- I i I ' !, l . j' i I 1 M .1 -Social and Personal D, ('. Keur of fSilv .arrival in Medford. . U. V. Nelson, of Tar the Xf -h. rton is a recent :tm in fi guest of O, II. Miss f P..rtl:unl is it M I ford arrival $10 in gold for the bent-looking hnhy nt Gregory's studio. tf R .1. EiiHtordny of Walla ': Walla in Kpoinl i Mflf a few days in Medford. D. Imnlopn of ltdttmi, r. A. Stil! of jf'liU'Ujin, W. G. Firtin.iitn of San l-'raii-Cisco and ,1. 1. Mouni.l uf Sun Fran i'i.-:p .-ly among Med ft ,d vihiliiru, Pou 't foil to Hep f.'e.d ' ' Whiting in t In.1 IU diiicn 'h iiiiiihI r")t r Ord.-PH for swif't er in or buttermilk "promptly filled. - Phne I in- eronmerv .1 f F. J'. Thompson nini wife hi' North villo, M. It., tlre rcrfi,, Mid ford -mi vuls. Fli-irc ycnir ordeni t'nr svfcl rnnin of , I nt.h-nujlk to tha crnM'o jy. if J. tl. Pity, arrested mi a iIimji.- -f nelly io imiairU--. phwded guilty in dlistice i'tinfiD'H ion n and vi fty-. I I'M Hull and IvM II. Fnle. -.nr. I r)H oiulli ' D'uui; ejj.ii-g, were ca.dj lined pn' km me aiiioiinl. k Mr. and Mrs, ( li it) s i 'ftldvv. ii i Innif'd TliiiTr.J-Ty fro:r h.,:n . mm .!. . ilr:ir Mi-M: .IMf " I' .'VII III III, I .,r,., ;il Mir I ; J.il .li. Slcu lii'ihnrii ':, ihIiisIi.'Ik. ', l'r."l l'lr,i,i,lin. the' I'.hiIm f'ri.,.i g,M IllilMT, HI II III' WmiIiic li!V , '.Tllillt' ill M.M'i.r.l. Hi' 1 r ' I 1 ll'.'it ;l ' !i I'' ri . -:t ;..l l It .iv l.l.i. I;r. Hi- 1, Mllih ,1 ll-ilili it'V.'nil Imitrti V,'ini";'!',y. . I .v ii ii I'ui.liii. iilili.r ,.' 1 11,' 1;, I.I Kill l" i'i V.'.'.lii'" ! ! rHiliiiK in MclflM'll. ; CmImMI'I .ll, II. Toll!. II," I'.'.'H lillMM'll lifi' inniinini'i' .'ifiil, h ;i;.'iiii yiii'inling ll fow ilfiVH in Mfiif.iril. A. K. Frnki' nf Kvwvtt, Wflah., id a vinit,ir in Miill'r,l. With tliA tlM'rtimnt.'fi.v liMviTintf nhoiit O.i, it (loflB not nouni pin.'li lik til,.' mid illo nf .f.-iniiiiry in Hie Kmkik! liivcr val l(iy. Tim pM'Mi-nt ruin iH nil iiiiiihmhII y Wfinn one. - Kohort S. Hti','1 f Him r'rnn.iwo in npi'iiiliiiK a fi'- ,1,'i.vh in ,M,.ill',inl. , Oi'nr(n K. Ili'imhiiw nf (InintH I'iihh wiih in Mi'dfiinl nil liliBin,' Tliiii'Kilnv. W. I,. Willi, 'iiH r Turn,,, N. I.. ri'i'i'iil ly nrrivi-fl to loiik ovit tin, Kmkiii' UiviT valloy. t ' Himi'lmll fiuiH lire .lisi'iD Hinn I Fin pruli nhility nf U'lillur MrCr.'ilin Winging llir IJi'Iivitb b.'ri, fur lh"ir priii prni'lii'i.. Pu( ImacK IniHii'i fii,.,i mil y... ,,, nqupiltly no nno ,.h . kniiWH, fur I'njj Is n wock nh.vnl ,,f nil omiiiits villi Iimho I, nil ,lp,.. K. C. Bt'tinett Iiiih pr,'vi:iit,'i h,' (',,,,1 ini'.-ninl rlnli willi Hunin vurv hnnilHoinr phulnKrnpliB nf Cm I ci Ink,, nil.) hIImt si't'nic nHita nn.nr Mi'ilfonl, tnkrn l,y liint. Onn rIiowh n ifMiip cliililrnn senr nil nmniiK fliiwirn on tltf Iiritn nf Cnilnr Ink", plnyini; with wlinlls, with n hiwk mnit in tlm ilixt.i n,-. i:i,,. t'r, iniMw 1,'fl ,,ii tin, Hhmly filgc nf II liff, Anothnr tfl ft linndBomr viow f Ml. M,. Lmighliii, Biiur,',. uf I',., oity'n ni'w vn ter supply. Emerlrk Cnfn Is i.iwii nil night nn t!iat prOHinrity linn nmr. i l-i f',v. tf Dun 'I. niisH tin. HiiiniMii 'h iniimlri'l allow toniKlit. You'll IntiL'h till your fan. ndiofl, and yini will hi'ar sonin of tlm lu'Ht Bili(;iii(; ntnl wo the at , Inuring ovnr put 011 in MVilfnrl. Il.'nrcti- nn,l KnlHton nro t;imranti',',l to tnlic tin' kinlm nut of t hi- w.ii-hi fit of inclan choly. Ilont mnnlf at beat pri.