Boost the Development of the Rogue River Country by Subscribing Liberally to the new. Medford Pamphlet UNITED PRESS DISPATCHES By (at Ui largest and beat newt report of any paper In Southern Oregon. tnbu The Weather Pair weather promised fur tonight and tomorrow; north w-st winds. -'- THIRD YEAR. MKDF(JRI),"()UK-U)N, TIIUK'SDA V, JANUARY 14, 1!K.i. NO. 253. me Daiy CALHOUN S DENSE IS LAID BARE Will Attempt to Show That Sprer,kels Fixed Up Plot in Order to Get Him in Trouble SAX PltANVlSco, ml., Jim. 14. Tli.' nature of tho defense llmt will be of Cored by I 'at rick Calhoun, the t rue t iii magnnle, who i? being tried fur offering :t bribe to lh ( hoard of super vir-ors of San l-'nincisco, wum revealed today when his counsel in quest iouing tho veniremen trii d to show that t In indictment was the lo-ult of a lot hatched by h'uili' Sproekels to make oat a case against Calhoun. There in not a great deal of techni I'ality nil the side of I'llunin, and the general conduct. of his ent.e promises to bo very different from Hint adopted liy Henry Aeh on tin trials of Abe Kurt'. Hut it was ev i-li ni that tin- work of selecting u jury Is going lo be tedi uus, litv.-iLsc uf tin i'p'1 ions as to the guilt or innocence of t 'alhoun goner ally formed through the iiiinnily. KITTG EDWARD TO 1SIT KAISEtt NEXT MONTH P. K.I MX. -Ian. 14. King Kdward's visit to Iterlin on Ki-htaary 7 is a topic nf lively discussion hero, heading members of the chamber of commerce and t ho (inil'l of Sen. r Merchants, two'iiotft business organ iwtl ions, pro pose that the kino, le ii vitod to attend a special reception al tlx1 bourse in order to he I m mi,' lit into contact with 1 ho leaders of tin1 city's commercial life. They urge tha a reception of this character will lighten the sig nificance oi" the vi.dt and he a direct i:nd positive ndveitis.-mi nt to the corn niercal world. GENERAL STOESSEIi ASKS PARDON OF THE CZAR ST. PKT KlfSUI'K'!, .Ian. IK (Sen vrnl Ntoessel, Hear -Ad mi it 1 Xeghoga toff gand several other officers of high rank now in the fortress of St. Peter and St. Paul, have applied for pardon or commutation of t li -i sentences. Xo action hl-S been taken. (ictieraT Stoessel vr.-i sentenced to death by a court-martial in St. Peters burg for surrendering Port Arthur to the Japanese. Last .Match his sentence was committed by Kinneror Xicholas to ten venrs' imprisonment, and it was then said that a full pardon would fol lew. oVar-Admiral Xegb.guloff is serving n like sentence for ?uri ndering to the Japanese in the Sea of Japan. LEGISLATURE ADOPTS RESOLUTION OF PROTEST SALEM. Or., Jan. 14. Protesting against the removal of t he present tariff on lumber, contemplated by the ways and means committee of con gress, a joint resolution was introduced into the home by tlu Kane conn ,t v delegation. Iten'.t int rod need the measure, explaining the injury the re movn Iwonld do. Th rules were sus pended nnd the resolution adopted. WOMAN MUST PAY FOR TAKING ANOTHER'S SPOUSE XRW YORK. Jan. 1 K A verdict for rho full amount of ."i.,nini fined for by Mm. Pna C.oslin r gainst Miss Annie Irene Mngher fur alienation "nf the nf feel buis of her husband, Alfred IK (ioslin of so-called " get rich (piick ' ' fame, was brought in by :; jury here today. Both (ioslin and the defendant, who was his ste,nngrs:pher, now live in Paris. DID NOT KNOW THAT HE HAD BEEN WOUNDED YAKKKIO. .Fan. U Harold Sulb van, a voung hov or this citv, was incidentally