-THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE. M Bbp6BD;1-t)RKG ON; 'if Rl 11 A Y; J A NUARY 1 i)OU - ii ii m ill i VI i m 'i Ti 4j Tkc?T;jni ?i "i Tn mil mino o niiiirRinfv .Kif' bur 1 fib r. :tn .1 i:i 0 .-losititv TiTfi"! "1 : - unit .11 ; ji not tIti'.si ,.t) . .emc' CJ ittiv i. ' a Ii . IDM TU.'ilii' II I .. - ..,- r II I J .Jt'jji ! !:..! ,i: - " h I I I r ai'J . I ' ' ' A e -,'.,i , !! '., "I"! "I v J'-'---'' 1 II II IK I,,,,' VkVX X k iTT X.JLJL KJ? VbS JCL JL JL iLVi .y.ft'o JLJLJL, Jun'U i-'..t;; .ii) i - if ., . :,! ; ... :!,:,;'.:- I- !(- U;f:l (-"' ! '. ' ''' II ; . J ; j 1 Th .fl 8 rTIV : '"" ( Acme cemenr e asier l ana KiiDDeroia Koonms i. .. -t..t '! ii .,-, - ' LJ-i . ' . .' BIG PINE I rTTLn he lif iiiiiful ymiue'ifflliK l-e yuu ever iiieu uiat,ruttic lieal- gi.iks the ufjli j-oiii iM.ij, I What lJiet -jlUiiG nut your liead, thuj, on U14' T, find 1 pus my arm nburt avulst lu this uiunuer. Now W Bly ralm and ira it this looM31iit' i;r.U llicn the obliging iJ?r;iTnr-tirTr(t uctie miy uit.ivV" II eh. ii.vs:j r There i.i h lii'e i:l:'.e por- iillMtwf l'm'totll. lltUrlW'.IW.. Inilr! fllnl 1 U.i elir-IUe:il:l 11 II', ,i like- oi' Igfyifwhat nCtlu trbiii hl1 i flit's jft Ik- IIS lltl ly nl)ou.alf n l!' Ifiikif4&6: The Smile Promoter. "Hi llfo oplli: to 8: "I 1JCOJ. :lill(l the wrliooJ. -J I'm 11 dciiiLst " - Mlunjjtiptilis Juurnnl Ho Struck Cut. Jagroen- 1 saw yuu laliajii; to Wv row.r'-bn tlic Htreot ilu uiorniu;:. Blliruivn'--Ye. ' - - JftSri'Cii - Did be j-rike yuu fur ti loun i. ; ' . '" . Bilrowu Not exiu tly. IIo strut I-. at up, 'Liu never ttiu. hwl r.ie. Pitts burg'P(ivt. Tourist-1 Whore's ilho hulliloi? I Bold you i,ho ot liur. day V the ih9r baste swallowed a tape measure, atid he died, sorr!" Toirbit (wneglshlyi He 'died by locliO. ieh?' ' ' "No, sorr! He went round the buck of ttie bouse and died by the yard." Lou$uu opinion. , t The Informer. ( "Teacher," said Dicky Jones, sidling up to the desk aud speaking In a whis per, "Tommy Tucker's tryln' to look cross eyed, like you look." It U scarcely necessary to add thut It was Dicky Jones that Rot the subse quent whipping. Harper's Weekly. Naturally. "WflS the -boy severely punished for borrowing the horse?" "Do yo.u mean the boy who was thrown from the hurse Into the duck pond?" "Yes." "Hu got off easy." Puck 1 . Of Mora Importance. "Aud now that you are of age." said the anxious father, "I want to give you a few poluters on how to keep money." "Say, dud." rejoined the sou of his father, "hadn't you better begin by giving me n few pointers on bow to get It?" rittsburg Tost. The Natural Place. ! "Put that picture of the champion prlieflghter nt the top of the page. It Is the logical position." "Why ioslenir "Because Isn't it an upper cut';" Baltlmore Amerf'-an. Wilbur E. Cooke of itlauiath Falls is a newcomer in M.dIorJ. Us plans lo locate ia Medford. B l.,!::uto.s. ib:.ut ti ruuiove hl.s nriu, wht'ii v 01 lik' to Immi ui lryanj'( n 1 e 11 'M. asurably Mournful. 