. MED FOR n mrr J 1 1 1 i i ii tfdrifmct hi OthBM WfUi grit o? u(i?:ruoKihiAi MMoriDaily T r i bp e .;un Official. -Paper of the; City of HfdJ.'U ? ,; i Publisliecl every evuiiiiig except: 'iniijiiy tysit MED FORD P UiiLlSHlA U ..OOMl'A.N 1 71 pldKOK Putnam, Editor ami Al uuuger. Admitted as Second-Class Alatler in tlie Pc.otuiTicu at Aledi'ord, Oregon. " .Iiili' t1ir; fi.sli. rmt-irwli., ruiifiiit- fli,:m-si-h.s ti tin- usf of lit" hook arid line .'4r.--Wi-.v;in tfrUi."ii tn u-i. it ,buViii-0deT W. titom- I'lirilnT-m-to ! iv'j Vnteml t hit what fi-w Hull wjtj ,tlm l-jf lit-e in '4llJlfti$'i'iiiil i'OJ.tuMWl. Htllll til" M l, dli" nTf- sluu'jlili r 'iunifit-Vu hy tin- i'i:tr i;i't I'islii-niii-li. ami ln-lii-vi- lliitt lin-y -I,, ulrl lj- alliiwnl tli' .rivih'j" of fish- !):(( lit the f nrhirfdon puints with thoir jriunl.'ir outfits, wliii-Ji- ijoiirr nv 'Vily nf-hnikr nnrt finf. . -. g "'H StfBacuirao'a iiATjs;;4 Oui'fttntli, hf'faaH or furrier. .$0.80 uuu yvur, bj wall. "TrF ...itOi) JltdJ I r. 1 s velt'sown political advantage, as shown in I lit; vn ious kflj vaiMiJiHtylfov 1'"" H-4atoi $1 Ui. It lu-y ft! Kfi is. '. :'; ii t' ... I... i;.'.. ..ivj, 1W..?,..! . liae Ml JjO'ovcji, - lias nau ajti'ioju M-egtUig .i',00o'uU0 (hiring ilii lygV'M'wl l,tlU'f Jiin'l 'V".AiiLs. railroad r:luLfS a ilftj&il It IktiLv, t,( j)i'ew'iit fraWU i'ftuiih v 4. i I -i v . v ?, t- 1 ii ' i :".. i f ii . ! , I J, ! paigi:piaree sianjiew. the " criminal rich 1 i4r ; Home interesting figures have lieeu hroiigiil lo light in tnCer4t'Aai'H tVt'C'tlft.jUiise ln;.;tiie" pn sidf filj yli the cret uemjilil! elio wpy uyni iioJitt at ejioniies in ordtjyodl4i tlieii;liid iiijurcvl (fiiiioiH 3'r Roosevelt's own political advanlauc as shown in I he vil lous utl ftfi.it 6 is 'J'vwiLfOn- latllvV 'years to and io- f it s 5 : i J T r JftHf the 'll,l)0d,()(X)(ApciSfi't1, not a Single one of has been sent lo prison. J:ol a single timber king gone to jail or forced t disgorge stolen puhlie tlolfl&v alid'still the 'piWeution l wt 1 1 Art Kvim lionesny seek ty attnilre houaes in t he uilderneys goes on jv au anuj oi paid' Bpira 'seeking to jusfity lli'eir i'dt'iitiVm. ' Ail (;m ' &i4fl4.i9lfn'ill'!'1' t" H raiLroad vit.J i ii it! (Ut'Stion, but a poor homesteader is. bounded and. every effort iiiadc to takUi-ay'li elamil S'le is IW.Wi'ii. licineNpens,? tu defend his rights, while congress voles untoi.t wenll h for his persecution. 1 t,l .'The.jTew York World thus siuuniariy.es the cost of the secret service under Mi'.. Roosevelt: 'fThe Cleveland Plain Denier calis up oiigress I.. "save the secret service," regardless of I he president V. ftlcti'aii'ee of official proprit;ty.' This "appeal r'present thel attitude of many newspnpei's which luivo been inisle.i by Air. Roosevelt's 'st'at.enieiits and believe that cMijjres senousIy.enpiHed the police work of the national govern ment when it restricted the. activities