mTTn nijnwauiuu i r.v M'PI ttl I W ifl. M IT.nWYR.I i OTV.tffJOV, K ATTTR X) A V, .T A NTI AT?V 0 101Q MEDFORD DALLT TRIBUNE. ORKOOX. FRIDAY. .JANUARY 15. 1909. Social and Personal H. J'irty, U iu, Htt Friday in Mwlfwi, J,. M. Orbbum of VwiUiA "l II. S, h.trr of i'otXlkuA re umou tin jfu-nt ut thm Klt, t',, lt. WohWiu, th k.a':uI fttt-ut& live uf kt S'Skfifi Vai:t r.omytmyr ift Wh vitli;jjf valley ur-.t-vincr.., hrffiH ffn-vcfjii, yrh'f! hotui ji nt fimuU J'k, h u--ft"l & ft.jf i'sb U tl liotnl &u.ii, W, 8. OtJi of Portland in umou M"l ford vimlfi, rff Hall of VwIIhlA iu MMfoH Will He-wart of .Vorti, JM'kofjviJ Afford vro: I rilhy. Mm, P, W. ,olv Lar. I ft to vi-ii jlittivi lit Horn, Mont, Hh- will r Sit, V, '.. Piijf" hut ttiuthi from a vi-ut ttt J'ortlftl. to tuitr fhurffi of thr mutton of In l.roth.r, who tfi 'fhuruiuy. itMtj 'i tie: irin, ir, '. U. Hny hu r. Mimed from k ftUtit; tti lo Portland. , I 'in mi rung'-m will wmu t ; rt Oo ri.nrintfiinu of u tr.'i! frooi Hi' Hodtt hjl tilN OH ii'JtJ 1 1 ' Cfl-ck to lti- V.un-tnk Oif-- un kiI niht, tf Km-rkk fcff m oiwi nil n i f h t Out pro Writ? lift eon. I i y. tf Mn. W. 'f. PanWy of 1','tuiwn. lUtxxhU't ut Mm. Ntt'j;v Obi-ii'-ham of ( 'fj'r.J Point, in ur;-' r((oii( hop)tnl (M'lHfr.'iit iu Klamath full, Tii- fmimt'tw location in the fity tt.r f-iil. fi'i'in V. O. hoi tf fhf ri-lit-urttn iif ii t ' WW oj en tiou(.': ttf fo(ff!y;'iliK f'''ly ""'1 ir.)iit- tlj.'ii I'm f'iiivolo will l- 'Ik t l pnliM'tioii y''t t'ii(t"l ly lo-M tbl (it. i t ni'frl hi lf-t ri" i At tlif! I'm wrick Cf ojicn nil ihk'iI tf Mr. unrj Mm. J. K. Wall AfnJ (faugh : tr, Jli-l'-n, Jin v r'tninl from u two rioiittm ' vihit to iMUj))iii(i fiii'l otlcr BOllUiiTII Btfltj rt. 10 in K"J'l for tli dt looking Uhy t Ori'ffory'n tttii'lio, tf I'iiont your or'i r for wio- vrmtn ut hlittlTfllllk to till VTftPHty. II Ifotfijfc Hivi r fwi'-HHipiii'iil, No, '', I, ) '., iiiftiill officri itfi'l iif work ii J'filriJirWiirnl At j(f Hirtni(Jjiy -v-nlC Midi Dorothy llrop" dru rirrivid from J'ortluiKl to ft i m f in im minntrcl en I'TtuiiMfo ut lo n (iv (i iiy lln locul lofljfc of ff'-'llilfll. ( Oriji-m for nwit ir".iii or Uutti-riiiik oomUy filli'l, I'lioji'- l rrcniufry.lf NfMlfTdft Hhop, furmi'Tly 382 VimliiriKton tr;''t, now H7 Hiitb ut,, 1ih( wticu .NforrisoM i.i'l AM or lrit, I'ortlfifi'l. .fHiiiiary t-r-i-'llf-work ttftlim now on, 2-1 H '')jo f iiM'H. f Mini ru n" loi'iil ion mi t In r'tiy for rnt. AMr"M I. O. loa tf Th Iiff(;ri.n'i! i''iw((ii Ku'-iKf uri'l M':lfor nn uliow lowim ih iri'li tit'-d Iiy tii't ay,ii of tljc iiu'lifiMTH Flori-n' Hob frl oly '1 to in 'rirlj. At Kucik 1 1.