Boost the Development of the Rogue River Country by Subscribing Liberally to the new Medford Pamphlet UNITED PRESS DISPATCHES 87 far Hit Utgait ind but owt report of taf paper is Southern Owgoo. The Weather Occasional b'gbt rata or sw f!i4?rl twaight and istnrdfi. CoMer wests? Variable winds. 1 rutin yea k. MBDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, WW, NO. 262 NG FUNDS. TO CHECK Daily RAISI JEPARTMENT IS IN GOOD . CONDITION New Suits Have Been Received-Team Gan Leave Bam in 11 SecondsMust Leave Plugs Alone No ioftger aeeti th-; fim fofltitro he exposed to tho chilling tlrt'tieiies of b misguided hose when thtiy utii'Jui to little matters Jike putting out an oc casional bhtw. Ko longer need litey dope up 00 bromo (jutimu iimm-itiaiWy upon their return from icspoiolio to ho alarm in onler to ke"p ttip grip from their systems. The old iayn are past ami the boys are etjuippetl with rubber boots, trousers, slickers and hats. Tbey can take the ftill force of n stream anil nev er feel it, for their suit- pro atleqnale to alt uf the requirements impoReil by the arduous task of fighting fire. With the proceeds, of the dance given hy the boys on Sow y. ars eve six com plete suits have been purchased and are now on the job. Thus.? who respond early enough will get .t coat and those who get them need feqr no water. The boots and trousers ar? combined, fasten ing at the waist wi'i a snap so that only a second is requhfit to put them on. Then with the coast btiekied on nothing need be feared. The three new ehemteni wagons or dered by the city council have arrived and will be placed in the various sub stations in the city immediately so that the city is better prepared to fight fire at the present time than ever before. Roberts Resigns. Charles Roberts, who has been the driver of the fire for several month pas. has resigned his position, the place being taken by f 'lmries Stowe of Portland, who for several months was b .Iriv. r in that !ty. Since his duties h-can in Medfim! lie has made several changes in the station and on tho cheroic.'.l wngnn, -ill of them tending to lnfr.-i.v- the efficiency of the depart meat. Hie old spindle hag been remov ed from th bed of th" wngon and a basket put in underneath to carry the hose for the chemical batteries. This ( a cumbersome aoniratiis out of the way and makes it possible to get th hose out in faster stvle. Stowe has alreadv v,-..-. the affection of the fire team, both of them follow ini him like a dov. ..i;wl will heed his slightest word. ITo Mil get out of the station in exactly 11 eceomls from the time thn gong taps nnti.-the hind wheels clear the station door. Chief Has a Kick. Fire Phief Amanu is planning in the near future to take up with the city council the matter of bitching teams to or about the fire pings throughout the city. People become cavcless about this and in ease of a fire the work of the boys would be seriously impaired. The chief is keeping a sharp lookout so that when the call comes for action no un necessary time may he lost. - The only thing that the city now re quires is a number of fire alarm boles placed about the city to facilitate the matter of turning in Harms. But as it is nnd with the interest that the fire boys nnd fire officialsc take in pro tecting the city from loss by fire Med ford is well protected. With the in tallation of alarms and the new water svstem completed the local svBtom will surpass that of any eitv of Medford size. ILLNESS OP EMPEROR FBANZ JOSEF SERIOUS