Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, January 20, 1909, Page 1, Image 1

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    Boost the Development of the Rogue River Country by Subscribing Liberally to the new Medford Pamphlet
Bj fu tht Urgeil ud but nam report
of aj papal In Bootbern Ongon.
The Weather
Orrniuiil nuns Wednesday eight
end Thu rklay.
NO. 20
Will Submit Plan to City
Council Who WUl In Turn
Submit Them to Legislat
ure to Enlarge City
F.ngiiioer J. S. Howard has romplet
tl the work of defining the- now botin
durtt'H fr tl' corporal) limits of tlu
city nf Medford and has 1 ho matter nuff
ready for action hy lit1 city council. In
ull probability Mayor Canon will up
pot id a committee to look over tin1
plana submitted by Kngitieer Howard,
who will, if they meet with their ap
proval, submit it tu turn to tho city
council, there to he telopted together
with a resolution asking tin legislature
of the state to pans rii act so estab
lishing the boundaries o the city. This
n aolutioa U1 be. forward1! to Kep
r .tentative 1'iirdin, who will introduce
n hitl into the house, where in all prob
ability it will receive favorable action.
Ah prepared by Kngineer Howard ttie
pioposed boundaries include some SiiOu
litres at present outside of the eity
limit. On the east side t bo prominent
addition to come In are tho Print
dale, Sunrise Home Park, Queen Anne
and Noh Hill tract ou the north sido of
tlm eonnty road. On the south part of
the city the Fads nnd Holmes tracts are
to eonie in, which ar n the south side
of (he enmity road. There also are the
Whitman Park and Wirt man Orchard
trie!, the Tattle addition and the Nich
ol addition will com; in. On 111! west
Walnut Park subdivisions of the Har
vey tract ami the West Medford addi
tion are to he. brought m.
As each of these additions have (lie
greater portions of iheir lots sold and
houses eveeted thereoa, a large numher
cf residents will be add- I to the ny.
The majority of the r-mpln in thw
tracts are desirous if riming -in i
ti y, so that they ,v;i t.-eive th' 'cue
lit if the water a-I s wer ay i t
the 'y ant. so tVit mi - an V.a " r
s-.reds in. proved v.s v t be done oh I',
yli.i Hr.ctH of t : - f ',,,n - !
j..-i. adf.ti i .ng.
NEW YORK, -Ian. 20 Thornton J.
Hnins, acquitted of jo.npIU-Uy in the
murder of William K. .Aunts, was quo!
ed today as saying tht he "w uld wil
ling! v do it over again."
"If my brother, the major here, got
into trouble and needed i.u, I'd do the
game thing.' Hnins is said to have
Hains was asked whether, nfter lie
had been twice tried nn charges of
murder, he would continue to carry a
"Certainly T "II carry n gun,' he an
swered. 4 ' A man can't tell when he
might have to use ii."
"Being nn trial for your life' he
added, 'Ms like a game of poker. The
accused gets in holding n pair of dences
and the prosecution 1 olds three aces.
It is nil in the draw. I have been
asked if, at the f Hi while the
jury was nut, was net the worst T
ever spent. Tt was not by any means.
1 have spent times on shipboard in
storms that were much more nerve
racking, "I was not worried that niht about
the jury. Quite early T got word from
a policeman who looked in the jury
room, window that ihe jury stood nine
to three in my favor. But I would not
have given a nickel for my chances
when the jury went out "
District Attorney Frederick C. He
Witt said today that Ccptstn Peter C.
Hains would not be called for trial
before next March.
