Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, January 20, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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Alka' Hidden Traaiurai: -
Alaska bus mure gold thuu ever bad
California, Auilniliu or South Africa,
It baa more copper tbuu twenty Bui tea,
It bos 'more buril coal than I'euusyi
vanla, and It nan more tlu than Wales.
The bay that rots oil Us tundras and
plains would fatteu all the cuttle that
roam upon the prairies of Kansas, Ok
lahoma' uud Texas. And there the
wild, fertile, untouched plains and val
leys awaic the ax, the spade, the plow
and tbe reaper of 6U0.U0U American
farmers and gardeners. And yet this
virgin 'empire remains virtually land
locked for nearly 1,000 miles along Its
Pacific coast. ' For a distance of ueur-
ly 110 miles from tlio'coast Inland the
country Is so rugged tnat It Is almost
as cheap to build a railroad as a wagon
road. The great river system of this
empire flows northward Into seas tee
locked for seven months of tbe year.
The heart of this wonderland Is closed
to all tbe great possible channels of
commerce except railroads, which must
be built In the Immediate future yea,
7'f strutted from its Ice free Pacific har-
t bora. Review of Reviews. -
The Earth's Atmosphsre.
One would hardly think of looking
to the moon for Information about the
height of the earth's atmosphere.' Yet
It is In just that way evidence has
been obtained that tbe atmosphere
extends much higher than was for a
long time assumed.
Observations of lunar eclipses made
at Lord Rosse's observatory lu Ireland
have shown that tbe quantity of beat
derived from tbe moon which heat Is,
of course, merely reflected sun heat,
Just as moonlight is only reflected sun
light begins perceptibly to diminish
several minutes before the shadow of
tbe earth reaches the moon.
The Inference is that tbe earth's at
mosphere partly cuts off tbe sun's heat
as it comes between the moon aud tbe
sun abead of the edgo of the solid
earth, and calculations based on the
length of time during which the loss
of heat from the moon Is felt before
the eclipse begins Indicate that our
atmosphere reaches a height of at
least 190 miles.
The Doga of Lamar. I
Rome was mistress of the world, Hue over the shmildcr m.d i n the
Carthage was the ruler of the seas. of the IkiII e. The mik 1' : !..iped li
Paris Ib the center of fashion and New a p..!::; : is trimmed ..ill.
York Is the bub of dollars, but Lamar heavily braided Willi soiitnelie. '1 Il
ium a distinction of bcr own Btlll left, i-iiiilo und :KeveH nlso show the si:.:
It has more pot bounds aud mongrel de.-(. . . i ion. Willi silver und gol,
hunting dogs within her borders thun threads. These ni.iy he pnrrliiisrtl i
anv kll,Ap nlnt'M lliul ni'np nntso or! 1ml i uli ,,.. in- ul,..i-r ,-ii.,t..,l , '.'."
-reigned and fell. The man lu this old I
V town'who hasn't got at least three lop-!
eared, slim bodied, sad eyed, hungry I
vlssiged canines is of so little conse-
. quence that the blacks could afford to :
I crowd him off the sidewalk, aud to be '
respectable you must have uot less
than Blx. If you could soil dogskins'
at a dollar apiece, this old towu could '
raise enough money to take over the,
Standard Oil company without Issuing
bonds. Lamar (Mo.) Democrat. j
The Noise of Wireless Telegraphy. I
Many readers may be surprised to !
learn that the electric sparks employed
In wireless telegraphy over long dis-
tances produce a noise that may bean-
noying for those living close by the i
station. At least thlshas been the ex-',
perlehce at the Eiffel 'tower In Paris,,
where the sparks from an apparatus,
possessing a power of ten MlowntU .
haveproved disagreeable to people Bev-
eral hundreds yards away.; tiluco It Is
now proposed to substitute apparatus '
of forty kilowatts' power, with the
!jpe of Bending comuiunleutlous direct
from Paris to New York, the general-
lng station will be placed under ground
In order to smother the sound of the
aparks.-Youth'8 Companion. ,
Famous English Hedge,
Tbe work of pruning thu mammoth
beech hedge at Melkleour, Perthshire,
on the estate of the Martinis of Lima-
aowne. is now oeing carneu ouu oe. tuUl,n thnt mU, (hl, V(.,., ,,,,,
hedge, which la the most famous of Its lma s lnil(p ,;, lIs fasl!ml r W1
kind In the world, was planted In 1,15.; u Rrotesquc.