LONDON'. Jan. 22- i?i-rnt reports to the ill health of T.mror Frnnr. Joseph of Austria Hungary have rniw ,l jome alarm in Hritis,i rtiploroatic i-ir-etet. Tho ngod fmpfrnr " in a low state of vitnl;ty, anil his ilfath ot anr time would not hi siirjirisiaj;. What' will transpire in the iliis! mon arehy he has rnleil so well in the event of his death in now nn interesting jert of diseossion mn? those inter in European polities. ,.r,l, to those who keep in tmieh with foreign affairs and who under .t.nd the mysteries of eontinental jnl !;.. n,1 intriintes. wliieh woM happen in the event of the death of the old emtieror den"a,l entirely nn b strength nnd individuality of the nrehdiika. who will Slieeeed to the throne. And of Arehdeke Franl Ferdi csd not.enongh is known here to jus tify potitiv declsratiom- ASHLAND TO SLIDE BACK IN WET RANK Joker In Provision of New Amendment Requiring Annual Election on Liq uor Question That Askland may It wot after the dee turn to be held thro January 28 mw seems certain. This is tho opin ion of those, who hare eonsidered the charter amendment !o be voted upou it that time, and it is likewise tho opin ion of several lawyer who hnvo emul ated the niittter, Ott January 28 the ttty will vote, on the ehurter amendment covering mitny subjects, jtist aa tho issimnee of water bonds, the regulation -f the. liquor traf- fit. tii issuance of bends for the pur pose of an eleetrie ligiiig plant ami ther mailers. The proposed amendment contains a orovisbm that there ft all bo held an mcdly an eleetion to letennino whether liquor shall be sold is Ashland during the year next saeeeeding. It then pro vides that ia the event f the vote he tug in favor of lieea:( eertatn restrie limts and reflations are to bo enforced, a at gravities for the atr.mtnt of lieeitse tt ho paid. Where Joker Lies. The "joker" is to m found in the provision in the $mtjwsed amendment requiring the efeeiion in be neift an- aaally while the ?, I t.fttion law pro- videa that when a jreeiiet has gone j !rv no eteettoa eaa be held on aeeoant j of prohibition in thn.t nreeiaet within two years. The new eoutitutinial aaieiuluieat provide that tho people In towns miiy (taiend their eharters by ttireet vote, bat that aai"fi.laient or charier provision nh:(H eonitiet with any state Inve benee the sittiatioa is Vv this irpovi ehiiter nmendnieat xrovinioiis of the ehl charter respeeiittg pmhibitton will be don" ewrty with, ud to new one being pied by the people vill tonfliet with the iste law, and therefore W void. ller there tfiU he no wav to prevent the issnnnee of a tteenne after this ehartor amendmeBt p:flt', Eouiidabout Way Provided. The present charter p;ovida for thaa annual elections. mi it wiia passed by tv legislatJire before the local option Saw wet into effect. Fn the meaatima the eons, it t ion hrn j rovided that the people amy make amendments to their charters, but that thef amendment r.nst not eoafiiet with the state laws. When onee the people pass this proponed amendment tho old eharter provifttens v.ill be repealed by ifnttHeation and the new one wit! be invalid beeause of the eonfliet with the oeil option law. This seemB In bo simplv n roanditbont wt-v for Ashland peoob to et baek into thf nositioa in which they formerly hetiutm thev ro'.nize that ia no iJ,r wav ean thev eonnwte wittt ford's progress. ITowrier, flfod i not rnhmn of AaJdand pon this poit and ! hie to hold her own nnde.r all .ireumsianees. ARMY STAFF SAYS SAN PEDRO SHOULD BE PEOTECTBB VASHtXflT(!X, dan 22. The gen oral armv staff today issued it deelaring that tho imtnedite fort1fiea ,;on of San Pedro harlor faUforn.a. i necwraTV to the wetfrte of the toon trv, and lav strew on the ease with ivhieh "eertnin orien;.