MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, OR RflOTf THURSDAY, JANUARY 1-1, IOmO. 3 RAILROADS MUST RAISE 7,600,000,000, SATS BROWN A LA NY, Jan. 14. WesiiU-ut W. C. Brown of the New York Central, in an address at the anmral riinuer of the Ail bcuy chamber of c iiimerce, said to Bight: "If tho railroads could have pur used and obtained thu labor employ ed in the year 1107 on tho basis of prices and ucale of wapes in effect in 1SU7, their cost of operation, plun the coHt of itnproveiiiiMils and eitvnsions, would have been approximately $i76 000,000 less; and had they received for during the business of 11)07, their earnings would have been approximate ly UO,OOOO,0OO great: than they were. Mr. Brown declare that it will be ni'cossary to raiho $7,500,000,000 for tho purpose of increa-ji.ig and improv ing railroad facilities miring the com iug fifteen years. "The west, nnd especially tho great southwest, ' ' he sai 1, ' ' must have thousand of miles of new railroads to make possiblo tho great development of which that region is capable. Texas alotie has fifty-ftvo vnuuties iu which tho whistle of a locomotive has never ben heard, and the state of Texas can with adequate railroad facilities and proper cultivation, raise more cotton than is now produced in the United States, or doublt the annual corn crop of tho country." Tho railroad construction of 1908, he said, was the smallest in ten years, and thot of loon promises to bo less than in 1908. HUSBAND'S TABLE MANNERS BASIS OF SUIT TOR DIVORCE ST. LOUIS, Jan. 14. Mrs. Mina Lei dor today sued for divoreo from Aeh Lcider. She alleges thai she was born in 1874, was married to Leider in 184, and that in 1805 s'ii was graduated from Wellsely college, where she learn ed the ways of polite society nnd ac quired good manner) and correct hab its or eating. Consequently tho sight of a person eating wilh a knife or the sound of soup gurgliifj in the mouth or tho blowing of ones I'ose at the meal or the imbibing liquids or semi-liquids by the power of suct'im are sources of (ixcrncinting pain and annoyance to her. Her husband, she pnys, "beads over his soup plate with Ms head until his board almost dips Into the soup, and from the time of lifting the first spoon ful to his lips until tho Inst drop is drained makes n noise akin to that of a sawmill." GIANT SERVES ON JURY IN CHICAGO CIITCAOO. Jan. 1 1. 0. R. Danberg. the tallest man iu Chicngo, served on a coroner's jury last wvgc. Ho is 7 feet "i inches long. Information of the in terest nrmnped by the appearance of the giant was eommnn-eated too Cor oner Hoffman by the depnty who held t lie inquest over Tnni"l ,1. Crego, three years old. Deputy Coroner Hnrtnev snva that Danberg is 14 inches taller than Detective George Scrivner, one of the tallest men on the Chicago police force, who is detailed to the Coroner's office. DELIGHTFUL RECEPTION HELD IN EUTTE FALLS A delightful affair was the reeeption held nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Spencer iu honor of Mr. nnd Mrs. R 0. Pharcs who were married in Med ford Jnn. 1. Mr. Phures i from Parson a, Kansas. The bride, formerly of Pittsburg, is the eldest dangler of Mr. and Mrs. Spen cer. There Were about thirty guests present who enjoyed that hospitality