THE KIND THAT LASTS MEDFORD HARDWARE COMPANY mil i.iM i ijfrVh.m aiiiail 3cial and Personal! i '. ('. Aiken of Woodille sp.-nt M-.n . . in ModfVir.f. j i. I. Mnnti'ii of f tlhitid is iii.-tkiiin ; Mmiiii'NH trip to Modi'nrd. ; l. Arrnt:tim nf f-'t. Lniiix in i i i $ in Medfonl. : -IJtiku AtlitniH. of ihrt Mint' le.lj. i tilling u few iIiivm in Medfonl. Imoriek t'afe upon nil nijjlit. tf Hip fluent businem lor at ion in tin f v for rnt. Addro.w 1 O. m lS'J. tf : Vt llijj Hear, tin Indian football . yor, nt t lie Savoy toi'iht. I. U. Kelly, dr., of tlit bur. .tn ..f fi-h - oa, upon I Sunday in Medfnrd. ' V, IiWVit of Central I'oint wa a to it Mislford visitor. Phono your order for nweot cream or . Harm ilk' to the eresnw rv. tf j Arthur Furry of l'i' uix w a- n i I r iu Medfonl recently. Molt Dow. deputy sheriff, took in the iw Saturday ni'it. Mo wa over 10 in gold fur t lie hett looking baby Urpjpriry studio, tf tin Jacksonville on hiniii'". II. (1. IOS, Jaeks.-ll - llle V jlivti. f of Kmerirk Cafo in i.t- n nil ni-lit now ; it proaioritv has com;. t ny. tf i' peace, was a recent Mrdford viiinr. A. J. T. Smith -f (,ol,l ,K,ii . t unt. iy niiM in Mnltot.l. A. McDonald, who In be, n tiding lit Anttoeh. is bui m rail on Mod for-1. A. t tiilbert of K'tMohurg a re nt Mrdford visitor. Ordert for sweet rr-Mti or buttermilk ompily filled. Phone tho i Thirty five hundredl;: of an huh rin fell in tho fitly hom of Sun y morning. Mim Myrtle lv, the popular hollo rl, spent Sun. lay with her mother al rants I Sim, rvtuniuij Monday. .Tames Pye, a milter of Mn a pedis in visiting M.dford. II,- i an . d acquaintance of V C. Itrown .tn.l M. Koot, i Thi finwt biKiiu loratiou in tho t for irnt, AiMrowt 1'. O. box 1S'. tf Kalph A. Rowlov wf HaM inoimtain tiu'h. in thr Trail rovmn. an I ,). M 'atkin of tho upper liojjuo rier .-omi j I v, woro in Mt.tforl Moiulay on l.ns ' i Sot Hik Mivr. the Indian fo'tl.;,ll layor, at tho Savoy tonlit. "Hrwiter'(i Million-., " a pretettt- y tho tYhatt A Harris t'oiuo,i:itiH. r , iro thrvo baHo .-irs t, tr;tnpMt : 1 inattnivo pro.liu-1 i.m. !' HH Hvar, th- hnlian f...,jl.;k:i layrr. at tho Savoy tonight H. 0. NirhoUon h-is. li t't to tte j i WMion of tho ivtail Itanlnaro .lo:i! r of Oron in V -' :!:itil. Mo itiit friotiil in ("oiuilo. I ollocraft Shop, formerly :ts Vaahinton iilrrot, now 147 Sixth it ftwwn Morrinon n.ul Al.lor stnti" Portland. January teMlrwork ?s!e tow on. ,s A rocount of tho Ktl!ol m tho re nt city oKvtion shoi- gum of otr for W. H I'anou, niakin,; Ins ma nrity 9. S Bic H,r. tho In.han f.-Mlvi' IJW. at tlw Savor tonight. Th Mslforl Lunibi : cmpanv l. )e itfirporat(vl with a raijt il M,v! f tyW nrs.l w-II rr.l'wi' O0 t,1: o N'orth vVntra! airrtio (, rmtrvi-e A MoKfv Thti in,-ortvtr or? ar J. II tv!n, II. U. K1.",';v,il(;vr J. A. IVtthwrU ar..l J. t McKoa Hiph w.Mrr niar tho i; "WirhM 2 o VKvk Sv.n yv v the fltii4f non fr os-n ws- i-iiig h-!i rrvi !