- htm froHtx-J 410 uuA fit M'ifol'l I'W-y, M'-'Jfor'l in tlit town in Ofniu for m firt rltwi u- ttm tum, tint tli iiri'I, Wmiij nifjo'lrr-roiii liv- hnrJ work to j(-t hii Hpj'ii''"f, Attention It of P. Work In th'-t'.l't I'i,,! on M on 'Jay mht. A'A ' nilitK jr i i i 'i lm pra!iit. 2.18 TJIftBB JI0MB8TKAD CJONTKHTB HIIAUD BY COM MIMH1 ONER AuoOn-r Ifiii'l fons:n: ia h-in lM-ar'1 iii fori: ful" f'aiifdi, tins race of l)i' (fniti'l Htat'H va. A Hu Moriiif. 'I'hf hoiK nta1 ih rii'iiiff ioj.IcnIiiI on the roun; of iinitrriiiilrm'.., nml ihiiii'TotiH ivi ii'-hHra ha '. ii liffi'ii mimiiioiM il. iial uniiiy I lut conti'Nt of William JHldifrr rn liumcHlfiHl will lie ln-u rl on I lifi annul I'luirn, I VI'lny iimimiIii I In fil of thn lo or ho wit iiuhnih In the COlltl'Kt uf llllt U. H. I'lllt llOllll'Hlclnl In Din Jliilln (Tin U ciMintry li-Nlifiiil. UAPTIHT CIIUKCII PIJIOTH NL'W OPf'IOUHH I'OK YKAR TlilirailliV c filing I In 1:iiIihI rlnilrli I'liTti-d lli foMowIii i-lfirrra for tin- firming ynr: 'rrttahicii Omi yi'fir; .1. (I. Pry, II. K Miirali, H. I,. Mnniifll Jr.; two ycara, tl. l' Hjiilylui, J, Wurliruiiii t hr' vi'iiia, K. B. Hdiiaiot 1., .1, Lu.u-r. rlorll, I1!! Ill lllllirl 'ti ; atmlMfilit rlcrll, Harry Tnttl; In-naiir-r, Mra. H '. (In r not t ; fiiiain't' ciiMiiiiil i-liairiiiiiii (tnl aollrilnr, N. t. ItMiln-ll; ivimry f'nmiiiiHi'K, Mra, t.. .1. l.nmiT, I,. ,1. I.IIIlT, Mil Mm licit ; lllitnilll I'ollltlllt liM-, Mra. William W .N.-n, Mr. H. I, Mi IHi' l I ; liillHli- rixiPiiltltx , M i h , I'), Mikh l iTih' M.iNWi'll, Mma Alien 'I'lekcll uhIu'i h eiiiiiiiiilti i, II lire v Hob wi'll nml (', 11. I'mrit. Tin' nffii'ciM of tin Siitnlav ni'Ikiu) tin' in fnllitwa: HuiM'rin'. ii.l. nt, II. V. Mar m-lt ; UMMtNl u ut Mipenuli nl nt, 1 1 rir r -M. Htitiis Htvrriniy. V il- I W.l.b; rtm't liirilHliiiil fii-i'M-linv, II. ny lt.i-itt.-tl; me nml (ii Hint ii nt hr.-nl ,i , A I in it Mai tin ; t iramiriT, ltlu r( IImiihui;. HiiMriiiliii.l rut n tul lit lull, Mih. C. tumult Muthortlftt Bplnropal Clmreli, It Htiont. In apilo of dinati ihl vvcatlicr, a mally iiumMri' yul lo rt ,1 lart niht M hfi:ir another itirnnu Httnnni from Uv eowlioy jirraehi r 11 M i wan Itnm , ii:l l!. Afti'r tilt tiMiuoii IIhti" wan :t I'niiHi'eratioii rtcrvieti in lneh iuM' a MMMlu r took pail. Ite . Iti'lti'a in f. ar If 'Ha In liia deinmeiat i n of am 11. litiwa to the tine and !-! i I he elnpn fait H'Ihti tliev nwiy. i li in - erv uijllil. All in hiviled. Dontli of Oodfmy Tliolaa. A telegram hiiiioiiiiim a t he dm I h in Chioagtt Thuradny nf Uottfrey Tin ik, father of Paul Theiaa of Medfoid. The deea;id wan will known in Medf-'nl, whero he renldtd n nuinlor of yenra. (hi wna over I'll yea ia uf it(i. Whon word whh r iived lure of hia illiu-aa, lua aou nt etiee loft i'oi t'hieHo, but arrived Mat late, AMUSEMENTS. Trat f Mwic torer. vt for th Tii-vluy t't Kiufc;-al-at tb Mvjf'f4 tfe,r wjJJ go on Huturdky, Jfefjry JQ, t )0 ft. n. A 'J m !'