Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, January 21, 1909, Page 1, Image 1

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Boost the Development of the Rogue River Country by Subscribing Liberally to the new le3forrPainpnn
By f!u Urn largest and b.t nam report
ol any paper In Southern Oregon.
The Weather
Occasional ruin tonight and tuiuorro'
Variable wiuds.
I'niitD YKAR.
NO. 21
ill Hi
Property Values Will Suffer Heavily
Three Acres Swept Away-Kalor is
Heaviest Loser -City Takes Steps
for Relief and Protection
Thousands of clollais loss has boon entailed liy tho property owners on
the Side, duo to tho present high water in Bear creek.
Ono bum had to be moved in ordor to save It and if th.i flood does not
abate or tho of forts of the men fighting the atrium provo successful at least
three ami p.issibly mor? houses will havo to bo moved.
O or three acres of land worth at least $1000 an aero havo been swept
away. ' . ,
T'io greatest damage is tho offect that the flood and attending danger will
have on praporty values in the bottom lind on tho east side r,f the creek.
Tlio city authorities havo taken the matter in hand anil rre doing what
they r in to build a short levee to turn the current
Ti:.tiii". Kalor and Thomas Collins are the heaviest losers. Kalor's proper
ty nan been cut in two by tlio waters, over h-flt of it going down stream. He
was fmceil to move His barn, tho water wearing the land away io that the spot
whori it en :o stood is no more. A corner of Mr. Collins' place is gone and
his ho i) i within ldl- feet of tho edge of the bank, which is constantly cav
. ing ir. -iM(i eing washed away.
A it McDonald is also a sufferor, a largo portion of his property wash
ing away. His barn may Invo to be moved. Joe Caskoy occupies the house.
A large force of men is at work filling sacks with soil and dumping them
into tho creek in an endeavor to turn the current back to its old channel.
Bear crock continues to rise, duo to the heavy rainfall )u tho mountains
surrounding Ashland.
Tho weather man sayr. fiat there is as yet no abatement of the storm in
sight. Heavy rains are predicled for tonight and tomorrow.
Ilundrnls nf ji"opl-- i'li'in nil pails of Tin' water is eiiltinjf into thojniiil in
tlio eilv visited tlio' Side Thursday the form of a great hcmi-circle. The
morning to sc.- tin' iliimagi' which lias current (jnins its groatcM swiftnt'ss near
ie,. iisioni-d thcr" by tin' present . st. the bank, which accounts for the
hio.ll water ill Hear creel;. Many of those i rapidity with which Hi. bank is caving
10M C
Black Channel Mining Plot to Overthrow Gov
Company Can Proceed ernment is Uncovered-
With Working of Their
Property on Foot Creek
who went over remaned "'ml tln'ir
assistance to tlioso iilrendy at work ,
trying t.i turn the eur-ent f 1 hat it
will miin( outinj into the liiu'h bank
and washing down Mttc.un some of tlio
most valuable property to ho found on
that side f the creek. N'o abatement
nf the working of damage i:i as yet in
sight, in spile of th fuel that the city
authorities have laid IhWr personal bus
imts multeis aside ami arc joining in an
endeavor to check the stream.
Started on Sunday.
- The stream showed tendeiioies of leav
ing channel, which at in in place is very
narrow, on last Sunday, but it was
thought at that time that the water
would nut rise high enough to work
any damage to the property other than
enrryhig away a few feet of tho hank.
As day after day brought no abatement
of the high water it was seen that some
thing would have to be dune, but the
flood had started on Us count of des
truction and could not easily bp checked.
Each property owner waited for the oth
er to act. no preconcerted attack being
made upon the waters of tho creek, nnd
what would have been easily averted
in the early stages of the flood has be
come a formidable
Barn Is Moved.
The water finally pt-ir'.rd cutting into
the hank at a rapid ' ite and Mr. Kalor
saw that unless his barn was moved it
would be swept away. Ho took steps
to move it. and where it mice stood
in now the main channel of the creek.