It is one-third of a mile long and j h
about a hundred feet high. It 1s prun-' strait Ccat S if.
ed every eight or ten years, the opera- TU(, Kr, of d.,v llvcs n',st f h, .
tlon, as may be supposed, being both ,f(, ou( u dwn wl,. K,lt.
a difficult and a costly one. Special : th(, rtIwt , ,i1Crefore. of I lie uiin.-:-apparatus'
for the purpose has to be ,,,.,,. si, ofien puts the larg -i
obtained from London. Westminster I pnrt c( ht,r drtlSlj nnWame lu a go,,:
Gazette. ' Htrt,et suit and eeouo;ni:-:,'s on her li:
,. .. .-.. ' door gowns. The sketch shows a i 1
Whalebone 10,000 a Ton. . ,.., . ... . ., , .... ,
A quantity of whalebone just sold nt'
Dundeo reullzed only SIO.IKXI a ton
which is considerably below last sea-.
son's average price. The decline In tbe
Industry la sbown by the fact that the ,
American whaling fleet, which once :
numbered 730 vessels, has now fallen
to thirty-three. Last year's harvest of
whaleboue was seventy odd tons as
' compared' with over 1,000 tons some
years ago. London' Mall.
"Myles 8tandiah Hit Book."
Captain Mylea Staudlnh on lila doRth
Jteftn estate inventoried at 7 19s. In
hia effects waa a little volume printed -
In London In 1621. On the outside cov
er ts the autograph of the "valiant cap
talnr," worn and dim by age, and on
tbe inside cover Is written tbe bold sig
nature of "Mylos Standinta His Book."
ThW little volume is now in the store
of a Boston denier In nntlque boots.
Boston Record.
On Typa of Stiteiman.
"The lnte Cooper Hewitt." said a '
New York lawyer, "had a keen gift of ,
There's a model statesman,' he suld !
one night of a rather dubious senator.
"'A model? said I. Vby do you.
call bim a model?
" 'Because,' was the reply, 'be Is al
ways posing before the public
SALEM, Or., Jan. 2. Since the con
stitntiiiu prevents the creation of a
state auditor, this litt.e difficulty is
surmounted by the bill of Senator Not
tingham creating a state examiner.
Tbe state examiner practically, a
tate auditor, the elref difference be
ing in the title. Uudet the provisions
of the measure creating the state ex-
aoiiuer, the officer's duties aru many, f
uue 01 me most important is to sue
that the state is uot payuig inure than
the market price to; u supplies, und
auothcr duty is to sweep duwu ou au
office at least oure a year to check up,
wiinout giving tuo ciumuIs wurniug.
The state examiner is also to imiuc,u
ruto a uniform system of bookkeeping,
which state officers niubt adept, uud it'
uecessury ho must instruct them iu the
A Winter's Gown.
The present ruge for litittoiis used us
a decorative feutme li Illustrated In
the sketch kIihwii li.d.iy. '.'lie :;l;lrt Is
a Illi.dlliKl illleitoile model, with a
plaited panel set Iii-ii.-hi'; the slushed i
side. The blouse Is cut l. ue with the
.,..,., . . , . , ....
live inuniiet' wlih luiMous running iu a
nrrroxs m a i.hciiativ;: i i:.v.-i i:
and give uu clubm-ntc uud livsk.v !
an otherwise pluln gown.
New Waistcoat Sweater.
