THE MEJJFOKP i.)A1JjY tkihujn muuxju, wxvv. il iti di !d . . - rniiriiitmiTT TUTTTIDVH 1 1ll Ml I MEPICOBD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFOKL), l)ltEui)jnw ' . i. , Medford Daily Tribune A Livb Pape in a Live Town. Published every evening except frtunday. MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY George Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postoff ico at Medford, Oregon. SUftSCRIPTION RATES. M rooo, fcjr ussl or twT tO.SO 0 year, by natl MEDFOIW'S JiOSY PHOSI'KCTS. No part of Oregon is attracting as much uttention as Medford. It is the best advertised of all sin-di cities, and it has the richest natural resources. Probably more men of financial prominence have vis ited Medford within the past few months than ever he fore in her history. They have come, to she up oppor tunities, with a view to investing capital in the develop ment of latent resources. Without blare of trumpet or herald of press agent, more captains of industry from eastern states have re- cently looked over this f ield than ever visited a single see irn nf fWirnti iii the same lentrth of time before. And more are headed this way. What the result will be is of course problematical at this stage, but in all likelihood VM) will see the develop ment of coal mines begun upon a large scale, the extension of the railroad into the timber belt and the establishment of lumber transportating plants, the formation of huge irrigation enterprises and the erection of a smelter and construction of a railroad to the copper mines. Medford is destined to have the greatest growth of any city in Oregon. With 50,000 acres of orchard now planted, as many more in prospect, and countless other resources on the verge of development, she will grow as no city in Oregon has ever grown. i PAYS TO BE IK DEBT. Rival cities are pointing to Medford 's indebtedness as a drawback to locating here. The indebtedness was neces sary to make the city attractive as a place of residence. No city without a debt ever amounted to anything, any more than a man without debts accomplishes much in the world of business. Necessary debt is a sign of pro gressiveness. f-i If Money is worth from .10 to 100 percent a year to peo ple who are developing the city and count ry. The city se cures it by bonding at five per cent. Public improvements must be made and the money, if expended properly, brings results that justify the expenditures. It would he fobty-to try and make the improvements on a cash basis, wl.t'ii the money is worth more for other purposes, and future gen erations should bear their part of the burden. PUT INTO DEN WITH SNAKES BY PARENTS LOS ANGELES, Jan. 11 An the re suit of boing plueed in n den of sunken in an oiitabliflliiiient wliich in conducted by C. A. Boll, on South Main street, 10 year-old Hildegrirdo I.nenlierK is in n from hysterics caused hy fright. Humane Officer Krvnt.ldH appeared lit tho prosecuting r.ttoruey ' office yesterday and caused n coinplnint to bo Issued ugainst II P. According to ItntotnontR made, tlei (hild wns plaeed in tlio pit with Mrs. I.ori.y, :i profeaHiou al snake charmer. Tho oltject of plac ing tho girl there it is said, was to ac custom hur to snakes, no that she might learn to handlo tho rrplilcg. When an officer nrnud with a war rant, wont to the place ho found the doors closed utid Ilk -upanlB gone, wool miniflictiiring iK-nterii, where the fleece may lie dinpoDel of nt tho beat possible price nuik' rfitho'nt paying im ine'ieo profits to tfommisniou merchant!. Sheep men flora nil over tho country nre hero mid a majority nro op-thusi-eslie in their ndhorone to the Btontn movement-, which has ah-emly boeu. Irieil on a small senlo with great me- COHB. OrriCIALS BAY THAT WOOL MILLS LOSE MILLIONS POCATELLO, Id., .Inn. 1 1. That the nlioep men of tho I'niud States lose millioun of dollars numiaily throij:li tho machinations of the middlemen is the HUtemenl of the officials of the which opened its l'ouity fifth aniuial uonvention hero today, l'lans will hi mado at '.ho present ineetii'g to circum Tent the coinmissiou men by rstnliliidi ing a national wool warehouse in t'hi cngo or Omah::, vi4,t branches in alt OIBL OET8 LICENSE TO WED AND ENOAOEH A MINISTER Compare the Quality It la, and always has been our aim to supply our customers with goods of the highest quality mid to that end we ar always niMnitf 'Jitalit;.' to our jiiie. The iiHiIitinn of "p-eferred atoek" mnhes our line of liiIi rade Conned Goods most complete. Our uervieo alwayB tho b-st and eTery aecom given our customers. Allen & Reagan Groceries, Chinaware, Fruit and Feed ' " ' ,ES AND PEARS AND ALL KIND!. FRUIT TREES YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Coinmeveial Nursery in tne Pacific Northwest. No', in the combine. Competes with all first-class nurseries L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, OREGON. Medford Iron Works K. Cr. TRO WBRIDGE, Propik tor. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. All kimls of, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, .Veis and Machinery. Agents in Southern Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. Medford. Ore., Jan. t, 1909. I have just received the following Nursery Stock 2000 Diuter Nellie Pear Trees. 1200 De Anjou. 2500 Peach Trees. I also have on hand: 3000 Bartlett Pear Trees. 