THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OR EG OX", TCEKI i A WaUNTAIlY.ttDf flflWds III J,'. HUMOR OF THE HOUR I Incubator Yarn, f ' SpiMiklii( Hlxiut liu-ulmlnrs," drawl- 8ti OKI Jt'H Henuit'l.),- n uir mh.iuct. B1- IKU1U3 IIJ flit- .lllllf hifk lit Justin's Ri-ticml more, "reuiluds mi uf tlii' woiiiliTful i liickfu lmlt'liers built by the Huliis Bill Halns Divi'iil.d ibcj must umrvflous Incubator ever sigpn la tumv parts, it not omy ; totiiied tlii- chk'kciiH out. but It aetu- slij- shielded tie llttlo cuk-ko from a iit. ..t.i lutit Then Veta fill H ft, juai tl&C ..... ... . Ualiis got busy una went oue bettor. He built an iueuba'tur with a pbouo graph arnuiKemcut that would 'cluek-clut-k to the chicks and scratch up Worms for them," "Whew!" gasijed the starch drum mer. "I have lizard a lot of yarns, but that id the limit. What became of those wonderful lueubatora'f . i "liusied, stranger; busted ail to bits, you see, them thar Incubators were so Intelligent they suou jjrew jealous of one a not tier, aud first thing you know there was a scrap to equal any pitme , ehii'ken flKht that ever eome off, When - jtt uvt'r uuuj ivere oijiv m lor ma 1 unk heap. Thanks, stranger; I'll take It fij;ar." Chicago News. f Curiosity. ' Jack Yes, every lime a chap goes to kiss a plrl the man tn the mouu gra ciously moves behind u cloud. llva Tint huw do you know It Isn't a woman In the moon instead of a man? Jack Oh, because if It happened to be a woman In the moon yuu would never see her letting behind a cloud during a kissing scene. Chicago News. Rose to It, . Mr. 'Justintrodu.-ed Who ts that awfully homely man over there in the Corner, Mrs. llohsou? Mrs. Uobson-That is Mr. Hobson. Mr. J. Ah, how true it is that the homeliest men always marry the prettiest wives! I'mk. . fcUop hlml Htup him!" "Not I, just when he U beating the record for the IMi yards. It would be an absolute crime.' Just Got It. ; "Jones seems to be prosperous." "Yes; lie bus about every thing he wants." 'ile must be a smart fellow." "Well, you cna judge for yourself. He never earned au honest dollar Id his life." Future Peace. "I compel my daughter to practice our hours a day," said Mr. Cumrox. But you will make her hate music Bo she will never want to go near a piano!" "That's just what I'm hoping.' ,"Wasu!ugton Star. He Embraced It. Freshmnn When i get Interested iu a subject I don't sto( till I have em braced It thoroughly. College Widow How perfectly de lightful! Io do you consider that I am au Interesting subject? Judge. Delighted. "I have absolutely no clew on this case," observed the deteetlve. "That must disappoint you dread fully," sympathized his friend. "On the contrary. I am being paid 'y the day." Cle?eland Leader. The Genuine Article. Jack So you think Blinkers Is a fool? Bob He certainly Is; he waited until he was forty before getting married and theu married for love. New York Life. By Long Practice. "What is your opinion of Jordon?" "Decidedly a lightweight." "What else could you expect of a fellow who has worked in a grocery store as long as he has?" He Was Deaf. Father What is that noise in the parlor, Tommy? Tommy That's sis dropping n hint She wants that young man to go home. The Privileged Careless Class. ! "Indi:s ain't allowed to scaip folks any more, are they, fawther?" "No, sonny, unless tbey become barbers." Kansas City Times. The invalid. "Her husband has been sufferer for many years, hasn't he'f" "I don't know. How long have they been marrlwl?" Cleveland leader. His Choice. The Landlady What part of the chii ken will yu have, Mr, Newcomer? Mr. Newcomer A little of the out side, please. Puck. Naturally. "I understand you bought some stock In the new aeroplane company?" "Yes, I took a flier. P.ek32erp. OTTAWA, i:t., Jin. P.!. ranadinn legislators are gathere-i today for the coming session of tl.