-s 2 UEVEORD DAILY TRILU'.VE, MEDFORD. OREGON. TUESDAY, JANUARY 19. 1900. Bedford Daily Tribune A Live Pateb ix a Line Town. Published everv evi-niiii; except Kiin.!;iv. "J ED FORD r U H L 1 S 11 1 X U ..COM 1 A X V Qbobgb Putnam, Editor auJ Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the I '..i.f I'i.-e at -Mcdfnid, rei;..ii. .SUBSCRIPTS )X17a TES. n muntli, by bmii or carrier . .90.60 t ar. Oy uixA 1 DEBT TO OUTCOIS G .WUI.MSTIt t l lOS. FAY02.ITE JEWELS .A a: a.i;. s -I Jiu-Le Livlil. i'. i-jb 7i a.K'iv ti ' tily. .! .'.- m; fecit mighty. As la ; T.-tvI W.StT J.-r.iSi !- u b out of .,i:-ujf -'t.Ai Willi a too w:j fizi r - y .,: :tv-r-i: cur wh.it you 'vi fri-r- - 'if Mi'.ia: -:.-V: of r;cj. ;,-.-. j-:..if,T?. fiia.t, bratr- fit. MARTIN J. REDDY Jewelry and Watches Medford owes a d-i.t ..i' gratitude to the retiring lmi- lieipal admiui-st ration. Its nu luU-r.s Lave dm e iiiu.-li t'r the growth and upbuilding "f tin. city and j: r-il the way for more, laying the foundation for a re-ally peater Med ford. Cities, like republics, an- proverbially ungrateful. The memory of publie servic e, no matter how faithful and eon seientioiLs," is soon forgotten, while the .hort.-t.niiugs are remembered. The mistake u.ade by publie servants, no matter luv few, outlive iheir merits in the public memory, oo frequently suioiliei iiig ail aj'pieeiat ioii. Med ford's mayor and eomieil reeeive u.. salaries. fhey must devote many hours eaeh week to the publie sen - iee. Thev raniiot idease all and when abuse is the onh i reward of unselfish effort, it is small w.-nder that intere.-i 'Cidl is l,)St iu the work. cAiki When the outgoing administration was ilr.-ti-d two ..I. .1 - . . .. . . - II. .1 .1' in Mi'iryears ago uie eity was shki.im.i h, .u-i.i, wim noiiung i" ,i,i,.H ishow for it i-avea lot of rusfy .-.ti.ve-j.ipe tryii g to do duty i). Arr a Water svsteiu, and an eleruie light plant out of eom- l in Me. t :tke Ait mission part of the time. The light problem was lirs; j,"," olved and the old junk traded for an advantageous eoii hc fin'-itraut for miuiieijial lightiie. 'I he best eity 'ater disti ll) '"'"uting system in the state was installed and work is under irr, lit i way ou a $o"0,UU0 gravity system to bring pure mountain ' ,m!i water to Medford. The itv has ru sewered, a eomplete r. i''',n''survev made of the uvtt.. the main street oa"- ed. miles of m I Mvdfi , ., , : , . . . , . , 3 hono y concrete waiK niuu ami tin- t,rmilklllid r In Mi tub lov ,nr Hull iin in b against the jroU-t and strenuous efforts el those whi would have the jx-ople of M.-.l frnd siirreud.-r their bom. i. i. inile privilege to the in-. !! of .laekson .-..u:.tv. Strong a pro-pressure and co-r io!i taii. -i ! t..n-.- tne a li.iihistrati"!. '"''"''.to close the citVauaitist tiie wisnes -f n i-iii.-.ens. As it lily by M.iyof K'eii.ly eas'inu the de- ilnl l'V Messrs. Ei.'elt, Ohveii J. K. KXVAKT I'r.- i,r;l. .1 A. fKRH-V. V:, i'r.,. 1 ii S. OKTH. Casrr. 1 IAi KS'i.V, Am i t"Mti-r. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK MEDTOSB, CAPITAL SURPLUS $50,000 10.000 Safety Boxes For Rent. A GeneralEank in Eus liess Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage. S AND PEAES AND ALL KIXD.a FRUIT TREES YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Comnievr-ial X'ursery in tne Pacific Northwest. Xn', in the combine. C.opetes with all first-class nurseries L E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD. OREGON. Medford Iron Works E. G. TROAVBRIDGE. Propii. tor. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS All kinds f Fugli Spraying Outfits, Pumps. C- :,eis and Machinery. Agents in S"rt'.v-ru Oregon f'-r FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. .'Uilllli f a eity broadly Jl llother debt that M.ltold owes to the .v. tuning ad II iiunistration is the keeiiim.' "t tin- i-itv in the wet eoiumn 'I A .I (unlay Was, it was kept Wet oniiajid Hafer star.dii;j ; v Medford. Onlcrt pat" r ti.- wi-hes of - eoplc ot HOME TALENT MINSTREL SHOW To the new ailmiiji-'r.iti"!i f.il he work o.r eoiitinuin UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE REDMEN OF MEDFORD AT THE ANGLE OPERA HOUSE Thursday Eve, January 21 st. Hear the local End Men in their Local Hits Six Solo Singers. Three Big Ac'.s in the Olio The first part is a Beautiful Setting with Hi?h Class Sing ing. The last act "Lucy Long's Birth day Party" is a screaming farce from bc-ginning to end. This act is Guaran teed to make even an undertaker laueh. RESERVE SEATS XOW PRICES OX SALE AT HASKIX'S DRl'G STORE 50c and l. 00 County wj AT THE SERVICE OF DEPOSI1TOES AST) CLIENTS CAPITAL AND 8DHPLU5 125,000 tUe :-rvicc- f it- illp.-itois ar.l cht-nts ll.e halt fac i:!:ii In Juiksog. TUe of f:.v- are i-liaatii ;o r-u ltr ..ua5l an 1 aiilev oo fii.ar.cI !ii:it'ir. A.--jiiDli, "ul-je-i to t:, air iu :tt 1. S:tfe dbdit bolr-a to rent, 4 per y-ar and op. V i. VAWTES. Pr ai.l EVERY OKE HAS TIIE IE OWN-TROUBLES 1 "jl'ilir''; the lab-jr beLun by the r-ti ruii: menil-i. of .-ytem;itizini rain y mo Minn work and per feet i:ir the m.ehiiierv it also will fall the rea-lju- water ,vt. f udmiuiiratioii. To lit or rauiii'-es alter the eom atei the iii.-tallatioii of new "i" pletion of th "iif methods in many department.. There will of eoiirse t 'fH-'no let-up in the program of n il aco r m. lprobablv tfore Mavor Canon . ?.be the best paved, the 1h-.i lighted, the Ix-.-t 's.tt.re.1 IT II" Rtpibest sewered and. it is hoped, the best governed eity in Ore- uu'li. ntkir gn- mieipal improvement, and term hm expired this will th. V, Wl In the ele'tion of V. W. l'.ifert as irei.lei t tnvor. council a graeeful reeoirnition is made of th - r ""J ices of one who has U-f-n tried and f-.'tind not v anting vtm Eifert has proved hiu.s- lf to a man of tier, e and of the eity llblie serv- Mr. aek- Ksj-iiiaMy the niati r. ht buys a suit .f i-!-.th.j; ur ovtr.-': tuJ..- to ft any 'tie that wants to iv.:y. TLtr iran wK. has h.s ifarmnts ma''.' to or.J'-r by ar. up t -late tailor nev-r l;as any truul! with tLe fit. finish ur 'url ' ' et up" i f bis tloiLiiij;. It l only fits r tt:y, but glvos you a style awi id.1i a ijtiaiity acquired ii- nu oth.-r way when ma.ie at J. A. Kreuzer 6 Co. Importers andT silcis PALM BUILD IKO, MEDFORD, OR. Y U OUGHT TO KITOW f -I, - ar- f '. "a f. if ..'i : ! vli;;r.-;f w.:b lh flat ;,r. ! ivt-Ei 't j-artak-n ' .i: -i- y..u - : :f. Mfr.n." A s an exj-oriene -v. like Oliver The tmeri :k Cafe 1 " bone, who raniint W Liit imi iate-I or Inyo! course he thinks riu'ht. '!; wL. will tanl t! Bi;g him alne is ilue tht fa-t r 'nV kept the blight f irhil'iTi"h rn'in Mlf'-r.! Vaeh -,. - . - , - lite r!t;. tn-in tii Lraff. To i.t tif-l up with Iv hi t- 'Ptw KEW C HABITS IS VfcEDED BT JACKSOJTVIT.LE, SAYS POST ' Thr sortl out , , .rtt. which fact no one J.Ltt6. orit tr under which th ity s P( waa piWfti by the J. !ij,iturr ynV day of Novr-tilK-r. i'-'. X' printed in jimphlt I'-rrr JVhr,; jeet lOt My th1 ly,t. tf : Th tronditioc f tL- .itv 1t.u changed, or san;:d be .-..-.: !. rn S60. If Ja.Vr.