11 i .h'j,,; , . -n ';.'i, "isolated farmhouse itfiiiLiiiKhiiersA' wj.m old' bin twB siahTM, pnst 70, were at supper Inst yilit iu n fiirinliuuHi' in hii isnlt-l spot ii'r, lj"iricn. City tsii Aunskl: uien entered the rootu. -Th v; friwlly bent !ic ' tlirtd vtX- iHVpIiii'liiuiiiit' und'afftiod tlHMii, and dcina tilled to know where Uioip inonoj' vtfiH priTettil. The prift.iiion jvfimed trili viilg. the udPtf .Bhii-enrYtheir :ji-iV.jMiiitil tin' rohbtTH thrtii ti'iiM to hum the lumsr ud .Bf UMi.-Alu:iU-:.Xii U AtOVflUwr iod thi'iu to a small HiitV. I nun whieh thev "toolt tho'eontontft, $l.inn, and fled. iiWragtefc rff'i n n n r . WrcaLlera Ui'uut.aU'i.VusL Iiuvc left for Seattle to take on a few live ones. r ill 'jMtlprij rw outly Vn Wtnesg. j TO SAVE CHHjDHBN" i t ': 1 TOM M0I.00H Ok" -MIMES ?T(aS), .Win. ?9.Tn 'nvthoViiil ilreu of I he nation frum the juggernaut of Hio i'uftni'iuii ml Lie MulocU of iniiipH i.,tJie.jp.bjeet;tl''iiiindrWls nf earo- st "men .jnd wnnnSn -mho gathered in Ortiirtstrn hall' y!terday for the open ing si'HHinii .of the fun. amiunl clind ):bor I'tiuffrjfiire unl'tr, Ilnv auspices pf ihn ndKniial child ' hil. rtTnuiittee. ' Isaac X.. Kelininnu of Xev York, loreiiht !onLessMoneyj Sixty-three per cent of electric current saved by using TUNflSTEX LAMPS. 32 Caudle Power Edison Lamp uses 110 Wfl.t;ts ner hour and would use in 1000 his. 110 Kilowatts which at locts. a Kilowatt $ 32 Candle Power Tungst&n Lamp uses 40 Watts perhour aud would use in 1000 hours 40 Kilowatts which at 10c a Kilo watt Net Saving iu 1000 hours in favor of the Tungsten Lamp t Rogue River Electric Co. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. pi'fic!. 201) West Seventh Street. 1 Mione No. Opposito the Bit; Electric Sign. jftrs. Irene' Ifamptort Isaacs "Instructor of "Piano. "tlst 5ttetb3 Stulo ot ttolo.nc. 5lortb Oranj. Strc.t WANTED Timber and Coal Lands Apply to B. H. Harris & Co. MlrDFORD OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs F.M SALEM is the most popular beer in Northern California and Southern Oregon. Tt is acknowl edged to be the equal of the very best eastern -rodu.'t All beers are good, but some beers are liked better than others. The proof for this as sertion lies in drinking S.lem beer. If you w.sh to be convinced, ask for Salem beer and drink it. SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION Medf-.rd Depot: Medford I-e & Storage Co. THEY BEAR INVESTIGATION S LUMBER chairman of the jO.vtH'Ufll eomtnittco, opened the roitforeiii'A.uQd' a ronse war made by (jordra r tlVneen. A di cu ssi.) ii of tUo prop4tt;d ichllilren brt reau, to be estat)lislicil iij cniiiieetion with -sine Iilvimrthienn" ot jhn. ioUaral govern itfrat, he luM t). The Miissioiit .will ejtend thfongK Joilny jiiitt Saturday, - ' ' " GATES, JR., WINS $'28,000 : '' SPENDS MH0 TOR A: DOG jj.OS -XfJrXi:s, Cal., Jan, 22. rnw. d. Catf-i captured ! !2P,C.".U : VronV-thtf tiautii Anita hookinnhei-fl today. (Jales came into town wit If Hid nitpuey; fiiirly sereaming for rerigiiir ib.r,' iiftiV withHIii rwddossiioss (if nn easy winner threw the Jittle hills and goH pieccH to the foufi winds. , ftls firt investment v. ns in a small dot,''valued nt $'-'", whieh he bought for $7n(f. He then gave i; to the cashier al the -Alexandria hotel. Xcxt be procured 50 puppy, but meeting ft youujf worn an. be prescnti-il her with it. Hut to nap the cliina of his d'g pur chases the young pfnng I found a hand some bulhlog and parted with thO Kum nf )(nVr00. I This raninn, Noniinalor Superior, in n recent arrival from across the pond.'