V MEDJJOBD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 1909. Medford Daily Tribune A Ltvts Paper in a Live Uowjj. Published every evening except Sunday. ' MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY. Qborob Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postoffice at Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. n BomU, f mall r etir, . . .0.50 On year, by mail... .15.06 PUB DIN AND THE TItUSTS. Mahlon Purdin, one of Jackson county's representa tives in the legislature, has introduced a radical anti-trust hill. Speaking of it, the Oregonian says: "Representative Purdin 's anti-trust hill is : shining ex ample of misdirected effort. Were it to become Jaw it might possibly he found effect ive against labor unions, like the Sherman act. Against; every other form of trust it would prove futile. Were every trust in the ountry dis solved today, tomorrow they would all be flourishing again under the title of holding companies or something equally simple and effective. The trust is too elusive for the law to seize and destroy, but its property is not always elusive, and through its property it ran be regulated. The time will come, perhaps in the far future, when our legislators . will give up the hopeless task of trying to destroy the trusts and begin the entirely practicable enterprise of d fining, classifying and controlling them. "The trust is a natural consequence of applying com mon sense to economic problems. It represents a distinct advance over old, wasteful methods. Instead of seeking to slay it the law ought to try to discover some method of dis tributing its 'unquestionable benefits among consumers. At present producers retain them all, which is, of course, unjust. The outcry agaiusj: trusts is precisely similar in its nature to the old opposition to machinery. It is the com plaint of the past against progress. As soon as people learned how to use machinery properly they found that its benefits were intensely real and its evils imaginary. The same thintr will be said of trusts within a tew years. If Mr. Purdin would apply his mind fo the problem of niak ing trusts subserve the public good he would be much bet ter occupied than he is in trying to destroy them.' TIME NEAELY EXPISED IN MISSOURI OIL SUIT ST. LOUIS, Jan. tS-Thi is the last day allowed the Wntcn-Pierce Oil company to prove to the natiffaetion of the Missouri tmpremp court that it brtfl purged itself of any and ull con ii.'Ctioii with the tStandi"d Oil company. It is thought the concern will lie able to do thin. It will ahio have to pay a fine of $30,000 recently imposed by the court for violations r,C the otnte anti trust law. Under th decision of the court, the Standard Oil company of In diana and the Republic Oil company were fined $50,000 enrii and ousted from the state, the decree of ouster to become finally effective ou March 1. The latter companies 1 are filed mo tions fur a rehearing. Tho Waters-Pierce Oil company's failure to file any. sort of a motion indicates that it mav not.' fipht any further, but nbide by the finding of the court, preferring or to longer con tinue the struggle, thrra being surface indications that it has been abandoned by tin Standard company nnd left to fight its ovn battles on its own nc cotint. The court is to be the sole judge of the evidence submitted as to the Wp.terricrce comnnnv 'a , sovernncc fmnt th Stnndard company. Attorney .f. 1. Johnson intimated j that the rnw might be taken to the Supreme court of the United States and that failure to ask a rehearing did affect in any way Kir client ' right to redress bv a writ of error. THOUSANDS GREET TAFT IN SOUTHERN CITY ATLANTA, Oa., .(.mi. 5. Men of distinguished attainments from all over the south joined today in greeting William Howart Taft upon his arrival in thiB cty for a stav of 20 hours. It was the most enthusiastic reception ten dered to any Atlanta visitor in recent years, and men of all political faiths participated in the exlibiton of true southern hosptality, which will have its joyous culmination tonight tit a ban quet under the nil spice of the Atlanta chamber of commerce. Opossum, sweet potatoes and persiininM beer nro the principal items on the bill of faro for tonight's feast, and some of tho best chefs of the south Mrr today engaged in preparing those dviicacies in the true Georgia style. Tho futme president of the United States has reluctantly ad mitted that he has never known the gustatory delight supplied by 'possum, yams and 'simmon her, to which nil Georgians aro trndiiiom.lly partial. ROOUE RIVER APn.ES TEN CENTS EASH IN BOSTON W. If. French lias received a letter from C. L. Lenvitt of Boston, who !b plnnniiig a trip here in which he says that