SACRAMENTO, Cal t Jan. 2ft. Pres
ident Roosevelt has won his fight to
prevent the California legislature from
parsing any laws unfavorable to the
Japanese. Governor Gillette announced
todr.v that no laws unfavorable to -Jap
anese would be passed tl is teFum. This
after ho hud conferral with leader?
in the senate and hmi
Al'STIN. Tex.. Jan. Lt. Following
the final decision of the 1Tnited Htnts
supreme court in the suit brought by
the state of leias ag:'ii.sT til- wii
Pieree Oil company, .1. P. Gruett, a for
mer employe of the ml company, will
receive $100,nAO bonus for exposing the
trust, said the attorney for the state
In Final Report Gives The
City's Debt at $174,000
Income This Year Will
Be Over $52,000
The report of thi outgoing mayor
summing up the work of his adminis
tration is as follows:
Medford, Or., dun. is To the
Citv Council of (he t Hy of Medfoid:
As required by eii v charter, i 1m
to submit herewith mv report of the
condition of the affoiis if the tty:
Cash on Hand,
(lennnil fund lMtH)!.:s;i
liight and writer fund -J'.,
Street and road fund ...... -i.Vti
Contingent fund ."Ml.SJ
Pari; fund HU'i
Hewer fit ud h UJft'2.J'2
InteieNf fund -tSl.l."
eVi'llth street tuiproveittent
fund ............ 4.",;.;tu
Oeneral fund 27.1.."i.i
Light nnd water fund .... 1 Js.17
.Street and nmA fund 5,NiifiJ7
-Sewer funds .............. 10,lt!.JO
Outstanding honds ftfitt neertted
interest ...... .......... 2I0,tt.".n.Sl
Total ................. .j;tr,.4i7.1
Less cash on baud -. . ...... oti.lf'L'.t I
Net indebtedness ...... .U,UUM.W
During the enduing year there should
lie rea 1 1 zed f mm t yes a d a H ot her
soiireen onfside of bond s:iles appros
ittmtelv tin fdlowiug ;; mounts:
City las . . . iMt-tt
Park tax ......... 1.2M
Interest fund I.fiot
Street and road tax . ....... 1 1,1 CO
Sewer fax '2.1
S;i!ooil licenses ..... ......... S.I MM
Miscellaneous fineff, (U' ...... J.UOM
Total.... .V2.-imi
This ittiHUlllt, it ii t-'itHii:ttel will
eovt r all the ruuniti . .xpth tf the
eitv. and all contemplated improve
uirnt'!, outside of fh which are al
re;i!v arranged to le eated for out of
bond sab's, in addition to paying the
interest on the iMi-.t;iiiding wnter
bonds. It is hardly iie-Nry to call
attention to the fact ihat Mich n large
h'vy for the payuteiit f iniirest will
t lie uecesniry auain. as it fnnt be
generally HtMier:una :uat ine mien-m
tlieie wafer bonds must be pant for
the current year. !th- ugh there will
be no revenue derived ;'rom the system
ntil these i net rest eh.'rges have been
In order to show eitailv the full im
port of the recommtinlatieiiH which I
tin required to make, recording to the
liarter, I will first briefly recount the
progress made by the cHy of Med ford i
luring the last two years.
City'K Progress.
Two years ago the :ty had an in
iebteduesH (aut UofiK-.l ; of some
MiO, which at th.i' t:.i was considered
bv some to be exceptive, 'ii" of tic
first steps taken b" tlu eou'ici! w.v
to call an election and obtain :mth rit y
to increase the bonded indebtedness ftf
the city by .".H(i(i f if goieval pnv
pows, and IH,H1 for a water disiiib
ting system. As 1 ?i.itei in my lai
ri Mrt, t he pa ra atou u' isue in M ed
for years past lias been the water
question, arid it was finally decided
tr take preliminary Meps toward se.
curing a water snpplv by installing an
idennate distributing system. As pub
tic sentiment 1kc:iih ednc:ited to the
progressive idea, it win crystalled into
a geueral belief that (he eity cnid
do better than instnM n wooden pipe
svstem, and another ci i-tim was there
upon ealbd which r-i.'.to1 in an ov r
helming vote in favor of an addition
al indebtedness of $2..fW)n in order that
the distributing svstem mit;ht be of
cast Iron of the most approved pat
Gravity Water.
