THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON. FRIDAY. JANUARY: 15, 19W). HUSSEY'S CLEARING iTtJTTCC"0.rr -UP SALE All Haviland China will be Closed Out in this Store at just ONE THIRD OFP on Regular Prices which was the Lowest Ever Made in Medford . ! ' USONA WARE thats the Popular : Brown Ware Jugs, Stines, Vases etc. Hustle in and take your choice at ONE HALF the Marked Price . " Don't Forget that , we are going jtogive-awqy April 1,: that Beautiful Enamel Range, A ticket Free with every 25 cent Purchase :::i'tss?3g ...i....w--Mtk.ujBsaa . A10MA5cJBFFER50N fcl "fri fk)3EPH alEFFEPSON or re $riG: J P Q K? y tnmrsovs k $j Byp"."". JYMf 1L Jj jJjferVi ' j THOMAS cTEFFERSOfi. I I l 'tflLofi'.' '"' i i ?rmr?"ivWMll I I i F K&J - ' - Tr' 'HmtmtmmmmmmmmBtm .JOSEPH cUTFTEBSON (JOSEPH cJEFFEViSOH FOURTH V THC&Wl YlNS Tito original Jotters. n licgaii whli l.)avid Gitrrick. Tliomrm iFrft'cirHon 'h grout, grtHt, grcut Knuulfathor, Thoiu uh .JctTtTHOii tho Firat, was a iiuin of rx trpordinnry mimic nlrlity. Living in u provincial KdHhIi tutrni he KiflH(sst'l Much naturnl pnwora of perBnnificalion that when lie wont up to Loudon and stopped nt u woll-kiwlv!) inn his arrival wag always hailed witn delight and hitt visit wtm n I ways one !ui hilarty. On oiio of tlieso oer aaions, when roars of laughter w ro yreetin his sal lien, Ourriek, with come friends, was supping in un upper room. The actor's curiosity wns aroused by the merriment below, und he sent for the, landlord and inquired the occasion :f it. The land lord told him something about Jeffer son, whereupon the groat actor invited lty unknown Mr. Jpffusou to join him, and from thot moment, for five gener ations, tho Jefl'ersoiiH I'dve been promi nent in tho dramatic wrld, until todny .1 ett'erson t he Fi ft h ct ndu before t he theatrical world in the person of Thom as JelTernon. There was n play which centered about the eharneter of I'ip Van Winkle which had interested n number of act on, including .loseoh Jeftrson the Third, and his stepson, Charles Burke, in which they met with but moderate snceess. Joseph, the fourth, father of tho present Thomas JefTeroon, who, af ter having played the old version him self for some year, thought he saw great possibilities in (he part, and it was uiou his suggest ion that Dion Hoiieeicault wrote n new version which Joseph Jefferson produced at the Adelphi theater, London, in September, IStlj. The play instently captivated the Kuglish public. It was seen in all parts of the United Slates, being play ed by Joseph Jefforson and for the past ten years by Thomas Jefferson, his son. Tho strong evidenee of approval which greeted his work through the country ostablished ti t- fact thai Thom as would still be an actor of renown, evi'ii if his name was n.t Jefferson.' "Hip Vnn Winkle," with Thomas Jefferson in the tjtle role, will bo the attraction at tho Medfoid Theater, Sat urday, January 10. Mr. Jeffernon 'a production of the grand old romance of the Catskills is said to lie I ha most elaborate, this season, i-ver given of the play.