Boost the Development of the Rogue River Country by . Subscribing Liberally to the new-Medford-Pami UNITED PRESS DISPATCHES By fu tfc Urgit and belt ntwi rparl of u paper la Southern Oregon. The Weather fl-nIy Willi oceasioaal skowe& loeigkt sml SaaS. THIRD YEAR. MKDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 18, VMK NO. m Daily LOOKS AS IF STEEL Will IKE GOOD ! Matter o! Crater Road j Appropriation Now up to Jackson County-Sttel t Awaits Authorizatlsn The mutter of securing an appropri firiutt from tin unthm.! government for the btm'tng of the ( rattr lake road W 11. w i tt( Jackson ot,t ty, ami Ju'ksoH tui;f v must get Ihihv ir a hurry. Kiam tsh rounty hits point through with the outltori?jitio of it levy and have given Will O. Hteel authority to represent them lit Washington, i:ml Mr. Steel on ly awaits mieh authorization from 3 ii(3 Neil ami the county court of Jackson county to get things going and tn out. He wrote Dr. tiethly recently ii. it "rd to tin matter as follows: rTIitve had several conferences wiih tutrfiehl and Iiuehot( ami have another n pointment with the latter for tomor l ,v morning. It is very unfortunate Hat 1 am not authorise! uow to speak r:ficiaiiy for ,Inrkso:i county, and that f et is counting serious ty against me. 8 vera I days ago I wired Jutlge Noil for it, asking an answer by telegraph, 1 .it havo received no response. Pottbt 1 is it will como by mail, but iif tho i'..atitiine I a i losing valuable oppor tunities. . The time to strike is when the iron is hot. It is harder to work when eohl. To make pure, 1 think it would be well to-' telephone the judge and see that everything 13 all right. In my opinion, T will win with or without fcneh authority, but I cannot expect tho tbgree of success without it that is poHftible. with it. Here every bwly with a mission must represent something or he can accomplish "intent;;. The first question nuked is, "What do you repre sent f f can only answer, "The Cra ter Lake good rons eoiiiiiiisBioB,' which is not coiisiti-o e- as tangible as a county court.' COST BIG SUM SETTLERS MAY TO TRY CASE SEUJIMBER Testimony Consisted of ; Must Simply Swear That 4,500,000 Words in the; Land is Not for Spectu , Standard Oil Case lation-Fres to Sell NEW YORK", Jan. IS. An unpreco dented record of costs in a single suit and a record of word of testimony never before approached in a case pros ecuted by the federal government were revealed today when tht case the ob ject of which is to dissolve the Stand ard Oil company in Xe"r Jersey ended in the custom house. The testimony taken filled 22 print ed books. The St aidant Oil company spent more than $4,Otrt,Ofl to defend itself and the federal government spent about the same amourt in prosecuting 61 companies declared te be subsidiary to the Standard Oil which were involved in the suit. by the government and HO by the de- fendant. The testimony consists of 4,- 500,000 words, a great t number, per haps, than nnv ever tit;en i a trial ty the United States oovemment pr any individual or corporation. The Bible contains only 773,746 wt rtls. If the ta bles of tho government and the Stand ard Oil he added to the figures men tioned the addition would be about 10, 000,000 words, submitted in print but unspoken. If nil th-5 testimony were printed and hound, the volumes would be more than seven f.ft high. The maps submitted by the company are in four colors, thus entailing great expense. KLAMATH FALLS TO HAVE NEW COUNT COURTHOUSE KLAMATH FALLS, Jan. IS. After making a thorough investigation