During all this time the council had
been expending much time and effort
upon the problem ? n gravity supply
of. pure wafer, which n.t.i conceded bv
all to be necessary, but considered by
manv to be so fxpenrfiv. as to prevent
ifi present attaiutuent Aagain, how
ever, p.iblic scntiuu'U lose to the iieca
sion. and another so eial eject ton re
oiltM in an almost mammons vote
.iiitlion.iiPg the cTn.htnre of
fMMt more for gravt'v v.ater. At t hi
lime the trouble f the n.lmini-dra
tion really b'-yriu. m the ..bition of
the qnestiitn as to w'n-'j and littw the
water should bo oba'pl berime the
absorbing tpie throijchont the con
tnunttv, and the plans, recommendation?
and theories were innumerable. After
the expenditure of enough mental and
physical energy to have built a pipe-
Interesting Bout Witness
ed at Angle Opera House
West Took Two Falls
What was probably the classiest ex
hibition of wrestling i-een in Medford
this season was the imib-lt at the Angle
r lions Tuesd.iv night when
Joe Ii Salle, the ins! cn. for of the wres
tling art at the sfa" university, put
W. Ii, West, the old g'adia(orof this
ity, to tin mat three times out f fin.
untiring the match. !nm the word
go until 1,'eferee hH mppe.1 U-i Salle
upon the back at til.' ei-d of the fifth
ut there was something ib-iiig all tlu
lime, it was a eas ot (.n ef; mief
(ireek, and no one caM" away dissatis
fied, albeit there xeie several dis
tptioitited ones been :-e the lm-al man
lid not win.
West Went after his man frtn the
start nnd won the first two bouts, both
with a half Nelson. This was the same
hold that he used so successfully ngatnst
William Sclndtes recently. But with the
third bout La Salle woke up in earnest
'ml fool; the next thr,c falls, winning
the fourth one of th? evening with a
scissors about the bod,. It was during
his houi I hat West in.turl a rib, whieli
ie naid serer(lv hand ii aoped him. La
Grille granfiNi a rest of 17 minutes ami
then won the final bout to five mm
It OH,
lloth men showed g -od form, and u
Hvelv time should foMow if the two
matched again, as the sports would
e. in Medford.
The preliminary m-iten was between
Walters ami Lorent?. of iold Hill. Wnl
is won easily, being the heavier man.
Pirsf IiohI Won bv West with arm
isMir and half N'els.oi hold. Time. l2
iiinntes ''! seconds.
eond bout Won by West with Pame
hold. Time. 17 minutes seconds'.
Third bont Won by 1m Snllr with
li;df Nelson. Time, Jf minutes.
rurth bont Wn by La Salle with
issors about bodv. West conceded
fall, complaiiiing of ipmpd rib. Time.
I'tfth bout Won bv La S:ille with
lalf Nelson and hamou r hick. Time,
i(Ie, if. Wiis finally ib ced to let the
.cople assume their e.wa reKpotwibilittes
i ml as a result a dr was mlopted
shi.h is under prm-ess of construction,
,nd which will furm-dt :he city with an
i.b'tpmte water supty before the next
It v stason.
Electric Idgbts,
The lighting of the rity. which was.
f.Tinerlv a source of n.unthly leficit.
. now bringng the pty ft revenue, un
ci' the franchise system, whereby the
omWi" Water & IWu company is re
tuirr.t to pay ?ne en ,....,-...
f its receipts. I must again, however.
intention t the differences be
ween the eitv and th.- i omlor eompany
whi.-h should be settled, either amica-
v ,r otherwUc. s th;it the e.ty may
rive its full l-uef it under the terms
" this franchise.
Street Paving.
The matter of street paving is on
Inch has been und-r discussion for a
g time, but withli. the past year
toh has be-ii acc.ooplished to giv
,e an idea -f the advantages
gnod str.ets. No bHter advert int
ent can bn given i t.wn than is af
ded by such a pavenwnt as is m-mg
ih( tilled oil Seventh street, tin- .m
u!bn of paeM.V b-Hig called to it.
ud much favorable comment abroad
biing the immediate r. ult. It
i'ving to hear the nueurous uiqntncti
property owners as to whet tier
be Streets adjoining U.eir respecltve
..pertirs .-an be imp-.Med in Ihi man
r during the ,om';i'4 I"rm
pimes. of projierty owners it seem.
