Tree Pruners 3E Social and Personal U E. I.J'MIIH 111 S I.I ll- Medford iirrivul. Oeorge Kohlhugen il It. Medford visitor. J. (!. Pendleton nf T'il.le Tuesday in .Modf'or.l. 1 1 H- ltoi'li Spoilt ( I I'eter Applegato, rilmi'i' ,.,u,ilv seasor, Bpciit Tuesday m M ..I r. .1. 1 . 10 hi gold Tor the looking lialiy At Orogory's studio. If ' li. V. Itirimril ,111 1 wife nf Kk. am registers! .it II,,. Xnsh. Ordora for sweet it-'. r l.tit t.-riti Jli promptly filled, phone I lie i roniuory.l f Tyson II.. ill nf tvmriil Point iiu.l -M. '. Ilnnley nf W11.1-.11 I' ir In Mod l ord Tuesday. l'hnno your orders sweet emtio ,. Imtturmilk to Iho cro'.mrry. if 1. H. Cartel', ,op liaggageiliasli'r Imii rnl nr I from 11 Irip in 11 1 1 f.n n l:i. Hp reports I In' Hnonil lo ln.-i ntli slill out of eollllllission 1111 lii'i'niuil nf I ho high water. femorick (.'nfo in 1.0. 11 all night now that prosperity IntH c ti my, 11 H. 0. Mnekoy, formerly nf thin eili hut now of rirnnts Puss, paid this eity a business visit on 'I'm nl;iy. Charles W. Turpin, fnriiii-rly i liii f nf police nr this eity, was a visitor in Med foril 0110 'I'tit-Hilay. Mrs. Turpin iH verv ill In AhIiIii i1. ir 1. n . . . ... mn. n. r.. IIUWKItls ol lies .Mollies arrived Tueiidny for nil extended visit with her daughter, Mm. .1. W. Iluulop. Mr. anil Mm. Al. urn planning n trip to Arkansas, whore llu-v will visit tho hot springs of tlint state fur Mr. Dillon 's health. J. Ilothwoll ih planning to leave lit tlio latter part of the him Ii f,,r a visit in Lincoln, Neb. Arthur Hrown is ex lul In iiri-j -, on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday fr Denver, where hi- rivi-nlly wcnl 011 a business trip. T. K. Potlongor of Mm Applognlo spent Tuesday night in Medford visit injr with friends. Host meals at bent pri.-es at tin' Km friek Cnfo open all nii;lil tf ('lari'ni'ii 1 1 a tail i 11, a delivery boy, frll from bin rart roeonlly ami broke his right forearm. Hi' is fast r vering. Circuit Judge II. K. Ilaiuia has re turned from holding court in Josephine connty. He wiih ni'cniiiiiini.'l by Iljs trict Attorm-y Mulkev Hlake Adams of 111.' Bin.' I.edg .in. try wiih transacting business in .Med ford recently. J. H. Vanderfy of Phoenix was n r.' cant viHitnr in Mi' Th "cowboy pri'iichi r, " hVv. I in ti', han left for Vi'il, Cnl., iv In-he will hold n nuiubi'r of services. Einorirk Cafe open nil night, if K. A. Nyckoff of Table l,k was 11 recent visitor in Mi'dl'nnl. He wiih ac eompanicd by Clnrn Collins. NOTIi'M. Notice, in liereby Riven that Hie uinli r signed will apply lo the city council nf tho city of Medfnrd, (Iri'unn, al. Hie mooting to be. held on Kcbruary 2. hlilil, for n liceliHe lo Hell Hpiritnns, vinous nail malt liiunrH in iiiniitilie.s less Hian a gallon, for a period of ni mouths, nt his place of busiuesH i.t N,m. 11 ami J 14 Front Btreet, in Ha d city. Hated Huh 'Jillh d;iy nf .lamiarv. Ilmjl 1170 JOHN'!! It I NliTOX. LADIES TO GIVE FRJZE FOR WELL KEPT GROUNDS ASHLAND, Or., Jnu. 'JO. Tin- l,.i (lien ' Civic ImprovtnuMit rluli hnt ill ckled to offer $10 ill cusli ill Hirer pritvn of $J0,tl iiml for Hn- throe best kopt prt'inisos in tin- rity uf Ashland during tho yi-ur 1011. Hm to be awarded alnnit July 1 h a rt.m mittee. Tliitt is done to ciwomaf Hn kfpintt up of Inn nt. yurd-. ;inliMi4, HtrootH and tiliitt in n t Immii by local resident, 'ind it in i-xpivted that thi'rt- will tn a iivilv foniprt it ion, for Anhland in mon1 nr 1 t'ani.Mii, With ltd boillittMtiH Miipp.y nf v:i1it f-'i irrigation, fnr itn well kepi lawm ainl ffiirdeiiH already. Kditor Pattisnn nf the Central 1" Herald visited Medfnld Tu.