! -Vj r-ota. ftt irvre4 ut IfMhHr.' t'r Wittout ehnf-, Mtford thh iiwAly boaat of fot'ejriif two ffrttt vui arljut m Mm. Iaaa f4 Mim Jirown, 'ft' it -f fort a in i(th-r fiti-a ttur --b rowfci witlj fttriii(f a at'! it a -'if t't my timt MHfiifd i not fakiox m Jtj.rcialjoii of U' r l-s-Ht art mta ut, h ar moat ixy r lo li-ar rnu, uf'-i thjr r'f i'bt n u'ly w it fi a f--f .-tn'.-t ' ;i h r of thf worl j. ttuuu Oi-Ijh of Kiij Kr:irciwo Ariti-a of M'aa Hrumi. l;, ot Iowa U i-r iiiffi: ' iituf4;'it tiiit-Ht , I uurti you, a ntijj'n'tofia on: Sot i i. y iifi- J( f Vo ;il ljitiK iimtn-iit, hut hi h-r liJit ijr;il f'cluiif, h-r ijMim wi('- tf'i fr :iibrfion f'.r hri'iif w ib, wifli woch ahft i (.'fflowfJ, nitilN l.r t, t. ;it-itt -'fiy-J rat ion, J, u tj.f i-x f" r!-iii'(-'J ti-a h-r, hIi- iic.n trainf-l ao ma ii y for l !. a t a j -in firm ly con viii(I ti,ut your l't"j'M'-r Im a Totitr' rWor tc-r. 'I J prorcnti Ow-! tiaa mad- in cofnpar,i(,v-ly ttm U i.ort ! fimr, I bavi- not b'-n t uh1.- to tm-out ' li(i witli any one l.' fw. It will foot 1 tikiuy luV only ; fi w -am to ( bridK h"t Iwfor- ttic (.tihlic, ;hmI t, U-1 tii r t omiiu nitt U-r i-nrt i-r, wlji-li will I Ut: U miiitni-u oil-. " MRH. NICIfOLHON FA1NTH; I TALLH UPON JIOT BTOVE ' Mm. Ni.-h..!',!., liipt; nr,rtli ..f .l.-i.-k ! NoKVille, ilt ,,f Jforr,..,. .Nich'.l.ti ;inl j molli.-r uf Art Ni.1,.,1 .a.,lt ,,,..( ., wriom !i'-riiliyjt i:,rini. While! nokintt. fche f::ifit,.J j.:,v. ri.Ni.... ' the hot utove ni .,,, . riv irMi .l If ANNA JNKIHTH ITON HPEKDY TEIAL OP MACK I i;i(ATH I'AHH, Or, .(.,. (.-,. TJj. trial of Will M.-m-I' fur tl.i- -( tin,; f Mili-a TarLr in tin I nylon l,ot I in (. 'i'inly rf foifirncm c tMay in ilt rir - onrt In -fore .hi.- rarifia. 'Yhv ... fi miunt ia without m.-fin aii'l thf i-onrt l.aa ai,otii-. , i ,iKli utcl W. C. Ilclc to o'cfifiil hi mi . f; (m-v fii'li -nvor.! o oMain a lonlpon'oio i,t, ,nl in vii-w of tin: fa.-t that f hi- i-hii-f viliMHH for the atafc in 'IrinyiT'Milr ill, Mm- court refuel lo urn nl it (Ml'iiiinoiHM'x) th,"t It If if mny ho woiiM l.'l-l i-ourt in tli ;o k innn'a room in oi.l r lo liavi- h f' tiliniony (lir.'i tly 1 r. (he jury. An nl''-tti rvlnimi.-nl of ) M , nHtt in tin affidavit put in iiy il-r-ii:int for a ...nlioi,i in nt, Hli-riii In- Hlah N Ii. I .'! l. -n loiyin wluhky all day in '.rani I'naa, a anp.M . diy dry town, IORTHJIftN CALfPOP.NJA IUVBRH UPON RAMPAOE HM'HA Mi;'iO, r,..( ,(, Tin-riv-ra of Northern ritliforiiia mi- no Hi" liiiiioaW... Knilroad tinffir in In a dTd and lh HonthTfi Panfi.. ,ii.Kc ovi-r the Amiriran nir, lln.- tnid aortlnaht of thtit city, 1-. oul. Trat'to over tin iiioiinlniiiH Ih m iij, c,r nil ind' finite ieriod, ORB AT COMBDIAN TAKBH IONO HIIOT AT HAMM3T Ni;W VOKK, Jan. IT, P..ihi dm. 