D 'Anjou pears from the Rogue River valley retailed at 5 cents apiece in Boston and that he had been pav ing 10 cents each for Spitzenborg nnd Newtown npplos from here. ' 4 They come high, but the peoplo want them," states Mr. Lenvitt. U1TCUCOCK 'S 1 M Eh' FEU ESC E. Efforts of Chairman lliti'licock, of thcnational repub lican party, to induce1 Statement No. 1 hhmuUts of the Oregon Legislature to break their pledges and elect a republican senator instead of obeying the mandate of the people, has brought forth the following rebuke, fnun Sen ator La Follettc in the second issue of his magazine: "Hains is on trial for advising the commission of a crime. Hitchcock is widely accused of advising the com mission of one equally heinous. It is reported that he is actively endeavoring to induce Oregon legislators to vio-i late their promise to support the candidate for senatorship receiving the most votes at tho primary election in June."l It is said that there is little real hope of preventing. Chamberlain's election, but that it is hoped by deferring.! it, to force him to resign the governorship at once instead of waiting until lie should have to take his seat as senator. Republicans regard the governorship as highly impor tant in the event that Chamberlain should be elected owing to the unfortunate situation as to Secretary of State V. W. Benson, whose bad health is a general subject of dis cussion. Benson is afflicted with cancer, which has devel oped alarmingly and has resisted medical skill at home and iu California. In the event of his death before Chamberlain should cease to be governor, Chamberlain would appoint Benson's successor as secretary of state. This successor, after Chamberlain became senator, would not, only be secretary of state, but acting governor, and control all the patronage of the governor and of the combined board of governor,! secretary of state and state treasurer. It has been reported that Chamberlain might not take his seat as senator until the regular session of congress ncx Uecemher. Eastern magazines and newspapers have generally ac cepted Chamberlain's election as a foregone conclusion, because such political dishonesty as would be i ecessary to defeat him would react with bad effect upon the party, and hence would be poor politics. VOW ABE THE MONTHS . i;:k.-n in pnttiii,. .put p.-mon; that poi- TO SLAUGHTER COYOTES '"' ""' pla.-rd l":lr dwelling r j t-tit.lu h.hwnys. 'hit rloirp pnapih); I'EN'Pl.ETON, Or, .I.tn. IS On no would not li.. li.it.le to nwli it; that fount of the mormon Ira.-, rvi-rv your, not only to ho.'pm.'n. but to tttookmon tnd farmer. generally by ronton of bo ravages of ooyotos nn.l other pro .latory wild animals, which aro inoreas rig so rapi.llv a to b.votno an ahtrm- i.ig mona.o to tho M.f.iii; of hheop. .iff, poultry, calves anl even tuvlu. not to mention the will gamo, nu.-li ,n. ..'err and oik, killel bv cougar ,'tiol wtilvo. in tho niounta'i.5, tho Oregon " ool t.rotvcrtt asttoe.iit ton again at tt 'leventh annual convention in Hopp iter. Or., unanimously tJepted tli fol l.iwing: "We, tho .heopmen if Oregon, here t'f set aside the month of January. I9H9, for the purpose of making spooin! offorts to destroy e-iyttop and other nredatory wild animala throughout Or gon; that rrrry possible effort be tnade by all aheopmen to destroy coy i tea with poison, traps, puns, dogs and thr methods; that r- will induce our i eighbors and every one possible to -twist us in this erusade against ciyotes. That special precautious be poison Ito put out onlv on our own pretn I: 0 it nuiev. All stoektnen are mt-d to take an ;icie part i:i this oru:ule bv comply nit; with the resolution and make n strenuous effort durum this month and also I'ebruary to kill coMites. It prov -1 a lot; li.lp last w.ntor. A bulletin issued by the Oregon board of sheep i'oi.ii.ik. Tiers on " i'r.-ietieal Methods f..r the 11. struetioii of tl.e Coyote" and any other information tbsired. will bo smt upon ariilicti.m. GRANTS r.VSS LEVY 18 FIXED AT TWENTY THREE (.RANTS ! vs, eourt of ,1. v.-. the levy at ten r 'it five, and tin k'i-es to the citv .bvi. l.V - Tho conn- in., eonuty has fled lis. tile sehool board '!v :,t eioht, which .'omitv tho sus- a ill pieious number of C:' " .lost what ! effoet this will liav. upon dilatory ! taxpayets is a matter of comment, but -ir tho past year has been otto of j;en oral business prosperity the ti.tros may' be a mascot. i !. 