shot in the left tin nit yes terday afternoon with r. rifle in the hands of W. Connolly, a playmate. Dur ing the excitement of t heir hunt for birds Sullivntt was shot, but did uot feel the bullet wound until he went borne aud was about tu go to bed. HOT TO INVESTIGATE THE CHARGES AGAINST SENATOR BEN TILLMAN Grave Doubt As to His Connection With Oregon Deal- Senate Commit tee Does Not Cam About Investi gating tho Matter. WASHINGTON', Jan. 14. It is not xpected that the "op-ent of Senator Tillman that the senate investigate tho harges made against him by President Itoosevelt will be heeded. There can not be found a member of t ho commit tee of privileges that are willing to start an investigation of Tillman's con nection with the Oregon land grant. The members of Hie commit tee are under tlx1 impression that the Pitch fork senator was square in all of his lealings, and that even if Roosevelt 's hnrges are true that he senator was not guilty of a violaiio.t of the law. THIRTY PEOPLE INJURED IN TOPEKA HOTEL FIRE TOPKKA, Kan., Jan. IK Thirty persons were injured, including A. W. Sin it h, former liepnhlic,"ii gu hern.", tor al candidate, who mav die, as the ru suit of a fire which gntt"d tho ('ope laud hold today. The properly toss is heavy. Tin- fire started l.t 4 o'clock this morning. The girls were injured by leaping from th- window of the hot.d. BOLD ATTEMPT MADE TO FREE FRISCO PRISONERS Kns AXdKKKS, i'.i!., Feb. 14. A hold at tempt at a jail delivery was liscovered today vvli.-n IK K. Watson, i farmer, of Xorvv.iik. t'al., confessed thi-t he sent a ri'volveriid sown cart ridyes in a cake to I'. K. Humly of S;hi T'laiiciHco, who I- in the count v j: il accused nf I'org.Ty. lie sai.l IIiiui ly planned to lull v; turnkeys and tu,tl;e his esr-q.e, slf-:! slitt.p and go to Honduras. If plan had proved successful ;ill piisonev-i would have been liberated. MEMORIAL SERVICES HELD ON. ANNIVERSARY OF QUAKE KI'(;STO Jamaici, Jan. II. Me morial services in the churches of Kingston tod:iy mar):'! the second an niversary of t ho curl init:iUe of January II, I!"i7, which dost roved a larc portion of I In' c'-iy. The anniver sary finds Kingston pr:ict ically rebuilt Hid enjoying a greafe- degree of pros porily tlian befdn- the liisaster. Karye sums of iinmev were raised here for the rcdief of the earthquake victims of Italy, for whom the people of Kings ton have a follow fee' ing. The insnr- nice companies have Kettled on a basis nf S."( pr-r iM'iit, an 1 this money lias been largely reinvested in Jamaica. DAD ATE ENOUGH TO KILL A DOZEN, BUT STILL LIVES KUS A X(i KKKS, r;t;., .Km. I K A plot to poison aed William Wiebking by means of pulverized flies which had previously been killed with strychnine may be divulged to Judge Charles Mon roes tomorrow when Mrs. Klizabeth Shieinn. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wiebking, takes Hie stand in tin; di vorce action of her mother against her father. The proceedings wen- bcun today, but only a reference to the plot was made. Mrs. Slocutn heard that poisoned flies would produce loath. She tidd her family. "Several weeks later I was dumbfounded at tho i-onfessioii of my sister, Pertha." she aid yesterday "She came to me and 'iuid: 'That story about the poisoned flics yon told us the other day is all bosh. Wo gave father enough of the stuff to kill 11! people, but it did not tor.ze him. JOHNSON WILL PUSH AHEAD HIS FIGHT AGAINST JAPS SACRAMENTO, Jr. it. 14. "T won't be turned aside by President Roosevelt or anybody else," an id (irove K, John ton when nsked wh"thor he would be influenced by the criCcisins published ir. the Japanese paper- on the three anti Japanese bilU he has presented the assembly. 