-.t:iin- raiMvi the wat. r al-oxo w:i;o: mark. L r klv, waf,-r sS v ft. Th? flood is fl.v rsf . Mv ol l. (5. Fit, f, rfvriv of T.o wha rvssatlv unrba r. rco tr-.. -t .MNloM. II,' vts I h O 11 May, a n-crnt arTi .i -il fr.- Mifh. The fimt niMmf , f v, ril i!l W ,,.',l T.,Ux Mayor tnou ! tv, i, t.s'-k tvata of off.oo V.-nJ t ot fire Tnojulnv, BJBLICAL LORE FY FAN. A BASEBALL Eve stole firs'. : St. Fvter he Keheeea went pitcher. Ruth, in the d A'.. f.. 1 I. N. .-rs Oohah i trin-k out hv K A fowl hit off of M.I h. The Prodicsl res I, a ! And Brother N.vrh fn.e f.r the raia. INQUBATOR. Tn Sal. CS, A. i Tjvhert ,v . H, Ple a1. n (Mrf,v' er.l-r NV'paa'. NorthwMt MnI..:I fW 3E WE GUARANTEE M ALTHOID ROOFING AMUSEMKNTS. Brewster's Millioua. "Mr. hMit'm Millimm" with Uoborl iUmt in ho lo.-i.linii roh. il.-srrilinl !i- tho m-.-Ht oriojicil pn'noutisl in i, :ii,.l vliii h crondoil th ill loiH of cliu'iiyo. Now York i'inl T-on I.mi. mil ho pronoittotl rtl tho Mo.tfont Th uler rrul:iy. .I:inii:ry i!-. li Iooiiih with humorous MiluMioii! id liolitriillv l.uio.l with n d-lirato note of p:iiho ntnl a f,i'iji:i( itif hoart in :Tot. Its koviioto i tho effort of n hi; h i to v i rv K: il;ilo youn tuau to '.peiul n niillioti tlolin iu our your, in h. iilo.l f'om :i jjian.lfntlier, as a rouli nor to tho inhorit.nioo i i' on nitlliiui ; troll) ;m lllli'li1. Miiiitoinrry Mr-'ivtrr fimlK Ihis II i;r:it t;ik. nnil to a-Homplish it Ito a -t,n khrolor, a !ho:nrio,:il "an 1." a ilovntoo of the itor.irs. im n.l outurer ;it Monto I'ailo :m. : worM vo.ioor. nu.l tin. 1m ht wry difficul' i' it to I two money wh- h ono tvnutn t. Mewrs. rnh;iii lltirris h.ivo given tho pit oo n ni vmiif iront pro-lnrtion an I fioin n Mooiiio sl:uilptint it has novo; I'.-oi o,-.ll.-.. tho nr.i;. in tho thir.l It owing a y;ioht ni t-ea during n lorni n':iialily a rlimrx boti otting :iiul roali-itio. Tl w w porhap-i th- liigo(wt srni p-o.lnotion that will plv M.tlfttr.l thi i v;.ni. an.l liko " Tho Alaskan,' Moo! fo-d is tho only i-ity in tiogoii thaf 't phivs out ido of TMit.nml. S.'.its on Turvday at I0 oYh.vk. Wrestling Match. I. WYsl and .loo, Ui Sillo will n l ho nt.-!t in tho A.ugfo upon a tomorrow (,Tin---.!.v ) oonin,' pl.ii.hd tuateh shonW result. La v. HIO't houio i I a Solh- is tho nrosthui; uit motor at iho I i. rxity uf ttrogoii ri4 i a anion lid man at tho gain'. H v iohs vorv lovoly tho saino a Vrt and a hanl us. li is Mire to le ,. "YVnt is woll ' an.l iisdv no horoiti-ig, for th. os know what ho can tin. S.illo i in (ho city Mud is hnnl ;H lork putting on tfci finishing touoln - tote n.eoitn Yt. .l is in splondi.i ".diti.-n an.l i ho match will bo stub .ntei.t. . tn nn oport wiil all th. at o hKI sn-t it may !o that i. It Hv V,M . thin,: or o iww on sj'o. Mlnstral Snow. Tue Ki-!nu-n Kcal min-trol. Jam 't "I. ,ti tie Ar.glo t p.ra houso. on u.Jii onl. . . Hoard., the promote ( it b. en e.irotiillv it 1 ig looil tr) - nt for the pat two wooks and ho pron. lies tho iatrott of ',f. a gon! (U-.iix I.h-.vI show TV,- 0MMur,g . horn-j with 4-t ou--s to W a sr. i:tl attraction. Tho o!u- inado up or u.torT!tu g v(. ,;;lt . s,r i ..nd v l daiu-.i. The old . h.of ! i I U on ha:d wit.i tus snako dami.i .'