of the laws, the county court has concluded that it has the authority to make a spe cie! tax levy for the creation of a fund for the erection of a onrthmise, and in accordance therewith 2 mills will be added to the regular ta levy made sev eral days ago. This pecial levy will raise about lo,000, a sum sufficient to secure plans and specifications and also do most of the prei;micary work. WEINHARD TO ERECT ICE PUNT To Cost $20,900 and Will Be Large Enough to Sup ply Medford for Twenty Years-Work on Weil . A $20,000 ice plant U to he erected by the Weinhard company to tako the of ther present cat in this city, and work will start in the very near future. The plant wili contain all mod era improvements and ik to be large enough to supply Medford with ice for the next -0 or 25 year. Jt will he lo cated upon the property owned by them nee.r the Crater Lake Lumber company 's box factory. The butkftng m to be of brick. Work will also ha commenced again on their well that fett bea stopped for several months. TsU well is down at the present time some feet and the company has dee idea to cost t sue to sink it an endeavor to obtain artesian water. They plan to sink it at least 2500 feet. WM. ULRICH APPOINTED TRUSTEE BIT CREDITORS The creditors of the Jackson County Lumber company, wh recently went into insolvency, met with John 8. Oxth, leferee in bankruptcy, .a Saturday af ternoon and chose William Ulrica as their trustee, to act them. The af fairs of the company ure fast being ad justed so that each creditor will receive their pro rata. President -elet-t Ta ft is a staunch f'reiai of the west a ad for that reason it is believed he will lie present in Seattle during the pmr-rs of the Alas ka-Yukon-l'acifie exjwartiou. The btg exhibition is to exphot the rer-onrees f Afi'tikn and the Yukon terrtory f the Pacific ocean, , WASHINGTON, Jan. 18. For the second time the Fn;Jcd States supreme ! court has interpreted th timber and stone art, and for the wrond time ren 1 d red a decision adve- to the eonten i tion of the government These decisions, ! almost identical in tenets, and entirely i identical in effect, strike at the most j vital parts of many of the land fraud eases that have been tried, or still re- main to be tried in ;l:c federal courts vf various western states, and the law, ; as defined by the ruproine court, ren . d-rs lawful nets which, p to this time, ; have been held by tl department of justice and the depjitutent of the in jtertor to be unlawful and contrary to 'the provisions of the t'mber and stone i act. E In the Oregon tiibr land cases, as is leases in Idaho, Colorado, California and elsewhere, the government contended 'that a timber ontrymnn was not per mitted to sell, transfer or agree to sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of his en try at any time between th filing of ins initial application the eomple tion of his final proof. The supreme court, first in the ca1 of Congressman Williamson, and only a tew days ago in the Colorado iaad eaaes, speetaliv holds that an entrvman, at any time after filing his original aodk-ation may sell his entry, and be ei'tirely within hit legal right. The government contention in (he contrary having teen twice held by the highest court in the land, it is to be piesnmed that new taeties will hereafter be pursued by prosecuting of ficers tt the government Kvery traveling mm representing a Seattle firm has le'a mule an honor arv member of tli- noUicUv bureau of the Alaska -Yukon Pacific exposition. Tl-e Seattle dra :. inter