'Two years ago.' continued John son, ttoosevelt sent 'l leleyraui fo the governor asking sup T-o'ori of further action in regard to lie hills n gaunt the Japanese, attd I tpii'sced in the request. This time I will r.tand firm. I don't know what the other members of the asnddv will ib'. but porn-nail I shall fiijhf for 'h ::s. .ge of my bilN." One bill pre(-nn J-u-auee beconiinn diteetors in crp-onl e-ns. J -din -'on chiims that the Japa-ie to the iimiiIh r of ton Lr.t tufither ..ioI f'.rm a ct porat ion and t hus 1 lai.tfiet bniitie". "Another bill is to bar the Orientals out of the public schools :i:d the third is to alh.vv municipal!! o-s to set aside a section as a residence TO PROVIDE RAISE FOR JUDGE NEIE Purdi Introduces House Bill Providing a Larger Salary for the Judge of Jackson County Representative M. Purdin has intro duced into the house n bill providing tlloiio a year as the salary of the comity judue of Jackson county. This will le an increase of $1,'lU0 n ;.ejir, the present salary being il2(l n year. The object of the bill is to provide -in adequate salary m 1 hat good men i-au be induced to nii the position. Kvery election there is considerable difficulty in pursuadir men of stand ing to neeept the place, as the salary of inn a ino'it'i is to- small for them to bother with. Ilir if the new bill passes I ho jo'i will lie wort h having and men of sluidin w II get into the race. liy the provisions :tf House Hill It", introduced by Purdin of Jackson, trusts of every description are made unlawful, and severe penalties nttach to viola tion of the act. The bill defines a trust .-ud provides that h-t h criminal and civil action.; may be brought against any person or firm entering into a com bination to restrict liade or interfere wit h free com pet it i n in all lints of business. A trust is defined i" a combination of capital, skill or acts by two or more uersons, firms or co.'poiations, for the following purposes: To create or carry out restrictions in trade or commerce; to limit tin- production or increase or reduce the price of merchandise nf any commodity whatever; lo prevent com petition in the manufacture, sale, pur -base or transportation of any rommod i;y, and to fix or eourjol prices. It is provided that any foreign cor point ion doing busiue.-.s in the slate shall lose its license :f found guilty f violation of the Inw. Any violation of the proposed statute ir. declared as con spiracy against trad". The penally for violation of the act is made a fine of from $"0 to rJ'oiiOii, imprisonment from six months to one year, or both fine and imprisonment. 1 hr issuing or holding of trust certificates is consti tuted a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than fiO nor more than $oi ion. Any person injured by the op eration of a trm-t may sue in double the amount of the damag1 received. HORTICULTURAL EXPERTS FOR STRICKEN COUNTIES S A ( R A M K XT , J a n . 