MiCngORr) DAILY TftTBCTNK, MEDffORD, ORKfiON, MONDAY, JANUARY 18, lOffl. Mediord Daily Tribune li iv PAPBH IN A LlVl TO WW. i'ubliniiwl every evening except Huntlay. M ! 1) F O K I 1 U JJ L J H 11 1 N (1 . .0 0 Af 1 A N V Qioiiui VvmiUj tlH?!1 Mfi!1"''!!! AclmiUed h Heeinul-(!liiMH Matter in the I WnlTiee lit Miult'onl, Oregon. HDIWOHII'TJ.ON HATKN. ( inniilh, l.y mull r currier. .i.no Dim your, l.y mull ,Tr.,uii A TALK OF TWO ('IT1HS. Any niio Unit wiih pi'twiil, when tlie Hixikime exeiirHion arrived a year ago and witneHwd tlie arrival id (lie Walla Walla exeui'Hinn Hnnday, eould iiol. Imt note the enntrjisl between the two hi'Im id' vinitorH a ilil'l'ereiiee Unit It'll the Htory of the two eitlen plainer than wordw. The Hpokaiie exenrHioiiiHlH were full of enUiiiHiamn anil aniination. They erowded about, the exh;li) building, eheered .ludgii tiiilvig for IiIh addreHS of weleonie. He vera I orators of their own reHponded, graeioiiHly eoiiipliiuenliug Med ford upon Hh 'energy and inmtle. They waded through the atreetM then reeking with mud lo Hi,e up the city; they eagerly Heized literature and fruit and went away pi'aining Medford and itH poiln. The Walla Walla xeurHionlH(n acted like a lot of dead oiiea. A few had life enough to come out of their ear to bear the addrcHH of welcome, hut' moat, of them were too liHtleHM and too lacking in energy to even leave their cars. Ami there wiih Iio reHpoime to the welcoming add reus. Though (lie ntreetH are now paved, no one imed them. About a dozen vmited (lie exhibit building. There wan no energy, no enthimiaNin displayed. Jl'wiw a pleasure to entertain the excursionists from Spokane. One felt that efforts made in this direction were appreciated. It was dismal work frying to do anything for the people from Walla Wallathey were too much like our own Oregon mosHbacks - uuapprecialive and inan imate. Walla Walla is a much older place than Hpokane. It is no fault of its inhabitants that it now numbers nearly JO,(HH) population. It has grown because it couldn't, help it -the center of iv rich agricultural district that has never known a failure, the development of its territory forced its growth, oven against the wishes of its many mosshacks. Hpokane, on the other hand, has been created I y the energy of it.s people, who have made a city of over 1(UHH. where there seemed but slight excuse for one. Hpokane enthusiasm and the Hpokane spirit have be wnie nhn.vst synonymous with progress, and would make a eity anywhere. Htarting years after Walla Walla had the population and the eonner,H Hpokane has completely distanced the "town that never had a Ihhuu," and boasts of it, Hpokane has had several of t hem-the last continu ing now for um,v years. Mod ford is the Spokane of Southern Oregon. Founded long after other towns wore established, she has passed all rivals and with an energy and enthusiasm born of prog tvss, has grown and is bound to grow as no other eity in this region ever grow Ivforo. Rival cities, with their con servatism, aw its Walla Wallas, and will boar the same relative -position to Medford that the prison town bears to Spokane, . IX TKtnVTK TO T.IXVOLX. On February V2 the wheels of industry will be stilled for five nrinntes throughout the groat cities of the United States as a tribute to the memory of Abraham Lineoln, the greatest American. As the eUvks strike the noon hour, stwetears will stop, railway trains will halt, the