.' If is f tinner, owner. Itrvce t. Palmer, a widnly known iTog faneb'r of Mancfies lcr,:Kitf;l'i"ni1 is speTnling the wi"htr on !; rajicb YiP'ai Ioiti:1;iin:i;. c; r.y;. I I BEER YOU CAN'T ' ! On your rail road fare. The luw of tl o common ".t, Carrier oo in pelt etinul !"v rates on all ruilroad lines 1 in'iinie; TrsWing Bxi-. penses and Fatigue - by ,1 ,. Insisting on the sliortost ( ! route, fastest trains and :-i ! boat service. Simply see . t that your ticket reads via ' SOUTHERN PACIFIC - O. R. & N. Oregon Short I ine . J ' and Union Pacific Evory facility for tho safnty ami lu'cnminodii tion of th.1 passenger is provided. N-i change of ears is necessary to Den vor, Omaha, Kansas (Mty Chicago. Direct connec tions arc mr.do for all oth er points eiint and south A. S. KOHKNBAUM, Agent, Mo.lfonl. WM. McMURRAY, Goncral Pansonger Agont, PORTLAND, OR. NOTlCi: Is hiTi'liy (,nV('0 ll'at r.lm unilersinetl will apply at. Hie ri'milar ninoliii of Hie city cull iici I of M fil I'ih il , nivalin, mi I'eiiniarv .1. .lllli'.l. for license to sell malt, vinoiiM ami apiiiliiiis liipiors in! luss ipiant it ii-s than ti" gallon fur 1- j atlis at lot 11, !.!(.-it ail, in Medford, I Ori-'nii, fur a n'riuil of VI nuiiitlm. ! ! W. M. KICNNKDV. I Dated .liinn.irv III, llMi'J. Propald Railroad Orders. " Hotnctliing which is of considerable interest to tlir palilic generally an! which is perhaps not generally hnowi. is the system of prepaid orders now ii. effect between statiuns of the Sinlthcr" I'aciric coinparv and all points in ti." I'nit.d StiitcH. By n.euns of llii. sysieie tickets may be purciinseil nt Meilfur! frum any place in tin; United States an l mailed or telee-niplied direct to tli party winliiliu to cuine here. Sleeper accritnimelatioin find small rimntints cafh in connectiun witn these ticket nav !.- be f..ru'ardeil at Hie BS"i. t'fr'e." If I WELSH IS APPREHENDED IN SACB AMBNTO AND RETURNED KLAMATH r'W.I.S. Or., Jan. 'JI. Waller Welsh, soiigli" by Klamall nil Iv uffii'er on llie eiiar(ie i.r tiaxinu driven away and -dd cuttle and horses beloiia'ag lo "tier pli . wa returned to Klamath Kails after tin villi; been c.-iplurcd in Sacraineiitu. It is believed tluit flsh has made a full eun fensiun. us he returned will. .11, t III" necessity f.,r n-ipii.itiun. but tie uffic.rs decline tu tu:i!'.e any stat' ia. nt (Ither :irri-s!s aie eKpectid tu follow uf nun implicate.! in extensive rustling Hint luis prevailed in portions of the ii.iinlv lor seieral ye.Ts past. SAVE .' ! : i' V'." " f T' Of -- ( 1 f '.H',' - - ' - '-: -i,ri m-I!--. :.