14 . Wa r on fruit pests was declare 1 by Assembly man ( oilier, who fobiy introduced n bill that provided that upon the appli cation of J." owners if orchards the hoard of supervisors of r. county shall appoint a horticultutal commissioner for a term of four years. The work of the commissioner will be to study ihe jnnture of the particular pest and to devise plans for eradicating it. When a locality has been rid of the pest, the appointment of the commissioner innv, upon petition, be withdrawn. WOMAN BECOME3 JAPANESE FOB FIE ST TIME ON RECORD TOKIO, .lin. 14. Miss K:iella P'ini-h, an Ameriraa. who for long time has hi en eonneeied w ith the Seamen ' mis ions at Vokosuka .mil its ne.val hases. has been nnM''"d natiirali7Jilinn hy the Japanese home ilepnrlnient. This is Ihe first inslanie in Japan of the nat uralization of a woman. EXCURSION TRAIN REACHES THIS CITY SUNDAY MORNING A j ial train beririne ft large nuin- r of inborn of th' Walla Walla i .. miner. -ial dull 'Till p tliroiijih Medford Sunday. They are due at 2:'i p. in. and will have at l'2:a'l, pi iidtnn I-' minutes ill this eity. The rnmiiiercial dub will greet them. FRENCH CANADIAN WRESTLER WANTS T0 MEET LOCAL MAN Writes to This City in Ordor to Ar rango a Go With West Will Wros tlo for Any Part of Fivo Himdrod Dollars. Joo Ka Salle, the Kronen Cinadiau wrestler, has written to Medford in an endeavor to got a wrestling mutch with W. II, West of ilii- city. l.a Salle is at the present time teaching Voung America how lo wrestle at tho Univer sity of Oregon aud that he will meet the local man I'm a side bet any part of $.1UD. Kit Salle is uot :t j. II particular about the date, lie .m i come nuv old time, ho says, and will wrestle any old way, although he pre fen; to have the strangle hold barred and to have pin talis govern t he match, best two out of three falls. Ka Salle has a co'tsiderabto reputa tion as a wrestler and the chances arc that a match will be urraugod. HAD SEVEN WIVES AND 300 DESCENDANTS Otf PKV, January IK Koriu Farr, pioneer of I'luh, among the first, con verts to Moriuouism, t'i.-si mayor of Og den, husband of seven wiven and fa i her of ;tuo children, giutidchildreu and groat - grandchild roil , lied one of the best known men in the west, was drowned at ('tali ll; Spring-, II miles inTlh of this ciiy, at I o'clock this af ternoon. The body was found floating 1li one of the pooht of t lie sanatorium. where the aged man had daily gone for his bath. He w.n S7 years old. II is supposed ho was overcome bv t he heat of the water or fid I in a faint and was drown,ed. NEW HORTICULTURAL PAPER PUBLISHED BY ME SERVE Number 1, Vol. I, of the Rogue River Fruit (1 tower, a new m uitlily inaga.iiie devoted lo hurt icul! lire, edited ami ; muuajn-d by Charles M eserve, the well-known liorl iciilt lira I vviter, has made !its appeaniiiee. lis initial number is a l- pao three column paper, of neat typographical appearai , containing : many a i t icles des.- rip) ive of f mil -'erowiiie in the nllv and ileitis of in ter'sl to ore liardists. COLD WEATHER IIITC THE SOUTHERN STATES KOUSVIKKK,, Ky.. Jan. I K The central and southern states today ex perience.! the first in unite cold weath er of the winter. S1- ei and snow oc curred generally. Th" temperature is at the frccy.iu poin' at far south as (inhesion and ranges from H to II above in Northern Texa;: and Arkan sas. In Louisville streetcar traffic is iuterrupt'd. ST. KOI'IS, Jan. M --The heaviest snowfall in three veers fell here yos K rday and today. Traffic was impair ed and Hi" river ferry servj.-e was blocked entirely. Tvnipcr:ture f do Urees above zero. WHISPERS OF MONEY HEARD AT STATE CAPITAL NALKM. Or.. Jan. I .. -Promises of federal patronage, whimpers of nioney to be used, unusual demands made upon the governor, in v rs igiiting eniiiiuillees lo he juggled in Hi.