l'H mlled Into the ocean.
i lo' ii . iKitiary Is never allowed a
I v..; ic-'t. The new word Is 'dac-
los opy" and moans the method em
(oil police headquarters of Iden
u.', , miiinals by their uuger prints.
St-.r the St. Lawrence river. In Cau
::'a. !ie:v Is a water slide three tulles
::;g i.r coiiveylitg pulp wood to the
ra i ! u a y. It Is m palde of moving
ii-ai!., S.i'HO cubic feet of wood an
Ncari.v nil of tin Creeks now cuuilug
t tit); enialry are settling In New
V . k ciiy, and more than 12 per
cent arc g.diig o ottier places. There
are l ow In t'.ie city nliout fil.OiNi of
A telephone M:;tetit will be com
pleted in the near fu:.;iv !,i the French
A t ri. au c h :il. s hleh will permit
of coiiiinuiifeailon with the mont dis
tant p.tsis In the Interior of the dark
COtUl M ill.
Ma-sy ex. elU-m f.iedee plants have
iu'en revomir.ouih d Mi(:i;. but oae
of th.- itofi i i n. t 1-: the fiptiH'a or
rnssma mk, t.i tl. pt u tf-t : w hi h
llu uovenMH.-m i f I'oni! ay has acafn
d f.
I- d f.ib
i i:i ic ;ti.
A t
a p u.
.t Ik
L .
'la- .lill.'l
r.' ; II;.
.tl l.ilh.l
. i' - '
n:.l I lie I '-
:.. K
t ri
Nil. I
1 -.-iti-
j i
Tne National Association
Gathers in Louisville to
DisGUss Prohi Wave
LOFISVILLK, Ky., Jan. 22. To se
cure the adoption uf moael liquor laws,
as a chock to the wave of proti'biiion
and local option that :s now sweeping
over the country is th. object of tlu
National Model License league which
coiuuii'uced a three days' sessioii in Lou
isville today.
Leaders in tho movement inn ago rat
ed by tho league nay radical improve
ment in the method of dispeniiu'r al
eoholie beverages imiH. be made 'f the
liipior buaineHii is to remain a legalized
institution in many states and express
n deniro to hear the views of those who
have plans to bring about improve
ments. The league is a national organization
of SiH) distillers, brewers, winetnakers,
wholesalers , retailors and collateral
tradesmen and is condtutiug. a national
anipaigu iu behalf of a model license
The objects and purptses of the Mod
el License league are to take the liquor
question out of polities and to inke the
lawbreaker out of th? liquor business.
If there is to be any r.- dical reforma
tion, it is declared, it must be along
these lines.
Fonmdated by Oil more.
11 he model license law was foiuulat
d by T. M. Oilninre of Louisville, pres
ident of the N-.'ii.::al Modol License
league. For veais Air. Giimore studied
the liquor business by perstuial obser
vation in this country r.nd in Kurope.
and lie selected tile ties oiauses of the
best laws of the best jpi.erned districts
in the world.
The model license lav provides that
alt liquor licenses iu effect at the timo
of the passage of the law shall renin in
in effect until suspended or canceled
because of violation op thw law.
The law provides als that upon con
vict ion for a first offense the license
holder must forfeit the to do busi
ness for a period if "iu days, and upon
a s'vor.d conviction he must forfeit
forever his right to hold a liquor li
cense in The state in which the license
1ms been forfeited.
lli;lders of licenses would be protect
ed from iindno eompc'ition by that
cbiiise of model license luw which provide-
that after the pas-sage of model
license law no new licenses can be is
sued until the populatii.n is iu the pro
port inn of (say) aOO lo each license.
This would ih only give the license
holder assurance of a reasonable amount
of trade and thcrefnt 1 a reasonable
profit on his investment, but would pro
tect society from the ivils that it is
claimed result from : multiplicity of
diinUlig places.
Not High License.
The Nat ioual Model License league
does unt advocate excessive high license
for the alleged reason tiiat such license
conn -els the dealer to haudle inferior
wan in order to mak, a profit. The
license fee. it is a -se-)ed. should bw
snfi'icii nt to give a good revenue to the
lm :tl and state jo ernti'. nt without be
iui .ppresive.
