MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, Oil K ' N'. TF ESDA Y. -TAX I.TAHY W. 1903. Social and Personal P. M. Kershaw U in Grants Phh on a business trip, v J. F. Hale is paying Oakland, Or., a " biminett visit. .1. J. Vias fans Iff t fur nn extended isit in Los Angeles, Cal. $10 in gold for the bent looking baby at Gregory's studio. tf K. W. Garrison of Kin math Full wan a recent visitor in this eity. E. A. flicks paid Ftcenii a businc , visit on Tuesday. J. W. Brown of Los tiigeb-a, al., in in Medford looking for n locution. Phone your orders for sweet cream or buttermilk to the creamery, tf Mayor Hopkins of Central Point vn a visitor in Medford Monday, a visit in Pendleton, Or., where hi family are. They will return with bint. M. Juniek of southern t'uliforniii has arrived foe a visit in Medford with relatives. The finest business location in the city for rent. Address V. O. box 182. tf Mrs. E. Hoyt of Fori Klamath was a recent visitor in Mtdford. She will visit friends In Kagle Point before re turning home. 0 V. J. Pierce, aii old time friend of X R. Watt and whose home is In North X)akota, is visiting in Medford. D. O. Karnes has loturm-d from a vint with his folks bad: in Illinois. Me reports ft very pleannnt trip. Orders for swoot criin or buttermilk promptly filled. Phone the Rev, O. Leroy Hull left Monday for a visit with relatives in Artturio ami Mrs, D. B. Andriis 1mm returned from Portland. O. K. Batler of Wall Walla. Wash., is visiting with friends in the city. He is much pleased with the valley. Em eric k Cafe is onvit all night now that proslority has com i ti :iy. tf Jo'un I. Olwell is b::ek from nn ex tended visit in Portland. Mrs. Olwell accompanied him. The wrestling match that is sched uled for tonight in the Angle opera house will be a hummer if the looks of the two mon are an." criterion. City Engineer Osgood is preparing plana for a new septic tank to be plac ed at the end of the trunk sewer on Riverside 'areuue. John Tonahue, the expert stone man, is expected back from California in the near future and will take his old position with the Oregm Granite com pany. ' Best mc'al at best privet at the Km erlck Cafe; open all night tf The Cohan it Harris comedians, head ed by Robert Ober, will prerent " Brew .ster's Millions" at the Medford Friday, Janury 22. This splendid play set all New York laughing taut season and de veloped into one of the most favored entertainment of th" year. Itcniden its originality in constri ction, plot and ttory, it contains a marvelous scenic effect and is dent'ritcd and commented upon as one of the wittiest comedies produced in a decnl". Heats now on ale. Without a dissenting voice, the pre of the country procl.vm "Brewster's Millions," which will be presented by the Cohan & Harris comedians, hea led by Robert Oher, at the Medford. at one of the greatest eomedir offered to the tage in recent year. 1 ' Hrewster 'n Millions" has met with unprecedented succeas in London, Nt York. Chicago and othvr principal cities throughout the eountrv. Reserved seats now on aala. Keedlecraft Shop, formerly Washington street, now 147 Sixth St.. between Morrison aud Alder streets, Portland. January ! sales bow on. 2ft H On Saturday evening a serious smashup occurred on the Pacific & Eastern railroad, whereby the large motor which operates in that section was reduced to a scrap heap and a number of passengers injured. The motor was completely wrecked. The accident was due to the turning of u witch by some unknown person, allow ing the motor to eran't