-MED FORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MED FORD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY IB. 1000. Medford Daily Tribune A Lav f Ai'tH m a Live Town. Published every evening except Sunday. M E D FORD PUBLISHING CO Al P A N Y Gkokqk Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted m Second-Class Matter in tlie Postoft'ieu at Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Out ntdith, by mU r carrier. .. .$0.50 Om year, by mail.. .15.00 , .1 GENERAL ROAD MASTER. Uiratilla uouiily court lms appointed ono iroiioral road umster instead of forty district supervisors, yi.d it is a very fojiunon-H(;i)K jnnvo. Tlio ad ion was taken on n que& fd' the good roads association. The plan Las been tried and found to work sueress i'ulJv in the cast. There seems to be no subject on which tl ert is more general ignorance in Oregon than on road building. Kvery district supervisor has a method all his own, au.l the result is that there are few good roads or roads cuMSlrudcd on the rigid, methods in the state. In Jackson comity the favorite method of building roads consists of dumping stone, and gravel in a narrow pile in the center of the highway, thus rendering it impas sable until necessity forces the leveling of the humps of gravel by passing teanift. The horses and vehicles of those using the roads hammer them into some sort of shape in a few months. - . . A road was built near Central Point this autumn. i ravel was hauled in wagon loads a mile, or more and dumped in the center of the roadbed. No attempt was made to make a smooth surface and the highway was prac tically impassable for months. Now that the rain is mak hur iIIipi hio-hwavs ininassahle, teams are forced to tug. through the piles of sand and stones, probably three feet j high, so narrow that teams cannot pass or t.u'.i our u mi out danger of capsizing. Last sun.iA.cr a road was built toward Sam's Valley. Large Konea were laid in a layer on the ground. Then dirt was thrown on top of them. Gravel was hauled a long way and dumped. Water was h.iulei a mile or so in a vas n and tuc surface wet. This road was left with a suiuith ssrfaec, but the roadbed was so shall. w that the surface had been cut to pieces inside of a moi th by tiuvei and the road was worse than before a graded road y. attempted. A road expert in charge cf Jacksrn cciii.ty roads, s ii.nf unifnnnitv and scientific construction would t ike f. place of helter-skelter building, would be the best tkinp that could happen. Jackson county spends ci-U-h mor.c if it were, rigbtlv spent to soon have a good system ( f lugl ways, but ten times the present expenditure under present methods will not yield satisfactory results. RErORT OF LUMBEP OUTPUT IS MADE The report of the lun.her output for the year 1007 linn just been completed, tint estimates for IflOS are just bring received at (he office of the Oregon & Washington Lumber Manufacturer's an soeinlion. During that year Oregon produced nearly $.S,O0o,0ii0 worlli. In this state tlu-re were tOO mills in opor lit ion. The unusual weather condition in this state for t li t .v.t few days are referred to in the report, and estimate gfvon of tin1 effect I he toiow will have vtt tlie output. The report an furu.: lie. vest onlay in in part a follows: Statistical report on the cut of anil general condition r.re coming in lowly and indicate thu' very few mills in Oregon are rutin in o-i account of the unpnvcdotitcd we.it lier conditions, tiiul understand from n lumberman just returned from a trip lo the sound that the same conditions prevail in Wash ington. It is evident that en the b.-.sis that the fir cut represents, on a oonserva tivft basis, a weekly avirage output in Oregon of 3(,oi)0,nn feel and in Wash ington of ilO.OiUVmo fv. Such a com plete shutdown for one week in both Mates reduces the output ;o.i)0i),000 feet and will have a nifiteri.il effect on the market. The few mills operating are doing so under pressure of demands of cargo shipping requinnents to bo ready for vessels due to arrive And at a tremend nous disndrnntag. Lumber manufacturer arc beginning to realiw that tho pn-niling storm is nbseliitely parrV. r'-rr tVf cnist lumber and logging 'rdvtr id ir cf f et irtp an oiifor.nd .'urt.