Although it was moved some 'J.lft feet
it is now only some "-" feet from tin
pdgo of the bank.
away. The bank star.os up some z
feet from the water :.nd ns it is all
deposited soil, thrown up by the. very
force that is now carrying it away, it
is going rapidh. Tic i reek that gave
il is again claiming i s own.
Over three notes -o far have been
swept awav to s mie p'-ici further down
stream. It is unsafe o iippmneh with
in several feet of the- edge, for great
hunks of earth, some of thein six feet
across, are constantly being precipitated
into tho water below.
Measures for Belief.
Mayor 1'anori, ( 'ouncibiiea Kifert, Km
ick and Welch visited the scene of
the greatest damage "iriy this morning
and discussed what steps to take for
the checking of the stream. Mr. Km
It ns chairman of, the street com
in it tec, tonk active cluuge of the work
of relief and will coetinue the fight
against the waters until they are check
ed and turned back intr tho old chan
nel. The greatest dnmag" which has be n
worked is probably Ihv effect the flood
will havo upon tho property value on
the Kant Hide. Somo '-'(ill acres of the
eitv are in the path of the flood, and
should the high wate- continue long
enough it would work havoc with the
mnnv homes situated on that side,
The end is not as yet in sight, for
the present rain is keening Hear creek
up to its flood height. I lie heavy rain
fall in the mountain surrounding Ash
land have continued without abatement
md a loay downpour Is predicted by
the weather man for tonight and no
end of the storm is as yet in sight.
pOTtTLAXI, Or., Jnn. 21. Provision
fur two more building! fr the T'niver
,ity of Oreg-.n at Eugene was made
yesterday at the regular annual mwt-
in. nf the board of r:"nt. held in th
..ffice of '. A. Dolph, in the Mohawk The building 10 le rn-rini nir
. .rvmunvhim ft tfirlft' dor
mitory. The first will mst 'J-","00 and
. h. ., .1 A 1 L IUH '.nil but ti. it is CX
p.-ctd. will be ready for occupancy by
the opening of the nt school year.
Tho suit for a permanent injunction
brought by Abide .F. Clmmplin against
tho Black Channel Mining & Devel
opment company n v-eel; ago 1ms be
dismissed in the circuit court, Judge
llaiinn signing the order T hursday inorn-
Tho suit wns brought by n dredging
compaiA to enjoin tlx- Itlack Channel
company from dumping their tailings
into tho waters of Foils creek, saying
Hint, it seriously dnmugnl their dredg
ing work in tho creek below the Itlack
channel mine.
The attorneys for the petitioner, V.
I. Vawter and Charles Prim, in with-
hawijig the application for the injunc
tion stated that their client had found
that he was the only one who desired
sucn an injunction, oiner panics hi mai
etion of the couulry claiming that
Ihev were not damage 1.
I'he Klack Channi'ly mine was recent
ly sold to tho present owners, the pitce
lieing $Hmono. Hard) had lh. y got
work when they v .-r- enjo. o . i .om
further work. Colvig X- lienines ure
heir attorneys.
lit I bud!
Commercial Club
Jackson County Delega
tion to Work on Crater
Lake Road Appropriation
nriwinnn unm
nmviuucL inHir
Wires Johnson
Buys Hal! Inter
est for$l5,O0O-Wlll En-;
large Building and In
stall Latest Conveniences!
MEDFOItD, Or., .Tan 21. .WUnu W. E. Jnliimnu of Simkuno ami OoM-
Hundreds o! Arrests are
Being Made
iithcr nllcuipt u-iir in:ih upon tho lifu of
tint snltnn toilny, wliieli wns frtistriltoil
liy a Iflti'r to n (MtnH(tin:tnr fulling into
I ho hands of tho Vnuitg Turin. Tho
ilotnils have boon Hupii-( ssoil.
It was tho plan of tlio eonspirutors to
ovorlhrow tho ontiro govornmont, anil
involvoil soino :tll.iMMl ri'nctioniirit'H.
Tin" nhji'ct was to (tissolvo tho par
liamon.1, ron-ntly osti'.l)i:nhol. and nnnnl
tho newly aduplod ronstitntrnn.
