All Haviland China will be Closed Out in this Store at just U SON A WARE thats the Popular Brown Ware Jugs, ONE THIRD OFF on Regular Prices which was the Lowest Stines, Vases etc. Hustle in and take your choice at ONE Ever Made in Medford HALF the Marked Price Don't Forget that we are going to give away April 1, that Beautiful Enamel Range, A ticket Free with every 25 cent Purchase 2SE Social and Personal Emerick'Cnff open nil niM. if Eueriek C'nfo is op. n all niht mm that pronierity linn con; t t --.y. tf County Trerimirer .Jninen rronemillor wob n roeont McilfoH ihitor. Mrs. C. W. CunktiiL of tlim city in viniting frit'iuln in Mrs. Jennie K. ininrn of h Falls wnH a recent Med ford visitor. .John I(. Miller nf V,mU Point wan in Mod ford, on bimineHH TliurMny. JohIiiih i'nltonmu, county cmnmiHMion nr, was in Medfonl on hiumiett:. Wednex day, J. !. Alexander of I'ortland ban ie turned tr Portland nfter upending hcv era) days in Med fori. 'lU-nt motif at bcHt pn-rs nt the Km qrick flnfi open nil niliI If William Hchiilfx o' Table Itork wiih in Medford on butvtio!, Tliurwluy. W. M. Herrie1: of 1 huineo Hock witu Mod ford vin(.ir V.fdi.ewliiy. C. H. Mc -Arthur J Anhbind was in Mndford Thnnliv. 410 in gold for tho bnby at Oratory's gtudlo. tf C. E. Whidler of the Rear CwU orchards haa returned fcrom an extend ed trip emit. "Cadillac" fluydVr lifts reeeived n 1009 Cadallic touring cur, tho firnt of thii year's cars to bet received in Med ford. It In a beauty. Jobo B. flturkey of 1'ortlaiid ia iu Medford for a few duys looking over tho valley. Finest businoHH locution in Medford. AddroHS P. O. 13ox IKS, Medford. Fluent buBineufi locution iu Medfonl. Address P. O. Box IS:!, Meddfunt. William McEwen of Anblnnd wan in Mod ford on huttiucBs Tlmrmhiy. lie also paid a vinit to he county neat.. W. J. Hardy of Yreka, Cnl., is iu Mod ford visiting for n few diiyn with relatives. .Tack Wilson of Little Rutin district transacted huninoim with Medford mer chants on Thursday. Charles Nickoll of Ptrrling wiia in Medford Thuraday on businesH. D. H. Wood of Kuffi no is paying u brief business visit to Medford. A. 8. Harris of Table Hock wiih in Mod ford Wednesday on business. Arthur Walker of Los Anelon, t'ul., la In Medford looking over tho valley. Ho statos that ho may fount o if he finds a place to suit him. Ro is accompanied by Mrt. Walkor. L. T. Lake of flan Francisco and A ('. Lane f Sacramento vroro recent Med- lord visitors. They ar interested timber lands. Motdlocraft 8ho, fornxTly SS3 Waahington troot, new H7 SUth t., betwon Morrison mul Aldor HtTectd. Portland. Jnnunry houdliiwork mWs Bow on. 2!i8 Mn. Artlo Ytupp mil hrr iiinlor, Mian ln Ontmao. of Tnlcnt, wrm mnoi; those wUo saw Florcnrt Kcliorta Weil ncutay evoning. Ch W. Rood Mid wifo of C'hiriiKu, KiltI !. SBbin of Cluimu;(;ii, III., Dmiii'l p. Rie of Chicngo, C. II. Mniiiiiiiin nml H. H. Kothormal of Portlnnd uro Itnion tnose IDBpectllig tlio .Medford oxml ininv thii week. O. B. TilliiiRliost, P. C. StoncfoM, II. G. Smith and II. It. Jckon nod wifo of Portland nro ainrg "Modford vin itora thiD wook. E. B. Tonpio aud