-Usi h he working toam i ih, U.sJ-.irn no'a.-o-s ;.'.! Indians. Vho illustration .f , A7y Unn nA pu-e a big hit to all patrons of lo . as Mr. IL.-udo rn:rio all of th. --.-v M'ttir.g lor this i The p.Uron-t aro p:inisisl th : th. I .M a.o:'l.u Ihr Mai Tarj w,.rt!i .'. im, a-. all meiob, r--- be- i, cal tor 'h.. a t and 0.1 1 - Cr ,i.g to outhir.o tho other. lmt foigyt tJ.e -,tv hud place. Jan - : iTlluria. at tho Ai;gie op v.n.TY and murphy leave TOR EAST TO GET FAMILIES Colonel .1 r !V e.nt. both I lAimlies Kvk .nlv retv.ri IV 1 Vr. M -.rphx me in I hif ' V- i.m re'i-st v.s. Wnh their . M e. s !.' 11k, V.UV.XEY WILL TAKE IT THE BOnWIN CASE NEXT t t.rr; New C.-.. M-ttCH-t i. rt V W Sl:.-tt . .i t for .tn. tee. i.. Trefrv;-.. altorr.ri f.r jlaihtiff. .1 . efc r,re W MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, FORCES READY I0 DO BATTLE Full Attendance Expected' Tuesday When the First Ballot Will be Cast For elect ion of Fnitod States senator in the Oregon legislature next Tuesday big proiiarations aro omler wav both on the ("'hanibt-rlain and nnl ! Statement nicb'M. Foos of Chamberlain will eon fine their tactics to blocking Chamber l:i:n, tn tho hope of first breaking up hir. Statement republican rupport and la'er uniting fragments of it with the nati Statomon. forces for rloclion of some republican. White Fulton 'i nup mutors nro taking the lead in the con 1r.t again it Chambor'atn, they nay that ths-y are u illing to g-vo way to nnv retuiblican of whnt"Vcr fnd ion. Tuostlav's voting will tnVo idnce in "ach house Foparatolv, and if Chain berlnin shall not ; hrn receive a inn ;oiity in each tho balloting next Vv and on ulwonueu i),ys shall be in .'.tint ns-iembly, wherein the winner must reeoivo n innjoritv of al! the vote emt - either 4rt or bws. t ponding on the nnniher of absentee's. Fnll Attondaneo Exported. Vr-nm tho looks of hinp there will !e a full attendance rnd the rcnuire! "tnjoritv of the hi nontbers will b To defeat Chamberlain on Tuesday, nt leant four Statement bgilnton will be needed to vote rgriniKt 'hamborlain. In the joint n?sinblv at ieast ix State men members will be needed to vote against the governor. i'hamborlain 's opMienta arc full of hapt'V exptvlatiou for Tue-vlay which ''dilates their belief that four State ment n-toiblirans vl veto against Chamberlain in one h.iose or the other. Mori1 than that number are said n hare HgnifieJ oppsition ?o Chamberlain, on account of his refn--:il I rc-nign the gov ernorship aftT elect ion to the senator NEW OARAGE TO BE BUILT BY EVERICK TOR SNYDER V. J. Knieri. li w'll tart the erection ' 1 a tioiv liin! line the comer of ;hth and 1 streets m the very noai 'uture. whi.h will he i.tilirI .r the . 