The fashion ir,-o:its
brought nljoul a new nwc ... r vh
: :: i
tlgln lining and i.i i.iai.e io show.
1; l.i l.i no t if t.e lushhn
nl, I ' idor; ii:,1 Is :-::::u-i in 1c. .;':,-!'
brown, j.xu given v.l;!i a 1I.k-U l:i;;..i.-:'
lii!-:n Ijlue Willi u Kirip.d bo. r ,,i..i
ti'-iy Willi a blu, k id, e a: ik smoke !
p-'a; I billions.
T!-e.-e i;o l.y the name . f eo it wt
' i s. They to lie v. ld, ly wcru la
l!,c oui.iiy life I'd . s : o:i.
Any itUl v. ho vu .e s f.-o u i..M
li"u!d )ii ve to put u '.-. 1 r eo'.i !
the slveet. 'i!ier m ro'..i'!,- t'l-t i:,.-v
d" dlstrrli C e : ' ' f f n iy !i u
they "' v''"1'" ''-'"ler.
Outside of the city tiny : one ipilie
" T:'"' l,n'" '"" "
ileeves vl'h Cn ve -if, fit -rover
nl FO' :1 I'-M-n I. -. "V reu .
l-lnv.- C'e ! ni d iwintiv Inve one oi
,w ' : 11 r,'"!l
' t
Coiffure For jchor ,-.irl.
Any kind of pompadour lor kcIioo!
children oilier than that tuey can re:
'I"""-' ''''ir "f"V 1 ; w' 'f
possilde form. If wle n ! :e top part 1-
tied the bow Is brought a Title l'orwar 1
and the barrelle put In. n slight pulii
ness Is uinde lo till' hair aliolll Hie
I which Ik boili prolly ami siiitalil"
Willi very lillle cliildreii care nnisl l.i
V . ",
latest points e."
The skirl Is
W !
sit i hu
! I'! '? 1 i V:',l
' v:i i
i n i j- .it
.It'll A, I rr:-5iiJTtaMW'jifc'tii-itWU.
of mn.oH iitCB sr.noR. j r 'tf gT, fJlTjjl Hlife'rv ! I Hi
I row nnd faxlm e il"wn tin- fn.nt with 4 SsvfVf S
l.n.1.1 l.ut..n. VI..' I..nt coat M "1"", : ff Iflffl X ffll llHl- M3ji
narrow, but I -,. fr-.u, ll... I' . .
ft- I.!.
' K- (,Iea to J. K. Hriiwii, lot
5, block 2, aud lot 1 block 3,
Olsuii's udditiou to Midford. .$ 07H
Horace F. Reeser to C. K Hooper,
oi" urn in sectinn t!i, town
ship :IS, rnnge 2 F.
i. S. Duller to A. Cii.ii.line Mel
linger, lot 0, Aslilnim
H. H. Harris to Oliver Adams,
land in section 111, township
.V. lunge U K
Maggie dray to R. II. Toft, lots
III. 11 and 12, lilocc i, Cray's
addition to Medford
Xuch t'uuieron to J. V. Slinger,
S acres in secti.iu .'!!, town-
ship 3(1, range 3 K, and 2 K ..
J. V. Slinger to Zacli Cameron,
1,1 iu township 3li range 2 E
,. r , . ,,, ,
Mrs. I.etu Furry to Charles A.
Walrnff, all of block 2'.'.
Kuilrtmd addition to Phoenix
Ellsworth A. Ilarriaoii to P. T.
Dovereuux, S K V, section 2,
tnwnship 3S, rung.' H K
(ieorge W. lluley N., to J. 7.