'I I.'iiikIi. TIi in ia a N-rlmiH inalh-r. liddn I'oy in Koinjf in jilny Miunli t at a pro f.-hHioiial mntini'c at ih- iihiuo thia af t'-riiooii. And Ivldic in in in i jm h! . Hiiiei' liia (in-Hi'iitali'Mi oX tlx- llnmli-l 1iiirli'Biiii' In " Mr. Il'imlid of Mnmd way," al lli rum mo, all ..I' lux prol'i-a aiiiiiiil frii-mlH have ln-cn joliiiia: li'"' "Ixiiil il, piulirtilarly l'-eaina lm A Ill llllt. HI'I'loilMly. Ivlilie llllH III'. . i (i ll iuu tlicin all Unit In- ih jiiHi iih koo.I a J In in I rt I. na over iiiiiil'd (Im lien. To (irovi it, lie inliii'b to (day Hi" part jiiat aa Hliald-Hpi iiiii rote it . Wlh-thi-r or iioi '',i roiiNid'-iH Huh a ld', or if way down at Dm- Im.Muih ,, Imh rmni'dy Ih a i I n- watitH to . tin' mal wllli llic llnid ol' Avon, n- i Mi he Mi'i'ii. Hume of hi eh.H.-Hl fri. iuIh deelan that I i.y hrn in I'li.-tiii with tin. Iraindy Iuik nt I Im timu Htvc Wlirl'irld Hl prd I'l'imi I lir ndieuluiiH Mi th Huhliui.'. mid llinl I'oy really Wiinta lo tteo v M;i t mliriK tiling nf liim iih ii KcritniH n- foi no i'. Maudr Uaviiiuiid will pluy !l pint of Oplnlin an it nna intendtd to In pan. K10HTKBN HTATKH TNTKRBHTBD IN PU0TB0TIN0 HIIP.U.PIH1I MOW YtMCK, Jan. I'. A ennlil to prol.vt imhMth .ill I tdhrr ah. Hid hu'reiifie the In limi ry w an lauiieh i'd today at a mi-eiin of K'picHriita tivi'n front 14 atfiteri. Nalimial Ah noeialiou of Nhell I'i dni ii-H wan oij;aii id at M'da 'n nrroii m, whleli wan Indd in tl ffie- of Ih' V.w York ntale oiiiiinnniuiiiT. Tin' mi'i'liii' w:m fiil'.'.l In rhaiU'4 li Miieult, elitrf of the Ion. .mi ol' nh II ffli itim of New .IrtntV, nfl.r eolll'rieiiee and eoi renpiiiidt'in'' with Jainei N Whipple of the New Yurli eomniiHriinli Hid the OoimninMoitein of the oilier state- i naned in the pi e. net ion nl' o-lem or oilier hlu-11 I -Ii The ntaten vvhieli ure inteieittd ait- l:tnu M:ivi ehlinettn. ( 'elilieel lent . New Y.ilU, e Jit tv . hid a u ate, M m la int. Yli uinni. Noilli riuidllia. (ii-o'.-iii, Honda, Te an, 1 ,nii inoi na. M inn in- p it. I i eoti. t al iforma ami ahhinn' en. all f holi 1 1 ; I t ' rl elll himitt ( ' ld ornem e lit to I he pi Opene.l 01 e.ani.'ll t "It The id'leet of tin1 imported orani.'a lion ia Mi (trill loyeltei (he stale tip retiiiilatie on hnaidn m voimniHninnn whnh have the eate of thin jjreiU nil mat tinioiii'e of the eeuntiv, tliat in formation for (lie mh . iieeinenl of t he industry imiv In- exelcned to mutual iid ailiae. In the at it tea of the AMtiuiie neahoaid tin nhell finli Indiiatrv amount to mil li ohm of dollara yearly nml plana for ita ivnaervntinii Imvo heen uiuler eon ideintion for aoveinl yoKta. MEDFORD THEATER 8ATUEDAY. JAKOABT 1C. THOMAS JErFlESOS IK "RIP VAN WINKLE" A GBEAT KC'EKIO PEODUCTION. Ince roe, IIJXj, CURTAIN AT 9 O'CLOCK GLOVES All Kinds and Descriptions Canvas Gloves, plain and gauntlet 3 pairs 25c. 2 pairs 25c Hansen Gloves, best in the world, from 50c up Horsshide Gloves, . . 