THE MEDFOBD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFOBD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, mm, NEW SHORT STORIES Ji-ke Wil on the Mayor. The mayor of the city of Chicago, with a imirry jarty of friends, enjoyed &D uutu trip aeroas iowa. It was 8u suoiiuer weather, the country field abounded with luxurious growth, aud the well kept, spriusy roads made the trip au exhilarating as well as a speed one. When nearlug Des Moines the mayor, wishing to make sure be was taking the right road toward the capital city, brought the chugging motor to an ab rupt stop before a wry respectable ap-1 pearing farmhouse. "Hello, there!" he shouted, observ ing a farmer with broad headgear en ergetically wielding a scythe in a bay Held off from the road. "Hello, there!" again shouted the city executive, gesticulating vigorously as the farmer once more paused to gaze at the caller. fc But, as before, he ignored the com mand and went on reaping. Somewhat put out, tuo mayor sent his chauffeur "TKLX. THE QEHTX,EK42f I AU VBKY BUST. Into the field after the obstinate reaper. "Don't you see that gentleman mo tioning to you out there?" demanded the chauffeur, pointing toward bis party. "Well, he requests that you step to the fence and tell him about the roads to the city!" "Tell that gentleman I'm very busy, but if he'll cooio Into the field I'll give him the information." "Sir, do you realize who my master out there is?" ".No. Who is be?' "He's the mayor of Chicago!" "So? Tell lilm be is doubly welcome la the hayfleld. I'm the governor of Iowa mym-lf !" Des Moines Register. A Misapprehension. Judge Hough of the United States circuit court was discussing at a legal dinner in New York a misapprehended law. "Tills law is perhaps obscurely worded, at least from the popular point of view," he said, "and that periiHps l: why It Is so totally oils-appi-i 'leudtd. "The misapprehension of this law re mind.; nu- of a southern millionaire. He cu.H' oast for his wife's sake and took a n.'th avenue house. There the lady ifltui'-jed as madly as society would let her into the social amuse ments of the season. On toward the season's end she fell ill, and a phy sician, after examining her, reported to her husband. " 'Well, doe, what's the verdict? the southern millionaire inquired anxious ly. "'Your wife, sir, the doctor an swered, 'is suffering, I regret to say, from functional derangement,' "The millionaire's eyes filled with tears. " 'Doc,' he said, 'I told her she'd go under If she didn't stop gadding about to all them swell functions, and now, by gee, she's deranged. Is she liable to be violent?" " Hr Blushes Wire Hidden. Alfred O. Vanderbllt at the Lang Branch horse show said of the sheath skirt: "You know those thick double veils, similar to a Turkish woman's, that they have been wearing in Newport this summer? Well, they say in New port that the other day an extremely pretty girl appeared In a very daring sheath skirt "Her father took her to task about it " 'Don't you think,' he said, 'that the skirt you wore this afternoon is most Immodest? " "But, papa,' said she, 'I wear one of those thick double veils with it " A Boston Touch. 'Once upon a time De Wolf Hopper met a Boston person In that town j whom he had not seen for a long j period of duration. j "Hello! How are you?' Where nave you been?" said Hopper in his hearty way. giving the New York pronuncia tion to the word "been." "I'lense don't say 'bin.' but 'been,'" pleaded the Boston person plaintively. "Sorry, but I can't," pleaded the big fellow. "I never had a bean in my mouth in my life, not even In Boston." Bohemian Magazine. 0 NOTIOK. Notice is hereby givon that tiie un!er siBei will apply to thi? eity rouncit of the fity of Meilford, Oregon, at th meeting to be held on February 2, liMS,' for n license to sell iiriioiu, vinoim unit mlt liquors in quiiutitiea lfM than n gallon, for a period of six months, at his place of business r.t Kus. 112 and 114 Front street, in n'i eity. Pated this 20th dav of January, 1Xi9. 