wifo of Uillaboro are registered nt tho Nnah. H. E. Jopp of Eu(pn is a. Med font visitor. B. Conner of Chicago, .frii'iid of Honoro Palmer, who nveutly purrli.wd a 200-acro farm near Ta.hU' liook. Imp returned to muko -hiB tin hero. L. K. Ilauk of Fa,.io Point spent Monday evening, Kuth Kilvknli lodge No. 4 hold thoir semi -annual in stnllation. Kight tnotnt'ers wet-e initi ated into th degroo before the inntilll tog cttremonioa were perforrtiel lv Mra. Nellie Hnffor, distnet deputy. A eaieksn pio supper tt served iu the banquet hall at tho of the eve Bing. Following are tho officers for 1009: Emma Dunfonl, N. (1,; Ucoini Ulrich, V. 0.; Mario IMricli, seereturv; Delia Bnrhe, financial oecc'tory; ale Cronemiller, tre.ia.jrer; Amelia Kl mer, warden; Jennie Kitto. cou.hict rcss; Ella Walsh, 1. 8. IV, Martha N.r rif, a a 0. Attention K of P. Work in thet'.ird ii.k on Monday night. All 'nigbtr .ir-vd to be yretn-nt Oi ty Treasurer's Notic Ofic of City Trwifcurer, Medford. Oregon. Jan. 13. , 1 S0P: TCotiro .is hereby given thai tliprt am funds ui the city troaaury for b redumption wi all outstanding warrants imid gamut the Street and Road fund. Interest on the ab" will es Ctr the above date. L. L. JACOBS, City Traaeurer. 2f rom TUBPIN In Ash and .Tanusrr W, I'-OO, to Mr. .Mri -i-s W. Tnijin, a "" THE MEDFOR1) DAILY TRIBUNE. MBDFORO. ORKtiON, ' USSEY County Co.nmiKHiouer'K Court ( I rd it m.'ido approving Ander-Hon & Tuft, addition to Meilf.o.l. Older made approving pint of the 'entrnl sub divifsion of Medford, Order made iiHHin'n-i tax certificate fur l!".f oji-'tiiist luU :'S mil '!, Mm.-;, 1 It. It, addition. Ai.Liurid to I. M. ('a I (tins. Order mud'- iipprnvino bond of II. T. Pankey, eonwtnble i.f (Job) Ti. Order made In eni n vl deneripl 10;: of l.tx rei-i-ijit t prip-ity in Cnoliili .'idditimi Aslil.-ind. Order wade appruvin,r bond (if M. J l'j-'i;l''Htin ;ip jiiHt ii v -if (be pence fur AhIiIuihI. Older m:n!- iMlaldisMi.ff t!.e lnnid arir:i of mad dt tr -cIh i.f .lackfrno cmin I y. (diietv l.iifjrilal tvpi 1. for December filed and 'approved. List of jurymen for L!m Heleclcd. IMat (if Pierce mib-dKivion jippniA'cd. Ordered that. Kalie M. (irii-ve be up poiiiiid deputy ns-ies'i.H. In the inattrr ( th pctitinii of A. 7. (turdoii for tdiane of road over It in bind; Frank (JriHe,, Da.vid Pierce mid J. H. Tucker appointed viewers. In the inalt-r of the orcilest (if eoun ty jude an V lax lew fir year I ! S - .iudfje ent(rtt protes l-eeaitse levy in ii it ri censarv and (ippfef.H' ve on tax pav Tli i'ii I; h ft mills in i'iit ficient to moef current cMihch for eiiNiniifr year. Probate Oiiardiiiii fr S. Sin nun a ; first an ntal necHiiit filed. Kstale JaiueH F. ''ass, Sr.; miter made netting .Inn. :tl), lUD'.i :m day fur pro bitting will. k s Weds Earl ot'GranardLate Quiet Unprentenlious - - MOW YORK, Jan. II. -Miss Beatrice Mm. ,,....,.., ,,,:., MiiU. ,,rnai. " I tleuL nf the New lurk 1 rituino aim dent, af the New gntnddiiihter of laiin (. Mills, the I'lunotm capital iat and phibiutbropiat, today becmieH the prnb- of tho Enrl of tiranard. Tho eureiuu'iy will bo