..n T 4 TT TT fHOtPITMP U.AT.T, AT.WAAU mxrrT. I X . . " MTSIJFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, M ED FORD. K Plf-ON, WEDNESDAY, JAN UARY 20, 3000. Jed ford Daily Tribune j Official rtojmr oflh Oily of Mudf.nvl. i i'ublmhori ovory vfi i i except Siimbiv. , E ) V O Ji D I'UJMiiKII 1 N J ..(JOM PAN V OnonoK Putnam, JMilou mid Manager. .'" Admitted uh Nccoml Claws Mailer in Hie IW.olTii'c u( V Med ford, Oregon. FAVORITE JKWTX8 Aro always tliimu uf k-iiuhhj merit , 1 liimyli not nlwityn tin- moat costly, Jttwolry of Iht fnioit i.uaiily. A tlie prt'Ki'iit , iuliT lrumit:n tti tut mi of iiiiumiiiI HiH'inl hnllitttii'H, yuu will find it In ymir inltrt,Ht to tiu'iiru what you Mt'i'il i'ioiii utir unuitiul ctook of riu'. liroinlii'H, piMulaitltt, v cliuiitN, liniot litn, iU MARTIN J. RE9DY Jewelry and Watches APPLES and PEARS and all kinds of Fruit Trees YAKIMA VALLEY' NURSEPY Largest Commercial Nursery in the "Pacific Northwest. Nol m the combine. Covvpetes with all first-class nurseries L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, OREGON. , fcSUDSOJtlJ'TION UATKS. I muiitli, It imiil or currier. .$0. Tit) (Inn yvnr, hy miiil .,.$5,00 Tit ium rii or norm, mi wish. ' lUoet.loii ol Uuoriro . t liainlicriain as limed (Stales tialor from Oregon iw important .in that, il inarkn tin lumpu oi popinar win, uie carrying oui, oi popular de rc'H and tlio l'lilfiliiucnt of f 1 1 1 I i pledges in 'i senatorial actioii. It is (lie iirst lime that a state; controlled hy one irty has sent to Washington a leader of tin opposition, id it is the lirst successful effort for popular election of tuitora. . . .-.jlsii'iA There in no reason wliy United (States sei::.lors sliould it bo elected by direct vote of the people, save that the dernl constitution adopted 1U0 years ago provides for eir election by legislatures. The senate, filled hy men ected through corporation influence, for fifty years has ifused to heed public wishes and pass the amendment nec 8U ry to insure popular election, so that the Oregon plan, direct primary and a pledge for legislative candidates, la solved the problem. Triumph of people over party, decay of partisanship, lproveiuent of corporation control, disintegration of the ilitical machine, and lliw growth of a better and broader, tizenshii) are siirnified in Chamberlain's election. It is w "the Oregon plan," but will soon be the universal plan, j ir tho pconlo of other states are demanding it and direct j imnries are the order of tho day. I. K. KNYA'HT I'nwdlrnt. .1. A. I'KHKV, Vioo 1'ri'M.I.Mil. .1(111 N S. OBTII, I'nahier. W. P. JACKSON. An'l Oa.bicr. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK MBDFORD, OR. CAPITAL - - $60,000 SURPLUS - - 10,000 . Safety Boxes For Rent. A GeneralBank in Business Transacted. We Solicit Your.Patronage. riilMAKY LAW A BOOH Eli AX li. Senator Fulton's frantic but futile efforts to thwart (1 ipular wishes in the senatorial election are amusing, as i himself is as much to blame lor the people's having a y as anyone. The direct primary law, like a noomerang. in come back striking down those who initiated it to strike iwii a rival faction. Sumo years ago the republican party of Oregon was 'lit iuto rival camps, one led by the late Senator Mitchell, le by Senator Simon. Mitchell was popular with the topic. Simou was a great wire-puller, Miv'.g with pol