270 JOHN'jtABBINOTON. WASHINGTON LETTER The new oSioe bulldiug for the m?m ben of the house is receiving the ga bttiug tout lies, it la now to .juJie I'Oiufoftabie ha Tbe nviinie offi. , bilikltug the coiitructur hom Ut have ready fr occupancy by Mat ch 4. Seu t r will each hav two room; repn Kt'iitmiviM h-tvt; onfy oue room allowed them. Kwiators always Inve voted ! t!iM i!t:'fvi'3 v.-litit tiuy it(ca-;pd. There mv in i..ct.imm d;utiti at present iii J eitUiT th; Oaitnl ir the old Maltliy buiitihig. which is uorupW by aeu utor not h:tirijin of ctmuujitoes, for the tuure twiitl? e'et-tf.!, ftjd Messrs. Ctt;.i;.:li' low;;. Vw vt Vermont and Weft-tier of 1- hri.I, who take their sead, thl. r-wluit, will have their t.uamr;: l;t tlu new t imadlng i usftel ft comttHihjj. Quarters For Cmtus Cufu Iti.' inuUrti!imU(i tt thftl wiifi tV Maltby buHUUitf l vuri-ited by t. (tie eeiHU! bureau v.ill take It mn' .muter it Ittre ioiti: of tbo clerks therein. This uei! to be a Uotei ami uitM reitfeil ami sulwequetitly mr i-huKed by the overumeut. ll U not far from Uiy ujfty brick sivtvU that fc; usttl by the ceutiUi bureau ami H Hsetr dilapidated. The forte of the t-eiiFU bureau is u.-ing incrccsed ilhi atoi;g is the next euumeratkfu of tUs .-ia-iatfou la to be tuade in l.fiu, Thott U i tuodltied eittiuiiiaUou f all Uitu ai.tJ vromtm who 8eeur elerUshiiis i: tkia hmvau, but as seuatorJ au i r reseu taiives hai'e a ood d;ai to say aa W ho shall be selected for the teiupj rary poalElolia the presiiure for a;puiut uieuta H'Hi be Uueuse from ujw imili the time fur getting the tvmk well under way. New Men in the House. . Aceortiiug to tUe uncDci ii Hsi cot piled by the elerk, seventy Hew faces will be eeu auiong the nembera of the next when It meets Ut extra sesBlon in March under a eat! from President Taft. At the recent eietloii Indiana made mure changes iu Us house delegation than any other state. amounting to eight, the letnoerats se curing eleven out of thirteen members. in the next house new men will be present from the state named below as follows: Pennsylvaniat 7; Xew Vork and Ohio, S each; Missouri and iowa, f each; Coiorado, I Uinols, Missis - rijipi am! North Carolina, 3 each; Ken tucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Nebraska. Xew Jersey, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Wisconsin, 2 each; Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Geor gia, Idaho, Maine, Michigan, Minne sota, Montana, IthoUe Island, Texas. Vermout and Washisgtou, 1 each. Th Saint Gaudene Coins, rre-:ident House veil h '.s at re IiU-d to the t'Mictthi and eritlciitu thai were cauj-d by the "blHiier eagle" atnl ;!her tieculiarHlei of design on the recent issue of gold coins. He at tended an ehlhtlon of the works of Augustus Saint Gaudens at the Cor porantiallery of Art and paid enogiunt to that artist's mastery of his crufi. Be dvcfctml that his works wUi stand in the very forefro::t ara.iii;: Oie mas terpieces of tlie greatest peritnls and the greatest peojjies. As to the gold coin.i, he dtvlami S:ilnt t.uudeiis "jrave tm f r the first time a beautiful coinage, uet yet ntt erly appreciated, but up to which both the otliehil avA the fxpuinr uiUm will in the end grw." The president oit :euded that the first few th tisunds f these (t ins are more beati.liui. tuau any coir.:; since the days ut the Oiceh jitd that frettuent cowtuenis en tii bonnet of eagie plumes on the figure jt Liberty" illustrate curiously the ex ceedingly conventional character of much of our criticism and the frequen. inability to understand originality un tii it has won Hs place. Th Senator Puzzled 'Em, A saloon 1st and nu autisalooulst hap pened to run into the same senator u; 3t the capltol the other day. Both wej anxious to have their views prevail i the matter of ihjuor ieglsiatiou fr th Distrlct, aud both were trying to i-e the senator to express his views o; the matter. The senator smiled and nh-e t both, and then" he remarked as he I, ;t" them adieu, "You know, i have alway neeu a strong believer in putting dmv driuk. Both the ant! and the nitti-anti ar wondering yet. Art Abcv .he Weather. In one of Wnshhseun'.; art gsiiorif there bang a have t .mvs la an hii posing frame. The palntia? sb ws v. waterfall In one of the states f tmnu.