Tlio (ii'nnil i.ior nti'l profiiilont of Iho
ohainhor of ilopiitios o.-oi-o also tnnrkoil
for ileal li.
Ilnnilroils of arrosts lmvo lioon inailo
fullowiii tho ilisonvory of tlio plans.
1'ITTHIIt'liO, Pa., .I:in. 21. .1. 11.
llinohnli., on trial in tho fo.loral rimi'l
rhai-'tl with wrockinjj iho Karmors anil
Drovers' National hank of Waynoslnir.
I'a., of whii-li lie wns r.iHliicr nail vii'o
prosiilonl, whii'h failrl lor nliont $1',
0110,1100 two years ni;o, wont on tlio
stnml in his own ilit'oliso toilav. In
i-roHs oxnminnl ion to now Kinohart is j
FOR AUTO BOULEV'lRD oxjii eii'ii to inn oi.u inn inn-ai ni
persons no noiriomieii v. nniii no iiecnses i
Tho followini! paper, written liy How
ml K. Sheplioril, won first prize in
Iho eontest which was arr."li(.'eil liy to
Kirst National hank for the host arti-
I.' statini! why "Klamnth t onnly
Klioulil Ass'o.t ir. tlmlilnift tho (.rater
Lake llichwny." Th- papers wore ox-
aniMieil Saturday ai roinrron nou no- imi-
lowint! nwrd"d the prizes: Howard I'.
Sli"pherd. first, prize r.f tl.V, William
Warner, sueonil pri7.o ot .?in; loinorr
Koithly of Dairy, third prize of $-1.
Prtzo Article on Road.
(By Howard F. Shepherd.)
Klnmnlh county waoU tho Crater
leko road lieiauso the liliildin of that
ul stands for projrrcf.s. T'io tune has
nov cotno when our county is in com
petition with every oilier ruiinly in the
n. rtliwest. Tlio rnilr'iail has made lis
essililo. it is op to ns to make our
scli'cn desiralilo. We must iook aiioin
is and wo what older communities are
ioinu and copy them.
We find ihet the (tote of P-nr.ayl-
vnnia has npprcpriated .., i.imiii tor
ro-ids this year, tlint Misroiiri lias sei
isido .(, tint Kansas lias al
Wtcd , mi'i mat men'
s.-nt in the Tniled Htntes last yenr
1 . i i.. ir..-..
over $SI),OIIII,IHIO lor jri.oo rn.i'i
in the went Washington is Roin(; to ex
pond t'jil.noil.noo, l.os Angeles county.
i a I i f or ma , lias apporironini t-.
fo- roads, ami now our neighbor, .lark
,oo county, has votol M.M for a
road to ( rator lake. IXidontly there
oiiist he soincthinit to tins (jooo r
l..inoss and il is up to Kl.-matli cniini
to fall in lino.
lint why tho Crater lake road ursi .
Hecause n proposition linn boon offered
to us in this cnmii-c ti.-,n that we cannot
afford to pass liv. Klamath county is
to liuild a road from Klamath Falls t
tho Cascade ranRo fo.' St reserve, n di
tee of ten or fifteen miles, and t liele
with help from 'h. stale oi ....
build a l.e.d 00 miles lon
I national
The cost to us.
i .11. is t
thruiiKh his f"-' r,-erv
..-.rk to Cratei
.i ;.l,.is , f Klamatl only,
i-.i.r.o. no ii rcsi.tent taxpayers
.-loiwn bv the county tax roll) is :.
and' to the f,,lr..l and state gov
ernment, :,,00,(i00. In other words, we
....i -.:ifliHi" for !. - lr'" I"'r
ifit on our iliveslnienl
Cost of Construction.
