THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY Ifi. 1900. 33 BUTTE FALLS ITEMS. MAY PROVE FATAL. O. P. Ailuins has ti't'n visiting Med ford on business. Julia Cadvrow butt pmvhasetl f 1. H. ilurris for 150 lot 13 l'Uu-k 13, whii'b is a fine business lot, t'ml will build a Htororoom thereon. Sam HimIhoii ami K. C Unanlinan are in the valley as witm-ssis ' land "iat tr. We have had within the last week a Kiiuwtall of five im-h.'s uutl the weathci is extremely cold. J. E. Stepp, John Iseli and R. I. II ambit of ltumiltni mill are down in the valley on land business. They report several inches of pnow. Aarou Beck has been quite sick and had to call in the doctor. Frank Netherland, O. O. Raker, Scott Claspill, K. (.'. Hdimlinun, Williaai Lamb are all in the valley on land business. Mrs. Scott Chispill, who has been ailing with uu attrie'; of pleurisy, Is some better. Lee Kdmouson of IVrhy, mill man. lias gone to Medford as witness in laud contest. , Charles Ten-ill of l.nke ( reek, n1 worthy homesteader, his been attend , iujt the United States coimnissiouerV! court in Medford. Great interest has been manifested by our people in th contest case of Judge Pentz. Many t.f our citizens have attended the hearing, and they till ri'port that the guvernmeiit has fail ed to make out a e:ie against .ludgi , Pentz and that the' evloence produced showed that the case v;mi without merit 1 and had been instiu itt d throuuh an attempt to deprive Judge Pentz of his homestead, as it vas clearly shown i the utmost good faith bad been mimi ! tested by the hnmestender and that be has not had and doe not now have any other home than tbnt of his home stead. We all rejoice in the fact. Charles and Albert Murine of Trail have been in Med ford defending the bind contest case. Judge Pentz was attorney for Albert Minnie and reports that Mr. Murine will rruhuhly win his ease, W. It. Lamb of L'ik ('reek was in Medford lately attending court. Heavy rains here and snowfalls in Ihe mmiutnins back of u. have been the experience of this section. The homesteaders the unsnrveyed are all on their claim? and jione but themselves know the incrnvenieiicp and sacrifice they are enduting. John Obenchain and wife havo been paving a visit from Itieir homestead to their son's family. P. V. Medyuslu iins been quite sick at his homestead and has gone to the valley for medical help. Fred thought his time had come, as he was alone and bedridden, but bis good common sense nnd indomitable will brought him through, lie is now better. COLONISTS BATES FF.OM EAST TO COAST AGREED ON When Will Medford I'tople Learn the Importance ol It? Backache is only a hiinple thing at first; But when you know 'tis from the kidneys; That serious kiduev troubles follow; That diubutes. Bright 8 disease may be the fatal end. You will gladly profit by the follow ing experience. Tis the statement of a Medford citi zen. Mrs. C. II. Hoxie, corner F and Sec ond streets, Medford, Or., says: "I had kidney trouble for sevoml years, the disease gradually becoming more serious until my general health was much run down. My bnck ached a great deal and if I attempted to stoop or lift I suffered severely. T had headaches and would be lame and stiff, upon aria ing in the morning, t began using Dunn's Kidney Pills, wfcich I procured at Haskin'a drddug store, and in a short time the trouble vanished. I am now entirely well anl owe the great change to Doau's Kidney Pills." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. V., solo agents for tho United States. Itemembor the name Doan's and take no other. !tmw. icoerar mgim. ka th Idn tmiukilKilT acAi baalihaa crackled ajraaaranea uaaid br crar-diinaiai ftdtm Ik aba ml cnlarvrd nona, dense them, n- duoet inflammation and fpmdi an mn. radiant plow duo to wnoieaoma novua-1 rnimt f slttn vliRiit and ttimulatioA of' tho capillanea which auo feed thai kin and supply ita neaiuinu ootar. AiFurDruautftrafrnsmtutJ tOBEBTINEj I: teg.i Colonist rntoH tlml i.n'iui much for Mi'.lforil nnd Iho wlioh 1'ai-ili rth west liav. bi'i'n ntj'vrl noii liy lln transi'oiitiiHMitnl rnilnr.'lH i-nti'i-ini; tin territory. Tin' rates -m- very low wcsl holiml and I'olTi'spond lnm'ly wit ll tllom l in effect two yonrs to ttiis section i-f Iho country. Tin' nios jnwt dpciili'.l tion arc much lower than those oflVreil by the railroads last season. Tho tare from the Missouri river and St. Tnul to the coast vi;l he fJS and from Chicago, with a tariff of $:i(l.o0 from St. I.ouis. l-a.".t year the coloiiisl ri:te from the Missouri r.ver tniiits was $:tn, with corresptuidinj', loiv rates from otlier uiints. Notice of the rate was r ived from .1. Charlton of I'hicau'n. chairman of the rassenirer as sedation. Informalioii was received showinj; Hint the Nori hwi stem. St. l'aiil Hock Island. Santa 1-V and all ll.irrimnn lines and it in supposed all Hill lines as well, had joined in the colonist rates, havini; filed individual notices nilh the Interstate Commerce Commission to that effort. "Thin rate menus a v-ry heavy travel to this territory ill Hie spring," said William McMn'rray of the