- 1 .y- ajMaMe"Me-liMMriTi m ' ajMBJWMBBBMMil . ; '", .ia -irbn ll.' Citv Boaness BirectoMr Let tho MISSION FURNITURE WORKS make that picco 4 'nrniture. Any design, auv color, any inisti dull, waxed or polished. 8hop on cur. of Mt Ii anil II streets. W, M. Colvig. 0. L. Reames. r 00LVIO (k RE AMES ' Lawyers. '' UfficeiMoilfonl Bank UMjj- ' ' Grouud floor. ('00k Stores and ranges. Phoue 01 MORDORFF & WOLF New ond Seconil-Halid Furniture Kails' old stand, 18 20 F St. South Medford, Or. ' KARNES ROOMING HOUSE Newly built and newly furnished Ail tnedorn conveniences' " : I). 11. Karnes, Prop. ": 20 S. O St., Mod ford; 6V. MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK & BLOCK Co. will be propared I'Yb ruary 15 to furnish cement bricii. Hotter than pressed brick and just as ch"iip. la estigate bet'ore eniilnirting. P. . Hos 11H. MEDFORD TEA AND COFFEE HOUSE Specialists in Teas, Cof fees, Kitmcts, Baking Powder and Spices. Wo carry all kinds of dinner ware and fnney diBhes. 216 W. Huvo.lt h St. Medford. "r DR. GOBLE The only exclusive Optician lie tween Portland and Sacrnuiei.lo Offico on Sovenlh Slre.t. When others fail, call on DR. E. J. BONNER Eye Specialist Offico in Kaglc Pbarinni'i Main 2'M. Hevenlh nnd Main THE HOTEL EMERICK Rooms from 50 cents to $l.o(l pc day. All modern r.onvDiiiui.eei'. We solicit your patrunage. VALLEY AUTO CO. have opened their new garage and repair shop i;;n'K 01 ine .ooori: iiuiei. iuimoi j ears stored and taken euro or. All work guaranteed. Phono No. :tl('.'l yjlfcagazine HAS GOT THIS MONTH Two screaming stories by Kllis Parker Butler and Lindsay Dcnison, each racing to iee which will bump your funny bone hardcit. One trtgedy that will grip your heart. And articles by Ruiicll, Paine and Dkkioti that cut deep into thingi, LOOK OUT FOI EVERYBODY'S THIS MONTH. THE CAT IS BACK "Vor "sale by Medford I: ".l( St l" te Nash News Kl.-'ii'l and Itns.Hell. Notiro is hereby ffivcn that the uiukr ! -njjHe.l will apply to tin- eity coniH-il , the city of Mod ford, Orey-.n, at 1ln ; ncetin to he held on J'Vhrunry , l,.,,,l,. ! f'r n liei'ime to sell npiritous, viimie , ami malt tupinrs in ipmi.titirH leH than j a K!,."n for a periol nf pi it nths, at. j liiH plaee of lnniin"i i:t NoM. H- ami j 114 Front ntr"tt. m n't riiy. I Dale.I thin t!Mth l.iv -i' .lamiarv. J7U AOUX !!MlilS(irN. ( THE R. 11. V, LUNCH ROOM Finest rap of coffic on ' 1 tin 1'inifii- 1'nant. II. II. Ii..r:m.'r'- ' - Vro'p. -'' J 'ARTHUR H. DAVIS CeutrartntK- lcctnc:il Engineer. 1M0 W. n mil SI., Mcilrorcl, Or. ENVRLOPRS '-printed to order LETTERHEADS of nU styloa . ; ; ,. .' Wily T10 THblUlO. THE ELECTR'O AND I'RENCII DRY--01t;ANl!O N.D PRESS cs..iKsl"1 r Props. '0 nstU,l"J!''.in'"''1 Mnorn, ilt'iU'riril-o- sTTfnr- tt-1 Oregon . ,1 ., , , ... , WASCIIAU & BROWN wi-;i to ai nn, 1' to their patrons that theys.rc iu.ate.l in ttieir new ipiarlers 111 liui Vuiiug & Hall l.ii'lilini!. Hillisr.ls. l ioa-s nod Toba. . OR. FRANK P.OT1ERTS Dentist Officii hours: S I Miles Building, Med for. Seventh Street, 1 iregon. THE MISSIBN DRILL Always open fur baseness. Neat and clean. Up Iu date. Popular priced. TV Su f St. Lambert & Brown Kur guuil bargains iu Watches and -lewelry, Pistols, Musical In- M:- Ills, iu- to THtl ZVlEaif ORD LOAN OFFICE I,' Street. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. t'leb rial tm I lay I'liu.'i" :i.i:i Night I'li .ii. e - '. W. Cuiililiii :tri .1. II. Butler I ts j DR. R. I. CONROY I Successor to Dr. .lones. I 1111' ' ,, 11, ,11,1;,,,, If Yoa Owned the Earth 0'"?1i (3 - Sk"i'7S &iifij.rWrt 7"" '"'iopai -able wialer and summer ,r -Jf'r' 3 i i-limali'. .liit now wo have some 1 ''w'.-7s7 -rrf-- I'l" I if nla 1 ly nii developed or ' V " l l&V v?i ,'n:,ri I'mp': ions to submit to ' v;----f - -r ?' t'llh hnnit'MiiAiT, v.hii-h are sure v'' :fM."Ji ' -A' ite:r ji i wu.neiK. I!cf.t j-ivc this matter 1 ve' f 7 f " iniin.'.liiiit. att-'iihuu. It does not -r Z l&''W'l eM-ano in valtu as its iiifoine- .(..lu. c;i.:i. iiy I'li-r-aM H, but with "tho r;ht hind of an orchar I. null iii soi,,.' we li.,e to Hh'i v, the pu n-li.iKer iri- n chance of g ytt tint,' Ins pur.-'jaM. pr.r.- biolt out of a mi,kd. crop, with proper man ;it--,iM nt. How an wraith be iiernmu iah I fastor than by buying o nr if lli' yiiiil yoiin iircliards w have for fiat.'f Alwiin n, '-"ur servico tor lii best buys in this valley ROGUE RIVER !-HIT lil'lI.IIN'C ' it; .' t: ni -Js lot iiloa nf O; ) .'J .'I .kiM i'.'ti: .1 III 5,i:tt iKr; Mi; ,0 SAVOY' THEATER " ,n uairt iiillua piv lurfl, Lilll tl,liuii ' tratyd soiin. Kntjre., obani(u,oiif(i Jironraw, Vo"'layj Wudn eiihi Wlilsy. t . Ailmission f I0, i-oj'ita' nrlnl. BIJmII THEATER' W ? ----- . r-"i.-'v?.Tcirilti otittuiioiis ...iieMiripotmo .cverv veniiiK.uf .wUqi) ,piv I jes I''jf . lnl ratud ,-bnlliids. 'vKtitj;eajayieJ V'f "'"k'raiu ,.loiiilay,:!ej'iu.sija1v ;j i lid J-'riilay. Ailiiiwiio, ",lV'i;itti.,. ' j 1 isWM.:H.:AITKEN"rr ..ri 1'lililibing,'SUuitniniHli?IIol Wat.f, - v.'ti .:'jnittngi0!y in'l lo f- I I'hone Siiitoillrm 3z bsp JIO W. Sovenfh HLj-Medfonlr-sit. jllrOu'-Tr-cos'rTinCBch.'sefl-'Wof1 'that 'ci'iAr all iurffulttrnrffu Htfcrfl' ; :5ri 5:ij.to 'aa:(lttj 3i ; .'.ilv.'i S.'a,'lTJ ail -jinm Vsi)!" -jit r Tiid VERNE T. CANON. Hilljioster and distributor. .. .Ail orders promptly -filled.-- -7 liu.ini 7 .Incksou Co. Bank- Bldg. Moilford, Or. 0. F. COOK Sells trees that grow. Office: It. It. V. Depot. P. o. Dm 841. Phone 593. Medford, Or. MRS. ED. ANDREWS Voice Culturo and Art of Singing Studio ut Itoaidonce. Kast Medford. Phone 225 S. R. 8EELY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Modern couipped operating rooms X-ltay. Offico hours: 10-12, 2-4 p. tn. Offico In Jarlison Co. Bk. bldg JACK FREDENBURO Scavenger, t-arbage hauled. Medford. DR. WALTBK R. STOKES, Dualist. Siicci'Hsor to Dr. .J. M. Keene. . 'ouliln't find a better place to M ve I han in thin glorious Unifir.- Itivt-r valley, with it h in- very wise, man to fnrea that u. tho ailvanee iu values which wo have been inln-uni: in in coming producing fruit laials is 1 1 about to mntennlize. A young orchard wifi not only in- LAND COMPANY MKoronn, orkoon kl.