2000 Cornice. The above is good, clean Btock at popular prices. L. B. WARNER STEP INSIDE PLEASE if you would find food -witifiiction nt prices that won't take, away youT ap petite. This restaurant provides the choice viands in se-ison steaks, cups, etc., nt nil seasons cooked nnd served with skill nnd enro mind pleasant and elennly surrounding- We bespeak a lnre share of your udtronngi.'. The Emerick Cafe Open All Nlsht AT THE SERVICE OF DEPOSTITOES AND CLIENTS Stat Depositary. OAPITAl AND SURPLUS $126,000 The Jackson County Bank places at theservico ef its depositors and clients the best facilities in banking. Tho of fices are ploased to render counsel and ndviee on financial matters. Accounts, aubjo't to check, aor in vited. Safe deposit boxes to rent, 4 per year and np. W. I. VAWTEB, President O. R. LINDLFY, Cashier VAN DYKE'S 1 On VEILS, SCARFS and LONG GLOVES ,lun. 14. B ASI1KVIIXK, N ciiuse she said C. C. riscoinb was t00 bashful to apply for a nwirriagn li' jense and too bashful to ounio a m' niHt,rt -MiH Pearl Mooro proeund ixitl' 4 iir(.tise and. minister, and notifieil r r,..,ids to Mend the wedding, '''ha f ,riends and the minister gnthei-.'d um. wnited, hut Mr. l.ipseoinb did no', up f,mt: nnd the party dispersed after n ,CHBcng('i sent hy Miss Moore had I li , (0 find Up seoiub. Miss Mooro who V . trained nurse. (lien swallowed win ,.0hol, hut it i expeeteil nho will l.ipseomb declr a ,nt Miss Moore 'ot Ihe liefno m ..i ,u.i,i.,.l it,., ii(.AtH ' liei-lllise site '1IS I. ... u-ill, It in nnd hoped to iiulni c ,jm t,, marry by her preparations, which, ho says , were nimlv withou t c, SCA RFS-$1. 25 to $4.00 values at 1-3 of regular price VE ILS--" Merry Widow" and "Auto" Veils, all colors, $1.00 to $3.50 values, at 13 regular price LONG GL0VES-P. Centemeri & Co.'s cape and glace Gloves, regular $3.50 and $4.00 value, now 13 regular price SEE WINDOW DISPLAY EVERY ONE HAS THEIR OWN TROUBLES Especially the man who buys a suit of clothing or overcoat made to fit any one that wants to buy. The man who has his garments made to order by an up to date tailor never lias any trouble with the fit, finish or general "got up" of his clothing. It nit only fits per fectly, but gives you a stylo and indi viduality acquired in no other way whoa mado at J. A. Kreuzer 6 Co. Importers andTailors PALM BUILDING, MEDFORD, OR. Van Dyke's Jk 19 V'.'.n-.liu, IF YOU HAVE SET VOUE HEART ou having n lianJaome diainoud, ruby or other ring, or a pair of bracelets or a brooch for adorning your beauty and making yourself attractive nt social functions, or when you want to look an ebarmiug as nature will permit when embellished by the bjst art of tho jew eler, conto in and see tho beautiful stock of fine jewelry at MARTIN J. REBDY Jewelry and WatGhes Try a bottle of Mc Donald Never Leak Shoe Oil Keeps Your Feet Dry Pint Bottles - 20c Quart -35c C. W. He DONALD ,T. E. ENYART, Bresjflent. J. A. PliltlfrY, Vice-Presidont. .TOHN S. ORTH, Cashior. W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier. if ,-Vo. 4 ll i . . I t . t . ,ji,m 1 i -l. rail i i OF THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK MEDFORD, OR. CAPITAL - - $50,000 SURPLUS - - 10,000 Safety Boxes For Rent. A GeneralBank in Bus ness Transacted. We Solicit YourtPatronage. WINNER AMERICAN CROSS OF HONOR. vicwr Erumaniiai iil, kin of Iinly. tns reentl' rwn nwnnled u w or nonor ny tne Anmrlcan Onms of Umnr ssvlnih.i. Th kliK wns ou uiiui ui ui grwir pronai intori( In lumilta,'iiii etlort. A tM-ouJ um mrmmn w munm nurnqiv lino ter.t MEDFORD THEATER WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13. John Cort PRESENTS THE MOST VERSATILE OF ARTISTS FLORENCE ROBERTS AND AK EXCEPTIONAL C 'AST IN THE MOST PARINO AND ORIGINAL PTiAV OF Til K YEAR THE HOUSE OF BONDAGE TITF. WORK OK Seymour Oberrucr Owing to lung jump from bore, OuWain will rise PROMPT LY AT 8 O'CLOCK. O. E. Hilsiner A. C. RjnJall Rogue River Investment Co. FRUIT LANDS 5 ywTifrr, Snb-Dlvidors aud Developers Roffue Biver Valley Or chard Ii.mds. i hiiir! fruit laud, bearing and young orchards in small uml Inro, for sale. Wo plant and care for orchards und guaranfoe property tn i m h presented. Experience Xot Necessary for those who purchaso tunni'h us. They socnre the advise antl nervicQS of a consult in if horticulturist, nn export ou fruit oil tur in all its brunches, who for several yens has excelod in the tiri,iV'n8 and shipping of fruit in the Kogne River valley, record ciops, record packs, record prices. 1 1 1 North D Street, Medford, Oregon MEDFORD 8 ASH & DOOR COMP PHONE 2291. ANY Successor to Smith & Molony WinJow Framt'8, Oak Venofred lloors, with Buel Plate, carried in Jtock chcati Office Kiitiires and all kindi of Planing Mill Work, including Turned Work and Fancy Grills. ! F STRKET. nKTWKE N SIXTH AND S EVENTII STREETS. j Take the Tribune Tor News! YOU CAN'T SAVE On your rnifroad fare. The law of the common carrier compels equal rates on all ruilroad lines YOU CAN SAVE In Time, Traveling Ex penses and Fatigue by insisting on the shortest route, fastest trains and best service. Simply see that your ticket reads via SOUTHERN PACIFIC O. R. & N. Oregon Short line and Union Pacific Every facility for the safety and accommoda tion of th passenger is provided. No change ef cars is necissary to Den ver, Omaha, Kansas City Chicago. Direct connec tions are for all oth er points tast and south A. S. ROSKNBAUM, Agent, Medford. WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, PORTLAND, OR. 1 f' I-: