Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, January 19, 1909, Page 1, Image 1

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    Boost the Development of the Rogue River Country by Subscribing Liberally to the new Medford Pamphlet
By fat tha largett and bf at newi report
of any papsr In Southern Oregon.
Dlefccil a CBilsiifliiiie
The Weather
Cloudy, with occasion hi s oweri tonight
and tomorrow.
! i 'd '"'
NO. 259
. i ' i
Preliminary Surreys Being Made to Arrive
at Estimate-Development of Coal Mines
Depend Upon Showing Made by Work
Which is Now Under Way
Pt'Vi'liitnpii? 'if tin cn:il ininis ilcpcmlM upon showing m.'iilo by
work now iinilo- nay. If ri'snlt s just il'y i!, .li'vi'lopi'i'iic. vault may
ln tiinlrtal'ii mi it inrjji' m-alc.
Mi'sc.i'H. i.mi lllv lia vo nn oplioii tin tlio I'. & K., anil jin
not eonteniplntinn rtcMpiirino; it. TIhm-c are no nfool i:d irlis on wltll
t lion) for ai'nirin any linihor lull 'In.
. I'l'i'liininnry ituivi'vs now lining mailo lire to arrivi at cm: million
of I'OMt, antl at f'ornlnsin'iirt as )o 1'i'a sibility of ronsl nn-l 'on of a roail
ti tim ntnt mini's if' tlio pn'limtn ary woil; ro)U' lo'iii!,' liniir jastifirs
fni'tlit'r ili'Velopiiieni.
The Moil ford Mail, which ri'i'i'nllv ilis-
. eovoroil oil on the I'lor- o traol
ist of
tlio city, niailo :iiiuthor slnrtlinn
tlisi-ovory. It is to lor ollVi't that tho
Mnri'hy intoros'ts nr" to taUo ovor tho
I'ai'ifio & Knsti'i'ii, eli n.l it to llutfo
Falls anil ai'iiiiio tho Inn timlior liolil
ilioi of tho Ciator l.alii Lninln'i' coin
paay anil of Dowinjr 'in'l nllii'i' Mii-lit-Kiin
capitalists. Tlrir rtn'li i; tho case
will I cv.s t,. In. Hi Ii-h. Murphy
ami Mmnlv. as it was t S. Iail
ley, their local rfn -t-itath '. Keg.u.l
ing tin1 matter, Mr. Dudley Muted:
"Messrs. Murphy and Mainly sin nut
figuring on .icipiiring ur taking over any
timber l:nnl. They have it,it decided
definitely upon opera. in,- the coal mines
Illid such operation will depend entile
ly li ! i li tin- it l uov, In
ing done. Tin surveying party, working
miller t lie direction ot Kn-:ineer W. T.
lieveridgo. is not l.n'i-; . ;; a railroad,
'I nit tin survey is mule, to nrri ye :it
conclusions regarding the feasibility
und post nl' const i uctu'g a line to the
cnnl mines if ever it becomes necessary
or desirable.
No Negotiations for Timber.
"There are nn negotiations being enr
rie.l on with any timber owners. Messrs.
Mnnily and Murphy's olo purpose here
is to investigate the coal deposits, ami
if the explorations justify itint they are
satisfied that ilevehipmeiil (;ti an ex
tensive plane will yield the desired re
stilts, the future may hold develop
ments not yet foreso. u or figured
"Stories such as th'-.t published "in
the Morning Mail are b-ised solely upin
street gossip and without foundation in
fact. There is no trhority whatevei
for Ihe nssertioiis m:id. They are mis
lending and ft source of nnnovance. Most
of the land we figure rpon arrpiiring is
lipid upon options or leases, niid tho
showintr made hv th ni nes will deter
mine whether or not ko o.tions and
leases will he taken up. These reports
give rise to false hopes and expectations
which may not be realized. We h.ive
no intention of opcr,:iti:i the Knot saw
mill in Antelope v.iHey.