-M nt tlio Em Mick Cnf onin all ni,;lil tf Evoryono sppiiir bonl. on tonrning liow llrowHlnr spi'nt liin mil I i-.iiK and that in why thorn in hucIi a lnij" 1 t-iii.-i ml for BnatB for " llrowstor'a Million" whirl, will ho prrrti'iitril l,y tlio (.'uhan & Har ris mmritintm nt thn M.,lfnl tomorrow night. " Ri-i'WHtcr'n Million" is n play based on (l,'orj;r U:,rr M('ut,'ht'Mti 's widi'ly road stnrv nnd ni.nl,' a protiMiiu,' od hit ill 1. Mini. .11. NVv.' York and Till rago. It is an ,'xi',pl ionnl pro.lin-tion from a secnii' and spi'i-taonlar point of viow nnd will lo jm'siMited oxartly as men in New York rit.v. Unlirrl. (Hirr will be sorn in tlio rile of "Mnnlv" Brnwstcr. Emerick Onfr opon nil night. tf KLAMATir TIOLDUP MT.N SENTENCED TO JAIL KIjAM ATII 1'AIJ.S, or., dan. 21. .!.itk Halt nnd liny '.'riwer, who vph ti'rdny plondod guiliv lo robbing tho Klanmth F.iMt-. nmn'v Imnk, wrro ves tt'rday Hfnttnct'd to (lie t'nitnl inry. Hall rt'Ooivpd n Ion yo.'iiv KntiMn- aii1 Prpever fiT vnrn. Card of Thr.nks. iVeply aj.prefiatini; tho kindness of tin. 1... l,.,.i .1... 1.. w .1 r. I .... ...!.- ! in, i iii 11 iii'iiniui and alfo of ueighho ami friends for their many a.'ts of helpfulness and for their sympalhy. that has made life up pear nut quite no dark to my mot herh-ss liltle ones and to mvself in the hour of ur deep bereaeuieii. the death of llie mother and wife, Hh nehe K. Hulh. I desire lo pnblirlv expnss my tliaups to nl"- etao all. K. T. KI TH. Medfurd. Oregon. REMOVAL DR. LOUIS BUNDY has removed his dental office to Deuel & Kent ner's new building, where he will practice dentistry in all its branches You Are Goin& to Build wf v. n ,V;'i-iir'v I ' .- tyrJi&f, - " -.. V - ia"v IT HAS NEW MEASURE Miller Introduces Bill Fix ing Salary or School Superintendent $1,500; MA I KM. dr., K..,.-, n:- Mm hi I J i . r ms . i i.-i !.;'. I i ly.t.'.w I ii hum mi II IJli.i nl thi' ,'p If, I'.'llllrili ,i. in,,. Ill, kl'fll ff'.MI SIX llUUlt 1S ( I H VM Ml , I s 1 '11 MIHIll I.;,. 1 1',' prrwul law u:i . i ii.'ii'i.'.l f win 1, Mm' iim'.'iim, of i--,,r unit) ii'.-i ! ;,, v..i-i' niir and ti,-lVH:ii,-r-l wn'l' He:tiv,'. Si-n ' i'Im' Mulil guh tlial , Xu'ii, hit sin, v. ' T --t t i! ij; imiii'ri'ss.'ii" '.ir ;i pi ,-smm I:,!;- it'K "!' i I" I 1 Ii;- :i m i 111.1 Ih nix lllnlllliH holme Hfll, homo Ii,' wu'if-i I tile Ill'.V .'tiili'li.1,'11 li- Mi.'tliint; 1 1,1' Ml, lil ; IA lilnMlliH. Ill mIIi.t -:.;, els liis hill : l.-.'l.iM l!t(' l:i,v i,l('i ll- Kltliji'i-I ,! 1, - '. ihImi- ,il.i ti,,.lii.-,-. :,if,-. follows:' II. It. 1 '!. V r uMv I1.1v I inr; .l.t.'l. s .it I.,', "it in ' nl I'll'l I ill:-Jl'1 nil II . I. I.y i'-'.-ii.