M HDFOrci) I)Air,V TltmtlNIO, OlfKIJON'. SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 100. Social and Personal Civil J!i. M'lV'yer Im ulirmhny ; to pditii wnrk in Mill, ,f, I. limine of A'llll'ilnl wit (I vlHtfur lp M.Mlfur.l imi KrM-iv. A! IK, Mnlitjiiiiiei,v lillii lit'li nf I'liiiitm In vInIIIhu hi Mi.ir.ird with film. In. Vnliii'.v i xmi In vlpl liitf Nm I Imi n t'lillfniMln t'illi'N nil Iiiikiiii'Mh. Mim, K. W, I'm Huh I' Hm 1 U im I.i de;e in In li ii v r hi I In' ni'iir fut iite fur mt filiiilt vliiil with I'rli h-Im iiinl I . t il IVl'H III Klll'lln. 'I'. II. ThTI t.r A..lilnih .ItvfiH In Mi.l find Hiiliirilny mi IminIiii nn, (ixlllillll 4ilrl III". 'I IIIJJ, I IIIIIHM'I I' In 1 ' i lull iimiiiin, Miunluy, 7 p. in, l, (I Crmv, npnilmr, Huli"tl. " I VIei-t icimii , ' V I. i t II Mmiiik Ih llniiuili IU'Vib-p . liirlil . ' WIMllllM WllnuM i.f III" ,..li (jilt. ciniiiliv win lifuiNiirMiiu ImimIih'iin with Mi"ltni IIM'm'IiiiiiIh imi Hiilunlny lie txill t'l'lntn ImiiiK Miiti'luv, V. I. ('rillll- nf C I I'IMitH I'llNH WIIN II Vlnlli'lr I'll Hill Mill fl V. Hi' MiiH I M I III' 1 K.-iJIM' I K it II M lining IlM lie.tl Im 1 n I nut the IhIiIk'' iM'iir tluil oily, luivlny lltlMi'll MI'M'llll I'lU'l lll' lli(i I In himI few iImvh, Hit v. t i', Mull will liiixo hi nut I'm 1'i'lliltelnll, III,, IX hi re 'ii' will lllM't III" family iiinl lii'lii llii'in luii'li wllli liim (n Mi'iII'miiI, There m u iirw iil there XXllll'll Ml'. Il'lll llllH llnl IlM Vl'l -il'l'll. 1 1 in tv Men i ii hi, nip I-1 i'Iim It nl I In' 1 1 ul " Ninili, in i'i y ill Willi n n1 1 i'IHk. ti', I'lHiiny In nt inline him. Kinoi it'll Cafe- upon nil nielli, tf I l''tnir lit' W limiHi'N lire pin lined fill Tllll'lll lltllt Will Ih t'K'-'ll'l) fIN N.MMI II H till' WOllllliT Will pel Hill nf II III III ilulic Tllll ftllt'Nl llllltlltl'H' llll'lttloll ill I III' I y fin- rent. AililronN IV O h.ix IH.!. it IImmI MillllIK, rlltlllN Multlie, IM IVll.'l', IhlVO I'rlH'O lll'tl I'til I'eili'O of Tin II hiix'o hem nil Hnu Id.' 1'uitid NliilcM court In Metfid m In ml con ll'tlt. lll'tl meal ii brut ul 'i'i ul the Kin nleH Cnfo nM'ii nil nlu,M if l I), NHliiThihil nf llerliy mi. I t, .1 Fulton of I'ftlc I' tint lum Iiim'ii In M oil t "tl im w II m'mM'M in In1 I Vnl e liuul iMUltOHt, riiniio youi1 ot ilii n fur nwim imoniii im Imllnrmillt lo Ihu rronmery, If Wfllwim I, muli nf .ii.t ( it'i'K, R A H.MU.hmtti f Hnti.' KhIJo hh.I M(im Mutt itoti of IHk Hut lo ntv wiiiihv, in IaiuI l'UlOl :oiltI Oil III tlfMh, lit ut $M for th looking fcaliy Ht (hff.l V UllMlO. If Tlt. li'nili'il Nlulr eomminHUim'r lm l't' hiMHujr tlto ivnt'it i'!im' vf H S tYitW mi.t I lio liim' i biMitf lutrO f'Ut;M. So fur Mr iVnlf lu itt.id.i n IHOnl f;l ol'ttllo liowll'fj Hlll tilt1 (I'H vxn nontinirui U Mint Mil- vntmiMtl ItAil HO lt 0.1 HO Hd.liun'. IVntn lllltl llllll tto ohouKI win out, l-mevtoK i nfo i n. n lt tuM nowr lll pro(trit' corn y, tf Miiny of tho lmil tvitw Imw Wow nhowu to Ivao Itii Moir orim in I ho nation of I ho foroit rn' vrn mtx mm-h iiVlury h.i Won owo (. worlhy homo ntfufm. OMim for nwrrt fr".m or biltcTmiU Ttlv filial, rh"o ih otuiorx if NsUvrft Shojv forniirlr ,1Sy Vshi)f(on ttvt, tor 14? Sith tvlwivn Mornmxw nvA AKUr ttvt. iVrtUw.!. ,UttUAv i.