of Ihe I "cnsury de partment's secret service to jH lawful fiiiicl nns. "If9v;,liVdiy person know:(ha,l. liv'nUji iur.r.d m rr camion were affected by thu aiiiendnieiit; which M r. Roose ItimadO Sivnmch fuss about, While the Mai njmrnpria' tthtftf'tfAdiy'nv cirtiLri;tU!' last year. .for 'set re! -ervia'.ud auaFwharaelvrav:gregate 7.211.5!;:!.:!.. ., in crease of ,47J2,0()( over I he previous .V.e:ir ' , ' . rfonIv'il'y fVesiVlis )ipi' ('aTi'iigjW gave' -Mr. velt $500,000 to" In Vwtiga I e land fr.iuds -a lone an increase of lfW,' ' " ' ' "" , . , '""Howmanv persons know Ihal congress gave linn .f n, 000 to enforce the anti-lrusl law. besides l.Odll lo pay such 'miscellaneous expenses' as the altorn-y general should authorize? "How nianv persons know thai congress gave linn sl, 100,000 to enforce the interstate eoiimicrce law -, anjucreasc of $100,7(55 over the previous year? "How mauv persons know thai congress gave linn 000 000 to enforce the meat inspection laws. 1 .niiD.OHi) to enforce the postal laws ami $7110,(100 lo en force the pure food law ? . . "How nianv persons know thai congress gave linn !.-. 000 to suppress counterfeiting; $1'J5.(1(I0 to l.i-cveul. viola tions of the internal revenue law: $-00,000 to prevent frauds in the customs service, and $500,000 to enforce the Chinese exclusion act? "How many persons know that the aggregate amount appropriated last year M be used in whole or in part. ! prevent frauds on' or depredations upon ihe xari'-us branches of the public service, (,, protect pul.'i- bands from fraudulent entries and to punish other violalions of th law' is $23,588,170, an increase of .f'J.Si'.l.iKiO .' "How many persons know thai during the last hv.. years alone Air. Roosevelt hasjiad nearly f tMinniin . prevent and punish violations of the law ! "Air. Roosevelt in his special message ! .I.nmary I especially emphasized Ihe important work done by Ihe treasury'secret service men in the del eel ion o1' land Iramls. Secretary C a rlield (old the house sub-coinuii'.'ec last ear that the interior department no longer empl.-yei! treasury secret service men to investigate land frauds as their lack of knowledge rendered their invest ig.it ions -md reports practicallv worthless. Secretary Cortelyou's -vporl show ed that there had been no secret service deiaiU from the treasury depart nienl for two years, and thai there had been only thirty-two details to all ihe other deparlmoots in lhat time. "The only issue helweon eongiv-s ami ill- prcsid.-m wns whether each departmenl should eniplo- us own in vestigntors and deteclives or whether the treasury seci-ei service should be trausl'ormcil into an irresp.Misilile p svslem. Vel Mr. Roosevelt, who has had appropriai n n- ! LEOA-i FOB ('IEt' V : HIT OK 'f.BiVH iKNEn i.i:y i:i.a xii.'-j.mj . i.r-int-4 awi- Rinil !D vlui 11 Hi. Maili'Mt r-vqn' llscl. .iuul;.' .lniii.f (hi. Ju'.rulM i imrfc-Tulod-to. -I::v tlint n (.'i:l !:l' ,,n ll,'r ,M'au 's kiii-i' vvtl limit IVar of inti rfiTi'in i- li.v In- Inw. ... ... An i'X.