44 My interest in interest orchards
nnd other land interests which 1 hold
are well known, and make it reasonn
ble for me to suppose that there will
be more or les devel..pmint of the great
natural resources of this valley, but
the extensive devi lopn't nt of the coal
properties rets en t i rely with the re
mil ts shown by preli-i.naiy work iio.t
under way. Aside fn-Mi this there are
ample resources in th" valiev not yet
j.penrd up to justify -i period of d v. l
opulent. ' '
Hafer Not fn Deal.
Regarding the rep-.rl 1 n.-.iiiitt ,f
.1. T A- V and its i-xti nsion to Hntte
Kails bv Messrs. Morphv and Mundv,
J. '. ..f tho P:ii'i f ie
hi (T T II ll'l. Ill i. -i. a- .
A Knstem. nnd nmnflT'r "f t,u ''rat.-r
Lake Lumber company. Mates:
"The Trater Lnk I.i.mber company
Itn no negotiations under way with
Messrs. Mnrphv nnd, nnd ha
civen no option upon its timber lnnds;
moreover, neither have they aked for
ON P. 8 E.
uao. I havo no l;nou. .loo of any no
gotiations being rmducted by Murpliy
and Miiudy with Mr. IVuing or other
lumbermen for their holdings in the
P-Htte creek timber distiict.
"Murphy and Mmuly have no option
on Ihe Pacific & Ka ;l it. The conver
sations 1 had with t!, ami J ho nego
(ions u'tli t'olonel M-indy have been
rii! i ? I v regarding a c. nnection for the
i-oal nine, if they dc ;-!" that such eon
h.Ttion is d. sirable. Tltey have given
mo to understand t lint such a eounee
(ion would be gonsid -ml only in case ration work b-ia-.' done on the
coal mines justified a heavy invest
" I rim now neirotiat ing wit h San
Francisco people, who are expected here i
shortly I" look over t lie I'. tv h. Willi
a view of purchasing it.
"The Crater Lake L.mtber company
has about decided not to operate this
year, but to do as the other timber own
irs are doing with their holdings
hold them intact for speculative pur
poses. It has given no option on its
timber, will give noiv nnd its timber
is not for sale."
CHICAGO, ,r:t;i. i.t--M i.r IV..-.'
ha'j lifted tli-i lid o i L:in,' :i w -J bi!
in favor of tho hotip'rnl c-ry of tho
Seventh regiment of tho Illinois m
tinn";.! iMtar.l. which wMl uive an nth
letic entertainment tomorrow in the nr
n,. ,rv at Went worth avetoie and Thirty
f....rl. atrnxi. The i.roceeds of the en
tertaiumeiit will be devoted to roC"t-
mental uses.
1'ermission to inclnd' boxing bouts
in the program was obtained from the
mayor by Dr. Thomas ,1. Sinclair, sur
goon major of the regiment, who said
that no prize fighting would be allow
e,l and that women would be invited
to attend the affair. There
" I"
other varieties of athletics nn the pro
u-ram. Stanley Ket-'i -ll. middleweight
i-!ir inptoii, and " Cyclone" Thompson
will be matched atf.iill't
l.llXIMiV. .'an. 111. Aecnnlinl! to the
"Sland.'ird." it is nn'liTstiiod that fieri-er.-l
Lord Kitchener will li" raised to
Ihe rank "f field mar hai on relinquish
i.. the himiii I in India next an-
t num.
The mo 't, . .n of Iik future employ
Lieut is f.8!iitint "
official onai-'r it is
and in one
led that he
of l"-r
empire into
civil;;: '' :l
I auv iri-at
- hoold uml
I at ll'g with
lake th" la 1
V eol.-i-i-s.
II Ihe Ir.l.d f..l. . "' 'I"
a h..iiioi;. i 'my,
niol.ilizatioii plan for cm
The choice of the successor to
Kitchener ia India will not he
for some time.
Steel Does Good Work In
Endeavor to Get Dr.