- interests of Ihe opponents of the el -clion of Coveruor - Clianiherlaiu as I'lii -.1 Stales Senator, I these and others are things that arc be ing talked of as weapons to he used , ill the ill-font of Ihe prill.-iple uf Stale ment No. I and the ili'ni'gauizntion of !ils fnrees ill the Hi-nalorial eoalest. t The old line ni.-ii-hiii - polilii-ians, the j anti Statement I f.n-ees ure now funk jing their last long pal; for Ihe defeat j of lo.veriior l 'ha in herhi i u . I'p to this time (hero has been in definite plan evolved, hut tlu-y ar-- working. They 'are now ingoing that Ihe governor ought to resign a- n.:i l:s the h-gisla lure elii-ts him. They want him to ! make a definite prouiis- to thai effei-t before the time for Ihe first ballot for senator ai-iii'. Thev hav ina.le no 'advances for the governor, however. and he has not iliseiiso-d the ipiestion. i li is not beli.-Vi-l that Uu v will do so. A III i ( haiiiherlain tobhyi' ts are now iswooninir down noon tie rat. it. .1 to ai.l in the fight of II Id line un a. Italpli I : I-). Williams was here before the organ 'i.ation bntt.uilioliiig iio inbeiH, working hard in the i t tot-1 to g. t lli.-ni .. dis 1 iorgani.e the stal.'liient ranks. .1. II. ! llrown, '' l-'ii!t..ii triit-.l," is here on; the floor of the I se. iu-i.le I he rail ill the senate, eve-y where, working! against, rliaaib.-i lain i leelion. l-'ed eral patronage is to I,, the reward of those Stateini nt N'o. ! men who go ha.-k on their pl.dg-K. , othilig d -finite '::is been done as yet, however. It se- eis to he a hard matter to find a plan wi'.l-. whirh State ment m.-inbi-rs (an be snfi-Iv appioa.-h ed. Tier.' is no nigii of dfei'tion.; There is nothing but talk, and effort, but it is apparent, 'hat the opposition will stop at no s.-h'-m or plan hy v.-hirli tln-y enn bre-ik down 1 ho Stale no-nl ma jority, r.'pti.iiiilt- I lie will of the people and throw the senatorial i-lei-tion into the legislature. WILL BALLOT F Vetoes Will Be Consider ed on Monday Every Effort Being Made to Have Pledges Cancelled NALKM, Or., Jan. H, When (l. isliilurn rcroimniH .... Monday it w; he lo n.iiniili'r novonil nf (Inv.-niiii I 'liMliilx-rliiiii ' vi-Iim'h of last m-s.inn Tim anti SlatniN'iit No. 1 uioa will inaUi- every effcrt to uhh several vi. '"''I '"H" over Hi-- (.nvcrncir'H lieail. llopillL' in Him H IIV lo wenlien 1 1 Ml I mi' ill men ho nn iateresleil in Hie IiiIIh, n,, Hial tli..y will eaneel their .liil(!fM lo vote for l liai,i,.riii,i f,,, railed Slnle Heaatnr. Tin- first lit! 1 lot mi ll,c Heiialorial eon I il will he east at neon on Tnosilnv. . I. nullify III. Two linen are puraiiH liy llinse win. want to ilefeal (ioveraor ( 'liamlierlaia. :ih fully revealeil toiley. A sysleinalir ihia of iailneeinentH in held out to the itiemherH who .ledK". I heiiiselves In vote for the ininlnr eli iicp to (jet Ihem to go luiek nn iIiohi. it.