-: for startling natural scncry. The ph lure has occupied its present place for sev;ral years. ioes It belong here;" asked the vis Hot of the man in charge, "No more than the others you .see." 'Seems to me It should he in the cap- j Itol of the state where this-scenery Is," I said the visitor. j "It was painted for the state," re j plied the man in charge, "but when it ; was submitted to the art committee they refused to accept it. "What was the objection''' "You see the sky is ovetcast. Tfa- artist put in a gathering storm tike an Impending calamity. The art eotntuit-tee-rftaid it was a rejection on the repu tation of toe state; that a storm such is is represented was unknown In that Utiiude. "Couldn't the artist put In another sky, one that accorded with the sfares reputation for sunsMne' 't suppose be e'hl, but he refused. He nid that the rumpus fcl knl tip by he :trt ,oiitrdteetW(irr.tnt'd the storm Tf t n the canv;i. and lie refused tudf e. Fie sent It bre, At.d here it eai!i;'. CAiti. scnoFii:r,n. NOTICE Is hereby given that the undersigned will apply at tbe regular meeting of tbe eity eotiBcil of Medfoid, Oregon, on February S, IStOS, for license to sell malt, vinous and apmtous liquors In less qtiantities than on? gallon for 12 months at lot 11, bjoek U0, in Medford, Oregon, for a period of 12 months. 26 W. V. KENNEDY. Dated January 1, Humor tmd Philosophy Si QtltiZAH f. SMI Til SEASON 4QLE, The Chris mas jireent t-robJem i,0(Hj(t iaijiWr oa uur tiew, it lam a tut ti i.!o:tv Am Hid i la j.uit thmagh. Just witij to i i tv Wbk-ii o.Jt-jt to to rtiifninuf 4 Atut i iny fir tj. a. Uv-ij.e i,j iar.j vu:tt iacn The, j.iuny vtttUtin That hetti him in vcte?. So ikjnnv ttttt-d And titplww o. itt it&X, To tt tiiit if fit; -rv'd, And. thuujh tie u dicr.i.!. & To fee it i:iroyj;h or ni;i, i .v Uvlo ta j i;t ii ov r 't 'iii ha ta.'Mhl oivii a t. is-sl. His wrivi.', i,itiv ittu May Utt i a Then t-e r, ut fr;i t hi v.eatt t'nttt it strt:H a Uui This buyhii, j:-ut' uio.;? For Arvhse, To; i trti h'ui I ouu;ii.:i; of a jti?vii.i. You It b.,d t:U J..m U The t'hrtst:iis pioe. t t;u -ta i ot out' tniiiii lotl., . Much likrt art i- r Ar.d w.fl iot fjii.- Depzndtd oi the Kind, Are drafts healthy V asked the mem who had been investigating several of the new health fads. "Not responded the boarder who lived in a financial atmosphere, "uu leas you hav the money in the bank to meet them when they come strag gling in." Careful With ft, "And this is a river." mused the traveler, gating down over a dry and glistening waste f Hand. "You're on," replied the guide, "This is the great Joohoubee river of which you have heard." "Do you take it In when it riling" asked the traveler, "so that it will not get wet and warp" 1 N-G ? 1 WHY ThTl Aw WANTED Timber and Coal Lands Apply to B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs F. OSENBRUGGE Agent for THE 8TUDEBAKEK BROS. MANUFACTURING CO.'S VEHICLES AND WAGONS Sole agent . .(akn eounty fr MOISH.KS. Th ne K. St. F. Slu .ri Tmumg Car has . ttucliuiuss and has j.rovrn its. lt to Sjiecd end durability. New g.rfxi eaat month at the ma.lcbaker warehoirte. TEE MEDFOBD DAILY NEWS SERVICE IN I NUBSEB A VIPER CEISS HUSBAND WHEK WITS XFT MA31ANOY CITV, Ta., !. Pre! ilotkais was ?nt to jad today by Justice Cmmtbe far eloping wHU the wife of Atitiumy Camcll, Ho and the runaway wife, who tock with her a ? months old hsbe, wre captumi at Shamokin. When Hopkins was arraigned i'arat'H aid; This mas came io my hmne a tramp in tatters the we k before ihrit man, H pleadwi for h-lier and sonie thing to wt, as fee said he was starv ing. I took him in, provided him with food aud warm cloihii-j; and obtained employment for htai, For my kindsvs of hesirt he makes violent love to my wife and runs away wih her. i thought ! was sheltering a mati, but I known now 1 was nursing a viper. Mrs, t'sraeil in tears pleaded for fr givpiies. The hnshan l took hr home. EASTERN OREGON SUFFEKS FHOM TIIS IKTEHEE COID ' riiKVEVilJ.K, Ortf Jan. 21, lioreas imprint eti hi mark on Crook eoanty and all interior Oregon during the ten days ending wilh Thwrnlay stronger sad more bitter than ever before. Evea the pioneers of 30 am 4& years aga reniemiMr no steh mcicorologirai win biuatioa