-Ji.lav. nit You Are Goin to Build 4 TORRENT SPRAY HOSE FOR SALE BY MEDFORD HARDWARE COMPANY r n ilk ' -v't 4- Til -f : - l I w-r ''''Jfe ill FAMOU.' YACHT SCENE FROM "nREWSTCR'S MILLIONS," AT THE MEDFORD FRIDAY EVENING. Musicale Most Enjoyable Mr. Irene Hamptou iHnacs and Miss Ornco Josephine Brown Please Very L:ugo Audi once. In Min. I r-fin- H.iinroii ls:i:n-.s ami ir." .Imsc.mii.: Itmwii, Mr.lfui.t luis lNd iircoinplislicil tiiUHiriniiH u( wlium jmy ciHiiimiiiity Kiiyhl In pi-uinl. 'I'li'-ir .Irlinlitrul m-itiu nt tlx- Mr.l rue. I lln-ai.T 'rii.-stliiv niijlit w:t.s ittlruil 1'V a ni'ist iiiiv('.iitivc iuiiiii'iict', nluisf I'litluisijism v.-nl.'.l itself in up'isn tlnil hiuiilil loitli I'lt-ijih-llt en ruivH. Tln nilil ii very Hlnriny our, tln tnirrrila nf niii' liTinji nwnv iiiiiiiy win) wmilil ot'ttM-wim- Imvi- at trinh il, ye! t lie Imiis.' whs ruiiifiu t Iwly fill"-' with miisit- lover, whu I IhhmuIi ly ciijuyi'tl I In Ins.sie -rtinnn. Min. lM:t:(i-s uMMii-l ;ln pruyrum wiih a ii of I in in- l.y ( Impiii, uliit'h wmh ft. I Inwi'il liy a rln.piji wi1.;-, hut Ii i.f whi. h were i'i-iiil'ntl with skill :ml I'tnotion Ihl'l :i)Hi:ilr. in th, l.slrtiris. Miss Hi.iwn tolh.wc.l with ai iiria fiom Man tli'l, " Lasi-ta ( 'h 'In I'iMiw," Hit .swet-t i-lrar vuiri' ilrlihinl In i innliluiH anl llMW I ht-r nun knl ,1)11-1. i iiii'iil i ci (nr last eoiH'rrt. ('lassie iiiiiiiImts fnl'-iwed in rapid sue -'Mnn. M rs. Isiitii H iiihl M iss Itmwii .iltcniat' 'I, I'licli iiiniilti-t henifr ninrn en HinsiaNlieally reeetved lltan the one pre .'i-.Ihil;. W.ldn-r 's l.'.unl,, 1 1'eipetiiat Mitt inn ) and ti.nlai d 's I i erl isseinent and liiiii iniitli's ( (iai lands) perhaps he inn Imtier n em ed t luin I he nth. -is. M iss Itmwii 's " I i ps t nve Snn . tf. " h lleil.eit, and Hie l-'mir l,.-af t'l.ixer," -sillltf ;i ail eiu-nic, win the In-aiH nf tin lens .lavsii-al nf h . i aiidiluis. Hril li.-in.y and dash . hi raelei ied Mr, Kaars ' playing. i 1 1 x and aliandmi Mi.s Itmwn's snl.iH Alt.itf. ther it was the nienlnst tnat Medfoi.l itnisn- Invert- live eiijnvrd fur inaiiv a d:iv. Redinnn Minstrels. . nil "1 step tin in! The Antfle liedinen's liii; nlnlee minstrels! it pel a In. use, Thnisdax , .1 a una i -1. A show f..r la In s. ehihlreu and i;enth'itii u. sintf;n(; and md .lane inn! The main exeat nf the season! l-oi t v in ii it in I nr em i nt 'em ! Tiekels aie iinw nn vale. One iiiyht 'idv. Mr. 11,-aide. Hie : ust met .r. still Relieves this is ene nf the l-est he has e. r pn' t talent. 4tet lillsv! U V sinil h. trl .thai I'uMit l.l.ui, in Medfo.,1. th. i;o el nillt I ii'ldinU' al tlu poMlimi at Se Maska Ynt 'a, ,t mle net eai- ill he a full sied li,.iis.' m ..periti. n and ..pen f i"'" Hlspeeti lls'li.n me fivir with i u. N enntrnet to" l.i i e m- t nn Mli tf IV SHlisfad ion i;iisranee-l. L. E. BEAN COXTKACTOK AN P H1MKHKK. lied ford, ui. MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, OK Kfi(. WEDNESDAY. WE ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEE OUr RISDDY SUMS (Cniitinuud from paj;o 1.) .pupped eity hall and lire engine house the eity is supplied wi.h snlistat ions in aiiniis parts nf town, equipn-d with small luil eHieient ehi-mical engines, nhieh are siippleiin-iit 1 by hose wan; mum. Tlie central fin Nation is equip n-d with a first elass eniiibiiintion rlicni ,,, it iitfine, a tfoiiti team or linrses, htise id other emiipliien:, ;;nd t-om fort tilde .piarters for t he men on duly at the engine