Such is the p.-p..sit!..: 'l '
the cost Now what is the value of the
road after con.trucf.d ( Of course that
..t prol
County Delegation, Salem, Or.: Modfoid
Commoreinl club urgently requests that
you concentrate your efforts to secure
passago of hill appropriating Inrge sum
for construction proposed highway to
Crater lake. Doth Klemnlh mul .Tnoli
sou counties havo praniisrd ir.'0,000 each
provided stnto gives etpiltl nmollul of
iMUO.OoO. Federal giuerninent nlso
promises appropriation provided state
nukes good. All depends upon your
action. We consider this most impor
tnnt. niuttor before logislnlitro nieaniiig'
more to county than all other proposed ,
legislation. Your eopnliluenoy consider ',
you justified in dropping nil nlhor mat- ;
tors if necessary to nectiro appropriation
Ihereforo. Will assist with strong loli
bv when needed.
By WM. M. COI.VKl, President. i
Pursuant to the iiirtriiellons of the'
Coinmerrial club, votoo.l on at tho meet-
nig held Wednesday i veiling, President .
Colvig on Thiirsdny morning disputed- J
id lliw foregoing telegram to tlio .laek- I
sou county delegation 111 the Oregon J
legiidiilure. urging them to work for;
the Crater lake road appropriation of
Both Jackson and Kliiinath counties i
have giiaranleeil $.".0011 for such a,
road, nnd Iho federal coveinnient has I
prnclicillly nssured Special llei.reselitn
live Wlll'fl. Htoel Hint. Il.ey would give j
nn nppropriation if counties and .
state came through Mailers look ,
bright for early nclioii ami Iho con
striiclion of the road.
So That All May Know.
The club at its mcding voted to have
n llirge sign, HI by R fcrt. in size, paint
ed nnd ereetod near th-' diim nl. Hold
Itnv, upon which tho legend will lip
pear: "This is the ll-ioiio Iliver Vnl
lev." This is to bo ilo.ii to nttrnct the
n ftravelers. Ashland will be
asked to put a like at the s.mtii
end nf tho valley.
A report of tlio soerelnry showed the
club in splendid shape, Willi is.i mem
hers. D. H
Jackson was elected to
of deserting him in time of need
Time after time Mini hart was obliged
admit making mitro-i. in the books
that did not correspond with the fuels,
but in each case he had u readv exiila
nation bv which he Honohl lo just if v his
I ions.
In connection with t he .lames I., lams.
trustee, account, tliroui;,i which $1SS,000 t "
was used in a campaign for (irecne
conntv offices, lliueliari. admitted sign
ing two notes in the name of .lames I..
Ingraliam, then a cnii.rnlatc, ami since
lected .judge in that rountv.
Iiighraiii, he said, toll him that be
ause of tlio oath he was obliged to
take that he had expended no money I'.
procure election, but he could not con
tribute to the political i ool, and asked; ,
II t lo take ca!o if Ills linancial IIONKIII no. 'r., .,ao. ......
part in tl ampaign uud ho w I set- sulci game oi ..... ...
tie later. Mrs. Inglirnoi according lo Svkes amateur team defeated the o.d
Itinehnrt. later adde.1 to tho pool. Hinc Athletic oluli team o nponn.... . ,
hart said lie chocked i.r,ainst this lams score m .11 io i... ...........
ii-connt for the liene'i! of the enndi was clearly outclass.o am.
lates about :l7.flo. lams about -in.. : stood a chance of winning. I he si "
. .1 1 P ll.n P. ral lilllf U'lIM .t lift ",
nod, while some 20 or :io olhers check at "
I out various amounts. ' fori Here me .,.,v.,... .. .. .. s
"Iii.f e. r ,.1,.,.,-t i. it from i Ashland, wliero nie, v.
the funds of this bank !
I never benefited a cent
liinehnrt wnsldefeal. as the A-hland l.alli has several
'limes defeated the Hoo bnrg team. Iho
III fad loamo i" this city was one of the laslisi
I put up my fort unit of l.OOO.OIKj to lieu ; everf plnycd here
fit and .roteci the br.nk."
iWUl, Nov., h:is iinvli:ifd from Dr. J.