-.! powers." mean ine dapan. ennM oeeap" the harbor and utilize it ns a tase of r.pertion against the rest of the eoast and thn Panama .,.,! The enemv e..U within a month t.igin to land lflft. mea on the eoast. Tho report sv Vnaiusk. and Pearl harbor emild easi!; ental powers. COBOKEB-8 TORY TO VISIT SCENE OF CHWAWV onoi"" rnif AOO. 'Jan. 22- A irv rill tudav visit the erih !iwt mile I t U n,hin. when Wedneay m men bt their live.Mther hrMt lWh or drowned in the of sav-ng Lir lives on th'befb. Iv; ehiagthebna.m fr hr.V.. Twrf dive from the stme n u faretl that all nw aiie have been rescued. W. C. foe of Partlmd is riiitiog 1 atWe ia Mtdfuid. STREAM CONTINUES COURSE OF DESTRUCT Ml Pill! Superintendent Smith of Medferi Sciools says Recent Article Is Untrue Tho article appearis ia thia merit tng' tssite of ih Mail, mtder the eap tion of 'Kear Stik3 at the High Hehmd is unji)stf nswirraated and an called for said 8peiintedent U. 0. Sitttth of the. Medford ehools twlay, 'am5 I am at a los ia uadcrsiand why it was pubbaned nnless it was for tii purpose of discredtting the puptht of the high school, i am v?ry pleased to be ahla to say that all tf the statemeata made ia the article in qaesttoa are whol ly and entirely BBtrue. 'The first half of the school term was completed Friday January 22f said Profeaaor Smith. Tha ezamina tiona on the work of Sb latter part of the first half year's work ia the sev eral grades and ia lh high school have been eompleted during ilia past week, iiratifyiag improvement in the last ex aminations over preview examination luring the term is vry aotieeablo m Hrhoois. New Systam in Effect, "With the begin a ia of the aeeond half of tho aehool tena, "Monday Janu ary 0, the plan of sani;-anaai promo- ... . , F progressive school systems ia towns and eities of tho country for a nomber of ars. it is giving too very best aat- isfaetioa wherever it fe in use and we are confident that the eizens of Mejl- ord will fnllv appreciate it advantages t-n io dpmontrJp t wprtla m anmJ umctirr. II J borao in -niBfi .!,. (hi. lit. ..- ,!). n.ral im nrovnneatm masf tav,- r ft-ir an.aat of iims to .iOTB it w1k. Mi or who will be by Apri! 1, aiiouM them to school set week if they desire to send theta this sehooi year The article to which uperiatendent Htaith takes eiceptioo nlleges that sev erwt high school pup! ed eribs and ponles daring the recent ejam tnations at the high fchoo! and that expulsions are threatened. WATERSYSTEMSUPPLIES WILL REQUIRE 201 CARS Mpdford new wnf system will re ire approximately 20 freight ears for transportation fr Faget aouad and eastern faetories. fevea ears lad en with east iron pip f-t th eiteosiftn f th eitv distrihutins svstent to the reservoir ara daily oxpeeted to arrive. Tn trsnsnort thff woedoa stars pme. fram Puet sound will require a train of ITO ears, femest, jmwder and other materials swell the tots! to 200 ears. Engineer Mhirlev Baker will return io Ran Franeiseo as soon as the railroad resumes regular traffie. The eontraet for freighting ha hea awarded to f'hariea Tu!l for tho tanaei' to lattie and Hojfera and for th-! reservoir Jaek Dent. TEDDT AND CALIFORNIA SOLOKS 8TILL AT IT ... mm- WASHINGTON. da. 22. It became known her today th Hoowelt was gravely eoneemed jt. th Japanese tmobte. Ha fear gnv