into the tender of a locomotive. The pancengem were none of them seriously iujured. The dam ago amounts to nhout $?ooo. Emerick Cafe open all night. tf DIED. HOWARD At her heme on Oakdalr avenue, Myra Howard, January lit, litcli, aged 38, of congestion rf stomach. The funeral will be held on Weduottday from the late residence at . p. in. HEAVY EARTHQUAKE SHOCK 18 FELT IN SMYRNA SMYRNA, Jan. l! - Heavy earth quaks shocks have beji felt here am in several neighboring towtm todav CoDsiderable damage nnl a few death: re reportel. The Louisiana and Vir ginia, the American .irhip', in tin htrbor, were not dsmi-fjed NOTICE Is hereby given that ;he undersini-d will ftpply at the riguhr meeting of the city council of Mflf-ud. ttriC"". ' Fehmary 5, 1 '.. for bcen-e to malt vinous and -.pirn mi Inpuirs m lent quantities than on y:ilbn f-r '2 months at lot 11, bbvV in Medford. Oregon, for a perid of li month 2rt W. M KKNNKlY. Dated Januarv U ) . Attatlon K of 1'. Work in thoC.ird r-...U .i- Monday Sight. All pighte jrv-'.i 'o bo present. You Are Goin to Build 3, IV 4 1 tfy r ,?J Jk, ' SCENE FROM ( 'BREWSTER'S MILLI3KS," AT THE MEDFORD THEA TER, FRIDAY, JANUARY 22. AMUSEMENTS. f-f-f -- -f "Brewster's Millions. " Cidinii iV" Harrifi' Indians will pre sent "Bn-wHler's .Millo t.s" at the Med ford Theater on Friday, ,1 nonary 22. After one Iiiih winos'd a perfnrinnnce of this famous comedy one can wifely feel h:it lie lia eitj'tyid the best play of its kind prodm-ed in recent years. It is a result of ii roinlii.if.t in ji of liraius. ability and money nroperly rli reeled. ( )riginally ' ' Ilrewste1. ' M illions ' ' was n novel by that prolific fiction dispens er, tieorjje Harr McCnlclieon, whse "lieverly of (iraiiHt irk ' had previous Iv been So successful. Messrs. Whit-hell Siniih and Myron tngl -y saw in "Brew ster's M illions " tic ut nihilities for a great play and orm-eedeil to trans plant it from the honk shelf to the foot lights. So well did hey HUreeed that their work at t racted t lie attention of Frederic Thoiiipsnn of he late firm of .Thompson & Dundy, the promoters and conductors of I.una Perk at Coney Is laud and the New Ymk Hippodrome. Mr. Thompson beinu tiie inventor and promoter of a number of marvelous il lusions, which were sn n at both the Buffalo and St. I,oi:is world's fairs, proceeded to present t'ie play. Its over whelming success is r matter of recent theatrical record am! that it ran for a year in New York, for half that length of time in Chicago and longer in Loudon is hut mute testimony to the persepicuily of Mr. Thompson. The production to be neen here by Cohan A Karris' comedian has not l"t one iota of the metropolitan presentation. Indeed, seeniruHy, "heirically and me ehauicaliy it in an absolute reproduction while dramatically it in interpreted by a cast fully a strom,' and etpwilly as clever as the original It if- headed by Mr. Robert Ober. Marriage Licenses. Charter A. Caldwell and (irac Waldorf. ProbaVi. ' i Kllioii. f unit ace. ' ma I 1 ilis-liargitig Kstate .lame filet) and orde ministrator. Kstate Victor K. Soy. to issue bench warrant r 'nytou. order made r Julia liar INCUBATOR. For Sale. Chas. A. Cyphers No. 2 gjs sire, in perfect order. Wi Bain. Northwest Me.lfo-d. C4f liam COURT GRINDING OUT BUSINESS IN DOUGLAS KOSUTU'RCI. Or., dan. l!".-ln the circuit court here tod..y Walter Crit esi r of West Fork plead- d not. guilty to two charges of violating the local op tioii law. .7. Tl. CumininK''. a stranger hern, was arraigned ou n charge uf rob bery of a room in a local lodin OI1SP. Three divorces were granted. The October grand jury submitted its final report and was discharged. MRS. RUSSELL SAGE MEETS WITH A SEVERE ACCIDENT NKW YORK. Jan. P. It bee known tonight th.