THE MEDFOED DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFOED, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 18, YMX W8E0W- Wrestling Match iE U WEST vs. LA SALLE At Angle Opera House TUESDAY EVG, JANUARY 19 4 Ing yBiig Trees , Froa d Fraace-iM&ihs are hw& i jtho tuti tw.M.r'.i f woJlw-aHttre, wbi " it Kys fiio jtvpay uwtK awi ilw- W&wb- jirtiWii rnofh hnvo focca Cc-au4 life ' , lift; v Jfepssk ? -it . ' f -, -o-4 t- x , j "CM t ; Admission, 50c, 75c, S!.0a and $1.50 30.000,000 C COME CHEAPLY i New. Rate From Middle j West Means Much To-j ward Upbuilding Oregon i VOttTKAXD, Or., .Jan. Xu m ws i Dint has hrm rrrovo) hy tli" people i of Un'pnn ti v) Mi' l.rit L'J ;ontiis is H important s '.In- aMmmiH'.-mmii j t Iiut the trautMUittn,iu rr.ilro'.il.; will ninko fl niif ?ir'j,inn:ii;; M-in-h I uiul emititniirijf until April from K:insn City, Oi)j;iJj;i, St. I'-inl anil M innoapu- lis, Wimji ! ::nil otlur shriihtrly sit Mtitwl tVHR :o ill m:i .11 15i!i r;(ih-:)'l pitints in ()n jioii"fv Tlic pcnn?'1 nf im sOiii !i Uu t'nion M(if"(i'l iffr ! (li-sc imh'Wuv iirkNR Jh.'ni Ji::v- 1m f nr.'fin iv.r i;if tin' I:s1 fr y.:tr-. Tli r;te frm Chicago is from S!. Ltniw $:'.."A with a proprtvi initttto Uv f:ro fi-ni itll pohifn in tli-' f'nifoU S;(s. Ttuy huill rilti ntn n v ."Iwus.-i iuh; of :u-tu:ii fif-ttlrK tn the ii(iiil;'t urn of Orvtfim. TIh si nrt nui' w.'iy lirJids, ;:il if trav l'r tlcsiri' in Tiliir lr l!nir forjnir homes in tin oUIr c.T-tt'r'i st:t(s U'y KniiM lir.vt to pay full f:'.r. K'fry ciiiiiTtHTi-i;!l cfiiJ- nn.l julviTtis i:ip nn:ui W the stilts ;ro) na every real pstiiif firm hi.hj) ci(t iiniittlt atcly tn !-lvtr! iJit-n rr.iin. Kvry oitizen of (Ircou hU'h'I write jn'rsonaJ If'tiors to oi fr:::;if:t v.ul acpi:iiut:uu' k ri'UiirnliiiH Iiumi thut f v.ite is oof io tliir hnvn. Vut On- ti-kci nnif )n hmiahi Ut )ir point ? ih'Sl'mul'wn it's just h rlirap t .st (liHl.'tnl Ovt'on ioiiU to o- .just over the Imrtler of t!if ct:iti. On thn 1-Jlh (ho li''t'U-U ' 'oimu-r rial ehib I'vU'hmU'tl tw i-prviiiii,' of ifs tln-m. (Iijt)s from rtlffem c.-iiJio of t ho tato wrro prtv-ni jmhI ;in 1:1 ralo bampiot was mrvoi! hy Hit :iuxilinrv of the rtult. ViincotM'or, "Wash., hun r-n ployed P. i', Lflvoy, onf of Arn'rirt V moM effec tive advert isrrs, a npli-jxlid nrutor an) orjpiniior, as sot-rrtarv if its emmer cial clah. Thoy pro doteinvnctl in rni(- tU,MI for nn mh'OJt h .inn fund, uuI at a pwnt moot i fig . was sub sfiiod in an hour. if You Owned the Earth Vmi rouMn't a boltor (ce ( Uvu lliiui in l!a gluritms Ifoguo liivor valley, wild its i oonipiiraTiio winior uw( Rwutmor i'Ytmuta. .Itist now we hnvo hoith purl irHfariv (rami dcvfloneo or cliartl propi;iiiiJS it m)mifc Ut the Uomosookr, whiff ti art sure winnoiB. TU'st jjivc Uiia atlor ininii-diato ii((en(ion. (t dovn nut t.'iku very H'fue rrrrt n to forosoi' that iho mirfinco i v;il(n' which wo havo !oon priicti in i cotuiuy prooluviti fniit lal i nlioirt