which only the perfect host nnd host ess can give. Paring the afternoon tin' Rev. John Fletcher gave n short but graceful talk, blond'iiq, eloquence and humor in that happy nnd character iftie of the man. In the evening an in formal dance was held in the hall which was artistically decorated with fern aud enrnnntions. Th room was il luminated by myriad' of candles which ndded to the beauty and charm of th place. The delightful music furnished by Messrs Owen and Austin added zest to every number from the fir-it dance to "Home Sweet (Tome." Mr. nnd Mrs. Pharos received mtuiy beautiful presents. They will make their future home on the unsurvevrl where Mr. Phares has t ncnt nnd it tractive bungalow and summer house, the latter which has only recently been completed. A host of friends wish the bride and groom a long life and all the happiness the world c.r.n give. TORNEY BECOMES SURGEON GENERAL OF UNITED STATES WASITTN'r.TOX. Jan. 14. Thirty seven years of brave nnd efficient scr vice in tlic nnifnrni of tlie I nitoo Stntos lirniiifht its vcwarcl to Colonel fii-nrgc T. T..rnv when ho wns tiwlny rli vntcd to the r.'ink "f vu-jji-nn n.-nonil f tho l'liitivl Stat.-s rrmy. Suruoon O'Roilly, who rrtirol to.'.aily. Tho now su-eron g.Krnl lm 1'oon stationo.1 nt tho ITe-Min. nonr Sun Frnnoiseo, for tho ' fivoycurs. nn.l wns in oli.'iruo of tho p-nornl 1i.imj.Hsi1 t thnt ;t. H- " of k-iown sin.l most j.M.iih'r nffi.-rs mi tho l'ncifio ponrt. Ho iB .insily ontitsod to tlio lm::or ponforrod lll.on him. rnring tho uront rnlnmity that li.'f II Sim Kriinoiwn .n April 1!1. ho wns one of tho unit riso to tho omortfonoy of tho situation. Ho throw tho hospital open I" tho nf foring e-..ple. an.l at I ho mm" Um(" l,pl tents ereot..l all ove.- tho Kro,n.s in front of tho h..itsil. Xil.t ami ,lav l-olon.-l Tornoy aiol tho .iirCeo;..s umlor his ooinmsti'l latmre.l to ro liovo tho snffererr. CONVENTION WORKING FOR GOOD ROADS FOR UTAH o.t r iT.-r rlTV l'tal.. Jan. H. A nmvi m"n: for til - fM.ral improve roent of the highways of Vtah ' . . , ... ...ii.U eonvon nuncisl limn to . k""" ... tion in this city, at wi.ic.i ... woie present from all over tho state. Humor and Philosophy By DUNCAN M. SMITH CHRISTMAS. Christmas conies but onci a year, Su the uliiHinui-s tU-rlttre. BrUliK quantities o( cuttjr On tl u K.r.i,iy whiter ntr, The:i, If evi'r, Is the time Lvtiy oiie sltuuld pUy a part. Tl:i-t tho tiiihtuaJ In FhJuM chime And sliuuhl oion u; his heart. It's a day for warming up. Thou 4 '.i tho wi'.itlier may bo chill. liis uitlti tho loving cup; Never inluU who loots the 1.111. UuhIiss t il u hi be iloney t,uiiij hii'i: Oti the lu'bby tuku u iVj While that t-huiei- t! h3 I. Is bint. Vuu v.e:c twice a child of ten, As j ei.iupj you way i -'.ill. ou nuiy he mhm: ; .( lain If you II listen iu the li. Give your tlU'.ltv ii to. .s in the dlHi'tud tor uhle. Never mind the yjln vr loss. Loosen up our f:nc and au.i :. C'hrlMiuatt iotne:i b;:t n '--e a It Id not u steady d.ttt That will coti!iiu:iily a Tor von dally l:e in v. :Ul l.o.i. o'.i up i.mI do It r.:i;M. Adding to the Kiiicr:.! inlr'h. eery one l:i r:t;t UUd Iu Uiiutv I oat you'ie n :ir:h. Not In His Interest. No," 8u u I Hp geiiiK'anui uiih til- crop of alfalfa on III; i liin that I-k1: ! as though It uiiulil izt leii t.uu ti lh" acie; ' ciinnd way 1 alt.