THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD OREGON, WEDSKSDAY. JANUARY 13, 1909. awaassaaani OUR ptLU SPECIALTY IS MflLTN( ; Social and Personal 10 in gulil (or the boot looking bnhy at urrgnrys sinciio. tf Harry Hchnltz hai returned lu school aftor upending Borne timo at liomo. 0. W. Walters of Talent was in MI- ford Tuosdny on bnsinfss. Miss P. Anglo baa rrtnrnrd from a visit in Portland. O. W. Dunn was a Mndford visitor on Tuesday from Aahland. Colonel B. 0. Wasbburn has roturnol from a trip to Portland. Flaming Tnkay grurs vises for sals : any quantity. L. E. Jlooror. Charles Oay visited ir Central Toinl on Tuesday. J. Ykket at this city has decided to reside permanently in Gold Hill. S. Swcnning is back from a visit in Boseburg, whrro he went on business. J. S. Smith has left for Hcnta Man icn. Cat., to enter tbe homo for old soldiers at thai jdne. J. A. Fitzgibbun of Gold Hill was a Medford vmilor Tuerdny. F. W. Myers of Urownsboro la ; Medford on business. . Miss Bess Earhart has left for Port land, whore she will remain for some weeks. V A. Hilbcft of Rao "Luis Obispo, CaL, is in Medford looTiing for a lo cation. Arthur Brown loft today for Denver, where his fathor is very ill. He will seturn soon. Oeorgo A. Emory, wistern agent of me now ror contra! lines; C. U. M.v ginnis and 8. H. Kothcrmal of Portland are spending a few days In Modfbrd. Charles Carney was u Modford vis itor on Tuesday, coming down from the quarry of tho Oregon Clranito com pany. Tho Woman's Guild of Bt. Mark's , Episcopal church will meet with Mrs. H. Foster, Thursday,. January 14. Curtain rail's at itpetn houBo lonig'it at 8 o'clock sharp at tl'O "House ,f IV ndage. ' Curtain raises at opo'.i loune tonij'it a". 8 o'clock slurp at the "Houso of 5'indbge. ' Noedlecraft Shop, formerly 38! Washington street, now 147 Hiith St., Dsiween Morrison, aud Aldor strests, PorUand. January needlework sales now on. 2,18 Mr. and Mrs. Claudo Scvanu of Ash land wero in Medford n few hours ou Wodnesday on thoir return from a visit at Jacksonville. Mr. hevann is coach for the basketball team of thn Nor mal school. ; Dr. L. Bundy is moting bin dental offico from the DcuH-Atkina block to the new Deuel & Kentner building, whero he is fitting np elaborate parlors with all the newest and latest equip Dint to be had. J. C. Pendlton of Tablo Rock was a recent visitor in Medford. C. B. King, Charles O. Pollard and Captain J. II. Ali-iander of Portland well-known commercial travelers, spent Wednesday in Medford. E. T. Staples of Vs),)and came, down; to watch the election Tuesday. Let us get down to business and forget the past. We are still butchering prices on all kinds of China. Don't let this great event pass without a consideration. Fill up your plate rails while you have an opportunity of doing so for less money perhaps, than you will ever have a chance in years. It costs nothing to look. It is a sight to behold. Medford Tea, Coffee and China House PRICES RIGHT 3C B. P. Murphy, tho cor.l mine operat or of Kpringfielil, 111., -partner of Colo nel J. F, Mundy, nrrrveU Tuesday to inspect tho coal properties he has under bond here. Probata Kstate of V. E. Snyder; ordered thnt John Harrington br cited to appear be fore the court on January 11 at 1 n. m. tr show eatiKO why hn should not be pun ished for contempt. Estate Geo. W. fanit-si order made to deed tho land in township 30, IE. Estate Joe Vnnzio: onler made an- pointing 1 H. Mulit rdiuuiistrator. Guardian for Floyd Dickey; order made appointing Nellie Dickey as guardian. Estnti (.'. B. Ravern:- order mado to sell nml "state. Estate of John "Willfsionift: finnl re port made, and final order granted. KINQ OF CHECK TOROERS ARRESTED IN PITTSBUBO 1'lTTHIiURG, Jim. in. Julius K. Dillinan of Cbiiuigri, kntwn throughout the United Unite also as Julius D. Gray and George D. Curtin, admitted to be one of the worst check forgers in the country, and ltnowu to bo one of the most successful passers ot forged checks in tho world, was nrrcatfd hero this af ternoon. DiUmnn lias done time iu sevoral penitent iaties, including six yenrs, be ginning January 2. 