K. Uoddy n hlf Int'-rrrl in tlio Hntol
Niihli, I'lnnctt up jhuI diiwn Mm count ns
ono of the In nl lii:it(3!rrs oiilnido tho
Inror oitios. Tito rioo pniil was 15,.
i-oo. KxtoiiHh o imp o'-onioiitii nml nl
tiuntionH nro pliinno'l for tho immodl
(ito fiitnro n ml every ol'r'.Ht will bo mntlo
to Kivo Mtxlfnnl tlio f'M'M hotel that
imy city of its hIko cm. hoitot of.
Mr. .Tnh uk hi Ik a wll known hotel
nut n :nul will lmvo iihsnluto control nf
tho pmporty. Ho h.i.i ooih)uotoil hotels
in KiUvillo, Spniuo, KpoUimo nnd oth
er northwoHt oit ion ami bring to his
now tn Hk u ripoiHul oxpt rionco nml qtinl
if ii'iil iiiiH poHHi-Hsetl hy few for the sup
oosHfnl lnitt'l mnn ih ttn."!i not made. It
in Kiiid tli:il ninro in 01 r onn ho lost in
:i hotel t h;i n miy ot In r hnmnoHH, nnd
t In fiicoosHfiil iuiiKorp.'r is n rnrn bird.
A nioii the im pi ti v 1'iiicnln thnr will
ho inndo in tiiiio I'm tn:iiiE rimh is
tlio oiihiioinr nl of tin on fo, which
will lie extended to i.vNde thn presont
hilidioi). A iiioitorn w'.N'hon, oqulpporl
in up to ditto initnnor, w;th IntoHt nppli
unooH for tho praotioi of Iho pulinnry ,
nrt in i t h porfootion, will be oddod on
ground recently loused, inl.joiniiitf (hp
prrHout kitclion. whieM wilt incbnlo pun
try, refrigerator pl;u,', i to.
To Add Sixteen Rooms.
Tho proKont ludol bii'lilinj; is L hnpod
nbovo tho flrnt floor. This vnonnt spnoo
will bo built tip solid, providing 10 nd
litioiiiil Hiiit(kH nl' idiim.:, wliioli will bo
equipped with bntliH, to!ltn nnd luodoni
fiiinitiiro, A fiilno roof nbovo tho pros
eut roof pioviiliiiif :in tir thnnihor be
tween will piobnlily bo count ruotod to
i I tho upper ritnuiH during tho surn-
uior innnths.
When i-oiupleloil tie cafe will llllVO
the fine-it ilinui room J'onlli of Portland.
Mimic will bo a rognhir fonluro for din
iiem nnd tho onfo will bo kept open un
til midnight.
Many other itiiprovtiueiitH uro cou
tejupliiled. which will Keep thn hotel ns
much in advam-o of th;- oily an it linn
i.e.' ri in tho p:iHt. It Iiik hcn for mov
ernl yonrtt n most domri:blo feature nnd
ndvortiMonieiit for lh" community and
ha boon the nieauH of Keeping in Mod
ford many penplo who oilierwiHo would
have invested olflewl.eio, for nothing
disgusts the man of oi'anM us much ns
poor hoi el nooommodal ioiiH. With tho
now Xnsh and tho, Mod ford enn
continue to boast of its hotel accommo
dations, ahead of every city in Orogon
otilsido of I'oithiud.
Mr. Johntion lenvoq for San Frnncisoo
to discuss iniprnvomiils with Captain
Nash, owner of tho I uilding, ns s i
iiu the road in oooii for traffic.
Mr. .bdinson has b-ui in charge of
the hotel for tho pa-t month and Is
satisfied that Medford i'. to bo the mo
tropolis of southern Oirgon.
r:.U.l'MlO ih In be sii -ut I '1 Ul
for men, tams and suiplies, during ,
nslruct.on. I to. cimm vaiuo m iim- ; V " tx. .nembors .f
...i ii,... ., tl... t,..,r i i :n-cr ie iturii ."
ro:ni. in mil iimiu"m, in n ii i - - .,.
; ....-..,. I.. ,,.t.r W Li m. te CMHI1CI1S il n i
I III ' 1 1 II Bill illlllll I. Ill "111 "IT ' '" . .