-.lK4M hy remain mi; nwny I'rnni the j,.jt ennvention next Tnesiliiy on nei it of niehuesii m for other reasoas. Machine Press Helps. The Kepnhlieaa orifaaiznlinn al ''"rl1 1. headed hy the Orenniaa and S. nali.r h'allon, eems lo have wnikeil out this plan of wiilihohlillK HU....rl ''' 'I"" l'''ie'i elmiee. ( lori-rnoi 'linnil.erlain refuses ti. miiho any pledi-es and the leir ion is h inin',, hillh. The house inenihers Inive derided to lake up the governor 's veto messages. Ili'lil over from Hie Inst sissi next Mondny, two days in advaiu-e nf the vote on S"ii:itnr. mid w ll try to weak- i 0 the sliitemenl h- eariyiny some of I In- hills held up (v veins :iKn over the governor's veto. Ono Weak Knocd Member. Une inemher. Applegi-le, of llonejns '"ly. vvho siihsi-rilied to Ihe slate ' lo insure his eleilioii. now says he meaiil hy i v i .l Ma. M. prini-iple of inn 1 1, i,, ,e federal enn Htiliili.,n. lie was no- i-oiialeil as nne if the TiL- who signed I he wora stale IIM'lll to support Ih- people 'm i-hniee, hut his alleged I ssinn is eliiimed as a ureal vii-lory for Ihe anli stntenienl Ilieillliel'S. WATER WAOON LEGALIZED BY OKLAHOMA LEGISLATURE IICTIIUIK, Okla.. Jan. II. A reso Intiou deelaring llei water wagon in Oklnhomu lo be u .'.minion eanier was inlroiliii-ed ill the Oklahoma house lo dny by It. iiiesenlativn "Hill" ) rant. It was passed with l: whoop ami suit to the Semite for ei lirreaee. The resolution declares tha'.' the welfare oT the people demamlH thai Ihe stall-wide prohibition laws have Ihe moral sup port of the slate':, enlire eit izemihip. and proi-ncds: "That it ia the sense of the second hgislalure of Oklahoma thai u law he enacted declaring the water wagon to ne n common earner, reipnriiig seats thereon made wider, with high hacks and side rails, comfortably cicihioncil seats and backs and hi ad reals, in or der that Ihe p.'iKHoiigt-i-.t on siu-l n v. yances may travel with some degr- i -. ...o.i.oi nimoiir nanger ol tailing ol lauil wil limit exciia.. for voluiilai ily 'liiiUing the ride.' Tho lihove resolution follovve.l olie hy It.-presenlalive It-eves of Hill, giv ing the speaker pow-r lo have remnv e l I Hie floor -ir.y ineinber or em ploye beeoming inloxicated. OAK TREES ARE DANGEROUS TO HAVE NEAR ORCHARDS The oak trees to be j.een in and about Hie on hanlM of Ifoeue Uiver vallev jih attr:i.-tivM fiuiii the vi -wpoint of t he lover of nature, but (hi orehanlist m-on no be;.utv in them for him. for 1 li.-v are merely breed jug phiee;: for count !"s myriiuU of fungi that swarm forth to bring destruction ro his fruit I rees. Thi' healthy, vigorom black tuikn are not so dangerous as pest breeders, but the white oaks, half dead from Ihe at lacks of mistletoe an! other cm-mien, ure exceedingly dang -ronn Iieighbom to orchards. Ilnl it m the old, h;.f -c.-ved utomps t hat are veritable nurs ertes f.-r the breeding of fungi, and tie fruitgrower who v. 'lues the use of his trees will lose no tune in grubbing them out. even to the last root. And lo make sure of ihe dci ruction of all f illigilK port s, he Will r;pr inkle the ground ebotit where the f:tump stood with a libernl quantity of lime. Kuuc i Ifivrr J-'r ii it Grower. ORSENATOR MAY ABOLISH ASHLAND STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Jones of Douglas Introduces a Bill Pro viding That Ashlnml and Monmouth Schools Bo Abolished Lonvo But Two. SALKM, Or.. Jan. I t. The first gun in I he normal school ball le was fired yesterday by .Jones of Douglas, who in troduced a bill provid'.uK Unit tin Ash land aud Monmouth tteliools should he foii'ver and eternally abolished. lie would have the Praia and the Weslou sehools emu i mied ii'id r tin names of the Western and the Hanlorn Oregon State Vormal sehools, end would have ihe slate board of education dispose of the building aud grounds of the other two schools and turn ile proceeds into the