per fmiih'if. Into this iileinnon in tlie large ballroom of the Mills city residence, at Nijity -ninth street, and I'lt'tdi avenue. Miss Mills will be e! I ended by four ltlb bridesmnids, ulii are to bo Miss Kalliorine Maebey, daultter of .Mr. ami Mrs. riaieuco Mnelfey; Mihs Alice As tor, aiiihter of t'ul. .lobn .fatvdi Astov and M rs. Astor; M isn limeo Vandor bill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cornel- ins Vauderbilt, iuid btMe Miss Taylor, daughter of Mr. mid Mm. Mosch Tay lor. Tho Ka rl of 0 rn n a i d will ha vo his trotb'irr tho lion. Donald Forties, as ber.t man. The wedtiing will bo a comprint ivo ty small oiie, followid by a roreptioti. Tho Karl aud bis br-de will spend a week at Stnntsburu beforo sailing on Feb. 2 for a week in I'aris, after which they will no lo I.ouil m to be present at thr opening of parlitneut on Feb. H. The tlranarda will take ." bouse in London. Tho new bride will be presented to Kinj; IM ward nnd tueon Alexandra at tln February court will occu py a high place in sc:a' circjes of the Hri'.iih c;'itHl. TI.e trouHi sin was made in Paris, but ojilv the lrid.!l gon and tliree m hrr f rocUs for immediate use were -.en hre. An outfit of bridal linen hind. Tlie Kilts nf (lie e;.rl In bis bride i rid nil otlu.r gifts f i tn the real tves snd fnends :tbro:id icieain in London. The Farl of C:anaid in master f tlie hrse for King Kdwir.l nnd is held in hi ub esteem bv tlie liril ish monarch H" serd dnnrg the Heir war and Ik's aNo performed manv iniporta'it mi sinus for tV.r king. 'It has nnmorous d"cnr:itiens ainl title- nf lienor mifor red bv tlie rulers f vaiioits 1urop e;i n tint I'arius O. Mills, the famous grand fodier of the bud.-. .id Mrs. White law Keid. wife of the nmbasdor at rlif c.ont "f St. .lanes nnd an aunt of the bride, rune gone ti i'abforma fer the winter nnd will not be present at today otldniii. Ii is alb g-nl that the older Mills is opn. to title! mer riaged. WASHINGTON, Jan. U. Koosevelt todav showed no S'pns f ill ef . foots from his !0iuib horseback ride vestt rdav. Ho was at im desk oarly and attended tu offu'isl bustuiss. : HISS MILLS IK CLE ARING - UP AMUSEMENTS. 'riiumaH .b lVci'Hou his uuiiterly inortnmtl of " lfi Vn. Winkle" will j hi seen tit ilie Mcili'onl Iheaier Salur . day, .lanuai Id, and v. ill present the ' iplav in a la:: mm- said t( be mure elab mate than ever tvell betore. 1 IierililH ' ; J-dVeiHuii h -s j Iready eHtabl'iMhed him iself a I'aVi.i'ile with I hi I'.teioers. wlin j now biuk hon him an artist (if rare ahihly no-l well wmthy nt the name Mie bear- 'i fl'i rstni. a i .-'me which liaH ; i"tnnd I'm ; I thai is bst in t heat ric-1h j j fnr five ' 'i.