-iti.f l.r 'IJ.f 'l,'-inaii.B -t .t li tir r. l .if h s il-jv-li-ej. ' -Vr-ln- Hil'cn" i. .:,;.l, I Ull'.ft.i tai.-i). ij '.l:u .,- ... k l:i it rtiid.tjin i.fi Mini Jh ,ti tj injj :t v.. .:!'- In;'.!!" lini'i. 1..T : nil ai-nlllnl !. i, -iJrt.wat 4C W V-M iKnii-:iy'i fil.'' tIi " tit.. it fcrt.y. Sbo r- ;-..eil ijiitii ..i. l-.-'jt'l l.efori-jimy .ivi. J a mt lu- .io.i ii.'r It' il'l 6' , 'AhiW M.infcV Hi-:liiiiit 1 rWAIwh 10, Apr till', i-.." mill tin' ,'inii'. " N'.i rn'irt wmll.l atti ni.t to in'.- 1 r. rr- v.-ith n jrir! H ' " klHf Ut' LLi t ; f T-ef ' ' J J Jl ian ili-ffi ft-lien tiny et'mcTo this trmn trv -ii.. I brought Kiiiiiib. thi'ii a Biniill i-hilil. :itu) siv''" " mrttrt -o'1'"" ! twif 4 ii.ir, .--'r-- fi t f S' 5 'I'B-'it.i'.iiiri .ir.'.f'.K'tiii.i.'wi-1 Mty " ioiimt .ft Vie Ib.JrtSc-J t'Wr .-.111111101 h-; l-.'.,r iSi S&.-WhH'" A?rllOol'i I mad saiil to The World soon al'tt-r lh - fai-t hi'i-aiiic known that Czolirosz, Mi l tliilin-'o olfivni- n-nj- ;n nrfulfrcr i1 ! liiiina:; I'.' 1 tun tiu.t '.iliitaaat.lliSst'-! ! I wtfffTmd- f" tire husimts-piTrptrTTnt""' ).;iv no jitU'iitioii lo anyrliinjj p,s'r. i , bolilnlliii itf'rtffjf aiii.ririati"l,"H''l'''T il.Silili.irtyin.ii.yeil 1-t n: liotmomf lJ li.iiaiav pi-rniicutiyB bpfi.ri' cinlrativf. ilfl-'ii'. luw tboiirawi ilollfF. ifi w di uirvirti V5 )y i J.- CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS "TN-'CItA?fTS PAS-5 ON APRIL IS Al?f LES and IIJAIIS and aU.kinds of i .,.,.-1 (',,inii,..icial Xurserv m rne irac Northwest. Xo'. in the combine. Competes with atr f ir -t-class nurseries trETH00VERrA""gent - ay vi 8 UEJTSHiJ Wtfen'YdifThink VIC- L..l , ii.....i;;n.A i. i-oiihii-sijoii. 110,101 th" (jovorninent dopavtiiu.nti; in Wa.-ilt- j ift yig H''ti.,a',-t" """ytulfUfit. pl.u:.ii Mi of iiaii"j -upcr w'-'i. , iVfitroti 4-1 'orthi iifc-i M i-6li in, .VMil t) .-isd ftlftAntorio, Blr.l'ily nnd Bt'i , g April is; I'l-niUoton, Apiil S. ' l:(n !il i :iiT. ((at !. ( d '" SHEEFHERDER MEETS WITH f. A TERIJtfsMf BXI-e: Im.VMA. SilUrli 4flhl h. Hi t..'.tW. :,; -.vol.- w. II III: fofljf..i! I'li-.tf" A liraliatii mi I iiil.linali. ::).i,l nf 1 1 i K Wifl' l-llll- t fur yiaiH. I.i i.oi 'lil'iirii and Ir.j i', iloiila''ia.1 I Ihi' aaml., uncouwiiMi', ami with his li'i ahat 'i'oi1f.tlii JlltiSiiit,'!' of f.oo'1 or. wati liucd bv !th his sliotL'iui.' was thn (. Tililo i-xporipni-. .,f t'oniiro riuUc-t,- . Spanish sheep hi-nliT. ni-ar lacit:in. Ti was fooii.l tiv .4lfi'n- - Kittillfa.' vfltinvatv1,1il . v.. ..It ' FAVORITE JEWELS v ! ,ro always thosr of geminio niorit. IhoiiL'h not. arw'ays"-th( most oostly. ,li;Wiliv ,.f thil nt. (itltilit.vi-i,Aali.-I pvoHi'iit,, .wintor, ptoniji:.'H to.(lio. ,jini!.wf ' iiuiiKiial oi:iil.:l)rillii!n,(oU. n'lj iU4 , it. to yoiir .intttrcxb to sernrn wha yyi lit-ol ruin onr .liniiaiml.horlw ,of..i ri;. i lirooi'hi'S. pi-mlaulJt, piui ., i-hain,..hciir I lotjl, OtC . ! . ;;.i . ; 1 : j.