hiedi schools:" public sehools or bach into the edueatiiitiat fund. FLORENCE ROBERTS SEEN IN "HOUSE OP BONDAGE' A crowded house s'tw Florence. Kob I'rts play the heroine in Ihe " Moonsc lhuida' ut tlie Me.lfoid theater We.l nesdny nilit and wilaessed the most finished production s'e,i hero for years. The play hinges ujioii an unhappy unit rimonial alliance and I he absurd iue qui'.lily (overniiij; l'iijlih divorce laws. A wronged wife finds herself yoked to il callous brute vvho prides himself up on his liason with an infbientinl peer ess. The wife falls In love with her physician, who reciprocates her af feet ion, bul she can rot securu a di vorce under Kiiojish lews. The doctor is called upon to save the life of the husband of the womai) he loves by a surgical opera) ion. A rt hur Forrest , foj merly liiehnrd Mansfield's leading tn.-'i. -ives a most artistic rendering of tic part itf the Cillloin: husbaml. Thai low Itei yeu d linhted the audienre vv'lh his finished portrayal of Ihe id c Lor lover. Ann Waliinytoii won applause as the hero ine of t he liason, whit" M is Noberts showed herself ihe ieal actress that she is as the vvronyd v ife. The other parts were portrayed sal inf::etorily and :nt;:die:illy, ami the pnducliou was the most even and best- r ndered seen in modern Medofnl. ' HANDCUFF KING JH ALMOST DROWNED ATLANTIC CITY, X. .)., .Inn. H. li an attempt to omnia e Ihe men who style themselves "handcuff Uhigs," ll young man who calls himrelf Albert us nearly perished in t'.e surf hero yes ti iday. Tightly lac-1 in a utiaight- ja Itct I ndoavori'il lo show his abil- iiv to flee himself wink under water. IVllumhcd by the e.d I, he lost con ..ioiiMiess, ii'id was ready drowned b. fore being rescued by life-savers. Al bert us jumped into the water from n row I mat, but it was feen immediately tint he vva not le ; eviii-i'lmelilH. snceeHS id' roe to Ihe T-.ic. 'lit r fa st niggling. I hen tu'.nh to rise again a third lim however, id he f Only one arm. from I he jacket. and t he hfe-sav i-rs ielei v i nt a tragedy. nod lo pre PRANCE WILL WELCOME AMERICAN BATTLESHIPS PA IMS, .Ian. 1 I. Some embarrass ment has be. ii man f-Mid in both ol'fi ciel aud press eir 1 : to lite exact character of tie- : por-ni' li:'!;,' vi-dt to I'rencli ports of the American battle ships now in I he Mediterranean. The prevailing idea is tin', Ihe ships are not making official en lis: that they aie merely i-omihg 'o give the officers and sailors uppnr1 unities for shore leave. Nevertheless th" bat I esipR will be rordiallv ree dv ed. CON AN DOYLE SUBMITS TO HUR(EON'S KNIFE M iNluiN,, 1 I.- A bulletin is ni d this morning s.iy.i that Sir Ar thur onau 1'oylc. :he aullior, had passed a reil less, painful night . This was the first public nilimatioii that he had undergone an operation on lan it i IV h'. Tho operation was for a pain ful 1 1 h lint a Herioun internal af flict ion. CRUELTY TO SHARKS ROUSES HUMANE MEN LuMi liKAt II, '',., Jan. I I. Pro listing naiiiHi cruel:- lo c.harks, Py ion He a, a local p.i.'