-nt. l.",llil ; 11 .i:o-i,s-i II. II. .oiirN lo tJitr-; of . I I I- til ,. limn and 'I0 Mi.i.ly. i. I'lii'lili l-'nal'ling I'Miintv "p.'ti linal sc-lll,-niitH of I'm -. ,-usi'd piT'ioiia. The Ticdmcii of Midfurd hat'f'iii Htor lor 1110 play loving pniilic a trriil of uniiNiinl (diamcliT ut tins ovoiuuk'h .r fornifiiipi. In Hie Aiitfb; cK'rn limmp. N aiin have hi't-n upan-d to malic HiiH an niiKin:(l nn w-l a a hiyljlv on- InrlailliliK production. Homo talent boon employed and fani bci n tniiui'd un der llin nhlo dinfctioi! -f ProfcMsor Jm-k Honrdo. who i-ujoytl nil enviable renn- tfilion in l Jus Jiiil. A lare luimlier of local hilB hnvtt boon provided and many a In 11 will be forthconiiny tonif-lil. Tin- cast rontauis over lo porl'orm th, and en.'h lias been well trained for thoir Hpertal partH. The proceeds will lie lined lo lefray the exptMie of (he rlegrec tenill to l'ort land, nl tw animal eomnation in .Inly, when it hoprH to rorcivr tho trophy an fh ehninpiott dearer ham of the Hiate. TALENT TALES TERSELY TOLD. JnineH HeljiiH of Talent ih with hit daayhler at i:ieenIpo, Jinperial valley. :al. Weltioni lleeson. Talent s nursery !iian, went down into tlio hitf orehard se.ittiin Sunday after -i Jot of fine young treeH. .lunif-H MrDoiiuld nnd his mother were Modford vifli(.nrn last Monday. Carey of North Tabnt wnH a Tal ent busieHM ealler Vridr.y. K. It. Oiilitiim, I tie orchard man. wan in town Triday. He informs um thai himself and wife shut for Portland Harry Lyn.'h of Warner Creek whm down dttjnj. t i-admy; I ho last of the week. Z. I.aine, our i.ntarv pnblie, Iuih itlnimd from Inn trip to tho city and from n vi;u! with Ins ehildreii in sevor a! California Iowiih. The irregularity of the I rains haw made it bad for 1 hose? who jfot their mail hv 1 1n rural route, some of it be me; two or three days delayed. Tho continued rain is making muni' of our si reels very muddy. There is nei d of a lot of gravel beiajr put upon eeral of them. We learn thai there was a death at 1 he eounty poor farm Tuesday mom ino; ' "lie of the old no it but we could not learn the name. 11. II. Helm and wif- of Talent were Ntedford eallerr. Tuesday. dames Harvey, an oh! time resident of Taleul, ami father of Mrs. lieortfe M.M'lain of North Tabnt, is on a visit from M rtle Creek. Lincoln Birthday Exorcises. There will be a untun meetine; of the ii izeiis of Med ford Mid vieiuil v hidd in the tal) ruaele on 1 tie evening of Feb ruary 1U at 7:."H p. in. in memory of the litnth anniversary of th- birthday of Abraham Lincoln, To be hold under !he .'inspires of the U. A. Ii, post nf this city, at which rddr-SKes will be made bv prominent speak "fs, ami a program suitable lor the ocen-o. u will b given. We trii'-t that utl citiZMis will arrange Ik be present lo do homr to the birlli lav of the illustrious dead. I. el inc figure with yi u. No contract loo Ntge or loo snilV Sjitiufsction guaranteed. L. E. BEAN CONTKAOTOK AND mm.DKK. j Wtfdfonl, r'ou. I REDfyitNS MINSTRELS In UNE MATIIIS AS ' TEOOT" IN "BREWSTER'S MILLION,' THEATER, JANUARY 22. AMUSEMENTS. "Brewster's Mijiions." Tin, celi'brati'd icnlcly mirri'ss, " liiowslers .Millioiii," a diaiuntia limi ,,f (ii'Mrge