,re than probable I lia sufficient pav
g will be done during the romiug
:;on to keep the paving plant c
uiflv employe! tinrii the next win-
ti r rains set in.
Grades aud Sewers.
During the past two years thr have
also been completed rvyH of the
itv. and grades have been etabb-hrd
.. that a romprehen .i .e sew r sv-!em
t: now possible, and this hat already
,. e arranged fr. and will be iiwlalb-d
t, ft as th" b-rte.d work ami c
t motion can I. iic-..midished. Thi.
-tribfihmejit ;rab-i 1. niak'-i
.:tde the pas leg of streets wkirh other
v would have no dnrnage for stir
'1,-e water.
Fir Promotion.
The matter of fin protection h-i r-
ried much attention Uiting the paf
t.lmi'iiratioo. and th r-ults speak
f.,r themselves. In addition to a wll
so paanao)
Chamberlain Is Formally
Elected United States
Snator in Joint 8 esslsn
HA l. KM. Or., Jan. 20. A bill making
it tt misdemeanor fo,- u candidate to
subsrribe to Statement No. 1 w:i in
troduced iiitu (he house of representa
tives tmlar by iJepri-seniatives Beau
ami Brttok. The bill wa tumi to its
seeoiij reading.
trmsby Mellarg. 'ho came to Ore
gon, if is natd, in an wdeavor tu tip
feat tioverwor liminbeKitiu for tho sen
ale. is today pn faring typewritten pro
tests that were used by eeriaitt Icgisln
tors when tliey voted for t hamberiarrt.
What he intends to do with them has
! not lieeu made clear.
1 tleirge K, ChantlMTiaiii was at higlt
iimui ttwluy formally t lee ted I'niled
Stts senator from 0rgoii by it joint
session ot' the legislature.
A bill providing tiMiJHHi for the im
provement of the Oregon agriculturnl
coliegt was intrtlucel by Hnnelirake
In Washington.
OLVMPIA, Wash., Jan. 2ft. At nn
totlay the legislature met in joint ses
sion and formally rleWed Wesley L.
Jones to the I'nttedd Suites senate.
frr the house tHe II i.i.wii, the father
of the antl-rjice track bill, was calbl
to order by Speaker Mrrgft rfpeafedly
for mnhiiig an attach moii iepriseti
talivcH Weir aud deffeivw of King coun
ty, whit an advocating s:ibHns as the
poov nmu's club.
LON I mjN, Jan. At a meeting
of the Kngeiiies Education soeiety the
other evening Surgeon (General tJeorgc
Kvatt. retireil, denunstraied the N
fMirtiitiee if beauty ns a Kngenic snl
jei t. Incitleiitallv he .'"scribed the m
enR enfraiichisf jnent bill as a bill made
for beauty and effieh j;ry. and advo
cated art age limit of "1 for marringe
in the cast of the woman, n-nsioiis for
widows aud rations rtd Jtllowances for
mothers, nil reforms which would pro
duce a higher staudat't of gmut Umtn
in the race.
The exist ino obstacle lo that free
doin of choice which w mid b-ad In the
nteovery of the (rek idea of the sn
preme beauty of the hilinr.ll body, secure
t he jwrfet marriagt vu prtnluce a
higher standard of beauty were; lif
fereiice of creed diffsrenci of wealth,
difference f i'dneatWo', thir distinction
and the color harrier.
The monf serious oitaele in Httr
geon Oeneml Kvatt ' ipinitm wan tin
hairier of color. Aff'; five find twen
ty years speitt in China, in India, in
Turkey aud in the uf genera 1 1 r, I
have come to the cooetusio'i that th
Keglbdi prejudice ug'tinst color is one
of the most blind of our p-ejnd id's,
he said.
We can never be Mi imperial rai
v.hile thi prejudice retrain, and it is
Mcrionsly threatening ttt supremacy in
t he ea -st . The ha n Kines women 1
have ever teu in ii" World re to be
ffOind in a valley in the Himalayas, and
I lis ve never een n n so prf etly
Ii.tndso'ne us the recruit v.!io come from
the northern I'linjab. They were Amd
l..s in bronxe."