house. Recommendations. Never! In-less, while t he people of Medfnld are justified in taking pride ill her aehievementH, it must not he Inst sight nf that Hi1 work must con t i n u. With regard to Hk water system, Hie met hoi of collect ions and t he water rates should be clns'-'y watched, as in these particulars there is much room for Inss, both by Irr ing i necpiitable rales and so disrntiranmg the use nf water and by luck nf Hiflicicut care in culled ing the moneys to which Hie city is actually entitled. The distributing iiysteni should also be extended as fast as thi is possible, so as to enable a more rapid develop nietit nl I he city, and "it the same time produce an increas-d levenne for the water syst em. The matter nf adjustment ,,f the dif t'i. ull ies bet ween t h, ( "ondnr Water i;iiii:niv and H ily I ;'s alreailv been i-m. Ind up. .ti. hut ill addition to the -etllement of tluse d t f ferenci'S care -hoiihl he taken that lh. cotnpanv enn Tins to iiuiease its service, both pub lie and prixate, as fast as the growth id' Hie eitv warrants it. The sew. r question is one of the .'iMist iiMi'ortanee, and is one which will require much earefe) eniisidera I inn. wiiiL' to l.'iek of yradieiit in the ily all e.Kiteniplriteil sewers slmuM Ue . i . i.efulh pl itiit. d. sn that not oily Ho p: v -at us -is will be pro I eet I, but fnt lire users lea vs at t neh to Hie present system. Commends Work ( f Ladi1?. The work nf llev llreatei Medf--ld deb in beautifying the city ami nf Hie Library assneiat int. n se.-nring the n.q.eiatiMii of the Slate l.ibiary as tnciaMoti for the ma t nl ena uce nf a free 'ilmny in Med ford i-1 deserx ing nf the 'ilK I praise, and thev should in e cr vay be encouraged In continue their If. ir l s. s hi mu as the coin pi ef ion of Hie it-ew water -yst-'Ul eiialden the city 'o abolish tl Id r tower near the West Side school Hi- lireater Medfnld bib - hould be lilted t - lake p.-ss. ssinn 'f the blnck on whi.'i it stands an.) n.-lndn it ill the p-r.. These two ''locks wmild make a ni-.-t al 1 1 .i.t i e aik for the city, -mi' would :ilso fur m-.Ii an id.. it stti- for : Carnegie libra . -.hould the latins ' utet-essf nl in their efforts to nr. In conclusion I once more to fer to Hie teuiaik-tbb progress whic'i Medfnrd has made .Iim-m- (he past two :ns. H-r growth b. en phenoni.1 I. and He- enterprise nf her people has nretised faxniabi'- cnmttient uo nly throughout the viate. but iti th. ast as well. j The w ..ttderfiil d . I -pin. nt of re! which h:is ti',' n place .luring he hist t', w eats is h--w . i-r. but : Ut iH ma". - , ..oio:!'. I t ilh tli,. r.' Mives as et mid Mdep, d. and n.-Hi ri-, can pi.v.nt s(,ll l r- a I r pn-gr-ss II,' t ut nr. ..f Ho ,-e the e.'.pt He' tai,ure of the .'oaitnutr.t' to realire an. I 'ir opportunities. , united i tf. it for proi-i. s .,,,,. in bra I and .(1 a tareiul. strict runt e.'ononi but not p:r!nnotiinus iidmimstrat n ol eity affairs will keep Aledford at Hp front of the march of progress, when die is and belnugH. Respectfully submitled, J. T. FI'DMV. .Mm-or. I. C. .arregaii, tin1 Kagle Point or dinrdist, spent Wcduesuny in iMedfnrd. Probate. ( lua i d ia n T'lnyd HieHcy ; order ippninting ,1. V. .re('ox, J. If, ti:t .1. 