-it Mi, h'u-isell Sage met with a painful ic i b-nt lal Thuix lav. She slipped and f.-ll in the hall way of her home on l'ifth aveinie, re ceixing n slight fracture of the left wrist. The injured b ne was set b lr. Hobert Abbe. Mm. Sage, it in re torti-tl. is not likely V suffer any in convenience bovond her inabititv to re ceive her friends. Romance of Poo. Ph'OVIlHA'CK. K. 1.. .Ian. In connection with tod:iv celebration of the centenary of Allmi 1'oe, a faoious portrait of M-s Sarah H-d-n W hitman and many d x utiu uts of tare nterett bearing on lor romance with 'he great poet Were presented to th librarv of Hrown iini vi-rsit v. . The Hub Celebrates. N. M;... .f-i'i. J!'.- lthotlgi w:i Ivupo.o . d on mere if si It v bv Kdgar Allan !W. tl of the Mb t !aci..u. tribute to ;h reat poet on this, '1 nary of b:s bath V '.e tl,e b,r!u.!ac- of 1' ,, !,.s was d- nod b-. t 1 . who -I rt.-d that h vo,M bv vs.-.s ,.f .'aim is -nil being nn l 'im of tins g 1 old t sat ' ri.'i d under t ht- n:- n diutn. e hf lod P: MI'-nuTX ot 1 '.o'tth av.:u "ton claims i'. and alth-u po.-t lll'll-" rriv ed in t li.If r.-. I I- b manv . own which I -e of K,op. Let me fi L. E. BEAN FONTUAiTOK ANI FFtl.FFK. Mdford. Omj;..!!. I 4 k : . A -0? FOR J 0,000 Gold Hill Considering Matter of Improving City -Much Progress Shown As the time for th" city election in 'old Mill draws mar the question of bonding the city fur municipal improve meats agaiu comes up, and this time adherents are stronger thau ever md far more sanguin- of success, savs the Xews. 1'eople who have iu the past ipposcd stieh measiiri'S huver to au xtent. been eon vim e 1 that such a hing would be of gre it .belief it to our iitle city. Wo have a living example i" this in the everyday life of Med old. We have watched her grow from i small town into one of (lie livliest owns iu the state, ami only from this n use, of course many of our townspeople re opposed to bonding the town, being I' raid of the increase i taxation that would necessarilv follow, but when thev -ine to consider ;h'il almost every i, an iu the town is a wage earner, and his money would be immediately spent vitltiu the town, it Ke.-t.s liiat the bur !en would not be so i.iavy but that li-y could eairy it. ;dd Hill is reach i g the tnrnii.g point -C her career and '' must dec nil- w hi. I: way the town - going -backward or ..rward. If we to pnh the town ahi-ad we must use more motiey for municipal im oovemelits. (iiir streets must be im-o-oved. tlu- water sexier- extended, and be sewerag- system improved so that Will aCi'Ollllllodati- lloile people. ;t in 1 o accomplish this lie- city must have i. greater reveiuit- than it has at proa ni . hi July of this yea.- the bonded in bhtedlies of .fL'IIOII will be paid off ul the town will be tire from debt. I'tiis obligation has b eu met without veu so much us a mill of taxa ion upon the people aed it seems that o increase .the ill b'bt. dues. to $ln, would lutt work 1 ;irdhip upou i-iyone. We hope to se 1 this matter re ferred to the people at the coming ebc- i, and that it will succesfullv car FRUIT OROWER SAY& VETCH A DRV LAND CROP If not already sown, farmers intend i g to sow vet.-li season should i :-ke all haste possib' . with their secl m g. for this plant n :ke;; its growth luring the damp, eod weather of the v. inter. If -own in the -pring, it will 1 nke but a light yiehi. for it cannot :i nd the hot , d rv we- flier of nto!ier s a su pport for t he v nies. bar lev or I Ms and not wheat ---should be used. The wheat hay has but little feeding '.able. While tl ats -i r in (.totoin. the e!. n Takel the :t for th ' for the cow. K'ver Fruit lirower. Vetch is the richest ' I all t he I',.! ige plant iu b'ogoe b'i r valley, llfalfa in it protein 1 :ni be gi---- 1 land alfalf::. :". ; t re.pi' f "own in the fall, it I bacb. lit off ' hav is ,..1 I ha! Hot tl-, Rogue the in fe.din-r ali 1 th.- t are giown out r;Mlk ing even nt.-nt. As vet.-h t hat is too dry t ; no irrigat ion ei' 11 be success '"ullv grown on anv (arm in the valle.. 't is only with. 11 tie last fic -Iw-t the fuii'ieis of lhi:. all l.-iv. '.en grow in 1; et.h, 1 so prof it able t.:i, it prov. ti as a for:.-;.- ciop that th ige 1- ;i-. Teaed rath year and ii d.-tin-.l iu (he o--M future to :-ank iih alt ilia in the 0,11a. itity produce.. V. h 1- one of the b t plants to bring rtr.'geii to the soil aud thus enriches ie laud, a nualit lha! rec.-nnnen.N it xety highly to owners ..- e: n lull Ian.) .r eru out farms. ITO" SOCIETY INTENT OX SENSATIONAL DIVORCE SUIT Kl'INUrKiilt. .Ian. 1 t Fdinburgh and 1..-M 1 pe,ting be 1 tu I U'ii in the di ' 1 og VtT"-i:s St i r! 1 ng, v r h.':ir:t:g f.H. M . . a bcl'.e of Vasl,i,.g -h-- matiiid C:ipt:iMi S . d Mi. .Vhert.Mi. th b.-aut v, ,-ts o-'re-!'Oid-i li: h. r hubajid biougl-t a eo:..,j r t. . in h .'h l.-rd N . l.-l-n- T!ie l.r. I. Ml i-,. I:, -t iMAY BOND VukU F:l. "-iJ bv in lvf. t-d m S.-aitlt- WHEN WE MOVE into our new 1.,,-ation we will become THE REX GROCERY CO. We will combine with the Mwttord Co. I '..1,1 stornae meats will be sold as before. Everything will go for cash (This means that vvc will sell below the market urice). We will stilt handle: Snow-flake Brwiil :nul Coolwri llt-Ht). Cn-aiiH-ry liutti-r (h a rull Im-. Hul I -r trust prifi's). Cnin Olivca nt. the iuirt .. Kingsbury ' l'.'r JailiH eilt tu .. JOSEPHINE FRUIT INSPECTOR MAKES ANNUAL REPORT Fruit Inspector liatehan. made hi report to the countv curt last week. coxenti a period of three and one-halt months siucu he has li 1 ui in office, siivh the Courier. "The outlook for the com inn season," said Mr. Hat chain, "is heiter than ever and am sure that next year will seo more pin..', orchards than ever, and the qualitv i-nd ipiantity of the frtiit will lie lniieli improved." F d low iny is a nummary of hU re port to the county comt: Since being npjiointed fruit inspector, September l.", lliOS, I h;;ve personally inspected 4."0 orchards and lots contain iny fruit trees ajrnr"ri'--thus far about Hiun aeres, amy about three fourths of the county being eovereil a yet. Of these l.'i. orclards, 1J." have been badly neglcteetl aid will have to heve thorough work d ur. in the unvi th in till days or they must be pulled out. Contrary to the prediction of Rome men. I have found orch:!ids with no sen ni!-i pe-;ts or fungus diseases. There are ." cases of pear blight so far discovered which must be ch au'd out at once and the trees watched carefully next spring when growl li starts. "Three nurseries have been inspected and Some few trees coteleinned in each.) Five bts of nursery t -ei s shipped iu I from out of the have passed in- I spi-etion with the loss of about 1 mi trees j frt'in Misouri. Careful watch ha:i been kept at all stores .