11 "iiv.ler M .tor C vr poniMnv as a ; t .1;"'. eh'S ,otii!;i"V li.K tliC OXelitS vc i.!.-.'!!. for tho Cadillac car. winch ! s niakino och a hn with auto euthus j .vts in ll- valiey. Mr. rvder recent I re. . ; I a I'.i'iil o i h. TSCtHiwer car. I "lioli I. .''trsi't'.ne, oo.'h atten:iin on 'V rr.v s the eitv. !'"- to the lieant. : of the vhi, !l i i hire.- in.! tin' si ..o:hne withj Air, Snyder r.port" I r of -o.le for spring ilo j i Mjime.1. CM-lnVVLl. W.U.lirr.l--- In M. J i l. it. .1 r..;ty IT. l.H".i. Mr. Chxt- '!,!! ,.,. Miv. ;,;:.,. Va!,l.-.f. the l ,' ilall ..fl'.ei.-.t-B,:. Tho loii; was follow, .i h. ",ll;.;fcl snppi T al J Mr. i al.iwe'l is one a. n'.U'rs of M-Nlt'o:-,! the has for tl a to-ol, ut of M.dfor. f Mi. V. r ,leh, r'ie e.e.;.,.!c v-: ,j, iv enue. .1 very cl:ihoi:it. Kinorick cafi1. ' if the iH.pu!;,,! Vi liir set a il l ' ',..,-! year h.Mi ' She ts a sis: or i ... of tt:. eitv . N,..!h .Vnttat . 7-v 111 Til At her hoe,, ui t.da. :.f!.--,.sn. .1. -i!.?:i :v K II,,,-.. aC. d ths .ld - .!.l. . Pun, W.'i h, 1'--. !': ... Ill !:, i . .! .1 " .... II. v ' Of . .ITC !-'. 'I f . , rv l lV..i',.t , . , 1 .,, ' 1. I': iiv .lr.-os-y I'.. f s. I'. .. . f 1 . .. I l: . f V , : n V,.).. H' .1. N Vt t. - eve. i f -' .1 S B.IH ;i! 4 . :. :- '. ., J H -e ' . '. H o. .c -1 -V v a:- ar. i . -a' : , h,M -;l ,l,! .dtVrd. la A-h l.'.a Me -i 1: AteaUen ef T. a he.'. tar! -.-...V . Ves ty 'l .irhts .ir.-! pre'iit i V k . .er Shl OlfW.'ON, MONDAY. JANUARY 18, WW. E General Manager O'Brien of Harriman's Lines Back From the East. POHTLA.Vn. Or., Jaii IS. " Author- : il.v will pruli.-ilily li,. cicu us to t:irl work tin tin' (Vntral 0-.'i;iil lint Willi ill tin' lirxl Inn 111. mtlis. " R.ii,l (icu .Til Miiii.-ifrr O'llri.ii ..f the llurriniaii lii'.-s. iikii liis ri'ltini freni .n ,t,,l Irip ram. Wliil,' Mr. (Cilri.'n's trip was , l:!r.;i'ly 11 ursoniil on,., ho ,lr,...,'.l in :u lliirriiiinn liiiiilii:irl"rs n; (.'hirnro an.l Now York nnd tnlki,l liti'.inoHn with th, lir::,l nf tho Systom. Som, of this tulk ' in. t liri.ll- wiis nliont tho i:ii,l Or. .n ' projo.-t th:t pronik's to In- UroooV hitfoosl pi,-, f railo-ol ,'onstnntioii llirilii; l!H!. "Thov lire finnriiin n( which is th. host route to ri'in-h tlic IVntml tro(;oii I. rritory. ' s;ii.l Mr. l 'Drion. "Wo liavi sovi ml nllormito nirrovn n'i.liinf tlio district. .Inst,h i tho most j 'i:,ftirnl 0110 to luiihl. jri:.,los. ,' f .toTii' ion ami tlin'iriilty of ronstrno ( :ion boinir ronsi.lord'. 5s wh:-t h:is not i vol 1.,.,-n Ivriilnl. O'Brien Favors Dschnts Route. " I fnvor tho Onschutot. route li.vmiv-o ; I hink wo will (jet tin best grn!r.. ,-:.v.l.le of the ensiost ojKr.ition. t: :,t ' will in the en.l prove the most eoonoin line to huil.i an., nu'intaiu. , i lialnrnlly a line of low gjadee. follow; .11; very ,'Ioroly :li.