-1 parbitfitent of the dominion, which will open tonmr ToW. It is esjteeted that the )t tediMi will be eompunitiv 'ly short and will tn:irl;ed bv a poIVy of retreneh meiit in appropriation in or-h-r thni a temporary failing off in public reven ue may be met by a corresponding re duct tun in expend it tin s. A Thorough Sportsman, WASHINGTON LETTER iSpciai CorrmtiKiudeficeJ The luitial point of the survey of the ;Uy of Washington was a stout Maud :ng on the vast bide of iiock creek iu he middle .( the road from Uejre .owu to tUadeusbttrg. The creek uuihwmd formed the natural b-uad-ry West of Twenty-second street aud t rth of M street there were hiiis and ales skirting Slash run, w bkb emptied iito the creek a short distance south f ihe prvt-eui P street briJge, These were well wooded, and there was near ihe mouth of the run considerable tm k, oil! e worked as a quarry. When Rock Creek Was Navieabie. Tiu-ie was id. -to urn ii c!a,. which vas inane boo brick after th. prouud tleiualfj of wood. In 4.e io hi dug of the last et m.;r Y Hi i j J'Neaie, a di.tioiis undue. e; f.U'ier i'ejgy O'Nv.'.K', wlirv.!;i tr. : c i.C 'he rupture hi tieuer;:! J a !.so,.V n'.A .el, hul a l.irj.e for..e of . --d :a ngaed in euttlng this wo.d. Up to the thlrilo whv.i th-. eaUe and (Mdo canal t- iU'U- ted u luui at lis mouth, ifo,.U c:ek wa? navlj .Ud: for x ItMom rs as hi; h ;ss I tivei. l'ro!:i the mills above Ireid-tuf,-i were bi'otiht hi Ir'ht.ri. S?iad. herring and other iish aluiiini j to f uch an e';ter.t tint hi f:e tv. ii es there w is a thhieg ltidoii n th Ity ride. t!ie Uim; h ml 1 by nptan. S t pU'firHl were ? ft t't n e--tl'n of clown -po Up U-if ':ttowi as I lrrJjr HiH, and hee :'iv ofe few living who re'Mei'i' er !etw he tV' net voSl p or t' e 0 !i ff it'eAkfast ere the l,f;. bt ii the In ame lot. No Color Line. Corpora lioti Cusvi T;iu h s .tiled that hotels,, to ream saiuoiis, soda f- Uitta.iii u.d t.ti- oerihops iu the Distil t are to,iitvtl.l (o senj colored pel, oits iu the snmt iHu and at the ra:ne tine as wii'i.1 tersous when the former pre. em tu-:u eives and mae the 'I he . ulhig was made some mo.,: Its a o, i,ut Uas been re ivod in re ponso t nt Mu t i or warded by Presi lent- lNsevHt f she coitiiidssioiiei's, hi whl h 1r liob rt W. it town of thi.4 ti;y aJ.e.i ( is- rhnhmtioii at the Union station cafe. 'J'iu-re Is nothing in tlie s aJufe-;, ; 'e-wever, whl -h foiidds the proprietors ; f ihe-H places to increase ttieir prlie- ! to (he extent that they will be piae IcaUy iroh!hi!oty to utuvebomed quests. This course is pursued In other Mies. Moving Pictures of Wolf Hunt, A large numler of personal friends of Fresldeiit ItHtsevelt recently wit nessed a moving picture exhibition of wolf hunting Iu Oklahoma by John Atieruathy, the famous wolf hunter of that section and United States mar shal of the state. The president saw the exhibition previously ami thought It was so goml that he arranged for a repetition. The pictures illustrate Ihe work of Aherimthy la desperate con tests with fierce wolves. In which he eonquers them with naked hands aud without aid of deadly weapons. Police Dogs For Washington, Police dogs for Washington Is the newest Idea of the chief of police. Major Sylvester thinks of purchasing dogs to aid in the capture of criminals. Before taking the decisive step he will ascertain something