.i. I ivniti- iniii.ninl niieits from ..iriciai
..rl: i. h-.vo tieenn- f,H ract tons thatl.'ilio 'hit
..nimrl.lxtte.l I.V :iHV ICirt til t NO I liOrill II I ll" n--....... H
northwest. When 'tli.'M are made acjto H:.n Trancineo
.1 1... 41.., U I. .I.,i-....r the
cejL-inie Illl'l or- loiM-ri iiii-'i uy iim- mm: u - . ... ... - 1... .In
era I'aeifie thev will this eni.n have l'-r-n sent, inn ' m. .. -
..r I....... T !,.tf.r,d himself in favor of sending Hie
Ms are heavv consumer- of local prod bell, prov'ub
tiets. IIm V are L"od : nders. they are , its pmt.
; ...,.1 tl.nv lire the best adver One patriotic
tisers a coniitry can hate.
many re
p it no! to nuclei ies
of western cities I hut the-.
f the Liberty Iteii
Portland and Seattle
.uniiiL' su.nmor. o Teines
proper precaution for
:ire tah-n.
.1.,.. ti
ll, i.'itrint io assor-iai ion, nm- u. .
iLMi-.rant. ..f (lie fact ; tho Hell was
cf ion
Service Demoralized-
Mall From South-
Trains Take Place
Regulars From Ash
Collapse of a bridgo ever tht
memo river near Duim-m'ir this n I
while n freight was rnnniiiig
has off net willy tied h,i nil trn
tho Southern Pacific Ironi the I
Tha frfeight onrs wero procipita
tho river. It is iniossiblo nt til
to loam the extent of the dnn I
whether any lives were lost.
mis landslides also blne.k the li I
rainstorm continues nil over th I
west nnd no lotup is In sight, n I
again predicted for Thursday n I
r riday.
Xumber 14, due herr Thursdol
iug, lias been Hiuinoll d. nnd so I
1ft, duo nt night. A stub trnin J
laud for Honelmrg nt noon to a I
nntn northbound pfmenfiors.
tdidn nt the scene of Wed I
wroek nonr Talent d' Lived twl
bolind trains until 0:30 o'clock
day ovening.
All night long tho rain fell
half nn inch boing recorded.
showers,, with glimpses of the I
tween, kept unibrollns f ti use tl J
tho da V.. Thn present storm n I
-.10 Indies, n total for danunrl
indies. There is still some six I
inches of moisture duo before
age for tho season will bo rec I
, The Rogue is running brim I
wator is today ,11 foot nbovo !
at (.old Ray nnd steadily elimll
wnek tho wnter reached 12
highest of the season, due to I
of waters from tho mr'ting ti
streams nro full, but little
reported. The bridge nt fluid I
boon closet for tenia tinffte
Tho west approach nt Antebl
has boon carried out. Son I
structures have suffered, bn I
the largo county bride,ci a I
Seldom in the hisforv of t I
hitvr the mi ds been a.i bad
ont. The tlyiw of lnsr wool I
by the henvv downp-uir since I
highways Unit have been snf I
unsafo to ei.turo upjii rud
f inircd Miiimals Itave foil
tempts to travel well bonten I
....... u
. . :i.. ..... ...i,.lf...t .u vi'iirn .ii--.
.AH il liriir.". " ' ....ii .
... . ... i...ul....u. I ....I flu. .iirtutlir III
li: vi th:n ri.n.i. w -i -.i i ji. u ... ........-t.. . i. " .
Vi. uiut ,.,f I mil iii'iiilruii' nun ik in k
i.roix.Hit ion w. iiiuitt Iiu
lirr.i' it ti.'t mr-. iv.-H fr..m .l:i-l. 1 iihi-. ill part my
H..n iMiuiity. I.i-t ' !!! t tj. t li.-r niul l.i.t
f..r it. Its rnitrurtii.n nii'iin. tlie (.ruwtli
.if a nfiv r-liiirart.-r in tliifi .lintrirt, 111.-
.r..r;riMivi lit to ikiti'. nil 'Uii h..-iii
Hi.irit tluit will m:il
Klriuiutli county
tlii. Ii..t iiilviTtisiil. tl'. bi'tit il'Vi.uiM
anil till moHt iro,.iri.ii.. i-ouiity in Hi
wbol aurttiwi-it.