Harr Mel'utrlicmi'a story of the saino nainc, will In; presentrd bv ' ohati ii Harris' eMuif.li.tus nt tlio .Med lolfl Tin 'liter Imiiimitow night. I ho play fullnWH tho boitli ruthor elnsi'ly, tukinpi only aiirli liberties with tlio plot its ii ro nt'ei'HHary to a filling lin..'ix. The lirst net of the play shows .lowster in pussession 1 n .million dol 'ai'S tll.'lt he lots just l'tlleu heir to. lie is giving a reeept icn ' to his friends -.'ithni-,',1 to welcome' him into his new :iiinie. While the hous-" we.rining is in nogress Itrewsler is lotified that uu 'rentiie uii.'le has ,-ft him seven mil ion dollars provided a the expiration of one year he nhalt have spent, with out throwing away or jpving away, the list million, lie" at," pi ", the eon,Iitiin tl' his unt'le's will and 1. 1 gins to plan to spend the nuiliey. The se.t'iiiid net shows the young uillll in full swing, sM'ti,liug inout-y us reek I, ssly anil wiistefully -rw coultl be inl :'giited. A great deal of comedy is the When you want HOS1E You can save money by going to Our line is not the largest in the city, but the quality is equal to the best, and our prices are fully 10 to 25 per cent lower than the same quality cash at most stores. Lines of Fancy Glassware Plain White China Ware Dinner Sets, Toi let Sets, etc. If You Look Here Before You Buy You are Sure to Save Money With every 25c purchase made iu this store you get free of charge a ticket on that beautiful Blue Enamel Eange, worth $83.00, we aro to3give away absolutely freo vpril 1st, 1909. V'' V MEDFORD result. Office boys .sufficient for a whole building at bis command, all coniiminicutions carried on bv. long I drawn out telegrams and a largo staff employed in the office doing uuthiug for linudsomo salaries. The third net shows the steam ynchl "I-'iitter." The yneh" is complete in all visible details urn! the marine ef fect is exceedingly leaL The storm which takes place is most thrilling and is wonderfully well brought out. The climax is worked out in this act. llrewster still has $.-,00,0(111 left to spend and only two months to do it in. lie Icarus during the sea St.. rill that if the signal of distress is shown when un iieeessary a fine of $'"00,000 is imposed, , '.- ei he iniiiiMiutely hoists the -.' : I. Tl- ii'. ii.'y l:is nl last disap--leanil 'iiol the fourth act shows Rrew iler in his room hrok?, readv to move oilt. " lirowster 's Millions'' is amazingly! :iigenit,us in its construction and rapitl- 'ty of action, the lines are full of witty ( ind pertinent dialogue, which never! jives the impression rf straining for! ffect. The cotnpanv presenting the' day is un unusually capable one, the lending p.-irt being tr-k'n by Mr. Rob it liber. RY 10,000 Souvenir Post Cardsi in Med ford, South'n Ore gon and Yukon Exposition Build h Views at Your Choice 1 ct. Each I City Business Directory! 7n7 MISSION FUBNITUBE WORKS make that piece J 'urnitiire. Any ilouitfii, any color, any "iniBh dull, waxed nr polished. Shop on ,or. of 8th and U streets. V. M. Colvlg. 