50c up Buckskin Gloves, . $1 to S1.25 Hand-made Buckskin Gloves, $1 pr Wool Gloves, ... 50c up Drivers' Gloves, . . $1 to $2 Dress Gloves, . . $1.50 to $2 Townes Own Make, . $2 to $2.50 The TOGGERY dents' Furiiishfngs Store IIMNUUBh VICT1MH IN COAL MINK ARB RUSOUBD YKSSi:i'i:ifl.l. Hungary, J;m. lo. -One hiiadri'l and 'ouilecn men were i ' rued lo1',' alter M. ; n pj enlotllheil ill tin' AtieKii i ia! mine Jih llie I'chuII of an expluriio.; due In lil damp. Hixly on- l.ndiev : ,r I t. n: . h.-l. t)HLUOV "I) PUAUD OAHP.S IN P1TTHBURO PlTTMItrKti. Jan. lo - T."Imiioi. o he iiied in live I'ail.d Nlitei l;ml . :e en iumv p in I i ii 14 ui (reoh wilt he taken lo re imiiouiovv I e fore Conuiiin 'oiler William T. I.iii'!-il v, t'ennider tide niii.'i'v h uiauil. lined rejil id i nf 'lie I'lin. hut il in ImioV n thai fl0 i'X I'.-ri i heiuisis. nn nili'iM of the Carnegie leihaieal n,-hoid, have I li rtilinuioiied i rtilh.Hiiw ami il i- v.i id lliat a Hum Sir of prominent l'i.t;ai:riein will ill no r railed. ! If. I' l.itth- and J. f Kenem, w ho ne nied the eouliait lor the water Mill o I. L it Friday 1 iald:-h a eamp it Mrot iirtoi.i. The tunnel u ill he i'Hi ,.,. hmj and woik will eomnieiire uet vveeli. KBAI. KHTATB TU XNSPP.KH. r r snnii. to i; .) i-Mw-ndf. piop, itv ui -MaM.. I P. Stepp et al io Kdward U Ihuiv, tami in rteliou M, !o iilup tan-; ' 1 e. s . . I; P. (lumhlm io K V, odluity, e'ist half of tuutlivvest qii:u i-1. M.'Hou 1J. ti.rt h-.hip :t., ratiee I e'lit .... I '. Ih nt lo H. A. I'-etienhuii;. h-1 I. Idoek V., M .M'oid . M Mi Mra. II M Au-tiu to l:u A M i 1 1 la . pt op.-) f v i n Simon it , a.ldition. sl,.ui,l :-"0 I..11.1 Phillip- t.' Ci ; I .ml I o . t ,is lm and :, l.UvV . Su nt iohMtooi. N-hiand . . M1 S riav to .loshui P.ntetnon, land in l, L. t'. t:l. tovMiship o, niHiv nent ... 1,57- will be our nnum after moving into the ii'j'.v specially fitted up iinxieru groeery store in 1 lie M ission Ulock. 'e move alxiut February 1 and it goes without saying that we will t;tke our old and popular -a.h polif-y along with in. ' ' - .. . . IT PAYS all parties conc-erued. IT PLEASES better than anv other polk-v. ? ? - IT IS GOOD BU SIS ESS for all. Tli yui't crop ij drmi i,r.r.uH, per lb., 15c, ut J It for ; ; 25e Wil(,gr' foultrjr Foul, a f,w parlcage tut from 2',e mrli to 2 pkjfu. fvr 26c II intevu-Kt in bulk, per lb l'i'tC Ho Felt tha Naed. M mliiilri' tiiyni'if vory linn li." "ho youV" "Yi-rt, I do." WhyV "Ciin't you aou why?" "No, I can't, and I ilnn't nee how Hii.v ln iiy i'Iho