-.iitM approve of tills new two ei'l l':itv li.isfciMigvr rate that the rulltviiils aie UUlLllltf." "Ami why not';" nsl;el bis liun e oompnnhm. "If you will p.m.. n me for saying It. you tlo not InnU lll:o u geullenmii who owned a railroad or two as il sh!'.' Hue. ho 1 r;;mmt see where yon are culled in to swe.u bluotl over It." "I'm not worrying over the piviils i v louses of the sttirli holders, let hie Imten to assure you. It's myself I a in Ihhdi lug of, nnd how it ciiusiM me to in- e money." itut bow etui it?" "Kvery time I steal ti rltie now 1 save only '2 cents where 1 used to k;ivo 3, so you can plainly see 1 tun out h cent n mile, which counts tip on a Ion Journey." When It Was Healthy. "Yes. he Ih of it very retiring dispo sition, rnt-le Hill Is." explained the vil lage patriarch who had known the sub ject all his life. "1 must say be bnsn't that reputa tion." '"Well, perhaps I do him an Injustice, but 1 formed my estimate from one 'hue I seen him when tt lienr wits nficr lilm." Probably Did. "lie Is such ti whole soiiled fellow." "Is heV" "Yes. lon't you think so 7" "Well, nut ipilie." "How Is Hint V" "Thought be needed to be half soled before you could call him Hint." Literary. "She Is a great lover of books." "She IsV "Yes." "What kind?" "Pockelbooks." PERT PARAGRAPHS. Valuable expe rience Is the kind that you can ex change for cither money or collat eral. Some men seem to be created for the sole purpose of keeping their creditors from dying of ennui. It Is hard to realize It, but very few people think either our kiuvcsscs i' our failures are of inm li coiisc.:in'ii e If It were their own. now - but that's another story. The bachelors that are left over fro;o the 1U0S rummage sale nil-'bt lust as well uow chase themselves otT the earth and cense to lumlwr up the scenery. When the holiday season has been seeu to Its Inst lone finish take pd thought lest you Immediately )r railed upon to pay the fiddler, likewise ihe doctor. A JMM.d srr:iii has put many n man out of sorts with himself and the world Iu tune with the mil verse. Of course n ba'l dl.osiii'.n ls" ' a ik'.' tiling to li.ivc.liiil thoro are people who seem to l.iive lot.s of use for It. Being fond of her own way, a wo man can't unUerstund why her hus band Isn't. We all wish our friends well, but we don't care to hnve them do so very well that they can Bet on without our per ,una supervision nml nilvlco. We probably could l.enr the llsrace of poverty with a erent deal liettpr equilibrium If It were not so horridly uncomfortable. Mother, who Is always neat ami fan ful. tun save soini'tl.ii.L' lliis m-i.s.,.i 1j son'dlrijr those riirlstinas i-iinl that ' received Inst season to Ii.t rel.i'lv..: hi .Ww Orleans. Alwavs ctVH.voi.r rM.'-st rol.itm' t"' mo.;t mostly pn-sfiit. He im-'.N H -oiu. h U..T.. i ha n oiiy .me else, and so:.:1 .la i- 1m Is .Ine Htr a will .1 A f. .1 a ' II m i; ,,! in - like a no t Uiiik .1 tlilrg. (the worea-r I (yc r to com e I ' X7 v Ifitvew: mind -I it Au.ra aabJ REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. S. B. Stuuer to W. V. Sunder - sun, property iu bl-icK O, liail road add it ion, Ashland 10 Y. II. 