eonseqaeaee in tho event tho California tegiiature le. not keep promise to ostpon tact aetl-Japanepa legislatiua, Roosevelt uol longer eonrenls hi f elngs, ffe i dis plesswi beeawse after h ttlel the eontrovrsy riiij over the shod : nestion that tha rabfotma legislaiure shoold kiek over th traeer by pro new measure agsitei Japan. ' WALLA WALLA BUFFES WITH OTHLS CITIES FEOM BAlJf WALLA, WAfXA, Wash-, Jao. 22. K crept by tlegraph, this eitr in tr-lv ent off from retain unir at ton with the outside world. Every ereefc rnnatng Krmrh the eitv i ont t its banks and ANOTHER FIE bridges have bea vwept away and arb damag d.,a. i EVER WEARING AWAY BANK TOWARDS TOM COLLINS RESIDENCE Creak Fell Over T1jtb Feet Last Eve aiajf Heavy SaewfaU ia Moaataitw WiU Bring It Vp AifaJa Efforts of Workers Prove of Idtiie Avail. la order to obtaia he neeeiHiary futuls with which io eheek the ravages of Hear jfreek, a solMwripiia list was start ed in the eity Friday aioraiag and met with hearty response oa tho part of Medford eitiEeus. Thi laouey will i-mployei in building a substantial levet1 whieh will keep tho water hereafter in tho old ehaaaei of the creek. Those wht headed tho list are: X, 6. Torter, $5tij Tom Collins 5(J; Atgna McDonald, oj Tom Kahter, lr, C, 8. Hay, Sabseriptioas may h U-ft with Mejtars Liag or Porter, M;ivt tv3BOB or with The Trtbttne. Although tho water in Hear ereek is some ibree feet lower than it was at thi ttate y sierday, ifee aireata is eon tinuiug on its eonr,e ;f destrttetioa the edg of the bank n.w beirg ane 3t" feet eher it the residi'ee of Tat tl lins. By thia time tomorrow, if so eh:tnje cornea, bin btra and dwelling will have to be moved. There ia but little promise of aa ime as i Jey where Hear ereek ae.d its thotuand ; iriimtaries find thir ioreet are ev erci with aaow, and sh aid a warm cht nook wind eme at the primal time the creek will aatn touch high-waier wiirti sd tin'o th ttt vtwt toa n iht Kast Hide would c&niitv with greater severity. Trying to Check It, There have het rome So men at work st the cut endeavoring io ebeek the ear rent of the stream fr. entriog iuto the bank, bat o fjr they have beea j j i'oBiiBissioupr On- bat a - of s M ! with a tciim Ui as l !aJ' hv H"-v K,H 1" "M? t!! S!!P . Kbirk .a- ! hMK "f Sl,i,' 't!' :" k't filled with fa ad has da swme but the wrk is neeessarilv sbw and in th' meaatime the rwk e,...i i,!!Mi to en! . away tho hank. j - Dysiamit Ib Ued. S ft was thought on Tharadny evifittg! that should a eertain it "f th baokj,,tv arawbaeks io the eottniry. The I bo blown away witn tyn'tite ttiat te eniJing into tht bank ,n th- part f the water wnld eease The eprtHteat was trie! and whtb the point was ten rid of to a jjret -juet the earreat did not halt oa its eoarse f destruetbm. The bara of Mr. Kahfer whieh wat Hfvol t avfd being wasltf away i agaia withia feet of the bank, and it may be that it vil jaiii have i be fltared. However, st it is still npttn rollers, this will be a e;iparaiiveiv easy task. There is nt a eat deal of land left Whieh was awnej by Mr, Kahler npm whieh to move Jhe bara, however. ft is thought thai with the asoaey whieh" is being raia tat it will be ptm sible for the ittea to bndd a levee whifh keep the at ream wjtida its prj' bounds. Deatij of Mrs. Charts W, Torpln, Mm, Luet Alta 1 nrpin, wif- f Charles W. Torptat former ehief of p liee f Melfrdt die?l at A ahla ad aaaf tarimn, Ashland, Or., dannary 2li at o'rloefe, agei 3i yerr? The fra! will b held at t'en'rt! Foint 'hristiaa horeh