- O.sel,nro-: riv, r for a lone dirtance. ' Three different lines into intcii.o-' Or,'i;.tn are beinjp rmisider.vl for the llarriman line. One is i'. the JVseliH! , :ilio:lier south from Sliko. Ik-iiijj a:; ' o ,'iiv'ion of that fo,,ii r of the O. !!. N.. and a third i, the extension j of the Corvallis Knstern east froie IV:r,.it, erossiiij; the sum. nit of the Cos ! er.des near Mount Jcffeisoa sad thenee ' lov.n into the Central tlrepon prairie to Kidmen 1. the ,eni"r of the Po'i-hul.'s irrijiatl ditriet. VIKEYARD8 PROMISE TO EXCEED PEACH CROPS The vineyards ,.f R.,r.,o .alio, promise to exceed soon the peach on h anls in value of crop ad to l.e a elos--s.voUil to the pear aptde orchards as a nioneyir.ak, r in tin fruit industi-v. In the li milts Pass d 'strict there will he planted over M0 a, -es of grapes th: winter, and there will set out as many acres more in other sections of Joseph ine county. In .lacks-, i county (jraoo p!:;:llin; is not hoinc; ptish.Nl with tin itfor that is in Josephine, county, hin th.-ri- will l.e between o'f. and li acre, set to praws this winter. The prin eit prape district of .laekson eounu s ahout .laeksonville. many vine are h,-in,; plant.s! aKvur Ashland, li.'!.! Hill and iu th' Willow Spring and other sections of th, county. .laeksonville has th credit of heii, the pioueor prajv district of Roc". valley es w.ll as of all Oreoon. T!,e ii;M i.'!:'jss panted there in the fifties, and for more than 40 year this d'strirt has 1H- n eeeed f,ir its fine -rai.. s and eveellent wine. Of the old in Koeie River vr.!', y most of them ero plant. -d t.. in - crap.-s. w hile '1, .e s. t to t.-.h oi-oes were of the varlot,e.. u.-h as the Mission. new viiievare.s are hoinc set iv,otiv I . Tokays, ye: a .i. r:ih'e jlant'i c l is Veen iv.-iee ,.f li .v.'k M.i!v..ise. K.c ' Pent am! C...vtd. B:r Toka.s . ntu'e ftl ,,f ... hc , c .1, .,- R Uiv.- The t o:, r.r at r...'.,l w ' h- one of I I'ni . ad:. ate The i-.a;c ive el to crow'-j al! the !., lot fii'xor-'-i M,i:t.-rr:-.res ... all :.e bet m.-f. tfce e..tht!: of the . itd . t . ,,f .1-: l.s. he-n ;,reen to he I'.lS'S v . are il. 1 1..1TV. Ili lH"fS't H'-l'lTv , i f r the C-s-.s. Or.? of the ;rejTr: r.fc ha r u-;vl s-t'v.. - tn r h. w n i-r. tvc stao i the rea a.-ht .-,-re ir. ' Bn-r.-:er Mk'.i.v I 4 !ir--l f.'r Ihf prop-r T..rkiu i f th ' ore ef ftvt. TO coin WORK SHORTLY EDFORD THEATER FRIDAY The Cohan and Harris Present the Massive With all its Wealth and Scenic Effects Exactly as Witnessed an Entire Year in New York and Chicago The Brightest Wittiest Comedy of Recent Years - No Advance in Prices TWO CARLOADS OF SCENERY Seats on Sale Coming Musical Event. Mm. Irene Hampton Isaacs, pianist, a ml Miss draco Josephine Brown, con tralto, will pive a miwcali at the MtM fortl 0Hra house, Tuesday evening, auuary U, nt S: 15 o clook. This is the first opportunity Med ford has had of hearing these y ni'-R artists, iince their re.