'Himtziiiger to S. P. St oner, lots !." ami U, block O, Kailroad adtlition, t-htand.. 1,000 Mrs, Minnie It. Pox to hen a K, Walton, properly in block X, Itiiilrtuul addition, Ashland . . J. R. Horning to I,. (I. Por ter, property iu Praitdale ad dition, Medt'ord L. t. Porter to Kliwtlieth Horn ii!g, undivided half ol lots ;i. 4, : and tl. block 1 riiitihilc addition, Med ford A. W. Sfnrgis to A. .1. llrn diicw, lot 2, block 71. Med ford S. W. PaviH to Albert. Johnson, properly in N'ickell Plate ad dition, Ah and Melvin Van Xntla t A. .lohu soii, lots ! and Id, Nickel I Plato addition S W.-Daviu to Melvin Van Xat- 10 500 JO 475 10 10 ta, tots fl mid 10, Xieltell Plate addition, Ashland 10 A. I'laudiiie Mellingt-r to ('. It. Ili-ardtilry, lots I t and 1 1, . Miner's uddition, phland W. C Sanderson to J. X. Den nis et ul.. property in block . Hitilrond addition, Ashland II. P. Pohlniid tit . L. Lawrence, lot 4, block :t, Punkcr Hill ad dition, Med ford 10 10 10 Rirhnnl Collins to ('. K. Wiek- srroui, land in township 34, range t west ('. P. Itrown to ( 'lar-Mic Whee ler, property in J. IT. Par nuiu s addition, M dt'ord . . . K. Knss to C. V. Itrown, prop erty in .1. II. Rarnum's addi tion, Med ford J. A . Lyon i o L. (i . Port er, property in Fruitdale addi 2.S2- tion. Med ford 14.000 Myron K. Hicks to Anna K. Xye, '! acres iu township Itfi, range '2 went P. Mnrdi-ck to 'P. W. Daily, h.t V2, blork :tii, Medford..! ('. I-:. Mi-Comb to f. P. Mur dock, lot V2, block ;r, Med ford S.10 10 10 W. ('. Kiser Jr. to J. A. Kiser. 217 acres in township .'17, range 2 west 1 United States to Ivlward V. Prey, east half of Konthrast quarter of tuwatihip "7, range :i east Patent Ti. P. Li nd ley to . H. Ktiapp, lot 2, liindlev's addition, Med ford 27.1 It. II. Tuft to It. A. Piedeuburg. lot 2. block M-dford H W. Woods to KvereH. Pinlay. land in township .(. range 2 west X. Xelson to C. A. Xalley, acres in township "7, r.-nge 2 west 7,S7; 00 T'l'Med States to ( '. Williams, Id cres in seel inn l."i, Icwuship I, range 4 west Patent Pnited States to Cliailes Wil liams, nort heast cpia i ter see fion 22. township ."I, riiiige 4 west Patent L. Kendall to laiv Swin dell, lots 0 and 7. '.). Kendall addition. Med ford. . :i in Kllen I. Wells In H. I j. White, isil acreH in. township .'(!, range 2 east C. ('. Stevens to A. f . Mellin- ger, lot II, Miner's addition Ashland Margaret llesuiek lo Kllen 1 Wells, land in t-iwa-diip IIH range 2 east iir.o I.OIIII Annie It. Ilelinaii lo W. II. Mr Naif, property in Astdaml . . . I'l W. P. Uold lo Ruth A llainell. 1 acre in township .'fit, range 1 cant 1" lliiriy Silver to W. Ce.ogi- et :il., Idd acres in sctd ton township .".it, rang." 1 west... 10 Mabel I.. Stevens to ti. li. Ogg. properly in Ashland Iu Harry Silver lo .lessm Silver, Power of alloiney X. S. P.iadcn et ul. d. Lydin K. liiadeii. land in to.ihip .'t'i. rangf west 1 1.. .1. Mead to K. Wo-rltmry, land in section I. towie-hip ;t."i, range 1 east J. Siseinoie to I.. P. (i::rdii 1.201. pmpi-rty in Sum 'a nllev. tH 10 C. )'. InlS t imi Fralr C, raley, t ;md Mo.-k Muds.. .-. liail-'.iid addi- 1, Ah1:md t to La in', Ashl-nn' n tu J. C. Prny- n in tttivitship ;m. F. W. prope Funni!' i..r, 2 :irr. r:inu"- I '-ast W. It. Jji'l.s.m. iidiiiiiiist rat nr. i't:iti' .It.lni Pulling. s.iithv.''t pi;irli r (if stmt liw.