-u.d warelnuises as j well as on the streets rnd all will agree that the quality of :h- f-ui. offered fori sab- is belter than formerly. "A complete record of nil this work ha:- been kept with ii..luo and address if eaeh grower, an-1 condition of his on-hard. The expeii-v. ,f this inspec jtioii to the county in: Fifty days' work j ;it :t. l-"'i; necessary 1 xpenses of snme. I ;s.;n. Total. '.7ii. KesKft fully vnlonitted. " II. C. UATKHAM." SCHOOL HOUSE ON KLAMATH AGENCY BI.RNED DOWN The i liac I and class rnuu, the second best buildi. g ut Klamath agency, wast completely destroyed by fire about mid night Thursday, says the Klamath Her aid. The cause of the fire is unknown. Superintendent II. (i. Wilson, who is in tho city, was notified at '2 o'clock last night. It is Ktt'tnl that the fire was first discovered rbout ln::iu, but it was then o far utile; headway that it was impossible to do anything be oiid preventing the spread of the flames to other buildings. The chape was newU remodel- d and improved a little over a year ago. A modern sieam heatir.. plant was in stalled a a. I t he building was lighted by electricity. The loss is roughly c-s- limated at b- tween ifsOiHl and $i00rt..; After the fire was 'veil under way a : -ait-h wa- made fo" the night watch j man, ami he was found i" the basement f one of the ot h r s chool build ingtt, reading a book-, ami did not even know j thai tlo ie had b 1 : fire. j Supei Mitendeiit Wilsm who intended, t oing to the railroal, n turned today to l he agency. lie sfa'.eM that it would ; 1 -st about 'HtM to replace the build j pig, but the new strio titte will probahly I e fuvi t ' I PENNSYLVANIA CHOOSES PENROSE AGAIN FOR SENATOR II AIMMSIU'RO. F-i.. Jan. ll. Hoise 1 ennw was electe.l I'nited States sen ator f.r the third time by the Pennsyl ;;nia legislature today. The house and nate balloted separately today and v. ill meet in joint co-iv.-nt hn tomorrow ' . aiia-s the vote. in.i'iu l'tni"se is (t.pularly classed .uiuiig the r. actioiunii : of the Failed lates -.enate ana.l his reelection is a blow to the reform eboc.eiit of the repub 1 1 1 a n paitv. Ho i now the head of the 1 uio.ii- ttuav niachine, which has so ! tig d'trtitentM F- uii- Ivania politics. .nd s ib n.-iiuce-l bv M enemies as a t al h:.!t' brother of Piatt and le St u-Mut- Fi ui-ie as a-cns-d by ,! nt K.n.s.ovlt of being the recul iiii.iliiil , , 1 i. - i thuiirt l-i i.l In ! POSTAL COMPANY WINS SUIT FROM SOUTHERN TACIFIC . k n. i. Jan. i T. 1, oraph I'-ilil . .it s,.t il,.. .:i'n. h , h :is t . V..!. tt. u mi ll I . . in. the lurv .u So -r,l:iv hi.., I V; .oup:r Paeifi. m-1 out b.'t'.'r.-FniT-.l St;n. m -. -.ixiv.c th.- W ii liritit'!ii; ii. i-r-li. t ;n;'r.l.i,i tl, il t" w .t :) 'in; 1 lo r:ii!ro;i 1 i.t r.'ii r..rTl-ind n-i l Snn Frnti Jit U"' W,h .-Inn irrrtnt.'d llo- ,.n t'.-t'i .!.- d:tt ti tn fi'. s it"! n for :i nrw tn;il. T'm -.!( crow ..ut tho din of ,. l'.it:il .-..mi'Utiv ! -triiit; it- wirr l,niu tli. nclit f w.-iv of tti.- Soufh-Tii . if - t iilnad trsA. (because the tJ'ic White K'ae Syrup for, lne Corn Starch for, the ihe Mcilfimi ' Yakima Best Flour, becuuso the liest, per sack U5C i Ri d Ribbon Canned, the best experience cau buy. 15c Deep Sea Salt Mackerel, two lUli for 25c Miller & G R O t K R I K S SOl. I) FOR CAHII Cilv Business Directory Lot the MISSION PURNITUKE WORKS make that piece 'jf 'uroiture. Any design, any color, any 'inish dull, waxed or polished. Shop od our. of 8th and H streets. t. .