(slliwork m!o wow on, ?,M TKo f inoHt buiuo KvntuMi u tl ' fity for rM(, A.lAnMui O, bo tf tho T Via V-Mow miY vtv rtnsH0 oor wt Hu hV ,iut oomh-usl thi voinittiPtion o( nn UvVom sl.suK tlto Km tier Th twt to hto a their ttili iw n fow A u w tl;u bo iy.U to trto m ft ur . f wow nitMut-rn who hiw sht'.ly oirs a tttMinv to join tho ot;.-tMisn(u. fUwiutt ToVy mx vino or w mit uihlity. U V. Hootvr, ,'hft lio" w nit low n o (I'l.t Kx Tu i'i'itu. il-o ('onirl Point Hi-uit.t, hi. 1 1o wv ho worn nfi.r thoto tMti.lotm aS'oImIoIx unifnl It' Hwfut to wmV o; th tixod f ; l-itf. fst lllttii in oho wormwi wVn tho hootitupf ii airway." y KoUuott, i ho ,!1 Vu,hui ch.tul of Ymtsl tSo Mtr HU. U ft M.Mui tinil'II.H for Vilt wuh i'u..1 iti (ho iCaoi.-it, ii .... .ii . . i. . . Ml, I 0jv,v!.'t to tvl',m' tw or ti, TtlO h0JV THij. s w, OlOl'K OW tho Tl(t' to trt jt tv iwiotfvr' with li.j U!tA0,'O VI-0 Wfli, ,U'om otvoK, otto h.-K m IK'h o '! i v'Ar wi'1 town, wvnt out Vri.tx ii-ht. Vv.'.n'-Ut tho iYtttuU tVint H-'-sM, M'no Uot K.si.Uol'tf, i;,,. tVtm Hotol, tvts ow mm- in n wilo .,.1 IK.. (.. I l..wn t lk- ,( .In,- holol (ll.'-t, i-n t..( ts,. ii,.:.i i'ii..iu.t.l t - I.. .1 1H..I ! OHO ,. to l,,..l-V , tv.i k , I,. ) A,- ,V , v.i'. lv i Yl . i.. i. i.'w.sl lOW.lot a .vomit '.1S,, iv 1.- '.V.VVC I iiils o . t .' of ti oro.voo. ..!l t - -IV,' Of V.I ..v',i I.V..I j;-.-I to K now. WotV f hor,iM . t A I N ,Vu Off.,- M T.tTV, VU.T.t xV.x-v .'n i.- Notv x .wvv (TM 5t 1 r (Vt.? im AMUHIJMIiNTH. TIkhiiiih JolfiM'Mtn Toiilj-lit lit tho Mod for.l. 1 1 will Ih Horn in liii f'mnmis i'lnif I ni'ti-rlutii'ii of IMp V'lii Win Mo, a pml ! id wllirli tlit'iili'looit mo iiIwiivm uIikI ' to woo linn, iiinl whirli tnUoA mi n.Mi'.l MlliTi'Nt tllltl rhiitlil "hi' liilli' It in It' i pi'ikihI. Mr .li'lt'i'iiou h Nil f I of I IiIn profi'ttnluti iiinl Willi tlio fii'tioii ohitriiiMor w ii h w hlrh Jim I'mno, hlu lluil of hi 1'iilln'i', In 'iiHopmulily iilou ilfioil lluil In' t'ltiinoi n ll tin' nlliiio iiiomU of Hi" foul liyM n mul I'moN I'mtli In hIoiI hiipnii(HK Hint iiiHin ;it Ion upon hoiuo I'oi hi mi to port ion of t ho piny lo littf puhho. 'I'lio i hlrf ohm iii'li'i't in "Kip Vnu WniMo" uro lioulih knI W h.'llOUIO fl(JUION. W llOHO IlllIIIMV IN A TivhI for Miiffip I.nvuii. In Iho itppo.-irttuiMt in toitooit of .Mm ttvuo Miiinptou Ihm:Ii ' tin. I Mi" Urn. i Miowit, Tuin.Uy utv'li:. I ho ttutMU' Inv otn of Miilforil nro M 'mto. an iHMimi.il trial, M, Umii ! n appoanst in mtiny Ihv oitioi l foio wml.l io now uis Uitint-i, hIk oi to too. i o mi thtiRmstic prnito ir In I unusual srt, Ailolo wi noli, ihu n . 