reerntlr visited the grounds in a Wle and Row when they are spending an evening in a Pull , man they will hate something to talk ! about. MACK Si BY JURY TO BE GUILTY Slayer ol Carter Convict ed of Murder In Second Degree-Jury Was Out Four Hours GRANTS PAHS, Or., Jan. IK, -At 4:45 Saturday afterar. the ease of Will Mack, charged with the murder f Miles Carter, came to close and tn 30 minutes tho judge had given his instructions and the jury retired to de liberate. After deliberating fr hours and 2it minutes tho jury returned a ver dict of guilty in the Ferd degree. The courtroom was severeJy tnsed by the increased crowd of women, who man aged to enodi their way through to the spaea usually oeeupiH by the bar. Maefe took the stiei in his own de fense during the day and made the plea that be was insane when he slmt Car ter, He said hard drinking caused him to have erassy spells, during which he was irresionsihle, H ? also declared that Carter was kicking h!m when he fired. Mack told Ms ?try calmly. He could not he tangled in testimony by the cross examination, but he admit ted that on former oceiisions when he had bad t he t remeas he was al ways sick and in bed. Friend Gave Him Gun, . Coming down to the day the deed was done, he explained how a friend had given him the pistol atul i.s the morning he went minting an.1 on returning he visited several places ind took to drink ing. He remembered noilting of the crime from 5 oVIoek isiiil next morn ing he woke up in jail. It waft nt this jintettire of his story that the- state. Oj'on eress-exsmitiiif bus, attempted to d nt w oh t that t he df ends at s la pse nf memory was due to his reading the report of the Finch trial m Portland, hut this he denied. Not since the famous Jennings ease f three years ago bad a trial in the bmeplune county etrem court attract ed as much attention as this. The courtroom was packed to suffocation, every hour of the tntl, the bailiff be ing required to Hose the doors to keep the room from being greatly pack ed. Mack was defogi&d by Attorneys A. C. IfoHgh and Judgv J. C. Hale of this city, while District Attorney Mtil key was assisted by Robert G. Smith. Bitterly Fought, The ease whs bitterly fought. In outlining tho ease to the jury Prose cutor Mulkey declared that the nature of Mack's crime was Mich as to make but one verdict justifiable, that being ;i verdict of murder ia the first degree. M;tek s attorneys expected to prove that Xfaek, besides being erased with drink, notwithstanding Grants Pass is a prohibition town, was obliged to shoot ia self-defense. Witnesses whose testimony was calculated to prove this assertion were brought on the stand and their i est t money was to the effect thai Carter, ih barkeeper of the Lnyion saloon had ordered Mack out of the plseo, whoa t&a latter refused to pay for tho "temperance beer given him, and at once began to kfek him in an attempt to pttt him out. The two were in combat, n it was assert ed, when Meek pulled hln revolver ami bot Carter through tne lungs. HAEEISOTOK SAVED BY A STAY OF EXECUTIOK Because John Harrington failed to appear in the county court Saturday afternoon in the mitWr of the estate of Victor K. Snyder, deceased, and in the partnership estate of Snyder & Co., & bench warrant was issued for his ar rest and commission to the Jackson county jail until he sho.'dd comply with the order of the court and deliver unto Mrs, Snyder the full and complete ps session f tho partnership property known as the Office cafe, on I street, Medfcrd. The warrant was gUen to