-iil.'Mit !) will have :( ireineuduon bonrina ftP future lamb m allies. The nant a- f 'Tn tti'h It now nn-1 tn r1 :-.!! nn,r mutely it WOA, ftt f r l-.imb.r b ing marnfitetnrcd Two "i .-V w.mm ;c'.ir. v."V Mi nhi .v.ils InV fttO i,un 1 - '-ihii fr r"M bv 'hr Vir e i,. V iir1' f t 9 hs st th ;::IN are It1": st.-r-". Lvl r- d wn th" ' i'' "1'; dn'Rnd ' 'i"'",V enini: : -'ce of c -ir.'-'i vn hiT.bt r certaiulv alrsrce s r-s iH. time of the net upon which the defend ant hopes to escape th death p? unity. Ten men have been neerptid by the de fonso nnd state. Much inlerost is bisng manifested by the public and the court room i .-ntwditd until slandin.: room cannot be liad. This interest is piobnbly ilutf to the fact of this being a dry county and the defense is based p.uiinlly upon the ground that the prisoner was iutoxi eMed when the crime was committed. Throughout the day M:--k made a studied conclusion of aeh juryiniin the attorneys npplie i their questions in search of bias of prejudiced answers. Seated within the b:ir and on the oppo site side of the room fr.un the di'fendaul vtt Carter's sister, in interested t;ite.r in the proceedings. REDMT.N PLANNINO A BIO MINSTREL SHOW The Hedmen of Midfoid have se Hired Miss lorothy Hinre of Tortland, Or., to help in the big ,:ubilee minstrel to be given at the Angle opera house Thursday evening, .la unary 'J 1. The degree team of the IVImeti will be seen in a special act arra.iged for them with Mr. Titgerald in th" lead as the big, chief dancer. This nlone will be worth the admission, as I lie big chief will givu tho Indian snake dance as il was givjn by him in San Francisco a fw yscrs ago. Don 't miss this. Mr. llearde, the instructor, states that he has found bottor talent heref than he expected, nnd ho claims that ho is getting good results from his ro hxirsals and will give the best locnl show put on for aom 1 time. .MACK TRIAL EXHAUST FIRST VEXTJ.3 CT GRANTS JSS, .7n. fn!r lion of nearly 40 jnrytitu and th e hnusting of the reg,i:r and op spcci.i' venire with another re irsnM is the record of the trial in tho tte of Ore (fon ts Will Maclt. whi waa inflicted by fho recent grand .iury fpr the murder of Miles Carter, on Teer.ber 4. io this city. Out of the jurymen ovamined a good ly number were exeiired because they -er preimli.-ed to th st.it utorr do lonse Hint nf being intoxicated at the! MEDFORD THEATER 8ATUKDAY. JANL'AKV IS. t:io:as jErrusoN ::; UR1P VAN W INKLE" a great sczx.c raoDOCTiox. Tcicrt rot. J1.0O. i.fto CURTAIN AT 9 O'CLOCK j HOME TALENT MINSTREL SHOW UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE REDMEN OF MEDFORD r AT THE ANGLE OPERA HOUSE Thursday Eve., January 21 st. Hear the local End Men in their Local Hits Six Solo Singers, Three Big Acts in the Olio The first part is 'a Beautiful Setting with High Class Sing ing. The last act "Lucy Long's Birth day Party" is a screaming farce from beginning to end. This act is Guaran teed to make even an Undertaker laugh. ' RESERVE SEATS NOW ON SALE AT HASKIN'S DRUG STORE PRICES 50c and $1.00 ' STEP INSIDE PLEASE I, If -1 (vr'CS if you wunld find loud sutifaetion at niei tlmt won't take away your ap petite. TInh restaurant provides the elioiro vtnnds in boihoii steaks, cops, 'te.r nt nil sejisoiiH .'oidvL't and served with skill nnd euro amid pleasant and flennly surroundingd. Wo bespeak a hiro Hlinre uf your imtrouuge. The Emerick Cafe Open All Night Compare the Quality H is, and always has beou our aim to supply our customors with goods of the highest quality and to that end " wo nro always adding 'cninliiy to our liuo. Tho Mditiou of "preferred ntoek" makes our liue of hih j;rndo Co lined Goods most complete. Our service always the bflt and every accom givtrci our customers. Allen & Reagan Groceries, Chinaware, Fruit and Feed VAN DYKE'S Lai 1 i On VEILS, SCARFS and LONG GLOVES SCARFS--S1.25 to $4.00 values at 1-3 of regular price Yl:lLS-kMerrv Widow" and "Auto" Veils, all colors, $1.00 to $3.50 values, at 1-3 regular price LONG CiL0VES-P. Centemeri & Cos cape and glace Gloves, regular ; TO and $4.00 value, now 1-3 regular price SFE WINDOW DISPLAY Van Dyke's 1-' ES AND PEARS AND ALL KIND;. '. FRUIT TREES YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Coirimoifial Nursery in tne Pacific Northwest, in tlie combine. -Competes with - all first-class nurseries L E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, OREGON. Medford Iron Works E. O. T UOWBRIDGE, Prop) it-tor. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS All kinds of Eutfii.es, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, . RvVcJh and Machinery. Agents In Southern 'Oregon- for :.. FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. MCDrOBO, OREGOX AT THE SEEVICE OF DEPOSTITORS AND CLIENTS . 8taU Dspoiltary. 'CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $126,000 The Jui'ksoD ('ounty Bank places nt the service of its depositors nud clients the best fucUitiea in bunking. Tho of-fiee'-n are pleased to render counsel nnd Advice on financinl matters. Accounts, subje-t to check, aer in vited. Sufs deposit boxes to rent, tl per year and up. W. I. VAWTER, President 0. R. LINDLK?, CMhier EVERY ONE HAS THEIR OWN TROUBLES Especially the man who buys a suit of clothing or overcoat made to fit any one that wants to buy. The man who has his garments marlo to ordur by an up-to-dato tailor never has nuy trouble with the fit, finish or goiiprul "get up" of his clothing. It nit only fits per fectly, but gives you a style and indi viduality acquired in no- other way when made at J. A. Kreuzer 6 Co. Importers andTailors PALM BUILDING, MEDFORD. OR. FAVORITE JEWELS A n: always those of genu i no merit, though not always the inu-it cost ly. .lowflry of the finest quality. As ' present winter promises to be out- of unusual social brilliance, you will find it to your interest to cure what vou need from our unusual Mock of rings, brooches, pendants, pin1-' chains, brace lets, Ute. MARTIN J. REDDY Jewelry and Watches SALEM BEER SALEM is the most popular beer in Northern California and Southern Oregon. It is acknowl edged to be the equal of the very best eastern product. All beers are good, but some beers are liked better than others. The proof for this as sertion lies in drinking Salem beer. If you wish to be convinced, ask for Salem beer and 'drink it. SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION Medford Depot: Medford Ice & Storage Co. E. J. Skewu G. E. Itlliinitcr A. C. Rundall . L. D. Harris Regue River Investment Co. FRUIT LANDS Owner Sub-Dividers aiid Developers Rogue River Valley Or- ' cnard i.nnds. i:hif truit lauJn, bearing ami young orolmrds in small an.I largt tiaria, for sale. We plaat aad care for orchards and guar.in;ee jimpcrlv to be hs r'tpresonlod. Experience Mot Xecessary for taoia who purchaw through us. Thoy seenra the advise and servie'Sa of a consulting horticulturist, an export on fruit cul ture in all its branches, who fr several yens has oxccle.l in the growing and shipping f fruit in the Kogue River va'lev, recerd crops, record packs, record prices. in North 1) Street, Medford, Oregon M-EDTFORD SASH 1)0011 COMPANY PHONE 2291. : Window Frames. Cak Veneered Doors, with Bevel Plate, carried in stock cheap i Offica Kiturei and all kinds of Plan ing Mill Work, including Turued Work and Kancy 'drills. i P STREET. nETWEKN Sl.XTH AN'D 8 KVE.NTII STREETS. Take the Tribune for News! Medford, Ore.-, Jun. C, 1909. I have just received tho following Nursery Stock 000 Diuter Nellis Ftar Trees. 1200 Do Anjou. 2riH IVaoh Trees. I ul so havo on hand: 3000 fiartlott IVar Trees. 000 Cornice. The above is goo.l, clecu stock at popular prices. L. B. WARNER Try a bottle of Mc Donald Never Leak Shoe Oil Keeps Your Feet Dry Pint Bottles - 20c Quart - 35c C. W. Mc DONALD Successor to Smith & Molony I : 1 YOU CAN'T I SAVE Oh ynur railroad fare. Tho law of ti c common carrion compels equal rates on all railroad lines YOU CAN SAVE In Time, Traveling Ex penses and Fatigue by insisting on the shortest route, fastest trains and best service. Simply see that your ticket reads via SOUTHERN PACIFIC O. R. & N. Oregon Short Line and Union Pacific Every facility for the safety and rccommoda tuiu of th."1 pasBenger is provided. N.t change of ears is necessary to Den ver, Omaha, Kansas City Chicago. Direct connec tions are mrA for all oth er points t;st and south A. .S. KoSENCAL'M, Agent, Mod ford. WM. McMTJRBAY, General Passanger Agent, PORTLAND, OR.