Slepp, N K Vi ft X K Vi sec
tion 11, township 3o, range 1
1 E
V. 11. Roberts to W. W. MrDon
nld, land in D L C 42
S. A. Nvo to Dora A Pierce,
lot 12.' block 3. Kendall addi
tion to Medford
J. K. Slepp to Kdivar.l Wood
bury, In ii,l in fleet ion 11, town
ship 3o, range 1 K
Myron V. 'i'uttle to City, of
Medl'ord. property iu Rurr's ad
lit ion to Medford
M.-iry M. rluMs to tie' public, n
strip of luiiil in Itrlnnt addi
tion to Medford for ro:;dwny
I,. (1. Porter to City of Medford,
lund ill I) I, C -12, tewuship 37,
Mary M. Crim to A. M. Moon,
lot (I, block 7, Amy & Ilnr
buugli's nddition to Central
Point $
Mary Itrunlner to N( w Perry
innii Pitch company, right of
wn v
('. K. Kitsi' to (. V.. Mot". Hi-res
in si'i'tiun 21, towitshir ,'ts,
ran go ! V
Jnlin F. Mu inly to Mio Sniiny
NiuV Coul & Coko coini:iny,
hi ml In soi'tion .'Hi. towtiHliip
:t7. ningc 1 W
Pulrirk Mnrpliy 1o Sininyniili'
Com I iV. Cuko. iMiinp.uiy
llowunl S, lliiillcy to Simnysiilo
Coul & Coke foiHp'iMy, 200 acri'fi
.'UTi-s in nociion ;t". township
range 1 V
R. II. Toft to II. A. Thicroff,
block 2. lliingnlow addition
to M.'ilfonl
It. It. Toft, to .1. l'l Hubert.
l:nnl in Hoclioii 'J.'t, township
o", rai i go 2 W
T1ioiii;is I, Kahlor to llilers Pi
ano Moiiho Asko,, 'ot r, block
2, Will-ko'a :.;Mitin.i to Mo.l
fnnl John I. Cnnvfoi'.l to l-'nuik W,
Moore, lots S tin 1 btoi-k
III. Summit aMitio,i to Asli
laml Mary K. io to X. V. Patton.
property in A!
Ijiiiiiu Stepiu-ns'on tt Myra Mo
Neil, lots 7 an.l block
Cliilwooil tract. .Jtl:iii.l ....
If. Haven Jino1 t-'rauk W.
Moore, S. V. V, nojion 0,
township ill), range 2 K
Monry K. Collins to Margaret L.
lioeHer, property in Ashland .
Carter Laud company ! (loorgo
J. Wall. m, lot i:t, luock li.
Summit addition to Ashland ..
TiOXIrOX. Jan. 20." .Ml hough King
IMwanl, while staying ft t Hrighton for
his li'.'illli, was carefully guiirded from
ilie attentions of ourioon idlers, lie was
always accessible, to children.
One morning a small boy approached
the king and askj-d him "the right
lime," Looking nt lu watch, the king
'aid it was a cpiarter to one.
' Thank, mister, ' ' replied I ho boy.
'I've been wailing I wo hours to see the
king, bat I'm not goiig to wait any
"Neither phall I," hi id King Kdward
resuming his walk.
John Harrington and wife drove over
t'l' in Mi-dfor.l Tuesday en business.
A. M. Mooa of Mo nville
ImsiiieHs is;;nr a few days agi
wa s
.1. I'. Wollt aud '!.. yd Kdgi.igton
spent Sunday at : In i" homes in Ash
land. Mr. a-:d Mrs. l-'ran': Tracy spent
Muiidnv willi .laclisoiiville friends. Mr.
Tracv will leave for Albany soon,
wln ie h. will engage III t ho eloi liing
Mrs. Klla Cork has returned fr
a visit with ln-r aon onn Applegatc.
The "."no" club met at the Prim
rei-ideiiee on California St r.'et Hatur
iav evening w-th Mioses Leila Prim
ami .luS'-pliiae Donegan as hostesses.
Onds i.iciipied most of the oven hi g
follotvod by refreshrneniB. Miss Anna
Weiidt will enlrrtain the club in two
1 Elflfe
HA LTI MOKE. Md., Jan. 2n.A Miss
Margaret Wemiier, 17, i.nd Misit Lillian
Roiier, U wore walking to a store
where they r omnlovod, tho- discuss
tho attacks of loysterious man,
who at vnrioim times had obstructed tu
pavement, refused t: lot them pass
and had made insulting remarks.