as the elements iorised ia their assitnU on this part of th count rr be tween January 5 and January 14, Throughout t hese ten days zero with er prevailed the mercury going aiMve the cipher os?e only, the niiutimmi in this eitv was Si degrees nlow zero. and it was 4'2 below r! Madras, Stuck has not suffered eiacht ample provision being geaeraily made for feed ing liijth sheep and entile. Sometimes the advocate is the chief reason why you can! ie ptr suaded that a giveu thing i.t right, Uet In tone h with the good things, but don't get touched for good thing. A woman may i woi posted in ties aud still be able to select a brand of complexion powder. gOlHt There are just two kinds of lie those you don't believe and those you do. Anything will do for Brother Bob. He doesn't know a Christmas present from a horseshoe nail anyhow. live the chiidrcu red niltteus and pocket handkerchiefs. They will be certain to remember yeu iu after years if you do. Some babies look like their daddies. They aem to ie hsruslwis little things, and one would think t!iey would have better taste. FAVORITS JSWELS Are always those of genuine merit, though nt always the most costly, Jewt'lry of the finest quality. As the prHint whiter promie to ie one of unusual social brilliance, yon will find it tit your interest to ?'-nre what you neei from our unusual Mtwk of rings, brooches, pendaats. pin-. eha')RSt hraee lets, etc. MARTIN J. REBDY jewelry and Watches YOU OUGHT TO SNOW tiie exeellenefi of tiea tneals that are cooked at the Kmerielt t'afe tf you havnt already regalr3 yourself with some of the delirious dishes that are served here. If you haven't jtartakftn of them, there is a treat swailing yn that ya will wan Ut r'prafc often, A oal ut t ii Krick le aa exerience that will make yon c;yf like Oliver Twist, for more- The Emerick Cafe Open All Nigbt STflKBAKFK M.VE OF AW -Wata, M h..r tyiis-ler tt .!mita of aH to - a . . il lin- wiii arrive ',a the ers at MEDFORD. OBEOOS, TRIBUNE HAS THE BESS SOUTUEXN OREGON. EDFORD THEATE FRIDAY The Cohan and Harris Present the Massive Stupendous With all its Wealth and Scenic Effects Exactly as Witnessed an Entire Year in New York and Chicago The Brightest Wittiest Comedy of Recent Years - No Advance in Prices TWO CARLOADS OF SCENERY Seats on Sale NEVES LOOK BACK It ilotiss't pay. Keep year tyes fixi us our xeepi0& efferiajjs, iae ixi lurisg caa soly bs &itr& tram the &a&d$ of fcjgb cJsr taii&rs. Oar expe rieuee aud iiiethods are certainty werth tuvtrsiiifittiou. We mpkyr th best workmQ asd oar elohts ara witb(H daaht tfa most z&r<tUy wsleeted m the EIFERT The City Tailor mi. MERCHANTS LUNC1 STABTIKO ItWiF.MBEK 28, we W!I. FUT N . MliSiJ'JA NTS' l.'JM( !i FKOM li:30 A. UNTIL 2 P. M, FBICS -36C THE LOUVRE Evrv f(ircigB sira fcat'jK war in lifM vestirm wiH h& mv'ii Ui in aft :ii.rtaiiw-.i fU'i rvru w at Hntatf u Alrf,uiy th fific i&niiiATt& i the inthnr iwipt- hit ing i'ttf f the M&nka. Vakn D ai aril r JANUARY 22nd. Tuesday January You Owned the Earth WStsaassMSBSsasBBBBK VT&mut 19 vsi&i as .ts iHCisasft li:jiig v&iitizity iitzTt&geti hat wHh'tfes Hgfel feis at as -sfe&ar ting his rrbass pries back sat sf a stsgle with pt&gez aes Mtmttiti. How ess walt h sests lai ihuu hy h&ym ROGUE RIVER IAND MPANY 'EXHIBIT BUILDING, MEOFOliO, OitEl'iOS More Light for LessMoney Si s? v-1 hnc f ent of elwtrie current saved by sig TUNGSTEN LAMPS, 32 Candle Power Edison Lamp uses 110 Watts per boar aud would use in 1000 hrs, 110 Kilowatts which at locts. a Kilowatt $ it 32 Candle Power TuilgStsa Xfamp uses 40 Watts perhour and would use sa iooo Isoisrs 40 Kilowatts which at ioc Kilo watt.... . ... . 4 Net Saving in iooo hours ia favor of the Turtgsteu Lamp..... .. .. f 7 Rogue River Electric Co. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. Office. 2m West Seventh Street Piioue No. 333. Opposite the Big Elwtrifl Sign. 5Hr$. 3T&nt Hampton Isaacs "3nirttcter of "Piano. Lisi 3Setfco Siuiiu s y.iOtt. Htmik Qitt Stst Comedians Production 19 at 10 a, m, Vso saaida 't f ind s better i& th&m its this glariss Hu Hiv&? with Hs ie- Wijtuess, give thl m&iitr take a v?v tasa t& w& have hess prt&i&ting m- yseg sreti?4 wiU set &&y is-