0. L. Beamos. OOLVIO A REAMBS Lnwyers. i;f;.v Mi-d'ori! Rink H!d(. Oround floor. Cook Stoves and ranges. Phono til MORDOHFF & WOLF N,w nn, I Sceond-IIaod Furniture Knits' old mind, l-i-20 K Hooth Medford, Or. KARNES KOOMINO HOUSE Newly built and newly furnished All modern coovenienees. l. O. Karnes, Pnip. 21) S. II St., Me,lf,.r.. Ur. MEDFORD CEMBNT BRICK t BLOCK Co. will '.e prepared Feb ruary I't to furnish cement brick. Belter than pressed brick and just as ch"ap. In estigate before contracting. P. O. Hon 11S. MEDFORD TEA AND COFFEE HOUSE Specialists in Teas, Cof fees, Extracts, Baking Powder and Spices. We carry all kinds of dinner ware and fancy dishes. 816 W. Seventh St. Medford, Or. DR. GBLE The only exclusive Optician be tween Portland and Sacramento. Office on Seventh Street. When others fail, call on DR. E. J. BONNER Eye Specialist Office in Eagle Pharmacy Main 233. Seventh and Main THE HOTEL EMERIOK Rooms from 50 cents to $1.50 per day. All modern conveniences. We solicit your patronage. VALLEY AUTO CO. have opened their new garage and repair shop back of tho Moore hotel. Motor cars sturcd nnd taken care of. All work guaranteed. Phone No. 3163 FAVOR SEEKERS WRITING TUFT Requests Made lor Every thing From $5 Up to Good Paying Jobs A L GUST A, Ga., Jau. 1. William 1L Th ft realizes each time tho mail ar rives that he is the president-elect. Not all of the letters aBk for favors, but most of them do, either directly or by inference. It would seem that the fact that Mr. Taft is what might be called in these days a poor man had been well advertised, but lettttrs begging for money almost equal in number thost that ask for offiee. Mr. Taft regards , all the letters that he receives as con fidential, and will net allow the text of any of them to be prntel, unless h ; is sure that the writer could not possi ' ldy except to the publicity,, but the mail that is coming to the i.fl cottage now adays may he divided into these clnnses: ' 1. Advice on appointments from men '. on whose advice the president-elect ; oh'ces value. ; 'J. Letters from wiiiiunerable people f ak mg tor office. Letters explaining in detail the ; financial distress of the writer, or out ! lining a plan with "millions in it , if only the writer could have immediately 'a sum ranging from .1 to an amount bounded only bv the generositv of Mr. Taft. 4. Letters from pensioners or those who wish to get on thp pension rolls. asking Mr. Tatt s aid in getting an in crease or in breaking originally into iht' puWie treasury. Women Writ. Ti. Perhaps the in interesting and eertainly thoe that: mst appeal to Mr. Taft are the letters frr-m niohers, wives or sweethearts asking ii help for men m the army or navy. S-me are appeals fr clemency for men whe have violat ed regulations. S-f-rnl sweethearts dave written asking Mr Taft to obtain rhe release of yenny men from the serv ice, explaining that their ulterior mo tive is to marry th- voting men when re Vised. With all of these writers Mr. Taft sympathizes, bni he has had to vef4 r these letter, n he has those re gariing pensions, to lte proper offi-, cials nt ashn4jt0n. 6. Letters