icians, but unpopular w ith the maes. , Tho Mitchell faction- ami C. Y. Hilton was niie loaders fathered the dmvt primary law so as to k oy Simon's political power, fiuriu that Simon's un- ipuhu'ity and Mitchell's popularity would i'isiire the tri uph of th. hitter's faction. It did, but oiiee started, the ovcineiit for popular government couldn't be slopped, but is gone un destroying also the power of the Mitchell ultou faction smashing both political mach.nes ami act illy foiving a republican legislature to elect a democrat. Wails from the predatory authors of the diuvt primary w, because the punishment they devised for others ha tui in turn visited upon tlamsch es, arouse br.i little eom uiction from a callous public, which i reveling in it st tasto of power. HOME TALENT MINSTREL SHOW NDERTHE AUSPICES OF THE REDMEN OF MEDFORD AT THE ANGLE OPERA HOUSE Thursday Eve., January 21 st. Hear the local End Men in their Local Hits Six Solo Singers, Three Big Acts in the Olio The first partis a Beautiful Setting with High Class Sing ing. The last act "Lucy Long's Birth day Party" is a screaming farce from beginning to end. This act is Guaran teed to make even an undertaker lauch. RESERVE SEATS KOW OX SALE AT HASKIN'S DRUGSTORE PRICES 50c and 51.00 m;aix ckiuxg Tin: i;rii.i.on k. Medford Iron Works E. O. TROWBRIDGE, Propiutor. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS All kinds of Etni.es, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, B.'eis and Machinery. Agents in ' 8'H'thvtm Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. f ' ' YOU OUGHT TO KNOW Un- t-xcflli m e of th i;:r;tls that arc cktl at tin1 KmorioK Cafe if von I 't alrvs.1v rljjnl- .1 yoursolf with ?.o!ih of the ili'liion tthos that aro vrvo.l here. If you h ivon 't Virtak(n f thtMii, (hfrv i a troat awaiting yon tiir.t you will want 'e npoat ofton. A meal at the Kmeriek if ad experience that will maVe yta t y, like Oliver T !M. for more. The Emerick Cafe Opn All Kb ThAt hiuiianitv has net as vet navhisl a sufficiently evated jl;uie to alvlish capital pnnisdunent s shewn by, e exjHiirioiuv of Fraiuv, whuh has jjone ki. k tv the use1 ' the guillotine after several cars' disu.v a a means t. .ppress the erin.e vae which has swept IVuis nwnily. fct veek four mtmlers were publicly guiV.onucvl aiuid e cheers of the ennvd. All had been c.n it -tl vf brutal irnes, Ever shivv lnulent Falliercs tok utfi t he has cp sed capital punishment by cxiuunutting dcai.i st'nteiuvs life imprisonment, but the iv.fanuus crimes of SolieUan.l id tho Poller jrans; and a tc ( ctiu rs c;iuel a iv;ic au, and the oharalvr of capr.iics decided by a huce ma rity against die aivlitiou of capita! pui.isL-aci:t. The :oeutive has sitivv apprve the deat ii h iiahy in eis;htvn 90S. , .-""-il fill venaiu American states na e nat lite san.o exptnencx- ,. abolition of capital pun:hiv.er.t it:creasl crime. The?! wjuenoy and ease with whi.-h mv.r;.erc-rs esi.-v the ca' 'll ts as in the Thaw and Hams cases, also has "rvrvased the '" imWr of such murders. li rv . r ... . ine .Morr,U:i; t a.Kc v.ccUn t id Mundy als b.ac an cot r.jj a r.iilrvvd to the tr.om. im ti U'.ev.ti,''.'. :!s! M-.-.r-oh or. v ! the earth. a.:d a:v i'":.r. ctotop CATMijcs ASAC. . .Ilr !sT-. T', - i l StfMnj. o- v . :w i. , f h K,.n, ;...- .--.-,l t tSVJ V..-. r . VfdJ r,MNNl Ihf -V TT . t .- t k J.1. u it, S.C.J .i.r-. 