Hoaday, Jana-try 24r iotertaeot fat Oatral i'otat cemetery. i Mrs. Tarpiit had i"r. havering be Uwean life aad death since the birth of hr babe, S days ae. Hh was btra in the valley, her maid a name being j Laeia Alta Wade. She leaven ftr rMI- f ijrea, nesmes tne f.anyt ro mmn nr t loss, Mrs. Us B- ttiB, llwaee( ngl j 17; Wallis, age 13, ad Mazte, gel tt. OUR APPLES MASS SOLOK8 TAKE KOTICE WAHHfXtJTOS, Jan. 2-'. VmiT boxes of firegen apple frm the ibtsftte River vslby ia the senate and thnk rewans and ff the press jwilery were -nt bv ?eoater Bunrno iday. They attraried mo 1- attention. Maav never kneftr that snfe grat apple grew in JTegfo, The apples were gfftwt f, the Har rell rrhards near Mwlfrd ON ITS nn in UEI 111 Train Service From South Still Demoralized -May Play Saturday Night iirewster a MtHmp' will aot be jfivett at tho Mt"!frd Theater Friday eveaiag oa aecooni &t. delay in the arrival f the eon pi ay, dwe to wash ats The cotnpany will not raeh Mti fttnl ia time. Manager Haielrigg 'ifitx'tiritig "io have tht play presteBted H; inrday yeig iatead. The bridge aerws tho Saerameaio riv er at Wyo is at ill dm, preventing intins front proeeeiag. Tmnsfer f passengers is being arrange!, Anoth'r tinfi'r f passenger i ling made at Kenoett where a la n?lidw has febrk traffic Two trains which left Ban Francis Tio'lay arrive! fcVidaj mfcrning, feav ing jft ervsl the Wyo ferblgt when it went out. The irate were held a day at Red Rlnff ssi several hoars at : ltddiag folder weather iw stopj the dwa pour and eapei the adjoining" hills with tow. The tream aro steadily falliog and danger frm flob ia ast. FISDLAY FINALLY CETS BACK FROM THE SOUTI H. T, Fiadiay, the Mtford orebaid istj has returned fr a two weeks visit ttt San rraoeiso. Imperial a ad ther altfri points, lie wan tVId up by a landslide at II d Ithtf f fr -a day and again at Jftlaads, His intta t-ad inst erosji th fpramento wh4u the brtdo eollaps!. M fnd the hoeral eafftry Imtu Mr. Fifidlay, Messrs, le lett aad llbas, wlu bft the Ugue Utver valley to eret o big hte t El 'eatra are apparently timng a fine Its j itss. Ttrtv have bitt u large thet I s a finf fbim !wM ,s P,!,1,r5,,!11, B ,1,.,,,. Bsmdstorai ,!)!tj sj K!tx a fright. The-e stiroi a ltd jlft hr met? of the v-ar ar- js wmderfliv fertile a ad ttv t ;mvthiti;. The water i fall of ilt and I lfti,r irrigatUm aa mtU of silt verw Jb cronnd. Tito Hgif liiver valley offers aay oppftaities fn' faakfftg iaer, end with the lest elttoate faad, is jl enmtgh fr tue," ettebtd'! Mr. I'tud lav. MERRILL WOULD LIKE TO HAVE 4LTUEAS LINE StEnilUJ r.. J,n. '22.--FrfeHy owaer and taxpayers nt Merrill ar ia teres ing Iheiowlves m t:tiftig a h,itttsi it gel the Altnraa Sfh'tn t bnihi ils line thmojjh this plaee. .ijorid -Uih it:f io-en orjjaaix-1 a ad its fem btrs hat- pbtijjcd ihetHvdvs to a dpt site a ad e-rt t: right f wav sf the tj;iav Will b;ld. ! Th- Atiata .Virihf -t i- a Sstherti I'.-tfifi' febrtaltiag, ;t I i t I-' batti 1 fmat Alft:f Kl t.t witwt with th' t'atii"fOia NWtle wiu; nt either Mid land r Klamath Fait-, Harvey -rs have been -At wtiih -t a p' ttt bo' ?t eral menibs, and at the pn-ot tin are eatp'i l lb itttt -l,le vbdnilv f PAVCUS HONOR FKEH3 DI!NT OF HARVARD I?TN, ta-.. .f:- FrfrSidettt FJint f Harvard, wh will ' Fr as th- h a I -f th i;a e ' fff ti i -bf eatbetst i'. if1? t .e ilw- g f hntr e" r- t-i'"t VM b-t Tidtty 'venttij; bv h Har-M ehd f ls t. Aitg the dttt.teatxtiwd peak ers wht paid tribute te lr, KlUt we? Kliho Root, EUrs S, Tfap, gerntr of