-Mt pi:irtir, sTlion III, louiiwliip range If You Owned the Earth Vn-ase in va!li as ns mcnim pn during eapneity inerra'-B, hut with 'tin' r:ght hind of an on lmr d, such as some w L.ivo to show, the ha- a ehnnr of g t ting hiH purehase price hack out of a single crop, with proper uiun agi'incnt. How ran wealth be ncrumu luted faster than by buying o np ,,f the good ynui.g orrhiird wr have for nal ! Alwavs at vour "rvie for the b'-nt buyn in thin valley. ROGUE RIVER KXHIISIT Bni.HINO, 111.-) 20 l 700 i 10 U. S. to ). & t K. It. Co.. :iS.50 acres in section ' W ...patent V. S. to Aztec Laud 'nit Cattle Co., Rtl acres iu Tttou 12, township 'til. I W patent California and Oregon land Co., to F.line K. Haglev, S K of X V, section 11, township 20, I K. power of attorney Califont"! m l Oreg.j'i Lmi Co.. t( Align: ta P. rbtgtey. S V. V( of X 'i pection 1!, township 2o. i 10 S. P. Tipton to W. C. Kinvon. lot 3. block 411. Medt'ord, . . . ii. I. Dailey to W P. Son ger, r acres in D L C ."I, town ship :m, E ion K. II. Toft to Win. M. Snow, lot 11, Mock 1, Kendall addition, Medford .10 Charles 8. llolten to Otis New bury, land in township 30, K 1 Kdward P. ITolton to (Vim New bury, land in township 30, E. . 1 Allen Hodges to LHJibeth Hodges, X Vj, XK'i, seetion7, township 35, 1 W. 1 Pacific Coal Coniianv to W. D. Dilworth et nl, hind in town ship 37, 1 K 35,000 Martha Ann Pusnjl t Wm. Per ry, land in township 3.12 E, power of atti.rney Maggie Oray to It. II. Toft, lots 10. 1 1 and 12, block 2. dray's addition to Medfor.l in C. .1. llnidy to O. S. nutler, prop erty in Ashland A. Xelson ct nl to C. S. nnt ler, assignment of bond for deed v. A. Child to T. P. Smith, piop- orly in Aslilaml A. ('. KinnitiKfr to ILirftft1 P. lft'psor, NT-1' f fifi'ti'in-1, town ship Its. 2 K, Ilorni'i- K. Hi'imit to '. f. HciopiT (ito iii'ivs in Ht'ction 2-1. town ship Its, 2 K O. Hnllow to Horao Oolil.', I fii'ri' in townsliip :itt. 1 I'. V. M. Slfwurt to Chnrlii- Tnkuji, K'!. of SK'i. si'ctioii '10. town ship :is. 1 W 10 .won INCUBATOR. For Snlc. flmfl. A. ('yiAum No. 2, 240 I mum siii-. in iM-rfwt nnli-r. illiam Mnin, NortliwoRt Mi-.lfonl. -Sot" Prepaid BailroaB Ordcra. "Something which is of conidrble interest to the public generally and which is perlinjn not gunorally known lie the vsteni of prepaid orders now In 'effect botween atutiona of the Southern Pacific comjiany and all points in the United Stntos. By means of this systotn tickets may be purchased at Medford from any place in the United States and mailed or telegrnj.hod diroct to the party wishing to come here. Sleeper accommodations and small amounts of cash in connection with these tickets nay also be forwarded at the saint timo. " C Medford TimeTable j SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. I Northbound I No. lfljOrogon Ki press G:24 p. m. No. HjPortlnud Kxpress 9:4Ua. in. j I Southbound , No. l!Califoruia Uxpress.. .10:M a. in. No. 3jrtan Fruncisco Exp.. . 3:20 p. m. No. 225From Orojits Pass... .j 9:15 p. in. No. 22!For Ashland 10:15 p. m. PACIFIC & EASTERN RAILWAY No7lLouvos Medford r.Ti r.Tf 8:10 a. m No. 3I,enves Medford ( 2:50 p. m, No. 2Arrivcs Medford 10:2S a. m No. 4Arrivcs Medford S:08 p. m ROGUE RIVER VALLEY RAILWAY No. 2Loavea Medford (10:45 a. m. No. 4Leaves Medford 5:35 p. in. MotorLoaves Medford j 2:00 p. m. MotorLuaves Medford j 9:00 p. m. No. lLoaves Jacksonville. . . 