CANYON CITV, Mi- Juu. t. Since
the orgii?ati"ii of (Jrant eonnty In
the early 'u the comity debt Iiuk
been very iar in tact larger than
I hat of av ut her county in the slate,
tahing int. .otsid'-rat :ri th- p-.pnla
don and taxable wealth of the county
It was a bord- ii that va felt by ever,
taxpayer and appar-nfH no relief wa-
in jiig'bt. K'H with a tax lew of
mills and '""n- yeari mt.r th- debtf(rt l)IHIi
grew l:.rger :oh year m td a f.-w year I j
:tu wh-n ttilli ififliV en the part
nf each department ,ff the rrmnfy g
eFbioent, tgei her wt!i nn im-rea-d
- rell each V'-ar, rtf,.J h-.s erpejjsi.
.-.oirt t ri-ils-. i' legan t d crease. And
i he debt that was oto " 'i.'o.ffoi is nmr
Us tl .an
WIIIV;TN. dan. . Rur -n
at laru
I.dtev ..f ri
O the Ionise b
v. Lilbv 1.1
eetfC'ft SttH i
-.-..-.) n-.t.r.
ted fro
4 (WMTticiit bet f i
thf"igh hs charge
tud the tibefpterit hiring in
tjisii with the snbmarin-
He was severely eerit;ri d by th .
ff th'- iav tigatin committee.
md d.
Heavy Downpour Three
Hours-High Water Mark
As Yet Unreached
Three tMnrttra of t n nu-h f rainfall
iu bW ttuktt three h-unv Tuesttuy eve
ning. Sddom has -t hunler dowisjNoir
hk reemded. The U iinv letup ill
iight, as raii is predicted for tuiighl
and Thnnbiv.
The henvy warm rainH tif the past few
days have again caused the stmnws to
rtM and their iKtuhs tr brimful, N4t
neriotoi Wrtshtutts are retried. The wa
t r han not an yet riMlttd the high wa
ter nrk of last ye lor while more
moisture h.s fallen. It as ltn Iwter
listr bote!. So far, mute of (he eoM!
bridges hate been rmbHfgeml.
Tehgrnph ami telephone wire have
been severe Kttffererw from the rml
storm ami wire service h in a demoral
I,- it foiutitiuu. The Iimj diKfanee phrme
m im art praetirally ut of cohimms
iCailroad traefcw are n bad rttaMt the
Ims bo ft Umt half jed is ueceH
sjsrv, lit tm places wnsliotits are
refuted ami, srheduhs badly dcmural-
rcharVists and farmers aw jubilant
ver the continued down pour. New in
(hi history nf the valley hav the fruit
buds been as heavily et. The partial
eiop ..f bwt masm wil lw folhiwril
by n biimtr harvest f applet and pears
this year. Plenty of moisture lit a sure
preventative against fbimag by tr&t
in tlu Ibigue Itiver vaMey. ami if the
prisi-ut rains con ti nun? tho orchardisl
can snap lii fingers at Jack Frost. As
it is, much thinning by hand will be
neressa rv
KLAMATH FALLS. ir., dan. tin,
Th tir-.t rial under the bwnl ojrfioii
law in Klamath coimiv was rommeneed
i-i the circuit court (Ma morning in the
.aw of the state vs, lb Wright. The
tHfe in reprobated by llRrri Jt Ir
win, who wen appointed by the mwrl
to nssist the prosiiMtMg attorney, and
the defonsi- is being roediie'l by At
tumevt Thotnrta Irkf and W. H Hiwith.