11, Van Dykes Th?C Upplf a special Lot of men's lllla nCCh Hats in all CI 7C 5ires. Valued up to 53.50 at--r' J Sale of Veils, Scarfs and Long: Gloves 1-3 OFF $1.50 Veils 6 Scarfs 98c I AFIIFQ Remember This i$ the LflUlLJ only Store in Town Where You Can Find the Shade You Want in Brenard & CTT IfC Armstrong: W ash - - - JlLiY3 See the Window Display Van Dykes m - a YOU KNOW THE BILL IS PAID when you buy by chock bocauao when it is ret u rued murkod paid, ii itt tlio bi st possible ret'eit. Why tint opeu an Rcci-not, Bubject to chot'k, with this strong, otiging bankf " " '3lW' I.'VAWTKR, President. G. R. LINDLKY, Cashier. United Statb Depositary. Kstablished 1SSS. Capital and Surplus $125,000 Rosourr-is $700,000 EVERY ONE HAS THEIR OWN TROUBLES Eipecitlly the man is bo buys a suit of clothing or overcoat made to fit any one that wants to buy. The man who has his garments made1 to order by an up-to-date tailor never haa any trouble with the fit, finish or genex&I "get up" of his clothing. It nit only fits per fectly, but gives you a style and indi viduality acquired tit no other way when made at J. A. Kreuzer & Co. Importers andT ailoie PALM BUILD INQ, MEDFORD, OR. E. J. Skewia G. E. Hllilnger A. C. Randall .. L. D. Harrit Rogue River Investment Co. FRUIT LANDS Sab-DlTiden ad Derelopra Bagna BiTU VUjr Or chard I. audi. rTiiir. fruit Un.lt, bearing and young orchatjt in small and targti t!ata, for sale. Ve plant and ear. for orchards and guarantee property to tve is rtprcsanted. Experience A'ot A'ecessary for tkou Tho purthaM through ut They iHin tha advise and tvicos of a consulting horticulturist, an sxpert cm frait eul turs u all iu bran aha, who for asvaral ysua has evll in ths growing and shipping at fruit in tha Rogu Rivsr valley, racord ctopa, racord packs, record pricas. 1 1 1 Xorth D Street. Medford. Oregon MEDFORD SASH & DOOR COMPANY PHOXE 2291. VieJow fraaie. Oak Venftjyd pors. with Bare! PUte, carjicd in stock cheap. Offic rilinn. and all hinds of Plan iag iCn Work, iadudlag Turnad Wort and Fancy Grills. P STREET, BETWEEN SIXTH AND S EVENTH STREETS. Compare thejjQuality I". is and always has bca our aim to satnlv r-ds of ika quiiity aid tj iha: al- addii,. ;h:t t.i ..tr !iSf. The !:t:.a of '',f,j et ' - i;-aJf Cstacd 0.xds si.-wt eottpina. Our arrric always tl.a h t aad crery acma C v-r .--jr caMo with highest : cad Allen & Reagan Groceries, Chinaware. Fruit and Feed When You Thinks Of Shoes Think of McDonald When you want to know any thing: special about SHOES Go to c. w. Mcdonald Successor to Smith & Molony YOU CAN'T SAVE On your railroad fare. The law of tie common carrier compels equal rat ot on all railroad lins YOU CAN SAVE la Time, Traveling Ex penses and Fatigue by Insisting on the shortest route, faste.t trains and best service. Simply see that your ticket reads via SOUTHERN PACIFIC O. R. & N. Oregon Short line Pacific Every fscility for tha safctjr and accommoda tion of th. paaseager is provided. N change af cars is eecntaary to Den ver, Omaha. Kaaaas City Chicago. Direc coaaae tiena are tar.de for all oth er points east and aaath A. S EOSF.NB4.rM. Agent, Mcjf.rd. WM. VcXIUUBAT, Oeneral Passenger Agnst, PORTLAND, OR. Arraraenta aw W r.g made f I'-e "h,h.t ,k, V,m-, hB-M. r. n1W:tii, ,.-.NBa4 , s,. if- Tke evk,t.,( will ....ntrd s, J" :se direction ,.f tU Waakingto !a;, Fcd.mti.-a ..f H ,.au ' . laha.