When about . two blocks from her
omo Margaret said he- saw tho man.
who stopped aud threw his arms uround
the girls. They nay he also attempted
to kiss thorn. Both rth rcreained.
Miss WVisnor grabbed tho man, who
made a futile attempt to escapo. In
tho struggle the girl was dragged over
the brick pavement for half a block.
Into she hold on grimly. Several times
tho girl slipped to her knees, hut she
onlv tightened her grip
atrolnmii Chaffinch, who was two
blocks away, ran to tho scene and took
the man into custndv.
The mail gave his name us Charles
F. Bourdon. "This thing of attacking
young girl," said tho magistrate, "has
got to he stopped. Yur fine is $100
and costs."
ltourdou went to jail.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 20. Tho bu
reau of soihi of tho department of ag
riculture announces that during tho fis
cal year 1!I0 its agents will prosooutti
surveys on a scale of ppx miles to the
inch in Kastorn Montana and other
parts of tho west. Th .field work of
the soil survey is divided into sectiojis,
the (.rent Plains Sections being placed
in charge of M. H. Lapham, and con
siyting of Montana, Wyoming. Colo
rado, New Mexico a nl parts of North
Dakota, South DaKota, NeUni.ska, tun-
r,a, Oklahoma and Teas.
The Pacific States section in in
charge of V. W. M-ikie, and consists
of ( 'nit forum, Oregon, Washington.
Idaho, Nevada, tTtah and Arizona. Soil
surveys will bo prosecuted in those sec
tions, and a result will be included in
tin general classification and correla
tion of the Unit,.d S(::tro which is be
ing made by Hie bureau of noils.
SALEM. Or., Jan. 20. Among the
leficiencies in prospect for report, to
the legislature during the present ses
sion is one in the fund of $25,000 ap
propriated by the last session for im
provements to (lie Capitol building nnd
grounds, and the principal item is the
bill for the new desks and chairs for
the senate chamber, vthieh have just
irrived and are being substituted for
tho old furniture.
These desks are of mahogany, and
since the former le.;r-'ature failed to
include in the act prov.sion for a pres
ident s desk and a desk for the clerks
t' the senale of a like character, the
ontrast between the now, dark ma
hogany desks and tho old, yellow pres
ident 's and clerks' desk ft and other f in
nishiugs and decora' ions of tho cham-
is very striking. H is therefore
not unlikely that the present legisla
ture will make additional provisions
for Hie senate ehainW r to create a
more harmonious off-el
The new desks, which were ordered
bv a special com in it t o of hold-over
leuators, cost about .f' each and the
total cost will approximate about
sfeJOOO. No allowance was made in the
appropriation for thi's.- desks, however,
and there will he a deficiency of over
$20011 in hi fund, wh-io some of the
provisions had to be cut out on account
of its insufficiency.
Kidney Diseases Are Too DnngeroiiH
For Medford People to Nolcct.
Tlie great danger ot kidney troubles
s that they get. a firm hold before the
nifferer recuj-aizes . t hem. Health is
gradually undermined. Hnekacho, head
ache, nervousness, I.' nr ness, soreness,
lumbago, miliary troiih'.s, dropsy, dia
betes and Itright 'h i!i.-ea!:o follow in
merciless success! 0:1. Ho'i 't neglect
your kid lie vt:. ' 'lire I If kidneys with
the certain and salV rem - dy, Hoan 'h
K idney Pills, which hat cur. d peopU
right here in Medford.