.J this afternoon e;yhl jurors had
Ue4l Heb'cted, the defeusc exctfSfng fire,
As the an- hnd ! exhausted, the
etnirt orderel u special venire of arx
The jnrors sdectc-1 ate J. It, Van
Meter, J. J. Aranl, J. M. Andemm,
Frwl liosley, dohit Forbejt, W. V. tSnv
retf, Kd tbHmingeam and dohn Mat
KxcepVHOial terst is iieiug iai
fested irt thin case, -is el tin result will
probably deM-ad riiluir ::etins in the
local tiptioii rami. Mr, Wright is the
only one ngairM whtmi r.t ladictiaent
for s lliag litiior h-s ben ritnriMf.
umt it ik rictterrrf -frriE tup griino jnw?
awaitiag the outcome f hi cie
before considering the charge ngamst
ii timber of other e in the eity.
who were hmiud uwr after a pref mi
liary hearing aaaitir.g of the
gtnnd jury. IS Mr.' is cU-areit
by th: jury it is b l.evel that then
will be no more local niin eate tried
at this term of court, and the fight
toede by thoe 1i.iM.1 to the sabooin
v. iU hitve Im-. ii a fnibi-e. If is nisi aite
as c that if Mr. b right is found
guilty by the jury th t other indict
i.ient- sill be brought in.
The people of the ei, naturally are
reatlv iatereste! in hc ntcoio an I
from the atfefribftrpe this nfterfoa the
htdtealosus me that th conrthoiisi will
Uc crowded to its fii'f caprrerfy dtrrfMg
the e-oire of the trial.
Jan. 'UK I'.etwecH i;il and
ttniH. U&LiV on a eril of
pal yaier pbat far oat in
igstn. It i ie lieye! that ;ti
least L" have bt iher live, and h:it
:it h-tiHt " are trapfd in the twniod
oreb r the lak with chance to savr
f Jretr bi es.
Tni;s reevere! IT fren ftm the an
(it, where rher wrrr brepl t .himp
by a fir hieh hrk;e ut in a etid
crib. This fire destroy , ,? mcim of
t The er dt was tued as a wrl;
vhot. for the ai n hu- d trr rorrsfmcr
mif the wreaf intake to the ttinmd and
1 na to feet n diamei-r uud tec
.!wve the surface of the sstcr. It w:i
j -entirely dctrved. The new tuuuel i
" j tilled with
ta- of Wa-Ittti"t ll make
fiM,e Iim. I eshdnt at the
AI.-mI..- Yulon 'a.Mfi- Motion
mom CITY
Harmony Seems to Reign
' in Council Chambers
I Committees are Appoint-
! ed by .Mayor Canon .
M itli " promts of nire narmoay in
I tie city cuiuicit tli;nr has h.t n nhnvrn
daring the as( yi-ar lb hunv memlM'r
of j hat bodv on Tuesday evening (snik
their pbrr.'H tio the rifnr fr the " th vity s business,
iWnrilHian WwrtmaH m a tw: veiuurbn
sfrthil that iansmucb as his war! had
vid we;.i Uni it w ensning
year be wouM cast his rote "wej.
teenc!liaan Mc-rirk folmI in a Iik
mhuev. oivK '. iug that Ik wished to
v regatote the rabMtnn that :h.y wwhl
eontrta to otkr plaee- ny Uiwiuetm iu
the rity, indicating that v;i,cn this be
Mrromjaishtit he wonbi ca bin vote
"wd," thus aurtiiw Hsnwoiiy in the
The evening s ssirt lMpiti with a
few n-inarh hy Mayor anon, who ant
Fm.d brieflv what e eitrteti Ut ac-
eiiitiplMt during the ev tvo yeaw. He
destr. d h.irrmwy ami ofdy eaouga dif
fer nces of opinion i.iake the, work
of the conn-erf found. He then rnlletl
nii the outg ing mnv t ta mitlinv the
wovh before the iie v-n'.tcf. fr. tfe1dy
thta male a few tea trkm along the
Uat"4 tvt his ivpui-l, who h ik ptrMwhcfl
(ewlie ,
Mnvwr Cawon thea tuituuitted Ilia
4l.ii.dine tiwinitlit' Ut (he easning
vrar. Th-y are;
Strt and s wcr kmr-rirk, rhair
aan; lleaime Mtrriei .
finance- Welch, chairman; Wort
man. Kaieriefc,
f$i;hi and wrt.-r - chairman;
Meflud.. Welrh.