13. ENYART Preaidsnt. .1. A. FEBH-Y, Vice-President. JOHN 8. ORTH, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Aas't Gasbier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK MEDFORD, CAPITAL SURPLUS o r . $60,000 10,000 Safety Boxes For Rent, A GeneralBank in Bus ness Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage. Compare the Quality It Ib, and always has been our aim to supply our customers with goods of the highest quality and to that end wo nro always adding Iliffllw1imaililllllli1 IB"""'? to our lino. The 1U bii.HIW.P1AI.i BSldition of 'preforred 5"stock" makes our line of I:. jti rnde Canned Goods most complete Our service always tho bst and every accom givbo our customers. Allen & Reagan Groceries, Chinaware, Fruit and Feed VAN DYKE'S 1 OFF 0 On VEILS, SCARFS and LONG GLOVES 5CARFS--$1.25 to $4.00 values at 1-3 of regular price VEILS--"Merry Widow" and "Auto" Veils, all colors, $1.00 to $3.50 values, at 1-3 regular price LONG GL0VES-P. Centemeri & Co.'s cape and glace Gloves, regular $3.50 and $4.00 value, now 1-3 regular price SEE WINDOW DISPLAY Van Dyke's A t" ES AND PEARS AND ALL KINDU FRUIT TREES - YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest' Comraranial Nursery in the, Pacific Northwest. Not in tbe combine. Competes with all first-clasa nurseries L. E HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, , OREGON. Medfofd Iron Works E.G.TIiOWBRIDGE,Propiit:tor. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS All kinds of Enqives, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, I BVer and Machinery. Agents iu SovtLum Oregon for . FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. . AT THB 8BBVI0B OF DEP08TITORS AMD CLIENTS , BUU DepotlUnr. , CAPITAL AND BVXTIiTJI 1146,000 Th Jnokson Count Baak places tt ths emit si its depositors and alienss th best faculties in hanking. Th of fUai or pleased to render counsel and advic oa flAasaial mattsrs. AoMunts, subje-se check, aar in vited. ' Sat depoalt box to rest, M pr year and asp. W. I. VAWTBB, rroiaeat O. R. UNDLBT, Oaakiar EVEBT ONI HAfl THE IB TROUBLES OWN EspaciaU th man Tibo bus a suit of clothing or overeoat made to fit any ob that want to buy. Th man who has his garmsnts mado to order by an up-to-date tailor never has any trouble with the fit, finish or gitneral "get up" of his slothing. It nt only fits par feotly, but give you a style and indi- viduality acquired in na other way . whan mad at J. A. Kreuzer 6 Co. Importers andTailors PALM BULLDINa, HBDrOBD, OB. FAVORITE JEWELS Are always those of (genuine merit, tnougn not always the moat costly. Jewelry of the finest quality. Aa the present winter promises to be one of unusual social brilliance, you will find it to your interest to secure what you need from our unusual stock of rings, uruucuits, penaants, pine ohaius, brace lets, etc. MARTIN J. REBDY .. Jewelry and Watties SALEM BEER SALEM is the most popular beer in Northern C alif ornia and Southern Oregon. . It is acknowl edged to be the equal of the very best eastern product. All beers are good, but some beers are liked better than others. The proof for this as sertion lies in drinking Salem beer. - If you wish to be convinced, ask for Salem beer and drink it. SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION Medford Depot: Medford Ice k 8torage Co. E. J. fikewla A. C. RaodaaV J L. D. Harris Rogue River Investment Co. FRUIT LANDS 1 Owntra, Sub-DlTldera and Dartlopan Bega Btwe Vil Sr. i C'b'!r, i'"!' b,rta "d i. aU and largo inn, f.r sal. W plant and . fur ,ard. and fuxvx prepay be aa rtprsMatW. " " Experience Not ecmBAry tor th.. wh. puroh.M thro.gh us. VkV aasur. h. ,. ,d servlse, of a oonnlting hortisnlturtn, aa . toatt Hi tar. ..1 it. br..ar, wh. forT, th. arewmg a.4 .hippl.g ,f fruit U th. B. mw r.rd ..ope, rM.nl , nur, ,ri V' 111 yrth D Street, Medford, Oregon MEDPORD SASH & DOOR COMPANY PHONE 2291. F aTRBBT, BtiTWBEN SUTH AND g KVKMTH 8TRESTS. Take the Tribune for News Medford, Ore., Jan. 6, 1909. I have just received the following Nursery Stock 2000 Diuter Nellis Pear Trees. 1200 D Anjou. 2500 Peach Trees. I also have on hand:' 3000 Bartlett Pear Trees. 2000 Cornice, The above is good, clean stock at popular prices. L. B. WARNER Try a bottle of Mc Donald Never Leak Shoe Oil Keeps Your Feet Dry Pint Bottles - 20c Quart -35c C. W. Mc DONALD Successor to Smith & Molony YOU CAN'T SAVE On your railroad fare. The law of tie common carrier compels equal rates on all railread lines YOU CAN SAVE la Time, Traveling Be Penses and Fatigue by Insisting on the shortest route, fastest trains and heat service, simply see that your ticket read via SOUTHERN PACIFIC O. R. & N. Oregon Short Line and Union Pacific Every facility for th eafety and acconmeda tioa of taj passenger is provided. N change of cars is aecraaary to Den ver, Omaha, Kansas City Chicago. Direct coanec tions are mr.de for all oth er points east aad south A. 8. ROSEKBAU&f, agent, Vedford. WM. McMUBBAT. Seneral Passenger Agent, PORTLAND, OB.