from tcmlticrn mei, applaud THE E. E. V. LUNOH BOOM Finest cup of coffee on the Pacific Coast. U. H. Lnrimer Prop. ARTHCTR H. DAV1 Coiittactlm Electrical Engineer. Sin s'. Sovfiilh f:t... Modford, Or. ENVELOPES printed to order LETTERHEADS of aU styles by The Tribune. THIS iSLECfKIO AND PBtiNOH DRY CLEANING AND PRESS ING WORKS W. E. Lane Son, Props. opposite Hotel Moore, Modford Oregon WASCHAU BROWN , wish to announce to tbeir patrons that they are ineAted in their new quarters in the Yuuog & Hall building. Billiards, Cigars and Tobaccos, DR. FRANK ROBERTS Dentist -Office hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 4. Milos Building, Seventh Street, Modford, Oregon. THE MISSION GRILL Always open for business. Neat and clean. Up-to-date. Popular prices. 12 So. C St. Lambert 4 Brown For good bargains in Watches and Jewelry, Pistols, Mnsical In struments, go to THE MEDFORD LOAM OFFICE C Street. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Undertakers Day Phone 353 Night Phones 0. W. Conklin 38 .- J. H. Butler 148 DR. R. J. OONROY Successor to Dr.j Jones. Office in the Stewart Building. ing the next president's plan for re publicanizing tho south and asking al ways that he visit eir city. The ac ceptance of the invitMion is guaran teed in overy ease to make their par ticular locality certain for the repub lican ticket four years hence. The fact that tho president of the 1'nited .States lias "at his disposal few offices is not generally understood, and Mr. Tuft has no hope that it will be understood. For instance: Consular positions nro no longt-i at the disposal or tlio president. One to become con sul must take an offi,-:al examination, and await his turn in appointment, if he succeeds in passing. Yet a majority of the requests for rfficc are for con sular positions. One of tho requirements alone would bar most of the applicants. To be consul, even t" Zauzituar, or Aden, at present, one must speak and write two languages. XOTfCcJ. Is hereby given that Ihe undersigned will npply at the regular meeting of the city council of Medford, Oregon, on February 5, ii09, fur license to sell malt, vinous and spiritous liquors in less quantities than ono gallon for six months at lot 13, block 20, in Medford, Oregon, for a period of six months. 271 H. O. WILKINSON. Dated Januarv 21, 109. Medferd Time Table SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. I Northbound I No. 16Oregon Express j 5:24 p.m. .No. I4Portland Express 9:49 a.m. I BonuDouna No. 15Calif ornia Express. . . 10: 35 a. m. No. 133an Francisco Exp.. , 3:20 p. m. No.22SFrom Grants Pajs...J 9:15 p.m. No.225For Ashland 10:15p.m. PACIFIC ft EASTERN RAILWAY No. lLeaves Medford 8:16 a. m. No.3I,eaves Medford 2:50p.m. No. 2 Arrives Medford 110:28 a. m. N'o. 4Arrivea Medford j 5:08 p. m. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY RAILWAY No. 2Leaves Medford 10:45a.m. ro. 4jLeavea Medford 5:35 p.m. MotorLeaves Medford 2:00 p.m. MotorjLeaves Medford j 9:00 p. m. No. lLeaves Jacksonville. v. 9:00 a.m. No. 3; Waves Jacksonville. . J 3:30 p.m. MotorLeavea Jacksonville...! 