1810, in Run yucntin prison in Cnhfurnin, aitd ia wanted in several cities. Two Pittsburg firms wero victim ized In the past two days, and on Dill- man today was found bogus chocks fill ed out from twenty Pittsburg firms wnicli ho had intended working off tomorrow. He enried bis own printing outfit and everything needed to turn an ordinnry cheek into it firm's private oae. FIRST EYEW1TVESH OF DISASTER ARRIVES FROM ITALY NEW y ORK, Jan. 13. Guiseppi Cutronofl. cattlo dealer of Messina, eyewitness of the Ttnlinn to reach thin country. He today on the Ditnlin, which Naples tvo days nfter the He said he arrived in tho earthquake occurred, in which he was standing i:i the first earthquake landed hero sailed from catastrophe. Messina as Tho depot collnpBod. ruins. Ho dug his wny from tho OOVFTRNOR MEAD HAS PRDONED HENRY CR AIMER OVVMPIA. Jan. 1:1. Governor Mead has imrdoned Henry t'rnimer, convicted1 at R'attlo September 11, ISM, and sen tmicrd to be hanged for the murder of a -woman and her child. Thrice (Mil mer was granted a reprieve mid the senlouco wns finally ci. minuted to life imprisonment in lS'ijl. There had nl boeu grave doubt of Crnimer's guilt, as the evidence was entirely circumstantial. THE 3V WELL BELL VALUABLE COLLECTION OF ART NEW YORK, Jan. 13- A aula which hit attracted the attention of art col lectors all over tha vorld was com menced this afternoon, when tho ob jocts of art belonging to the estate of tha late Baron Speck von Bternburg, German ambassador to the Cnited Htates, wero put on the auction block. Tbo Gorman ambassador was a firm personal friend of President Roosevelt, and tho latter in said to have a repre sentative at the sale who will purchase tor tho president some memento of the lcrmau dipb mat. Tiie auction will rontinuo throi gh tomoirow, Friday and Rntunlny aft moons. The catalogue, H'liich runs h nearly a thousand num bers, emhr.'H es poreeiltins, bronzes, ,-nniiiels, embroideries, rugs, tapestries and furnituro, much of this material having been brought together by Baron von Hternburg while residing in the Orient. Among the tapestries tbero is ono made in Franco in the 18th century by order of the Chineso emperor. INCUBATOR. For Bale. Cbas. A. Cyphers No. 2, 240 eggs size, in perfect order. William linin, Northwest Modford. 250 MAN A 8KB FOR TRIAL BY JURY TO EASE MIND . SANTA KOHA, Jan. 1.1. District At torney Lea has rocoivod a lotter from a Western Ronoma man with a strange liroposal. Tho man, who has been involved in trouble for several yenis growing out of tho righting of a wrong, imaginary or otherwise, reganling the reclaiming of property of which he was dispossed, and findig thnt tho lawyers and courts .otld give him no relief, suggests thnt ho bo arrested for the supposed crime so that ho will bo able to tell his story in eonrt. Tho man wits onco charged with in sanity and was released as cured. Dis trict Attorney Lea says ho hnB all he cares to do in handling real crimes. DESPERATE MEN E 80 APE AFTER FIGHT WITH OFFICERS DORRI8, Jan. 1.1. Word reached bore Xnturdoy that Fred Aleiander nad made his escape from the jail at Weed. iin cL-nu lu.imr tnken u Yrokn to np- p. ar before the grand J.iry on n ciinrge .,! Iiuridnrv. Before leaving llorris he ,.l nnMilior nri.inni'r. knows as " Bad Eye," llnrtinan, put up n iigni, nun " r.'nmr,..! four men 1 1 Mfbrtne them be fore they coald he goMen aboard the train. Constable John Hughes and his deputy, James Hughes, were nenri ...-nnJnvered bv the two desperate men I hoy hail lost, lie turned against his pal mid hlped the officers slincKie rtiei .....l..r llnrtmnn is under n t'D day sen lenee for vagrnncy, and Alexander is of slenlinir five Slicks of onls front Varnum's gr. eery a rew (lavs n g. BATTLE IS HARDWARE FLORENCE 4- AMUSEMENTS. 4- Florence Roberta Tonight (f tho new plays of tbe year, nono ongcmlcrod morn diacunsion unj won mnro cordial aitpiovnl than the 'Houbo of Bomlnge," in which Flor onoo Roberts and n renmrknbly support ing cast will appear nl tho Modford theatre touight. MTivj Houao of Hond agf" is by Soy mou r OtK-rmer, an Kng litihiiian, who soma to hevo fairly won. WORK ROBERTS. both as a dramatic litcratetir and craftsman, exceptional honors through thin work. Working out plausibly nad with oriiimlity n theme of a daring nature, Mr. Obermer hue been equally praiBOd for his diatogui aud his con struction. "Tho HoiiSO of Bondage' seems to have a foundation of solid log ic, lucidly expanded. Miss Roberts, in the central role of the Obermer play, eclipses, according to rolnble. report, all her previous artistic pfforU. When this suid of Miss Rob erts, it is tho acme of praise, for no GUARANTEED womnu star, either of native or for eign birth, has toured this country with a moru brilliant series of achievements recorded to her credit. A truly great actress, she is ever generous iu oppor tunities to her supporting cast. With such players as Arthur Forest, Thurlow Bergen, Ann Wnrrington nad othem, a delightful presentation of "The House assurance. Curtain at S o'clock sharp. Big