of their value by eorresKmdeiiee with those who should know. The New York police depart ment and many penitentiaries have police dogs. They ar. used to some extent also in several southern states. Major Sylvester Is hhIous to experi ment, however. He has praHk-a'h- de cided he will do so In the near future. New Theater Planned. A building that will contain, beyidos a hotel, what is intended to be the largest, most luxurious theihr In Washington wlii be erect d vn the block bounded by Peim ;. h 'iH:i avc nue, Thirteenth and K ;Uivci- n-t k. n as the plans can be drawn aud the necessary preliminary hm lac r raugements made. The theater will be const ru ied v.i:h special regard b ample rir,. r " : to permit of elaltornte prdm a spedal stndy will b ma t.f l In- acoustics. It U the v. eel v." have the theater seat H.Teo pciont. The hotel will contain .'on room Former Queen at LIHuokalanl, former t-in-oii at the Hawaiian Islands, who has eome ! Washington to press her lalm bef: re congress for In ii"U of v w : hinds, has taken a hmo n iV'hi n able Massachusetts avenue f r th winter. The former oue.:i r " Incfime of M.ot;t from th" tern of Hawaii. Her havln-r taI;oi n h ; t Indicates that she projM.f-s to uu a determined effort U i-Malit Uie r sage of her ch'l'U t!u' u::h con-to tjun Uliuokahiid U nnw al ui ? enty-four yeara okl. Chinese Gifts Roscvtits. Mrs, Xh-le-liis Umgworilt. a dat!.-.htT tf Preshlcnt UosovUt. It s pr Rented with a lniUtiful pa'r f jev.-" 1 bracelets, the gift of the US- eii. : fs d'Hvacr of fhiicn to whom - r:; I a visit during ln-r trip wiih the riy f otficHIs and fifeuds iak.-n h? IV rc'nry Taft to the Phllipptm'S some a to, Tie pr"entatlon was made by To?r; Sho Yi, the spin-bit ambassador, w h. with Prim e i'snl Ku and two se ret ries, called by appointment at the Longworth home. Wiini Mrs, I.onr worth was married the empress div agcr sent her a pair of handsome cold earrings. There are !!.. pretits for Mr. nMovct. v hi'c the prcsHc I r- to t klvwi -.-.-or.;l hurdrc om-s d b 1 REAR ADMIRAL EVaKS CALLS ON GOVERNOR I1U0HES ALBANY. N. V. Jan. 1'A Adnueal !;bley it. Kvan n-no-l in Albajf." today nd wan i--ivi-d W'th th ftiili tary pomp and hn!lKn'V due a ni,tn of fame. The ditiit4uitlol visitor wa Sjivert a reception bv (b verto.r II stti- in the executive chamber of the eapi tol. Tonight the gra mb fight-r will deliver a lecture fof :!:e benefit of a local hospital. BUTTE FALLS ITEMS, Fredoijlmrg brothers of Willow Creek see t ia are in Medf-trd witnesses io tlie HehaafV htad eomcst case. The miifurveyeti seetci has beee nam el rNidley and the nisidets are build ing a fine hail for rchguma and other uses, Alex Young ami Airin Hayes are oa their way to Mr. Young's homestead. They will have to fmk through two or more feet of suow. None of the parties who have been instrumental in makiag trouble for the homesteaders have put m au appear aiu'e in many of tii'j many land ?oa tests going on. Albert Si-haeffer f Kam-heria took down sev saveral watH-sRes from this st etnm Ut testify in hij land contest, Lee Kdmoimon of feiby was called to Medford Wcdncay on hiiKiaess aud made flu trip tit rough a snowstorm. i .!. J, Patton of Kaglf Point U down in the valley as a witness for the Uidt t l Slates govertiateat m land matters. John Kdsaii aud Mon"oe Baldwin are, bwa la the valley. Joim A. Ihrnus nf Haneheria has item tu tin valh-y ia tii Schaft'er laad cwfttest ens.'