- His supporting company will lo headed by Miss Hosa Hand. Curtain will be held until It o'clock, ns this is Saturday night. HONEY IS IMPORTED TO ROGUE RIVER VALLEY Three-fourths of the honey consumed in the towns of Hogu! River valley is imported from California, yet this val ley is as favored in c ma t e a ud in flowers for bees as in e.ny other sec tion of tho Vnited Stales. Wild bees are as plentiful here as they are in tho southern states, nod in almost ev ery hollow tree in ; he woods can be found n swarm of booi, says the liogne lliver Fruit lrowr liee-keeping in a light, clean work that a woman can liHhdle ns well as a idqd, and the expanse of operating in proportion to the capital invested in smaller than in any farm industry. The amount of the -profit dqcnds nt most wholly upon the fk ill of the apt arisl, and it is an industry that ran be carried on by the fruitgrower without at nil conflicting with his orchard work. Tho honey obtained is not the only profit thnt is had from bees on a fruit farm, for it is a w-n known fact that hoes aro efficient aid in securing a tterfect pollenizat ion of fruit blossoms. JJauv of tho most mrcessfnl orchard ists in Rogue River rrllev attrilurh tiurir big yields of fruit regularly e-l ve-ar to the work of U? bc-9 that they keep on their farms i pd to wild bee that come in from ilie forests. And that somo of the he orchards in this valley nr shy bearers only on years when tho natural conditions are most favorable is attribute to the fact thnt tbtre are no bees kept in the orchard. with the cocoons of the codlin moth, in which the larvae ure safely hibernat ing until spring, to then come forth full-winged moths, to fly to the or chards and bring d-'iiltuction to the oining crop of apples nnd pears, says the Rogue River Fruit fi rower. It is the eareleas crch.mhst who makes of his packinghouse a prolific breeding place for codlm moths. The wormy tipples, rejected by the packers, are left in boxes or thrown about tho room and the yard. Tho worms soon crawl out of the fruit and hide in boxes, cracks in hoard 4, eld papers and ither secure places, whne they weave about themselves cocoons, and, being protected from the weather and the birds, safely pnss the winter. Then, in tho spring nil are rady to complete their lifework by making more wormy apples, for the careless fruitgrower to leave in his packing house tho next fall, thus keeping up the endless chain in tho breeding of codlin moths to make more wormy npplen. The prudent fruitgrower does not make of his packing houee a breeding place for pests, for r.uch men usually have very few wormy apples, and these are fed to hogs or otherwise destroyed before the worms ar irady to hatch. He keeps his place free from refuse fruit, and from nibbi'h of every hinI. At the close of the parking season he gives to the interior cf the building a heavy ront of strong lime wash, which fills the interstices in the boards that might become hiding places for pests, and otherwise puts In packinghouse in shape to harbor thf fewest pests possible. JUDGE ANDERSON WILL PRESIDE IN LANDIS' PLACE CHICAGO, Jan. 11. Judgn Albert Anderson of Indianapolis will preside nt the next trial of caser, against the Standard Oil compaev in which Judge Laa.lis imposed a fine of ),(MHi,0uf). Ho will set the case when court con venes Monday. , Ooinlug Musical Event Mrs. Irena Hamptou Isaacs, pianist, and Misa Grace JoBenhiua Brown, con tralto, will give a tnusicale at the Med ford Opera house, Tuesday evening, unuary 19, at 8:15 o clock. ' This if the first opportunity Medford has bad of bearing these yttog artists, since their recent study in San Francisco with the famous teaeuei, Herr Herman Gensa.: Herr Oenss, who is a pupil of Liszt, Is ft marvelous musieian and in his compositions has been llkonod to Beethoven. The muais-tovers will have on opportunity to judgn of this, ns se lections from his works, both vocal and instrumental, will bp rendered. The pro-gram will be announced luter. FULTON WIWriOUT YOUNG TO THE FINISH V . - . 