eau." "Well. Ihat'H tin ronson." Their Natural Key. "Wo are .Jnn in form h iieWHboya' ILLl-o't " "1 U t will ho Krvnt.' "Nov el lit least." "I Mil pjiose (hey will hIuk only 111 tii'o!" Knew Him. "ImmhI of Ilmwn V" 'Wo." "WltyV " Too MoiehlllR." I A plenty. ; i'iit ut man . on n but oiico a aar, Wliuh MTiim tovlty toiiKh. i When you rt. .i:vlntt prenenln, though j It ta iintt (Miouah. j PERT PARAGRAPHS. t'nniiully meulhm 111 the hearlnx uf i your rehitlvos ami frlemlH thai you 1 alight tii oiirself (hat Hot if beau 1 1 J fill th. it ,ou havo coveted ho j Ioiik tf you ilhln't luivi' to hk'ihI ao ' imiidi In t'lii-Kinuia iivmnN. It will make tlu'iu pruo ao imu Ii inoro hlnlilv i ih. trilh' (hat vu present thelli with j ;ii i ho iiu'trv. merry Yulethlo. MiiIk'I oiitfht to bo sattntlet! with u illduui triui uietit. Il iloean'i uinoiuit to uiu h luit It lertalnly tliMM iimke n great show, and a h o miKtit to l nM 1 u k you some t h I u k worth while). 7 .-v?iSV' Wti.'n hhltes fcvt Into a K'tltlitUHKe Jvor I ho irUea nt n party, could It be (tilled a (jrlru tlht? I THE REX GROCERY CO j "YuWm" Hrtl i'lour, tti P ilsbury uf the n. prr tie 4b lb. aack ('! wheat) .tl.45 Wheat lit arts if the imuvt fj 'M.'reuiu . of Wbcut," but flla for lifts 'ft. r 2 ,t:kajt tut 25c MILLER iSc They on and do sell for lut Citv Business Dire Lt the MISSION FU1UOTUKB WORKS make that piete '4 'traitor.. Any deiigu, any eolor, an, ?iniah dull, waied or poliahed. Shop od tar. of 8th and fl atreeta. W. M. Aolrlc 0. L. Beamu. COLVIQ k BBAMEB Lawyer.. Office .Med ford Bank Bldg. Oronnd floor. Cook Store, and range. Phone 91 MCBOOBFT WOLF New and Second. Hand Furniture Eadi' old stand, 18 0 F St. South Medford, Or. KABNZS BOOMING BOUSE Newly built and newly furnished All modern conveniences. D. O. Karnea, Prop. 20 8. 0 St., Medford, Or. MEDFOBD CEMENT BRICK BLOCK Co. will l.e prepared Feb ruary IS to furnish cement brick. Better than pressed brick and just as cbap. In estigute before contracting. P. O. Box 118. MEDFOBB TEA AND COFFEE HOUSE Specialist! in Teas, Cof. Zees, Extracts, Baking Powder and Spices. We carry all kinds of dinner ware and fancy dishes. 216 W. Seventh St. Medford, Or. DB. OOBLE The only exclusive Optician be tween Portland and Sacramento. Office on Seventh Street. When others fail, call on DR. B. J. BONNEF Eye Specialist Office in Ragle Pharmacy Mnln 233. Seventh and Malu THE HOTEL EMEBIOK Booms from 60 cent, to (1.50 per day. All modern conveniences. We solicit your patronage. VALLEY AUTO CO. have opened their new garage and repair shop back of the Moore hotel. Motor cars stored and taken care of. All work guaranteed. Phone No. 3163 LOWELL TO SUCCEED ELIOT AT HARVARD BOSTON, Jan. 15. Abbot Lawrence l.owoll, author, Inwyor and Harvard