-DM)! ' u ; K. . Sort w''h th? bustnf! ..r!l . .: t 4 ft chirtcr. m.-.rn at! .v t - -i vast rfgi. n tf wa!th .t r.r 1 wt of .VlcKsviMo f.i-:;.r ; h t. Apj l?fU-. H:n v. S:---: rai WatVieg, c:.t 1 1 IllA 0rttrn Jik.nV'!'. :;. i-.-.J.-f fw ?eiv thir ;t:t b ar. f v r . i,w iVvelAp Jaciitvi;; i . w vlop Ji.-V cv;.!! w .. . , . M u RICH BODY OF IK OX M ore rocxD N;.r uon GOLD HELL ODD FFLLOWS AND REBEK IS INSTALL 01 n "i-rept:.'r.i: v X w.' uncoveri t. j.alh th fre ;.- ; f 0 ffln c(rffj ir. .1 work of ..p'r-ng t;; 1 cf irB, jy r Co'. tipft of or th) art- -.;-, ; .: r ascoer0 in a v :r :'-t ; f:v feet wide. Th- wn : in . - f an old co that has be s w,,r; th ft which has Sn . ;r..s! a ditct of almo-it J v ft-et. v. tlut it value continue Aur-.r.g ti: Jctrh ot th vr:o. A .v..f rn-rt rew ore wan xade .o S.'a:: ti Mr. Mennach t i S-'b-j-nai.-j ftr th prrmnT. .,( rb- p! . this p'.a.-o, T! !t "f;r-ai. -rt. K1 etwh r;chr thta the :-rr i-.i " -t I VAN DYKE'S I our On VEILS, SCARFS and LONG GLOVES 5CARFS-S1.25 io 54.00 values at 1-3 of regular price VEILS--" Morry Widn" and "Auto" Veils, all coors. Si. 00 to 83.50 values, at 1-3 regular price LONG GLOYLS-P. Centemeri & Co. s cape and glace Gloves, regular $.'.50 and 54.00 value, now 13 regular price SEE WINDOW DISPLAY I Van Dyke's E. J. Skewtt G. E- HiUmeer A. C. RjoJil L. D. Hrm Rogue River Investment Co. FRUIT LANDS 0ntT. Sofc-Dlvidere sd Dtvelopers Eogue River Valley Or chard lands. h fruit lanja, b-aring anil youcg orrds in smjll anJ ! tii't3, for male. V f.laot acd tare fur i.rekarj acj griarar.ee proirtr to iproeDted. Experience ot A'ecessary for taxM itko pnrcbaa tliruugh us. Thv jecura the a.lvis. 1DJ ervic- of a com-jhicg horticulturist. 10 ti,rl cn fruit cul tur in all its branches. ho for several vein has ei!e.i in tht p-,iig ani ahippicg uf fruit in the Hvgae River vativ. rword eiopa, record packs, reorl prices. 1 1 1 North D Street, Medford. Oregon MEDFORD SASH & DOOR COMPANY PHONE 2291. Vi-indow frame.. Oak Veneered Doors, with Berel Plate, carried in ,tk che.D. Off.ce Future, and .11 kind, of Plan iEg MU1 Work, indudmg Turned Work and Finer Grill. F STREET. BETWEEN SIXTH AND S EVENTH STREETS. Compare thejQuality ILL. M,iCY7T3Ti. i04ruau? his p;y h btft t--n out aim far ;:.. rr.er? g--is cf :he iun!ity and to The r h::e ,: 1 - - f..-ie (.sunc-d Geodi niofft complete. Our vx-rviee tways ti.e l- tt tad ererr accom i.en our customer. took " B Of Allen & Reagan Groceries, Chinaware, Fruit and Feed Medford, Ore., Jan. , 190S. I have just received the following Nursery Stock 2000 Dinter Nellis Ptar Trees. 120) le Anjuu. 25'jO Peatfh Trees. I also have on band: 3000 Bartlett Ptar Tiee. 2000 Cornice. The above is g"oI, clttn stork at popular prices. L. B. WARNER Try a Dotti of Mc Donald Never Leak Shoe Oil Keeps Your Feet Dry Pint Bottles - 20c Quart - 35c C. W. Mc DONALD Successor to Smith & Molonv V0U CAN'T SAVE On yMiir railroad far.'. The law of tie euinmou carrier c. impels equal rates .n all railread lines YOU CAN SAVE In Time, Traveling Ex penses and Tatigtie by insisting on the shortest route, fasten trains and best service. Simply see that your ticket reads via SOUTHERN PACIFIC O. R. & N. Oregon Short line and Union Pacific Even- facility fur the satVt,v and .-.ccouinuvla-tu n of th.1 passenger is provided. .. char,- 6f 'ars is nt-.ssaV to Den ver. Omaha. Kansas Citv I'hicijti.. Pire,-t Ceanec t ions are mr. for ail olh ft Events east and snth A. S. KOSKNI'At M. Ant MwlfLrd. WM. McMTJBEAT. General Passenger Aent, PORTLAND, OR.