Evermann to Come Here
Next Summer
Will O. Steel, who is - ill Washing
ton, P. ('., in eonneetien with tho 80
curing of nn upiiropriiition with which
to construct the t'rater lako road, has
found time to urge upon the ntithori
lie;t the aclvisaldlitv of having Dr. Kv
eriuauii of the bureau of .inherits viwi 1
the Koirue Kiver valiev next Rummer
and spend some time locallt" In exam
ine Ihe different stivams nf'thts sec
lion with reference to t heir )tda pt ibil
it v to fish life. He ha taken the mat
tr np with the ditVYient authorities
.is is shown by his litter, which
part reads:
"Today I have had mailers up with
l-'nltou and lr. Kvi niann, and lei
.--lire of getting the d-''tor assigned t
the Rogue Kiver valley about August
If wo su 'd in having the 1 rip or
b red. Or. Kvermanu wiil take one us
sislaut with him, and it will bo nec
essary to jirovide supplies for t wi
weeks, together with tiatu, camp out,
fit and a man to drive ami cook. To
do this it will, of corrse. be necessary
to raise funds by subscription, and you
may count nte in. I will also tak
tire care of him white in the t'rater
Lake national park. He will probably
spend a month nltog.'Hr in the work
but will onlv need tin- above outfit
about half that tim
"It is important that tho associa
tiou take up the mallei at once in
communication to Fulton, supporting
my worn. I initiH, too. it. woiiiii ne
.nod idea to send an invitation din
Id Kvermann, assuring Km of our will
ininioss to care for him and his assist.
.1. K. Lnvart I'ot the tlub has written
to Senator Fulton and lr. Fvermauu
as Mr. Steel sugL'osted m it is proba
ble that I r. Kveiinani' will visit th
Itogiie this summer.
The reclamation servi-c
commence work on t b
farm near the railroa-
Or., Jan. 10.
is preparing to
ir experimental
(rrnde on the
marsh. The lumber for the pump build
ine is now on the dock and will be
1 fa It en down the Ink" tomorrow. Th
i farm, which crmsists of about 1 acres
hias alreadv been enclose.) with an em
j laiikunnt and a pump:ag system is t
ho out in to drain th" lan'l
Asiilc from the cxporiinrnt to he mail
later to demonstrate Ihe :i trru'iilt n r
valae nf the swamp lanils, the first work
I., ho undertaken will he to determine
l ertain oiiKineerini; prohlems. The em
haakments have been rr.nstrnete.l in a
must snlistaatinl manne.. so that with
pumpini! praetieally all of the water
can he ilrailo'd from Ihe entire tract. It
is to he demi. list rot d w hether it will
l.e necessary to emnpi-'tely drain the
lands and then irrigate hy overflow.
.,r whether part of lie water can he
removed and snh n nsed on the
Many other feHtnre, from lia en
yineerini! stntnlpoint will he tested.
XASIIVIM.K, Tenn , Jan. HI Al
the trial is "ot for tomorrow, it is
likelv that a further ruiitiiiiiancc will
l.e seclind ill t'e cas of II. H. Cooper.
1,' l oopei . . . John I). Sharp.-, who
an- . harired '' tlo' manlir of former
( nit i 'I States Senator Carmack. At
toni.-VK for the def-n c have persist
e,,tlv a spe-dy trial, evidently
I., li. viai; that their clients will fare
letter after politic exi itemciit has had
time to die out. It in t'loliuht that self
defense will to- the idea of the defnnd
. ants.
Local Business Men In
corporate Medlord Big
Butte Recreation Club
and Plan an Immediate
Erection of Colony
Xo more ideal site f.u a summer rec
reation spot than uppir Italic creek
on Id be found, and it is along its
wooded slopes and inosr covered banks
the fern covered dells, where the
nittsie ot tailing water miirinui'H con
stantly, that Ihe Medford Itig Itntle
Ttecrealion club is pl'inning a Rummer
colony, where the tired and overwork
ed from the busling r-ty of Medford
can retreat to spend a delightful leis
ure "far from the p. middling crowds
ignoble strife." Mere will bo the nice
ca of the pleasure seeker nad the sports
man. and here the soeidy of the future
will hasten to loiter in tho halcyon
days of an Oregon summer.