It.-.tNh - Mayor iSimi, chairman;
W.frtMiaa. Demwier.
crruvity pipfdrrn mrrfmhm Opwial)
Merrirfc, chairman Kifnl and Vort
Cirl iiee- nml fire V; art hm-M Deta
iner, chaiiiimu Wiii'f.uiiia and rTnterrrk.
The deeds t proMMy aejir Vkn &
Metiowna'it stabbyhuii ivt for ' the cre
ating of alleys Was aeeejded by the
lj.a i.t in ut U rrirk, serondttl
lv WefNn .r. V. W. Ki'iH was brtl
Wei.iet of (he coMe..
The Tribnae was made (he official
fWr-r f tl-e eity i.f bdfeH.
There Ihv; ii.. fMir bnsineM for
consideration, the tm -iing sdorubb
A .athbonwd frtdL: liaia was ditch
d eaib' Weduemluy tuornifrg a fhrt
d;-'anee oil the other ole ,f Talent by
a landslide vome live i-uw D'lLviug the
rails, Ta -,iw were b.idly Mtial nn
and a f float ruinett.
The tritn wa rawaii.g at alMnt ten
iM'il.Aan h..or and it w thonght that tlw
jar of the train lo-eio d the earth, cans
Sag it to di le in under Hie moving train.
The wieekiag erew rderi out
from Ahlaml and had ihe track rlear
ed up alwrti mM-k. No one was
ninr-!. Agent A. S. i:..iMlanni viited
the sc- ne of the nTee, retnrning ah..nt
HLKM. -taiu tw - Iu the nmrgn-
iM.Ht of conmitt-eshifs it is apparent
o.., Speaker M.-Al'llv" of the ho(tr
a .... ,.riMk Miiv o his fiiend iar
tind-iily lhrtf h wrr with him frm
th Mai. hle Ins ... enents did not
fare welt, Iu aiiaoio-og his landing
emmitt H(-aker MXrthnr 1 all
mMik had I." a made trom im-
, rrfl p. of th- he - -erets f the
wtate rthong h-gi-lar.- lines am ar
coding to the f-al-f'ealin t he
AH of the iferoerrff - menpdwrs f the
ho-e get at ha-t two eHOKtteehip
aad fSbrdm of Jacks.. n ec:rred fhrtt
re.iion of tnw-. ee.r'-atwns and fed
eral Matioht, f'iitrigiu of Yrmrhrif if
the committee ..a a-niietit and ta
.sl((!j HliS'ioH of I'ww oiv the corn n nianiifatw--. and r,mmn icr
in the ..-atc a bill hav intra
a,...a H,uu,r lit'l fr -in art :u
.r..pnal'iMg tJV h .-..nUn-ttt
flf an nriii.rv at A4Ja-el and eato.g
a miblarv hard
t nil Kf.ih -'in. -tf --'adge Aadei
!.J-,v tVLnnrv i3 ai the da
..f the Stnndanf M cw- in
v,och Jodtfr- Laihs r.iiMo-l i
Revolver Is Accldently
Dropped by Son and Is
Discharged, BuIletPass
ing Through Father
M. d. i Hngbeft th kdtttg mer
chant f Ibifd Falls, narrnwly f-SH-apsl
death wa last Friday, 'e a Wdv
dr.pwd by his son Lni Vi was dirhar
rtl. the bid let jossiag thrigh tb n
fortunnte man's gmif. Th iujuri
nan will reepver.
The yoiiiiger Hugh ha4 tni?rt mmtt ttA
the family resident na4 was talking
with his father as he tmmnA blt
cHiiaiwing his revolver awl cartridge
As- ht fofwerfftl fm hrtt the mrrdva?