9:00 a. m. No. 3beavcB Jacksonville. . . 3:30 p. ni. MotorLcaTos Jacksonville.. . 1:30 p. in. MotorLoavos Jacksonville, .j 7:30 p.m. MAIL CLOSES A.M.P.M. i .... 9:19 4:54 i 10:05 2:60 i j 7:20 2:00 ! 10:20 5:20' Northbound Houtlibound . Kagle Point . Jacksonville You emildn't find a hotter plneo t live than in this glorious Koguo If ivr valley, with its in romparalile winier and kiiiiiiiht rliinati'. .lunt uuw we have Home piirtirnlarly g"d devehtped or chard propi'sit ifiiH to snhmit to the homeanokiT. v.hii-h are sun winni. Best give this maltfr imuiediato alt,"iil ion. It dneti not take a very wip man to foreHee that, tho advum-e in vahn-R which wo have h-i-n pidi.-ting in in roming jipidncin fruit lamU in about to materialize. A g I young orchard will nut only in LAND COMPANY MKUFORD, OREGON 2 east Med ford- Lodge, Xo. 8:i, 1. O. (, P., to W. H. Liadshaw estate, lot 3, block 118, Odd fellows' cemetery Kverett Pinley to I. W. Thomas. 2d acres iu 1. L. 72, town ship 37, range 2 West A. T. Oulick to SusieL. Allen, X K of S W V, si'ction 1(1. towiiHhip ill. 1 K I I Let the MISSION FURNITURE WORKS niako that plooe'4' 'uruituro. Any design, any color, auy finish dull, waxed or polished. Shop on cor. of 8th and ii stroots. W. M. Oolrlg. 0. L. Roames. 0OLVIO & RE AMES Lawyers. Office: Medford Bank Bldg. Ground floor. Cook Stores and ranges. Phone 11 MORDORFF ft WOLF New and Second-Hand Furniture Kadi' old stand, 18-20 P St. South Medford. Or. KARNES BOOMING HOUSE Newly built and newly furnished All modern eonTcntenrcs. D. 0. Karnes, Prop. 20 S. Q St., Medford, Or. MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK & BLOCK Co. will )e prepared Feb ruary 15 to furnish cement brick. Better than pressed brick nnd just ns chap. In estiguto before contracting. P. O. Box MEDFORD TEA AND COFFEE HOUSE Specialists in Toas, Cof fees, Extracts, Baking Powder and Spices. Wo carry all kinds of dinner ware and fancy dishes. 210 W. Soventh St. Medford, Or. DR. GOBLE The only exclusive Optician bo twecu Portland and Sacramento. Office on Serenth Stroet. When others fail, call on DR. E. J. BONNER Eye Specialist Office in Kagle Pharmacy Main 23.1. Seventh and Mnin THE HOTEL EMERICK Rooms from 50 cents to $1.50 per day. All modern conveniences. We solicit your patronage. VALLEY AUTO CO. have opened their new garage and repair shop hack of tho Moore hotel. Motor cars stored nnd taken care of. All work guarantpcd,. Phono No. 31011 NEVER LOOK BACK j I H doosn 't pay. Keep your eyes fixod ! m. our excepfcfouul offerings. Kino tai- i hiring can only bo secured from the hands of high-class tailors. Our cxpe j riouco and methods are eortainly worth investigation. Wo employ tho best , workmen and our clohtes are without I doubt the most carefully selected in the ,V' EIFERT Th City Tailor CopvWi MERCHANTS LUNCH HTAHTINO 1 1 W KM UK It 2S, WK Wll.r, I'l T ' ' N MKRCUANTS' I'KOM 11:30 A ."Ni !i UNTIL 2 P, I'KICK M. rp mm , lOP TH b LOUVRE idA-rt HI "1 vl Business .Directory THE R. R. V. LUNCH ROOM Finest cup of cof feu on the Pacific Coast. II. II. Larimer - - Prop. ARTHUR II. DAVIS Contracting Electrical Engineer. 