1 "' K'lo-'h pi niiml, who Iioh Iooh Imiimii iho I'mti J S(ato, Iw-Anl Mi. t.vf In San VV.tn moo, mill h.ii uioit oxtrax a.-oil ni pmi.'to v4 lior mi, upotuonti p.tnirulai lv i' f hoi oti-h atut vol' '(..iiilatmc hoi i-n hnviuii for hiT toa.'hor Ih rm:'tm !oiv, I. Hor small phvjo.pio a-ni t;n-.i itultt.v 2 t mi omiMitJ ooinhniat ton. Hoi I ioj PprvsMw oiiainour, Mil iitv not aoK iu JoU4ii' aul nnv.iH biuns wit.li iWlinn mul l..o i .ii i-. - ,,r. PmuiL thoir 1.K0IH tii.h with Uormnun iivw. Mr. Ua.i ? ; m, M i1iav u .ippoarvU in ,'OMrrU U-foixj tUp -Ioot iiwl orm.-nl mni. i; t sn r'van ,'i!too awt w.'tv .i i i ! h u ; i a , ii' "i 1 1 v rsoi ol, U vm of Miv, lt.viwn Hinu.n . Hoir ti.'uw "So xxai n,MM ' ooowimonl,itiow, that ij w ry m nny io Im:n, ,or xlnc ' ' IV -how hi Mppio, iilio'i ,.i 1.,-r w.tV. uo tuoto from a U-ttir xMtrw ,,,,, llV hor uM"nt: "i;ttv taUllt i:. 1 Kviirt i'ii, lmvil,loU IMIO. o 'l.l .-UV 1 v'T o v'al AbjlHuv oiuin.ut. uv i-r v.H u.it fooling, hor arjiM1 sv AUt'on for .xhIh; XvhV ho ;S ovi.loxx.sj. fli;iiV H ToatiM fO!ir.;.!onu 1 tvrirwoM tovhoi. xxx Hav ..,.1 I'i ;'i v! . ;i.-wv fo: tV :orl tVt fut-.tiv t.xfoi h tn.x.io iii im-.o. I ul .11,1 v,-lv r1'"'1 mi!i l (ftl.VV, K, r ,n.i.i.,-i h it : I.i l o l .-.Svnti. l.CllUV CltHHWi T, tl 1 !- n- : V.. 'l ;, , ... i itvW w,..'l iw- ,1 ' ' . iv ;-ir'rv Al inll.. S.;l.-,vt. ' i'. n.-nv " - Vl.i;C",-101S.M l.ECTVKB Y CROW INSTSVC V ')s'i, r r-, -. .,1, w , y;-. s' v , ,vl lb,. A ' 1 .1 , V .- ,11,1 ; . .'-tv ,r iv.-iv - ,;::m: -.Vt , .v ; . , l . I x ., . ; .v il. W.xi,Ti. . , ,i .r V- 1VS .;o tU ""5 f. i,V -V- I'libl '"ul wh I'll' Mini llllUIIIU. i Imm in in rii It i ho tirliiuiH urn ri'iiMiHiii 'I'll. M.VI Jl Mil I liv llll.t ' I ll 'HI, Mill lluiMI' IMIIll I lli'-i mo iiuiiiy limoN .,). ,lr)( iy Mr : .I.-IIVihmi.'n polish.-.l ,,IH iniiu'itiihlo i. h- No l mi. I r.Mn.'l llIN " liiii" ti'i'lniiir it H iMi'iit ! 1 mm nt iu I Ik. t..(Ms,ii f Mi Im "'''iri. iih wrll !. ul,.ukr (. ihonI fitlh'. i.loiihui,. Vuu- ,( ,r(. It iN ii i liiiuu-ti-r Dial corurH hrcllv ni-iir tn I'.'iuj; Kri'iH lnn purl ".i vnl nf WiimIi port a "ii-tMii Inin-k piuil iMhiiiti xnalioiitl i Hi" i iKnKiIIh. Mr. l-norHMii him I. mi l'1"."'),' 'Miip" n,.u f.,,- yraiM, 'I'lioro ""UnuK iu ,o ran..' ,.f tin i itt litl ihmi- uf hiutrr Mymimtlfiy Mint in nut omhiMPt'ii. in Mr. .I. IV 'ifMii 'n ml. It is I ho Nil h li ootupiu'i iiii quality it pun m-nnoh, Ulllv I hail tho luunii'tnl I'oi tiiui', thai lmiid' thr urlur a worthy min'ossor to hiN fatlu'i. t urttun at 1 oVIupk. GOOD PRICE FOR APPLES i Talent Orcliiirds Company Receive $1.75 net for Newtoivns in London 'I'll.. T:il. ul On li.ii!,, ,-,.iih1.,iiv liiilc lt-.Mi :i,,is,., l,v v. i,,m, ,v son of I ..,,.!.,, :M ii thvy hivo iu.-t ,m),,.s,hI :u i nl.'.i.U of N-vous, (Ii,- ,ii,-o line ill f i om 0 (o II .tiHMr, lli!ln..os, wllirli . al...ut 1.7.", a I. 1..1S v;,V tllUt , not ; o;in. which is lo, l'r.'ln "s'.l i'io Washington u tho .ilo :. i' .is .lisji l- f.M 111.- (WO viio ri.t-.i,ii f I r,'..n Ml n.l : lv ow ut t 1 .. Io : llir.il, .'.'l'i:i W.l n'o I : n. '.-t :: t . , iv,:,M. v i1 lO. lit Io t!i i'i. V., .. i T -ir f ;!.,- (i !..: ' ,..inviti li,sl 1,'t ,t.,ii ..,W" 1 , it x, s rr,T.t!v X NOW HAS VOTES OX HAXD -! 5T TUS S.ASTISX HATTESS STEEL GETS AIO OF UNCLE SI Forester Plhchot Consents To Give Aid Of Forest Service In Construction WASHIMIToX, ,iilt, in. Will Uteri roiP'H'tiMiiii tho f'rauM- liiko rail rum niiM"inii IntN niHTooiloil iii dm iiilftdion Ii ro. l'uri'Nlor I'iiichot lmn iMitut'iitPil tu i'Iiuhk' tho 1'utvnt riivioo Iu Itcfjiii in-xt Huiititior llio Iiinl Iii. iti the mi tiMti.'il forcHU uf ri:tU ii'uilinjf In t'rn lor hi ho, i-Hpi'riully hi'twooti the Went lino uf tho fun-HtH mul 1 ruler l.ulto tut liui.nl parlt. Hocrrtat'.v Mi.-!itll UKH't's Iu ilu till ho ini n to niil in the work. It Iuin horn I'l'tfurtl.'it im iihcIi'Mh t aK llio Nhort hi'nm'oii of cuiit cnn to iiciko appropriation fur lln-wi I'mikIx, hut (IlM OOlllill HONMiiUI Will 111! tiHkotl fur it. Tho proNpoct Id kmoi! tor ttuoh an u piuprifit imi ; Mini, if I ho loiNlaliiro hIihII tiiUo Miti'h not ion iih Ih iiNhoil hy Mio roininiHHioii, in n-Mitimi Io .InokNun mul Klamath nuinHrs k'v'"W aO.(HiO i'ii i' It in t wii yonm, x h ii-li in n I romty ploilf'U on ootid itiuii Iho lcjcitjlulnrr Khali yiy 1 100,000, tho regular appro pnalioii Hottuit likely to yo Mironli. Si eel will lea Vt ill a foxv iliiVH to In'lp pttsh Mn iimttor hofnro tho Oro m legislature. INDICTMENTS RETUKNED BY GRANTS PASS JURORS tlliAN'I'S I'ASS, .Inn. 10. Tho jury w Iii eli coiivone.l A!.. inlay, fininliott its work Woiliii-Hiliiv aid was lUftmisMOil l.y Iho I'hi'iiit jmlo, Throo iinlti'tinoiitH weio roimut'it, twu iif iniiuir nffotiHOB ami mho for immter. s llcforo lioinjj (HmniNii J tho jury inailo a hrirf oxaitiinatioit uf tin court luuirto, jail mul ouMniihliiifjM ami v mi toil tho oouiity pour farm, mid among other thiuN roi'utnmi'iiitod in thoir report a larger Ntifo for tho shoritf. All offioos a. ul rei'onU wore found tu ho noallv MetJiodtst Eptscopal Church, B Stroot. Tho stormy w wit hor lav.t night nf nvh il t ho umtiiMioo, lu.t tho ooxvboy proafhor preached mt intoroNttag nor until on tho life of Meson Ho preaohofi again tonight Ht 7:'Ml Tho themo to morrow morning wilt ho "A Menu i no ltox ivat." A sorvoo will ho hold at ;t p. in. At night Itov. Hot ton will proa.h on the lolloxving toxt: "And thoro tippoannl n groat xvoiuler in hoax imi; n woman olothol xvith tho mm and the moon ttmitr hor f-vt and upon her head u oroxvn of txxolx" st.tro," Kov.: xii : 1. Don't fail to hoar this sermon. S:ldiath nolmol at I'I . in. Kpxvorth loaguo at t::W p. All aro uivitiM. ; O. T. t.'Iosonianor of Panoo, Wash., j using t:orgtti sooti. lias raised a crop nf tottoii little Inferior to that of tlm south. It H divlarotl by exH'rts that with lrrlgr.;UMi ooit,ii ooiild bo gnn;i tlierx 4tH pouruU to the aoro. Suno 7o.0m foi.sklus nrv sold every xear out of Mrt!iu txvo-thluls of tluvn frov.i Aro-ytooli oonuty. wtioro sovoial Mien uirtko x business of fox huntlu Iist x Inter jshxx- top notoli prhvs. xon rxxl pelts brtneing frxm -4 . T0 to $ Workmen ut l lniUay. O. rilsetvorxMl n turtlo bonojitli a lock In tho Miami mul Krle oanul. It Is bolioviHl thnt It must have Ummi ImprlsoiWHl therv slnev tho -uistnu lioa of the Kvk In IS:K but it MViiiiil irx -iponms tM happy. Many xxvrkinen .it plsnulng to hav tho isUml of Saiius, in tho Mtnlttor raiun. forty-Mirxv mih-s utbwest frvmi SaixriKi. NN.anst of tbo itrxxlu-.'-;,on -f usohti'.t f.T cisrirotte prduo t;. u. x ..:.'.: ;.-..:i:s a i.ii!y output of 3i.XU oirttoA. Thoro b;i V.ifu i:iToxtotl in Germaajr s w ov xv h w v.-d tx iv no ;.:in' Ut. k xx -:.'Vor. oven In suns of j,. LArct -a'-N'r. Th? ooaipxsttlon of :bo -"Xvi r U t;t ktiowu, but it i fvv.-M :. 4 !isHt xf uitrsiy--'lo. ; i':" r i, ;sior of rhisnc bas c! ,i ! . : s.; le tv-rio.- x ith tb , t f tv' "-r.-V.- the K..nk of Syin . '".:t ".. IV issuo vf ihtes up to ,, to sNo prx klo fr tin ' j -rvv of to co'-d jvwvr ami tm x ; - e4 si'vor roserx-e. o-.l uvr A v. o:rn htbition U to S- Nl : T. o bort - f I.ond -a. .; r.r"- -- ?vro tu -t v-.f-,: oiii-::f sir Ai ' l ; ; s . ;. sr in Sun-kTSv'j - v r .f I.r'.Nvi rrv in -vr' -o. wii.!' - j ..o ..-..x rxfSrx"-r.i.tuxis c' T fr. : kir.: t-. :5 3v - ; r" : ?- or.-. t ; h- i !v.- rxJtivi of ft L- V-.'C x il- .7V.i ux'Tu" - ; -.-. r r-i w;1 tts! . - -f Afrk-s Mvi tV ' r.,; ' - - - nr- i-x! V;) :?.e r !-.-...-' '"- r j t- i -mm? .-.! !N ti:; o: - . ":.' r,ar. .5 tr t ur. ;v V ." . - i1' H.f "- TTJ - A A: H . ( " ! f- : . , . v ;v .rv: iTvr!o ,T .V-tfr , S .v. v- N '-J .:;t t-ll-mt. - 1 ":.!:.' -" V;-.- 1- ' ."- I 1 fr - - . . . -i r, - ' - .' : .T-f - .... - :V r . - : " r- : ' r Citv Business Dir Lot tho MISSION FURNITURE WORKS make tliut plem J 'nroituro. Any deiiga, nay color, nv Ziu'iBU dull, waxud or polnhed. Shop od cor. of 8th and II treeta. W. M. Oolvlg. 0. L. Beamea. OOLVIO KBAMES Lawyers. Offir:Modford Bank Bldg. Ground floor. Cook HtoTvs and ranges. Phone 91 MOROOBFF WOLF New and Second-Hand Furniture Kads' old stand, 18 20 F St. South Modford, Ur. KARNES ROOMING HOUSE Newly built and newly furnished All modern conveniences. D. (1. Karnes, Prop. 80 8. 0 St., Medford, Or. MEDFORD CEMLNT BRICK It BLOCK Co. will e prepared Feb ruary IS to furnish cement brick. Better thnn pressed brick and just as chaapr In estigate before contracting. P. O. Box 118. MEDFORD TEA AND COFFEE HOUSE Specialists in Teas, Cof fees, Extracts, Baking Powder and 8pices. We carry all kinds of dinner waro and fancy dishes. 