1,. Mas'; appraisers. iniiili' Wick Funeral of Mrs. Ilnth. The tuueral of AfrH, Krnest Iluth. who died .lauuarv 1.", was held dan y 111. Ifev. W. C. Keu'.er officiat ing. Iter nuiitleti name was lilanelie A melt a Nchneidei-, She v.:i born nt Alma, W':i., Mntvli 17. .1S77 Sim did not ignore the great subject of ("J oil 1 divine t hings, but early in lifi gave them thought, nnitirg with tin Herman befoiined chinch, nml was i Sabbath cluud teacher in te same On March 17. I0o;t, she was united in inar ringe wit h KmiukI Iluth. From this union there sprung three- children, two nf whom survive her. In April, IHO' she. with lu-r husband, removed from the slate of Washingli-n to Medfnrd, where 1 hev have resided ninee. For some time sh had been hi feeble health She died suddenly on t he evening id' Friday, January l., thus attaining to an age of ;tl wars, !' months and 2l 'lays. S!ie leaves a husband, two ehil di en. t hive brothers, five sisters and a large circle of friends to mourn Ii depart u re. Prepaid Rallroaa Orders. "Something which is of ronBidurable interred to the public generally and which is perhaps not generally known If the Hystotn or prepaid orders now in ralTeet between stations of the Southern Pacific coin pun v and all points in the United States. By means of this system tickets may be purohased at Med ford from any place in tho United States and mailed or telegraphed direct to th party wishing to come here. Sleeper .i.-cmiiiiiodat ions nnd small amounts of a-h in connection with these ticket tiny also be forwarded at the satn time." tf Medford Time Table SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Northbound No. ItifOri'nuii Kerens 5:24 p. m Nn. H Portland Kxprru 9:49 a. Dl 1 Southbound N'm. l"il('alifornia Kiprpss.. .10:3fi a. tn Nn. 1.1 Sun Frnnoiaro Kip.. . 3:20 p. m Nn. CWl-'rom Grants ras9....j 9:15 p. m N.i. SS.IjKor Aalilaml jlO: 15 p. m PACiriC 6 EASTERN RAILWAY No. lll.eav.s Metlforil. No. :i l.cavra MnKord. No. L'lArrivifa MoiKoril . . . S: 10 a. ni . . 2:50 p. m. . . . j 10:25 a.m. . . . 5:08 p. ni. No. 4 Arrivoa Mo-.lfonl. ROOUE RIVER VALLEY RAILWAY No. :Ieuvo8 Medford... No. 4 Leaves Medford... ..10:4fla,ni. . . 5:35 p. ni. . . 2:00 p. m. . . 9:00 p. m . . 9:00 a. m . , 3:30 p. in, . . 1:30 p.m. Motoril.oaves Medford . . . Motord-eaves Medford. . . I No. 1 Leaves Jacksonville. . . No. .1 1 leaves Jacksonville. . . MotorjLeaves Jacksonville.. . ! A!otor tjeaves Jacksonville. . MAIL CLOSES 7 : 30 p, m i " " (A.M.jP. M . 9:19 4:M .J10:05j 2:60 . 7:20 t-.$0 ,10'.1W Northbound Southbound . (KHgl Point . .IMCKSCUVUie JANUARY 20. IflOfl. 3C SOMETHING DOING UP IN DUDLEY'S CORNER OF CREATION (By X. v. z.) At a gathering of over 25 settlers of the locality heretofore known "the unsiirveyed" north from Butto Falls, about six miley, it was decided to cuinphdo the public hall which was begun last summer, and the settlers nrc to assemble for that task Monday, Jan '-!., so we hope it won't be long till you can look for things doing in t It ih part of the bush. It was proposed that inasmuch as this tract lonal T. P. of 34 had now been surveyed; we therefore select a name whieli we hoped bv common court esv I custom would be nred hereafter to ignate this corner of creation, genuine christening waa had nnd . name "uiKitey" chosen, the same being the given name r.f the first son of Mr. and Mrs. Flmor Spencer, who were also among the earliest settlers of the unsiirveyed. Various n-i I building and repairing projects btjuoiicial to the betterment of travel in this cominunily were discussed and mapped out for the future, so it's hoped marked benefit will result from such meetings. Classified Advertisements WANTED. V ANTKD Work by the day, month. Address F. II., caro banc office. week ur of Tri- son WANTED A chambermaid wanted at tho Franco-American Hotel, with ex perience; fare paid. Vrcka, Cal. PCS roft SALE. FOR SALE atore fixtures, of Mrs. V. I. Brown. Inquire 530 FOll sXle,ouo,ooo feet timber Address E., 202 cheap if taken at ouvt care of Tribune FOR SALE Two god fresh milch cows for sale. Bear Creek Orchard. 