Vapors are being prepared to incor
porate the club with ample capital. The
site has already been purchased, find
ere the spring lias '-pilled her glories
carpenters will be work erecting
summer cottages and nMractive itunga
lows in the shade of giant firs and
fragrant pines. In the future, power
will be generated in make the night
in the forest depths as bright with ra
riance as the "great white way." while
electricity will render housekeeping and
cooking a delight to tired mothers and
wives. And then, erection of i
great summer hotel is planned, wher
those who do not care for cottage lifi
can enjov all the pl-aoires that tradi
tiou assions to the IVvhionabl summer
Incorporators Well Known Men.
The incorporators are well known
busincs men of Melf -:: . W. Palm.
John Orth. 11. F. Pleit. Charles (ia.
H. I. Howard. F. W. Mollis, .1. T. Sum
merville, K. If. Van Dyke. (!. IL How
I and .1. '. lirown. The object set
forth in the incorpo-nt'on papers is to
"provide recreation p'nees. buy ami
sell recreation lands, bn hi electric light
plants, roads and buildings."
The initial purpose ef the dub was
completed when the Kutlop trad, own
ed bv W. F. Kntrop. eojirdsl ing of Hi 1
acres of forest lying along both sides
of Itlltte creel; two "illei above (tulle
Falls, extending fop a mile and a half
abmg the creek, alto'.-t to Itig Butte
springs, was bought. On the land is
five million feet of standing timber,
some of the largest "m in the country
raising their t-ps heivenward. In some
i.bices the forest is so thick that n twi
light like that of a grea
f-YixIs at niiddav, so dense
shade of
the sugar pines.
Other lands will ie aciiiired to be
cut up in acre tracts afd sold to thos.
desiring sumuo r liome.i. The pn.pi rtv
ift on the line of the p- po-ed act-
bile bonh vard to 'ra! r lake antl will
also be reaclod by ra ! on the V. A F.
when extended.
The United State
operate a timber i-
s i r'loient wdl
st mi; plant at 1 he
M-dd Yukon Paciti,- expinon iom
year. Sample of .'v.v kind of tim will be tested to show the strength
, to' the breaking point.
Mayor Canon Has As
sumed Office-Sworn In
Yesterday-No Inkling of
Who Appointees Are
Tt is now Mayor Caitonl Aud by the
sumo token it in Councilman Fmcrick,
t omicilmua Deruer mid Councilman
Welsh. For, with tho stroke of mid
night last night therm hen became offi
cials of the city of Medford, each for
a period of two year;:. Mayor lteddy,
Councilmen Ha for, Olwell and Trow
briil go have returned to lake up pri
vate lifht with the "h,:j beeiiH,"
The new officials took their oath of
office on Monday af'cruooii, having
been notified formally of their elec
tion on Saturday by Recorder Collins.
On Mondiiv they met only to he sworn
in and their official lif will begin this
evening, when they will gather nioiiud
the council hoard for the t raasact ion
of business,
It. iH understood that Mayor ( 'anon
has his standing coiit'iiillees framed up
ready for announcement this evening,
but lie will nut give out any inkling
of who are on the various committees.
And if he contemplates liny nhakeup in
tho present city adini'i'Htralion nothing
has been given out indicating the na
tare of tho change. The ma vor ap
points the chief of police, the fire chief,
city attorney, city health officer, city
engineer, snporiu tendon, of electrical
wiring, superintendent o stroetHnad nn
perintendenf of water nvrltu ami several
minor officials. What heads are to come
ofV is not known.
It is certain that Mayor Canon will
look into the dilfereur city departments
very closely and will base his official
.nt ions upon what he leiim: rather than
npnn hearsay.
Only one office seem decided upon,
and that is the election of W. W. Kifert
as president of Ihe council.
Maine (tumor has th" important chair
manshifts down as follows , although
Mayor Cnuou will neither affirm nor
deny: Finance, F. A. Welsh; street and
road, V. fl. Fiuerick; light and Water.