210 W. 8evonth St. Modford, Or. DR. G0BLE The only exelusive Optician be tween Portland and Sacramento. Office on Seventh Street. When others fail, call on DR. E. J. BONNER Eye Specialist Offtoe in Eagle Pharmacy Main 23.1. Seventh and Main THE HOTEL EMERIOK Rooms from 110 cents to $1.53 pel day. All modern convenience. We solicit' your patronage. VALLEY AUTO CO. have opened their uew garage and repair shop back of the Moore hotel. Motor cars stored and taken care cf. All work guaranteed. Phono No. 3463 FACTS IN FLT.V Tito t tal nop of il:s I n w i.iore lit..:: r.l'MMtah'l loin! - ; o: r T:io l.'-ioii,d .xTno'.iruH t o :i i.d for IVr-' a ri. h is oao.s! a ;al.i;. off f ri : cp r: ; 4:u-u.ilf KCviv . 'I '.. hi ,!.. : !.!!';;. hfirl n : . tho ViT.U i i i . i.i p....v.o i".-17 .lot up on Mou:it livs.i. In Italy. i a L. ;vo hi J:ip;;n. : .v two orx:ima and live on the fat i ine html, atl ur a liuii? vvor 5-20 a .a nth. i a r.-::i:r lilx e a rVeuob ndl si t .O'i rvv;.:ii!oids a ton t-r f.ooa daxs' litot of frnit aUuio txvht . ve.ir. 7? a .-r-.t UiiiKxttatiou of tea into rtiiuvl suites each eir is aUti:i ... i-ouinls. n ixuiid to pat h in- i sit. Vi e I vii-fd States, iiKludiuj: Alaska, r. litKixl but Mx;y-iwo ions of tin in T alH ou txx-vutioih of I Hr cent f tlij' U 1. 1 vuH ul of the world. If Ku.. -a to hafe a war Ust f'T txxolx o iiH-ntbs. not ouousb , x, .t ie fxni'ui In the klncxioui to the caxalry and artillery. ZV of llKh frxHjueaoy ekv- ;'-A sv.rr. tx r-.du v tl;o prtuiv :.ox-o be dotty the iurxixis K i id ."tie of t' fr:i'st BrtV.s of tho rvectt iliy, av. rx'.iu!: t a 1'ritih &-i . :1T for a metal hrdiT thin -t irra H' a sulst!:ute for dUav sd- : xr:il :rn.-v hi Sturvih.ii iu l.kC lad i Airi- n r. After i yocr : re an b: Ik cdrs tberx. f:d ! e of them re o ex1 by u-Uire Te YvHinc Mec's Oh:sst;n asx-'.s-t;vm of vhK.-tiTv ttH- rv o?d isrevt ii Tbe wxxSi. t t nomlrhip ct Tor liv iti;-r ritfhtcoa briacht otw prxsvrty Ti;iMi at SvaVkx. A em rwkery h 1oe div-T ' enfS oo a Nre-tofore nv fcjinti Jslt?d i t. the tvrfe rd t the RusaB r rt ' f SAkhi.ia Tbe lW jatv-srv ' ' tan in s.lia i-t-?ocv h u-id k. swrrei The basioe -rla la Tt-.-ta l ! i:.x.trty! by the fsv-t tbu tb-f I mwe 2 ato-KN. ta se two ix a h;f tv.ts r .t.T tN tis r-.- c sh. that vctT thirrr-flT-e of &v are no i ae. A ch;b ta be focwJ ?a Pari iV a?-! 4 wlJ'S are po?xiri ro tp ic m thpr :m sail teefy hilis. Air I N&5 a hat roce ifcta w: : Scl h at Ut ;kare4 a tieK ? til va:rr cf IS. C tevnsrrei in : :ST4 Sz tfctt Ar Sr.a has bea i 5; tat ' W lfv-rr rrtTtiarly, aaJ ta iie r"i;y ?-.r rar St ha aaxNaa'.exl r U.ve tiaw lit pcla: THE B. E. V. LUNOH BOOM Finust cup of coffee on the Pacific Const. U. II. Lorimor Prop. ARTHUR H. DAVIS Contracting Electrical Engineer. 