throbbing wheels of eonnlloss factories will ova so their revolutions and the strenuous life of modern commercialism will lv snsjvndivl on the InuuhwUh anniversary of the birth of the least vwnunewial of all hotves the plainot. simphvst, noblost uuu-i his country has prxvluh Mod fowl should t;ko wart in this nations! romonihraiu-v and v her tribute to the memory of the man "who was the highest exaltation of the -proletariat sinoo the morinng stars first sang togvt.hor." mw-h Or rktuvs AKVl.tTT Tk.Mwa ,l ftmva mi.M it t'w.cd V.nii at VcKArJ Sainr. eve mivfc ,, (VHr 3 .-f V-p V WV, ( vr W f0 NM& fnWt- UnM- lit, lm M ,1.,jJi i V.r- Vfc W W T.'-T.W,,.. TW I M W YfiwcV, c.f p?rtntA r.A it r-i f,,r f,M 1C VN.!,v. T'K,-ft WN-'tV tr in l, lifv vy) i, ,, M - St,f! m ' 0? o.'-.tT.ti, , , i;kv i. icj; . K i- ,i Thr VftM '. , -..? -. .,f.t .f VMiht )v T' x.'i, ..f t.,p.,r IfcVR- hm i'-.m V-V TFst ift fc.-w, W ll' At twk Si' ht.i TvV V. fWIK V .'(' 1V liitV "., .Urvk. t v. or v COxmONW'RAV.TH TAT "MWIRSITY or HM'iWV, Vi.fv-i-f iiV.-.M irV 1hf l'i t lit M t rv, !- '.-. ,.f . ?,'',! it .'' .. nttr , i. -v t ' : : . ' k -n.n- .i -.!. t I ,iM,f nc ''' r, .V,'. r f -v rvrv "1 I.,.- f I f . i ' . tii.!;: i; if i-v 1 1 - ... v.- iv ' . v 't ) .V. .... 'i ' v ;-. !-i (H).f .1': ..M-rl r.-..s:sv :? Vvr ,f h"' I,.-' 5 t. --. - ft c " ' ' V..". J Asms FAVORITE JEWELS Arn ulwityii twttv of Kcuuinv merit, HtuMK 't nlwiiyH tlif ntoift foully, .Uwi-lry of tlio fiiiuit i,ulily. A Use rt!it winter prumiwn to be on of unit huh I bucirI brill ianr.), you will J' I Jul it to your I nf trnt to Nicunj what yu ih'imI from our udmhmuI t-toflk of rlint bruoi'lmn, pmJmiUf (iitif cIiuiiim, hrnru U'iH, etc. MARTIN J. REDDY Jewelry and Watches si ,f .:, H. WNiAirr, Vri'mwit. .1. A. I'MHIWf, Vlro lCi'i(l.)Dt. JOHN H. OllTII, Cniililiir. 'W. II. JA(,'KfllN, A.t Oiii.r. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK HCDrCBO, OB, CAPITAL - - $50,000 SURPLUS - - 10,000 . Saf'ofcy Boxes For Rent. A General!? ai)k in Bus ness Transacted. We Solicit Your, Patronage. ,KS AND PEARS AND ALL KINDLs t FRUIT TREES YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY' Largest ' Comniercial Nursery in the Pacific Northwest. Nm, in the combine. Covipetes with all first-class nurseries L E. HOOVER, Agent . MEDFORD, OREGON. . . , Medford Iron Works 5 IS. (1. TUOWRRIDGE, Propiu tor. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS M; ki uls, of F.ii'va .fs.Sprayiu Outfits, Pinups,' i t ji JM'eifinul Macliiuery.. ' ; t Agents in Soi'tliMint- Oregon for-i-.. ... , V FA T I'M -i AN KS, MORSE & CO. 5ENT MINSTREL SHOW HMMnMBaBaaMiiiiiiiiiiiiHaHniiHHBaHMaaMHa UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE REDMEN OF MEMORD AT THE ANGLE OPERA HOUSE Thursday Eve, January 21 st. Hear the local End Men in their Local Hits Six Solo Singers, Three Big Acts in the Olio The first part is a -Beautiful Setting with High Class Sing ing. The last act "Lucy Long'e Birth day Party" is a screaming farce from beginning to end. This act is Guaran teed to make even an undertaker laugh. RESERVE SEATS NOW ON SALfi AT HASKIN'S DRUG STORE PRICES 50g and $1.00 AT THE SERVICE OF ' . ! ' DEP08TM-OB8 AND CLIENTS StaU Depositary. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS W2G,000 Tlie, Jackson Count.v Bnnk places at the corvieo of its depositor and clients ilio best fur.litica iu bunking. Tho of l'icepR aru pieused to render counsel and ndv'ice on tinancinl matters. Accounts, subjo-'t to cbeck, aer in litcd. ' Safe deposit boxes to rent, $4 per year and up. ' W. I. VAWTBH, President O. R. LINDIjPY, Caabin i mm i M 'iri EVERY ONE HAS THEIR OWN TROUBLES Kspoeially tho man v.io buys a suit of clothing or overcoat ramlo to fit any one that wants to buy. The man who han his garments made to order by an up-to-date tailor never has any trouble with the fit, finish or genera! "get up" of his clothing. It nt only fits per fectly, but gives you it style and indi viduality acquired in no other way when madesat J. A. Kreuzer 6 Co. Importers andT ailors PALM BUILDING, MEDFORD, OR. YOU OUOHT TO KNOW the rocili'upo of ih meals that are eooked at the KmerioU t'afe if yon haven't nlrendy rtsrl-1 yourself with some of the delieioUA diflies that are nerval here. It' you 1; -won't partaken1 of them, there is a trvat n waiting you thnt you will want .o repeat oftvii. A meal at the Kmeriek in an experience that will make you cry, like Oliver 'Wist, for more. The Emerick Cafe Open All Niht VAN DYKE'S 1 OFF A On VEILS, SCARFS and LONG GLOVES 5CARFS-SI.25 to $4.00 value5 at 1-8 ef regular price VEILS--" Merry Widow" and "Auto" Veil, all colors. $1.00 to 3.50 values, at 1-3 regular price LONG GLOVBS-P. Centemeri & Co.'s cape and glace Gloves, regular J.'.vO and 54.00 value, now 1-3 regular price SEE WINDOW DISPLAY G. . Ililstniter A. C. R.od.ll 0 L. D. Hrrit Rogue River Investment Co. FRUIT LANDS Cnif rs Sub-Dividers aud Developers Rogue River Valley Or chard Lnnds. : s .- fruit lands, bearing and young orchards ia small uuil ti,-ts, for sale. w.. fM.t and care fur orchards and guarantee property to !' -.s r presented. Experience A'ot Xecessary for these who purchase through us. Tboy secure the advise aud services of a consuiticg horticulturist, an eipert vn fruit cul ture m all it hranelies, who for sovoral vena has uxcolod in the frjwing and shipping at fruit in the Rogue River valley, record ciops, record parks, record prices. ' ' 1 1 1 Xorth D Street, Medford, Oregon Medford, Ore., Jan. , 1809. I have just received the following Nursery Stock 2000 Dinter Nellia Pear Trees. 1200 Do Anjou. 2500 Peach, Trees. I also have on hand: 3000 Bartlett Pear Trees. 2000 Comics. The above is good, clean stock at popular prices. L. B. WARNER Van Dyke's MEDFORD SASH & DOOR COMPANY PHONE 2291. 'J ""tf t1"- it Bevel Plate, carried In stock cheap. Offw Fiit-oro, and ,11 k,n.lf of Pla. ing Mill Work, including Turned Work and Fancy Grille. F STRFKT. BETWKKV SIXTH A.VD S KVKNTH 8TKKBT8. Compare the Quality H is aid ajar has a ur au t nnplv curonirs the T - V' ,A El rw J. T.O.Ha .J-- J... ..... ve K.riit i, Out rri inn tk. Allen & Reagan Groceries, Chindware, Fruit and Feed Try a bottle of Mc Donald Never Leak Shoe Oil Keeps Your Feet Dry Pint Bottles - 20c Quart -35c C. W. Mc DONALD Successor to Smith & Molony YOU CAN'T I SAVE On your rat?ra&d fart. Tha law of tfe Ciimmiva carrier a)inpeis eqaal rate, on all railroad linos YOU CAN SAVE Id Time, TrtTeiiag Ex penses and TatigM jr tnstsUoj on Ibe shortest route, faste.t tntot and best service. Sunptr se that your ticket raada Ti SOUTHERN PACIFIC O. R. & N. Oregon Short Line and In ion Pacific Every facihtr for tW saf- ad awmiis'a twa 'f th. paKtr is lircrjiaB. X. oiutpt tt cars it eotarT to re vr. Iaka, Kuni CSty Chicago. c tM are mwd for all tk- r pout east asd ta;k Vtwif.-ri rJ raMsatfar Afat