-il ions. lie is happily i i endowed by nature 'n succeed his jivnt j ! aaeeslnrs. He yiv:'s i Npleadidly siis i taiiied chaiacierial i : which po ' seises certain eh-menis id stn-nlli and power Ihal belong to : tic Jefferson indi , vidualily nli nc ; "Hip Van Winkle" is will worthy of ,11'cservat inn to the stec. It m a de I I'.ht fid rumanee told in on enl in-ly cliarining manner; :t nentiineiit. itsj comedy and ita pathos have the line; of sincerity not withstanding 1 In- po-, etieal ntirl fanciful svl of treatiiieiit, and there1 is re:: I human interest in its character!. The hi imi theat--r has eoth n into 'tine and is billing all nf the bi vande ! ,nB. . ...,., .h,- ra-ifi.. ' coast. The attraction thai close.) last (enin; was pronounced by nil to be ('"' "''"B"1'" ""'r,; Tl" ' I ","",,"",,' "lllllh"r "eept.onn lv nt rnnn nt t rnel ion emnineniMug niuyiii (i.ilizales is n ennto:'! tntiist without equal in his line. His act has been a big drawing card in (very theater In has appeari d in. The performance it out i rely different from anything t hat has ever appeared in the city nnd will doubtless bring out big crowds. Fea ture moving pictures nf highly inter esting charactt r are booked in to a':;bt ' p'-rformnneo. MILLION DOLLAR CaRGO OF SILK DESTROYED BY FTRE J ' VANCOrVKlt, Jan. H.-Nilk valued j ;:t $ t ,0(ni,i)Oi) was d- . ti..i ed by fire and Itrakeuieu I'oiter and Mount were in stnntly kd'eil last pigb; near Swift ' urrent, where a freight engine col tided with terrific force with u Can adinn Pnc-de silk train carrying a val nable ea:"g New York in bond. A brakeman neglected !o dose the switch after the silk train Iro. tnb( n a t 1 ing. Fire followed ti,e t d! n i siitniug four cars of si 'k w h r lived from die Orient on the uteamship Kmpress of t'liina. TALENT TALES TERSELY TOLD I. em Hughes of the F--ni district was in Xmth Talent Wednenlay. M rs. Henry Helms id Talent went down to Medford S;tturd:iy returning on theafternomi train. The Phoenix meat inarKi t man conns up to Talent Tuesday ii t tern turn on business. He savs Phoenix will soon be nu iueorpoiated te i.. W. Walton has ,u"t recoived a large hill of goods, t'l.arlie is wide a wake and a Mieccssfu! merchant. Snow fell heie to the depth of over ,-,,r inches last Kdda evening and Saturday night was the (oldest weather experienced here for many yea is. Talent's literary society is the lead mg euteitainmont tbee winter eve uiugs nnd is profitable. Hoth old and voung are interested and tho attend a nee is glow ing each n ght. Had it n-t ben for 'he mm-k tlioimlit iv.d action of a coui 'e of strangers ho w em walking .-'.o-g t he railroad tiack last Friday evening in informing the agent at Talent of i br.dien tail, it i hard to pay ivlmt nrght hae hap pened to No. I'l as .t went over the t lil between Talent "n.l Phoenix. A couple of voung c'lapr went down to Medfoid of the week and i-rougnt a cottie ap ot goo-i om ryo for fear Medford would go dry. Suca tntetnougiit ; wny can i people always eo ahoad I o 5 Thai the play possii-ses surpn-isino merits is amply piuv u by I In; length of t ime it lias held t lie Ktteiit inn nf I he public. liven f he jrelitlis nf t be JeffcisniiH emild imt have for sn bii a time mniulnimd popular ity for a day that was vahede-., in ii-Hf. It was over fid year: ao tliat .lo eph .Jefferson brmiht eat the current version of "kip Van Winkle" at ih Adelplii theater.!o:i. but even IhH lolitf bip?i' of time .bus nut cover tli. period Dial the stor ,.J' " h'lj- Van Win klo" h.iM held the Intcicst of theale, ners, for Joseph .Ii iVmsm: 's lather and half brother. Cha-I s llurke, tuncih. r with himself, had played an nhh r ve: sioii lony before I tioii limn ficaall r. viceil it fur product imi. In all, over Iti.lliai pe; furillaiiees hi ' been t;iven id the pbiv by tho inendi. ix n'f the .l.dVersun family, a re.