-eiit studv in an Vranrisk'o with the famous teaohei, Herr Herman ! Oeu-is. Herr Oenss, who is a pupil of j is a marvelous iriifician and in i h;s eempsisitions haji been likened to llevthoven. The' iovers will have an opp,iriunity to ju-'iio of this, as se '. te,:ions frem his norks. both vocal and ' li.strumental. will b rendered. The . vroijrniu will be aur.oiuotl later. I Prepaid Biilroad Orders. I " Son: thing iriu-h : of considerable rterett to the publie gtnerally and , w'Jch it perhaps not nerally knewv the system ot preiid orders now in ..eiTect between stations of the Sonthern i'acif.r .-..n-.pary snj all points ih the I nlt-d StMtt. By means of this tystem i.-ke mny be jMrohssed at Me,lforJ !"r, n try p;a,-e -n ;ho VnitM States an.l or telejjrni'hM direet to the irty w ; h ; n t -r.' e h ere, SI oe prr s-v.v:.:ve i to" aii.' ra!l a.nounl ,.f cash in fe-pt5en wnLt th o ttcke.'s nr a:o be f.-rwM(Hl at the erm time. tf ,!.-" s-.-i K w L rU numbered .i.i..",: the nniinrs be takrn in . v- i . ih V1.1.AA Yukon !''ii".i'i . ; ,-;. S. . t yenr j Th'-" br .MI cl:;.';ll:v',.!li :is W.'ll H a p'.e.ssurc trip. JANUARY 22nd. Stupendous LLIO Tuesday January It. st meal- at best pri ns at the Km crick Cafe open all uieiit tf Classified Advertisements WANTED. VANTKI Kxperien."Nl man to plant and take care of lint a. le orchard. Ap ply t.. It-uliiiot C.nii'r ilotel .N'nsh.'J.V.I WANTED A chamoennaid wanted nt the Fracco American Hotel, with ex perience: fare paid. re ka, Cal. rom sals. In.j-iir.- j of Mrs, V. 1. KroM-n. t'OK SALE Two g.-i fcesh milch rows for ale. IVar (Vrk Orchard. 274 l-'tK S.m7f--Two ohTvcTTMronlhe corner in Rise's addition: a bnrtrain for rash. E. H. S.ver. o. JC S r strtvt. op.i KOK SALE 40 ac neaT Merlin! tU0; oth.r tracts, S-10 to iCO per :i ' rhas. K. Sho'i, Merlin. Or. iH.n KlK SA1.K Good hers-, for sale cheap, half mile south of nty limits. G. 1.. l.ilixnuler. o,tj You Are Going to Build rri Comedians Production 19 at 10 a. m. jTOH SALK-An eleRnnt lot of B9W ,nreci rrom the eaat, at bar- (t'un prices. I.'or pnrtioulara apply M Iho Tribune. . '' I'OU sai.e-.Ti01,w; i5t7Wtaid"-u. I hoonii, or in tracts to suit from one aero to 010 acres. Matt Calhoun, Phoe nix, Or. ' , rdrp-arx7fT7r71o and pino, tier wood, oak, fir and pin Oaenbrucfjo. Studcbakar Bros. Co "ire rooms. Telephone 361. 268 FOUND. r l -ND A purse containing trinkets of value to a child; th. little owner may have samo bv calling at this office and describing contents: ad free. I FOB RENT. l.'i! I.KNT Seven-room furnished I liouie. r,e in. Inquire V. M. Treveh. "m .. Jackson l o. Rank bldjf. tf .K KKNT Xine-rHim house with hath: close to town. i.ouire at Osen hrui:o;o"s resilience. P-veraide ire. tf run HKNT Furiiia.J i,nis fr light hoiisekeepini;. 124 N'o-th O St. tf ; "on k'kn ;-i: oms WIll or with4u, ...varvl. Iu,,,,.,,. at th "Vhnne offise. 861 Let me figure yen. Xo contract !:i re- or to,. sm,)i. Sstisfaetion irnr t. ,.1. ' L. E. BEAN MtNTRAi'TOK AND Bl'lLDER, Medford. Ort.'.i.