Mrs. A. Moore, corner F iind Ulcv
.nth streets, Medfo-d, Or., says: "My
husband suffered dfioin kidney trou
ble for some time and the complaint
gradually grew worsi'. lie had pains in
liis back and kidneys ai.d was caused
tiiiich annoyance uu ace. nut of the fre-ipieio-y
of the kidney seer-Huns. He
look many r-inedie:. hut did not kiic-
' (I in tile hug relief until lloai)
K idney Pilhi were Lo!ght to his a I
teutioii and lie procured a box nt Has
k i n 'h d rug st o re. T'nf y hel .ed h i 111
from the first. He continued and the
pains ceased, his ludu " ,1 were restored
to their uoraiHl condition and In1 now
feels b'-ller in every wf.y. He is glad
to recommend this valuable remedy to
For sale bv all denh rs. Price SO
-ents. Foster Milbtiru Co.. Buffalo, N
Y., sole iigi-nts for tie- Tinted State.
Kemember the nau.i' Dunn's and
take no other. ' 5
Modern Comfort
Moiiiratx Prices
Tim Tourist Uuadiiuarters
of Coluinltiii Valley
The Cohan
With all its Wealth and Scenic Effects Exactly as
Witnessed an Entire Year in New York and Chicago
The Brightest Wittiest Comedy of
Recent Years - No Advance in Prices
Seats on Sale
Jt doesn't jiay. Keep your eyon fixed
on our exceptional offerings. Fine Ini
hiring cuti only be secured front the I
hands of hi'h claBH tailors. Our expe
rioiico and methods are cortuinly worth
nvestination. Wo employ the brut
workmen and our elohtes aro without .
Uoubt I he moHt rarefully selected in Hie
The City Tailor
as, wrc wu.r. I'nr
FHOM Ih.lll A
I.'l.'.'i !,
1! l VI.
I'ltlCK 30(!
Korea will be repr.-. nted at Seattle
in xt year by an exlrbit of lirri! wfire-
carv.-d wood", liio-ns a-.d ii)l;. An i x
t -riut 'i:it-r in S on! i preparing .1
line exhibit for the Ift'M, rxhihit imt t.
diow the prt.greHH of th Pe.ciftc otta
and Harris
Present the
Tuesday January
You Owned the Earth
rreano in valiu as ItH income
pn:liiciug capaciiy incn aKOH, but with 'tho rght hind of an orcliar
d, inch uh Homo we li.tvo to show, the purchaKer has a tdianco of got
ting iiis pufclnine price back out of a dingle crop, with proper man
ageiiu nl. How can wealth bo accuinii laird fattier than by buying o
ne .f the good young orchards wo have for unlet
Always u' 'our ttervice for the best buys in this valley.
' I : X 1 1 1 1 5 1 T lll'II.DIXd,
More Light for LessMoney
y:: v Ihi'i'i- jicr i kvA of cloct ri; current su veil l.y using
32 Candle Pi.wir Edison Lamp uses 110
Watts h t In tin- and would use iu 1000 Ins.
110 Kilowatts which at loots, a Kilowatt $U
32 Candle IWiT Tungsten Lamp uses
40 Watts peihour and would use in 1000
hours 40 Kilowatts which at ioc a Kilo
wait 4
Not Saving in ixx hours in favor of the
Tungsten Lamp $ 7
Rogue River Electric Co.
Successors to Condor Water it Power Co.
Ol'fii c. lilli; West. Seventh Street. Plume No. iloo.
Opposite the I'.in Electric Sign. " '
yUts. 3ve,nt Ifampton Isaacs
liiitructor of "Piano, "tlszt inilho
SliiMo at M.USntl. Mollb OiJn4 Slil
19 at 10 a. m.
Von couldn't find a better plneo
to live than in this glorious
Rogue River valley, with its in
eomparabhi winter ami summer
climate. .lust now we have some
pari icularly good developed or
chard propoHilious to Biibmit to
the homoHouUer, wlmh aro sure
winiuMH. Host give this matter
Immediate attention. Jt loos not
take a vory wiho man to forosoe
that the advance -iu values which
wo have boon predicting in in
coining producing fruit lunds is
nbout to matnriali7.e. A good
young orchurtl wifi not only in-