274 FO lt5 AT7E Tw o choice lots on the corner in Page's addition; a bargain for cash. K. B. Sawyer, No. 207 8. 0 street. 262 FOR SALE $000; utile -10 ac ti s uea r Mori i u ; tracts, MG to $20 per acre. Chris. E. Short Merlin, Or. 200 FOR SALE Good horsj for sale cheap, half milo south of city limits. 0. L. Linxwiller. 261 rMi 5ale ah eiogaut lot ol new furnituro, direct from the east, at bar gain prices. For particulars apply M., J ho l ribunc. ' rOR SALE Ttouses, lots and land in Phoenix, or in tracts to suit from one ncre to 040 acres. Matt Calhoun, Phoe nix. Or. PvTt" ALiE-xtra Jry cordwood, Tir and pint), tier wood, oak, fir and pine. F. Osenbnigge, Studebaker Bros. Co. warerooms. Telephone 361. 262 FOR RENT. Ft i li K K N T Seven room f urn ished house, close in. Inqmrr W. M. French, room 7, Jaek-jou Co. Bank bldg. tf FoU KENT Niuc rom house with bath; cle to town. Inquire at Osen brngge's residence, P-ersido ave. tf FOR KENT' FurnisM rooms for litflft housekeeping. 124 No-th O st. tf FOR KENi'-t.'.wms witL ir without hoard. In.poie at th "Vbnne office. 261 Spray Pumps HOSIERY SPECIAL TOM0R0W we start a Closing Out Sale of odds and ends in Hosiery that should interest Medford Hosiery buyers 25 doz. Ladies' seamless fast black Hose, ... 10c pair 25 doz. misses' medium heavy seam less fast, black Hose, double heel, toe and knee, all sizes, 15c pr Misses extra fine quality light weight mercerized seamless fast black Hose, all sizes, . . .25c pr Boys' ribbed Hose, extra heavy seamless and fast black. If you want a hose to stand hard wear try this line. All sizes up to 10, 25c pr Ladies' extra fine quality Lisle finish Hose, also a medium weight ribbed Hose, a 35c value in other stores, Here in all sizes . . 25c pr If you want the best line of good wearing full value Hosiery in the city you will find them here. Give us a trial. 1000 Souvenir Post Cards, 5c qualiiy, in Southern Oregon and Medford views Our price lc each. HUSSEY.Cash Store WANTED Timber and Coal Lands Apply to B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD OREGON 0fflce ln Jackson County Bank Upstairs NOTICU is npniiv givrn tlmt ilic iimleraiunvil will apply at the regular meeting of tin city rmimil f Mtilfmil. Orrgiin, in l i l.riiiiry o, 1W9, f,ir lireuse to sell malt, viaoua anil aptntous liquors in Usa quantities than on? gallon for 12 nioutlis at lt U, Mod: 'JO, in M.dfor.l Oregon, for a iriol of 12 montlis. - W. M. KEXNKDV. Date.1 January 10, IPOS). Kleetroliers of Kren-I, Fenaissano de sign will be i,s,-,l t illutniuale tu. grounds of tlie Alaak:. Yukon I'aeifie ex position nt Seattle n"x ,-ar. Hundreds of the beautiful have been built, do the top of each will be a large sphere of light eoi taining 00 30 audle K,wer globes. TO ALL SHR1KERS. Medfnrd, Or., Jan. 1U. There will bt. n business session of Hillnli temple, A. A. ,) X. M. S., al Masonuie hell, Or., Friday eva mug. February 5, nt whieh tinie nr rangemeots will be n'.-idi. for a eere nionial se.isicn to be held in April or M.-.y. Don't forget your f?l and card ind bring an npplieation or two. By order of '-" KrilKXE A. SHERW1.V, lmpetirl I'oteutnte. K. T. STAPLES, Reeorder. Ten thousand ehildren representing the Sunday sehools of King eountv will parade in Seattle next year dur ing the progress of the Alaska Yukon t'aeific exposition.