1 . WASHINGTON, Jan.' !-". Senator Fit ten announces that he has decided t ,pHiHu actively confirmation of the in Donation of John C, Young as post mastei of Portland fur the remainder of the session. He thinks Mr. Young cannot be confirmed ier his opposition. " Pre paid Bailroad Orders. "Something waits is of considerable interest to the public generally and which is perhaps not generally known ds the system of prepaid order now In effeot between stations of the Southern Pacific compaiy and all points in the United States. By means of this system tickets may bo purchased at Medford from any place In the United States and mailed or telegraphed direct to tho party wishing to come here. Sleeper accommodations and small amounts of cash in connection with these tickets jtay also be forwarded at the same tims." tf ON BUSINESS PRINCIPLED lio tun Hi with tho urrlnK. For you can never know I ut vUiul Uio nua may quickly Uncover from iuc Uuw, A i ill If you try to toiteu Mis lot pt-rhai'i a ten Or belter you it. iy liorrow Wild) he'ii on top HKulu. AltMukuK ain mom than common. Ant, U3 tui- i y t'. l.M!, Not evui v put-yon t:uUty Is I'.j.n.; time. Muu Ij to wiy iu:mo, ili bOiuet!:ucn iiutUeti it hII;, l'.itt by judicious ltiili ( llu may leKuln hlH urlp. No one iuii i..fl I he futum. Yon eHunot ul.vayH tell Who II Lo to iu,i Iiimuiiow w..o il l.i- .1 -..! t.n- ..-M. lioll In ni.ervi! vour iu.l,io. ;.i II to 1l,:r.:f o,:t l-'or ;.-'ty irno.4 l-iuLin-r A fu lio:t of .i 'i . V.'e eunnot all Ij "it .ul i. Wo L.iiKiul i.h. i; a i a Jtut hi::! our litilo i.' '.:is Will U.Jd!c otf itftli i. . Anil nv:u-iilu ;'n h-ui . i . ul ii:fi'i i'ent Kioi.i i Uel.: lo t'i.' t-i. lie i.t-ntlf wl'li tiiu i- rlii.. Who uiiottu.' V niiiy (. m-xt. Certain to Bo Uncertain. For Sale. INCUBATOR. Cbus.; A. Cvphers No. 2, 240 eg gs s i e , in pe r f ee t o rd e r. Main, Northwest Medfoid. William 2M MedlordTImeTable SOUTHEBN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Northbound j No. KlfOrogou Kipros. 5:24 p.m. N. 14Purtlaud Eiprel.... 9:49 a. in. Southbound No. 13Clifornia Exprow.. .10:35 . m. No. 138an Franoiaco Exp., .j 3:20 p. m. No. 22SFrom Q rants Pau.... :16p. ni. No. 24(For Askland 10:iCp.ui. PACIFIC fc EASTERN RAILWAY Ho. lLeave McAtori. . . . . . 8:10 a. m. No. 3Leavet Medford 2:00 p.m. No. 2Arrives Medford 110:28 a. m. No.4Arrivei Medford j 6:08 p.m. ROOUE RIVER VALLEY RAILWAY No72LeToi Medfor4 ji:45 a. m. No. 4Leave Medford 5:35 p.m. MotorLeavee Medford 2:00 p.m. MotorLeaTei Medford j 9:00 p.m. No. llLeaves Jaektonville. . . 9:00 a.m. No. 3LaveB JaekaoariUe. . . 3:80 p.m. MotorLearet JaekaoaTille.. .j 1:30 p. m. MotorLeavea Jacksonville . . j 7:30 p.m. MAIL CLOSES ' " "" A.M.P.M. Nortbboimd :1 :S4 Soutbboood 10:05 2:60 Eagle Poiat 7:90 2:0 JaekMavllle 10:20 5:20 PACKING HOUSES TEEMING "vSTlTH CODLIN MOTH COCOONS ST. l'KTKBSfirHI, Jon. Thi l..:ilh of Vice Art'lmi'sl lic.ji'Ht vrinkr is Vrait Iinpoitor K. V. Tnvlc.r i llic ' nrnnunri'.l. Hp wa in miniiiand of the aulhoritv f.r tho Mal.-tnaat that the ' ItusKinn ffl.