was lMped from ! he holster, striking
ou the hammer as rt re-iehed fh fhuir
the t;i rrel Hinlings npwanla. It was
discluugod, the ttulte Ki. ikiug the futh
vr in the iahle of th-- btfs rangiag ep
wavd and eMuiiig ant ut the U f tie
Mr. Haghi4 was tmtniHluhtetv ?uved
for and tnediral mht Mimnniiol, Tto
hw pf bl.MNh was stopisert and tb? ps
(ient is now (Iidng well. The yMuger
man im privet r.-it-l hv th aceMnt in
his fntbrr. He mmn ( generated all
CiKHTXXriOtnlK Jan. 2ft. Ac
ctml i ag t nMirt m uvti vwl hfrer t h
AmerWatt b;aWshim Mimsi sad OUia
art-ivil tislrn1ay mi Satonwa Fn rarwan
Tnrk whm1 they wil nmaia tw'
1ays. Front Kiiwniei fh?y will prn-
in Smyrnr, arriving there cm Fri
day, where- tlwy will In jnined by thm
lmWmtm ail VirinU. The waltan
and ffiress af lh Turkish navy have
arranged a grt rwejtV for the offi
of tin fr viwda whilp sf Symr-
(he visit .f (he Vanf-e mhim im mh&w
Iris rrrnrral frrerrdfchrp fV,r Amerfew. fa
addition to wnding down fvcral hn
died Turkish uavaE rdftcers ta show
(he visitors nlNfts he mraas t
wftvl sou, who will bear a lueaaaga
to in.' American rvar admiral invitiu
hint a? Widl as his f freer tt Coast aft-
It is said that fche saltan nir!arc
he will be isn wintrl if th? iovits- ,
(in is Uol grreltet Hie i Jt'i! isfri v ks
saHsI in H.-ii interFMi this is rtff firat
vinii nf a bv f mrwitt i lert a ihp
n-vidiifittn and rtmimim rignifantlv
nit It (he last visit wf an American flert,
whiePi was for the ymrnw. nf ralhtie
c, Wlrertin of SilH Sprinjpi wet
-hwn t Mebfortt dnripg the- vfmk, M?,
Wover(in and family havr a ni liomi-
(ead. which they have much impwvd
Would it mt Ik a g das f have
he rangers set m fi.-g in the wsd
ah..nt the lst t,f May ami hnr off the
hm-dis as did (h lais, and th rlesr
the fort I If udi a dona there
wmiiM not m many :"r d it ring th
snfmer. Ttm rrpwM of extisgfiisfein
rr-s thr.High the wnmt would at be
so nrrmerotrs, FiVpvrrfu hsy frrr wer
cr s namertmsi as thv havr br
hi iue the titug'Ts havi? f.een on duty.
Mr J. IL ihller ned daaghtrr (rr
nude are visitiug ut Ateitfo.rd at the.
home of It, IL Harm.
The- home uf Mr, M A. TWughAaa haa
been th sevne of erl musiral em
tertaininr'tttt daring th vaL
It. nghtmi s daiighlrr hss a fiiw piaw
and organ and tltr Venng men: h&vm
hrongfat tiaeir vilias other iaatru-ao-nts
and the winte" ryeniags hav
rf el pb-aawtly mit them alL Th
n ro art -wi cobiratiit, wf'iaing audi
as'r.-(lv uplifting as g . 1 munr an it
t'Ut ( s.fea the aiwitiesi and! awsk
"tt mhh; home thoi';ts aiwl WBfi
wtentss ft w to be hol fhni Mftlfiml
Hn-Jn MenV lEetreit- will riV a
-pteudtd investment aud will he hefpfaf
tt tmr s.srtia. The Entrop land im
rtU-Hllv Uwutcd. white the beaut iCni
streams mheh r hrag1s t will sf-f-.rd
h )srt ffrtr tb fiUerwett aud
th.- wo-Is j(..rtMhiti far tha huaffr
men. It Wing near Ibtt Falls, th
' r. trusters n ft a t suffer, far anp
iN'ii fsr the mat man, for fwr mm
rUztntn wdi Im vr ready
ieii with a( iff priced nd rf
T. dlent oality.
Hrtw.-rii sehJ fe"Mf at th Al
ia Vnlon Jeific iAi(ion l I9
n t'rf be me ttf th? fines? r attcmt
e. nmi will how th warld whit i
beiug accorrrprif-hetF in war ef '
ea haa! iifrii,-tl in th inhtPaeifk