Wo want III" Mil'-" I r. lio to rilie "Ul
fr our 1,1 ' .'IK it ""I f"r ",,r f,,r"
What til" i:itri..U rvinVntly l'"'l in wa Hi" r-nl ""j
l.- " I'mi-liiiin lilu-rty tliroii;lli.nt all
tl," lu.i.l, nut" a" ti.l ul.ituuta Hi''"'
of. Lev. XXV.: IHtli.''
I'dllTI.A Nl'. r.. .I iu. '-'1. Hardware
rr nil .:irlH of ill hI:i!i- and from
in.iliv iointH ol tun i n. nn- ii. ..
;.i" in Hi" iitv nf.-ii.liiiK tl"" unnual
i-oiivi.ntiiin nf Hi" Ori'lP'tl Hllili. Kmll
ll.inlwnr" anil liiifli nu nl ll":.l"r'
Two thinir "f iniirtnnr wore iln
npn liy llu lianlwarn ni"n. Firat.
I hcv nr" K"i"ie pr.ili-at nt tho pri
. nt i-,r"H H.-li".liil"H. This niattiT will
I,.- Ink".! iii with th- Intnrmnto rom
ni..r... rnmininnii.n fu.l hvvitll. Anil fur-tli.-r.
tin- li.-ir.lwuri- mil- nro Rointr t"
til-lit tin- pr.-H.-nl ir.l.-tinn of rnrtlniul
. iilii-rn in i li:iri(in! on l.olil.K an.l hnnl
iiil. It hi .oiiit.-'l nut l nt raHtern nml
,...i:r i.. '...l.l .lo not milk.' nui-h
,-liiiri("H nn.i tli" hnrlwr-rff rnrn nKn-nl
I hut limy III" l.iriliK llw-llHlin.lH of il"l-
jli.r y.-nrlv to th" iol.h.'rn on ! nun
rartni;" -luiri;". " " avorrm umi
iohli.m profit to i ((rput an citont
.... l t? .. lon.l tliroliL'h tlii" prn.-
ti,,.. It in intiuiati"! t l.ut thr- .luhbert
will not diirri.n.lir th9 cat.) ami pari
UK ,.er.Uil. without hostility anil
TaliHiiinn IiuIko, No. SI,
I'vthiiiH, hxlil ihoir iivnml i
qui't on Wcilni'silny evening
t-njoynlilo time onaueil. Ovei
wr.rc prPHent. A very vnter
ornni was followed bv a
which nn elaborate m'nu w:
Followini! the banquet th.
toi.htN wero responded to:
H" Olin Rro. or
(lrosa of weleomo, Hev C
npuns..t ProfesBor Hmith; "
ten," Mrs. W. H. Moltov
aniin," II. P. Mulkey. 1
tn K of P.'s." Mra. 1. 1
seleeti.ill. Olin llros. ' oreh
Tltn "nmniittee nn eat.-rt:
P.. w. nrosorv. J. T Phfc V V;
llutehasnn, and tho'js;'
.Mrs. 1. I.. Iliiniiiton, j. ii. b
fli'ssic Kilt-ton, Prank I in , Jf -'
warfare may ensue.
Charges were also mndl v
ma) way that eertai-a .iob. '
iiK hardware direct to
r.-t:iil prices. This is toi 7-,i
ly sifted fur the hanlwaj '.
it iiatent tlint they want
iiccordance with the regil!
The session opened nt
President II. .1. Altnow, V
liiirdwnre tnea wero weli-oj
l.nne. Respouso to tho
inndo by H. narnctij
officers for the ens.l!
electeil ns follows: :'r '
(Inrnett. Medford; vice p
(.'rnzer. (I.ildendale, Wa
I'ranli Dayton, Portion-'-.
executive committee, .lolk, ,
ker City. A secretary, -(rive
all his tlino to th-'.V
ulectcd today.