-.l- .ii: MARTIN, J. REDDYi ' -Jewelry and WatGlies' ; .1. H. KNVA1IT. l'l-i'sidi-nt. ' T.'A1. r'RRrtV,' Vii'i- Prr-nidrinl. . U i lll- t! i. . i- i : 'i. oOilN SOUTlf, tlnshibr.''. Mi. Hi JACKSON-, Ans't CHulhinv ron: Works t,f Kugives, Spraying pujjite J?upip, ne'sanaitoeS f f S i Q i K'Ttiivtrn (Jregoji TCBV-r- s j mj -y . I RB AN KS.j MJI$0:O.j UUU . tLi M..I t..e Jiiiiifi m. 11 ;.jHjinTHM 8 3 i3-,ft. .nn Yum tuc rim ij PAin ,viy i f't? -4vlieii you buv by chock because when .Jy , 5 ln'st j possible receipt. .'Hrrttk Vvl Wliu.Ui)l..(iueu am apeount. BuLleot to.. 111'!? "flhlTHt ,inffir11flt t-wiiliithuiitrting, obllglnij-batiltlfl-1 .'Jifliil'W? M?l4M -Dx 8!aiNbl,lSif,-'Cai.hjDr.i;'iilI. Capitul anil Surpliiar- jslilA,00(J fjj ReBotirroii $700,000'' '. THE MEDFORD 1 ' We d p o i'b A b ft Lo.t.: soiojidt io- fivotc od oj ftvfi Ii, $60;000 ,10,000 ? Jr'Jy: CAPITAL ;';' " "-"SURPLtrS Safety Boxes For Rent. A GeneralEank in Bus ness Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage. Mi- i.,a itfi ii.',i-i'fiiiJ i ..'v-i H-i'i'i & pftit'liij. vf-y.tri)r!.--,i f" fVl.-on-.j" "n.U to I.Bl Ai ' f.i)f (Ii.) 4i;il. ranilttuaexs u,'.ivt iWjl (ii1mi;I .!' sidM'jica yttT l bOj- in--l- !-.-,ri EVERY. ONE HAS , THEIR OWN ' " Kspeoinlly the ninju who' buys a suit of't'lolliing oVoVeroont ftfad'o id' fit any- ono that wants to buy,,. .The. man who linn. -hiii gucineuts uiado to order by an Hi:to-dat6-toilof -novar haa any trouble TH-itH' tfre fit; finish or general "get up yf'.ii.i's.clothing.' (It nit'only fits per- ,fv;tly, but. gives, you ii style and indi viduality uctpiired in no other way '-whtn uado'at1 ' ' - ' at fllaa S iia -.-lent '.: ' - .1.. - .... .. feA. Kreuzer &Cb. Jtmporters! andT aifcyi 's ,.PALM BUIlDnj(i, MEDFORD, OR. i I YOU OUGHT TO KNOW tho oxi'i'lli-m-o of thr3 meals that iiri i-oi.Koil at tin; Muu-riok CulV if you liavon't alnaily rpgal'.'d yourself with soino of the delicious dithos that arc si'ivcil here. If you haven't partahea of I hem, there is a treat awaiting you that you will want to repeat often. A meal at the Kinerii'U ia nn experience that will make you i:y, like Oliver Twist, for more. The Emerick Cafe Opon All Night accretratiui; nearlv 1 l.iKHi.diin iliiriiiv: toe enable him to enfon-f tin' law ainl Iris imt y' 'malofactor of urcat wcallli' lo jail, scuiiji the country that a ronfjres of rrm.ks ls.nl tlrl alyzed the macliinery of just in- ln't-iuse 'tin did not themselves wish to In- itn est iuateii I isl !t e.'l rs I . ' ;t . i-uhvir,-' ratel.v I'.H' ii'.vressiin'ii ; j) 4 ice men. The council made The Tritium- the offieiat uv . because it lias the largest eir.-ulal ion, reaelie-; die :it; number of jieojili' and gives the ittust alue f"t i'"1 '.t" It was simply a ease of g..d liiisincs j 1 1 . 