.Hi'Uger agent for Ihe Salt Lake railroad, eiinounces that le will appeal to Hi humane society for aid in supples:. i-'g t de practice of ,i. Muring the inn iuti' er -. (ilea's ire was aroused by the pi act n-e of fishermen, who, vvh n they laud t: t-inall flirk. cut its lins off mid throw it hack into the water to perish. TAKES FALL FROM HIS AEROPLANE Wilbur Wright Loses Bal ance and Falls 25 Feet Lands on Loose Sail Sprains Ankle PAltlH. France, 14. Wilbur Wrijht, tho world champion nviator, thin mot-niiiy; lost .his b'llinn-c aa ho wan starting his aeroplane nnd fell aomo teet to tho ground below. Ho suf fered a nprained anhlo nnd wrist ami while severely jolted, sustained no por niaueiit injuries. Wright had tho good fortuuo to fall where the xnil was soft. Hn hod mudu :! flight of some disfnneo nnd had eoniti down to fix one of the wings of tho machine. When he started up ho fell b.-iehwards and tn the ground. The machine is so rnmdructod that when pressure is released on tho lev- 'ru the motors stop. Thin rnimed tho machine to settle. It wits iininiured. FIGHT TO REASSIGN THE MARINES TO WARSHIPS WASHINGTON', Jan. 14. PrOHiiloiit ItooM'volt 'h order withdrawing mnriium fi-oin ships and nnsio;iiiiig them to shorn -Inly him aroiiHeil il"''ii.iice in political ipmrtera. It i dei-lared on liiRh niithor--ity and from tho hearing now in prog ri'HH before the ttuli-conunittl'n on nnvl affairi it ia learned that streiiumin pf. forta will lie made tn m-uro tho milli ficnlion of Ihe order by the propimeit enactuieut of a law realigning mnrinuii lo Hi-rvice nfloat. To poiinternet nurh t1 movomeiit a Unliborii light, led hy tho highost na val authotiiiea in tin, Cnited -States. I, being Hindu before Ihe committee. BOYS GO HUNTING; ONE rnOZEN, OTHER NEARLY DEAD rllKIIAUS, Wash.. .Inn. 14 linn .pint reached hero I hat Willie Pink wan toiiml frozen t., denlli and his brolher. Henry, aged 21, near tho body in a serious con. lit inn hy iiearchiTH. Thn hoy went hunting on Saliirday and when they failed lo return thn'onrlv Hlarled in enrrh. Henry imid ho cur ried the body of the younger hrothor a long itist.- nee, when ho finally foil from cold ami eihauntiou. DISASTER CAUSE OF GLOOM AT MONTE OABLO MONTH CAHLO. .r. H.-AHhough the opening of the 'lire, ninulhn' grond opera hi'asoa t ,rv.' has hrniight mai y inimie lovers In .donlll Carlo, tho rei-eni dlHiister hnn ennl a gloom over the leslivitii-s ill thin fuinous re ioiI. The feature of thr Monte Carlo "pern Keiison will bo the series of por lormaii. es of the " N:elieluuirs Hin " H" f the works of Mniart nrn a Ian to be revived. OR AND JURY WILL PROBE "Wi3T" TRAFFIC PKXDLKTd.V, Or., Jan. U. Tho dtyn.sH of I'eiidleto-i lieenme painful yulerdny tdii'ii (he ruriiit court open ed the January term wih tho selection of a grand jury, which it is rumored v.ill devole cioisiderabln time to tho in vesligatif.n pf alleged violations of tho prohibition law. As the last notion of the grand jury r.-sulted n .100 indict ments of lirpior vinbit.un most of tho "blind pigs" piit nml it is not bo beved that the present session will have sue b a sensational result. PORTERSVILLE IS FLOODED; MANY HOUSEH ARE GONE FRKSNo, cisl., Jim. 14. The lower portion of the town e.f PortersTillo in floode.l. Several hou-t s woro wnsbeil from their found.'itions today Hnd 2 persons are reported ns rescued on rafts. The slough running through tho eity is broken in several BANDITS MAKE RICH HAUL IN CHIHUAHUA IX PASO, Tex., Jan. 14. Manditi loday dynnniited th? safe of tho Kllw viade Ore Mining company flt Urique, Itisirict of Chihiialnri, Mexiro, ond so cured fiinno. Tlie report in these columns of the fact thai t In ammonia compressor nt the ice plant had blown up led many to believe that P w:i3 tho Weinhard idrnt. Th; was not the case, tho e-x plosion being In tho Cuter plant, louth of tho depot. fe- y r