1:30p.m. MotorLeaves Jacksonville. .1 7:30 p.m. MAZL 0L0SE8 IA.M.1P.M". ... 9:19 4:54 ...10:05 2:50 . ,.j 7:20j 2:60 ...10:2O 5 20 Northbound . . Southbound . . . Eagle Pelit . . . Jaekssiville .. i i ir ii SAVOY THEATrn North d'Aajou 8tre Latent motion pk.turo, trate.1 aong,. Eutire prornm Monday, Wl. Friday." Admiwi ' BIJOU THBATER, WttTT" ('OUtiflllOIIM T,,'.. "' ox umjiof uwunu picture, , ! lustratcd talladn. Kutire cl,! of i'r''';uu S1"iy, we,i0Wki; nnd Friday. Adini8i,)u j ' WM. H. AITKUN I'hi'uliiug, Steaiu and Hot -ft'u Uenling. Phone S3. '.'10 W. SBvenfh St., Mivlfwl, Oi EDEN VAiLEY NURSERY : N. .8. Bennett, Mcdford, Or Urow trees that sell, sell tlial grow uuad fruit true to label VERNE T. CANON BilljiOBter and distributor. All . orders promptly filled. Boom 7 Jnekaon Co. Buuk Bl.1 Medford, Or. O. F. COOK Sella trees that grow, Office: R. R. V. Depot. P. O. Box 841. Phons 593 Medford, Or. MBS. ED. ANDREWS Voice Culture and Art of Singinj Studio at Residence, East Medford. . Phone 225 S. R. SEELY, M. D, Physician and Surgeon Modern equipped operating room X-Ray. Office hoars: 10-12, 2-4 D. m. Office in Jackson Co. Bk. JACK FBEDENBURO Scavenger. Garbage hauled. Medford. DR. WALTEK B. STOKES, Dentist. Snccessnr to Dr. ,T. M, Kcene. TO ALL SHIUhERS. Medford, Or., .Inn. 19. There will be a business session of Hilluh temple, A. A. O. N. M. S. at Masnnnic hi-.H, Ashland Or., Friday eve ning, Kebrimry S, at which time ar rangements will bo u.ado for a cere nionial swinion lo be held in April or May. Don't forget your toz and card una iirmg nn application or two. By order of Sl EUGENE A. SHERWIN, Imppiinl Polentate. E. T. STAPLES, Recorder. - Weather reports frum every part of the United Stales will be received io the government building ut tho Aluska-iukon-Paeifie exposition BPIt vear ns piirt of the federal exhibit. Classified Advertisements WANTED. WANTED A chamnermnid wanted at ..o-MCTit Hotel, with ex perience; fare paid. Vreka, Cat. 263 FOR SALE. POR SALE-Oood roS;,l,.UCB utSt t.OSB in; ills,, g, c, Mre orehard: ileal with owner; nivc commission. Address J Hire of Tribune- office. . ' KOR SAl.E-Store fixtures, "f Mrs. W. I. Bronn. laquinag s 53U ' " " SALE-2,000,0m. "feet timber choap if taken at once Address E are of Tribune. goa ' POR SALE-fw77i'e'"iots on the corner in Page's addition; a bargain for cash. E. B. Sawvcr, No. 207 S t: 8treet; -262 ot, S A L E 1 acres near Xleriin ; 600; other tracts, J.10 to 20 per acre. Chas. E. Shoit, Merlin, Or. 200 FOR SALE Good horsi for sale cheap, half mile south of city limits. O. L mnxwiner. 81 FOR SALE ftonsM, lots and land in "oonix, or in tracts to suit from one acre to 640 acres. Matt Calhoun, Phoe nix, Or. FOR RENT. Ftlt REXT Seven-room f ur.ii.l,,-! house, close in. Inquirr W. M. French, room 7, Jackson Co. Bank bldg. tf FOR RENT NineTrxim house with bath; close to town, inquire at Oaen brugge's residence. P-orside ave. tf FuU RENT Furnish..! rooms for fight oousesetping. l'J4 .North U st. tf FOR REN ,'-l; wms with or witEont board. In.ur at th "Vhune offrte. 291