Crowds at Bijou. Unrrett aud Loftun, the musicians, and comedians, have been big drawing cards at the Bijou. Another packed houso witnessed tho purformance at the Bijou last night and showed the bout of appreciation for thn high class of entertainment that is now on. Mr. Car ret t is in a class of hip own in trick and nrtistic piano playing, while Mr. Loftus, the comedian, keeps tlio audi enco in an uproar with hia original bur lesques. , The bigg-st feature film of tho present dny is a's:i included in to night's performance. "The Army nf Two," a thrilling wi'.r story, is worked out with musical nud realistic effect. Tonight is tho last night of this big attraction. An entir change in the program tomorrow night. PAYS HIS WIFE WAOES PENDING DIVORCE SUIT CLEVELAND, Jan. 13. Since hIic filed her bill for divorce nearly a year ago, Mrs. Mary Bill has beon keeping house for her husband for wag?s until tho court frees her. Mr. Bill is paid a salary of $3 a week nnd speaks to her husband only when uccrHarv, Then it is to address him s Mr. Bill. He replyies with equal reserve by calling her "Mrs. Bill." .When it is necesoaty to purchase household supplies Mrs. Bill does the buying and Mr. Bill pays the bills.' Nut until the case appeared in court today in tho divorce action did any one know thut Mrs. Bill was really Mr. Bill's wife. A daughter, Mary Bill, is doinjr her best to effeet a reconciliation, and to day expressed the hope that her parents would soon be calling each other Mary and John or papa and mamma. Methodist Episcopal Church, B Street. Don't fail to hoav the cowboy preacher, Samuel O. Bet tea, who will hold revival meetings at the above church every night tiiis week, begin ning with tonight, at 7.30. Rev. Bettes has had wonderful succena nt Buffalo nnd Rochester, X. Y.; Knoxville, Tcnn.; at Kansas City and Minneapolis. At Minneapolis he roits 300(1 convers ions nnd accessions; at Rochester, N. Y., 4000 conversions nnd accessions. Subject tonight. "A Eirnt-Class Fruit Tree. ' ' Seats free. Bring your friends. Evervbodv welcome. Circuit Cottrt Nows Cecelia Maegley vs W. C. Kitto, ad ministrator O. Korewski; deeree in fav or of plaintiff. L. C. Sivers vs O. F, Amnions; decree for plaintiff. Juuuarv 117, HM. OVER County Court News Ordered that tax ley for the yenr 11100 be as follows: For state tax, l.." nulls; for school pur ports, 1.7 milts; for roads and bridges, 1.4 milln; general eurre it expenses in eluding ot'fieers salaries, l.S mills; to tal levy, 0.4 mills. The following roa 1 supervisors were appointed for the ensuing year: district 1, W. F. Holbert; district 2 L. A. Rose; dintriet 3, A. Throckm.irtin; distriet 4, Burton E. Hiird; distnct .1, Riley Mor rison; district (I, Charle:i Seefield; dis triet 7, Win. von der llellen; district 8, Lewis C. Smith; distrct 9, Geo. W. Siaeey; district 10, rrenry Stephenson. Ordered that district 3 bo divided and form road district 10. Coming Musical Event. Mrs. Irene Hamplou Tsaaes, piauiBt, and Miss Grace .Tosenhino Brown, con tralto, will give a musicale at tho Med ford Opera house, Tuesday evening, nnunry 1!, at 8:1" o'clock. This is the first opportunity Medford has had of hearing these ynuvg artists, since their recent Btudy in San Francisco with the famous teachei, Herr Herman Genus. Herr Genss, who is a pupil of Liszt, is a marvelous musician and in his compositions has been likened to Beethoven. Tho music-lovers will have an opportunity to judge of this, as se lections from his works, both vocal and instrumental, will be rendered. The program will bo announced later. Classified Advertisements WANTED. WANTED A chambermaid wanted at tho Franco-American Hotel, with ex perience; fare paid. Vreka, Cal. 263 WANTED Girl for general house work; $1 a day wageu. Address Box 3. 254 FOR SAiE. F) 1 S A L K 4 U a c res nea r Merl in ; 001); other tracts, $10 to i0 per acre. Chas. E. Short. Merlin, Or. 1!00 FOR SALE An elegant lot of new furniture, direct from the east, at bar gain prices. For particulars apply M., Tho Tribune. FOR SALE Good hors for sale cheap, half mile south of city limits. G. L. Linxwiller. 261 FOlSALE House, lota and land in Phoenix, or in tracts to suit from one acre to 640 acres. Matt Calhoun, Phoe nix, Or. FOR SALE! Extra dry cordwood, fir and pine, tior wood, oak, fir and pine. V. Osonbrugge, Studcbakcr Bros. Co. ware room a. Telephone 361. 262 FOUND. FOUXD A small purse containing trinkets of value to a child; the little owner may Imve ttamu by culling at this office and describing contents; ad free. Last Store on 7th St. N. McGLASHON & JUNKEN