1110 W. Seventh 8t., Medford, Or. ENVELOFES printed to ordor LETTERHEADS of aU styles by The Tribune. THE ELECTRIC AND FRENCH DRY CLEANING AND PRESS ING WORKS W. 13. Lane & Son, Props. Oppotiito Hotel Muoro, M ed ford Oregon WASOHAU Bt BROWN wirth to announce to their patrons that they are located in their new quarters in the Young & II till building. Billiards, Cigars and Tobaccos. DR. FRANK ROBERTS Dentist Office hourH: 8 to '2, 1 to -1. Miles Building. Seventh Street, Medford, Oregon. THE MISSION GRILL Always open for business. Nent nnd clean. Up-to-dnlo. Popular prices. 12 So. C, St. Lambort & Brown For good bargains in Watches and Jewelry, Pist.tds, Mnsical In struments, go tu THE MEDFORD LOAN OFFICE O Street. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Undertakers Day Phono .153 Night Phones C. W. Conklin HO J. II. Butler 14S DR. R. J. CONROY Sut'ecHHor tu r. Jones. Office iu tho Stewart Building. More Light for Less Money Sixtv-llircc per cent of electric current saved by using TUNCiRTKN T.AMPS. 32 Candle Power EdiSOll Lamp uses 110 Watts pev lioiiv and would use in 1000 Ins. 110 Kilowatts which at locts. a Kilowatt fll 32 Caudle Power Tungsten Lamp uses 40 Watts pevhouv and would use in kkio hours 40 Kilowatts which at 10c a Kilo watt 4 Net UaviOg in moo hours in favor of the Tungsten Lamp $ 7 Rogue River Electric Co. Kiicce. sors to (JoiKlor .'Uer i- rower o. OITice, 'JOli West. Stivcnlli Street. I'lione No. 35;"), Opposito the Big Klei'trie Sign. F OSENBRUGGE A-nt lor THE STUDEBAKER BROS. MANUFACTURING CO.'S VEHICLES S.,1.- I ... .! MnlMI.KS. 'I'n -.,.,,l : M,' n: ..,i:.l..!'l Mi l. 1. .ii. r v.:u. ttrs. Hv&nt Ifamptcn Usaacs "3nstructor of "Jllano. Tlizt 5ttctl)o6 SluMo a) Mulnt. itoilb Ornj Slrl - TlF MEVFOHT) DAILY i 1 1 "s:'s skiivivk is SAVOY THEATER North d'Anjou (Street. Latest motion pictures and illus trated sotigfl. Kntiro change o' pmgram Monday, Wednesday and Kridav. Admission 10 centi. BIJOU THEATER, W. 7TH ST. Con tin nous performance erory evening of mufioh pictures and il lust rated ballads. Kntiro chango of program Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Admission 10 cents. WM. II. AITKEN Plumbing, Stoam nnd Hot Water Heating. Phone 22. 210 W, Sevcnfh St., Medford. Or. EDEN VALLEY NURSERY N. 8. Bennett, Medford, Or. Grow trees that sell, sell trees that grow anad fruit trao to label VERNE T. CANON BillpoKter and distributor. All orderti promptly filled. Room 7 .lack sou Co. Bank Bldg. Medford, Or. C. F. COOK Sells tn-es thnt grow. Office: It. K. V. Depot. P. O. Box 841. Phone Si3. Medford, Or. MRS. ED. ANDREWS Voice Culturo and Art of Singing Studio at Residonco, . Fast Medford. Phone 225 S. R. SEELY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Modern equipped operating rooms X Ray. Offico hours: 10-12, 2-4 p. in. Offico in Jackson Co. Bk. bldg JACK FREDENBURG Scivo tiger. (tiirbuge hauled. Medford. DR. WALTEIC R. STOKES, lt"il int. Siieeesrtor to Or. J. M. ICeene. AND WAGONS ..y r..r ii" siti.i:i: :i:i; ' .f aitu ,. K. M. I'. HitMcUr. li. . wi. f'.nr ylin li-r (.... il,.. r -''i -iritiM' ;.J inmnltin.i nf nil .. hi iN lirns Will rirnvi- II lie ,'Mn.'i-. Il. lli riEoronD. OTTEOON. TltlBUXE HAS THE 1JES1 south erx okegox.