210 W. Seventh Ht., Modford, Or. ENVELOPES printed to order LETTERHEADS of all styles by The Tribune. THE ELECTRIC AND FRENCH DRY CLEANING AND PRESS ING WORKS W. E. Lane Son, Props. Opposite notel Moore, Medford Oregon WASOHAU ft BROWN wish to announce to their patrons that they are located in their new quarters in the Young s Hall building. Billiards, Cigars and Tobaccos. DR. FRANK ROBERTS Dentist Office hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 4. Milea Building, Seventh Street, Medford, Oregon. THE MISSION GRILL Always open for business. Neat and clean. Up-to-date. Popular prices. 12 So. C St. Lambert & Brown For good mrgutns in Watches and Jewelry, Pistols, Musical In struments, go to THE MEDFORD LOAN OFFICE C Street. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Undertakers Day Phone 353 Night Phones C. W. Conklitt 36 J. H. Butler 148 DR. B, J. CONROY Successor to Dr.j Jones. Office in the Stewart Building. Coming Musical Event. Mr. Irene Hampton Isaacs, pianist, and Misa Graoe .Tosonhino Brown, con tralto, will gix-e a musical o at the Mod ford Opera house, Tpr?d.iy evening, anuary 13, at S:15 o clock. This is tho first opportunity Modford has had of hearing these yii" artists, since their reoout study in San Fianoisoo with the famous teaehoi. Herr Herman Oenss. Herr Oeuss. who is a pupil of Liszt, is a iuarelous musician and in his compositions has boon likened to IVotbox'en. The niuaio-iox'ers will have an opportunity to juls;o of this, as so lections from his works, both vocal and instrumental, will be rendered. Tho prograsi will be aur.ovneed later. Prtpaid Bailroafl Orders. "Somathi&g waieh is of considerable intarast to the public generally ami whieh is perhaps not generally known it the system ot prepaid orders now hi :nvt oetween stations of toe southern Paeyfie eompaay and all points in the United States, By means of this system tickets may be purchased at Medford from any plaee in ths United States and trailed or telegraphed direct to tao party wishing to come here. Sleeper accommodations and small amounts of cash in centirctioa with these tickets say also be forwarded at tha sam time" tf IXCTJBATOR. For Sa. Oha. A. tT'.hors N-x. C. r i r r . ib iv rf ;v i o nl o r William Rasa. Xortiwrtt Meif Classified Advertisements WAXTED. JWANTtT' Kx-. r;. -.i mm t., .int ii.i tV tarv ,,f J. i. -v ,-tehard. Ap ;i.r t.. H-.I.ia: (".-v. r il .t.-l Nn.h.J.o WAXTED A cUamlvrtvji.l wantM at ; tie Fnrf-v AmehcaB Hotel, with r j Trr: fare paid. -,-Va. tal. tV.'t w AXTKI Man ac t v .t',. nitm ,,t.n ' Tr-l-ur.e. -.;! FvS SAl.F.-T f.v-l n-S ,:!.h s-w, f..r a.f. H-Ar l. , Is trN h,t-.! i - ;""4 Uvs S.U.K-Tv,.. l.. ,. ,)' ! mt : Pc'. -(:.: ,. ii, a t.,(,,,i f.w K lv S,nn. V. r H t ryyt. . -jrtf ectory SAVOY THEATER North d'Anjou Street. Latest motion pictures aud iilua trated aongs. Kntire change of program Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Admission 10 cents. BIJOU THEATER, W. 7TH ST. Continuous performance erery evening of motion pictures and il lustrated ballads. Entire change of program Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Admission 10 cents. WII. H. A1TKEN Plumbing, Steam and Hot Water Beating. Phone 22. 