Deputy Sheriff Bow, who cam? over to servs it Saturday evening, but Circuit Judge Hanna at Grants Pass granted a stay of execution upon a writ of review. The litigation over the partnership property has lasted for two years, tho circuit court deciding in Mrs. Snyder's favor. Harrington fai.f-d to appear in the probate eonrt r:hf-n he agreed to snd the bench warrant wss issued bv ?dg in consequence upon mo- tion of W. K, Phipp., attorney for Mrs. Snrder, Korea will be reprepet.ied at Seattle f n Tt year by an eihihit of hrnt wares. carved wofl, linens and rilks. An ex terior eiportf-r in S-otl is preparing a lilne exhibit for the eihibition t fh-tw the progress of the Pacific conn try. APPLE HER Will FIGHT PORTER Bill Object to Increase ol Size oi Apple BoxSays it Means Loss ol $1,000, 000 Annually The Hague Hi vex Hortu-alHiral asso ciation will in all probability take steps in Hie very near tutor to prevent the passage by congress of the Porter hill which proies to increare te siite of tho apple box used by northwest grow ers. Other localities throughout the northwest are taking sti"pe to protest against Its passage and tho Hague Riv er valley will probably tali into Ime, The Hood River apple growers, ac cording to & press disgtateh, have s&kttl the Oregtm delegattrm in engres to work against the majore, and the ap ple laeis of Wnshington have aent J, 1. Iumas, owner of the big Pomona apple ranch at Oayttm, t the capital city to use his jafhiPuee to bring nhmit it; defeats It is stated that th" matter will be taken np officially by the Hol liier Applfi tirowers union, which will com- muaieato with other mihtr organisa tions in tho state, nuking that they nst their sitmost efforts to prevent the bill from passing; s?id also for their o-oporatitm is riiisiug funds to send a representative of the i;pple growers of the stjste of Wiisbiiigtoit to work with Mr. Busies in opposng a measure which it is stated wiM mean an annual lofs fo growers on ih e st of $l,iSSi(- Memorial to Congress, tine of the probable courses of ac tion will be to prepar a memorial to congress showing thai the present -bos ia use in the northwest, which was adopted several vem ago r.s the stand ard box of the fruitgrower: orgnaixa- tion, contains 4iHt m at- cubic inches than the Winchester 1 uhl, at prent accept etl as the slandnid in the Cnited States, It will also be shown that a change such as the profmsed will lirorganixe the present n;efhoi f pack ing and shipping apple and place grow ers on the e;tsi under unfair emi'ti tion until an altogether new svsiem could be inaugurate L Apple growers also fbjeef ttt the pss ssge f the hill ht whole r in part. particularly proviu: tn it which states that hose Hot etfriig to the larger six1 siipulate! in the Porter bill h:tii be marke! -hoit box. This, they say. is placing a t unfair resfrte- tios on the apple products of the north west. It is also said fhat the apple hut now in se contains mer a bushel of apples that are all salable and as near perfect as ii is possib to have them, and that dealers who tie pushing the Porter bill are inking a unjust ffourse to compel the grower fe give them more fruit in order for !h buyers to tas profits whieh justly te'ho.g to the grw- ROQUB RIVEE ENCAMPMENT INSTALL THEIE NEW OFFICERS Rogue River Encampment, No, 3, 1. O, h FM on Satunlay evening ia stalie! their sew officers. The cere monies wer in charge of Iiklrie! Dep uty Grand Patriarch A. J. T, Smith t Gold Hill, The officer are: Sen ior warden, t C, Tsyior; high priest, W. H, t.'roweli; junior