Massaehnseits; the iJt Rev, Wtllism Jjiwrenee, K bihp of MassaebnseHs.. and Fresi-b nt Faato e ef Hrwn noiver Sitv. Vf:w VtlRtv, Jan. The li.. ft hilt fer wiring the eity'a subway, ibtimed bv etiy ffte.U t be tr reei and elorbitant, vtl be given so other hearing before let tomorrow. The eb'frffal entr?r h;v already beea ftid $.VS,' a 1 -iaio tT,, t still da. Greater Influx o! Sew Settlers to Medford Than Any Other City in West ern Oreqon fn 1908 Medford is a wander eiiy, with a ft wsderf ul f ai mt said fii? riei Freight Ageat t'hasbs A SfsllwM8f, who Mwttt 'iaimslav eve hr, 5lel for! 's raitresd barta:.- i gtw bv leaps ami hod la f9K nearly as nsaay !d shipment vre ri'etveJ at SJ frd as at a ay oihr tHy m wef.ra OreB ontsib- tf F:riland. ineladiagi Kngejte njjd Kastera iregis is not in my distrtei, I doa"t kaowi the fjeor fr tte eiti bat ihey had to fp sa.t if th;y faed Metifard. A gmiter variety of eooai!iitie is earbtad -eJiipa-nis w re fveivt at &fed forl thao a say ( 'jy," eoatiased -Mr. J?j(lbw:!:f, Mr (arbds f eml gtaat of abb- jceivei at Med- fori thas at any other city, isdiesitng a jrmter iafhts f - jd The htSter shipatats tnebided jjJs fmsi everr taio west ef fhe M sss ssppi, inebtdtag aHfrnis. lrdej4K- thai the phe ataea;d rHo f iat-reo--, about per w-fii, will be BalaiaMs is Medforl ih( liene Uiver val ley irtbttiarv will e half the tatl aitple jhipf'iit ff tjii this year aal nine-tenths of the par Hl ipstent if pfes eat rp iadieat seav:. ts;f eriaHx'' eaa tinned Mr. Mallwf, The inerease ia fntif rlipafai? wil ieer'ase greatlv tttlh e3h year, resM i.he hrMmens iota Metl fwr! wer' s ht-avv 'o oalsfed Mr. Malbef, is bef-ao ? the ea atrttetion of the new eaf haa eity ws t'r dii'trtbntiiij; sy-sj-f-o. ewaiplete! ni a --t f ftrt,oit p;-ba iho best tits tribaliag sviem in The ship oe-at of the pipe ioerev i&ixl bat T understand that iU? elsss ef ship ffsent wtll be f?r Joav'er in tfa as ywr new gj-i iiy water aystera wt?t n-tmrp tS eai"ejf- (f nssterist, and probablv th fdhovif ae li iTrt;;iv.f eat rri-e wilt reijij as tnoeh more. lt3t the heavy hipeijts sre $. all a favr?fb!e tadteattwo, Voa are ship pimtf a grat deal f :wff that might to be raises! tn the viby. ilaeh af tt re?s('fitt prwbtHs hat jfhHM lo mas of af tared here. What a aeel anst is mf-t tiverifitvt f;trtttii mtte si falfa farms, more glos and true!; fa rats. " M-dfe?d tte'd s fiery. coebd d Mr, Msllwtff. a small loeal affair, bof ; t, fMy nipped ejioaefv with ample eptaltraibn, 1 can n?iew t. ,ddf eae-fBt Thev d tei pot Hi the jH;tltiv f paek and laei: the esp-rjH ;tiid ab'tity Jo a?ar:ei lfei-j prda' that ih eirtdishd eaa eery hi seared ff its braad. ft will iw a ne-txJy befttr' th - taJley is mneh -dder, and grwe?jt 'ti a3ixe as mneh frHj weittn; o esno thev will by iark-itaf frttit.''!' BESMEJTS MIKSTREL SHfGW PLEADED LASOE AUDIENCE a3sii. Ff'fe-vp .tseli fieafde. Teach the Wal fdm; n few Kew d whw tht" t. Jse Medfif? lotbli agaifi. It is a :fe bef that a bigger h(-se thaa ever "e th. The t"-e the g'rf lat oi V3- bat aa ap P'f?r. The Iwtv mad- eT atsd whetfe er if tp- j oe 'rf;Kfg aader Pr f-fF a?de 5r wh:bvf it wa their f.'tral ialee f'r t?? ;trt fe not otafter. The show .