to matoriuti'w?. A guurt young orchard wifi not only in 'fwnsp in v;ifj rtfi iffc iniomo prt'itiifing -capacity ium-ascv but witlv'))j r'-ghl kimi wf orch;ir i, ::itrli sumo wo h.ivc (o show, the juiVfluiM'v t'haiit'f tf g ! lin Jiis pnrrit.ise ince hue.k out of a uiutu crop, willi propor tuim aonent. iluw can wcttith be accittuu iafoil fiister thau ty (tuyutg no -,f the govn ywing orrliards wo havft for fiat.!? Always o.t vovir sorviro ftr tli hi1 lnys in v:J)y. ROGUE RIVER LAND COMPANY EXHIBIT BUU.tUMCS, MKnvoi!i. i;!:i;on West is the champion of Southern Oregon. La Salle is the wrest ling instructor of th 3 University of Oregon and one of the best men in the country. This is West's last match here this season Medford Theater TUESDAY, JANUARY 19 Mrs. Irene Hampton Isaacs PIANIST And Marriage Litenaes. William L. V.'!i h :um Hi lb J. Mil '.hell. MABBIED. WELCH MITf HKLI In .li-knii-ville un Jnnuarr 14. lv .Iiil)r Niil. Williim L. Welvh !t'i.l D-ll& .1. MiV chelL Miss Grace Brown CONTRALTO . IN CONCERT Admission 60c. Seats reserved at Haskins' Drug Store on Saturday at 10 a.m. I 1 -' 11 j llll II H i II J (si e Li d ? G I X & li u 0 CD C"5 i CD . m CD S3 U9 CD C ""1 f o CS CD rfl-f? MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE HAS THE BES1 NEWS SERVICE IN SOUTHERN OREGON. J S.iwu.Ul jht- jw-iW ifhta'tti a ftiot-. (huh( wot uf tUo- Kwkv .H.iia ifcw fwonfti ?o un sucti thU w Ma4iMijf iwwn, rtrf if woniit nuty uo a cj.vwdtW'.a 1 ymtf whrtt the fcuU nm? shaitci tree. rtf IWM WiWW W '1 -'iff. - VV;( jswy. J'fcpita- isswih btv rthuut tour youtuu atut uitott1 muk- vaAw xtiw iff ?Vffifl thorn. rifvw.T i- a Nw Yfif irntftfttw hat a Co v .y ihvw ii.TiNsi IKri, tor n4o'f in hi fahocairv (13 QfwnwS, in it itpttatt thn tears of A waiftott (utua M;is;!.f Ss.iyMi wl?k xi&stt cmienfo fhom ino. Tortus ratecrWiar ' ' 'Vhc tirfiftr math farm a rafornii?if whivh vhvv ( ih& Wv v tlr tvrf uiuf. twwa fctU tbvsu ly $ 7 iit& fit?iujo (u (ut? wCaU'S tV vjfij i cocoon mi fho hrau avI tU '(f "'' effort' (ttar nppnara wiiua .Ut tw fuMj$iSs4 w$txt fba&tiiif, , Ti V ik Jouo tvy t'Ayttj4 i net turuinjt 6.0 ja an, Yrf;?f fh novr sending varrau5iA tv (kw.K- .0 Us NWlltt lWHM irh ff tfti too te ut i(w o.tvhiln Tvil Awtsste- coMpofiitj; poatK ta ttw lt5M4M,.B M frf.'i. ntij ninliEO f?ie ooiXag matti, wftt Vy .ijtititt nrti S.fa .fo" wa?o norm liku NEVER LOOK BAtfC li 't (-. Keg raur ya jffsAi (string en wly J Irata tir fiHurfa uf (ugh ,Ut toiSv Ovr p- vftltgtti. "W employ 4"" . EIFERT The City Tailor rraGT KATIOKAI BANS aJ nnnk rorcntfy hoht tat - aanwftt titi't tttiti rc-ch-ctcd Hm obi offioetc iVjvWj'-tel jfr writ w rlf . tatoa, TUo uf (mw W1 7?; Y. Si. Crowotty proftuUutU t'f- K, IimhI, vir--firrfioni ; L tt fuuv, vwo-jtrofwiv'Aj M. J., siifani, rarthitrt rrw t'rttfo.c(, , inth'N'r. y.(Vfactt; WtUam t'mvfiH. R K. IVf'K J'h'.fri1 Srrwitjf, ' . V. C;toy, W. . MERCHANTS IUKCH 5T4RT4NU UttMMtil . 2, W W,. CllT W . pbis;b ,s THE LOUVRE