warden, X. J. Wiley; treasurer, W S. t'roweil; sirile J. O. lienmier; guide, ,1. B, Day; first watch, li. 11. Harvey; reeond watch, K, tiaddis; third watch. U. F, Clark; fourth wateh, A. 11, tV-n; inside ea- tinel, Charles O, Kiea, outride s'nti !!, M. f. Meadow; guards of tent. R. O. Duncan, J. W. Ci. TOP NOTCH BEACHED IH KIAMATIf FAIiT,j5 FOR CHAIN KLAMATH FALLS, Jan. IS. All kinds of grain has teaefo-d the top notch price in the Kbimath country. The crop last sea a was short, and the demand hss increased that the farmers are getting the best prices that have been paid in this sefio for sme jvears. Wheat, oats afd b; riey are sell ing fr 2 cents per p-omd, while rye is t bringing 2J cent. The pnee of floor ha gone to 1.";. j It H eftim;ttel that there is enough grain in tho country supply the de mand, but hat thf-re will be fe b ft by f Ii tint1 the irp ar1 !jsrvestd this year. The scret ge grain a .larger in He3 than .ny prvimis year and will le n-irlv doubted thi vear, s that neji fall th hEarm-th eoitntry should hve kII kin-Is of grain stioug it exports. The wireless teb pij' a ft ill be lem oiuttrate! n the grtmH of the Alaska YuktiB F&etf ic etpoitui aext year. BY W1LLET President Is Called Near ly Everything That Con gressman Can Lay His Tonque to WASHlNGTiiN Jan. 1H, Tssiiig m his theme, The IVss;itg of llotjs'--velf but otherwise it mp&iUm'mg. his name, ReprsentaGM Willet of NVw York toiay made the.mowt vit riolie attack jfn lesevelt i hat has ever lftea dimmed towar! the cho-i eswat i ve of t he A aM-riean uat hm. Wortts were mt tuiiu!, ur was his course interrupted and ecasisBsl rounds of applause w.;r heard through ait the lioust1. Am-ng sojue tf ih-s-boWe words and phm hatie! at th1 presidt ui lal head ; Waterspout Tyrant, Pigmy, f Jeseeiidant of Dutch trades pee t." Fontain of Jtillingigate, Kiug Ifetgsis tho Flrt, Rank imitation tti a man, President of the Aunnias elsb, iii verity a big fireh." Willet uVeluml first the presisb'Mt wss saved t Sjtu Juan lliii during the war in Cabs by tie adored shi?s. aftir lack of judgment had place.! ila Hough Ralera where they would hsve bea eut to pieces, r'mihor, the firy representative deuounud the presUleui us assistant secret arv tf the uavv, lie mihi that hia election t;s gverff; Xtw York was a fluky, - , dub to Meet, The N'ew Thought i-iob will ocl o Mmutay evening with Mn tangly ok North N street, AH wh ar iBterel are cordially invited to uitt'tah Two Klamath Fails Men Rob Bank But are Soon Captured KLAMATH FALLS, Or., Jaa. ar maski mn enlesed the Klsinatfe i'iiity bask xhorilv ai'ter nli Hstur 'lay and at flu wiint of pistols order! i'ashier Aiexaiob-r Martin sml two tie ; 'ir:irs, thm i. Af mm waft ami t iirttwer, ttt iham up I heir haiols, Jnii; of ike thif?vm hjtfol u bag t Mai titi attf ttthi him t fitf it. Two tiayv eoutainint' were eirti.ue! iuin the g. Four hours latr both robber were ia custtv. liap of the rl-!er wa tefi U gus;l tho three nun while fh other humel sway with the hwy, : tht expiration ; of a f--w mis nfe h" femsining Ifigb-I wayman coolly h-ff f h hunk aii tan tt sger 3veHe. .Martin. nmwait ai Hrw-r. reprtveriog f - their smpri folksrtf, tf-r seisifg aim that wero hiil ieeaih the hnnk ei.,j;er. The bhi ; riminal was firtl p;o aul the hstsi afraetetl luany pT.-iK4, who join-! m ihechae. 