. i. J, Mend f tm-i- hain is visiting in the valley. He reports his family as ret'iivering from hieir lute stek- -, itCKS. it ts mtitc, iikely that one or more marriages will mutu lake place among our young people, as our young ladies seem to be at t raet he, 1 1 in lioped the good work will go on ami many new homes be established. , There is tmteh eon.ieture as to the oiitrome of the Mitt'dv niovement, bat h is hoped that he and hewing interest- will uiiile ami gs'.e us the ttmrh ; io-elifl r.'tilrond com Veii.ciiee::. Our sct-tior. is deeo tit mad, ntaking 1 1 avel very d if fie tilt . tail y over ; the nenle ronstrurtefl roeds. un the vork h;:s been badly dot e ixnd tnest of it to be done over, Wt.v not get or.tctieal road bmldcr uiul do the work iiteliigciitiy as it in 'iiMui time to stop l'.ietiiig taxp"V)rs" Ui;ey ? The new If com ee I. ro.'f.i, wltieli was confidently e'tfj!! d to be built ih'ts iiiotith. has been ta:t over for an ;her month, ntm-li to the dtsnpoint nis ut of nniijv. M', llnrris was all rendv to begin am! Ihe men anxions if get to work. li. II. Harris, it is said, has bonght of the Heekathora estate the new eot tnge laiely built. John Allen is said tn be anxious to invest in But to Falls property and is eopidering the purchase of a very si?e home recently built. The school levy has been fixed at 1ft mills and i will not be long before our seiool district is vbar of all debt. The high waler lias tnised al! of the st re: tns a nd i he bridge nl A nteloM F. OSENBRUGGE Agent for THE STTJDEBAKEK. BEOS. MANUFACTURING CO.'S VEHICLES AND WAGONS ! aKi'lit in Jarkson rounty fr the STlUKHAKKK LIKE tF AUTO MOIilLKS. 'J'ho new K. M. P, 8!ulc).aknr, 3 liiime (inwi'i, fimr cj-Hp.I.t mi'lhim prioo Tnnring Cur 1ms won lli-t rwognilion ami a.lmiratiuii of nil iiraiLiMiuia ami has imivrn itsrtf to he a rmuartaiiie vi'iiwk- ftr sKri-ngtli, s.l ami durability. Now goods in all limn will arrive ,a (lie inr' f nest rufmth at the StiMlchaker warhtms. MEOFOBD, OBBOOH. SALEM BEER SALEM is the most popular beer in Mortbern California and Southern Oregon, It is acknowl edged to be the equal of the very best eastern product. All beers are good, but some beers are liked better than others. The proof for this as-sci-tinn lies in drinking Salem beer. If yon wish to be convinced, ask for Salem beer and drink it. SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION Medford Depot: Medford lee & Storage Co, Medford Theater T9NIGHT, JANUARY 19: Mrs. Irene Hampton Isaacs PIANIST Miss Grace Brown CONTRALTO And IN CONCERT Admissio i 60c. Seats reserved at Hasinas' Druj Store on Saturday at 10 a.m. ttrs. 'Jrene 3fampton Isaacs 3tructor of "piano. Tlsi 5Htl)od at art Or Strttt near KeiHy has beea partly washed -away, while it is exireely dangerous fording many of the stream. J. Douideday is dowjj from his home stead for supplies. Bill lieaie who has Injfn iu Klamath for the last three or ;er years has! returned to this aeetiui. Will Perry has heei; supplying hay to our citizens. Bea Edamasou is living at the Jobs A Ilea ranch and looking after ib stock Jim Wat king of Derby is making a ; business visit to Medford. He goes ; ko seldom that it is inite ait event among his neighbors, , B. II. IlarriB arrived in Butte Falls; Sunday preparatory U arranjihtg mil! hosiness for the coming season. HTJNBBBD3 OF ItUSiBEEMEK BIHCUSS DUMBER TAEIFF LtriSYll,l.r:. Kv dan, PJ I'rolv !ent!