professor, is to bo the BucrcHxnr of Charles W. Eliot as head of the great Cambridge, university. After the eorporntion and overseer,, of the institution had held separate meetings t(Kt:ty in this city it was an nounced that the members of the cor poratiou had elected Professor Low ell as president. This choice, which wns submitted to the bard by the over seers, must bo ratified by the hitter body at a meeting '.o be held Jnnunry -0, but as President Eliot said: "Their action is not doubtful." OREOON DAY SAME AS SAINT VALENTINE'S A suggested progrnut for public ehools and literary societies for Or egon day, February 14. the fiftieth an niversary of tho admission of Oregou into the I'niou. The sot admitting Or egou wns passed February 12 and wns tignod by tho president February 14, IS.'o.l. Inasmuch as the 14th falls on Sunday this year, ii is suggested that the eiorciaes be held on Friday, Febru ary 12, and that the ceutenary of I. in coin's birth be commemorated in the same exercises. The program is suggested by the I'mverstty of Oregon and wns prepared by the departments of history and education. EWBANK Why? "Oaah Does It' THE E. E. V. LUNCH BOOM Fineat eup of. eoff. on the Pacific Coaat. H. H. Lo rimer Prop. ARTHtTB H. DAVIS Contracting Electrical Engineer. 210 W. Seventh .St., Medford, Or. ENVELOPES printed to order LETTEBHEADS of all styles by The Tribune. THE ELEOTRIO AND FRENCH DBT CLEANING AND PEE 83 ING WORKS W. E. Lane Son, Props. Opposite Hotel Moore, Medford Oregon WA8CHAU ft BROWN wish to announce to thoir patrons that tbey are located in their new quarters in the Young k Hall building. Billiards, Cigars and Tobaccos. DB. FRANK BOBERTS Dentist Office hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 4. Miles Building, Seventh Street, Modfonl, Oregon. THE MISSION GRILL Always open for business. Neat and cleun. Up-to-date Popular prices. 12 So. C St. Lambert So Brawn For good bargains in Watches and Jewelry, Pistols, Musical In struments, go to THE MEDFOBD LOAN OFFICE 0 Street. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Undertakers Day Phono 353 Night Phones 0. W. Conklin 3 J. II. Butler 148 DR. B. J. CONBOY Successor to Dr. Joucb. Office in tlid Stewart Building. WHOLESALE HARDWARE STORE IN CONTEMPLATION A $75,000 eorporntion is being futli .red by 11. C. (liiruet-t for a wholesale hardware store in M.'dfnrd. It is plnnn ed to erect a brick building. 50x1-10. two stories high, on the west side and a wnrehouse nn the Southern Pacific right of way. The protect is still in the formation stage. City Treasurer's Notice Office of City Trenmror, Medford, Oregon. Jan. IS. , Midi): Notice is hereby given that there are funds in tho city treasury for Hi. redemption of all outstanding warrants issued against the Street and Koad fund. Interest nn the ahot will cease after tho above date. L. L. .I ACOB8, Citv T.xacurer. 