-. dever sod in pste ef the fjjet tbat - srv whiefe i the vsrioos a1' held wp bv ?he t-trms a ad ha-e d 53-tel frooj if jitejmm'. ;tfil ! p)f; present wh ;Mi swav di-f-siaiivfevl. The h-;d hit wre grerjily eniy! bv thse prat and it voold b diffieul't !od--d t pitdi nt 0' bright' The ntir eavt gd. ft atav be thsf Jhe h i will pa? the ob.v n ia sme f ;he ihr iiiwtfs to th- valley. Thev wjii b the iWrs if they desi. svnem OORBOS SnCfLSfES TO EdiiCUHH CHASES AftAIKST HIM T t M A, Wh., in. 22 dodge M t. trdar w h was rtesied fsd ae f tht efnl-eient f i3,Si's.. bdta d t di ! he ?tff.'iir ftl.ty. Jfe preparing ttt leave for ?pfense at 3 VWk this affeptt3 to answer fh rharge, Ife saya ae ii tnteit. Rain and Floods Reprt ed From Every Section Few Trains Are Getting Through From East WAiJ.A WALLA, Wsssv 22 Tho fbwal eadttiwES a- iniiefe in3pjvjve4 tlay aal indieatioaa fsat to tho ps ing wf all tin- tosaorr w, Tho Kort&-ei-st iaeifte plssofs t h maitatataf a awratal servieo $idr. The O, it. & N siart s Jrsis t Se feaae this intrKiag;, h.i it t?anaet fesei Fesdb-tons whieh ha mstn Jtao eassa? Etaa by Fiisatilla. The itjr?tt aaail trsis io three days ta reah this ety arstvH frota tho this mmieg. There i hse J eally, r Belated Tssiss Cs;slaj "trsfggliag against latdlidea and fdsods for fanr g$w tao North aetfi sa-aeatt-t this iMrafOj tlist iho ijebjEt trains wonld eotao thtngfe freia tday. The traios frota Fisy Harhor to tJlympia aro raaniag. Colombia Viliy E3frct Flood, VAXrrK, Vmi Jas, 22, Thai t?e t'laabia f?iver valley v2l grt 'ne ttttv af the greater? ffetn! tt history is the ilrsi oavietiss &f sieasa lat aies jtd others wh& hsv be watehinj? the eoastitJsKs tH3i fe twa wehs. At preset the wstor ttasd wet? Bpt jjsit Sse fro3s She uppr river hsa not ehe4 boje, Lsrs isaatit f IseldA many bsgw,. are eoming dowa, xn&jg. not oy toe tre$ B lEeataa sb?! Ws?thotgal rivera. Woisor Rive? Sa?Hss$, Wi-tiSKR, fdaho, .Tss, 22. Tl w is twro fiei hihr th si tl tfej sasan. The eoatiased ?ain of tha sa i ww jjjy Ki ateftiKg ?nw has e hashed the Weir river ts n raga? torrent, t"BJMerabis daatage ba bees ifs? aleog fhf river m&ih f this eity ssd the worst is at yet t, fnildtsg, feaees a ad bridges haw iwa detmy3 and lowlaas nre essapletely 55ndF ws ; tor. Ksiasas. Fewer Flaat Tfer5tc4, KALAMA, Ws,, J. 2. Tha ?Bs river s fe-f ;We ih t water msrfe. Two feel rso? will fere serfwov with fhe jJeetrte ligb? asd ter platst oight mib- abova Kahtsat. tti e hghef i hre?f years, Tha dfbia is fille with fltiing Sogs aisd dbris frm the a -sr rver. LKWIHTOX, Idah t. Jao. S2 This eity ba been Without light sad poww ir jw aighis. swing t refns whieh has ebgged the Inlet ps to the pawr plaat. The high water haa filled h edlsff and dne mtteh daatag, Tfee jwdiaae rivsr f rijttag pspidiy and esa vdFJtbb damage t rprt4i ess$ of she -itv. Th i -te-.w jS,!- had ia the lower p'trt of tho eiiy. Water Raedssg, SALEM. Or das. X Tfee tTHIcsn eite stands this atorning t fet having rises fram St,T sin- eyestlay -tt Sft Vbefe, The wer t reeediajf. The dsagr sw-nts over. AIJJAVr, tr.t J. The rtver rahf the 2-i-fft taalc and j stilt risiag, Itasementw oe the water front are filling sed hM a asddes Has of iispt-rstare war ef th grfatoat fbt in tlse history f the Wtllaete valley wdd resndr. High Water st Hsod 5lr. mam Itf Vr'R, Or,, len 23. Tha oa taffjd thaw and heavy jis has broagfet 'vh and rtvej t ibe fbed Stag at lfel River, The t'oloorbia a tS- fit Rt tbi pdnt. Tho high wafor and the floating tee tn the fCto river ha fereed open the gaes of sta5 of tha irrigating difeh0 io th vsHer. eaiisln titte damage. STATS FE?ftTESTrASy IS A L&X0ST TH AT COMES H1QH KAf JtM, n, Jaa. 22, ?t will reBlr .I.IV, b taaiatata rhe tegoa Jf prints the eest tw y? and oak j pair and ablifien srrordag to th ray aod ateaas reKiaiittee ?f tfe h4i.