-ucd never eipialb'd b any olli.-r sIi.m,- oudiictlon in the histitiy of tin- umtd, Thmita-; lian been layin it now fur over I I years, and sn lnny as he beeps un pl iv in it jtiHt so lone; , ill it icinain lh one (re:it elawsic nf (he American M.-io . Seat sab opens at llavkins' tomorrow (Friday) morninn; .it t n'chn-l;. Methodist Church In spite of the iric! 'inonl weather a goodly number heard tin "(o-,v Hov" preacher in this chiii-ch last evening;. Kev. liettes chose 1v his text the third verse of the tnst Psalm. Tin-S(-rmon was repb-te with telling points and bits of humor. After the sermon a lady came forward as a seeker of sal vat ion. b'euieinler Itov, I let 1 - s preaches every night this week. Hring vour friends. Kvervbodv we'eome. TO ISSUE BONDS TO BUILD NEW CITY HALL HA NX I HAL. Mo., dan. 11. A spec i ial election is being mid here tod.-i on tho proposition to issue ..ono in lion.N t build a new i- t y h::ll. A sit, for the proposed edifice was provided for in tin will of a wealfhv woman resident ..f 1 1 :i n n th.i 1 but unless (he new hall is erected at (-ace the proper ty will revei t to the heirs. Coming Musical Event. Mrs. Irene Hampton Isaacs, pianist, ami Miss (trace .loseidiiue Hrowu, eon liulto, will give ii inusicale at the Med ford Opera house, Tuesday evening, auuary !. nt SrlS o clock. This is il:o liist opportunity Medford hai had f 1. 1 :'.rin$ these y uvg artists, since d.ndr iLuent study in San Francisco with the famous teacliei. llerr Herman tienas. llerr lleuss, who is a pupil of List, is a uiarveloiis musician and in his compositions ha.t been likene.l to Iteothoven. Tlie tnu.iie lexers will have an opportunity to judge of this, as se lections from his works, both vocal and i nst rumen tal, will be rendered. The program will be aunouueed later. JACKSONVILLE ITEMS Attorney tins Newbtny left for Pott will bind one day this w-"1 where he icmniu iudef i n it ,d v. Mrs. ('. W. Cetikbu came over Medfoid Monday to he pre-ent :il lo-becca installation. Mrs. Katie diieve is tilling the turn of deputy assessor it her hush office. Miss Fay Si a is tnent Wedn. afternoon in Medfotd. Answered the Description. "I have a book on small fruii turo." "Ii doesn't b"k like it Pn.iu 1 would t:.Ue it t l e I torb al novel " "Anyway the clerk wlniv' I l-ou. It assured vu it was current Hti tniv." Hi- I Circurrntuncrs Alter Siie. "How bit; t- ;i il. iiitr. :ui:i".' 'Tb:it all iboviN." "On wlmt V" "Ou b"v yon bine to work f-r i It ntul bow loii .ton bnve lo ;ilt for I riiriJSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1000. HUSSEY'S SALE: Special Engagement MEDFORD THEATER Saturday, Jan. 16 JEFFERSON A Magnifi cent Scenic Splendid Company RIP VAN WINKLE Prices 50c, $1.80, He Was On. ! ba.c a new iioU bore." said the . I "diat I am only allowing 1 1 10 U.'ll p.T .o)S " i 1. .: ;old the fUy Victim, "but i .. i I am m l eloedble. Tart 1 v J .i l!l!l 1:1 tiiO of OX- ' t nine I'lvm c. -tiaet with book -V rs!!w Up. were liuardlug houses tn- :-f wore pt-iries ils-,-nV' "ueiiur. .5 bmis, ((Hoi;.