-t in Mav, 11K.5. b,.u it average'fruit packing bouse in Buirue wai pra.tically ....!r,.ye.) ),y the .lap River valle7 ia teeming ean winter I anese. It You Owned the Earth I OH Theru Is this about u wi-iu.ut she ts Just us certain In he iim-ertnln as sin la to be tlippaut and uuunderslandable. NEVER LOOK BACK It doesn't pay. Keep your eyes fixed on our exceptional offerings. Kino tai luring can only be secured from the lands of high class tailors. Our expe rience ami methods are certainly worth investigation. Wa employ the best workmeu and our clohtes are without doubt the most carefully selected in the eity. EIFERT The City Tailor coffttie You couldn't 'ind a bettsr place to live than in this glorious Kufite River valley, with its in comparable winter and su miner climate, .lust uow we have some particularly good developed or chard propositions to submit to th faotnesooker, whioh are uro winaets. Itest give tliis mutter immediate attention. It does not take a very wise man to foresn that the advance in values which we have been predicting in in coming producing fruit landi is about to materialise. A ft"1"1 young orchard wiTt not only in 'crease in valua as its income producing capacity increases, but with 'the rght kind of an orebar d, such as some we have to show, the purchaser ban a chance ef g-tt ting his purchase pneo back out of a single crop, with proper mau agement. How can wealth be accumu lated faster than by buying o ait of the good young orchards we have for inlet Alwars at your service for the best burs in this valley. ROGUE RIVER LAND COMPANY EXUIBIT BUILDING, MEOKOBD, ORBOON Cov MERCHANTS LUNCH MTiKTING IlHi.'KMHKU " , VR WII.Ij I'l: r 'N MKK(;UANT8' l.'I.Vi h ?. FROM 11:80 A. ?l. UNTIL j 2 p. w. : i'l PRICE I THE LOUVR1: ' STEP INSIDE PLEASE if you would find fond satifnetion at prices that won't take away your ap petite. This restaurant provides th choice viands in season steuks, oops etc., nt all seasons .-ookod and served with skill und care amid pleasant an cleanly auriouuding-i. Wo bespeak ; large share of your nafronage. The Lmerick Cafe :' Opon All Might Medford Theiatr TUESDAY, i JANUARY 19 . t: .: !.. Mrs. Irene Hampton Isaacs PIANIST And CONTRALTO I N CONGER T: Admission 50c. Seats reserved at Haskins' Drug Store on Saturday at 10 a.m. More Light for Less Money Sixty-three per cent of electric current saved by using TIJNGSTKN LAMPS. 2 Candle Power Edison Lamp uses 110 Watts per hour and would use in iooo Ins. 110 Kilowatts which at locts. a Kilowatt $11 32 Caudle Power Tungst&n Lamp uses 40 Watts perhour and would use in 1000 hours 40 Kilowatts which at ioc a Kilo watt '. 4 Net Saving in 1000 hours in favor of the Tungsten Lamp $ 7 Rogue River Electric Co. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. Office, 'JlHi West. Seventh Street. I'lione No. li.'j"). Opposite the Big Electric Sign. F. OSENBRUGGE AKcnt for THE STUDEBAKER BROS. MANUFACTURING CO.'S VEHICLES AND WAGONS Hub- in .la.-litnii eoiinty fr the ST I ' I K 1 1 A K K C 1.1 A K OK A I f i MulMI.KS. The new K. M. V. Sludi-baher. .; hurne p.iv-i. f.ur eyliader 1 liuni (-lie" Toiiiny Car han wmi 111" ri-.-unitioe jiikI a.imirai.ion of m:n-l.iiii:its and Ium 'Hvhi imelf lo be :i renin rlt.-ib'i- xehiele f r slreiiyfh, :iint durabilitv . jhiU in 'i'l lin-K will arrive "n the .ouutt of' ih' iimiilh ul .lie Si 11. . linker v;tr. hniHe. MEDFORD. OTtEOCW. Hrs, Urene Ifamptoii Isaacs n( "Til... Tl.r WHn.S Stu6lo al Hiiltnil. 5lorll OtR SIk.I ! THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE HAS THE BE SI NEWS SERVICE IN SOUTHERN OREGON. 1 i