( enmettMl with tatiff revision ard the conservation of tb rapidly deplet ing fimsts of the eou:ry are the sb- Hicts of disensston the aiimml ss- sion of Hie Hardwoot Slanttfaetiin'ts association of the PmNd States, oocm c,i UnHy at the Heelhselt hotel. Han ireds of men interested in the btrd WtvtMi industry frm b stomp to the consumer are par:ieipatitig m the meeting and the tpnkers include lead ing lumbermeii and eKNrts in ihe I'ldted States governw nt sriee. Prepaid Railrosd Orders. "Something which is tnUhmh? interest to the public gnersi1v sd ' flfbieh is perhaos nrt g"uerslb ifwn I s the system of prcpsM ar-tir bow m m tfect between atafiss f tb ttfm , 1'aetfie emnparv and sti fipt in tte tnited State. Bv hots f tbs svf 5 irket m v be jHirrhssd st Mfilfsn? otn any place in t Usd mile! or telegraphed irt . arty wishing to eonip her te.f iceonimo'lstions and inslk ash in ?on1eet!fi wHh thw tnv sIpo be frtTwirded s t'w " ; tima. it HUNtJBEn OF TEIECIATKK AT NATIONAL TilABSES SESSIOH i WASillVin'ttX, .hK IP Maitersof -nterest a f feeling the tmsiness intere of the count rv were conssdereil at th ipening session today ef the Xational Board of Trade. Sevend lmndrei dele 'ates aro in attendetir-e, representing ommereial clubs and bnsiness men's organizations throughout the conn try. The session will be roncluded ttmtor row. Tn ihet machinery at the Alas ka Yukon-Pacific exposition next year wiU b a plant for It-Ming all kinds of building stone, the first to be dis phiyed at an international exhibition. Wrestling pfete WEST vs. LA SALLE Almission, m ! ; West is the champion of Southern Oregon. ling instructor of th 1 University of Oregon, men in the country. NEVER LOOK BACK It doesn t ay. Kwp ymnr y'S f t tin our i;l-'jiliM;j i U-FiiJg, Fft' ia luriltg ca ii!y he m?rtrrl fnm thf lamls of iMgli 'laH!i imhsm. Nir pxh rience asd aaHliotls an' reraialy woftli snvfstigatloo. We -toly 11k- 1h-J worktHPn snl our hildKH ar wiihoyt duht tae iat ran'folly N'rfcd ia ta ity. EIFERT The City Tailor CooviMrr, t MERCHANTS LUNCH STABTINO DKCKMiSKK 2 wk wii.;, fi r MKB:MANTi' J.''." h FKUM A. i. i'NTII. 2 V. V. I'KH.K e THE LOUVRE i u , ' i hi s I ?J At Anrim TUESDAY EVGJ1 JANTOfctH 3 1' CiA' lol tfTOT ' .in'sis &m fit "Si :' : -t-r Ny-. Mft 50cf 75c, This is West's last match here this season ou Owned the Earth ereasfl is vsJbs as it josgae prlueing eiicity inerrssw, bat with the r:ght kiad of sis ertkmr d. reb 9m we Iwve l mhmw, th& pnrrhsr a rbanrs &f toij bis pnrehase rire back out f a singh rropf with proer man aemenL iinve fus wtmlih be awumu Utivd faster i baa by hayiag ne ,f ite gotd ytnng ssrhards we h$t? Ut alf Always nl x.ur mvvtt fr lb inmi- tmyn in ihm vaHey, ROGUE RIVER LAND COMPANY -KXiniMT BI'llJIINH, More Light for LessMoney: Hn (y-llmn: ;r nt of clet-tric current savml bv using TUNOSTKN LAMPS, .2 Caudle Power EdiSOU Lamp uses 110 Watts t-r liour and would use in tmm hrs. 110 Kilowatts whicb at locts, a Kilowatt in 32 CaMflk- I'uwxj Tungsten Lamp uses 40 Watts perliottr and would use in 1000 hours 40 Kilowatts which at 10c a Kilo watt.... , Net Saving in 1000 hours in favor of the Tungsten Lamp., ,. . $ 7 Rogue River Electric Co. HsH-mssors t C'oiiilor Water & Power Co. ffi.-, mi West 8fventli Strwt Hioiie No, 355. Ojijiosito th Big Klectric Sign. Take the Tribune for News IjllJI Mb mfao im.i? &n gfti m&i daaA ft . 3 rniam Mnm $1.00 and $1.50 La Salle is the wraW and one of the best Vob coidda't find m bettr ptac ts live ihun m ih gteria lioguc River smiley, wttk it i roijiarjildf wiatr sd u nutter titmnie. Just we havs mtms imritealarly gm& developed sf efeard prfssiijtes to sebmst fa ih h&ntpstmkrtf wbieb are gttre winneia, list gh'e Ibis aaiir immrUai& sttvmimn, It 4fm sst take n very wsee man i fa?5 thai the silvan? ia values wbirb w hnvf i?eeg p?4-dietisg m Is MMiiij redsriSj fruit lamls is H-boiTt ta . itmtftrmlis. A gKwt youcg orcliartl will at ssty ia- 4V U f- y r ' i0 it r- ... W ,1 ten riv ft A-