llarriinan lines. "Taken in eoimtetinn with the rates for the Seattle fair, the colonist rates will mean very much for Portland nnd Oregon, t look for the longest year's travel in the history of this tor ritnrv. " PRESIDENT'feBARhl'B IS PAID BY GOVERNMENT HARMONY ' IN YOUR NEW HOME Color blending of Furniture, Draperies. Carpets, Woodwork. Walls, make home life happier. Our ei.pert decorative specialist will vi-it your city coon. Without obli gating you he will discuss the fur nishings for your new home. Write for particular J. G. Mack & Co. Furniture and Carpets PORTLAND, OREGON Single Roomi furnuhed Tastefully NEVER LOOK BACK WASIIIXflTOX, .Tan. Id. The reooin inendation of the auditor of the navy department that conglcss provide more clerks for his office on account of the great pressure of work there, has raised the question concerning the employment of Willaiara B. Dulany. Nearly a year ago, Dulany, who for aev ral years haa been 1'lesident Roose velt 'a barber, was appointed a "special accountant" in the office of the audi tor for the navy depr.rttnent at a sal ary of $1600, but he has never per formed nnv duties in that office. He still serves ns the t-( sidrnt 's harlier at the white house, where hefore Pres ident Roosevelt ordered him transfer red to the IK5IIII job it. the auditor's office, he was carried 0:1 the rolls as a in.-,-,seiiger at .!" a vein. It was said last sori"; that on Presi dent Roosevelt's departure for Oyster liov nol.inv would legii his duties in the navv auditor's -.frice. but int llnlany went to (ly-ler l!ay v.-lo-re lie CMiitiiiTiued to shavr ident during the summer. It doesn 't pay. Keep your eyes fixed ou our exceptional offerings. Fine tai loring 'can only be secured from the hands of high-class tailors. Our expe rience and methods are certainly worth investigation. We employ the best workmen nnd our clohtes are without doubt the most carefully selected in the citv. EIFERT The City Tailor th. 1 ,iini'. .ri' ENJOIN PAYMENT OF PROHIBITION DETECTIVE I'KNiH.KTOX, .Ism. It!. In an :it t-mit t hiiflt-r District Attnrm-y IMiclp in t'l't'ttrtH in cnfi'ri'i' the riliil,itwni l:iw, a suit w;is fiN'l iis !hr cirfuit nuirt tin1 afternoon n.ii ;i nj; the cuihty ctturt froiu tin' .:ivmriit f n hill for tin nfTVM'i-s of :i .l.-tffitvc who ffnin-il vi .S-y. t- i,f llu- vh..l i..:ni..ii4 nf tin ):iw l;,t t':ill. Tw.. in- inL.-r- nf tlit rourt roct-ntly siL'iu'.l tl t.r.l. r fi-r ' nii-iit. .'iPiuii'iMi-r WiilKiT :il-. dp hitl.l iug out aiiust it. Wl )f? rr-rT1 A fi nun lll't!'-" CoPvrtiartTi Charles Terrill of l.iko Creek ami William Nichols of Washington have beea in MedXord as land witnesses. STARTING DKCKMBKR 2S, WE WIL I'l T "' MKMCHAXTS' i.UN !i KHOM 11:30 A. !l. UNTIL 2 P. M. PRN.'E 36 If You Owned the Earth You coulilu't finA a better ulac to live than in this glorious Kogue Kivor vUcy, with its in compurablo winter And summer climate, .lust now we have some particularly gooil developed or chnrd propositions to submit to the homcHooker, which are sure winntus. Best give this nuttor iminediiito attention. It doos not take a very wise man to foresee that the advance in values which we have been predicting in in coming producing fruit lauds is about to materialize. A good young orchard will not only iu- crease m vaiua as its mcome productug capacity increases, but with 'the rght kind of an orcbar il, such as some we h.ive to show, the purchaser han a cuancs f gJt ting his purchase price back out of a single crop, with proper man a gem cut. How can wealth be accumu lated faster than by buying o lie of tho good young orchards we have for sal of Always at your service for the bent buys in this vulley. ROGUE RIVER LAND COMPANY niiiMMvsBi coaauaiiiv 'EXHIBIT BUILDING, MEDVORD, OREGON Medford Theater TUESDAY, JANUARY 19 Mrs. Irene Hampton Isaacs PIANIST - Miss Grace Brown CONTRALTO IN C ONCER T Admission 50c. Seats reserved at Haskins' Drug Store on Saturday at 10 a.m. More Light for LessMoney Sixty-three per cent of electric current saved by using TUNGSTEN LAMPS. 32 Candle Power Edison Lamp uses 110 Watts per hour and would use in 1000 lirs. 110 Kilowatts which at iocts. a Kilowatt 32 Caudle Power Tungsten Lamp uses 40 Watts perhour and would use in 1000 hours 40 Kilowatts which at 10c a Kilowatt $11 Net Saving in 1000 hours in favor of the Tungsten Lamp $ 7 Rogue River Electric Co. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. Office, 20ti West Seventh Street. Phone No. 355. Opposite the Big Electric Sign. J. E. ENYART, Proaident. J. A. PERlMf, Vica-Preaident. JOHN S. 0HTH, Coahier. W. B. .MCKSON, Aaa't ttaahlor. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK M E B F 0 B D , CAPITAL SURPLUS O B . $60,000 10,000 Safety Boxes For Rent. A GeneralBank in Bus ness Transacted. We Solicit Your.Patronage. MERCHANTS LUNCH! t THE LOUVRE N0BTON1A H I 3 " II 1 J t--njijSSw r- OTEL PORTLAND OREGON HoDKnx Comfort Mudiihit. Pkicu ONLY ROOF GARDIIN IN PORTLAND The TonriHt Uc;nliiinrteni of Columbia Vulley KXOAOE HO0MH EARLY KOK TH K ALASKA YUKON KXPOHITION A 8. .S'UHION, Muuf 1 ' - . t ' ' j : m i '