1'he fugsiive br-j'ijj harl prev : f took rcfog in a ol barn al tric'l i to hole nifler a pile of hay. He h; captured ami iu! to ! Riley Iteev r U mfe byt who worM -f here fop ia years. At 2:30 oViock in il.e afternoon the seem! hjohwayojan r' eaptsire! is a. hayia-f; olh of fw. He msveil ti; lo Jka Hall, a y-i man w-ll kiisn alu? lilaaijiik. Whu aeii bm-l fee I iefui t give say s-euftt of bis rea -mB fjr coititaili jg I jt--!. j The Miee tearch-o! a !m that hso! 5 be occiioie't by the f;U in the Klaas- ' tfih ii- Htt4 fon. $-'t$m the f iwt a mstsk mui a rvhr in a work i ehest. Roy ISeever, fhe ft'f fobber eap iHfeL broke bWfi iir: eofifes-L If immtbrfelv ifp- tf by iht- granI iurv whih i w ia itt. i-si, .fe-ii (...,.,(.., ci:rrf - wavs wiH be ervi ib Alaska liM-f 3hr, H lfi' r ';,;'sJ"1 ifigt the baffle evp.(-fioH ifejf rear. I Nv 'alife-raia hatU Tk will be ,bf u .lemoafrafe tferjK Aiasfe VhW Pafie of Alaska fab as a foI prlaef. b- at Heaftle uest --ar. Names House Committees ' Regardless o! Fight Over Senatorial Plum Big Time Toiorrow KALRM, Jan. IX- Speaker MrAr ihur of the lon thi- &ht&mm sii nmneetl the stniufrng oifemstet of tke swsiiis. It is cvitb-nt tisat leArfbiir hi lurking his Si'lrt-ii'is bl buii lit tle aiteniioii to statement er aafi slat meut at filial ious. Tw aty s'bairmaK hi uut of 4'1 staiobt-, K&mmiiU go t anil siuteutent Uepubib'aus, the r maimler i statement eea. So ?kiir ugtislti have tee' gives & Dm-s-cjjJs. bf tby are w, trsteij beisg lit-e tu ral ioi?aKt ensmil fet'S, Whes the seifste ru&xt nn this affr it was to rtiiJibv 1- ssate bills wbirli wer vefoei by tfe n'er ar 'luring the last ers'a f the legis lature. lolitbai leaders from all !arfs of the sfst? are gathering i take s karni is ike fSregim seuatofi !attle wkiek is Jo iake plaee it aa ifmti-&w in tke .sljirate koii of it fi-'sfature, The aafi stijt Uieat meast t i piss & useefiug tiir tonight. . t ' The session heM a Wrl imi'mg this morning atui stmplv lt nn It Ike ht ?r'iiitsou of sm'W bill am! t$&htimm SUPREME COUKT IIOLDH AGAINST MOVES IN BV1 WAKHIXtmN', Jfi H, Tfess VslV hI States supreme couri Utmv kek! ;fFifffsf i harb s II. h -r pr?mhttt of ike Uetft-iH Keb ra?'-- f Miners in kis appeal Lr hamt aj;aiut FMrr fverar v.b'y i tk-ralo aal ofk t t iH;l imprb-jmmaL This eoa firms ike jialjjmeat f tht cireaii eeurt. Scribe in Grants J'ass has Sent Out Weird Tales of Mastodons. t-railt l';sst has a feriliF wki for wt tales is a tbissf -ami CJraats la it. .a the w;fg., ft, H eaa AjiJv abtoit Buythii'ij ft ma jussNwImhs ef h were!y see& ia fii tkiu?s IT''-'. i't!i-Veg ke?st Iteas po-a. -b?it, He, to lloare Put e f, i ft-ago, !, Jo mfitr kas a workiit' iu,uC i sveral fine raet of eoal faii'fk o w hh-h essier f4e 'e: eiopmeut fat Itwit U&& He s plaeia ereiv ;-i-l Ufi! imroagk!y , h -i Oo i. r i m h as asear Ut he f worth - -rsisel ft make operative eso f evrv eoal i?rfm whieh warrant a afr a ssajwrn ff h eh!mesf Wker - it amessafV in tpr if a!. wK built frm the aiiaes. fmueetiag tka with tke ajaia lie- f ihn ifiviag sle- pijf t?auj''rtatioa f--eiH?ies,1 Shw this tvki sM te bvey if if R-iT'- no? f'r ike f-i,s fkaf F. ifiiy, iiko h:t b'ffc Hviag to gel Mr. I'sim ;uieref-1 ia tae o?a efal: 't't ko eofk (- fke asaHef, ilui ; aiv h ' it at ?r Vr.'tur? if ke jees hf Mtary wiM take h-M just ta issk fife fofffaf f' eoise f'ue. As for the matoo!o?!ye- srif-e might have see; Tbe At;k ' &n4 hi hista h from ihaf Hat, jt ai b-reaer, ke shek is yet f emft-r Iteail fbis fa? yoarseif hy ih self same si-rsle-; ?fm.eihiai TinmrV.itii m fl1 sf f keiefity is exitf fWJSSfBi jsst fflsssr ia fJrauls las. Ne?yl MeiJrew ka a - falf that u-tt iaheriis the eokr markiugs of ptngt'Qiii? hni ais hi earmarks, hv-nt a rp off the b-ff, an fffolerbit ie the right swl s split, f'ajf av of r farmju- eastern- f?fks beat ih'r 1 Aearlv v-rv chb.v fa fae sfafe of Seven Bnrglaries and Three Murders Hold At tention ol Police-Five Men Held Up HKATTLR, Jau. IS StPS frglar ie; ihni' immUf ml fir h&hhs$x is the reerl ls-t mghi m fba? ?Hyf sml fhe ftolses &tv nt a i& jgafs the aareaf wave of riir that swe iiif ssver the eify, F.