V. W. Kifert.
Fit A XK FORT, Ky., dan. l'.. Presi
drat Itoosevelt WHS g:ven the cut direct
today by the eieent'V committee of
t he Lincoln Farm, in !h Itne count v,
when the dedication of Ihe Lincoln
monument was postponed from Febru
ary 12 until May. The president was
to have made the dedici lion speech. In
uIp.iI. President elect Taft, who will
lay the cornerstone of tin. Lincoln Mem
roial Hall in May. will l.e asked to of
fir ill te at the dedicnt'on of the monu
ment. The possibilit" f the weather
ing unfavorable Feb r -ary 12 w.i
ii iic given for t h" action.
It will noon be
I, IS. .Ian. 1(.
-ok-. 1 I-- I" take sigh' 'eing trips over
I'aris in a regular line of dirigible bill
loons. Them- balloons will he driven
hv 'JOM horse power motors and carry
jars of aluminum fitted after the style
if a pleasure yacht.
Fifteen passcngerc will be carried
,cides the crew of captain nnd two
Two hallo., n sheds have al
ready been ended
one at Sartrouville
bv the company,
and another at
; Meattv. Others will s op be erected at
N'anev, Oib-ans. !lord".i.i. Toulouse and
The firsct trip of He new balloon
line will be around Pins to Versailles.
Fotitninebleau. Saint Cein.ain, ami will
j commence in May.
Early Part of Day Spent ia an Endeavor to
Devise a Way to Defeat Him But all Ef
forts Came to Naught-Opposition Confess
Defeat Early in the Day ?
8AlF,M, Or., Jau. 10. Oeorge E. 0 hamberlain is now United Htnttfl Sena
tor from Oregon. Fa 'h house voted s (irately. Ou total, Chamberlain nd 6$..
Cake 17, It. S. (lean (Itep.) I, Thn aeiiutu gnvn Chuiuberluin li), Cake 8, Pu
ton 7, I tenn I. The hotis gave ChAiub erlnin . 34, 'Cuke 14, Fulton 12." Beau
voted for Scott, publisher of tho Port lnnd Oregon lun, but changed hit vote
to Fulton.
In both houses Chamberlain had n majority of eight, or aceven more than
the needed 41 necessi.iy to elect. Tho only hope for the opposition' now
lestfi in a remount in nee to bo filed by S enutorn Fulton, Oramby, Mcllare aod,
others with Hie credeitialH enmmittoo of tho United Btutei senate. I'bi
will declare that the members, voted un dor protest. All Statement No. 1 m,'
liveil up to their prom-aes in tho balloting. Senator Kay of 'Marlon connty,
Itepresentalivr Muncv, unpledged, east voteti for Chatuherlnin. A Dumber
of Staiement men in the house entere d a protest with the vote. One of to Me
Hi's Marred of Uiuatiliu.
Mrady was another, lu a long spnech Davis explniued h!s rote. Men on
harged fraud ia reg-itiiif ion, but said that he worked for the primary lair
ami would east a vol - for Chamberlain. Muiiey said that be voted for Cham
berlain because his constituents Instructed him.
Kvi i v bit of nvai:r.ble space was occupied by visitors. In some instances
prominent men were scaled with legislators. Kai-h voto cast for Chamberlain
was received with chcrrs.
Fulton was applaudid once, while ItcprcKontativo Me Cue was aptnklng.
SAI.KM, Or., .Inn, III. Governor were conferring until 2 o'clock this
(ieorge Iv Chamberlaie wot at high noon
today elected to the United States sen
ate on the first ballot. His full strength
was cast for him .Vt votes. Tomorrow
in joint assembly the Hwo houses will
formarlly confirm his election.
Thus ended the hitter fight waged
by i liii Fulton against the peo
pie ' will, who in las'. June, elected
lo represent them i majority of men
pledged to cast I heir otes for tho man
receiving the largest muiher of votes
in popular election. Oeurge K. Chiim
tier la in as senator .-land as tho an
swer to a national ipi'-i v : "What is the
value of a politician's promisn to his
Many Congratulations Received.