210 W. Seventh St., Medford, Or. EDEN VALLEY NURSERY N. S. Bennett, Medford, Or. Grow trees that sell, sell trees -that grow anad fruit truo to label VERNE. T. CANON Billporter and distributor. Ail orders promptly filled. Room 7 .lacksou Co. Bank Bldg. Medford, Or. C. F. COOK Sells trees thnt grow. Office: K. B. V. Depot. O. Box 841. Phone 593. Medford, Or. MRS. ED. ANDREWS Voice Culture and Art of Singing Studio at Residence. East Medford. Phone 225 S. R. SEELY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Modern equipped operating rooms X-Ray. Office hours: 1012, 2 4 p. m. Office in Jackson Co. Bk. bldg JACK FSEDENBUEQ Scavenger. Garbage hauled. Medford. DR. WALTEl; R. STOKES, Denl ist. Successor to Dr. J. M. Keene. FOR SALK JO ac- s near Merlin; ?0'0; other tracts, fiO to $20 per aero, t'has. E. Shoil. AJeriin, Or. 6' FOK SALE-An elegant lot o new furniture, direct from the east, nt bar gain prices. For particulars apply M., The Tribune. . FOR SALE Good horsi for sale cheap, half mite south of oity limits. O. L. Linxwiller. 261 FOR SALE HoustH, lots and land in Phoenix, or in tracts to suit from one acre to G40 acres. Matt Calhoun, Phoe nix. Or. I FOR SALE txtra dry cordwood, fir i and pine, tier wood, oak, fir and piae. 1 F. Osenbrugije, Studebaker Bros. Co. f wareroonis. Telephone 361. 262 FOUND. POI ND A smaU :urse containing trinkets of value to a child; the little owner may have same by calling at this office aud de.bing contents: ad free. FOR REST. KoK K NT N .n.-N.m bouse with bnth; ciese to town, "i.tjuire at ten brnsse' n-sidenee. P'erside aw. tf KKN I: vuus will t.r without ooarvl. I.ftr at :h "i bune office. 1 Medford Timejable SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Northbonnd No. U5tlrvjr,n Expr,ss 5:C4 p. m No. 14 Portland Klpret.. 9:49 a.m. i Sonthboond j No. i: California Express.. ,!:S5 a. m No. 1.1 San Franciaev, Kxp...j 3:0p,m. N. SJ5;FTm Grants Ps....j 9:15 p.m. No. Sii For Aklauil jlrt:15 p. m. TACIF10 EASTERN RAILWAY N,v rl.,,9 Me.iforl.. No, 3 Leave Medford . No. C Arrive MMfonl.. No. 4 Arri,- Me,lferd.. $:10,9. ;10 S a. m. 5:5 p. m. KOOliE RIVER VALLEY RAILWAY No. S Leave Mrvlf.-r,! jlil 4Ja.t. N'.v ILfiio, Me,lfoM. . . , . , S SJp-Bi. Motor !., v Mnlfent S iV p. K Motor l.oA, e M(ifori I 9 iV p. m. N'.v 1 Iuin JaekaoaviUe . . ,j 9 CV a. m N.v J 1 eve JarVaAavill. . . j S-W . m. Motor 1..-.TM JaeksMiTill...) liSJp-m Motor I.a,M .l,-k,,BTiHe..i ; ;jia MAIL CLOSIES jA-M iP. il. rl 4;?4 ..l:t; i:S0 . . ?:. S-fVl ..ta:S( : NorlhKum.l . . . SWttiKmn.l . . . . rlaU IVial . , . , .litttUa , ,