1 ; -1 " 1 ' ' - I,. pri ll -St 1'IBHERMEN DO NOT AGREE ENTIRELY WITH M'ALLISTER Tho Oregon Fish anil Gnino iissofia tion does not npprove of some of the roeommondiitions to lie mnde to t In slate legislature by Fish Commission tr Harry (,'. McAllister, and are about to submit to hiw nn auifudmeNl to .lm.in: t tin s. I The i eei.ti: . legllatllt" the V i.-H.il inn s. i'!:i...f t a lot I'-. pel t n.li pc-ioipal . ..n-lali.-ii i- to pi. lily el n -.-..r. 1 1 iii; l int-r.'l.v i I I'll. TU. . ..( l ri ch as I l:l I, I... . I II II-.' i without ti Van yk es r Kt 'aah A Special Lot of men's S WeeK Hats in all CI 1Z Sizes, Valued up to $3.50 at-'P1 1 J Sale of Veils, Scarfs and Long : Gloves 1-3 OF F $1.50 Veils & Scarfs 98c Limine Remember This is the ililjUJ only Store in Town Where You Can Pind the Shade Voir Want in. Brenard & CJJ l(C Armsironjr's Wash - - - -3 1 Liu) See the Window Display Vein V C uyj Ci. K. llitslncor A. C. Randall , L. D. Harris Rope River Investment Co. FRUIT LANDS -. Sub-Dividers and Developers Rogue River Valley Or chard Lauds. Oiiv.ir; fruit lauds, bearing aud youug orchards in email and I.irgo tinrta. for sale. u (Hnt and care for orchards and guarantee property to if -is rt prrsouU'd. Experience Not Necessary for thoBo who purchase through us. They secure the advise and eervicjH of a consulting horticulturist, an export on fruit cul turo in nil its branches, who for several yens has exceled in the growing and shipping of fruit in the Rogue River valley, record ctopf, record pafcks, record prices. 1 1 1 North I) Street, Medford, Oregon Think Wlienlvouhant to know any thing special :i!';-;bfi(Kiitjc ni n'iiS .isulA cpH tmi C. W. Mc-DONALD ; i..t, -i i ,i. i.,..,i..! r.vc Successor to Smith & Molony 9 :3uf.':! naj e;o;-a lb ii ': 'J.I: y.TI NEVER LOOK BACK It doesn't pay. Keep your eyeB fid ou our exceptional offerings. Fine tai loring can only be secured from the hands of high-clasB tailors. Our expe rience and methods are certainly worth investigation. We employ the best workmen and our clohtes are without doubt the most carefully selected in the city. - EIFERT The City Tailor ' ' M HDFOlfl) SASH & DOOR COMPANY PHONE 2291. Window Frames, Oak Vmieered Doors, with Bevel Plate, oarried in stock cheap. Ot r'i.-e t'ixtiuvii and all kinds of Plan ing Mill Work, including Turned Work and Fancy Grills. F STUKKT. BETWEEN SIXTH AND S EVENTS STREETS. ,il. I,.. I. Compare the Quality idllil ire iW? ? f ? 1 1 M e? U is, aud always has been onr aim to supply our customers with goods of the highest u:ihty aud to that end ye an always adding VialiiV tn our liuo. The iMt!itiuu of ' preferred .tick ' makes our Hae i f c- ,n mde Canned Goods most complete. Our service always Hi b it and every aecom- ijivto our customers. Allen & Reagan Groceries, Chinaware, Fruit and Feed MERCHANTS LUNCH STARTING DECEMBER 28, WE WILLj PUT ON A MERCHANTS' I.UNL& FROM 11:30 A. Ji. UNTIL 2 P. M. PRICE 36e THE LOUVRE