-... ell lilt til.1 C. I ; lltU? Who over Jit to bo It l: ii hteri who . I Ii!.!. !,- b. ; '''' a i. '. : "v li.i'i ii.1 In Douot. PERT PARAGRAPHS. 1 It Is liulUpuuiMe th; U uot every I tbeni b:i tt-s rose. Lots of nu n think they have a hard ! , layout iiul"ss tin.y are servcl nt, a i i soft snap, i County;,. J K. N"i il was in Med ford on business Wednesday. THOMAS -I N. $1.50. Seats on sale Her Daughter Anyway. How old Is Ann? 1 fitln would know. Tell If yon eiin. It pains me so. How old, you any. Is Ann? hear mo. And she so gay And fulr to sea! Tho question Is, How old Is Ann? Tho fclorv s ills Who polve It can. How old Is Ann? (.:-. e..:,.-clve? Yoa lift I can -As uld iia Kve. SjylnT Him Off. uali!i-il In linrr-.w n uuiirtiT 'Ho from mi' " "Did you fai ir "Yi's: I i 'il It a ilollnr." "Why Mils L't'Ui-ri ity ';" "Ia- :.ti:;i i.i i:. ituai-lor lia.-k. M.' Iiy milking It 11 ilu'hir I li'-c hl:n for. ever, ami It Is n rlio,ii lose" Supril;. ing the Need. "YOU V,IJ- . ,;, .s, ,., ,. I'l-iiiism,'." "Yes : thai Is M... in.iv ... j "Ho i iK-hl to worl; v,. now." I "Why:" "All h-e v.a.'i-n Jri'iiiiil un tilm." Wiid.-m Wish . ;e "Thoy say man is to lire to l., trMl years old." "Then k.rtuis thori' Is some hope for him that he will lnu.w ciioiikIi Hot to put ov cotton wl i-:;elN anil piny Santa Claus. Too Verdant. , "She's married." I "Whore Is her husband?" I "Noliisly ever sees him " "Why?" I "I miilerstancl he Is a sort of Invlsl- Me cr.'i'ii." New Ca.ei, I. Ii. Savin vs .lann-s Stewart n.--ti,.n ""n,,f money, W. I Yawter. atto i ney for plaintiff. Wonder ful Electric Effects Rich Comedy Convulsing Situations FKIDAY, io a. m. INCREASE FUNDS ALLOWED j F0B THE PANAMA 0ANAL ! WASHISOTO;. 14.,S(,nntor I ""l'k' toilay intr,l,u..., t)ill ! r.'ilHii.K to $noo,UOO,D(M) (I,,, moHut 1' that miw bo i.,c,l ,r tlie gov j'lumont tn raise inomy fur tlie con istruction of the Panama canal. I Classified Advertisements WANTED. i ,k I A chan';""-mald wanted at the Franco Amcican Hotel, with ex Jfju'e; (are paid. v,cka, Cal. 6:i ro-8iL. I-OH SALE 40 aerrs near Merlin; 0"Hj other tracts, 10 to $20 per "'re. chin. K. Short, Merlin, Or. L'tso r'OR SALE An elegant lot of new furniture, direct from the east, at bar gain prices. For particulars anolv M Tho Tribune. , '' FOE SALE Good hors fo77al7che7 half milo south of citv limits. O I Linxwiller. ' ggj '' rB-SALE-Hour.TotrlriS Phoenix, or in tracts to suit from one acre to 640 acres. Matt Calhoun, Phoe nix, Or. ' . lOn SALE Extra dry cordwood, fir d, tier wood, oak, fir and pi.e. r- OsenbniKge, Studebaker Bros. Co warerooms. Telenhene 3B1 5o . it a small purso coutainTuJ trinkets of value to a child; the little owner may have same by .ailing at this office and describing contents; ad free. FOB RENT. i'OIi IlKSi'-Looms with or withnut ocard. !n,,:.,e at th "-.'hune office. 261