257 Classified Advertisemen ts WANTED. WANTED A chambermaid wanted at tho Franco-American Hotel, with ex perience: fare paid. ". reka, Cal. 20S WANTED Man and wife want situa lion on ranch. A. I. In s II.. ,-are the Tribune. -; roYSXLE. j FOB SALE Two goii fresh nuloh f'anri.l I'lura I'li.blij.g, reii'Iy ,o iM-rve; Ihiliy u:'t neat aiMl (l!irinj-j, -r ,-au....30c ri... 4 n-vt.-r ' ll.jui H.ost fcitrifaftory "cf'c,, l;id r, pr lb. '.nl;' 2Tc (In t:i'.t s you woul.i take it f.r a o'Je coffee.) ctorv SAVOY THEATEB North d'Anjou 8treet. LaU-at motion picture, and iUua trated auDga. Kntire change of program Monday, Wedneiday and Friday. Admission 10 ceuta. BIJOU THEATEB, W. 7TII ST. Continuous performance erery evening of motion pictures and il lustrated ballads. Entire change of program Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Admission 10 ceuts. WM. H. AITKEN Plumbing, Steam and Hot Water Heating. Phone 22. 210 W. Seventh St., Medford, Or. EDEN VALLEY NURSERY N. S. Bennett, Medford, Or. Grow trees that Bell, sell trees tunt grow nnail fruit true to label VERNE T. CANON Billposter unci distributor. All orders promptly filled. Boom 7 Jackson Co. Bank Bldg. Medford, Or. C. F. COOK Sells trees that grow. Office: B. B. V. Depot. P. O. Boi 841. Phone 593. Medford, Or. MBS. ED. ANDEEWS Voice Culture and Art of Singing Studio ut Kesidence. East Medford. Phone 225 S. B. SEELY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Modorn equipped operating rooms X-Iiay. Office hours: 1012, 2-4 p. m. Office in Jackson Co. Bk. blilg JACK FREDENBURO Scavenger. Garbage hauled. Medford. DR. WALTEK B. STOKES, Dentist. Successor to Dr. J. M. Keene. eows for sale. Hear Creek Orchard v 274 FOB SA l,K Two ,-i, "ts the corner in Pago's addition; n bargain for cash. K. II. Sawyer, No. 207 S. I' street. ' 962 FOB SALK 1(1 nc-is near Merlin: t'loo; other tracts. 00 to $20 per acre. ( has. K. Shot I, .Merlin, Or. 2611 FOB SALE An elegant lot of new rurnituro, direct from the east, at bar gain prices. For particulars apply M Tho Tribune. FOR SALE Good horsi for sale cheap, half mile south of city limits. O. L. Liuxwiller. pflt FOR SALE House.,' lotsand ia"ndi5 . Phoenix, or in tracts to suit from one acre to G40 acres. Matt Calhoun, Phoo nix. Or. FOR SALE Extra dry cordwood, fir and pine, tier wood, oak, fir and pine. F. Osenbruggo, Studebaker Bros. Co. warerooms. Telephone 361. 262 FOUND. F'l -""D A small purse containing trinkets of value to a child; the little owner may have same by calling at this office and describing contents; ad free. FOR BENT. r'Oil R EN T I,' von with or without hoard, hop. 're at th "Vhune office. 261