-r smm ihn& fke 'trUr f the ftiy has feN 11 rs'- The aufhitrffieft art at ifeHr Wfts.f! s My'fffjf to SfiHv a mmh?t mysftry ia fimliijji ihf ih-vmpm'f aail hwrsbly mtiiinu at sa efekls-atifft mmt whieb kal hn crushes! iafss s ls los am! wbfrb was brswa kigk sml iry by fkt fkbs a th? sbf Vak m MarnL ir was iliven! Iatsriay by an lalisu. It is evkleat Ikat the bmly kasl bes ia tke la a k?ag Hiase. if ili Ih brought to fkss eify seailia au e-vafttieatk - Aa anio!y is beisg ihi after- mam over the reamias of WitHsun L. sWley,, a foriaer astieaaP Imsk exsus iaer his ie sail sugkter, Eeue,, wkiek were fnm4 yeiirdsj m their home oa f'apitai hiih It m vM&k&& ffeat S--ey kii!eI ais mat laffgh- fer an! tkea e-imisiifei mUhh It was barium! ti,y tbgt h& was liseorajel Iwesiistp of immzrmi immh le,t ami Skat ke mik 4?atk' rather fhaa leeoia a itegr, Tks tkr? h&h o-s uer fnn'f tying ttt a fgfii Uiiu The blwii ujfft while H:'by yaamrke!, e1jitiui the eartwse. soaf tkea sfaas bliaj to - fee bath ub faiiiag sm ?ke ise hi U4 UHhs-L LA SALLS ASH1VEH TO MEET LOCAI mi AMFIOK s I iiever was in Mk skas is mv life aa-f eit U mak skss! Tsisav aigki it iti.v lt wiflj jswg sasd 5tlk the fsfffsas rriik'r sk b nr. ekauipioi Us fhe la. featek f ih s-8 ai Angle apr& htm& fomorrow ftijj&L. l-a Salle- a htg km&Y-tskite aas ifffil evblefjffy i flaa sa !iya o ail v. ttVsa is sa vij iii Hp am4 ros fk?enl f wwitittg, as svssat II s we!! tmise-i as-sl ia IwHer ejgHHoa fkaa at nut prevfims rafsfw This will be the- las? s!Nag aKtfoN wa hfi- tt wilen hih West Jiii4 Web-k b-ave rsHb- aest wek. VALE PSQFSSmE FEAISES HOqUE FU SE FISHIKO W .F, Isaacs has ?i:eiv from Max Tarraa!, iof3f- sory ffi sale aasverifv wi trip tUwn the U&z& wilfe ' ehsuipioM ffskerasas la:. sf; fke exi aej-f ssfeBs? ji-l sras goiog to arraaj? tkisgs m IN! 1 oiigkt ! f to r--at t!at rs fke -gnje wfee the fiskiajr af fs iwt, F hat-e bal t ekaa my ggt kw'Ver, t-i-ig I ike reeest &xh &t fatker. Sse fkiaje, however, t have ?aa!e k fy mia-l to, ami fkal i-: fkaf so siasv vurt wsl! be afioal fo 0sss la f'-rp baek i fh fihiff- !sf?e wbk-k is eertainly fit fiasri f feave ver R fa-, I if sf$y befij-f,1 SILLY BGH AKNA BLOWS OOOSTIN0 FOR CITV HiHv Hhaaaa. Hf sa-l aer of f ke forri HiWister. a iMisf Urn le votevl to rhe'iferess f k?f fferiviif !itle eapifal of tho Hae va!ey, or" ris, on the afiforai - g3frs raik roal (S. hk'w Klamafk Falls, wrf. the Cafmif. He bk'w s i3 f o f w n . n Hfi o !a . m ft trn oa re. t araifs; k'siae Moa1a v afraay; !fMv brfiisbi asm a kw s!oa, wfeieb spe-ar o; hs val Skslv, kites a .i(t;(r, ss itk ivin p.-rinrtkr of f, mo aa4 aa -b more t&ti& a 5 miaate tkaa iPorf usen s ia a. i!!e. ffe i e'lrmie.! wifif MlfrJ tk !togu the valb-v of fbe Ita it pitai e-fy, liillv is ;rtieiv s IWri !fer. tob- M'-fi-ao, aa lr!ssa swsjpr 3B8 of" V-w Vork, gHg- f ase his public bsf ji f rst-ref of ift'hiing i&tmigrn$hu o JS-'S!- iw-sr rsr, wkeu ther wit! b- lw ?a?s fs Jk riit of f5ol Alaska Vtfkoa f se esiJ!oe, L-reao befo-v- that tkuS'is f fess esnfrvioH in Xew V-i& sa tke ep'wl- ! feiieiilinfs eoukf fel fut?Mre k-( is the jrfiiitl ttri:'f sf fes weL a bffef f kis gist! a ap-r. irie.