- W. M. Colvlg. , 0. L. Baames. COLVIO ft EEAME8 LawverB. Office: Madfu'rd Bank BUg. Oround floor. Cook Stores and ranges. Phone 91 MOBDOBFF WOLF New and Second-Hand Furniture Kadi' old stand, 18 20 F St. South Medford, Or. KARNES BOOMTNQ HOUSE Newly built and newly furnished All modern conveniences. D. 0. Karnes, Prop. 20 S. 0 St., Medford, Or. MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK ft BLOCK Co. will ,e prepared Feb ruary 15 to furnish cement brick. ''Better than pressed brick and just us cb"ap. iu estigute before contracting. P. O. Box 118. MEDFORD TEA AND COFFEE HOUSE Specialists in Teas, Cof fees, Extracts, Baking Powder and Spices. We carry all kinds of dinner ware and fancy dishes. 210 W. 8venth St. Medford, Or. DR. GOBLE The only exclusive Optician be tween Portland and Sacramento. Office on Seventh Street. When others fail, call on DR. E. J. BONNER Eye Specialist Office in Eagle PharuiHe. Main 233. Seveuth aud Main THE HOTEL EMERICK Rooms from 50 cents to $1.50 per day. All modern conveniences. We solicit your patronage. VALLEY AUTO CO. have opened their new gnrage and repair shop back of the Moore hotel. -Motor cars stored aud taken care of. All work gunrauteed. Phone No. 5163 JACKSONVILLE COMMERCIAL CLUB TO GET BUSY SOON Pn liileiit D.'ivis of the Jacksonville 'iiillitTt-iitl club h:is :li:iiouilt'ed that a leeting of the i luli wil' lie held in the i-.-ir futur for the pcipone nf open- ' 'ni: :i niirini: i':unpaif;:i. A program will j lio pri'pjirt'd and i! rou.lng meeting as I -iiiiii. There are several v.ho have not I paid their dews and tie club will need ) .'ii;e iiion.-v to carry on the work. t'!...v,. who are in a-r.'.-irs may pay the e,-r, tary. Jay I'. xton. Music will !.o ttio main feature of the next ntoot- j nit;. i !liti,j .i bo prepan-d to have an eve of pleasure. Th date will be an .d as ...on as the weather is sot Po-t. .1 Coming Musical Event. M rt. 1 r.-n Htituptou Tsaata, piuuift, nil Misn l.r:oo .los.M'liiue Hfuwu, -on r:ilti. will givt .1 mui.':ile at tlu Mtnl top. (ipora house. Trrsday evonTiiit, imiary at S:l". .-1i,k. Tliis ,s Ik firt opportunity Mod ford has had f h"rir. those y artists, sincp I'.'ir reoont stuly in fan Framiro t;tli tin famous totu'tioi Hfrr Herman ionss. Herr Omsa, rho it ft pupil of l.-srt. is niarvefoti musician and in ims romtvitionii hai een likened to Me,iliovee. The mink lovers will have rm opportunity to ju'lc1 of this, as se (..(ions from his works, both vocal am. instrumental, will hf rendered. The program will b announced later. the can Tific nackng 7c 20c Whisk Brooms This year's mud Ewbank OF QUALITY AM) Hi FOR LKSH THE B. R. V. LUNCH BOOM Finest cup of coffee on the Pacific Coast. H. H. Lo rimer Prop. AKTHXm H. DAVIS Contracting Electrical Engineer. 210 W. Seventh St., Medford, Or. ENVELOPES printed to order LETTERHEADS of all styles by The Tribune. THE ELECTRIC AND FRENCH DRY CLEANING AND PRESS ING WORKS W. E. Lane Son, Props. Opposite Hotel Moore, Medford Oregon WASOHATJ ft BROWN wish to nnnounce to their patrons that tbey are located in their new quarters in the Young k Hall building. Billiards, Cigars and Tobaccos. DR. FRANK ROBERTS Dentist Office hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 4. Miles Building, Seventh Street, Medford, Oregon. THE MISSION DRILL Always open for business. Neat and clean. Up-to-date. Popular prices. 12 So. C St. Lambert k Brown For good bargains in Watches and Jewelry, Pistols, Masical In struments, go to THE MEDFORD LOAN OFFICE C Street. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Undertakers Day Phone 353 Night Phones ( W. Conklin 38 J. H. Butler 148 DR. R. J. CONROY Successor to Dr, Junes. Office in the Stewart Building. PHACTS FROM FHOENIX. Our new Hehotilhouse is Hearing com pletion rapidly. The finishing touches are being put nn.' week the flours were oiled and the eoinplet ion of the I, eating plant was d.o.o. The depot lias been opened up and 11. Lehners appointed r.s !l;eiit. As. vet the ticket stamp h.s not arrived, t so that he can sell tickets, but he sends Height and keeps th. depot open. I "( , ; ; .losh l'attersoi, was iu Medford ami I F 1 SALh-Good. horsi tor sale cheap, Jacksonville Pri.lav -ifior supplies for' !':'lf "nle sou,h rit-v limit'- " L the count v 1 r tarn,. i 261 The Anderson broth rs. Kdwin Tav lor aud Arthur and Fr d Furry, l.lovd (Vlvor ttnd many otlie; wire M.-df.nd IntftiiHss oallors Saturday. Work i proun'siii uit-olv nn the I'lioonix Talon! olo.-tr t iluo. Claud fate and w fo, Mrs. .1. Kos,. and I.oui4 . 'olvor w to Moiuhiy shop pors iu M.-dfonl. Classified Advertisements WANTED. W A NTK1 Fxpeneiictl nian to plant and take rare of I'M arte orchard. Ap ply to Uondinot (-otui'r Motel Xash.'J.-i'.i VANTKl A chaninerniaid wanted at the Franco American Hotel, with ex erience; fare paid. ' reka. Cal. -JtU FOB SALE. I'lll! SI.K-Store futures, of Mrs. V. 1. broiru. Impure 530 Fancy Dried I'euches, per pouMl 14! Dried I'ruues, per pound : Jc German Ventiles for aoup making, per Ib..l2'2c 15o crop .extra ilry :-h"lid J'npi-orn, per SAVOY THEATER North d'Anjou Street. Latest motion pictures and illus t rated songs. Entire change of program Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Admission 10 cents. BIJOU THEATER, W. 7TH ST. .'ontinuous performance every evening of motion pictures and il lustrated ballads. Entire change of program Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Admission 10 cents. WM. H. AIT KEN Plumbing, Steam and Hot Water Heating. Phone 22. 210 W. 8evenfh St., Medford, Or. EDEN VALLEY NURSERY N. S. Bennett, Medford, Or. Grow trees that sell, sell trees that grow auad fruit true to label VERNE T. CANON Billposter . and distributor. All orders promptly filled. Boom 7 Jackson Co. Bank Bldg. Medford, Or. C. F. COOK Sells trees that grow. Office: R. R. V. Depot. P. O. Box 841. Phone 593. Medford, Or. MRS. ED. ANDREWS Voice Culture and Art of Singing Studio at Residence. East Medford. Phone 225 S. R. SEE1Y, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Modern equipped operating rooms X-Ray. Office hours: 1012, 2 4 p. m. Office in Jackson Co. Bk. bldg JACK FREDENBURG Scavenger. Garbage hauled. Medford. DR. WALTER R. STOKES, Dentist. Successor to Dr. ,1. M. Keeue. FOR SALE Two go..J freah mileb cows for sale. Boar Creek Orchard. 274 FOI.HUT-Tr oormr iu Faj:e"s addition: a bargain for cash. K. B. Sawyer, Xo. 2ft7 S. (' Btreet. 262 , FOK SALK 40 aerts near Merlin: WO; other tracts, l0 to $20 per acre, t'has. K. Shot, Merlin, Or. 260 l'tlli SALIC Au elegant lot of new furniture, direct from the east, at bar gain prices. For particulars apply M., The Tribune. FUR SALE flouse-i, lots and land in Phoenii. or iu tracts to suit from one acre to G40 acres. Matt Calhoun, Phoe nii, Or. FTiTl SALE "Eitra drv cordwood, fir and pine, tier wood, oak, fir and pine. F. Osenbrugge. Studebaker Bros. Co. warerooms. Telephone 361. 262 FOR BENT. I'l't. KKNT Seven room furnished ie nso. cl-se in. impure Y. M. French, room 7. J.ickiiou O. Hank bldg. tf KMi liKXT Nine - -oin house with lath; close to town. ?lopiire at Osen-bruei;.'-? residence. l--'ersi,le ave. tf PuK HUNT Furuisa- .1 looms for light housekeeping. 124 Xo-th (! it. tf FOB KKN t1 l: iiims w.iT i.r without lo-ard. ln.p:n-e at .h "Ybnne office. S61 i ft. I i S i