A. cnrdiiiii to the le ig.o 's figures, the
pe.q-le uf tliis country drink two billion-
..f gallmis of fcncciitid and dis
till I alcnh.die bexerag s in 17. The
ani-"!iit consumed in not withstand-
in ; th1 tilniup thrt the liquor hidus- ,
It-, suffered with almost every other!
line of bus-:evH on aecount of the li
n:u'.i;it sit--.. .is at-otit much as
i Me ear previous
Tliis I'lta-iiiaiptioa is eijuivaleiit to
i . i;;ill'Ois for evi rv n. w.'m:ut aii'l
lii!-l in the coimtiv. ai.! l -i iri-' o'fi
i-t: 1 : vay il woulil 'i'' t'"lli:.ii. in v
of this enormous l."li'ill.l. to believe
Ih;:: Ihis nation is pr.p,Uel to jivo up
the use ot' aleoliohe I i erases or 1 tint
th.- .lav of teetotalisei will arrhe ;.
iHoiiow or next .lay. r in Hie it. t few
,1 i.les.
Ttie poultry exhibit :.t the !nlva
Yukon racifie e(iosi,'rti will be com
pb re in every tlep irtin nt and asso
ciations all oer the eo-Htry will offer
special prizes at the imposition.
Grade Mince Meat
in bulk a splendid, clean artitle, inviting
vi mr iii.sjH-ftioii the jjouihI 12 1-2$
Vakima Best Flour, the best bard wheat
. i j i i in
ih.ur that we can buy on me
pound sarks
White liose Syrup, cut from GUe to, the can 55
Made bv the butch to sell to the Irish and others Our
Eastern Made Saner Kraut. Try and get tho sauer kraut
habit. It's healthful.
See our window of Blanche Baking Powder, containing
our special offer.
Cream of Wheat, the most widely used breakfast mush in
America today, cut from '20c to, the package, for ....17
Try a package of Dr. Price's Jelly Dessert. 1-pound pack
age makes dessert for one meal of five persons, each 10
Miller & Ewbank
Removal Sale
All Goods at Absolute Coit
Until February 1st.
Mrs. W.I.Brown
A Finely Finished High
Grade Cards Including
Medford and Southern
Oregon Views also a
Number of Buildings
of the Alaska Yukon
100 Doz.
Misses & Ladies
Seamless Fast
Black Hose Ex
tra Good Wear
ers 15 & 25c pr
FREE with every 25c purchase
a chance on that $83.00 BLUE
ENAMEL RANGE to be given
away April 1. I9O9
Tin- ri'tfulur monthly hi!Nim!ts met'ting
..f tin- (inad-r MiiUm 1 olub will be
I'oM tut Monday nftivionn at 3 o'clock
p. in. There will bo a fine musical pro-u-n'tii.
ami al! members are requested tit
in- prt soiit. 263
Classifiel Advertisemen ts
v. i ;-.i A jrirl tor enorai house
..i:. for a faniilv of three. Address
IV i. Hex fi-T. 26S
WANTED A chambermaid wanted at
the Krnneo-Amerimn Hotel, with ex
perience; fare paid. Yrcka, Cal. 263
rot sxle.
.Till: yALK-tiood resMluice lots, close
' m; also jjoul ." acre nrcl ard; ileal with
owii.t; save coiittaissien. Address J,
care of Tribune offiie.
Ki'iH " twXSi
cheap if taken at one. Addrass E
care of Tribune. oa
ooast; in -
The oost com
plete line of Chi
na Glassware
Enamelware and
Necessities in
the city
FOR SAEiB Two caojc lota on tM
corner in Paga'i tMiAoa; haf)pU
W fa
rooeniz, or u khii to Mit Ing oav
acrs to 1(9 tent. Matt Ctsoa Ft
nil, Or.
T -4 1-
S EN T Seven room
house, closa iu. Inquire W. it. Fnacfc,
ro.iui 7, JacAson Co. Baak bUg. tl
POB "REXT Nfne-r)in kousa wftk
bath: Close to town. IknnirA al fWk.
oruBty) a rettjenca, Pixaraida ava.
KC1K KNT turnialnil rooms iWat
houaekeeping. 134 North a H. tt
Is hereby given that the ttndeTaigsed
will apply at the regular meeting of the
city council of Medford, Oregon, on
FfUruary .1, 1909, for license to sell
malt, vinous and spiritona liquors In
loss nuantitiea than one gallon for sia
niontbs at lot 13, block 0, in Medford,
Oregon, for a period of six saontha.
271 H. O. ILSUSaOJf.
Dated January 1, 1V09.
' t.