Throughout the moining (lovernnr
I'hauibcilain .'A'as Hie r.-cipient of mes
sages of congratulation, although the
vole was not taken en til noon. All
opposition vanished early as the nnti
Statement Xo. I men lacked eight votes
to win, with no chance of obtaining
llieiu. Chamberlain 's office was throng
ed wil h callers, all gn eting the gov
ei inn as ' ' senator. ' ' J
The opponents to Chamberlain prue
ticnlly acknowledged defeat early this
morning. Ormsbv McIIarg of Chicago,
Clide Fulton, Senator Fdtoii's brother,
and National CoimuiUc
an Williams
WASHINGTON, Juii. 10. Tlepresen
tat ions were made todav to the state
Icpurl incut by Jupau piidcsting against
the proposed aat i .lapantse measures In
t he 'aliforuis legislature.
ilOlSK, Idaho, Am. H. A memorial
congress iirotettiic; against any re
! dud ion hi, the tariff rn lumber, coal.
wool, lend ore an I hides was passed
' by the legislature today. Five repub
ii,-ans voted with the democrats against
tho adoption of the memorial.
An international turn was given tin
Poe centennial celebration at the Uni
erstty of Virginin today by the nd j
dress of Ur. A leer Feiper of New Or
leans on Poi; 's inf bidice on French
literature, and nn nb'rcss in Knglisli
by Professor (ieorge K'ward. recently
nf Munich, Germany on Poe 's infill
i me on German liter!' tare.
Hundreds of admit-rs nf Poe today
visile. 1 room i:t, Wesl Prange, which
has been tr.-rip formed into a Poe mil
m-iiui. All of the available memen
toes of Poe are there eu'lected and will
remain on view thmuph tho baluuc(
of the week.
morning, devising and planniug for the
defeat of Chamberlain, hut finally gav
up in despair.
Chamberlain will assumo his 'new du
ties as senator on March 4, 1909, when
Senator Fulton's term expires.
Jones In Washington.
OLYMPIA, Wash., Jr.n. 19. Wee'li
Iv. Jnnes was today elected United
States senator from Washington on the.
flrr.t ballot. At a joint session tomor- ,
row the legislature will confirm the
Other States.
It ALFinil", N. C, Jan. 19. OVtfriaian
has been re elected United 8tutv sena
tor from this state.
DKNVKH, Col., Jna. 19. The two
houses of the legislature today ' sepa
rately cnsl a majority of votea for
Charles U. Hughes, .'r., of Denver to
succeed Senator Teller. Tomorrow lu
joint assembly this election will he con
firmed. A LB A XV, Jan. 19. The legislature
todav ga vo Ktihu TtiWit tho necessarv
I majority for his elect'
(to succeed Tom Piatt.
tior. to the senate
latt. He will be for-
I tnally elected tomorrow.
PALTIMORK, Md.. .Ian. 19. Balti
more has been the birthplace of many
men who huvo attained international
name and fame, but of these waux
no no occupy so high a place aa ldgar;
Allan Poe. in this Monumental City,
where the brilliant geulus of Ameri
can letters first saw the ight of day
Mhcre, nt last his niebii'oholy spirit gave
up the long fight against tremendous
odds, the centenary of his birth is be
ing fittingly observed today.
To the liedmen'e minstrel H the AngU
opera house Thursday, January SI, one
night only! If not, why not f The com
pany is made up of all local talent and
is well trained fur the respective parts
that are taken. Tickets now on sale.
Uisplays of minerals in the mining
hit 1 1 nt the Alaska Yukon Pacific ex
position next year will accurately show
the ledge formution a well as the for
mation of tho surroumbrg territory. In
order to make this comprehensive ex
hibit of tho minerals rf Washington,
exhibitors have been instructed to show
from 0 to "HH) pounds of ledge ro;k
with a good overage piece of pay lboot.
With this will be a puce of banging
wall rock.